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Even in modern times, legal profession is still relevant in our daily lives.

Today, we live in an era where

technology is replacing what is consider as traditional to modern and manual to automatic, where
internet and cyber space is becoming the new-normal and where conflict and crimes is rampant. Indeed,
even legal profession is currently being shaped by the modern times but its relevance like other
profession is still deeply rooted in our society. This relevance can be found in, social interactions,
multimedia platforms, and social order.

Legal profession has its relevance in social interactions. No man is an island and we tend interact with
other people everyday. This interaction can sometimes result to conflict and other crimes. In addition, a
person may defame someone without them knowing. Correct knowledge of the law is still relevant
today wherein we can defend ourselves and protect someone we knew from abuse. From the moment
we interact with someone, with our environment, our actions and decision should be anchored to the
laws that is why legal profession is till relevant in our daily activities.

Legal profession has it relevance in multimedia platforms. In this globalizing world, most people rely on
social media as their source of almost all information. Apparently, some post contains fake news and
misleading articles that razed mass hysteria among netizens. They may impinge the laws without them
knowing. In this view, legal professions is still relevant to the masses through enlightening them of
possible violation and legal action they can take to protect their rights.

A legal profession has its relevance in social order. As we start to tun into technological era, where
machines replaces humans from labor to decion making. Who would rely on robot making court
decisions? Also, imagine in the near future where court decision are made by computers and robots. In
addition, lawyers and counsel will be taking android not capable of empathy and logical reasoning. That
is why legal profession is till relevant today as our society requires social order and maintained by
people that has empathy and logic.

According, legal professon is still relevant today as we faced different challenges and changes in our
time. The beauty of legal profession relies on its abilty to change and adapt for better society. With all
these relevance in multimedia platforms, social interaction and social maintaining social order we can
say that legal profession is still relevant and needed.

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