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Amass (V.) - to collect or gather - to get a large amount of

something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a
long period.

Syno- assemble, accumulate

she has amassed a huge fortune from her novels
she is amassing a lot of data for her thesis.

Acrimonious (Adj.) - full of anger, arguments and bad feeling

- angry and bitter – acid

#an acrimonious dispute about wages.
#their marriage ended 8 years ago in an acrimonious divorce.

Anomaly (N.) - irregularity - something that deviates from what

is standard, usual and expected.

Syno- abnormality, irregularity, inconsistency, incongruity,


# there are a number of anomalies in the present system.

Hint- anomaly- abnormality

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Aptitude (N.) - a natural ability, or skill

Syno- talent, fitness, gift, skill, ability

# my son has no aptitude for sport.

Alimony (N.) - payment to divorced wife

Syno- maintenance, support, provision

# he is said to have paid 3 lakh alimony to his first wife.

Hint- Ali+mony= all I need is money, not my husband.

Atone (V.) - make amends for, reparation - to do something

that shows that you are sorry for something bad you did.

Syno- compensate

You must atone for the injustice you have done to
innocent people.
a human sacrifice to atone for the sin.

Hint- at + own (one)- he realised his mistake "at his "own" and
wanted to make amends for it.
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Ambiguous (Adj.) - expressing more than one possible

meaning sometimes intentionally

Syno- equivocal, ambivalent

his reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.
the wording of the agreement is ambiguous.

Abjure (V.) - publicly renounce or give up - a belief, cause,


# you must abjure the pursuit of sinful acts.

Hint- abjure, think it like "injure". When you are injure you give up.

Adjure (V.) - ask for or request - command solemnly

I adjure you to tell me the truth.

the judge adjured him to answer the question truthfully.

Hint- ad+ jure= jury always commands

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Allege (V.) - claim or assert that someone has done
something illegal or wrong, without giving proof.

Syno- state or proclaim

#she alleged that she has been assualted.
the two men allege that the police forced them to make
false confessions.

Acme (N.) - the highest level attainable

Syno- top, apex, pinnacle

to act on this world famous stage is surely
the Acme of any actor's carrer.
his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty.

Hint- Like acne- highest point on skin (pimple)

Acme- highest point in one's work.

Analogy (N.) - drawing a comparison in order to show some

similarity in some respect., typically for the purpose of explanation
and clarification.

# he drew an analogy btw the brain and a vast computer.
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Appraise (V.) - to assess or judge the quality or value of


Syno- assess, estimate, evaluate, judge, rate, review.

#at the end of each teaching practice, trainee teachers are asked
to appraise their own performance.

set a price on, value, price

#they appraised the painting at Rs. 1 lakh

Hint- ap+praise= price= estimate the value of sth.

Adage (N.) - a wise saying, proverb

#he remembered the old adage "truth shall prevails"

Hint- ad+age = generally old people tell us the proverbt

Adversity (N.) - a difficult or unpleasant situation

Syno- misfortune, difficulty, hardship, distress, affliction, poverty.

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#she was always cheerful in adversity.
# adversity brings out the best qualities in a person.

Hint- after the university when you are jobless, you are
in adversity - misfortune, a great hardship.

Absolve (V.) - declare someone free from guilt, punishment

and obligation/ responsibility

Syno- exonerate, vindicate, acquit, exculpate, discharge.

the report absolved her from/of all the blame of accident.
I absolve you from this responsibility.
the priest absolved him of all the sins.

Hint- releasing the person from jail, policeman says 'you can go
i have SOLVED the crime, turns out you are innocent after all.

Abscond (V.) - hide, run away secretly - to go away suddenly

and secretly in order to escape from someone, somewhere.

Syno- escape, flee

#the prisoners absconded last night.
#she absconded from boarding school with her boyfriend.

Hint- ab + scond = absent in a second. When you are absent in a

second, you run away or hide.
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Affray (N.) - a group fight in a public place

#shaka was charged with causing an affray.
he'd got into a drunken brawl in a bar.
Syno- brawl- a noisy fight and altercation.

Hint- affray - afra tafri mach gayi, matlab ladai ho gayi.

Hint- brawl- bawaal ho gya, matlab ladai ho gayi.

Annihilate (V.) - to destroy something completely so

that nothing is left

Syno- kill destroy, obliterate.

# a nuclear bomb can annihilate the all humanity.

Hint- annihilate- eliminate- you destroy completely.

Obliterate- destroy utterly, wipe out.

#the memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind.

Hint- obliterate- ol+b+literate = destroy illiteracy completely.

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Affable (Adj.) - friendly, good natured, easy to talk

Syno- amiable, friendly, genial, congenial, pleasing, cordial.

#an affable and agreeable companion

Hint- affable= sociable- lovable- laughable

Amalgamate (V.) - to combine or unite to form one

structure and organization

he amalgamated his company with another.
#the electricians' union is planning to
amalgamate With the technicians union.

Syno- combine, merge, unite, integrate, fuse, consolidate, mingle

Hint- a+male+game+mate= game in which male partners will

be united

Apprise (V.) - inform or to tell someone

#the minister was apprised of the dangerous situation.
#it thought it right to apprise venus of what had happened.

Syno- inform, notify, tell, make aware.

Hint- one who will inform will get prize.

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Arduous (Adj.) - difficult and tiring and needed a lot of effort
and energy

#an arduous journey
#an arduous task

Syno- laborious, strenuous, vigorous, back-breaking, stiff,

herculean, onerous, hard heavy, gruelling (task)

Hint- arduous= hard to do for us

Apprehend (V.) - arrest someone for a crime

#the police have finally apprehended the killer.

Syno- arrest, catch, capture, seize

Hint- up your hands said the FBI

to understand something or perceive

#science is the systematic method by which we apprehend
what is true about the real world in which we live.

Syno- comprehend= apprehend, realize, perceive, realize, grasp

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Ameliorate (V.) - improve or make better - to make a bad or
unpleasant situation better

#volunteers were able to ameliorate conditions in refuge
camps. #unless we ameliorate the condition of the working
class, we cannot expect the prosperity of the country.

Hint- Ameli= imli, imli improves the taste of the food

Amnesty (N.) - and official pardon for people who have been
convicted of political offences

# An amnesty for political prisoners.

Syno- reprieve

Hint- because of his Honesty he got amnesty

And I+am+nasty = i am nasty but my parents generally pardon
my mistakes.

Ancillary (Adj.) - providing support or help- to the primary

activities or operation of an organization

#ancillary staff
#ancillary workers
#he is serving in the ancillary unit of a multinational company.

Syno- auxiliary = ancillary, supplementary, accessory

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Agrarian (Adj.) - relating to cultivation of land, agriculture

#this is a prime agrarian land.
#inspite of agrarian reforms, indian agriculture has not
shown remarkable progress.

an agrarian place or country makes its money from farming

rather than industry
#this part of country is mainly agrarian.

Hint- agrarian= agri= agriculture or related to rural

Abrasive - rude or unfriendly or offensive

#nobody likes her for her abrasive and haughty behaviour.
#an unpleasant abrasive personality

Hint- abrasive- aggressive- harsh offensive= abrasive

a substance used for polishing, cleaning ahard surface by

rubbing or grinding

#the wood should be rubbed down with fine abrasive paper
#an abrasive cleaner
#an abrasive powder
#an abrasive liquid

Hint- ab+erasive= means rubbing away

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Amulet (N.) - an ornament or small piece of jewellery thought
to give protection against evil, danger or disease – Tabiizz

Syno- lucky charm, charm against evil, talisman

#sahil always wear a amulet around his neck.
Amulet- locket- bracelet

Blatant (Adj.) - of bad behaviour, done openly

and unashamedly

#A blatant lie.
#the whole episode was an blatant attempt to gain publicity.
#blatant disregard of law.

Syno- Flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised, unconcealed,

evident, blazing, conspicuous.

Blatant- conspicuously and offensive loud

#blatant radios.

Syno- clamant, clamorous, vociferous.

Hint- Blatant- BLOW an enemy TANK will rise uproar among the
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Bantering (N.) - good humoured and teasing conversation

#A bantering tone
#even his bantering was considered offensive.

Hint- bantering- ban tearing and to ban tears we crack jokes

and do joyful talks.

Broach (V.) - to bring up a difficult subject or debate for


#He broached the subject he had been avoiding all evening
#at some point we have got to discuss money but i don't know
how to broach the subject with him.
#the parents of the boy didn't even broach the issue of
marriage with simran.

Syno- raise, introduce, bring up, mention

Hint- when a boy appROACH the girl for the first time, he
needs to broach something.

Bereft (Adj.) - deprived of or lacking of something

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#Bereft of wealth and honour, he died miserable death.
#Alone now and almost penniless, he was bereft of hope.
#her room was dark and bereft of colour.

of a person sad or lonely, especially through someone's death

and departure
#His husband death in 1990 left her bereft.

Hint- Be+ reft= sounds like left, imagine a man who is left alone
after his girlfriend left him or deprived of someone lovable.

Bleak (Adj.) - dismal or gloomy, cold or unpleasant

#a bleak midwinter's day.

Offering little or no hope

#the economic outlook is bleak.

Bonanza (N.) - a situation which creates a sudden increase in

wealth, good fortunes or profit

#April was a bonanza month for car sales.
#the legacy left by his uncle proved bonanza for him and his
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#the rise in house prices meant those who were selling enjoyed
a bonanza.

Syno- windfall, jackpot, godsend, sudden gain, boom, boon,

gold rush, blessing

Hint- bonanza comes from bonus, that is something

carrying good luck for you.

Bellicose (Adj.) - warlike aggressive and ready to fight)

( demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight

#Pakistan is a bellicose nation.
#India must approach bellicose approach with regard to her
security problems.
#bellicose young officers.

Syno- belligerent, aggressive, hostile, militant, warlike,

Hint- Belli+cose= belly cause= belli we can remember as sumo's

with huge bellis will fight each other so bellicose means warlike

Bereavement (N.) - death of a close relation and friend

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#she has recently suffered a bereavement.

Syno- loss, deprivation

Verb bereave
She has recently been bereaved.

To take something valuable and necessary from aperson

Hint- be + leave + ment = this is state when someone leave

us forever.

Berate (V.) - to scold or criticize someone angrily

#she berate herself for being fickle.
#as he left the meeting, he was berated by angry demonstrator.
#the father berated his son for being negligent in his study.

Syno- rebuke, reprimand, censure, reproach, reprove,

admonish, chastise, upbraid, castigate, lambaste

Hint- berate= B+rate if you will watch b rated movie you will be
soclded or criticize.

Beneficiary (N.) - person entitled to benefits

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#Those living below poverty line are the beneficiary of this

Betroth (V.) - formally engage someone to be married

#she was betroth to her fiance last month.

Hint- don't plan to get married otherwise I BET ki tu ROTHA

hua aayega.

Bestow (V.) - to give something as honour or present or right

/ confer

#Nature has bestowed many gifts on man,
#bestowed high praise on the winners.

prepo- bestow-on

Hint- best people are bestowed with awards and trophies

Bid (N.) (V.) - an offer of a price, especially an auction

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#I made a bid of $150 dollar for the paintings.

Syno- offer, tender, proposal

an attempt or effort to achieve something

#He made a bid for power in 1984.
Syno- attempt, effort, endeavour, try

Baneful (Adj.) - extremely harmful / poisonous, ruinous

#Drugs have baneful effect on the mind of the youth.
#The baneful effects of corruption

Hint- baneful- painful, extremely harmful

Bravado (N.) - a show of courage and boldness intended

to impress or intimidate/ a swaggering show of Courage

#out sheer of bravado.
#He is full of bravado. But really he's a coward.
#It was an act of bravado.
#Retired soldiers often assume the airs of bravado.
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Hint- brave+do= act like brave but not brave , pretended bravery

Besmirch (V.) - damage someone's reputation

#He had besmirched the good name of his family.
#The opposition always tries to besmirch the reputation of the
ruling party.

Hint- bes+mirch = kisi ki achi reputation pe mirchi laga k bigadna

Berserk (Adj.) - out of control with anger or excitement, wild

or frenzied

#My mother will go berserk( be extremely angry) when she
finds out I've ruined her dress.
#A berserk worker who started smashing all the windows.

Syno- mad, crazy, insane, manic

Hint- be+ serk= sarak= sarak gaya hai ye to gusse se

Breach (N.) - an act of breaking a law, promise,

agreement and relationship/ violation of law duty and promise
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#He was sued for breach of contract.
#breach of good manners.

Hint- breach- to break

prepo- breach of

an opening or gap btw things

# a breach in the mountain wall.

Bizarre (Adj.) - very strange or unusual

#A bizarre situation.
#Bizarre behaviour

Syno- strange, peculiar, odd, offbeat, unconventional

Bode (V.) - indicate by signs, of something that will happen in

the future, usually something very good or bad/ to be an omen of

Syno- foretell, or predict

#the recent published figures bode well for the company's future.
#these signs bode bad news.
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#Frequent elections in the country bode ill for democracy in India.

Hint- forebode- bode

# board= board exams decide your future.

Blasphemous (Adj.) - words and actions that

considered offensive to god and religion

# A blasphemous remark

Collusion (N.) - illegal or secret conspiracy or cooperation

in order to deceive others

#the local M.P was found in collusion with the
smugglers operating in the town.
#They worked in collusion with the terrorist network.

Syno- conspiracy, connivance, complicity

Hint- collu- ullu banaya, vo fraud nikla

Contingency (N.) - a possibility that must be prepared for,

a future emergency

#A contingency plan.
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#Have you made any contingency plans.
#You must be able to deal with all possible contingencies.
#My father always maintain contingency fund to meet with
unforeseen expenses.

Syno- eventuality, possibility, incident, happening,

occurence, accident

Hint- contingency= emergency

Condone (V.) - to accept or allow behaviour that is

considered morally wrong or offensive

#His fault is too serious to be condoned.
#The college cannot condone any behaviour that involves illicit

Syno- Overlook, forgive, disregard

Corroborate (V.) - confirm or give support to - a

statement, theory or finding/ strengthen as with new evidence
and facts/ make more certain

#Recent research seems to corroborate his theory.
#the witness corroborated the accused's statement.

Syno- confirm, verify, endorse, authenticate, validate, certify

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Hint- just focus on the borate part of this word, borate test is
confirmatory test in chemistry.

Conclave (N.) - a private meeting

#A conclave of political leaders.

Syno- gathering, conference, convention, convocation, council,

Hint- con+cave= conversation in cave=

secret/confidential meeting

Construe (V.) - to interpret - a word or action - in a

particular way.

#any changes to plan would be construed as indecision.
#you can construe this idea in different ways.

Syno- understand , read, see, analyse, decode

Hint- you need to CONcentrate to decode TRUE message.

Cryptic (Adj.) - mysterious, hidden or difficult to understand

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#I got a cryptic text message from Chuchu.
#Cryptic writing.

Syno- enigmatic, confusing, perplexing, puzzling,

obscure, abstruse, deep, mystifying

Hint- cypt sounds secret

Commensurate (Adj.) - equal in proportion/ of the same

size, extent, duration as another

#your salary will be commensurate with skills, age
and experience.
#sentence commensurate with the crime.
#the income of Indian farmer is hardly commensurate with
the labour he has to do.

Syno- suitable, acceptable, equivalent, corresponding,

comparable, proportionate

Commodious (Adj.) - roomy, spacious, comfortable

#A commodious apartment
#they moved to a more commodious dwelling.
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Syno- capacious, ample, sizeable, large, big, broad, wide

Hint- something which can accommodate more commodity

Compunction (N.) - feeling of regret, remorse/ a slightly guilty

feeling about something you have done or might do

#He stole the money without compunction.
#Even the hard core criminals felt compunction at the
injustice they had done to the family of their rivals.

Hint- Kampan - shivers, when you have done something

wrong, you shiver with guilt.

Callow (N.) - of a young person, inexperienced or immature

#A callow young man.
#Though he is a callow now, he will gain experience by and by.

Hint- cal+low= low calibre, somone who has low calibre is

Or cant+allow =immature person cant allow to do this.

Chagrin (N.) - disappointment or annoyance, especially

when caused by failure and mistake
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#the defeat of our team filled us with chagrin.
#to her chagrin, the party ended just as she arrived.
#my has never shown interest in study, much to my chagrin.

Syno- annoyance, irritation, vexation, displeasure,

anger, embarrassment , embarrass

Hint- chai gir gayi on my pant making it very embarrassing

for me.

Calibre (N.) - ability, capacity, talent and one's character

as well

#A musician of high calibre.
#I was impressed by the high calibre of the candidates.
#an executive of low calibre.
#A man of high calibre (personal character)

Cede (V.) - to surrender possession of / give up- power of


#especially by treat, and unwillingly.
#Indian should never cede an inch of land to any foreign country.
#In 1857, the islands were ceded to Britain.
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Syno- surrender, concede, relinquish, yield

Covert (Adj.) - hidden or implied - not openly acknowledged

or displayed

#covert military operations.
#Covert jealousy.
#Covert action by CBI

Syno- secret, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious, stealthy,

cloak and dagger, hole and corner

Hint- covert sounds like covered

Catastrophe (N.) - a sudden event that causes a great deal of

damage and destruction

#The world is heading towards an environmental catastrophe.
#A catastrophe in the form of cyclone has struck the coastal
cities of India.

Syno- disaster, calamity, cataclysm, crisis, holocaust,

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Connivance (N.) - willingness to allow or be involved in
illegal or immoral act - pretence of ignorance, overlook

#this infringement of the law had been taken place with
the connivance of the officials.
#The crime had been carried out with the police connivance.

Syno- collusion, complicity, collaboration,

involvement, assistance, secret approval, tacit consent

Hint- sounds like convenience- today everybody is convenient

in ignoring the wrong thing.

Connive (V.) - to cooperate secretly in an illegal or wrongful

action, collude

#the dealers connived with officials to bring in narcotics.
#she connived with the senior official.
Officials were accused of conniving with the company in
the supply of arms to hussain.
#she is seen as conniving, greedy woman-adj.
#he is a conniving bastard.
#scheming, plotting, conspiring- adj.

Hint- connive- cons- pire- conspire to do something

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Countermand (V.) - to cancel/ reverse/ revoke - a previously
issued command or order

#an orders to arrest the strike leaders has been
countermanded. #the election commission has countermanded
the election of the M.L.A for over spending in elections.

Syno- revoke, reverse, undo

Hint- counter+ command= so counter the previous command

Conflagration (N.) - a large fire that causes a lot of damage

#all the stock was destroyed in a warehouse conflagration.
#the conflagration spread rapidly through the wooden buildings.

a large and violent event, such as a war, involving a lot of

people Example-
#the govt. Has turned a minor local problem into a full
blown regional conflagration.

Syno- fire, blaze, inferno, holocaust, firestorm

Hint- if you check the word flag in above word, watching our
flag high fills our hearts with extra josh and ignites a fire within
us when we salute it.
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Compliant (Adj.) - willing to comply with, or obey the rules, in
a submissive way

#a compliant labour force.
#a Compliant child.
#A person with a complaint nature.
#He is admired for his complaint nature.

Hint- one who never complains and obeys everything is


Syno- acquiescent, biddable, complaisant, cooperative,

adaptable, docile and flexible

Condign (Adj.) - fitting, deserved, adequate - appropriate to

the crime or wrongdoing - of punishment or retribution

#Condign punishment is rare when the criminal is a man of high
social standing.
#No punishment, whatsoever is condign for rapist.

Chary (Adj.) - cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to

do something
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#I was chary of the risk involved.
#He is chary of getting involved.
#Be chary of lending money to someone you don't know very
#we should always be chary of the strangers.

Syno- wary, cautious, circumspect, heedful, careful,

mindful, watchful

Hint- chary sounds like wary- cautious

Coerce (V.) - to persuade someone forcefully to do something

that they are unwilling to do

#He was coerced into giving evidence.
#She was coerced by her husband into bringing money from
her parents.
#to coerce someone into signing a document.

Syno- pressure, pressurize, repress, force, push

Hint- coerce sounds like force, when somebody is coercing you

when somebody is coercing you, they are forcing you to do
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Confound (V.) - to confuse and very much surprise someone,
so that they are unable to explain or deal with a situation

#The inflation figure confounded economic analysts.
#an elderly man from India, has confounded doctors
by recovering after he was officially declared dead

Syno- amaze, astonish, dumbfound, stagger, surprise,

startle, stun, stupefy, daze, non plus, befuddle,

Hint- confusion found- confound

Cavil (V.) – complain

#they cavilled at the cost.
#please don't cavil about insignificant matters.
#this is not the time to cavil about petty details.

Syno- complain, carp, grumble, moan, find fault

Charisma (N.) - compelling attractiveness, spiritual grace -

aura, charm

#Narendra Modi has tremendous charisma and stage
presence. #On screen Deepika has this great charisma so that
you can't take your eyes off her.
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Castigate (V.) - criticize or punish

#the thief was castigated by the police.

Carping (Adj.) - critical or complaining- tending to make

petty complaints, difficult to please

#She has silenced the carping critics with a successful
debut movie.
#Carping critics were responsible for the miserable life of
the English poet, john keats.

Hint- car+parking= many people find fault in car parking style

Deleterious (Adj.) – harmful

#we should always beware of the deleterious effect of
overeating. #These drugs have proven deleterious effect on the
nervous system.

Syno- detrimental, injurious, damaging, adverse,

unfavourable, undesirable )
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Defile (V.) - spoil the purity of something

#The land was defiled was previous owner.
#Defile a river with sewage.

Syno- pollute, to make filthy, dirty, spoil, sully, mar,

debase, degrade

Dilapidation (N.) - a state of deterioration due to old age

or long use

#The mill was in state of dilapidation.
#Ancients monuments in our town are in the state of dilapidation.

Disdain (N.) (V.) - to consider to be unworthy of one's

to regard or treat with contempt

#He regards the political process with disdain.
#He always disdains what he considers dishonest.
#Critics who disdained the writers as a hack.

Dire (Adj.) - extremely serious or urgent – disastrous

#Misuse of drugs can have dire consequences.
#These people are in dire need of help.- urgent
#He gave a dire warning that an earthquake was imminent.
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#In dire need- urgent

Syno- terrible, awful, dreadful, frightful, horrible,

atrocious, alarming

Dissipate (V.) - with reference to feelings and emotions –


#The concern she had felt for him had wholly dissipated.
#His anger dissipated as the situation became clear.

Syno- disappear, vanish, evaporate, dissolve

waste or fritter away - money, energy, or

resources Example-
#He inherited but then dissipated his father's fortune.
#the heat gradually dissipates into the atmosphere.

Syno- squander, misspend, waste.

Hint- di+SIP+ATE+ = a life of drinking and eating, thus

spending a lot and pursuing the pleasure.

Devout (Adj.) - religious, pious

#my mother is devout and god fearing.

Dint (N.) - force or effort, power

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#He succeeded by dint of hard work.
#She got what she wanted by dint of pleading and threatening.
#you can attain success by dint of hard work.

Dormant (Adj.) - torpid, hidden, latent - not active

#Adversity brings out dormant qualities in a person to overcome
the problems.
#they have a huge reserve of latent talents.

Divulge (V.) - reveal, unravel, make known - private or

sensitive info

#He tried to gain my favour by divulging the secrets of my friends.
#journalists do not divulge their sources.
#the CEO refused to divulge how much she earned.

Syno- disclose, tell, impart,

Hint- divulge- to indulge

Defunct (Adj.) - no longer existing, or functioning

#Member of a now defunct communist organization.
#A defunct political organization.
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#a defunct law.

Syno- disused, no longer in use, obsolete, non- functioning )

Hint- de= without, fun= functioning= dead

Delusion (N.) - a false belief or opinion - belief in something

that is not true

#He is under the delusion that he will be promoted this year.
#The delusion of being watched.
#we should never be under delusion about our capability.

Syno- misconception, misunderstanding, misbelief

the action of deluding - deception, misleading

#What a capacity television has for delusion.

Deplete (V.) - use up, supply - money and energy - reduced

or exhaust

#fish stocks are severely depleted.
#supplies are depleting fast.( reduced)
#India has recklessly depleted her forest resources
after independence.
#Measures have been taken to protect the world's
depleted elephant population.

Syno- exhaust, consume, expend, spend, drain, empty,

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Hint- if you de(remove)+ from plate.. You will reduce its contents.

Debauch (V.) (N.) - destroy or debase the moral purity of;


#Hitler debauched the moral climate of Germany.
#Lenin said that the best way to destroy the capitalist system
was to debauch the currency.
#Debauch the young people with wine and women.
#some T.V. Channels have debauched the morals and
manners of the youth of our country.

Excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol and drugs.

#Tarun looked utterly untouched by the previous night's debauch.
#a life of debauchery.

Hint- de+bauch(when pronounced sounds like boss)- so you think

that your BOSS is morally corrupt.

Dovetail (V.) (N.) - fit together - fit or cause to fit

together easily and conveniently

#their results dovetail nicely with ours.
#we tried to dovetails our plans with theirs.
#He dovetailed his arguments to the desired conclusion.
#you can be benefitted only if you dovetail these two schemes
to cut down the cost of the material.
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Syno- coincide, match, fit, equate, harmonize, correspond

A type of joint used to fix two pieces of wood firmly together

Decoy (N.) (V.) - lure or bait

#something or someone used to trick or confuse other people
or animals into doing something, especially something
dangerous #they used a girl as the decoy to get him stop.
#A goat is often used as a decoy by the hunters to catch a lion.

Lure or entice, typically into a trap.

#they would try to decoy the enemy towards the hidden groups.

Syno- lure, entice, induce

Hint- decoy sounds like DACOIT, what does a dacoit

do? Lures victim into danger.
decoy traps animals and persons.

Daunt (V.) - to make someone feel intimidated

or apprehensive

#To make someone feel slightly frightened or worried about
their ability to achieve something
#She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem.
#Some people are daunted by the technology.
#One should never be daunted by difficulties in life.
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#don't be daunted by the work.

Syno- intimidate, dash, frighten away, frighten off, scare

away, scare off

Hint- daunt- haunt = if you are frightened you will be

discouraged to go into the haunted house.

Intimidate (V.) - to frighten or threaten someone, usually in

order to persuade them to do something that you want them to do

#The police intimidated the suspect into signing a false statement.
#her boss intimidates him.

Deride (V.) - to laugh at, write about dismissively

or contemptuously

#to laugh at someone or something in a way that shows you
think they are stupid or of no value.
#He derided my singing as pathetic.
#He is in the habit of deriding the achievements of his friends.
#the decision was derided by the captain.

Syno- ridicule, mock

Hint- ride- ridicule

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Debacle (N.) – a sudden or complete failure - because
of bad planning and organization – fiasco

#the debacle of our team.
#the collapse of the company was described as the
greatest financial debacle in US history.

Syno- fiasco, failure, catastrophe, disaster

Hint- DE- BUCKLE(belt)= as in belt's buckle got removed on

the stage- which is a complete disaster, or failure.

Deployment (N.) - spreading out troops - where they can

be used or needed

#the govt has promised the deployment of additional troops
during elections.
#The chief of police ordered the deployment of 300 troops to try to
stop the rioting.

Diffident (Adj.) - shy or not confident of one's abilities

#she was diffident when offering a comment on the
professor's lecture.
#He was too diffident to express his opinion.
#a diffident youth.
#A successful teacher is not expected to be diffident.

Syno- shy, timid, modest, bashful, unconfident, unassertive

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Hint- diffident- difficult to be confident.

Desecrate (V.) - to violate the sacredness of something

holy or respected, profane

#Treat - a sacred thing or place - with violent disrespect.
#It's a crime to desecrate the country's flag.
#the rioters desecrated the religious places.

Hint- de+scared= spoiling the sacredness of someting

Dulcet (Adj.) - sweet and soothing - sound/taste

#pleasing to ear, melodious.
#As a singer jagjit singh is known for his dulcet voice.
#Record the dulcet tones of your family and friends.
#Her beautiful, dulcet voice.

Syno- sweet- sounding, euphonious, soothing, mellow, pleasant

Hint- Dil se song sounds sweet to the ear.

Deranged (Adj.) - mad, insane

#A deranged criminal.
#A deranges mind.
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#to be mentally deranged.
#A deranged man shot and killed 14 people in the main square.

Hint- de+range= to be off the mental range= insane

Demur (V.) (N.) - raise objections or show reluctance -

or refuse

#Demurred the suggestion.
#The lawyer requested a break in the court case, but the judge
#normally she would have accepted the challenge, but
she demurred.

Syno- object, protest, refuse,

the action of objecting or hesitating over

something Example-
#They accepted this ruling without demur.
#She entered without demur.
#She agreed to his request without demur.

Syno- objection, protest, complaint, opposition, resistance

Hint- sounds like damn! You are wrong! OBJECT

Demure (Adj.) - reserved, modest or shy= especially woman

#quiet and well behaved.
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#she is both demure and introvert.
#she gave him a demure smile.
#A demure outfit.

Syno- modest, unassuming, meek, mild, quiet, shy, reticent, timid

Hint- demur is the one who objects, and demure is who does not
object, who is reserved and shy.

Dilatory (Adj.) - inclined to delay or waste time

#Dilatory tactics in politics.
#Dilatory behaviour.
#they resorted to dilatory tactics, forcing a postponement of peace
#a dilatory strategy.

slow to act
#dilatory in his work habits.
#he had been dilatory in appointing a solicitor.

Syno- slow, unhurried, unpunctual, slack, sluggish, lazy,

idle, indolent, slothful

Hint- dilatory= daily late=he is daily late to office so his work

is delayed and not completed.
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Engross (V.) - fully absorbed, giving all your attention to

#They seemed to be engrossed in conversation.
#She was so engrossed in the book that she forgot the cookies
in the oven.
#she did not talk to me because she was engrossed in writing
a letter.

Syno- preoccupy, absorb, engage, engulf,

Enormity (N.) - the great or extreme scale seriousness,

great wickedness

#the enormity of the task was overwhelming.
#the enormity of the crime.
#he is a hardened criminal and is insensitive to the enormity of his

Extant (N.) - still in existence, surviving, not destroyed,

lost or extinct.

#We have some extant records form the 16th century.
#Extant manuscripts.

Hint- opposite of extinct

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Ecstasy (N.) - a state of extreme happiness, especially
when feeling pleasure

#sexual ecstasy.
#there was a look of ecstasy on his face.

Syno- rapture, bliss, euphoria

Effigy (N.) – dummy

#the effigy of American president was burnt by the crowd.

Syno- statue, statuette, carving, sculpture, model, dummy, figure

Exorbitant (N.) - of a price or amount charged

- unreasonably high

#Exorbitant prices, demands etc. are too much large
#It is very difficult to hire taxi because of the exorbitant charges.
#Exorbitant rent.
#The bill for dinner was exorbitant.
#some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls.

Syno- extremely high, excessively high, excessive,

extortionate, Sky- high, immoderate, enormous, huge, inflated

Hint- ex(out)+orbit= this is out of orbit.

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Embezzlement (N.) (V.) - theft or misappropriation of
funds placed in one's trust, or belonging to one's employer

#to secretly take money that is in your care or that belongs to
an organization or business you work for. #Charges of fraud
and embezzlement.
#most of the politicians involved in embezzlement of public
money are still at large.
#She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity

Syno- misappropriation, theft, robbery

Hint- when the thieves were trying to enter and rob the bank,
the alarm suddenly starts buzzing.

Enamoured (Adj.) (V.) - in love with, fascinated, captivated,


#When I was young I was totally enamoured of him.
#everyone was enamoured of the scenic beauty of the landscape.
#if you are enamoured of something, you like it or admire it a lot.
#I became totally enamoured of the wildflowers there.
#She was truly enamoured of new Delhi
#If you are enamoured of a person, you are in love with him.
#It's not difficult to see why she is enamoured of him.

Syno- in love with, infatuated with, love-struck by, captivated

by, charmed by, enchanted by, fascinated by.
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Exonerate (V.) - absolve, acquit, to free from blame

#The report exonerated the crew from all responsibility for the
#After long legal battle, he was exonerated of murder charges.

hint- ex(gone)+ honor(pride)= to bring back your gone or

fallen honour by getting the blame off you.

Expunge (V.) - remove completely

#His name has been expunged from the list of the members.
#he had tried to expunge the experience from his memory.

Syno- erase, remove, delete, strike out

Hint- expunge rhymes with sponge, which is used to remove dirt.

Extol (V.) - praise something or someone very much

#she is forever extolling the virtues of her children.
#extol one's spouse's cooking.

Syno- laud, glorify, praise

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Hint- extol= ex+tol= my ex girlfriend always praised the "tall
guys highly in front of me"

Emulate (V.) - match or surpass - a person or

achievement typically by imitation.

#an older pupil whose accomplishments and style I emulated.
#most rulers wished to emulate Alexander the great.
#he is emulating the skating skills of her sister.

Syno- imitate, copy, reproduce, follow

Hint- emulate- imitate

Estranged (Adj.) - separate and living apart from one's

spouse, no longer friendly or alienated

#the estranged husband and wife are living separately.
#art that is estranged from its historical culture.
#A reunion with his estranged wife.

Syno- alienate, antagonize, make hostile or unfriendly

Hint- eStrange- looks like stranger. We are always alienated

towards stranger.
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Expediency (N.) - practical, advantageous, convenience

#inclination towards methods that are advantageous rather than
#the quality of being convenient and practical despite possibly
being improper or immoral.
#a politician guided by expediency rather than
principal. #I think this government operates on the
basis of expediency(laabh), not of principal.
#those who hanker after material gains are often guided
by expediency and not by moral sense.

Syno- convenience, advantage, usefulness, benefit, utility, profit,


Extraneous (Adj.) - irrelevant or unrelated to the subject

being dealt with

#not constituting an essential or vital part.
#these questions are extraneous to the issue being discussed.
#just give me the basic facts, with no extraneous details.

Syno- impertinent, unrelated, unconnected, inappropriate,

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external coming from the outside.
#extraneous noise.

Syno- external, outside, exterior, extrinsic, outward

Hint- think of new channels.. Extra+news= in order to get

trp, news channels show irrelevant or unrelated things hence
the news are most of the time extraneous.

Extort (V.) - obtain something or money by force, threats,

or other unfair means

#he attempted to extort money from the company.
#He had been extorting money from the old lady for years.

Evasive (Adj.) - tending to avoid self-revelation,

especially by responding only indirectly

#intentionally vague or ambiguous, equivocal.
#she was evasive about her phone number.
#the police could not make out anything of her evasive replies.
#he gave evasive answers.

Syno- elusive, ambiguous, equivocal, indefinite,

vague, imprecise,
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avoiding or escaping from difficulty or
danger Example-
#they decided to take evasive action.
#pilots are taught to take evasive action.
#by the time the pilot realized how close the plane was to
the building, it was too late to take evasive action.

Hint- evade- avoid.

Ennui (N.) - mental boredom

#a feeling of being bored and mentally tired caused by having
nothing interesting or exciting to do.
#he suffered from ennui whenever he was alone.

Syno- boredom, tedium, lethargy,

Exquisite (Adj.) - extremely beautiful and delicate

#look at this exquisite painting.
#an exquisite face.
#exquisite work of art.

Syno- beautiful, lovely, elegant, graceful.

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intense or sharp
#used to describe feelings such as pleasure or pain that are
extremely strong, or qualities that are extremely good or great.
#suffered exquisite pain.
#felt exquisite pleasure.

Syno- intense, acute, keen, sharp, severe

Hint- please don't squeeze it. It's extremely beautiful.

Encomium (N.) – praise a speech or piece of writing

that praises someone or something highly

#every member of the family showered encomium on his
grand success.

Syno- eulogy, panegyric,

Hint- INCOME- people of high income are formally praised

for their large donations.

Erudite (Adj.) - having or showing great knowledge

or learning
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#he could turn any conversation into an erudite discussion.
#I found him a charming and erudite companion.
#an erudite professor.

Syno- learned, scholarly, well educated, knowledgeable,

well read, wll informed, intellectual

Hint- taken from- rude+ite.. In olden days people who were highly
educated were basically very rude.. As they were having profound
knowledge of a subject they use to behave very rudely with less
educated or illiterates people.

Erode (V.) - to slowly reduce or destroy something

#her confidence eroded.
#the desire for material success has eroded our concern for
the poor.
#jealousy eroded the relationship.

to rub or be rubbed away gradually

#to wear something away by erosion.
#the cliffs on this coast have been eroded by the sea.
#wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of

Errode- corrode
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Eschew (V.) - to avoid something intentionally or to

give something up

#We won't have discussions with this group unless they
eschew violence.
#he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence.
#he eschewed publicity and avoided nightclubs.

Syno- forgo, forswear, shun, renounce, relinquish, refrain from

Hint- es+chew= chewing a chewing gum is a bad habit while

working in an office, so you must avoid this habit.

Epoch (N.) - period of time or era, especially one considered

remarkable or noteworthy.

#the Victorian epoch.
#the exact duration of Indus valley civilization epoch has not
been determined so far.

Syno- era, age, period, time, aeon, span

Hint- epics are based on epoch's

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Endemic (Adj.) - Prevalent in or limited to a
particular locality, region or people

#Malaria is endemic in many of the hotter regions of the world.
#endemic disease.
#endemic unemployment.

Note- endemic is found something in a certain place and is

ongoing, and epidemic describes a disease that's widespread.

Expiate (V.) - make amends or reparation for - guilt or


#atone for-
#to show that you are sorry for bad behavior by doing something
or accepting punishment.
#to expiate a crime/sin.
#their sins must be expiated by sacrifice.
#he is ready to expiate his sins by giving up irresponsible way
of life.

Embellish (V.) - to make beautiful by ornamentation,


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#to make a statement or story more interesting by adding
extra details that are often untrue.
#the ceiling was embellished with flowers and leaves.
#the writer generally embellish their style by the use
of unnecessary imagery.
#followers often embellish stories about their heroes.

Hint- emBEllish … we add bell to the christmas trees to adorn it.

Exodus (N.) - a departure of a large number of people

#there has been mass exodus of workers from the villages to
the towns.

Hint- exodus.. Sounds like ek sau(100 in hindi)+ dus(bus)+=

means 100 buses carrying hundreds of pilgrims are just leaving
from the bus depot.

Errant (Adj.) - erring or straying from the accepted course

or standards

#failing to adhere to guidelines or moral standards.
#behaving wrongly in some way
#an errant husband.
#errant children/ youngsters.
#many errant students were punished.
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Hint- Same as aberrant

Errand (N.) - short visit or fetch something

#a Short visit to perform a specified task, usually for another.
#I'll meet you at six, I have got some errands to do/run first.
#my servant has gone on errand to fetch rations.

Syno- task, job, chore, assignment.

Erroneous (Adj.) - wrong, incorrect, false

#employers sometime make erroneous assumptions.
#an erroneous belief.
#an erroneous conclusions.

Syno- wrong, incorrect, mistaken, inaccurate, false

Hint- error in us - something that is full of errors and mistakes

Envisage (V.) - to imagine or expect something in the future,

especially something good

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#to conceive an image or a picture of, especially as a
future possibility.
#train fare increases of 15 percent are envisaged for the next
#I can't envisage being married to someone like him.

Syno- foresee, predict, forecast, foretell, anticipate, expect,


Hint- en'vis'age= vis= visualize something which is not present.

Emancipate (V.) - to free from bondage, repression, liberate

#female emancipation.
#emancipated the slaves.
#Raja Ram Mohan Roy tried to emancipate women from
many social evils.

Syno- liberated, independent, unconstrained, unrepressed, free

Hint- cip=ship, a man is set free to travel in ship to his own


Fray (N.) - a noisy fight or brawl

#to join the fight or argument
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#A heated dispute or intensely competitive situation.
#with a third country about to enter the fray, the fighting looks set
to continue.
#members of the royal family rarely enter the political fray.

hint- affray, disturbance, ruffle

Facile (Adj.) - done or achieved with little effort or difficulty,


#a facile victory.
#a facile performance.

ignoring the true complexities of an issue, superficial

#simplistic, oversimple, superficial,
#presented without due care, effort or examination
#we don't need another facile solution to a complex problem.
#a facile answer to a hard question.

expressing yourself clearly, smoothly, easily, fluently

#a facile writer
#a facile writing style.

Hint- fluent fluent baat kare fassayi(facile)

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Fallible (Adj.) - capable of making mistakes or being wrong

#humans are only fallible.
#we place our trust in doctors, but they are fallible like everyone
#experts can be fallible.
#man is fallible.

Fervent (Adj.) - having or showing great emotion or

zeal, ardent

#fervent protests, a fervent admirer
#a fervent desire to change society
#a fervent supporter of the revolution.

Syno- impassioned, passionate, intense, vehement,

ardent, sincere, profound

Fete (N.) - a festival or feast, an outdoor entertainment,


#a summer fete.
#A charity fete was held in our college yesterday.
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Syno- gala, garden party, fair,

Foolhardy (Adj.) - unwisely bold or venturesome

#recklessly bold, rash
#it would be foolhardy to go into the scheme without
support. #many believe that trying for impossible things is
foolhardy attempt.
#he had to be restrained from foolhardy action.
#foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker.
#a foolhardy sailor would take the risk of sailing in bad weather.

Syno- reckless, rash, incautious, careless, heedless,

unheeding, thoughtless, unwise, imprudent, impulsive

Fiat (N.) - an order given by a person in authority

#government fiat.
#the court issued a fiat to both the parties to maintain status quo.

Hint- Fiat is such a good car that is has a "command" on

the other cars.
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Fitful (Adj.) - irregular - often stopping and starting and not
happening in a regular or continuous way

#fitful breathing.
#a fitful sleep.
#a few hours' fitful sleep.

Syno- intermittent, sporadic, spasmodic, broken,

disturbed, irregular, abruptly

Hint- fits and start.

Fraught (Adj.) - filled with something undesirable, and

unpleasant things such as problems and dangers

#marketing any new product is fraught with danger.
#the negotiations have been fraught with difficulties right from
the start.
#security problems on our borders is fraught with danger.
#words fraught with meaning.

Syno- full of, filled with, loaded with, charged with

causing extreme worry or anxiety

#the atmosphere in the office is rather fraught.
#she looks rather fraught, a fraught situation.
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Syno- anxious, worried, upset, distraught, distressed

Fortitude (N.) - courage in pain or adversity

#i thought she showed remarkable fortitude during that period.
#she endured her illness with great fortitude.
#one must face the problems of life with fortitude.

Syno- courage, bravery, strength

Ferment - a state of confusion, change and lack of order

or fighting

#commotion and agitation.
#the resignation of the president has left the country in ferment.
#A period of political and religious ferment.

Syno- tumult, bustle, flurry, hubbub, stir, fuss, clamor.

Hint- ferment- firm+end= firm means stable, ferment brings end

to firmness.
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Franchise (N.) - a right to sell a company's products in a
particular area using the company's name

#a fast food franchise.
#A franchise holder.

the right to vote in an election, especially in order to elect

a parliament or similar law-making organization
#American women worked for decades to win the franchise.

Hint- Any company can open its branches(franchise)

Foible (N.) - a minor weakness or failing of character

#A strange habit or characteristic that is seen as not important
and not harming anyone
#we all have our little foibles.
#they have to tolerate each other's little foibles.
#human foibles and weakness.

Syno- weakness, failing, flaw, imperfection, defect, fault,

Flout (V.) - reject, openly disregard- a rule, law - disobey,

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#to intentionally not obey a rule, law, or custom.
#Many motorcyclists flout the law by not wearing helmets.
#The orchestra decided to flout tradition/convention, and
wear their everyday clothes for the concert.

Syno- defy, refuse to obey, go against, rebel against

Hint- Flout= foul+out= when a player is sent out by foul,

the player shows his contempt for the refree.

Foment (V.) - instigate or stir up( an undesirable or

violent sentiment or course of action

#they accused him of fomenting political unrest.
#the song was banned on the grounds that it might foment
racial tension.

Syno- instigate, incite, provoke, agitate, excite,

arouse, encourage, generate, cause, prompt

Hint- ferment- foment

Furtive (Adj.) - secretive, surreptitious, stealthy, sneaky

#behaving secretly and often dishonestly
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#they spent a furtive day together.
#she entered the room with furtive steps to avoid the attention
of the teacher.

Hint- one who is Fartive has to expel farts stealthily.

Frantic (Adj.) - highly excited with strong emotion such

as worry or frustration

#she was frantic with worry.
#frantic with anger and frustration.

Conducted in a hurried, excited and disorganized way

#Made a frantic last-minute search for the lost key.
#rescuers were engaged in a frantic all night effort to reach the
survivors before their supply of air ran out.

Frigid (Adj.) - extremely cold

#frigid water.

Syno- bitter, freezing, frozen, frosty, chilly

unfriendly or very formal

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#a frigid refusal to a request.
#one must not be frigid in one's attitude towards his near
and dear ones.

Syno- stiff formal, stony, indifferent, unresponsive

unable to be sexually aroused

#I have never been good at rejecting people, so I told him I
was frigid.

Syno- unresponsive, cold-blooded, cold-hearted

Flair (N.) - natural ability to do something well

#our Pm has flair for glib talk.
#she had a flair for interior decorating.
#he has a flair for mathematics.

Syno- aptitude, talent, gift, instinct, ability, capability,

capacity. skill

stylishness and originality

#she dressed with flair.
#He played with great imagination and flair.
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#to dress with flair.

Syno- style, elegance

Faux pas (N.) - a social blunder

#an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation.
#I made some remark about his wife's family, and then I realized
I'd made a serious faux pas.
#he made an embarrassing faux pas.

Syno- gaffe, blunder, mistake, a socially awkward act, gaucherie

Hint- faux can be thought of as focus, and when focus loses(pas)

then we commit a social blunder.

Flux (n.) - continuous change

#our plans are in a state of flux at the moment.
#his opinions are in flux
#no foreign minister would like to invest in a country where
the state of economy is in a flux.

A flow or flowing of a liquid

Hint- flux means flow, something that flows, undergoes through

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Fracas (N.) - a noisy disturbance or quarrel

#he was injured in a Saturday-night fracas outside a disco. #the
mob gathered in the street when there was fracas between the
two neighbors.

Syno- affray, altercation

Hint- fracas= imagine a freak ass having a noisy quarrel with


Freak (Adj.) - very unusual and unexpected event

or situation

#the teacher says the accident was a total freak.
#the village was destroyed by a freak storm.

A person, animal, or plant with an unusual physical

abnormality Example-
#I was born with black hair all over my back, like some sort of
#It is just an example of his freak behavior because he normally
doesn't behave in this manner.
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Verb- behave or cause to behave in a wild and irrational way,
typically because of the effects of extreme emotion.
#he freaked out and smashed the place up.
#My parents freaked out when I told them I was pregnant.

Syno- go crazy, go mad, go out of one's mind

Fawning (Adj.) - displaying exaggerated flattery of

affection, obsequious.

#praising someone too much and giving them a lot of
attention that is not sincere in order to get a positive reaction.
#fawning adoration.
#one must be wary of fawning admirers because they
have always as axe to grind.

Hint- relate it with FAN.. Imagine of a crazy FAN who always try
to exhibit his affection and court a favor to be with you whole day
by flattering with you.

Fecundity (N.) - the quality or power of producing

abundantly, (fruitfulness or fertility

#the intellectual productivity of a creative imagination.
#The fecundity of a poet's imagination makes a poem an
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exquisite work of art.
#a fecund imagination.

Foray (N.) - a sudden attack into enemy territory, especially

to obtain something; a raid

#the foray against the enemy outpost met with an
unexpected success.

Syno- raid, attack, assault, incursion, swoop, strike,

A venture or an initial attempt - especially outside your usual

areas of competence
#an actor's foray into politics.
#a foray into real estate.

Hint- foray- vo rahe maro maro, foray-raid.

Guileless (Adj.) - honest, innocent and without deception

#she is so guileless that she will believe anyone.
#his face, once so open and guileless.
#free from guile, cunning, deceit
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Syno- artless, ingenuous, open, honest, sincere, genuine, naïve,
childlike, innocent, unsophisticated, trustful

Hint- guile means to deceive, guile+less means no

deception, only honesty

Glib (adj.) – fluent - speaking in a confident way, but without

careful thought or honest

#no one was convinced by his glib answers/explanations.
#Marked by lack of intellectual depth
#criticized him for being about something so serious.

Hint- glib sounds like galiib, his shayari was slick and fluent

Gimmick (N.) - a trick or device intended to attract

attention, publicity, or trade.

#a publicity gimmick
#they give away free gifts with children's meals as a
sales/marketing gimmick.
#the reservation policy is just a political gimmick.

Syno- scheme, trick, dodge

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Glossary (N.) - brief explanation

#an alphabetical list, with meanings, of the words or phrases in
a text that are difficult to understand. #a glossary of technical

Gaol (N.) - jail, prison

#he spent 15 years in jail

ᜀ Ā ᜀ Ā ᜀ Ā
ainsay (V.) - to deny

#to refuse to accept something as the truth;
#nobody can gainsay the truth of my statement.
#there was no-one to gainsay this assertion.

Syno- deny, dispute, disagree with, contradict, challenge, oppose

speak against or oppose someone

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#no-one could gainsay her.

Hint- she has Gain (ed) weight but is not say(ing) it. Which means
she is denying the fact.

Garish (Adj.) - overly bright or ornamented

#unpleasant bright
#she wears garish clothes which don't suit her.
#garish colors.

Syno- gaudy, lurid, over-bright, glaring, flashy, showy, cheap

Hint- Garish sounds like Gayish.. A gay person wears all

bright colored clothes and looks gaudy and garish.

Gait (N.) - a person's manner of walking

#the easy gait of an athlete.
#He walked with a slow stiff gait.

Syno- walk, step, stride,

Hint- gait rhymes with weight.. Person with excess weight has
a different manner of walking or running.
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Ghastly (Adj.) - causing great horror or fear

#terrifying, shocking
#one of the most ghastly crimes ever committed.
#today's newspaper gives all the ghastly details of the murder.

Syno- terrible, frightful, horrible, grim

extremely bad
#what ghastly weather!
#I thought her outfit was ghastly.

Hint- ghastly - ghostly

Gruesome (Adj.) - causing horror, repulsion - frightful or


#A gruesome murder.
#the newspaper article included a gruesome description of
the murder.
#the children cried when they saw the gruesome appearance of
a killer.

Syno- grisly, ghastly, frightful, horrid, hideous,

horrible, horrendous, grim
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Goad (V.) - provoke or annoy someone so as to stimulate an

action or reaction

#he was trying to goad her into a fight.
#he refused to be goaded by their insults.
#he was forever trying to goad her into losing her temper.
#he goaded me into taking action.

Syno- provoke, spur, incite, stir, move, stimulate, excite,

urge, prompt, induce, urge

Hint- goad tells you to "Go and do" (it)

Grimace (V.) - expression of pain, strong dislike etc.

#she gave a grimace of pain.
#when hit on the head, he cried with grimace on his face.

Hint- grim+ace= face

Granary (N.) - storehouse for grain

#A country can succeed in war only if its granaries as well as
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arsenals are well stocked.

Gratis (Adj.) – free - without payment or charge

#I'll give it to you, gratis!
#gratis books.

Syno- free of charge, free, without charge, for nothing, at no

cost, without paying

Gruelling (Adj.) - extremely tiring and demanding

#extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and
#a grueling campaign.
#junior doctors often have to work a gruelling 100- hour week.
#a grueling schedule.

Syno- exhausting, tiring, wearying, enervating,

Hint- a cruel person is making your work without giving you

the required way- grueling

Hapless (Adj.) – unfortunate

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#the hapless victims of the disaster.
#the hapless victims of tragedy.

Syno- unlucky, luckless, ill-fated, cursed, miserable, misfortunate,

pathetic, pitiful

Hint- relate it to helpless

Hamper (V.) - to prevent the action or progress

#heavy rain hampered the flow of the traffic.
#the growth of population has hampered economic progress in

Syno- obstruct, impede

a basket or box containing food for a special occasion

#a picnic hamper

Hegemony (N.) - the predominance of one state or social

group over others.

#both Russia and China are trying for hegemony in Asia.
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Syno- leadership, dominance, dominion, supermacy,
control, power

Hint- hegemony-he's got money, so he's domineering in

the society and he control others

Hustings (N.) - a place where political speeches are made

#the political activities and speeches that happen before an
election and are intended to win votes.
#three weeks before the election the candidates are all out
on/at the hustings.
#I was out on the hustings, talking to people.

#the congress party was badly defeated at the hustings in 1977

Hint- host- political leaders play a role of host when they

give speeches)hustings

Heretic (N.) - a person holding unorthodox belief

#a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally
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Syno- dissident, dissenter, nonconformist, apostate,
freethinker, iconoclast

Hoodwink (V.) - to deceive or trick someone

#he hoodwinked us into agreeing.
#hypocrites cannot hoodwink people for long.

Syno- deceive, trick, dupe, delude, cheat, bluff

Hint- you wink under the hood of your jacket, to deceive what
you are doing.

Hypothecate (V.) - to pledge-deposit (personal property) as

security for a debt without delivery of title or possession

#you can get loan from this bank by hypothecating house.

Mortgage – loan - an agreement that allows you to borrow money

from the bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a
#they took out one lakh Mortgage (they borrowed one lakh) to buy
the house.
#a monthly mortgage payment.
#having a big mortgage is a real drain on your earnings.
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#they were forced to give up their home because they couldn't
pay the mortgage.

Verb- convey or deposit - a property - to a creditor as security on

#their home was mortgaged up to the hilt. The full value of
their home had been borrowed

Halcyon (Adj.) - a very successful and peaceful period in


#she recalled the halcyon days of her youth.
#halcyon years.
#halcyon weather

Syno- serene, calm, pleasant

Hint- halcyon can be considered as opposite of cyclone

Holocaust (N.) - great destruction by fire

#a nuclear holocaust would leave few survivors.
#A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s.

Syno- cataclysm, disaster, catastrophe, destruction, annihiliation

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Hackneyed (Adj.) - of a phrase or idea - having been


#hackneyed old sayings.
#that's the old hackneyed phrase, but its true.
#the plot of the film is just a hackneyed boy-meets-girl scenario.

Syno- commonplace, trite, overdone, platitudinous

Hint- concentrate on hack! Once a hacker is always a hacker.. He

overuses his techniques.

Hazy (Adj.) - covered by haze, misty

#hazy air or weather is not clear, especially because of heat.
#it was a beautiful day but quite hazy.
#hazy sunshine.

Syno- misty, foggy, cloudy, smoggy

vague, unclear, confused or uncertain

#hazy memories of childhood.
#I have only a hazy notion of what she wants.
#I have just a hazy idea of my mother because she died when I
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was just five years old.

Syno- vague, indistinct, unclear, faint, dim, blurred

Hint- hazy when you are lazy things are unclear to you..

Hoax (N.) (V.) - an act intended to deceive or trick

#A plan to deceive someone, such as telling the police there is
a bomb somewhere when there is not one, or a trick. #the bomb
threat turned out to be a hoax.
#he'd made a hoax call claiming to be the president.
#the information that a bomb had been planted in the aeroplane
just proved a hoax.

syno- practical joke, prank, trick, jest

Hint- hoax rhymes with Jokes- a practical joke or simply a trick.

Haggard (Adj.) - looking exhausted or unwell, especially

from fatigue, worry, or suffering

#she was pale and haggard.
#a haggard and pale looking old man begged for some money.
#she looked haggard after a sleepless night.
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Syno- careworn, tired, drained

Hint- hagrid, a character from the Harry potter is very huge

healthy and gigantic, haggard is the opposite of it.. Gaunt, very

Heinous (Adj.) - very bad, wicked or shocking

#a heinous crime.

Syno- odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, disgraceful,

abominable, horrible, terrible

Humane (Adj.) - kind or compassionate

#every religion preaches us to be humane and considerate.

Syno- kindly, kind-hearted, considerate, understanding,

sympathetic, tolerant

Haphazard (Adj.) - random, or by chance

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#having no obvious order or plan.
#he had no time and brought the clothes haphazardly.

Unsystematic, disorderly, disorganized, casual,

careless Example-
#the investigation does seem haphazard.(disorganized, careless)
#he tackled the problem in a typically haphazard
#a most haphazard system of record keeping.

Syno- random, unplanned, unsystematic, unmethodical,

disorganized, irregular, arbitrary, careless.

Hint- hap+hazard where hazard means epidemic spread due to

great carelessness.- avyavasthit, or bedhang

Hazardous (Adj.) - dangerous or risky

#a hazardous journey.
#a hazardous occupation.
#we work in hazardous conditions.

Syno- dangerous, unsafe, perilous- khatarnak

Hearsay (N.) – rumor

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#an information that you have received or heard but do not
know to be true.
#the evidence against him is all hearsay.
#one must not believe in hearsay.

Syno- rumor, gossip, tittle-tattle

Homily (N.) - moral discourse

#a piece of spoken or written advice about how someone
should behave.
#A sermon on a moral or religious topic.
#she delivered her homily about the need for patience.
#A person should not deliver homily unless he himself follows.

Syno- sermon, lecture, discourse, address, lesson, talk, speech

Hint- home+silly= when we do silly things at home, our

parents get angry and give speeches- dharam updesh

Harbinger (N.) - one that indicates or foreshadows what is to

come, a forerunner

#a person or thing that shows that something is going to happen
soon, especially something bad.
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#a harbinger of doom.
#autumn is the harbinger of spring.

Syno- herald, sign, indicator, indication, signal, prelude,


Hint- Sounds like HER+FINGER= she shows me what is about

to happen by gesturing with her finger.

Harangue (N.) - a lengthy and aggressive speech

#a political harangue.
#In his harangue the commander reproved the soldiers for
their unruly conduct.
#a harangue from the headmaster on good behavior.

Syno- tirade, lecture, homily, diatribe

Hint-harangue- can be split as har+and+u+e… so when you are

angry with har(her).. She is subjected to a long or intensive
verbal attack.

Imbue (V.) - to fill someone or something with a particular

feeling, quality, or idea

#to inspire or influence thoroughly.
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#his poetry is imbued with deep, religious feeling.
#it is pity that our political leaders are not imbued with the spirit
of nationalism.
#his works are imbued with a sense of calm and serenity.

Syno- permeate, pervade, suffuse, saturate, rangna,

Intrinsic (Adj.) - belonging naturally, essential

#Maths is an intrinsic part of the school curriculum.
#works of little intrinsic value/interest.

Syno- inherent, innate, inborn, natural, svabhavik, vastvik, aantrik

Itinerary (N.) - a detailed planned or route of a journey

#the next place on the itinerary was Delhi.
#the tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary.

Impeccable (Adj.) - faultless, flawless

#having no flaws, perfect
#he had impeccable manners.
#there is no person in the world who can claim to have
impeccable character.
#an impeccable record.
#she had an impeccable taste in clothes.
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Syno- spotless, stainless, perfect, ideal

Hint- Im+pecca= pakka house is always faultless, as compared to

kutchaa house.

Impede (v.) - prevent someone by obstructing them, hinder

#progress on the building of the road was impeded by a fall of
#economic crisis in the country will impede the
industrial progress.

Syno- hinder, hamper, obstruct, delay, disrupt, restrain, badha


Inept (Adj.) - lack of skill or competence, clumsy), not


#an inept actor.
#an inept performance.
#he was criticized for his inept handling of the situation.
#he was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern.

Syno- incompetent, unskillful, unskilled, inexpert,

crude, amateurish

showing lack of judgement, inappropriate or foolish.

#an inept remark.
#the government's inept response turned this into a crisis.
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Hint- in(not)+ ept(like apt),, which means suitable== not
suitable. Ayogya, anaadi, behuda, murkh

Inertia (N.) - lack of activity or interest

#a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.
#he had to overcome his inertia and get back to work.
#the bureaucratic inertia of the various tiers of government.

Syno- inactivity, inaction, lethargy

Indigenous (Adj.) – native

#originating or occurring naturally in a particular place
#the indigenous people of siberia.
#so who are the indigenous people of this land?

Syno- native, aboriginal, local

Insular (Adj.) – narrow – minded

#interested only in your own country or group and not willing to
accept different or foreign ideas.
#a stubbornly insular faming people.
#A stubbornly insular group of
people. #insular attitude
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#fanatics have insular views about women and matters.

Syno- narrow - minded, limited, conventional, provincial Hint-

in(not)+ secular= a country which is not secular is insular.

Indict (V.) - formally accuse of a crime or charged with a


#his former manager was indicted for fraud.
#Five people were indicted for making and selling
counterfeit currency.

Intrude (V.) – interfere

#put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one
is unwelcome or uninvited
#he had no right to intrude into their lives.
#I didn't realize your husband was here, Dr. batra- I hope I'm
not intruding.
#Intruded opinion into a factual report.

Hint- INT(rhymes with enter)+RUDE= so a person who

enters rudely Intrude.
#Ghusedna, ghus padna, bina adhikar k pravesh karna

Inkling (N.) - a slight hint or indication

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#I didn’t have the slightest inkling that she was unhappy.
#They gave us no inkling of what was going to happen.
#I don't have any inkling of how it works.

Syno- idea, notion, clue, vague

idea, #abhas, sanket

Hint- a wink can give us a hint

Impervious (Adj.) – unaffected

#not influenced or affected by something.
#impervious to fear.
#he worked, apparently impervious to the heat.
#he never listens to his parents and is always impervious to
their advice.

Syno- unaffected by, untouched by

not allowing fluid to pass through

#A material impervious to water.

Syno- impermeable, impenetrable, impregnable,

waterproof, water-resistant

Hint- IM(not)+parvesh(enter)- so impenetrable

Ingenuous (Adj.) - lacking in cunning and guile

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#innocent, naïve, artless, credulous
#children are ingenuous by nature.
#I'm not so ingenuous as to believe everything he says.

Syno- naïve, childlike, trusting, trustful, unsuspicious, unworldy

Hint- IN+genuine= In genuine relationship people are naïve and

trusting to each other.
#nishkapat, sacha

Inapt (Adj.) - inappropriate or not suitable

#an inapt remark.

Inscrutable (Adj.) - difficult to understand or interpret

#An inscrutable face.
#an inscrutable expression.
#the laws of nature are inscrutable.

Syno- incomprehensible, enigmatic, unreadable,

impenetrable, mysterious, cryptic

Hint- that cannot be scrutinized

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Instance (N.) - an example or single occurrence of

#a serious instance of corruption.
#there have been several instances of violence at the school.
#there are a number of instances of his misbehavior but I have
always overlooked them.

Syno- example, occasion, occurrence, case, udharan

Ingrained (Adj.) - firmly established as by long conditioning,


#of a habit, belief, attitude - so firmly held that it is not likely to
#such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected easily.
#the ingrained habits of a lifetime.
#dishonesty appears to be ingrained in his character.

Syno- entrenched, established, fixed, deep-rooted, firm, jama hua

Innocuous (Adj.) - not harmful or offensive

#an innocuous home remedy.
#an innocuous remark.
#it was an innocuous question.
#it is not proved that soft drinks are not innocuous.
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Syno- harmless, safe, non-dangerous, non-toxic, ahanikar Hint-

IN(not)+nocuous(noxious).. Means not noxious= harmless

Inordinate (Adj.) - much more than usual or expected –


#the case had taken up an inordinate amount of time.
#to drink an inordinate amount of alcohol.
#they spent an inordinate amount of time talking.
#he always spend an inordinate amount of time on
her appearance.

Syno- excessive, unreasonable, disproportionate,

unnecessary, exorbitant

Hint- atyadhik, asamanya

Irksome (Adj.) - irritating or annoying

#an irksome journey.
#irksome duties.
#I don't like to do irksome job, however profitable it may be.

Syno- boring, tedious, exasperating, ubau

Hint- irksome=trksome=teri kasam.. So a person who in

every sentence says yar teri kasam in an annoying person.
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Imbibe (V.) - to absorb to take in, especially by drinking –

#to drink
#they were imbibing far too many pitcher of beer.

Syno- drink, consume, sip

to receive or accept information - or absorb in the mind

#take in ideas
#If one does not imbibe the culture one cannot succeed.
#every Indian must imbibe the spirit of nationalism.
#he has spent a lifetime imbibing his local club's history.

Syno- assimilate, absorb, digest, acquire, grasp,

familiarize oneself with, pee lena, antargrahan karna,

Hint- Im+bibe= sounds like pipe and you need a pipe to

drink something.

Impertinent (Adj.) – rude - not showing proper respect

#an impertinent remark/ question.
#he scolded the impertinent child for talking rudely.
#she was rebuked for her impertinent behavior.

Syno- rude, insolent, impolite, ill-mannered, uncivil,

discourteous, disrespectful
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Formal use- irrelevant
#an impertinent detail.
#since we already knew this, to tell us again seemed impertinent

Hint- impoper tenant(tinent) are rude and insolent

Intermittent (Adj.) - not continuous or steady – Irregular

#Intermittent rain
#an intermittent rain
#an intermittent pain.

Syno- sporadic, irregular, fitful, spasmodic, ruk ruk kar, anirantar

Hint- here the words starts with inter so remember as intervals.

Immaculate (Adj.) - perfectly clean, neat, tidy

#an immaculate white suit
#an immaculate garden.

Syno- clean, spotless, unstained

Integrity (N.) - the quality of being honest and having strong

moral principles
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#a gentleman of complete integrity.
#a leader of great integrity.
#I have always regarded him as a man of integrity.

Syno- honesty, uprightness, honor, ethics, nobility, virtue

the state of being whole or undivided,

unity Example-
#the integrity of the nervous system is required for
normal development.
#the building's integrity remained intact following the
mild earthquake.
#separatist movements are a threat to the integrity of the nation.

Syno- unity, unification, togetherness, totality, wholeness

Indigent (Adj.) - very poor or needy

#he distributed food to indigent families.
#he could not continue his study because his parents
were indigent.

Syno- poor, destitute, penniless, poverty-stricken,

Hint- Indigent= indian gents - they are mostly poor, needy due
to demands of their wives

Inundate (V.) - overwhelm with things

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#to give someone so much work or so many things that they
cannot deal with it all.
#we have been inundated with complaints from listeners.
#the theatre was inundated with requests for tickets.

Syno- overwhelm, overburden, overload, swamp, bombard

flood, overflow
#the whole village was inundated with flood water.
#if the dam breaks.. It will inundate large parts of the town.

Syno- flood, deluge, overflow, swamp, immerse, baad

Hint- I+NUN+DATE= I asked the nuns for a date and I was

flooded with letters from christian societies for violating the social

Inveterate (Adj.) – habitual

#someone who does something very often and cannot stop
doing it.
#he is an inveterate liar.
#an inveterate gambler.

Syno- ingrained, deep-seated, congenital, kattar

Inimical (Adj.) – harmful

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#habits inimical to good health.
#conditions inimical to health.

Syno- injurious, detrimental, deleterious, destructive, ruinous

unfriendly or hostile
#a cold, inimical voice.
#I feel my friends have turned inimical and are working against
my interests.

Syno- antagonistic, malevolent, malign, virodhi

Hint- Inimi= enemy, and enemies cause damage.. So

inimical means something damaging.

Impute (V.) - to relate something usually something bad to a

particular cause or source

#attribute, ascribe, assign, credit
#I impute your success to nepotism.
#the crimes imputed to Rahul.
#you can impute his failure in life to his fickle mindedness.
#We attributed this quotation to shakespeare.

Hint- im(put)e.. Put the blame to somebody.

Infinitesimal (Adj.) - extremely small

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#an infinitesimal pause.
#They found infinitesimal traces of poison in drink.

Hint- read it as infinitely small.

Impending (Adj.) - be about to happen

#some persons have intuition about impending calamity.
#the player announced his impending retirement from
international football.

Syno- imminent, near, coming, upcoming, forthcoming

Hint- im+pending.. Nothing can be left pending when the

deadline is near.

Insipid (Adj.) - tasteless or lacking flavor

#insipid soup.
#mugs of insipid coffee.

Syno- tasteless, unflavored,

lacking vigor or interest, excite- dull

#an insipid personality.
#why anyone buys music with such insipid lyrics is a mystery.

Syno- uninteresting, boring, vapid, dull

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Jumble (N.) - an untidy collection, pile of things.
an untidy and confused mixture of things, feelings or ideas

#a jumble of thought/ideas.
#the books were in chaotic jumble.

Syno- clutter, muddle mess, untidy heap

Verb- mix up in a confused or untidy way.

#a drawer full of letters jumbled together.
#her clothes were all jumbled up/together in suitcase.

Junk (N.) - things that are considered to be of no use or

value or of low quality, kachra

#Discarded material or stuff
#we should clear out this cupboard- it's full of junk.
#he is junk dealer.

Judicious (Adj.) – wise

#having or showing reason and good judgement in
making decisions.
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#the judicious use of public investment.
#judicious use of one's money.

Syno- wise, sensible, prudent, shrewd, well thought

out, thoughtful, uchit, samajhdar

Hint- judi=cious- having judgment qualities

Jubilant (Adj.) - feeling great happiness, especially because of

a success.

#the fan was jubilant at/about/over their team's victory.
#jubilant crowds welcomed the victorious team home.

Syno- overjoyed, exultant, triumphant, joyful, rejoicing

Hint- silver jubli wale din mummy papa joyful the

Jolt (V.) - push or shake - someone or something - abruptly,


#a surge in the crowd behind him jolted him forwards.
#the bus stopped unexpectedly and we were jolted forwards.

Syno- push, thrust

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disturb someone's composure
#to give someone a sudden shock
#the audience was jolted by the play.
#she was jolted by the betrayal of her trusted friend.

Noun- a sudden violent movement-

#he felt a jolt when the plane started to climb

Syno- bump, bounce, jerk, shake

strong feeling of surprise of disappointment

#his resignation was a jolt to the whole staff.

Jiffy (N.) - a moment

#we will be back in a jiffy.
#very soon, soon.
#I will be with you in a jiffy

Jeer (V.) - make rude or mocking remarks, typically in a loud

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#some of the younger men jeered at him.
#jeered the speaker off the stage.

Syno- taunt, mock, ridicule, scorn

Noun- a rude or mocking remark)

#the taunts and jeers of my classmates.

Syno- taunt, sneer, insult, boo

Jaunt (N.) - a short excursion or journey made for pleasure

#her regular jaunts to Europe.
#a Sunday jaunt into the hills.
#he is on a jaunt to Mumbai.

Syno- trip, outing, expedition

Verb- go on a short journey.

#they went jaunting through Canada.

Hint- journey to you aunt's place= J-Aunt

Jejune (Adj.) - boring or not interesting, dull

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#a jejune lecture by one of our professors.
#a jejune novel.

Very simple, childish, naïve, silly, pointless

#jejune behavior.
#jejune responses to our problems.

lacking in nutrition
#a jejune diet.

Hint- think of june.. Students feel dull as their summer

holidays are about to end.

Jingoism (N.) - extreme or blind patriotism

#Chauvinistic patriotism.
#the jingoism of the Germans resulted in the Second world war.

Syno- flag-waving, xenophobia

Hint- jin(that alladin one) had extreme and uncontrolled

loyalty towards his master.
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Juncture (N.) - a particular point in time

#at this juncture of life you must be wary of strangers.
#we are at a critical juncture.

Syno- point, time, moment

a place where thing join

#the plane crashed at the juncture of two mountains.

Jeopardy (N.) - danger of loss, harm, or failure

#his health was in jeopardy.
#to put one's life in jeopardy.
#his reputation as a doctor is in jeopardy because of his
unethical practice.

Syno- danger, peril, khatra

Jocund (Adj.) - cheerful and merry, light-hearted

#a jocund wedding party.
#jolly, gay, jovial
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Hint- jo kaand tune kal kia tha us se hum long khush hai.

Jubilation (N.) - feeling of great happiness, especially

because of success

#triumph, joy, rejoicing, rapture
#unbelievable scenes of jubilation.
#there was jubilation in the crowd as the winning goal was scored.

Knack (N.) - an acquired or natural skill at doing something

#he has a knack for communicating.
#she has the knack of making people feel comfortable.

Syno- gift, talent, flair, ability,

Hint- knack- knock out- you should have a special talent to

knock out your contender.

Knave (N.) - a dishonest and unprincipled person

#Don't believe him because he is a knave and scoundrel.

Hint- K+NAVE= naïve(means trustworthy, innocent). Knave is

just the opposite of naïve.
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Knotty (Adj.) - a problem or difficulty - complicated or difficult to


#It was a very knotty problem.

Syno- complex, involved, intricate, convoluted, tangled

Kindle (V.) - set something on fire - light up

#he kindled a fire on dry grass.
#the sunset kindled the sky.

Arouse or inspire - an emotion or feeling

#the project kindled his interest.
#her imagination was kindled by the exciting stories
her grandmother told her.
#the timely arrival of my friend kindled in me a hope of getting
proper medical treatment.

Syno- rouse, arouse, wake, waken, awaken

Kiosk - a small booth

#a small open-fronted hut from which newspapers, refreshments,
tickets are sold.
#He is running his business in a kiosk because he can't afford a
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shop right now.

Syno- booth, stand, stall, counter, bookstall, telephone

kiosk, refreshments kiosk

Hint- kiosk= khoka

Kernel (N.) - inner or edible part of fruit

#the kernel of the fruit is always tasty.

The central and most important part of

something Example-
#this is the kernel of the chapter.
#the kernel of his message.

Syno- essence, core, heart, gist

Hint- kernel sounds like colonel. In an army the colonel has an

importance of being the central authority.

Keepsake (N.) - memento, reminder

#A small item kept in memory of the progress who gave it
or originally owned it.
#she was wearing the medal he gave her as a keepsake.
#she gave him a ring as a keepsake.

Syno- souvenir, remembrance, token, memorial, memento

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Kudos (N.) - praise or honor received for an achievement

#she was looking for kudos rather than profit.
#Dhoni won kudos when he brought home the world cup in 2007.
#being an actor has a certain amount of kudos attached to it.

Syno- prestige, glory, cachet, honor, status, fame, reputation

Informal use- compliments and congratulations

#kudos to everyone who put the event together.

Levity (N.) - lack of seriousness

#the treatment of a serious matter with humor or lack of
due respect.
#his staffs always treats his orders with levity.
#a subject that should not be treated with levity.

Syno- light-heartedness, carefreeness

Hint- lev(leave)+it+yr(yar). You casually leave things without any


Languor (N.) - physical or mental laziness - lack of energy

#her whole being was pervaded by a dreamy languor.
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#on summer afternoons, we generally feel languor.

Syno- lassitude, lethargy, tiredness, fatigue, weariness

a feeling of dreaminess and relaxation

#relaxed and comfortable feeling.

silence or stillness
#the afternoon was hot, quiet and heavy with languor.

Syno- tranquility, lull, silence Mainline- a state of

feeling tired and relaxed.

Hint- sounds like "lack of anger" it means lack of energy

and spirit.

Lascivious (Adj.) - expressing a strong desire for sexual


#the market is flooded with lascivious books and films.
#their lewd and lascivious talk.

Syno- lecherous, lewd, lustful, licentious, libidinous, lubricious,


Hint- las vegas- lustful people go there

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Menial (Adj.) - suitable for servants, servile

#of work) not requiring much skill and lacking prestige.
#menial factory jobs.
#a menial job.
#it's fairly menial work, such as washing dishes and
cleaning floors.

Syno-unskilled, lowly, humble, low-grade, low-status, humdrum,

boring, dull

Hint- men in a low level are menial

Mundane (Adj.) - very ordinary and lacking interest and


#Mundane matters such as playing bills and shopping for food do
not interest me.
#Mundane affairs.

Syno- humdrum, dull, boring, tedious, monotonous, tiresome

of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one

#the mundane world.
#worldly people are often concerned with mundane matters.
#spiritual immortals who had transcended the mundane world.

Syno- earthly, worldly, material, secular

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Melee (N.) - a confused fight or struggle at close quarters

#several people were hurt in the melee.
#scores of people injured in the melee.

Syno- a noisy fight, tumult, disturbance, commotion,

disorder, brawl, rumpus, affray, scuffle

a confused crowd of people

#we lost sight of each other in the melee.
#there was such a melee at the booking office.
#the rush-hour melee.

Hint- mela- there are many fight in the mela - carnival

Myopic (Adj.) - short-sighted

#not able to see things clearly that are far away.
#most myopic children can be fitted with glasses to correct
their vision.

Lacking foresight or intellectual sight

#the govt. still has a myopic attitude to the public spending.
#orthodox men and women are victims of myopic views about life.

Syno- unimaginative, uncreative, narrow-minded

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Mollify (V.) - appease the anger or anxiety of – someone

#I tried to mollify her by giving her flowers.
#After exchange of hot words the shop-keeper tried to mollify
the customer.

Syno- placate, pacify, soothe, calm,

Hint- mollify- sounds like nullify.. So just think of

nullifying something.. Like temper

Mincing (Adj.) – walk - a mincing walk uses small, delicate

steps in a way that does not look natural - dainty or refined, with
extreme care

#she took short, mincing steps.
#she was walking with mincing steps and appeared ridiculous.

Speech- used to describe a way of speaking that is too

delicate and not direct enough
#she found herself irritated by the interviewer's mincing way
of asking questions.
#I don't have to go through the rest of my life with that mincing
voice of yours.

Hindi word- nakhrebaaj

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Hint- mincing can be broken into Men+seeing.. Means when
girls get aware that men are watching them, they show
artificial behaviour in talk or speech
affectedly nice or elegant in speech, walk and behavior

269.Mettle (N.) - a person's ability to cope well with difficulties

#the team showed their true mettle in the second half.
#during the fight he showed mettle in the teeth of strong

Syno- fortitude, spirit, tenacity, determination, strength

of character

Hint- sounds like metals. And metals are obviously strong.

Malinger (V.) - pretend to be ill in order to escape duty or


#and is he really ill or just malingering?
#he says he's ill, but I think he's just malingering.
#whenever he is asked to work, he always malingers and shirks

Syno- to feign illness, avoid responsibilities and duties

Macabre (Adj.) - disturbing because concerned with or

causing a fear of death
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#A macabre series of murder.
#even the police were horrified at the macabre nature of
the killings.
#macabre horror stories.
#the novels deals with macabre sight of carnage.

Syno- bhayanak, daravna

#gruesome, grisly, gory, ghastly, grotesque, hideous,
horrific, horrible, frightful, shocking, replusive

Hint- sounds like massacre.. Which means "excessive killing

of many people" and which also represents death and horror

Meticulous (Adj.) - very careful and precise

#showing great attention to detail.
#he was so meticulous about everything.
#he paid meticulous attention to detail.
#meticulous research.
#a meticulous craftsman.

Syno- careful, diligent, punctilious, ultra-careful, suksham

Migratory (Adj.) – wandering

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#migratory birds cover thousands of miles to reach
warmer countries.

Mishap (N.) - an unlucky accident

#an unfortunate event
#this mishap could have been averted if you had been just
#the parade was very well organized and passed without mishap.

Syno- accident, trouble, problem, difficulty, misfortune,

mischance, durghatna, abhagya, aapatti.

Hint- mishap= mis+happening

Manifold (Adj.) - many and various

#many and of several different types.
#despite her manifold faults, she was a strong leader.
#there are manifold advantages of discipline in schools and
#manifold reasons.

Syno- many, numerous, multiple, various, several, varied, vividh

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Meddlesome (Adj.) – interfering

#often getting involved in situations where you are not
wanted, especially by criticizing in a damaging or annoying
way. #a meddlesome member of the party.
#many marriages are ruined because of meddlesome mothers-

Syno- hastshep karnewala

Hint- meddle(middle)+some= so when two people are talking we

should never interfere in middle of their talks.

Modicum (N.) - a small amount of something, especially

something desirable or valuable

#his statements had a modicum of truth.
#anyone with a modicum of common sense could have seen that
the plan wouldn't work.

Syno- little bit, pinch, taste, ounce,

Hint- modicum sounds like= bahut hi kam

Manifest (Adj.) - clearly apparent to sight or understanding,


#her manifest charm and proven ability.
#manifest lack of interest.
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#manifest content.
#his evil intentions were manifest when he mentioned the
question of dowry.

Syno- obvious, clear, plain, apparent, evident, distinct, blatant,

overt, explicit

Verb- to show something clearly, through signs and actions)

#the workers chose to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series
of strikes.
#to manifest great emotion.
#to manifest disapproval.
#he manifested signs of severe depression.

Syno- display, show, demonstrate, exhibit, present, express

Myriad (Adj.) - countless or extremely great in number

#the myriad fish in the ocean.

Syno- innumerable, countless, infinite, numberless, numerous,

several, many, various

Noun- a very large number of people or

things Example-
#myriads of insects danced around the light above my head.
#a myriad of choices.
#they face a myriad of problems bringing up children.
#and now myriads of bars and hotels are opening up along the
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Syno-multitude, a large or great number of, hazaro,
beshumar, asankhya

Hint-my raid.. You may raided if you have money in

large numbers.

Nascent (Adj.) - coming into existence – emerging

#only recently formed and started, but likely to grow larger
#a nascent political party.
#everyone in the nascent business is still struggling with
basic issues.

Hint- new+existent, navjaat

Nexus (N.) - a connection or series of connections linking

two or more things

#a link or a tie, bond
#the nexus between industry and political power.
#the nexus between drugs, prostitution and corruption is

the central or focal point

Hindi- kadi
There is connection in between we and next to us.
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Non-entity (N.) - a person of no importance

#a political nonentity.
#a few years back he was a non-entity in politics, today he is
a national leader.

non existence

Hint- nonentity sounds like no entry.. Worthless people have no

entry in to the college.

Neophyte (N.) – beginner

#a neophyte at politics.
#four-day cooking classes are offered to neophytes and experts.

Syno- beginner, learner, novice, newcomer, tyro, nosikhiya

Hint- sounds like new

Nebulous (Adj.) - cloudy, hazy, misty

#a giant nebulous glow.

Syno- indistinct, cloudy, fuzzy, blurred, foggy, faint, unclear

Of a concept - vague, ill-defined

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#nebulous concepts like quality of life.
#your ideas are too nebulous to be understood easily.
#nebulous reasons.

Syno-vague, unclear, uncertain, indefinite, confused,

ambiguous, imprecise, asapashat

Hint- nebula the milky way in galaxy which is cloudy and unclear.

Nauseous (Adj.) - causing nausea – feeling as if you might


#roller coaster makes me feel nauseous.
#the nauseous smell of rotting fish.
#the floor was deep with bat dung giving off a nauseous smell.

Syno- disgusting, loathsome, repulsive, detestable

Officious (Adj.) - unnecessarily ready to offer advice or


#too eager to tell people what to do and having too high
an opinion of your own importance.
#he's an officious little man and widely disliked in the company.

Syno- interfering, self-important, bumptious, bossy,

Pareshan karne wala
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Opportune (Adj.) - timely, well chosen

#happening at a time that is likely to produce success or is
#occurring at a time that is suitable or advantageous.
#an opportune arrival.
#this seems to be an opportune moment for reviving our
development plan.

Syno- auspicious, favorable, advantageous

Obliterate (V.) - to destroy every trace of, wipe out


#the whole village was obliterated by fire.
#maybe she gets drunk to obliterate painful memories.

Syno- destroy, annihilate, exterminate, demolish, eradicate

Hint-lets all be literate- and destroy illiteracy completely.

Odious (Adj.) - extremely unpleasant or repulsive –


#an odium crime.
#an odious smell.
#an odious person.
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Hint- hate people with bad odour(odious)

Overture (N.) - an introduction to something

#the talks were no more than an overture to a long debate.

Syno- start, beginning

an approach or proposal made to someone with the aim

of opening negotiations or establishing a relationship

#he began making overtures to British merchant banks.
#overtures of friendship.
#the government has made peace overtures to the rebels.
#the enemy were making peace overtures.

Syno- move, approach, proposal,

Ostracize (V.) - exclude from a society or a group

#she was declared witch and ostracized by the villagers.
#he was ostracized by the elders of the village for marrying
the girl of the other community.

Syno- exclude, shun, boycott, banish,

Hint- ostRACISM.. Racism leads to groupism and excluding a

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group from the public is to ostracize. Bahishkrit, samaj se bhar

Oblivion (N.) - the state of being unaware or unconscious of

what is happening around one

#they drank themselves into oblivion.
#he sought the great oblivion of sleep.
#the state of being forgotten, especially by public
#his name will fade into oblivion.
#most of these performers will fail and sink into oblivion.
#the famous film-personalities of the past are forced to lead a life
of oblivion in their old age.

#destruction - extinction
#the planes bombed the city into oblivion.
#an entire section of the town was bombed into oblivion.

Hint- oblivion=OB+BLI+VION= "absolute blind vision" of

forgetting important matter or things.

Obviate (V.) – remove - a need or difficulty.

#make unnecessary
#the peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a
UN military force.
#this medicine would obviate the need for a surgical operation.
#to obviate the need for sth.

Syno- preclude, prevent, remove, eliminate, bachna, anavashayk

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Onerous (Adj.) - difficult to do or needing a lot of effort

#he found his duties increasingly onerous.
#the work allotted to him was so onerous that he needed
an assistant.

Syno- burdensome, heavy, troublesome,

inconvenient, oppressive.

Hint- when something is ON US we feel burdensome.

Pedantic (Adj.) - giving too much attention to formal rules or

small details

#showing of learning.)
#A pedantic is too concerned with literal accuracy or formality,
someone who is showing off bookish knowledge or trivia,
especially in a tiresome way.
#A pedantic attention to details.
#his lecture was pedantic and uninteresting.

Syno- academic, scholastic, bookish,

Hint- Pandit-(scholar in english)= pandits are ususally very strict

about the bookish stuff., padnitau

Perjury (N.) - false testimony

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#the crime or telling lies in the court when you have promised to
tell the truth.
#she was sentenced to two years in jail for committing perjury.
#the witness is now facing charges of perjury.
#to commit perjury.

Hint- per(phir)+jury= jury k samne saach baat se phir(mukar) jana

Perusal (N.) - careful study

#to read or examine with great care.
#I continued my perusal of the instructions.
#I am sending a copy of the agreement for you perusal.
#A more careful perusal yields the conclusion.

Syno- Perusal sounds somewhat like parcel, you read a

parcel carefully when it reaches you.

Prodigal (N.) (Adj.) - wastefully extravagant

#spending money or using resources freely and recklessly.
#the sons of the rich are generally prodigal and waste money
on luxuries of life.
#to be prodigal with money.
#his prodigal habits.

Syno- extravagant, lavish, spendthrift, wasteful

Hint- proud+gals= are always prodigal. Kharchila, udaau,

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Prolific (Adj.) - producing offspring or fruit in great

abundance – fertile

#a prolific variety of grape.

producing a great number or amount of something –

works Example-
#fruitful or productive
#a prolific artist.
#he was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation.
#a prolific writer.
#shakespeare was a prolific playwright.

Syno- plentiful, abundant, bountiful, profuse,

Hint- production lifted- they produced large amounts of product.

Pamper (V.) - to treat with excessive indulgence

#spoil by flattering
#to give someone special treatment, making that person as
comfortable as possible and giving them whatever they want.
#In indian families, the only son is pampered and spoiled by
his mother.
#Pampered their child.
#grandparents often pamper the children.
#her parents have pampered her since the day she was born.

Syno- spoil, indulge, overindulge, mollycoddle, coddle,

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Hindi- Laad pyaar karna, sir chadana, bahut laad pyaar karna

Promulgate (V.) - to make known to public - popularize,


#such behavior promulgates a negative image of the Indians.
#these objectives have to be promulgated within the organization.

Syno- publicize, spread, circulate, announce, proclaim

#to put a law into effect by formal public

proclamation announcement, declaration
#the new law was finally promulgated in the autumn of last
year. #the new law was promulgated on 26 january 1950

Syno- enact, put into effect, implement, enforce, pass,

Hint- prom(promote)+UL+GATE= so promoting something out of

the gate, i.e. to make known by opening the gate to everyone out

Purview (N.) - the extent or range of activity, function,

power, competence – scope

#the limit of one's responsibility, interest or activity.
#this case falls outside the purview of this particular court.
#It comes within the purview of the law.
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Syno- horizon, view, scope, reach, range, field, limit, province,
sphere, orbit, paridhi

Precocious (Adj.) - mature before time

#especially of children showing mental development or
achievemnet much earlier than usual.
#A precocious child, she went to university at the age of 15.
#A precocious achievement.

Syno- advanced, gifted, talented, intelligent, bright, smart,

Hint- It can be pre+conscious= i.e. Thing or person who/which is

very conscious in advance.

Placid (Adj.) - not easily upset or excited

#she was a placid child who rarely cried.

Syno- calm, even-tempered, peaceful, gentle, quiet,

cool, undisturbed

#calm and peaceful, with little movement or
activity #the placid water of a small lake. #the
placid pace of village life.

Syno- quiet, calm, tranquil, still, peaceful, motionless,

smooth, serene
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Hint- a students well placed in his college will sit calmly and
peacefully, shaant

Posterity (N.) - future generations

#the treasures must be kept for posterity.
#works of art are preserved for posterity.

Syno- offspring, children, family, progeny, bhavi pidi, vansh

Hint- post+inherit

Provident (Adj.) - providing for future needs or events

#making arrangements for future needs, especially by
saving money)
#she had learned to be provident.
#a provident father plans for his children's education.
#the provident use and development of resources.

Syno- prudent, far-sighted, judicious, shrewd, wise,

sensible, kifayai or doordarshi
Hint- to remember this, think about "lic provident fund
policy" which is kept for future use.

307. Perquisite (N.) – perks

#an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that
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you are given because of your job.
#a payment or profit in addition to the salary.
#Free long distance calls were a perquisite of the job.
#the wife of the president has all the perquisites of stardom.
#a company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks
that come with the job.

Hindi- atirikht suvidhaye

Prone (Adj.) – inclined - to disorder

#likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular
negative characteristics)
#he is prone to depression.
#she is prone to exaggerate, that's for sure.
#I'm prone to cold.
#Prone to anger.

Syno- likely to have or get, susceptible, vulnerable, liable

Pandemonium (N.) - wild and noisy disorder

#a situation in which there is a lot of noise and confusion
because people are excited, angry or frightened.
#there was pandemonium in the classroom before the
teacher arrived.
#there was pandemonium in parliament over the offensive
remarks made by a member of the opposition party.

Syno- uproar, confusion, chaos, turmoil, commotion, clamor,

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Hint- pan=all, demonium= demon

Parasite (N.) - an organism which lives in or on another

organism its host and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's
expense. muftkhor, parjivi

#the parasite attaches itself to the mouths of fishes.

one who lives off and flatters the rich – sycophant

#flatterers are considered to be parasites because their
existence depends on sycophancy.

Perennial (Adj.) - last or existing for a long infinite time -

enduring or continually recurring.

#we face the perennial problem of not having money.
#an author's perennial popularity among children.
#I want perennial happiness.

Syno- everlasting, perpetual, eternal, never-ending,

endless, enduring,

Hint- perennial rives, long lasting

rivers Example-
#the rivers originating in the himalayas are perennial.
Sounds like purani(old) purani things are perennial
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Poignant (Adj.) - causing very sharp feeling of sadness

#the photograph awakens poignant memories of happier days.
#a poignant memory.
#a poignant story.
#poignant anxiety.

Syno- touching, sharp, moving, sad, sorrowful, mournful, painful,

Syno- sounds like pregnant- think what the situation of a

woman would be who is pregnant.

Pernicious (Adj.) - having a harmful effects and influence

#the pernicious influences of mass media.
#A pernicious lie.
#a pernicious effects of alcohol.

Syno- harmful, damaging, destructive, injurious, detrimental

Hint- per+nicious= nicious sounds like noxious=

harmful, hanikarak

Prerogative (N.) - an exclusive right or privilege held by a

person or group

#in some countries, higher education is predominantly
the prerogative of the rich.
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Syno- entitlement, right, privilege ], advantage, birthright,

Hint- prerogative= pre= privilege

Parochial (Adj.) - having a limited or narrow outlook or


#parochial attitude.
#a parochial view/ opinion.
#parochial mentality.

Syno- provincial, narrow-minded, insular, conservative

Hint- link with this paro=(of devdas) whose parents were narrow
minded in their outlook for devdas family.

Precedent (N.) - earlier example

#an act or instance that may be used as an example )
#this court decision set an important legal precedent for other
#there are several precedents for promoting people who
don't have formal qualifications.

Syno- model, example, pattern, instance, standard, missal

or poorv udharan
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Piquant (Adj.) - pleasant pungent in taste – spicy – chatpata

#a piquant sauce.

pleasantly stimulating
#a particularly piquant story.

Syno- interesting, intriguing, stimulating, fascinating, exciting,

colorful, lively, spirited,

Hint- pic+want= you want to see delightful pic

Preposterous (Adj.) - very silly or stupid

#utterly absurd or ridiculous.
#contrary to reason or common sense.
#the very idea is preposterous.
#a preposterous suggestion.
#the whole idea was preposterous.
#he always offers such preposterous excuses that nobody
believes him.

Syno- absurd, foolish, stupid, ludicrous, laughable,

senseless, illogical

Hint- pre means= pehle, post means - baad me, pre and
post together seems absurd
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Precarious (Adj.) - dangerously lacking in stability or

#likely to fall or collapse.
#a precarious ladder.
#a precarious posture.

Syno- unstable, shaky

#uncertain-dependent on chance.
#a precarious situation is likely to get worse.
#many borrowers now find themselves caught in
precarious financial position.
#he made a precarious living as a painter.
#the patient is in a precarious condition because so far he has
not recovered consciousness.

Syno- uncertain, insecure, unreliable, risky, dangerous,

unsafe, unpredictable

Hint- what we do before starting something unsafe or risky, we

sayour prayers so; Pray+kari= precarious. anishchit

Predilection (N.) - a special liking for something - a


#your predilection for pretty girls.
#ever since she was a child, she has had a predilection for fast
#his predilection for books.
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Syno- liking, fondness, preference, partiality, taste, penchant,
inclination, bias, affinity, love

Hint- pre= in advance, dilect=select= preferred

Proclivity (N.) - a natural or habitual inclination

#a proclivity for exaggeration.
#a proclivity to complain.
#his sexual proclivities are none of your business.
#the sexual proclivities for celebrities.
#a proclivity for hard work.

Syno- liking, inclination, tendency, leaning, disposition,

propensity, predisposition, preference, taste, fondness

Hint- pro= forward, down, cilus= slope, proclivis= inclined

Pariah (N.) - a social outcast - a person driven out of a


#a person who is not accepted by a social group,
especially because he is not liked, respected or trusted.
#a member or low cast in India- a dalit
#they were treated as social pariahs.
#I was treated like a pariah for the rest of my life.

Syno- untouchable, undesirable

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Hint- consider it as paraya

Perverse (Adj.) - deliberately deviating from what is

regarded as normal, good or proper.

#vidit was being perverse and refusing to agree with anything we
#you are just being perverse.
#her perverse decision not to cooperate held good.
#perverse behavior(unreasonable

Syno- stubborn awkward, unhelpful, annoying, contrary

#contrary to accepted or expected standard

#he seems to take perverse pleasure in being disagreeable.
#I took perverse pleasure in his predicament.

Syno- illogical, irrational, unreasonable,

contradictory, inappropriate

hint- if we remove "P" concentrate on reverse.

Plebeian (N.) - belonging to a low social class - common


#Shakespeare treated plebeians with contempt in his plays.
#the opinions were shared by plebeians, gentry, clergy.

Syno- proletarian, commoner, low-class, low-born

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Anto=aristocrat, noble, patrician

lacking in refinement
#he retained a plebeian taste in food and drink.

Syno- uncultured, uncultivated, unrefined, rustic.

Anto=refined, cultivated, sophisticated

Hint- sounds like pebble which are found every where and
are very common. Sadharan, neech, sarvsadharan

Pensive (Adj.) - engaged in deep and serious thought

#she was in pensive mood and looked intently at the placid
water of the lake.
#she became, withdrawn and pensive, hardly speaking to anyone.
#pensive look.

Syno- thoughtful, thinking, reflective, contemplative, introspective,

chintagrast, udasin

Hint- when a pen is in your mouth, you are always indulged

in some kind of thought.

Puerile (Adj.) - childishly silly and immature - not like an


#I find his sense of humor rather puerile.
#though she has grown up, her puerile behavior always irritates
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her friends.
#puerile schoolboy humor.

Syno- bachkana

Hint- pure things are always childish and pure.

Quasi (N.) - to a certain or some extent – almost

#the school uniform is quasi-military in style.

Syno- partly, partially, somewhat, lag bhag

apparently but not really

#having a likeness to something, resembling.
#a quasi success.
#a quasi contract.

Syno- supposedly, seemingly, apparently, allegedly, ostensibly,


Quandary (N.) - a state of uncertainty or perplexity

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#Most of the students are in quandary about their future
plans after they have completed their children.
#I have had two job offers, and I'm in a real quandary
about/over which one to accept.

Syno- dilemma, plight, predicament, difficult situation.

Hint- quantum physics which is so complex that it leaves you

in dilemma, and uncertainty of photon

Quell (N.) - Put an end to a rebellion or disorder, typically by

the use of force.

#extra police were called to quell the disturbance.
#Police quelled the riot.
#she quelled an urge to race up the stairs.

Syno- end, finish, crush, curb, suppress, terminate, subdue

to pacify or quiet
#to quell pain, to quell grief
#to quell child's fear of thunder.
#quell my hunger

Syno- calm, soothe, pacify, mollify, settle, quiet, allay, appease,

assuage, mitigate, alleviate
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Quintessence (N.) - the most perfect or typical example

#the quintessence of evil.
#everybody admires her because she is the quintessence
of benevolence.

Syno- epitome, paragon, ideal, personification,

embodiment, exemplar

essence, core
#advertising is the quintessence of marketing.

Syno- essence, soul, spirit, ethos, heart, center, crux.

Quarantine (Adj.) - period of separation

#a period of time during which an animal or person that might
have a disease is kept away from other people or animals so that
the disease cannot spread.
#she was sent home and put in quarantine.
#my dog was in quarantine for six months.

Syno- isolation, segregate, solitude, keep apart

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Hindi- aspatal ka alag kamra

Hint- quarantine is pretty familiar in case of antivirus software

you can quarantine the virus affected files which means to isolate

Quash (V.) - reject as invalid - especially by legal procedure.

#his conviction(doshisidhi) was quashed on appeal.
#the appeal court has quashed the convictions.
#his conviction was quashed in March after his counsel
argued that the police evidence was all lies.
#the high court quashed the verdict of the lower court.

Syno- cancel, reverse, revoke, withdraw, countermand, nullify,


put an end to - suppress, destroy

#quash a rumor.
#to quash a rebellion.
#an attempt to quash violence.

Syno- end, finish, subdue, squash, repress

Hint- quash can be framed as crush

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Quench (V.) - satisfy one's thirst by drinking.

#when it's hot, it's best to quench your thirst with water.
#his thirst for knowledge will never be quenched.

extinguish a fire by using water.

#the flames were quenched by the heavy rain.
#the flames were quickly quenched with buckets of water.
Put and end to-to quench a rebellion.

Syno- smother, douse, put an end to, bhujana,

Qualms (N.) - feeling of doubt - right or wrong

#an uncomfortable feeling when you doubt if you are doing the
right thing.
#she had no qualms about lying to the police.
#I would have no qualms about doing the same again.

Syno- worry, anxiety, concern, second thought.

Hindi- hichak, pachtava

Quietude (N.) - a state of being calm and peaceful

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#in many of his poems the poet reflects on the quietude of
the countryside.

Quirk (N.) - a peculiar aspect of a person's character or


#they accepted her attitude as one of her little quirks.
#you have to get used to other people's quirks and foibles.

Syno- idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, foible, oddity.

strange or unexpected occurrence

#a quirk of fate.
#by some quirk of nature/fate.
#one can call his misfortune just a quirk of fate.

Syno- chance, fluke, freak, twist of fate

Quixotic (Adj.) - extremely idealistic, unrealistic and


#a vast and perhaps quixotic project)
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#he has not been successful in life because of his quixotic ideas.
#not sensible about practical matters.

Syno- romantic, utopian, visionary, perfectionist, unrealistic.

Hint- quick+exotic, if you desire something exotic to

happen quickly in your life, it is just a daydream.

Quizzical (Adj.) - suggesting puzzlement, questioning

#she gave me a quizzical look/glance/smile.

Syno- puzzled, perplexed, baffled, enquiring, curious, sceptical

amusingly odd and strange

#one of the most quizzical movies ever made.

Hint- quizz+comical= quic(curious) in a comical way

Querulous (Adj.) - often complaining, especially in a weak

high voice

#he became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous in his
old age.
#a querulous voice.
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#she became querulous and demanding.

Syno- petulant, complaining, fretful, discontented, chidchida,

or kudkud karne wala

Hint- queri= complain

Refurbish (V.) - to make clean, bright, or fresh again –


#the developers refurbished the house inside and out.
#we have spent money on refurbishing the office.

Syno- renovate, redecorate, revamp, renew, rebuild, reconstruct,


Hint- refurbish- refurnish

Rudimentary (Adj.) – basic – elementary

#his knowledge is still only rudimentary.
#I have only a rudimentary knowledge of English.
#he received a rudimentary education.
#if one wishes to learn the art of conversation, one must be aware
of the rudimentary rules of grammar.
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Syno- basic, elementary, introductory, early, primary, initial,
first, funadamental

relating to immature, undeveloped, or basic

form Example-
#a rudimentary stage of evolution.
#rudimentary plans.
#rudimentary plants/leaves.
#rudimentary wings.

Syno- primitive, crude, simple, unsophisticated, rough

Hint- rudimentary- fundamental

Remonstrate (V.) - to argue in protest and objection - to


#to remonstrate with the government.
#I went to the boss to remonstrate against the new rules.
#the players remonstrated with the umpire about the run-
out decision.

Syno- protest, complain, object, argue,

Anto- accept

Hint- when woman mensturate they often remonstrate

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Repudiate (V.) - refuse to accept – reject

#she has repudiated policies associated with previous
party leaders.
#I utterly repudiate those remarks.

Syno- reject, renounce, abandon, discard, disown

Anto- embrace

disown or divorce
#to repudiate a son.
#woman repudiated her insane husband.

deny the truth or validity of

#the minister repudiated allegations of human right abuses.
#to repudiate an accusation.
#he repudiated the charges.

Syno- deny, refute, contradict,

Anto- confirm, acknowledge

Hint- repud(refuse)+iate(ate)
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Rapprochement (N.) – reconciliation

#an agreement reached by opposing groups or people.
#there were sings of growing rapprochement between the
two countries.

Hint- re+approach= fighting people approach again.

Raze (V.) - to completely destroy a city, town or building

#villages were razed to the ground.
#the building was razed.

Syno- destroy, demolish, bulldoze,

Hint- raze= erase

Recrimination (N.) - argument between people who are

blaming each other

#mutual accusations, a counter charge
#the peace talks broke down and ended in bitter
mutual recrimination(s).
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Syno- accusation, counter-accusation, counter-charge, counter-

Hint- re(again)+crimination(crime), accuse one another again

and again of crimes- counter-charge

Repercussion (N.) - an unintended consequence of an

event or action, especially an unwelcome one

#the move would have grave repercussions for the entire region.
#the repercussions of the war are still keenly felt.
#serious repercussions.

Syno- consequences, result, effect, outcome, natiizey

Retrograde (V.) - moving backward

#a retrograde flow.
#the retrograde motion of planets.

returning to the older or worse conditions, methods and ideas etc.

#reverting to an inferior or earlier condition.
#it would be a retrograde step to revert to the old system.
#to go back on the progress that has been made would be
a retrograde step.
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Syno- unprogressive, for the worse, deteriorating, backward,
declining, negative, downhill, get worse or fall back in
previous condition

Hint- retro- behind, backward

Retaliate (V.) - make an attack in return for a similar attack

#to retaliate for an injury.
#If someone insults you, don't retaliate as it only makes
the situation worse.
#the terrorist retaliated against the government with a
bomb attack.

Syno- strike back, fight back, respond, hit back,

react, reciprocate, counter attack, avenge, revenge.

Retinue (N.) - a group of people who travel with an important

person to help them like advisers and assistants.

#the president travels with a large retinue of aides
and bodyguards.
#the prime minister arrived in the town with a retinue of officials.

Syno- company, cortege, escort, entourage, staff, bodyguard

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Hint- sounds like routine what you follow(daily) is retinue

Ramification (N.) - a complex or unwelcome consequence

of an action or event

#any change is bound to have legal ramifications.
#have you considered all the ramifications of your
suggestion? #these issues have powerful and personal and
political ramifications.

Syno- consequence, result, aftermath, outcome, effect

the act of branching out or dividing into branches

#ramifications of nerve.
#an extended family with its ramifications, shakha

Syno- branch, leg

Relegate (V.) - put to lower position

#to put someone or something into a lower or less important rank
or position.
#she resigned when she was relegated to a desk job.
#they aim to prevent women from being relegated to a secondary
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#other newspapers relegated the item to the middle pages.
#the team was relegated to sixth position.

Syno- downgrade, lower

Anto-upgrade, promote

refer to another person for

decision Example-
#she likes to relegate difficult project to her colleagues.
#relegate the matter to committee.
#the lawyer submitted the material to the court.

Syno- pass on

banish or exile
#he was relegate from his own country.
#(to assign to a particular group or category or kind)
#people argue about to relegate people in the society.

Recant (V.) - to say publicly that one no longer holds and

opinion or belief

#to repudiate or withdraw(a former belief or statement),
usually under pressure.
#she recanted her beliefs.
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#she recanted her earlier statements about religion.

Syno- abjure, retract, renounce, forswear, deny,

repudiate, relinquish or abandon, disown

Hint- RE(again)+ cant(cannot)- reject

Restive (Adj.) - restless, nervous, uneasy

#unwilling to be controlled or be patient.
#the audience was becoming restive as they waited for
the performance to begin.
#the audience grew restive.

Syno- restless, edgy, fidgety, on edge, tense, uneasy, nervous,

agitated, anxious, impatient, besabar, bechain, betaab

Anto- calm,

Hint- restive= restless

Rampage (N.) (V.) - a period of violent and uncontrollable

behavior by a group of people
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#rioters went on a/the rampage through the city.
#a bull that went on the rampage.
#a chef went on the rampage in his kitchen.
#to go on the rampage

Syno- berserk, wild, violent, frenzied,

Verb- move through a place in a violent or uncontrollable manner

especially large group of people
#several thousand demonstrators rampaged through the
city. #several villages were destroyed by rampaging soldiers.
#the elephants rampaged through the jungle.

Syno- rush wildly/madly, riot,

Hint- rampage= rage

Hindi- hungama

Rapt (Adj.) - fully attentive

#deeply engrossed.
#completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing
or hearing.
#a rapt teenage audience.
#she sat with rapt expression reading her book.
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#the children watched with rapt attention.
#listened to the speaker with rapt admiration.
#I noticed that everyone was watching me with rapt attention.

Syno- fascinated, enthralled, captivated, enchanted, entranced,


Hint- rapt listener, hindi- magan, leen, tanmay

Renegade (N.) (Adj.) (V.) - a person who betrays an

organization, country or set of principles

#traitor, deserter, turncoat,
#he was a renegade- a traitor

traitorous, rebel, disloyal, unfaithful,

#someone who rebels and become an outlaw.
#the renegade policeman supplied details of the
murder. #a renegade bodyguard

Syno- treacherous, traitorous, disloyal, rebel,

Hint- renegade sounds like grenade. A person who throws a

grenade in his own country is a traitor.

Hindi- pakhandi, bhagoda

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Retard (V.) - delay in terms of progress and development

#to cause to move slowly, impede
#continuing violence will retard negotiations.
#population problem has retarded economic progress in every
#A rise in interest rates would severely retard economic growth.

Syno- delay, slow-down, hold back, set back, postpone

Anto- accelerate or expedite

Reprisal (V.) - retaliation for a loss or injury

#the act of forcibly seizing an enemy's goods or citizens
in retaliation for a loss or injury inflicted. #military
#the attack was in reprisal for the kidnapping of their leaders.

Syno- counterattack, counter-stroke, revenge

Hint- re+Uprise= fight back

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Rancour/rancor (N.) - bitterness or resentfulness

#he was filled with rancor after losing his job.
#they cheated me, but I feel no rancor towards/against them.
#though they had planned to marry, now there is feeling of
rancor between them.

Syno- bitterness, site, hate, hatred, resentment, malice,

animosity, antipathy, enmity, hostility

Anto- amicability

Hint- ran(run)+chor(theif).. When thief run away with your will be bitter or full of resentment

Ravage (N.) (V.) - to cause great damage to something

#a tornado ravaged the town.
#the area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war.

Syno- devastate, ruin, destroy, raze, demolish, wreck, damage

Noun- destruction, damage or harm

#the storm resulted in the ravage of the countryside.
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#the ravages committed by man.

Syno- destruction, damage, devastation, ruin, havoc, wreckage,

destructive and harmful effects of something

#the ravages of disease.
#the ravages of time.
#the ravages of war.

Hint- in order to take revenge against your enemy you have

to ravage his army.

Render (V.) - provide or give - a service or help etc.

#money serves as a reward for services rendered.
#he is always prepared to render help to the needy.
#render a service, render assistance

Syno-give, provide, supply, make available

Cause to be/become – make

#the rains rendered his escape impossible.
#his rudeness rendered me speechless.
#it has so many errors as to render it useless.
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Hint- rhymes with vendor= who delivers you goods.

Recipient (N.) - a person who receives something

#he was a recipient of civilian service award.
#recipients of awards.
#the recipient of the nobel peace prize.

Repartee (N.) - quick and usually witty or funny answers and

remarks in conversation

#he has a quick mind and splendid gift of repartee.
#Oscar Wilde's plays are full of witty repartee.

Syno- banter, bantering, badinage, witty conversation,

persiflage, haazir jawabi

Hindi- retort+witty, retort-karara jawab

Reiterate (V.) - to say something again or number of times,

typically for emphasis or clarity

#the government has reiterated its refusal to compromise
with terrorists.
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#she kept reiterating her request.

Syno- repeat, say again, restate, retell, recapitulate

Hindi- baar baar dhohrana

Replete (Adj.) - filled or well-supplied with something

#this car has an engine replete with the latest technology.
#a speech replete with humor.
#there is no peace in the family though the home is replete with
every modern comfort.
#it is replete with misery.

Syno-full, filled, well-stocked, well-supplied, well provided,

loaded, stuffed, abounding

stuffed with food and drink)-fill to satisfaction with food and drink
#replete after a heavy lunch.

Syno- sated, full, well-fed, satiated, satisfied

Hint- repeatedly eat

Rowdy (Adj.) - noisy and possibly violent – disorderly –

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#a rowdy party.
#a rowdy behavior.
#Rowdy teenagers.
#he has complained about rowdy behaviors.

Syno- unruly, disorderly, badly behaved, uncontrollable

Noun - a noisy or disorderly person

#we are accused of being rowdy in the pub.
#the owner kept a baseball bat to deal with rowdies.

Syno- hooligan, ruffian

Redundant (Adj.) - unnecessary because it is more than is

needed - especially of a word, phrase etc.

#superfluous- more than is needed, required or
desired #a student paper filled with redundant phrases.
#a redundant part.
#the use of computers in the government offices has
made thousands of workers redundant.

no longer in employment because there is no more work available

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#eight permanent staff were made redundant.

Syno- dismissed, sacked,

Syno- unnecessary, not required, inessential, needless,

unwanted, useless

Anto- essential, necessary

Rift (N.) - a large crack in something

#the stream had cut a deep rift in the rock.
#he saw the sun through a rift in the clouds.

Syno- crack, flaw, split, break, gap, breach, space

A serious break in friendly relations

#a rift between siblings.
#they hope to heal the rift with their father.
#the marriage caused a rift between the brothers and they
didn't speak to each other for ten years.

Syno- breach, division, split, argument, altercation, darar,

anban, foot
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Ruse (N.) - a trick intended to deceive someone

#It was just a ruse to distract her while his partner took
the money.
#this was a ruse to divide them.

Syno- tactic, move, trick, dodge, stratagem, cunning plan.

Hint- re+use= in a shop the shopkeeper reused the old

goods, which is deceptive, chaaal, chall, dhoka

Rampant (Adj.) - getting worse quickly and in an

uncontrolled way

#unrestrained, uncontrolled
#rampant corruption.
#political violence was rampant.
#a rampant epidemic.
#rampant corruption in government.

Syno- uncontrolled, widespread, unchecked, unbridled

Ant- controlled,

growth beyond control

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#a rampant growth of weeds
#a rich soil soon becomes home to rampant weeds

Hint- rampant can be divided as ramp+ant where ants

are generally more in number. aniyantrit

Rife (Adj.) - in widespread existence, use - increasingly


#rumor was rife in the village.
#malaria is rife in the refugee camp.
#the city is rife with rumors of communal riots.
#crime is rife in the city.

full of something unpleasant

#the office was rife with rumors.

Syno- widespread, general, common, universal,

omnipresent, ubiquitous, everywhere, epidemic

excessively abundant
#a land rife with poverty.

Hint- rife- rifle which has abundant bullets.

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Redress (N.) - remedy or compensation for a wrong or

#to seek redress of grievances.
#the victim of the police injustice sought legal redress.

Syno- compensation, reparation, restitution, repayment,

Verb- remedy or set right(an undesirable or unfair situation

#he should be redressed for the loss.

Syno- rectify, correct, right, set right, amend, remedy, repair,

fix, heal,

Hint- redress is "relief from distress"

Redoubtable (Adj.) - very strong, especially in character,

producing respect and a little fear in others

#tonight he faces the most redoubtable opponent of his
boxing career.
#he is redoubtable fighter/ debater.
#india needs redoubtable politicians to build india strong.
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Syno- formidable, awe-inspiring, fearsome, daunting,
alarming, mahaprakarmi.

Sangfroid (N.) - composure or calmness shown in danger

#the ability to stay calm in a difficult or dangerous situation.
#he behaves throughout with a certain sang-froid.

Syno- composure, equanimity, self-control

Hint- cold blood

Scourge (N.) - a whip used as an instrument of punishment -

koda or chabuk

#whip, horse-whip, lash,
#a person or thing that causes great trouble or
suffering #the scourge of mass unemployment. #the
scourge of war/poverty/drugs.
#pop-up ads have been described as the scourge of the internet.

Verb- whip someone as a punishment

#our people did scourge him severely.

Syno- flog, beat, whip, horsewhip, lash, cane, thrash,

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#cause great suffering to
#political methods used to scourge and oppress workers)
#the country has been scourged by famine in recent
years. #the scourge of famine.

Syno- afflict, plague, torment, torture, oppress, punish.

Hint- scourge= severe punishment- one word

Salvage (V.) - rescue from a loss at sea - a wrecked ship or

its cargo.

#gold coins salvaged from a shipwreck.
#he salvaged his books from the burning house.
#after the fire, there wasn't much furniture left salvaging.

Syno- rescue, save, recover, retrieve, get back.

#to try to make a bad situation better

#it was a desperate attempt to salvage the situation.
#after the fraud scandal he had to make great efforts to
salvage his reputation.

Noun- the rescue of a wrecked ship from loss

#a salvage operation was under way.
#the salvage of the ship went on.
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Syno- rescue, saving, recovery, salvation

Hint- salvage- or savage= savage- destroy, or salvage- save

Sultry (Adj.) – torrid - hot and humid of the air and weather

#sultry july weather.
#the sultry sands of desert.
#Expressing sexual desire

Suggesting a strong sexual nature or behavior- woman

#a sultry look.
#a sultry dance.
#she's is the sultry blonde in that new chocolate commercial.

Syno- sensual, sexy, erotic, seductive, provocative, tempting

Surmise (V.) - to guess or suppose something without

having much or any proof to confirm it

#the police surmise that the robbers have fled the country.
#he surmised that something must be wrong.
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Syno- guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, infer, conclude
, andaja lagana, anuman karna

Noun- a guess or supposition that something may be

true-without having enough evidence
#he was glad to have his surmise confirmed.
#my surmise turned out to be right.
#the article is pure surmise and innuendo.
#his surmise proved correct.

Syno- guess, supposition, conjecture, hypothesis, andaja,


Spurious (Adj.) - fake or false

#separating authentic and spurious claims>
#there is a glut of spurious drugs in the market.

Syno- bogus, fake, not genuine, counterfeit, feigned,

sham, fallacious, fraudulent, jaali, nakli

#plausible but false - specious
#false and not what it appears to be or(of reasons of judgments)
#a spurious claim.
#spurious inferences.
#Spurious reasoning, spurious justification.
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Hint- sounds like furious- you get furious when you hear spurious

Supersede (V.) - to take place of – supplant

#to replace something, especially something older or more
old fashioned)
#the older models of car have now been superseded.
#the marketing manager was superseded by his junior, the
former resigned.

Syno- replace, supplant, remove

Hint- when a super new things arrives, we replace the old

things because it is obsolete.

Saga (N.) - a long story of heroic achievement

#the saga of Indian soldiers on the war front is
beyond description.

Syno- epic, chronicle, legend, folk tale, narrative,

#along involved story, account, or series of incident

#it was just another episode in the ongoing saga of their marriage
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#I expect he told you the saga of his troubles.
#he told me the whole saga of what had happened.

Salutary (Adj.) - producing good effects- especially with

reference to something unwelcome or unpleasant - beneficial.

#a salutary experience.
#salutary advice.
#a salutary warning.
#salutary working conditions tend to improve the efficiency of
the workers.

Syno- beneficial, good, advantageous, profitable,

productive, helpful, useful, valuable

#health - giving
#the salutary mountain air
Syno- healthy, health-giving, healthful, beneficial

Hindi- laabhdayak

Sumptuous (Adj.) - splendid and expensive – looking

#luxurious and showing that you are rich.
#sumptuous feast was served on the occasion of the wedding.
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#sumptuous costumes.
#they live in sumptuous surroundings.

Syno- lavish, luxurious, deluxe, opulent, magnificent, splendid,

extravagant, lush, rich

Hint- sumptuous- sampattti

Substantiate (V.) - to prove the truth of something - support

with proof or evidence.

#he had found nothing to substantiate the allegations.
#we have evidence to substantiate the allegations against him.
#substantiate an accusation.
#there is little scientific evidence to substantiate the claims.

Syno- prove, support, uphold, justify, verify, confirm, affirm,

Establish, validate

Hint- provide substantial evidence, sidhh karna

Sedition (N.) - language inciting rebellion against the

authority of state

#language or behavior that is intended to persuade other people
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to oppose their government
#government officials charged him with sedition.

Syno- rebellion, provocation,

Hint- sedition- opposition

Stint (N.) - a person's fixed or allotted period of work

#he has just finished a stint of compulsory military service.
#a five-year stint in Hong kong.
#our servants performs his daily stint without grumbling.

Syno- spell, stretch, period, time, session, term, karyakaal

Verb- to be economical in providing soemthing)-hold back

#the bride's parents did not stint on the wine- there was plenty for
#he does not stint when providing knowledge.

Supercilious (Adj.) - arrogant or haughty

#behaving as if you are better than other people, and that
their opinions, beliefs, or ideas are not important. #his manner
is supercilious and arrogant.
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#he spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice.

Syno- arrogant, haughty, conceited, disdainful,

pompous, superior, snobbish, smug, ghamandi

Hint- super senior- thinks they are superior to others.

Sporadic (Adj.) - occurring irregularly

#sporadic fighting broke out.
#a sporadic electricity supply.
#sporadic firing.

Syno- occasional, infrequent, irregular, periodical, periodic,

spasmodic, random,

Anto- frequent, regular, steady, continuous

Status quo (N.) - the present situation - yathasthiti, vartman


#existing condition or state of affairs, especially regarding social
and political issues.
#they have vested interest in maintaining status quo.
#certain people always want to maintain the status quo.
#India and Pakistan have agreed to maintain status quo in
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respect of LOC in Kashmir.

Superannuated (Adj.) - retired or ineffective because of

advanced age

#the superannuated army personnel are not satisfied with their
pension grade.
#outdate or obsolete through age or new
developments #superannuated computing equipment.
#superannuated laws.

Syno- old, old-fashioned, antiquated, out of date, outmoded

Hint- super- jada, annual year= jada age

Scion (N.) - a descendant of a notable family

#he was the scion of a wealthy family.
#scion of the ruling dynasty.

Syno- offshoot, heir, successor, offspring, vanshaj

Anto- ancestor, predecessor

Hint- scion can be remembered as the son

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Salient (Adj.) - most noticeable or important

#she began to summarize the salient features/ points of the
#the article presented the salient facts of the dispute clearly and

Syno- important, main, principal, major, chief, notable,

conspicuous, noticeable, prominent, key, crucial, vital,
essential, central, prime

Hint-salient features- most important features

Sagacious (Adj.) - wise, judicious – shrewd

#a sagacious person/comment/choice

Syno- wise, clever, intelligent, knowledgeable,

sensible Hint- sagacious- sage

Schism (N.) - a separation or division into two parts

#a division into two groups caused by a disagreement
about ideas, especially in a religious organizations.
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#a schism within the church.
#the widening schism between the church leaders and politicians.

Syno- division, split, rift, breach, break, rupture, foot, matbhed

Hint- sounds like prism which splits light into colors.

Savour / savor (V.) - to enjoy food slowly, in order to enjoy it

as much as possible or appreciate it

#It was first chocolate he'd tasted for over a year, so he
savored every mouthful.
#he savored the delicious soup.
#or - take pleasure in something

Noun- pleasure and interest

#she felt that life had lost most of its
savor/savour #life without her had no
savor/savour. #it has lost its savour
#a smell or taste or flavour, especially pleasant one
#the subtle savor/savour of wood smoke. #the rich
savor of the coffee.

Syno- taste, flavour, tang, aroma, smell, fragrance, odour

Hint- savour- flavour

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Sartorial (Adj.) - relating to tailoring, clothes or style of dress

#sartorial elegance.
#in the modern era these are rapid changes in sartorial fashions.

Syno- sarotial= saari

Succour/succor (N.) - assitance and support in times of

hardship and distress

#her organization gave succuor and strength to those who had
been emotionally damaged
#have you offered comfort and succour to you friend?
#the government has provided ample succour to the farmer
affected by flood.

Syno- aid, help, support, relief, assiatance, preshani me sahayta

Verb- give assistance or aid to

#students should be encouraged, supported and succored.
#to succuor the poor, help the helpless, support the weak.

Hint- in hindi movies housewives ask for shakkar(succour) at

the time of need form the their neighbours.
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Stringent (Adj.) - strict, precise, exacting - of regulations,
requirements or conditions

#Stringent guidelines on air pollution.
#the most stringent laws in the world are useless.
#stringent safety regulations were introduced after the accident.
#stringent safety measures.

Syno- strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, stiff,

Hint- stringent-strict

Scruple (N.) - a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to

the morality

#he is a man without scruple- he has no conscience.
#a man with no moral scruples.

Syno- qualms

Verb- hesitate or be reluctant to do something that one thinks

may be wrong
#she doesn’t scruple to ask her parents for money.
#he wouldn’t scruple to cheat his own mother if there was money
in it for him.
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Shambles (N.) - a state of total disorder

#my career was in a shambles.
#after the party, the house was a complete shambles.
#our economy is in shambles.
#the room was a shambles after the party.

Syno- chaos, mess, muddle, confusion, disorder

#a butcher's slaughterhouse - kasaikhana
#the shambles where the animals were slaughtered.

Sacrosanct (Adj.) - regarded as sacred and inviolable

#thought to be too important or too special to be
changed. #I'm willing to help on any weekday, but my
weekdays are sacrosanct.
#the individual's right to work has been upheld as sacrosanct.

Syno- sacred, inviolable, inviolate

Hint- sacrosanct- sacred

Spiteful (Adj.) – malicious - desire to hurt

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#the teachers made spiteful little jokes about me.
#spiteful friend.

Syno- malicious, mean, nasty, cruel, unkind, hurtful,

malevolent, vindicative

Stigma (Adj.) - a mark of disgrace associated with a

particular circumstance, quality or person

#there is no longer any stigma to being divorced.
#the stigma of mental disorder.
#the stigma of having been in prison.

Syno- shame, disgrace, dishonor, stain, kalank, laanchan

Sluggish (Adj.) - slow or inactive - with less energy of power

#a heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.
#a sluggish stream.
#I woke late feeling tired and sluggish.

Syno- inactive, quiet, slow, lethargic, dull

Hint- sluggish= slow+ish

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Sedentary (Adj.) - tending to spend much time seated

#involving little exercise or physical activity.
#a sedentary job/occupation.
#my doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle
is too sedentary.
#those engaged in sedentary jobs need physical exercise.

Syno- sitting, desk-bound, stationary

Hint- dentary- dentist, you require a lot of sitting to make your

teeth healthy.

Tepid (Adj.) – lukewarm - thoda thoda garam

#please take the medicine with lukewarm.
#showing little enthusiasm
#the applause was tepid.
#i got a tepid response to my suggestion.

Syno- unenthusiastic, uninterested

Hint- tea+Pii= garam tea pee

Tortuous (Adj.) - full of twists and turns and changes of

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#the route is remote and tortuous.
#he took a tortuous route through back streets.
#a tortuous mountain route.

Syno- winding, curvy. Zigzag

#excessively lengthy and complex)
#a tortuous argument.
#long and tortuous negotiations.
#a tortuous plot.
#tortuous legal procedures.

Syno- convoluted, roundabout, circuitous, indirect, confusing

Hint- tortuous- teda medapan, (peechida)

Tryst (N.) - private meeting

#a meeting between two people who are having a
romantic relationship especially a secret one #a moonlight
#the villagers got wind of the tryst between lovers and hacked
them to death.

Hint- try to meet secretly

Tentative (Adj.) - not certain or fixed - provisional

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#a tentative conclusion.
#I have a tentative plans to take a trip to shimla in july.
#nothing is yet final, only tentative programme has been

Syno- provisional, unconfirmed,

unsettled, Example-
#done without confidence - hesitant.
#tentative steps towards podium.
#my first attempts at complaining were very tentative.

Syno- hesitant, uncertain, cautious, unconfident, timid, unsteady,


Hint- living in a tent temporarily, if you are living in a tent, you

are unsettled.

Terminus (N.) - the final point, the end

#last stop of rail, road
#mumbai is the terminus of the western railways.

Thwart (V.) - to stop something from happening or someone

from doing something

#our holidays plans were thwarted by the bus drivers' strike.

Syno- frustrate-(prevent)
Frustrate k do meaning hote hai ek prevent or ek annoy
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Trauma (N.) - a deeply distressing or disturbing experience

#powerful shock.
#I'd been through the trauma of losing a house.
#the trauma of marriage breakdown.
#childhood traumas.
#physical injury
#spinal trauma.

Syno- injury, damage, hurt, wound, brusie

Travesty (N) - a false, absurd or distorted representation of


#the jury's verdict was a travesty of injustice. I.E- a miscarriage
failure - collapse of justice, an act of the legal system that is an
insult to the system of justice. #ex - miscarriage of the project.

#the trial of patriots like Bhagat singh was a sheer travesty

of justice.
#the court ruling was a travesty of justice.

Syno- misrepresentation, distortion, mockery, parody, caricature,

poor imitation

Verb- represent in a false, absurd or distorted way)

Syno- misrepresent, parody, mock, ridicule

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Hint- travesty is a mockery or an absurd or distorted imitation
of the original, haasya janak anukaran

Throttle (V.) - attack or kill someone by choking or strangling


#sometimes he annoys me so much that I could throttle him.
#the old woman was throttled to death by the dacoits.
#he tried to throttle her with wire.

Syno- strangle, choke, suffocate

Hint- troat-kill.. It means to kill by squeezing the throat.

Trite (Adj.) - lacking originality or freshness

#I know it will sound trite, but I've loved being part of this club.
#a trite comment.

Syno- hackneyed, banal, cliched, platitude, vapid,

Tenet (N.) - a principle, belief, or doctrine

#especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy.
#non-violence is the central tenet of their faith.
#the tenets of Buddhism emphasize the need of simple life.

Syno- principal, belief, doctrine, percept, creed, dogma, rule-

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Hint- the ten commandments.

Tribulation (N.) - a state of great trouble or suffering

#his time of tribulation was just beginning.
#she went through tribulation in life with fortitude.
#A time of great tribulation.

Syno- trouble, worry, anxiety, burden, affliction,

adversity, hardship, difficulty, problem

Hint- tribes of our nation undergo only suffering and distress

Tenuous (Adj.) - very weak, fragile and delicate

#a tenuous connection, idea, or situation is weak and
possible does not exist.
#the police have only found a tenuous connection between the
two robberies.
#a tenuous link between pieces of evidences.
#a tenuous argument.
#a tenuous thread

Syno- slight, insubstantial, flimsy, negligible, weak, fragile,

fine, thin, delicate

Hint- tenuis- thin

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Terse (Adj.) - Brief and to the point, abruptly concise

#using few words, sometimes in a way that seems rude
and unfriendly
#a terse one word answer
#a terse statement.

Syno- concise, succinct, brief, short, blunt, abrupt, pithy, laconic,

crisp, curt, brusque, sankshipt

Hint- terse rhymes with verse which is concise and pithy

Travail (N.) - painful or laborious effort

#he did whatever he could to ease their travail.
#he has gone through travail and suffering in life manfully.

Syno- toil, suffering, pain, stress, hardwork,

#to be in labour of childbirth
#a woman in travail.

Hint- travail= taravel+rail= when you travel a long distance in

a rail full of people - you suffer from travail

Threshold (N.) - the floor of an entrance to a building or

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#he stood on the threshold of her bedroom.
#they stood on the threshold of the church.

Syno- doorstep, doorway, entrance, entry, gate, gateway, deheli,

chokhat, dehleej
#the point of entry or beginning - the
outset #on the threshold of a new era. #the
threshold of a new career.
#she is on the threshold of a dazzling career.
#India is on the threshold of economic revolution.

Syno- start, starting point, beginning, verge, edge, brink,

dawn, opening

Tainted (Adj.) - contaminate or pollute something

#the air was tainted by fumes from the cars.
#toothpaste that is tainted with toxic metals.

Syno- contaminate, pollute, adulterate, infect, spoil, ruin, corrupt

#affect with a bad or undesirable quality

#his administration was tainted by scandal.
#his reputation was permanently tainted by the financial scandal.
#a reputation that was tainted by allegation of illegal activity.

Syno- corrupt, debase, damage, hurt, infect, poison

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Transcend (V.) - to go beyond the limits of a field of activity
or conceptual sphere

#this was an issue transcending party politics.
#the best films are those which transcend national or
cultural barriers.

Syno- go beyond, rise above, cut across

#surpass a person or achievement

#he doubts that he will ever transcend Shakespeare.
#peace of life in one's life transcends all material
achievements. #the underlying message of the film is that love
transcends everything else.

Syno- surpass, excel, exceed, beat, overshadow, leave behind

Usurpation (N.) - act of seizing power - hadap lena

#to take control of a position of power, especially without having
the right to;
#local control is being usurped by central government.
#the military leader was charged with the usurpation of the throne.
#illegal seizure or occupation of throne

Hint- us not ur property

Umbrage (N.) - offence or resentment

#she took umbrage at his remarks.
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#will she take umbrage if she is not invited to the
wedding? #he took umbrage at their rudeness.
#he takes umbrage against anyone who criticizes him.

Syno- be offended, take offence, take something personally, be

upset, be annoyed, be angry, be insulted

Hint- rage- anger, resentment

Unearth (V.) - dig up or find in the ground by digging

#no evidence has yet been unearthed.
#fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant.
#a private detective has unearthed some fresh evidence.

Syno- excavate, mine

Anto- bury

Unkempt (Adj.) - untidy or not care for – disorderly

#unkempt hair.
#an unkempt garden.
#unkempt appearance.
#they were unwashed and unkempt.
#when he came out of the police station he looked unkempt.

Syno- untidy, messy, scruffy, dishevelled, ungroomed,

shabby, shaggy
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Hint- unkept

Unilateral (Adj.) - involving only one group or country

#one sided.
#a unilateral decision.

Unsavoury (Adj.) - unpleasant or morally offensive –


#an unsavoury character.
#unsavoury sexual practices.
#an unsavoury reputation

Syno- disreputable, nasty, disgusting, objectionable, offensive,

repulsive, immoral
#disagreeable to taste, smell or look at - distasteful, beswaad,
#unsavoury school meals.

Unruly (Adj.) - difficult or impossible to discipline, control or


#a group of unruly children.
#unruly teenagers.
#unruly behaviour.
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Syno- disorderly, rowdy, uncontrollable, disobedient, disruptive,
undisciplined, chaotic,

Anto- disciplined and obidient

Vie (V.) - to compete with other people to achieve something

#the middle class should not vie with the rich.
#six candidates are currently vying for the democratic
presidential nomination.

Syno- compete, contend, contest, struggle, fight, battle,

Venerable (Adj.) - deserving high respect - because of age,

wisdom or character

#a venerable family.
#a venerable old man with white hair.

Syno- respected, venerated, revered, reverenced,

honoured, esteemed

Anto- disreputable, dishonourable

Vent (V.) - to vent one's feelings and emotion – express

#children give vent to their anger in various ways.
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#please don't shout- there is no need to vent your
frustration/anger on me.

Veer (V.) - to change direction suddenly

#all of a sudden, the car veered off the road.
#our talk soon veered onto the subject of money.
#a helicopter veered off course into an oil platform.

Syno- swing, deviate, turn, change

Vehement (Adj.) - expressing strong feeling - forceful,

passionate, intense

#forcefulness of expression of conviction or emotion.
#a vehement denial.
#despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and
became an actor.
#both men were vehement in their denial of the charges against

Syno- passionate, forceful, ardent, heated, fervent,

strong, powerful, intense, violent

Anto- mild, apathetic

Hint- vehement-cement- strong, forceful, jooshila

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Vagary (N.) - an unexpected or unpredictable change in a
situation - or someone's behavior

#the vagaries of the weather.
#the vagaries of business travel.
#I can't explain the vagaries of his behaviour.

Syno- quirk, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, oddity,

foible, unpredictability

Vantage (N.) - a place and position affording a good view of

something or some advantage

#from my vantage point, we can see the city spread below us.
#the militants occupied the position of vantage and started firing
across the valley.

Syno- point of view, viewpoint, standpoint, outlook, perspective,

Hint- ad-vantage

Venal (Adj.) - open to bribery

#a venal person is willing to behave in a way that is not honest or
moral in exchange for money.
#a venal police officer.
#local customs officers are notoriously venal.
#venal and totally corrupt politicians.
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#characterized by corrupt dealings, especially bribery
#a venal arrangement between the police and the drug dealers.
#a venal regime.
#they are accused of being involved in venal practices.

Syno- corrupt, buyable, ghooskhor

Anto- honest, honourable

Vitiate (V.) - spoil or damage the quality or efficiency of


#development programmes have been vitiated by the rise in
#his admirable character is vitiated by his pride.
#electoral abuses which could vitiate the entire voting process.

#destroy or damage the legal validity of something

#to vitiate a claim.
#to vitiate a contract.
#the reservation policy has vitiated Indian society giving rise
to castist politics.

Syno- damage, impair, corrupt, debase, debauch,

demoralize, dushit karna, brasht karna

Vendetta (N.) - a feud between two families that arises from

the injury or killing of the member of one family by a member of
the other family, leading to long - lasting animosity and
retaliatory acts of revenge
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#there has been a bitter vendetta between the two families for
many years.
#he saw himself as the victim of a personal vendetta being
waged by his political enemies.

Syno- feud, blood feud, family feud, quarrel, argument,

wrangle, altercation, dispute, clash, fight, war, rivalry, conflict,
discord, enmity, bitterness, partishodd, badla

Hint- ven(when)+d(they)+ etta(attack)- when they attack each

other they are in vendeta

Vilify (V.) - to attack the reputation of a person or thing with

strong or abusive criticism

#he was vilified by the press as a monster.
#he has been vilified in the press.
#election is a period when politicians try to vilify the reputation
of others.

Syno- disparage, denigrate, defame, revile, berate, belittle,

abuse, insult, slight, attack, criticize, censure, condemn, decry,

Anto- commend, lionize

Hint- vilify opposite of glorify

Hint- vilify- to speak ill of

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Vintage (N.) (Adj.) - denoting something from the past of high
quality, especially something representing the best of its kind

#a vintage sherlock holmes adventure.
#a vintage comic book.
#a vintage plane.
#she loves buying vintage clothing.

Syno- high-quality, prime, choice, superior , best, classic, old,

#denoting wine of high quality
#vintage French wine.
#or the year in which wine was
produced #what vintage is this wine?

Vindictive (Adj.) - a strong unreasoning desire for revenge -


#the elephant is vindictive.
#a vindictive woman desperate for revenge.
#The lawyer's family is threatened by a former prisoner.

Syno- vengeful, unforgiving, resentful, pratishodhi

Anto- forgiving

Hint- vin(win) a person is always wanting to win, if he loses

he feels to seek revenge.
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Vandalism (N.) - intentional destruction of public property -
or property of others

#an act of mindless vandalism.
#the unruly crowd was dispersed by the police when it indulged
in vandalism.

Syno- hooliganism, malicious mischief

Vituperative (Adj.) - bitter or abusive spoken or written

attack - abusive criticism

#one of journalism's most vituperative critics.
#his vituperative remarks about novelist.
#it is a pity that modern politicians indulge in vituperative
criticism in election campaigns.

Warrant (V.) - justify or necessitate a course of action

#to make a particular activity necessary.
#the employees feel that industrial action is warranted.
#his impudent behavior towards the teacher was not at
all warranted.

#the vendor warrants the accuracy of the report.
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Wayward (Adj.) - difficult to control or predict because of
wilful or perverse behavior – capricious

#or resistance to guidance or discipline.
#a wayward adolescent.
#wayward children with a history of behavioural problems. #he
is fickle minded and is accused of way-ward disposition by her

Syno- fickle, capricious, changeable, obstinate,

perverse, manmoji

Anto- well- behaved, docile

Wane (V.) - to become weaker in strength or influence

#by the late 70's the band's popularity was beginning to wane.
#the popularity of the congress party is certainly on the wane.
#interest in the subject waned.
#my joy is waning.

Syno- disappear, decrease, diminish, dwindle, shrink, subside,

Hint- wane opposite of gain

Wilful (Adj.) - intentional, deliberate

#wilful acts of damage.
#wilful neglect of the environment has caused this problem.
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Syno- intended, purposeful, knowing, calculated, knowing

#having or showing a stubborn and determined intention to do as

one wants, regardless of the consequences #she developed into
a wilful, difficult child.
#a spoilt and wilful teenager.
#the child is wilful and impervious to the advice of his parents.

Syno- headstrong, obstinate, stubborn,

Wan (Adj.) - pale looking and weak

#she looked wan and weak after long
illness #the wan dawn light.

Syno- pale, dim, faint, weak, feeble,

Waylay (V.) – rob - to wait for and then stop someone,

especially either to attack or talk to that person

#he waylaid me on the stairs.
#the ladies were waylaid when they were returning from picnic.

Syno- ambush, attack, rob, assail, wait in hiding to attack,

taak mein bethna

Wilt (V.) - to become weak and begin to bend towards the

ground - of a plant
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#cut flowers will soon wilt without water.
#plants wilting in the heat.
#the roses had begun to wilt.

Syno- droop, sag, flop, wither

Hint- wilt sounds like tilt

Wield (V.) - hold/handle and be able to use- too, power,


#she was confronted by a man wielding a knife.
#he remains a chairman, but wields little power in the company.
#he still wields enormous influence in politics.
#wield power and authority

Syno- exercise, exert, maintain, have

Hint- wield sounds like shield- which is generally used

for protection, there for one need to handle it efficiently

Wreak (V.) - to cause something to happen - damage or


#the recent storms have wreaked havoc on crops.

Syno- inflict, create, cause, vent

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#avenge someone - inflict vengeance
#she was determined to wreak revenge/vengeance on both
him and his family.
#he wreaked vengeance for the murder of his father.

Hint- wreck=wreak

Wrest (V.) - to violently pull or take something away from


#he wrested the letter from my grasp.
#he wrested the book out of his hands.

Syno- wrench, snatch, seize, grab, take by force,

#to take possession of forcefully, seize, or usurp - wrested

the island from the settlers.
#wrested power from the monarchy.

Wangle (V.) - to obtain or achieve by cleverness or deceit,

especially in persuading them - manage by unfair means

#she wangled the job even though she had no training. #she
wangled out of a shit at work by pretending to be sick. #the
employees always try to wangle extra benefits from their

Syno- contrive, manipulate, arrange

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Hint- wrangler jeans- to girls are fighting to get a pair of last
piece of jeans.

Xenophobia (N.) - extreme dislike or prejudice against people

from other countries and their customs and religions etc

#racism and xenophobia are steadily growing in Europe.
#a wave of xenophobia.
#the whites are obsessed with xenophobia and are afraid
of losing hegemony.

Syno- racism


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