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To measures the minimum and maximum speed of Roller pump with and without load and
to estimate the flow rate.

S. No. Apparatus Quantity

1 Roller Pump 1
2 Connection Tubes Required
3 Mains Cord 1

In 1932 DeBakey devised the “roller pump,” an essential component of the heart-lung
machine that permitted open-heart surgery. The roller pump comes under the category of positive
displacement pumps. Roller pumps contain a length of tubing located inside a curved raceway. This
raceway is placed at the travel perimeter of rollers mounted on the ends of rotating arms. These
arms are arranged in such a manner that one roller is compressing the tubing at all times. By
compressing a segment of the blood-filled resilient tubing, blood is pushed ahead of the moving
roller, thereby producing continuous blood flow. The output of the rotary pump is determined by
the revolutions per minute (rpm) of the pump and the volume displaced with each revolution. The
volume depends on the size of tubing and length of the track.
1. Connect the roller pump to the main.
2. Switch on roller pump and put the speed switch on zero position. Note down the minimum
speed on LCD display. Put the speed switch on maximum position and note down the
maximum speed on LCD display.
3. Connect the tubes from the outlet of water container to the roller pump in such a way that
the roller should compress the tube. Ensure the clip position in the inlet and outlet tube of
roller pump.
4. Fill the water in the containers till there is no bubble in the tubing.
5. Repeat the step 2 and note down the minimum and maximum speed of pump with load.
6. For estimating the flow rate, fill the container with 1000 ml of water and run the pump at
fixed rpm. Note down the time required to pump the 1000 ml of water and calculate the
flow rate.

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