Chapter 1 - Revised

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Agriculture, often called the lifeblood of nations, is integral in nourishing billions of

people and fueling global economies (Loizou et al., 2019). However, as the world's population

continues to increase, farmers are pressured to meet the growing demand for food (Azadi et al.,

2021). At the same time, farmers face an ongoing battle against avian pests that threaten the

crops on which many depend. In their quest for food, the poultry pests, ranging from small birds

such as sparrows to larger birds such as crows, are relentless, making arable their preferred

primary food source. A study published in January 2020 stated that "...On a global scale, the

losses caused by pests in arable crops account for about 10%–15% of the total yield value."

(Sawicka & Egbuna, 2020). The indiscriminate feeding habits of this species can cause

significant damage to the crop, resulting in severe financial losses for farmers. This issue does

not concern one region or type of agricultural production but concerns the world, which

transcends borders and crops (Montràs‐Janer et al., 2019).

In the past, farmers had turned to scarecrows to protect themselves from avian invaders.

In order to create the illusion of human presence, these iconoclastic figures were strategically

placed in the fields, usually adorned with tattered clothing and straw-filled bodies. While

scarecrows have been a feature of agriculture for centuries, there is one main drawback: they are

immobile. They cannot adapt to the cunning and proactive behavior of avian pests. Gradually,

birds adapt to their unchanging presence and are unable to guard the crops that they were meant

to protect (Wang et al., 2019). The emergence of the agile solar-powered scarecrows represents a

revolutionary shift in combatting avian pests as farmers increasingly seek sustainable and
environmentally friendly solutions. The innovative devices take advantage of the power they

provide from renewables, like solar panels, and use sophisticated programming techniques to

make motion sensors work. This results in a scarecrow that is not just environmentally conscious

but also remarkably flexible, replicating living creatures' natural movements and behavior.

The potential impact of flexible solar-powered scarecrows on modern agriculture is

significant. We seek to discover the disruptive potential of this technology by exploring its

development, efficiency, and environmental benefits. The research will focus on their roles in

protecting crops, energy efficiency, and overall sustainability of the agricultural sector. Our

study aims to gain essential information on how solar scarecrows can radically change farming

practices, reduce crop loss, and contribute to creating an environment more sustainable and

environmentally favorable for agriculture. Researchers seek to learn more about their potential

for shaping agriculture's future and fostering economic prosperity and responsible environmental

management through a comprehensive review of these innovative tools. The journey begins here

by exploring solar-powered agile scarecrows as a beacon of hope for a more sustainable and

productive agricultural future.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to develop "Solar-Powered Agile Scarecrows: An Innovative and Eco-

Friendly Approach to Avian Pest Control in Modern Agriculture" in order to provide farmers and

other agricultural stakeholders with a state-of-the-art, environmentally sustainable tool for

effectively combating avian pests, reducing crop damage, and encouraging a more

environmentally friendly method of protecting crops.

1. Is there a significant difference between solar-powered agile scarecrows and traditional

methods in deterring avian pests?

2. How would implementing solar-powered scarecrows affect the traditional method of scaring

the birds in terms of ethical considerations?

3. What are the potential cost savings and environmental benefits of using solar-powered agile

scarecrows in agriculture?

4. What are the limitations and challenges in implementing solar-powered agile scarecrows in

different agricultural settings?

Statement of the Hypothesis

Ho There is no significant difference between solar-powered agile scarecrows and

traditional methods in deterring avian pests.

Significance of the Study

The study presents a new method for eliminating bird pests that is consistent with

sustainable farming practices. It addresses environmental and health concerns by reducing

dependency on dangerous chemicals and fossil fuels. Thanks to solar-powered nimble

scarecrows, farmers have a cost-effective way to safeguard their crops. Increased yields, fewer

crop losses, and enhanced financial sustainability for agricultural businesses can all result from

this. The study can be used as a learning tool to spread awareness of sustainable agriculture

methods and to motivate upcoming generations of scientists and farmers to adopt cutting-edge,

environmentally friendly practices.

Farmers and agricultural producers. Agile scarecrows powered by solar can enhance crop

yields and decrease losses, enhancing the financial viability of farming enterprises. It will benefit

farmers and agricultural producers to gain the most because they may use an economical and

environmentally friendly method to safeguard their crops against bird pests efficiently.

Rural Communities. The success of sustainable pest management techniques could boost local

economies, providing more jobs that will significantly enhance the general well-being of rural

populations in many rural regions that are primarily dependent on agriculture.

Consumers. The Study will indirectly benefit the consumers through higher food quality, which

also includes the possibility of decreasing the overall price of crops. Farmers may sell more

produce competitively if they enjoy increased crop yields due to efficient pest control.

Future Researchers. The study will promulgate further research on agriculture, renewable

energy, and pest management to improve and create a better solar-powered scarecrow system to

advance environmentally friendly agricultural methods.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will focus on the application and efficacy of solar-powered agile scarecrows in

avian pest control within agricultural settings. The research will be conducted in select

agricultural regions to provide a representative sample of different environmental conditions.

The study will cover 13 weeks, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of solar-powered agile

scarecrows' long-term effectiveness and sustainability. The research will primarily concentrate

on their application in protecting various crops susceptible to avian pest damage, including but

not limited to corn, rice, and wheat. The study will assess the technical aspects of solar-powered
agile scarecrows, such as their design, power source, motion detection systems, and ability to

mimic natural predator behavior.

The research will investigate the environmental benefits and drawbacks of using solar-

powered agile scarecrows, including their energy efficiency and impact on local wildlife. The

study will gather data on farmers' perceptions of solar-powered agile scarecrows, usability, and

overall satisfaction with the technology. This study will limit its scope to avian pests in

agriculture. Other pests, such as insects or rodents, will not be covered. The research will

evaluate specific models of solar-powered agile scarecrows available in the market, and the

findings may not apply to all types of scarecrow technology.

While the study will be conducted in various agricultural regions, the findings may not be

universally applicable due to differences in climate, bird species, and farming practices. The

study may not account for extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain or strong winds, that

could affect the functionality of solar-powered scarecrows. The perceptions and attitudes of

farmers may vary based on cultural and regional factors, which will be acknowledged but not

exhaustively explored. The study will not extensively compare solar-powered agile scarecrows to

other pest control methods, such as chemical pesticides or netting. Market availability and

pricing of solar-powered scarecrows may fluctuate, which could impact the economic analysis

and cost-effectiveness over time.

Theoretical Framework

The study's goal is to develop an inexpensive smart solar scarecrow solely for crop

protection. The use of advanced sensors and technology has significantly reduced crop damage

caused by animals. The scarecrow's eco-friendly solar power source and humane deterrent

mechanisms have also been well-received by farmers and the community. However, further

research and development are needed to optimize the scarecrow's performance in different

environmental conditions and address any technical issues. The smart solar scarecrow has proven

to be a promising solution for sustainable and effective crop protection.

According to the Theory of Constraints (Eliyahu et al.), organizations are prevented from

achieving their goals because of one or more constraints. The constraint in agile, or any software

product development, might be some team or individual in the value stream that produces

working-tested-remediated features (i.e., the production of value) (Mabin & Balderstone, 2020).

Evan's Theory of Agile Constraints is that an organization will always have a constraint to

business agility. This helps to think of work in an organization as a flow. Let us take a software

organization as an example: users or business demand on one side and the production

environment on the other, along this flow, is the limiting constraint (Islam & Evans, 2020).

The task of scarecrows standing in fields, orchards, and farmyards was to deter wild

animals and birds. Crops are protected by machinery and equipment, while electric scarers and

chemicals enable the intensification of production on an industrial scale (Marcacci et al., 2020).

Scarecrows have reappeared in a new version as either mechanical or electric devices.

Nowadays, scarecrows are only perceived from the angle of the role they are supposed to serve

in protecting cultivated fields. In the past, farmers had turned to scarecrows to protect themselves
from avian invaders. In order to create the illusion of human presence, these iconoclastic figures

were strategically placed in the fields, usually adorned with tattered clothing and straw-filled

bodies (Abdelhakim, 2020). While traditional scarecrows have been a feature of agriculture for

centuries, there is one main drawback: they are immobile. They cannot adapt to the cunning and

proactive behavior of avian pests. Gradually, birds have adapted to their unchanging presence,

deterring their sole purpose of protecting the crops.

Conceptual Framework

This study examines the relationship between the Arduino System and the level of its

effect in making the prototype for, "Solar-powered Agile Scarecrows: An Innovative and Eco-

friendly Approach to Avian Pest Control in Modern Agriculture." The model used to interpret

the concept of this study is the nomological network of constructs (independent variable –

dependent variable relationship). The Independent variable was the Arduino System (Software:

Arduino IDE; Hardware: Supporting Frame, Base Frame, Solar Panels, Speaker Module, and

Linkages & Arms). Dependent Variable was the proposed prototype for "Solar-powered Agile

Scarecrows: An Innovative and Eco-friendly Approach to Avian Pest Control in Modern

Agriculture." The study assumed that the Arduino System is related to the efficacy of creating

the proposed prototype for the Hybrid Scarecrow, which has, in return, a causal relationship

between the two variables (Fig 1).

Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Software Solar-Powered Agile
Arduino IDE Scarecrows: An innovative
and Eco-friendly approach to
Avian pest control in Modern
Hardware Agriculture

Supporting Frame
Base Frame
Solar Panels
Speaker Modules
Linkages and Arms

Fig 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Definition of Terms

ARDUINO IDE-The Arduino Software (IDE) makes it simple to write code and upload it to the

board while offline. It is recommended for users who have a slow or no internet connection. This

software can be used with any Arduino board.

AVIAN PEST-The sickness caused by HPAI viruses has historically been referred to as poultry

plague or fowl pest.

BASE FRAME-The base frame serves as the foundation for mounting pantograph frames. It

supports the fixed component of the frame and is installed on pantograph support insulators.

Base frames are typically built of profile steel, plates through extrusion, steel tubes through

splicing, or castings and profile steel through splicing.

LINKAGES AND ARMS- A linkage is a system of solid, typically metallic, links (bars) joined

to two or more additional links by pin joints (hinges), sliding joints, or ball-and-socket joints to

form a closed chain or a series of closed chains in mechanical engineering. When one of the links

is fixed, the permissible movements of the other links in relation to the fixed link and to one

another are determined by the number of links as well as the number and type of joints.

SCARECROWS- An item that resembles a human dressed in old, torn clothes and stands in a

garden or field to scare away birds

SOLAR ENERGY- A renewable and sustainable source of power derived from the sun's

radiation, typically harnessed through solar panels to generate electricity or heat water.
SOLAR PANEL -a device that converts sunlight into electricity by using photovoltaic cells or

solar cells to generate a flow of electric current when exposed to sunlight.

SPEAKER MODULE-The speaker module is based on the 8002-speaker amplifier IC. It can

function as a buzzer and also play high-quality audio. The volume output is controlled via a


SUPPORTING FRAME-When formwork may only be employed from one side of the wall

structure, supporting frames safely transfer concrete forces using diagonal anchors.

Abdelhakim, W. (2020). Scaring birds: The concept of the scarecrow in ancient Egypt.

International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 14(2), 42–51.

Azadi, H., Movahhed Moghaddam, S., Burkart, S., Mahmoudi, H., Van Passel, S., Kurban, A., &

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Loizou, E., Karelakis, C., Galanopoulos, K., & Mattas, K. (2019). The role of agriculture as a

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Mabin, V. J., & Balderstone, S. J. (2020). The world of the theory of constraints : A review of the

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Montràs‐Janer, T., Knape, J., Nilsson, L., Tombre, I., Pärt, T., & Månsson, J. (2019). Relating

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Sawicka, B., & Egbuna, C. (2020, January 1). Chapter 1 - Pests of Agricultural Crops and

Control Measures (C. Egbuna & B. Sawicka, Eds.). ScienceDirect; Academic Press.

Wang, Z., Griffin, A. S., Lucas, A., & Wong, K. C. (2019). Psychological warfare in vineyard:

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