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Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment and Control Measure Worksheet (HIRA)
Location :- B04-A,B04-B & B04-C
Project Name :- ESR
Date :- 09.02.2023 HIRA No OIL - 05
Activity :- Instalation of fire fighting system.
1. Deployed only medically and
Personal Injury 2 2 4 physically fit person for the work. 2 1 2 Toler ACCEPT SHE
able ABLE rge

Unfit 1.Deployed Only Safety Inducted Person

Mobilization for this activity 2.Deployed Only
1 of man Worker
Untrained Trained Person For the Work
power Toler ACCEPT Site
Worker Personal Injury 2 2 4 2 2 4 Engin
3.Use Job Specific able ABLE eer

4. Work
permit mustInspected
1. Use only be obtained before
tools startfor
& tackles of
this activity.
2. Tools Tackles must be approved as
Unsafe or per C&W SHE guidelines.
defective tools, 3. Check safe for use tag in case use of
Mobilization of Cut Injury Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
2 tools Leading to Personal Injury 3 3 9 power tools. 2 2 4
e LE
accident sharp 4. Defective tools are to be removed
edges and provide not in use tag.

1. Use Only Inspected Farana for pipe

Lifting. 2.
Ensure valid TPI certificate
3. Lifting Tools and Tackles must be
Inspected before start of the work.
4. One Signal man must be deployed for
pipe Erection work at AIL Lab Building.
5. Ensure both side Guide rope shall use
Fall of material while lifting of pipe.
while lifting and
Using farana (14 shifting of Personal Injury 6. Two person deployed inside of AIL
M.Ton) for Pipe material, Facture lab building for pullying guide rope. Site
Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Enginee
3 Lifting and Shrap Edge Slip Fatality, Property 4 4 16 7. Deployed person for hold the pipe at 2 2 5
e LE r
shifting work at or trip Hazard, damage,
height 10 mtrs. Uneven Surface, AIL Lab bulding while lifting.
Improper 8. Deployed only trained person for
Access. lifting of pipe using by farana.
9. D- Sackel Must be provide both side
of Web belt ''Horzintel'' Position
Must be barricade main door of the Lab
building during work.

11. Reinstall barricating after lifting of

work. 12.
1. Before lifting of pipe sharp edges remove by
grinding machine properly.
2. Remove all unwanted or broken material form
working place.
3. Before start the
job all tools and tackeles .
4.Remove all unwanted or broken material form
working place.
Sharp Edges
2.Rope capacity will be
fall of material Cut Injury Greator than material
Lift Personal Injury 3. Do not use damage or cut mark rope for
Pipe erection by using Excessive weight, Facture lifting work. 4. Use Chok Site
rope pully (1MTONx2 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Enginee
NO'S) fall of person from fatality knought with pipe to lifitng at height. e LE r
height Property Damage 5.Access must be free from all obstackles.
Uncontrolled 6. Do not stay bellow
suspended load.
7.TPI must be available of rope pulley.
8. Area should be
9.Rope shold be removed after clamping of
branch pipe in support.

1. JLG lift must be check by compitent person with

valid test certificate form no. 11, Insurance , PUC
Personal Injury
2. JLG must be approved be C&W SHE team. 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
Equipment 3. Do not use the JLG if any faulty observation. e LE r

1. Operator Must be medically and phisicaly fit for

Personal Injury
2. JLG operator must have valid driving licence
Property Damage issued by government authorized person. Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
Untrained Operator 4 4 16 3. Operator must be trianed about safe operation. 2 2 4 Enginee
Facture e LE r
Mobilization of JLG
(120 ft) 227 kg in pipe
JLG SWL- 227 Kgs.
1. Do not operate JLG while standing on slop
position or uneven surface.
2. While marching JLG form Slope direction always
keep bucket / boom in up word direction.
3. During the movement of JLG flag man is to be
deployed for shwing the safe access.
uneven Surface Topple of JLG. 5 4 20
4. Ensure work area properly barricading.
2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
5.Wheel Stopper provide while park the JLG. e LE r
6. Moving JLG Bucket must be lowered down to its
original position.
7.Deployed a signalman with JLG.
1.Pre assess the working methodology.
2.Trained riggers shall be deployed for the work.
3.Continuos supervision shall be provide.
4.Lifting path is clear.Area shall be barricaded for
unauthorized entry restriction.
5. Check & Verified SWL for chain pulley block.
6.Hook shall not be overcrowded.
7.Chain is not being use to wrap around the load.
8.Chain should free from cuts,kinkings,abrrasion.
Improper working 9. Provide the tag line to both side of load to avoid
practices, stuck of swing.
against overhead
Pulling of Pipes by objects, fall of 10.Chain shall be free from Greese for slip Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
Fall of load, Personal injury 4 4 16 resistance. 2 2 4 Enginee
Chain pulley block load,fall of e LE r
lpersons,swing of 11.Regular intervals shall be provide to the chain
load, untrained pullers during the work.
12. Ensure the load's CG (Center of gravity) shall be
studied well to avoid jerk.
13..Ensure that activity shall be done with proper
lift & synchronization. Also additional guide rope
shall be provided.
14. The activity shall be carried out under proper
15.Ensure that no workmen shall not move under
the load during lifting..
1. G.I. Pipe Size- 150x 12 mtr length - 300 kgs.
2. G.I. pipe Size 100 x 12 mtr. length - 235 kgs.
3. G.I pipe Size 80 mm x 12 mtr. length - 205 Kgs.
4. Gi Pipe Size 65 mm x 12 mtr. length - 185 Kgs.
Details of pipe and
5. G.I. Pipe Size 50 mmx 12 mtr. length - 155 kgs. ACCEPTAB Site
ISMC 6. G.I. Pipe Size 40 mm x 12 mtr. length - 135 Kgs. LE
7. G.I. Pipe Size 32 mm x 12 mtr. length - 110 Kgs. r
8. ISMC 100 x50x50 mm 300 mm length - 3 0kgs.

1. Deployed Required man power to lift gas

cylinder 2 . Deployed two
person to lifting & Shifting cylinder in cylinder
Fall Of Cylinder , 3. Ground must not be Slippery.
Gas Cutting Set
Uneven Surface, 4. Use Site
4 Shifting at work
Sharp Edges Personal Injury, Cut 1. MSDSPPE's
Proper mustasbeper
available and Display at Cylinder
PPE's matrix. 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Enginee
for cylinder trolly, Injury, Facture Storage area. e LE
5. Provide r
Wheel 2. Both cylinders
adequate illuminationb if required
tied with
usechain on cylinder
adequate trolley trolley.
for shifting gas
3. Do not use
damage trolley wheel for gas cylinder Movement

4.Gas cutting must be as per HENKEL SHE


Use Industrial type lighter for Ignition of torch.
6. Fire
extinguisher must be providing at hot work
7. Use properly PPE's as per
Sharp edge PPE's matrix. i.e. Face shelled with helmet, safety
Gas Release / shoes, Cotton apron, leather apron, leather hand
Cut Injury
5 Gas cutting work
Leakage due to
Personal Injury, Burn 5 5 25 gloves, leg guard, 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
immproper e LE
injury, Fatalaty 8. Remove or Protect all r
connection, fire
Explosion. Combustible material at hot work area

9. Working area properly barricading and

Display Job Related safety Signage for this Activity.
Deployed only Trained person for this activity.
11. Check Competency before
12. Use adequate tools for connection work.
13. Use approved colour coading for hose pipe
( Blue for O2 & Orange / Red for D.A. )
1.Check wheel condition 14. DoplyedM/C.
of welding of firewatcher
and fire Blanket to the2. job.
Check ground level and
15. Before
proper access. start the job check the area
3. Use Proper PPE's as16.Job specific
per PPE"s PPEs must
be required. 4. Deployed only trained
Fall Of Machine,
persons for welding M/C shifting work.
Welding machine
6 Shifting at work
Uneven Surface Personal Injury
4 4 16 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
Damage Wheel Property Damage 4. Should not use e LE r
any faulty tools and tackles for welding Shifting
5. Shifted Only 3rd party Inspected
welding machine for welding work.
6. Inspection Tag must be displayed.
1. Only Authorised Electrician Doing the Welding
connection works.
2. Avoid loose
connection for welding machine.
3. Use Cable Luges to fix the cable with
welding machine. 4. Provide
Continuous Supervision for this activity.

Burn Injury, Electric Shock,

Loose Conection Personal Injury. Fire 4 4 16 5. Use Industrial type Plug top for connection 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
injury. e LE r
work. 7. Use Rubber gloves for
connection work. 8.
Insure All connection through 30 MA ELCB.
9. Restricted
Unauthorised person.
10. Combstible material removes for this
work. 11. Encase short
cable use male Female joint socket.
for socket for extension of welding cable.

1. Do not use damage PPE's for hot work activity.

2. Use proper PPE's as
per PPE's matrix i.e. Safety Shoes, Leather Hand
gloves, Cotton boiler shut, Hand Sleeve, leg guard,
Personal Injury, Cut leather apron, welding helmet, nose mask etc. Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
Defective PPE's Injury, Burn 4 4 16 2 2 4 Enginee
Injury, Fire injury. e LE r

7 Welding work
1. Working area must be barricading before
start of hot work.

Uncontroll 2. Safety Signage must be display at hot

Personal Injury, Property
4 4 16 work area. 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
Damage. e LE
Restricted area. r
3. Area should be proper housekeeping 4.
Proper cable management.
7 Welding work

1. Remove all unwanted or flammable

material from hot work area.
Keep the ABC type fire extinguisher, sand
bucket, water bucket near hot work area.

Unwanted, Flameble Fire Harzad , Property 3. Do not use damage or cut mark cable Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
4 4 16 2 2 4 Enginee
Material. Damage for power supply of welding machine. e LE r
Fire watcher and fire blanket must be
required to the job.

1. Do not use damage or cut mark power cable for

welding machine
2. Always maintain
electrical cable at proper height.
3. Use
preoprly insulated stand for cable laying.
5. Do not touch power cable without hand
gloves. 6. Use 30 MA ELCB
Electric Shock, for welding machine.
Hot particles fumes
Personal Injury
5 5 25
7. Use four core cables for welding machine.
2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
Fatality. Eye injury, health 8. Provide double e LE r
hazard, burn injury. earthling for welding machine.
12. Provide
continuous supervision at hot work area.
13. Trained fire watcher deployed at hot work

14. Shed must be providing at welding machine

Storage area.
1. Dril machine should be inspected prior to use by
comptent person.
2. Machine Should be checked as per approved
checklist Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
Faulty Machine Personal Injury 4 4 16 3. Inspection tag display at drilling for Identifi 2 2 4
e LE
fitness test. r

8 Drilling work 1. Electrical connection should be done by

authorised electical person.
2. Use 30 MA ELCB for Drilling machine
Electric Shock Personal Injury 16 4 16 Do not use damage or cut cable for Drilling 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
machine. e LE r
4. Cable layed on overhead for working area.

1. Grinding machine/ grinding wheel must be

inspected before start to job.
2. The grinding
machine must have an automatic cut off switch as
part of the hand grip, so that power is cut off as
soon as finger pressure is released.

3. Ensure wheel speed (RPM) higher

than grinder speed (RPM)
Tightness of wheel on grinding machine must be
checked. 5.Inspect grinding wheel for crackes &
Uneven surface, Personal Injury, burn defects before mounting
Grinding Damage wheel, 6. Run wheel at
work/Cutting Fall of machine, injury,eye injury, fire 5 5 25 operating speed for 1 minutes before grinding. 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
property e LE r
work flying spatters, damage, fatality
Electrocution 7. Never use hammer or hand on grinding
wheel to tighten or remove, tightening or removing
of wheel only with the tool supplied with the
8 Competent person only operate the machine.
Position of the grinder during grinding must be as
per WMS.
10 Grinder man must be wear
required PPE's e.g. faceshield, apron, hand gloves,
hand sleeves, leg guard, thigh gaurd.

9 11.Remove unwanted and combustible materials

1. worklifting
Before location.
of pipe sharp edges remove by
grinding machine properly.
2. Remove all unwanted or broken material form
working place.
3. Pipe fitting and small fitting/ pipe will be lift by
4. Which weight of lifting under the safe working
5. Do not allow to work by removing body part out
side the Scaffolding.
6.Safe distance maintain bitween material and
Scaffolding. 7. Do not allow work by standing
Material sharp Edges ralling of Scaffolding. 8. Use two no
Use of mobile Scaffolding for pipe erection work. Site
scaffolding/JLG for Personal Enjury,Cut 9. Use Only inspected scaffolding for pipe lifting
10 5 5 25 2 2 4 Enginee
pipe lifting work by Fall of pipe injury,Facture, Fatality
rope. fall of work. r
person 10. Green Tag Display at scaffolding pipe for
identification of scaffolding fitness test.
11. use full body safety harness doing height work.
12. Follow the WMS.

1. Approved Work permit has to be taken
2. Appropiate PPEs must be used as per PPE's
Matrix I.e. Safety Helmet, Reflector Jacket, Nose
Mask, Rubber Hand Gloves, etc.
3. Tarpoleen must be provide should be used at
grount protedt the floor.
4. Ensure the Fire Extinguisher keep at location.
5. Working area must be barricading and display
safety signage at location properly.
6. Chemical effective human body ( Ensure no
advise effective)
7. Always closed mouth & nose with nose mask.
Absorption os
Spillage of paints over 8. Deployed only trained person for painting work.
chemical through
Painting Work at
skin, Inhelation of
thesoil 9. safe distance maintain bitween hot work and 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
paint through nose
Inhalation of organic painting work (25 fit Distance) e LE r
Vapours Fire Hazard
and mouth , fire

1. Scaffolding should be placed on level ground.

2. Deployed trained
person for work at scaffolding
3. Follow the tag system
4. Work should
be done under competent supervisor
5.FBH must
be used by workmen and ensure proper anchoring
Use of mobile Fall of materials,
12 scaffolding/ JLG for fall of person,
Personal Injury, Facture,
4 4 16
of lanyard. 2 2 4 Tolerabl ACCEPTAB Site
pipe painting. scaffolding collaps
property damage 6. Area should be barricated. e LE r
Dont keep loose materials on scaffolding.
Before moving scaffold ensure no one
sitting/standing on scaffold.
9. Fix
outriggers in scafflding prevent collaps.

1. Access. Emergency pathway, Assembly point

shall be clear and Communicated to all person
In Case of Personal Injury 2. Tolerabl ACCEPTAB SHE
Emergency Confusion Property Damage 3 3 9 Emergency Communication and emergency contact 2 2 4 Incharg
e LE e
number shall be communicated

Prepared BY: Reviewed By: Approved By

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