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2 Gulf Times

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Nepal FM meets Qatar’s ambassador HE the Deputy Speaker of the
Dy speaker meets US special envoy Shura Council Dr Hamda bint
Hassan al-Sulaiti met yesterday
with the visiting US Department
of State Special Envoy for Global
Youth Issues Lea Finkenauer.
The meeting discussed topics
related to youth and women and
their vital roles in political and
parliamentary life. The discus-
sions also emphasised the active
role of youth and women in the
Qatari society and the Shura
Council’s efforts in supporting
Nepalese Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud met with Qatar’s ambassador in Kathmandu and enhancing their contribu-
Mishal bin Mohamed al-Ansari. The meeting discussed bilateral relations. (QNA) tions.
The meeting also touched on
the ongoing aggression by the
Israeli occupation forces on Gaza
Strip and its negative impact
on efforts to advance the role
of youth and women empower-
ment. (QNA)

Shura delegation
to participate in
meeting at COP28
QNA The Shura delegation is action nationally and internationally, as
Dubai well as materialise COP28 commitments.
headed by Speaker HE the Shura Council Speaker arrived yes-
HE Hassan bin Abdullah terday in Dubai to participate in the meet-

he Shura Council participates ing, where the Speaker and his accompa-
with a delegation headed by its al-Ghanem and a number nying delegation were received at Dubai
Speaker HE Hassan bin Abdullah of council members International Airport by Speaker of the
al-Ghanem in the parliamentary meet- Federal National Council Saqr Ghobash,
ing on the occasion of the 28th session of mentary meeting, on the sidelines of the and Consul-General of the State of Qatar
the Conference of the Parties (COP28) to COP28 today, with the participation of in Dubai Saeed bin Ali al-Hajri.
the UN Framework Convention on Cli- more than 140 national parliamentary as- The Shura Council delegation is headed
mate Change (UNFCCC), which is cur- semblies, to facilitate the exchange of ex- by HE Hassan bin Abdullah al-Ghanem,
rently running in the United Arab Emir- pertise, international co-operation, and and consists of council members: Mu-
ates, until December 12. the exchange of best practices relating to barak bin Saif al-Mansouri, Mohamed
In partnership with the Inter-Parlia- climate action. This event also aims to cre- bin Mansour al-Shahwani, Yousef bin Ali
mentary Union (IPU), the UAE’s Federal ate a comprehensive platform for parlia- al-Khater, Abdullah bin Nasser al-Subaie,
National Council is organising the parlia- mentary dialogue, support urgent climate and Umair Abdullah al-Nuaimi.

Shura body discusses water-logging issues

The Shura Council’s Services and the Public Utilities Committee held a meeting yesterday, headed by
Chairman of the Committee Abdul Rahman bin Yousuf al-Khulaifi. During the meeting, the committee
continued its discussions of a draft law amending some provisions of Law No 1 of 2012 on the Regulation
and Control of the Placement of Advertising. Additionally, the Services and the Public Utilities Committee
studied a general discussion request submitted by several honourable members regarding ‘Rainwater
accumulations and the losses they cause.’ Accordingly, it decided to continue its study of the draft law,
and to request a general discussion at its next meeting. (QNA)

Qatar envoy meets ICC president

Qatar’s ambassador to the
Netherlands Dr Mutlaq bin Majid
al-Qahtani met with President
of the International Criminal
Court (ICC) Piotr Hofmanski in
The Hague. During the meeting,
they exchanged views on a
number of issues of common
interest, and discussed the latest
developments in the Gaza Strip.

OPCW chief receives credentials of

Qatar’s permanent representative
Director-General of the
Organisation for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Fernando Arias received the
credentials of HE Dr Mutlaq bin
Majed al-Qahtani as Permanent
Representative of Qatar to the
OPCW. The meeting discussed
ways to enhance co-operation
between the two sides and
issues of common interest,
especially the developments
in Gaza Strip. The OPCW
director-general praised Qatar’s
important role in implementing
the Chemical Weapons
Convention and supporting the
work of the organisation. (QNA)

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