JAS Rubric

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Journal Article Study (JAS) Rubric

Objective: Determine the philosophical worldview of the reviewed article in abnormal


What to do?

1) Select one research paper article that is published in a refutable journal

(separate guide is presented).

2) Identify philosophical worldview of the articles based on the research topic,

research questions/hypothesis/objectives, and review of related literature, and
insights gained.

3) Make a two-page report following the given format (sample presented


4) Submit the report together with the chosen journal article or the link of the journal

Rubric for the Journal Article Study (JAS)

Paper Review

Criteria Beginning Developing Acceptable Exemplary

1 2 3 4
Identification Research Research Research
of the topic is not topic is topic is
Research identified somewhat appropriately
topic identified identified
Identification 15% No research Less than half More than half All research
of the problems of the research of the problems are
Research are identified problems are research identified and
problem and identified and problems are
explained explained identified and explained

Identification No research Less than half More than half All research
of the objective(s) of the research of the objective(s) or
Research or objective(s) or research hypotheses
objectives/ or hypotheses hypotheses objective(s) or are identified
hypotheses 15% are identified are identified hypotheses and explained
and and explained are identified
explained and explained

Identification Not Not clearly Clearly and

of how the identified/expla identified/expl thoroughly
literature ined how the ained how the identified how
justifies the literature literature the literature
problem that 25% justifies the justifies the justifies the
led to the problem that problem that problem that
research led to the led to the led to the
question(s) research research research
question(s) question(s) question(s)

Statement of Cited Cited insights Cited

insights insights but lack bases appropriate
gained from without . insights with
the article (at appropriate appropriate
least 2 bases. bases from
insights) the article and
in abnormal

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