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Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for

Event Management System

1. Introduction:
Event Management is the process of analyzing, planning, marketing, producing and evaluating an
event. It is a different way of promoting a product, service or idea. If an event is managed efficiently
and effectively, it can be used as a very powerful promotional tool to launch or market a product or
1.1 Purpose:
Software requirements specification (SRS) is a document that describes what the software will do and
how it will be expected to perform. It also describes the functionality the product needs to fulfill all
stakeholders (business, users) needs.
This System Requirement Specification (SRS) aims to provide the readers and users information about
the system and its functions and specifications.SRS describes the data, functional and behavioral
requirements of the software.The software is designed to manage the events in the party. This will
take the users requirements for about party events According to the user requirement it estimate
how much cost are coming in the whole event .The main purpose of it provide services related to
event to the user in very optimize cost.
1.2 Scope:
The scope of this project is to develop a system that effectively manages all the data related to the
various events that take place in an organization. The purpose of "Online Event Management System"
is to provide better way to select event halls for different events like Wedding Functions, College
parties etc. Online Event Management System manages events like live shows, Birthday Events,
Concerts; Wedding Events User can see decoration of halls, style of halls and can book them online
without going to the management office.
The system provides time efficiency as it saves a lot of time of the user because users did not need to
go outside. It also provides the reporting feature, which explains the reports of previous years etc.
The users, which involve in this system, are Administrators, Vendors and Customers.

2. The Overall Description:

Sometimes, certain events do not get the recognition that they should. The main method of
communication for these events is via a poster or mouth to mouth. It is getting very clear
that these methods of communication are becoming more and more dated. Recently,
twitter and Facebook have been shown to be more receptive in regards to communication
via a Client and the attendees. To follow this trend, this system is being implemented to
facilitate communication between the clients and the potential event-goers. As well, as
provide up to the minute updates and information about the event.

3. Requirements Specification:
3.1 Functional:
 Registration
Description: To enter into this site user has to register himself first. Requirements of
registration are first name, last name, user name, password, email id, conform password etc.
Input: User details.
Output: Filled Registration details.
 User Login:
The system provide the facility to login into the system.
Input: Enter user name and password.
Output: User profile page.
Processing:The system will check the input of the user and if valid then login is done.
Otherwise, user will be asked to reenter the user name and password.
 Select the Event:
Description: The user can select the event and select payment method.
Input: Main event, sub event, enrollment number, add team member.
Output: Event selected successfully, see all detail and delete.
Processing: The system will add selected data into database.
 Forget password:
Description: The user can sedn reset link to the mail to reset password.
Input: Email id
Output: Reset link send to Email id.
Processing: By reset link, we can easily change password and update store in database.
 Admin panel:
Description: The admin can add manager, main event, sub event also.
Input: Main event, sub event, manager.
Output: Add successfully in database.
Processing: The system will add selected data into database.
 Manager panel:
Description: The manager can add volunteer, main event, sub event also.
Input: Main event, sub event, volunteer.
Output: Add successfully in database.
Processing: The system will add selected data into database.
 Logout:
Description: The system provide the facility to logout from the site.
Input: Select logout option.
Output: Logout from the system.
Processing: User will logout.

3.2 Non Functional Requirements:

 Performance Requirements
Although the system is a simple one, a literate organizer who is able to understand simple
computer processes is needed to run the system. An organizer is one who is knowledgeable
about the ins and outs of the firm and is learned in the field of organizing events. The
organizer will be the person to enter the data needed into the system, thus an organizer
needs also be efficient to utilize fully the benefits that can be provided by this software.
 Safety Requirements:
Different information is entered into the database such as information about the different
caterers, suppliers and participants. Mismanagement of information might cause participant
dissatisfaction that will eventually lead to profit loss, only because of mistakes on giving
information. In line with this, the organizer should always double check which suppliers are
 Security Requirements:
The organizers have respective accounts with password that enables only the organizer/s to
login onto the system. Passwords are required so that no one else can access the system or
database. In the case of the administrator, hershe needs to have the adequate knowledge
about maintaining databases should the system encounter problems. Because the
participants and suppliers themselves provide the information entered into the database,
there should be very little problems about the information entered. However, the organizer
should always triple check every information given. Security systems need database storage
just like many other applications.
 Software Quality Attributes:
Correct information must be entered into the system to prevent mismanaged conflicts to
occur.However, in case an error occurs. changes may be immediately eftected provided the
user notices the error. This is why periodic monitoring and run-through of the database and
the system must be done.The target users of the system are deemed to understand basic
computer processes so use of this system will be easy for them. They will not need to
undergo rigid training and instruction in order to use the sottware.

3.3 Use Case Model Diagram:

%3C mxG raphMo del % 3E %3C root% 3E %3 Cmx Cel l %20i d %3D %2 20 %2 2% 2F %3E % 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 21 %2 2% 20 pare nt% 3D %2 20 %2 2% 2F %3 E% 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 22 %2 2% 2 0val ue% 3D % 22 Regi strati on% 22 %2 0styl e% 3D %2 2el l i pse%3 Bw hi teSpac e% 3D w rap% 3B html %3D 1% 3B %2 2% 20vert ex% 3D %2 21 %2 2 %2 0pare nt% 3D %2 21 %2 2 %3E % 3CmxG eometr y% 20x %3D % 2 23 30 %2 2% 20y % 3D %2 22 0% 22 %2 0w i dth %3D % 22 12 0% 22 %2 0hei ght %3D %2 24 0% 22 %2 0as% 3D % 22ge ometry %2 2% 2F %3E % 3C% 2Fmx Cel l %3 E% 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 2 3% 22 %2 0val ue% 3D % 22 Logi n% 22 %2 0styl e% 3D % 22el l i pse%3 Bw hi teSp ace% 3D w rap% 3B html %3D 1% 3B %2 2% 20v ertex% 3D % 22 1% 22 %2 0pare nt% 3D %2 2 1% 22 %3 E% 3CmxG eometr y% 20x %3D %2 23 30 %2 2% 20 y% 3D %2 28 0% 22 %2 0w i dth %3D % 22 13 0% 22 % 20hei g ht% 3D %2 25 0% 22 %2 0as %3D % 22 geometry %2 2% 2F %3 E% 3C %2Fm xCel l %3 E% 3Cm xCel l %2 0i d% 3D % 22 4% 22 %2 0val ue %3D % 22 Event %2 0Sel ecti on %2 2% 20styl e %3D % 22el l i pse% 3Bw hi teSpace %3D w rap %3 Bhtml % 3D 1 %3 B% 22 %2 0vertex %3D % 22 1 %2 2% 20p arent %3D % 22 1 %2 2% 3E %3 CmxG eometry %2 0x% 3D % 22 33 5% 22 %2 0y %3D % 22 14 0% 22 %2 0w i dth %3D % 22 12 0% 22 % 20hei g ht% 3D %2 25 0% 22 %2 0as %3D % 22g eometry %2 2% 2F %3 E% 3C %2Fm xCel l %3 E% 3Cm xCel l %2 0i d% 3D % 22 5% 22 %2 0val ue %3D % 22Ma nager %2 0P rof i l e%22 %2 0styl e% 3D %2 2el l i pse%3 Bw hi teSpac e% 3D w rap% 3B html %3D 1 % 3B %2 2% 20vert ex% 3D %2 21 %2 2 %2 0pare nt% 3D %2 21 %2 2 %3E %3 CmxG eometr y% 20x %3D % 2 23 35 %2 2% 20y %3D %2 22 00 %2 2% 20w i dt h% 3D %2 21 20 %2 2% 20 hei ght% 3D % 22 50 %2 2% 20 as%3D %2 2geometr y% 22 %2 F% 3E% 3C % 2FmxC el l %3E %3 CmxC el l %20i d %3D % 2 26

%2 2% 20val ue %3D %2 2A dd %2 0Vol u nteer% 22 %2 0styl e% 3D %2 2el l i pse%3 Bw hi teSpac e% 3D w rap% 3B html %3D 1 % 3B %2 2% 20vert ex% 3D %2 21 %2 2 %2 0pare nt% 3D %2 21 %2 2% 3E %3 CmxG eometr y% 20x %3D % 2 23 40 %2 2% 20y %3D %2 22 60 %2 2% 20w i dth % 3D %2 21 20 %2 2% 20 hei ght% 3D % 22 50 %2 2% 20 as%3D %2 2geometr y% 22 %2F % 3E% 3C % 2FmxC el l %3E %3 CmxC el l %20i d %3D % 22 7 %2 2% 20v al ue% 3D %2 2Pa yment %2 2% 20styl e %3D % 22el l i pse% 3Bw hi teS pace %3D w rap %3 Bhtml % 3D 1% 3 B% 22 %2 0vertex %3D % 22 1% 22 % 20p arent %3D % 22 1% 22 %3 E% 3C mxG eometry %2 0x% 3D %2 2 33 5% 22 %2 0y% 3D % 22 32 0% 22 %2 0w i dth% 3D % 22 12 0% 22 %2 0hei ght %3D %2 25 0% 22 %2 0as% 3D % 22ge ometry %2 2% 2F% 3E %3 C% 2Fmx Cel l %3 E% 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 28 % 22 %2 0val ue% 3D % 22A d d% 20Wi n ner% 22 %2 0styl e% 3D %2 2el l i pse%3 Bw hi teSpac e% 3D w rap% 3B html %3D 1 % 3B %2 2% 20vert ex% 3D %2 21 %2 2 %2 0pare nt% 3D %2 21 %2 2% 3E %3 CmxG eometr y% 20x %3D % 2 23 30 %2 2% 20y %3D %2 23 80 %2 2% 20w i dth %3D % 22 12 0% 2 2% 20hei g ht% 3D %2 25 0% 22 %2 0as %3D % 22 geometry %2 2% 2F %3 E% 3C %2F mxCel l %3 E% 3Cm xCel l %2 0i d% 3D % 22 9% 22 %2 0val ue %3D % 22 Logout % 22 %2 0styl e%3D %2 2el l i pse%3Bw hi teSpace %3D w rap %3 Bhtml %3D 1 %3 B% 22 %2 0vertex %3D %2 21 %2 2% 20 parent %3D %2 21 %2 2% 3E %3 CmxG eometry %2 0x% 3D % 22 33 5% 22 %2 0y %3D % 22 44 0 %2 2% 20w i dth %3D % 22 1 20 %2 2% 20h ei ght% 3D %2 24 0% 22 % 20as %3D % 22 geometry %2 2% 2F %3 E% 3C %2F mxCel l %3 E% 3C mxCel l %2 0i d% 3D % 22 10 %2 2% 20 val ue% 3D %2 2U SE R% 22 %2 0styl e% 3D %2 2sha pe% 3D uml A ctor%3 Bverti cal Lab el Posi ti on%3D b ottom% 3B verti cal A l i gn%3D top% 3B html %3D 1% 3Bo utl i neCon nect% 3D 0
%3 B% 22 %2 0vertex %3D % 22 1% 2 2% 20p arent %3D % 22 1% 22 % 3E% 3C mxG eometry %2 0x% 3D % 22 16 0% 22 %2 0y% 3D % 22 14 0% 22 %2 0w i dth %3D % 22 50 %2 2% 20 hei ght% 3D % 22 80 %2 2% 20 as%3D %2 2geometr y% 22 %2F % 3E% 3C %2 FmxC el l %3E %3 CmxCel l % 20i d %3D % 22 1 1% 22 %2 0val ue% 3D % 22A D MI N %22 %2 0styl e% 3D %2 2sha pe% 3D uml A ctor%3 Bverti cal Lab el Posi ti on%3D b ottom% 3Bv erti cal A l i gn%3D top% 3B html %3D 1 % 3Boutl i ne Con nect% 3D 0% 3B %2 2 %2 0vertex %3D % 22 1% 22 %2 0p arent %3D % 22 1% 22 %3 E% 3Cm xG eometry% 2 0x% 3D %2 26 30 % 22 %2 0y% 3D % 22 17 0% 22 %2 0w i dth% 3D % 22 30 %2 2% 20 hei ght% 3D % 22 70 %2 2% 20as %3D %2 2geometr y% 22 %2F %3 E% 3C %2 FmxCel l % 3E %3 CmxCel l % 20i d %3D % 22 12 %2 2% 2 0val ue% 3D % 22MA N A G ER% 22 %2 0styl e%3D %2 2shap e% 3D uml A ctor%3 Bverti cal Label P osi ti on%3D botto m% 3Bverti cal A l i gn%3D top %3 Bhtml %3D 1 %3 Boutl i neC onnect %3D 0% 3B %2 2% 20v ertex% 3D % 22 1% 22 %2 0pare nt% 3D %2 2 1% 22 %3 E% 3CmxG eometr y% 20x %3D %2 26 30 %2 2% 20y %3D %2 22 70 %2 2% 20w i dth % 3D %2 23 0% 22 %2 0hei ght %3D %2 26 0% 22 %2 0as% 3D % 22ge ometry %2 2% 2F% 3E %3 C% 2Fmx Cel l %3 E% 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 21 3 %2 2% 20v al ue% 3D %2 2VO LU N TE ER %2 2% 20styl e %3D % 22s hape %3D uml A ctor% 3B verti cal Label Posi ti on% 3D bottom %3 Bverti cal A l i gn%3D top %3 Bhtml % 3D 1% 3B outl i neCo nnect %3D 0 %3 B% 22 %2 0vertex % 3D %2 21 %2 2% 20 parent %3D %2 21 %2 2% 3E %3 CmxG eometry %2 0x %3D % 22 63 0% 22 % 20y %3D % 2 23 70 %2 2% 20w i dth %3D %2 23 0% 22 %2 0hei ght %3D % 22 6 0% 22 %2 0as% 3D %2 2geo metry% 2 2% 2F% 3E %3 C% 2Fmx Cel l %3 E% 3C %2Fr oot% 3E %3 C% 2FmxG rap hModel % 3E %3 CmxG rap hModel % 3E %3 Croot %3 E% 3Cm
xCel l %20i d %3D %2 20 %2 2% 2F %3E % 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 21 %2 2% 20 pare nt% 3D %2 20 %2 2% 2F %3 E% 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 22 %2 2% 2 0val ue% 3D % 22U SE R %2 2% 20styl e% 3D % 22sh ape %3D uml A ctor% 3Bverti cal La bel Posi ti on% 3D bottom% 3 Bverti cal A l i gn%3D top% 3B html %3D 1% 3Bo utl i neCon nect % 3D 0 %3 B% 22 %2 0vertex %3D % 22 1 %2 2% 20p arent %3D % 22 1% 2 2% 3E %3 CmxG eometry %2 0x% 3D % 22 16 0% 22 %2 0y %3D % 22 14 0% 22 %2 0w i dth %3D % 22 50 %2 2% 20 hei ght% 3D % 22 80 %2 2% 20 as% 3D %2 2geometr y% 22 %2 F% 3E %3 C% 2FmxC el l %3E %3 C% 2Froot %3 E% 3C %2 FmxG raphM odel % 3E
%3C mxG raphMo del % 3E %3C root% 3E %3 Cmx Cel l %20i d %3D %2 20 %2 2% 2F %3E % 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 21 %2 2% 20 pare nt% 3D %2 20 %2 2% 2F %3 E% 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 22 %2 2% 2 0val ue% 3D % 22 Regi strati on% 22 %2 0styl e% 3D %2 2el l i pse%3 Bw hi teSpac e% 3D w rap% 3B html %3D 1% 3B %2 2% 20vert ex% 3D %2 21 %2 2 %2 0pare nt% 3D %2 21 %2 2 %3E % 3CmxG eometr y% 20x %3D % 2 23 30 %2 2% 20y % 3D %2 22 0% 22 %2 0w i dth %3D % 22 12 0% 22 %2 0hei ght %3D %2 24 0% 22 %2 0as% 3D % 22ge ometry %2 2% 2F %3E % 3C% 2Fmx Cel l %3 E% 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 2 3% 22 %2 0val ue% 3D % 22 Logi n% 22 %2 0styl e% 3D % 22el l i pse%3 Bw hi teSp ace% 3D w rap% 3B html %3D 1% 3B %2 2% 20v ertex% 3D % 22 1% 22 %2 0pare nt% 3D %2 2 1% 22 %3 E% 3CmxG eometr y% 20x %3D %2 23 30 %2 2% 20 y% 3D %2 28 0% 22 %2 0w i dth %3D % 22 13 0% 22 % 20hei g ht% 3D %2 25 0% 22 %2 0as %3D % 22 geometry %2 2% 2F %3 E% 3C %2Fm xCel l %3 E% 3Cm xCel l %2 0i d% 3D % 22 4% 22 %2 0val ue %3D % 22 Event %2 0Sel ecti on %2 2% 20styl e %3D % 22el l i pse% 3Bw hi teSpace %3D w rap %3 Bhtml % 3D 1 %3 B% 22 %2 0vertex %3D % 22 1 %2 2% 20p arent %3D % 22 1 %2 2% 3E %3 CmxG eometry %2 0x% 3D % 22 33 5% 22 %2 0y %3D % 22 14 0% 22 %2 0w i dth %3D % 22 12 0% 22 % 20hei g ht% 3D %2 25 0% 22 %2 0as %3D % 22g eometry %2 2% 2F %3 E% 3C %2Fm xCel l %3 E% 3Cm xCel l %2 0i d% 3D % 22 5% 22 %2 0val ue %3D % 22Ma nager %2 0P rof i l e%22 %2 0styl e% 3D %2 2el l i pse%3 Bw hi teSpac e% 3D w rap% 3B html %3D 1 % 3B %2 2% 20vert ex% 3D %2 21 %2 2 %2 0pare nt% 3D %2 21 %2 2 %3E %3 CmxG eometr y% 20x %3D % 2 23 35 %2 2% 20y %3D %2 22 00 %2 2% 20w i dt h% 3D %2 21 20 %2 2% 20 hei ght% 3D % 22 50 %2 2% 20 as%3D %2 2geometr y% 22 %2 F% 3E% 3C % 2FmxC el l %3E %3 CmxC el l %20i d %3D % 2 26

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%3 B% 22 %2 0vertex %3D % 22 1% 2 2% 20p arent %3D % 22 1% 22 % 3E% 3C mxG eometry %2 0x% 3D % 22 16 0% 22 %2 0y% 3D % 22 14 0% 22 %2 0w i dth %3D % 22 50 %2 2% 20 hei ght% 3D % 22 80 %2 2% 20 as%3D %2 2geometr y% 22 %2F % 3E% 3C %2 FmxC el l %3E %3 CmxCel l % 20i d %3D % 22 1 1% 22 %2 0val ue% 3D % 22A D MI N %22 %2 0styl e% 3D %2 2sha pe% 3D uml A ctor%3 Bverti cal Lab el Posi ti on%3D b ottom% 3Bv erti cal A l i gn%3D top% 3B html %3D 1 % 3Boutl i ne Con nect% 3D 0% 3B %2 2 %2 0vertex %3D % 22 1% 22 %2 0p arent %3D % 22 1% 22 %3 E% 3Cm xG eometry% 2 0x% 3D %2 26 30 % 22 %2 0y% 3D % 22 17 0% 22 %2 0w i dth% 3D % 22 30 %2 2% 20 hei ght% 3D % 22 70 %2 2% 20as %3D %2 2geometr y% 22 %2F %3 E% 3C %2 FmxCel l % 3E %3 CmxCel l % 20i d %3D % 22 12 %2 2% 2 0val ue% 3D % 22MA N A G ER% 22 %2 0styl e%3D %2 2shap e% 3D uml A ctor%3 Bverti cal Label P osi t i on%3D botto m% 3Bverti cal A l i gn%3D top %3 Bhtml %3D 1 %3 Boutl i neC onnect %3D 0% 3B %2 2% 20v ertex% 3D % 22 1% 22 %2 0pare nt% 3D %2 2 1% 22 %3 E% 3CmxG eometr y% 20x %3D %2 26 30 %2 2% 20y %3D %2 22 70 %2 2% 20w i dth % 3D %2 23 0% 22 %2 0hei ght %3D %2 26 0% 22 %2 0as% 3D % 22ge ometry %2 2% 2F% 3E %3 C% 2Fmx Cel l %3 E% 3Cmx Cel l %2 0i d% 3D %2 21 3 %2 2% 20v al ue% 3D %2 2VO LU N TE ER %2 2% 20styl e %3D % 22s hape %3D uml A ctor% 3B verti cal Label Posi ti on% 3D bottom %3 Bverti cal A l i gn%3D top %3 Bht ml % 3D 1% 3B outl i neCo nnect %3D 0 %3 B% 22 %2 0vertex % 3D %2 21 %2 2% 20 parent %3D %2 21 %2 2% 3E %3 CmxG eometry %2 0x %3D % 22 63 0% 22 % 20y %3D % 2 23 70 %2 2% 20w i dth %3D %2 23 0% 22 %2 0hei ght %3D % 22 6 0% 22 %2 0as% 3D %2 2geo metry% 2 2% 2F% 3E %3 C% 2Fmx Cel l %3 E% 3C %2Fr oot% 3E %3 C% 2FmxG rap hModel % 3E 3. ns3. 3

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