Dinda Nurul Lestari - Essay Writing Meeting 13

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Name : Dinda Nurul Lestari

NIM : 221010600452

Andreas' Journey from Sports Fan to Creative Explorer

Andreas is very passionate about sports. He always does sports with

enthusiasm every day, from jogging to extreme sports such as jumping or called
bungee jumping. But one day Anreas caught a disease that forced him to stop
exercising. Her mother called a doctor to check on Andreas, and it turned out that
Andes' pain was caused by excessive exercise. The doctor said exercise was very
important, but if it is done excessively, it can also be fatal.
After hearing the doctor's diagnosis, Andreas felt very disappointed and
frustrated. For Andreas, sport is not just a routine activity, but a lifestyle that gives
him happiness and satisfaction. He found it difficult to accept the fact that his
favorite activity had to be stopped temporarily.
Andreas' mother, who always supported his enthusiasm, tried to provide
understanding. "Andreas, your health is more important than your sporting
enthusiasm. This is only temporary, and we will look for other activities that are still
fun without endangering your health." However, change is never easy. Andreas felt
like he had lost a part of himself. He reflected on all the fun moments he had when
running or jumping from a height. Now, everything seems so far away and hard to
Andreas decided to look for a new hobby that didn't put too much stress on
his body. He became interested in painting and found new joy in creating visual
works. Although not the same as the adrenaline of sports, painting provided a way
to release creative expression and overcome the loss he felt. With the support of
family and friends, Andreas learned to accept these changes as part of his life
journey. He realized that health and happiness are not always closely related to one
particular activity. The new choice he made opened the door to exploring other
potentials and interests that he may have never explored before.

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