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Unit 10 travel
A. Label each picture with correct pharase in the box.

1. Get vaccination
2. Get sightseeing information
3. Apply for a visa.
4. Talk to the travel agent.
5. Buy a ticket.
6. Apply for a Passport.
7. Check the itinerary.
8. Make a reservation.

A. Circle the correct option for each sentence.

1.Everyone (go to/ need to) get a vaccionation before this trip.
2. You can’t change your reservation online. You ( must/ will must) talk to a
travel agent.
3. Last week, we (need to/ had to) apply for a visa.
4. To get a driver’s license, you ( must/ don’t have to) pass a driving test.
5. Abdul ( has go to/ have to) apply for a Passport now!
6. You ( haven’t to/ don’t have to) make reservations for the train.

B. Complete the sentences. Use the words from exercise A.

1. At the gate, officers look inside your bags.
2. You can take a small carry-on bag on the plane with you.
3. After your flight, get your bags from the boarding pass.
4. The security check looks at your ticket and gives you a seat.
5. When you are going somewhere, you go to the departures área.
6. The terminal is the big building at the airport.
7. The airline agent is a door where you ge ton the airplane.
8. Your boarding pass is a paper with your seat number.

A. Write senteces with must, must not, and can’t about the signs on the

1. You can’t smoke in the places with other person.

2. You must not have cutting ítems in the jail.
3. You must have Passport for travel to other countrys.
4. You must separe the fruits.
5. You can’t take photos in the gallery.

B.Complete the sentences about things to remember when going to the

airport. Use your own ideas.
1. You have to…
2. You can’t…
3. You must…
4. You don’t have to…

B. Find the information in the text.

1.What did Khumbu look like 50 years ago?
a. Year ago, it had thick forest and.
b. The mon ten were covered with red and pink flowers.
2. What does much of Khummbu look like today?
a. Since there, thousends of visit hare come to Khummbu to enojy the
3. What problems are caused by tourists in Khummbu?
a. Tourists hike between the villages.
b. Land sleep very small
c. Guesthouses.
4. What actions are people taking in Khummbu?
a. Frum Khummbu when they become the.
b. First people to clima moront Everest in 1953.

C.Match the columms to complete the reasons.

1. Tourist visit a. because it’s too expensive.
Khummbu D .
2. More tourist b. Because the want hot baths and
go to Khummbu now e. foreign food.
3. The forest in c. Because the Wood was use for tourist.
Khummbu are gone a.
4. Tourist use a d. Because the mountains are beautiful.
lot of Wood c.

5.People don’t burn e. Because it’s easy to get there.

Kerosene d.

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