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1. Define Advertising. 16.Explain the importance of advertising? 1. What do you mean by Advertisement 1. What is advertising research?

As per American marketing association, “ A. IMPORTANT TO CUSTOMERS appeal? : Advertising appeals are William F Arens, “advertising research
advertising is any paid form of non personal • Offers valuable information communication strategies that marketing and uncovers the information needed for
presentation and promotion of ideas,goods • Promotes choice advertising professionals use to grab making
and services by an identified sponsor”. • Convenience attention and persuade people to buy or act. advertising decisions
2. What is surrogate advertising? • Education of consumers Advertising appeals refers to the approach 2. What are the features of advertising
It occurs in case where advertisements of • B. ESSENTIAL ELEMENT OF MARKETING used to attract the attention of customers or research?
certain products are not permitted by the MIX to influence their feelings towards a brand, • Part of marketing research
law. Certain cigarettes and alcohol • Product launching product or service. • Conducted to make systematic gathering
companies use this type Of advertising. • Product information 2. What is an advertisement copy? and analysis of information
3. What is covert Advertising? • Demand creation An advertisement copy is all the written or • To examine the possible communication
It is a unique kind of advertising in which a • Price information spoken matter in an advertisement expressed problems before the beginning of
product Or a particular brand is presented • Place information in words or sentences and figures designed advertising
in a delicate manner In the movies, television • Managing com petition to convey the desired message to the target campaign.
shows, and sports event. • Important in packaging consumers. An advertising copy is a term • Applied to examine the quality of
4. What is advertisement campaign? • Key role in positioning used to describe the main text used in the advertising messages, media and media
“ An advertising campaign includes a series • C. SIGNIFICANT ROLE IN THE SOCIETY advertisement. The text could be a dialogue, vehicles
of ads placed in various media that are • Employment generation a catchy punch line or a company's dictum. • It examines product awareness and
designed to meet objectives and are based • Higher standard of living 3. What is advertisement lay out? knowledge of the customers after the
on an analysis of marketing and • Sustains the media Layout may be defined as the arrangement of advertising
communication situations” • Incentive to work the various elements of advertising such as campaigns
5. What is an advertisement Agencies? • Art and culture illustration, text matter, product and name of 3. What are the need and importance of
An advertising agency, often referred to as a • Entertainment the company. A good advertisement is a measuring the effectiveness of
creative agency or an ad agency, is a 17.Explain the economic impact and legal combination of both copy and art. The layout advertising?
business dedicated to creating, planning, and impact of advertising. is a plan of an advertisement and makes the • Improve sales and profits
handling advertising and sometimes other Economic aspect of advertising work of the printer easier. • Facing competition
forms of promotion and marketing for its Effect on cost of production 4. What do you mean by copy writing? • Control
clients Effect on cost of distribution Copywriting is the act or occupation of writing • Effective ads
Effect on price text for the purpose of advertising or other • Avoids wastage of money
6. Define advertising clutter? Effect on demand forms of marketing. The product, called copy • Feedback for remedial measures
Advertising clutter refers to the large volume Effect on competition or sales copy, is written content that aims to • Cost benefit analysis
of advertising messages that the average Effect on consumer choice increase brand awareness and ultimately • Understanding the communication effect
consumer is exposed to on a daily basis. Effect on business cycle persuade a person or group to take a
7. What is media vehicle? Effect on national income particular action. 5. What are the different methods of
A media vehicle is a specific television Effect on utility measuring effectiveness of ad?
program, digital media, newspaper, Effect on employment 5. What do you mean by copy testing? • PRE TESTING(COPY TESTING)
magazine, radio station, outdoor advertising Effect on product quality Copy testing is a specialized field of Evaluation of an ad is made before it is
location, etc., that can be employed to carry Legal aspects of advertising marketing research that determines an transmitted to the potential customers
advertisements or commercials. • Regulation by the government advertisement's effectiveness based on ✓ Focus Group Sessions
8. Which are the key players in • Self regulation by the advertising industry consumer responses, feedback, and ✓ One To One Interviews
advertising? behavior. Also known as pre-testing, ✓ Consumer Jury Method
Advertiser 18. Explain the types of advertising. it might address all media channels including ✓ Sales Area Test
Advertising agency PRODUCT ADVERTISING television, print, radio, outdoor signage, ✓ Questionnaire Method
Media Informative Advertising internet, and social media. ✓ Recall Test Method
Advertising suppliers Persuasive Advertising 6. What do you mean by Permission • POST TESTING
Target audience Reminder Advertising Marketing? : Permission marketing is a Evaluation of advertisement conducted
9. What is sublimal advertising? BASED ON AREA OF OPERATION concept introduced in a book of the same after the real transmission of an ad to
Subliminal messages are visual or auditory Local Advertising name in 1999 by marketing expert Seth know its
stimuli that the conscious mind cannot National Advertising Godin. Permission marketing is a effectiveness and impact on the target
perceive, often inserted into other media such Global Advertising non-traditional marketing technique that audience
as TV commercials or songs. This kind BASED ON TARGET MARKETS advertises goods and services when advance • Recognition Test
of messaging can be used to strengthen or Consumer Product Advertising consent is given. Permission marketing is a • Recall Or Impact Test
heighten the persuasiveness of Industrial Product Advertising form of advertising where the audience is • Inquiry Test
advertisements, or to convey an altogether Trade Advertising given the choice to opt-in to receiving • CONCURRENT TESTING
different message entirely. Professional Advertising promotional messages. Common forms of • Term concurrent means simultaneous, in
Financial Advertising permission marketing include opting into this type of testing the ad campaign and ad
10. What are the merits of advertising? BASED ON MEDIA receiving updates as part of an email list. effectiveness testing occurs
Merits to Manufactures Audio Advertising 7. What are the essentials of an simultaneously.
Merits to Middle men Visual Advertising advertisement? • Testing is done when the ad is running or
Merits to Sales men Audio Visual Advertising • Choosing the Right Media in progress.
Merits to consumers Print Advertising/Writtn Advertising • Utilizing Unconventional and Unique • Tracking Studies
Merits to the society Internet Advertising Approach • Coincidental Surveys
11. What are the objectives of advertising? OTHER TYPES • Your Messages should be Catchy and • Consumer Diary Test
Launching a new product Outdoor Advertising Appealing • Pantry/Store Checks
Trial objective Broadcast Advertising 8. What are the types of advertisement • Mechanical Tests
Continuity Covert(Hidden )Advertising) copy? ➢ psychogalvanometer
Creation of demand Surrogate Advertising (Indirect) • Human interest ad copy. ➢ Techistoscope
Getting attention Celebrity Advertising • Educational ad copy. ➢ Camera test
Prompting immediate action 19. Explain the scope and process of • Reason why? ad copy. ➢ Pupilometer
Replacing lost customer advertising? • Institutional ad copy.
Brand switch • Goal setting • Suggestive ad copy. 6. What are the pact principles of copy
Reminds public • Message creation • Expository ad copy. testing?
Facing competition • Mass communication PACT is an advertising-industry term that
12. What are the process of advertising? • Media selection 9. What are the requisites of an effective stands for "positioning advertising copy
Establishing The Goals • Advertising agency advertisement copy? testing."
Preparation Of The Budget • Monitoring and evaluation (1) It Should Be Simple: PACT is a list of nine principles for testing
Selection Of An Advertising Agency Process of advertising are (2) It Should Be Capable Of Holding The the effectiveness of ads. Twenty-one of the
Selection Of The Media; • Establishing The Goals Reader's Attention: nation's biggest advertising firms
1.Media Class • Preparation Of The Budget (3) It Must Be Suggestive: assembled in 1982 to form PACT.
2.Media Vehicle • Selection Of An Advertising Agency (4) It Should Have Conviction Value: The purpose was to improve the research
3.Media Option • Selection Of The Media (5) It Should Educate The People: standards that the advertising
Creation Of The Advertisement • Media Class (6) It Should Have Memorizing Value: industry uses to create and test ad copy, to
Deciding The Place And Time Of Ad • Media Vehicle (7) It Should Be True: develop better ads for clients, and to
Monitoring And Evaluation • Media Option 10. What are the elements of control
13. Explain AIDA Model. • Creation Of The Advertisement advertisement copy? TV advertising costs. Testing results are
• Deciding The Place And Time Of Ad 1. A Clear Objective audiences' reactions to ads.
Model for creation of advertisement • Monitoring And Evaluation 2. A Compelling Message Principle I A good copy testing system
A – ATTENTION 3. A Compelling Offer provides measurements which are relevant
I - INTEREST 20. Explain advertising campaign and its 4. Evidence of Tangible Benefits to the objectives of the advertising.
D – DESIRE process. 5. A Clearly Understood Tone Principle II A good copy testing system is
A - ACTION Dunn and Barban “ an advertising campaign 6. A Means of Responding one which requires agreement about how
14. What is DAGMAR ? includes a series of ads placed in various 7. A Call to Action the results will be used in advance of each
The technique is used to measure the media that are designed to meet objectives 8. A Call to Action specific test.
effectiveness of an advertisement. The main and are based on an analysis of marketing 11. What are the different types of Principle III A good copy testing system
objective is and communication situations” advertisement appeal? provides multiple measurements - because
Communication task Objectives 1 Personal Appeal. single measurements are generally
Create awareness Brand image 2 Social Appeal. inadequate to assess the performance of
Impart information Growth and market share 3 Humor Appeal. an advertisement.
Develop attitude Buying decision of customers 4 Fear Appeal. Principle IV A good copy testing system
Induce action Support selling efforts 5 Romantic Appeal. recognizes that the more finished a piece
15. Expalin stereotyping? Educate consumers 6 Endorsement Appeal. of copy is, the more soundly it can be
A stereotype is a mistaken idea or belief Reminding about the brand 7 Youth Appeal. evaluated and requires, as a minimum,
many people have about a thing or group that Retrieve lost sales 12. What are the elements of layout? that alternative executions be tested in the
is based upon how they look on the outside, Process o Color same degree of finish.
which may be untrue or only partly true. Setting the advertisement objectives o Text Principle VI A good copy testing system
Stereotyping people is a type of prejudice Preparing the budget o Style provides controls to avoid the biasing
because what is on the outside is a Selecting the media o Page Size effects of the exposure context.
small part of who a person is. Creating the advertising message o Graphics Principle VII LA good copy testing
Evaluating advertising campaign results o Consistency system is one that takes into account basic
4. What are the constraints in measuring 13. What are the qualities of a good copy considerations of sampledefinition.
effectiveness of advertising? writer? Principle VIII A good copy testing system
• Cost of measurement • Attention to Detail is one that can demonstrate reliability and
• Dis agreements on what, when and where • Word Choice & Figurative Language validity.
to test • Professionalism Principle IX Take baseline (i.e.,
• Problems in testing • Optimism pre-exposure) measurements and / or use
• Time intensive process • Enthusiasm control groups.
• Objection of creativity • Curiosity/Inquisitiveness
• Resourcefulness
15. Explain brand equity and explain the 21. What are the positive and negative 14. What are the different types of 7. Explain dagmar model for measuring
effects of sales promotion on brand impact of advertising? advertisement media? ad effectiveness.
equity? Positive Impact (1) Direct Mail: DAGMAR Model suggest that ultimate
Brand equity is the sum total of values, Increases social awareness This is one of the oldest types of advertising objective of advertising must carry a
assets and liabilities generated by a branded Increases product awareness media. Under this method message is sent to consumer through for levels of
product over a period of time. It is referred to Employment generation the prospective buyers by post. A mailing list understanding
as the additional amount of money Higher standard of living is prepared for this purpose. Circular letters, i. Unawareness to Awareness
consumers are willing to pay for a brand Supports and sustains the media folders, calendars, booklets and catalogues ii. Comprehension
compared to other brands. Encourages research and development are sent under this type of advertising. In the iii. Conviction
Positive effects Incentive to progress sales letter an appeal is made to the buyers iv. Action
✓ Increases awareness of brand among Art and culture separately. 1. What do you mean by sales
customers Negative impact (2) Newspapers and Magazines: promotion?
✓ Consumers develop value and Deception These are the important forms of press “Sales promotion refers to those activities
perceptions of a brand on the basis of the Subliminal advertising advertising, newspapers are the most other than personal selling, advertising
strength of sales promotion campaign Hidden costs effective and powerful medium of advertising. and publicity that stimulate consumer
✓ It can develop meaningful points of Confuses people Newspapers contain valuable information purchasing and dealer effectiveness, such
difference to the brand and associations to Corrupts the minds of youth with regard todifferent current events. It may as – display shows and exhibitions,
particular brands Obscene advertisements be referred to as ‘a store house of demonstrations, and various other non-
Negative effects Attracts people to harmful products information’. There are daily, bi-weekly and recurrent selling efforts not in ordinary
✓ If company follows huge sales promotion Dissatisfaction among poor people weekly newspapers. Newspapers have routine
efforts in establishing a high brand Advertising clutter widest circulation and read by many people. 2. What are the components of
image for a low quality product, consumers Advertising promotes materialism The newspapers may be local, provincial or promotion mix?
may perceive it as a substandard product Makes people greedy national Advertising
✓ Frequently conducted sales promotion can (3)Magazines: Publicity
lead consumers to buy the brand at 9. What are the steps involved in Magazines or periodicals are other important Personal Selling
discounted prices. management of sales force? media of communication. Magazines may be Direct Marketing
✓ Consumers may reduce or stop their 1. Designing sales force strategy and released weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual Sales Promotion
purchase of the brand following frequent structure or annual. These are read with more interest Public Relations
sales promotion Establishing sales objective by the readers as compared to newspapers. 3. What is meant by push strategy?
✓ Qualitative Advertisements given in magazines are more It involves pushing distributors and
1. Define the term personal selling? ✓ Quantitative descriptive and attractive. They are usually in retailers to sell the products of a firm to the
American Marketing Association defines Deciding sales force structure coloured form which depicts the product consumer by offering various kinds of of
Personal Selling as:- “Personal Selling is the ✓ Territorial nicely and gives lasting impression to the promotion and personal selling efforts
oral presentation in a conversation with one ✓ Product reader.
or more prospective purchases for the ✓ Customer (4) Radio Advertising: 4. What is pull strategy?
purpose of making sales ✓ complex Radio advertising is very popular these days. Pull strategy concentrates on the
2. What is sales force management? Deciding size of the sales force The advertisements are broadcasted from consumer instead of the middle men
Sales force is the link between a firm and its 2. Compensation different stations of All India Radio. Radio involved
customers, there fore, organizations should Straight salary plan advertising can be explained as “word of in marketing. This strategy involves
procure and maintain efficient sales force Straight commission plan mouth advertising on a wholesale scale”. The discounts and other benefits to the
3. Explain the nature of personal selling? Salary plus commission plan advertising messages can be in different consumers so as to encourage them to
• Face to face communication 3. Recruitment and selection regional languages. purchase
• Involves individual acting for a company 4. Training (5) Television Advertising: 5. What is combination strategy?
• Two way flow of communication 5. Supervision This is the latest and the fast developing It is a mixture of push and pull strategy. It
• Involves persuasion of consumers 6. Evaluation medium of advertising and is getting focusses both on the middle man and
• Attempt to win buyers confidence increased popularity these days. It is more consumers, it offers special incentives to
• It is an education process 10. What are the steps involved in the effective as compared to radio as it has the booth the middle man and consumers
• Flexible tool in promoting sales process of evaluating the sales force? advantages of sound and sight. On account so as to boost the sales of the product.
1.Establishing performance standards of pictorial presentation, it is more effective 6. What is brand equity?
4. What are the essential elements of 2.Communicating the standards and impressive and leaves ever lasting Brand equity is the sum total of values,
personal selling? 3.Measuring the actual performance impression on the mind of the viewer. assets and liabilities generated by a
Face to face interaction 4.Comparing the actual performance with It is a very costly medium which can be branded product over a period of time. It is
Persuasion 5.desired performance employed by big concerns only; it has a referred to as the additional amount
Flexibility 6.Discussing the appraisal result shorter life span and limited coverage. Back of money consumers are willing to pay for
Promotion of sales 7.Decision making reference to the advertisement cannot be a brand compared to other brands.
Supply of information 11. What are the essential qualities that made after its presentation. The duration of 7. Briefly explain the features of sales
Mutual benefit should be possessed by the sales force? the advertisement is very limited. promotion.
5. Explain in detail, the process of Confidence According to Philip Kotler
personal selling. Professionalism (6) Film Advertising: ✓ Communication
Pre sale preparation Enthusiasm This is also known as cinema advertising. ✓ Incentive
Prospecting or locating the prospective Solution oriented This also provides sight and hearing facilities ✓ Invitation
buyers Empathy like television. Short advertisement films are ✓ Set of inducement
Approaching Relational not prepared by big business houses which ✓ Offered directly to the customers
Presentation Courtesy are sent to different cinema houses to be ✓ Does not include personal selling, ad
Demonstration Education and experience shown to the audience before the regular and publicity
Handling objections Mental qualities shows or during the intermission. It has more ✓ Offered for a short period
Closing the sale Hard working repetitive value but not to the same viewers. ✓ Numerous scheme and technique
Follow up Initiative Its coverage is limited which benefits the local ✓ Focus on small group of consumers
6. What are the different types of personal Sociability population only.It is a very costly medium
selling? Effective speech involving higher distribution and film making 8. What are the objectives of sales
NEGOTIATIONS Honesty costs. Only big organisations can afford to promotion?
SELLING STRATEGY Determination produce advertisement films. It ensures more o Building product awareness
AIDAS APPROACH organized flexibility at larger costs. Its effectiveness o Immediate increase in sales
STIMULUS RESPONSE MODEL cannot be measured properly. Film making is o Competitive advantage
7. What are the different types of sales a time consuming process. o Strengthen the brand image
persons? (7) Outdoor Advertising: o Attracts customers
Transactional This type of advertising include different o Motivation of the existing customers
Relational media like posters, placards, electric displays Reinforcing the brand
Closers or neon signs, sandwichmen, sky writing, 9. What are the advantages of sales
Consultants bus, train and tram advertising. This is also promotion?
8. Explain in detail, various principles of known as ‘Mural advertising’. The main aim • It helps companies to make an
personal selling? of outdoor advertising is to catch the attention immediate increase in their sales volume
Customer centered approach of passerby within twinkling of an eye. • Consumer get lot of incentives
Building relationships (8) Window Display: • Consumer get product at cheaper rate
Professionalism It is a common method which is usually • Companies can dispose off their existing
Effective organization undertaken by retailers who display their stock
Consultative selling products in the shop windows in order to • Help to retain customers
Better customer knowledge attract the customers. This is also known as • Helps firms to sell additional products
Customer orientation exterior display. It is the most effective and • It is less expensive
Customer focused sales dialogue direct method of influencing the people. 10. Explain the scope of sales
Adaptive selling Window display has direct appeal to the promotion?
onlookers. It is instrumental in arousing the • Trade oriented promotions
desire to purchase in the prospective • Consumer oriented promotions
customers. It acts as a silent salesman. • Sales force promotions
(9) Fairs and Exhibition: 11. What is meant by sales promotion,
A trade exhibition or a fair is organised on explain the various methods and
extensive scale which is attended by different techniques of sales promotion?
manufacturers and traders along with their
products to be sold to the large number of CONSUMER PROMOTION
people who visit the exhibition. The exhibition TECHNIQUES
may be either organised on local, provincial • couponing
or international basis. • Sampling
(10) Specially Advertising: • Rebates
Most of the business houses in order to • Gifts/free offer
increase their sales, advertise their products, • Price cuts/price – off offers
give free gifts like diaries, purses, paper • Consumer contests and lucky draws
weights and calendars to the customers. The TRADE PROMOTION TECHNIQUE
name of the firm or the dealer is inscribed on • Buying allowance
the articles presented. • Buy back allowance
• Merchandise allowance
• Bulk discount
• Gifts ,awards and cash prizes
• Bonus to sales force
• Gifts
• Sales force meet
15. Merits and demerits of internet as an 12. What is sales promotion budget?
advertisement medium. Comment. discuss the important techniques used
Advantages of online marketing in in the preparation of sales promotion
1. Targeting specific customers budget?
You can focus your ads on a particular online Percentage of sales method
market segment and filter your target group Unit of sales method
according to the location, interests or age. Competitive parity method
Search engines also let you target the exact Affordable method
keywords related to your business. With Objective end task method
these advanced targeting options you can 13. What are the different sales force
easily create successful campaigns and strategies.?
increase visitor conversion. Push strategy
2. Lower cost Pull strategies
If we compare online and offline advertising, Combination strategy
the cost of online marketing is significantly 14. What is sales promotion campaign,
lower. For example with PPC campaigns, the erxplain the steps involved in it?
main advantage is that you pay per visitor, Sales promotion campaigns are organized
therefore you dont spend money just to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of
because consumers have been shown your particular products or services by
ad. consumers
3. Full control with accurate statistics Goals.
Online advertising campaigns are under your Promotional message reaches the
full control. You know the exact expenses, so target audience.
you can set a daily budget and monitor Message is understood by the
overall spending. If you overstep your limit, audience.
you can always check the status of individual Message stimulates the recipients to
keywords and ads to adjust them. You also take action . Process :
know exactly how many people clicked on 1.Assessment of marketing opportunities
your ads and turned from leads to customers. 2.Defining the promotion objectives
There’s no need to guess if a certain 3.Deciding the promotion mix
campaign led to an increase in revenue. 4.Formulating the sales promotion
4. Improved customer interaction strategies
The possibilities are endless. Customers can 5.Designing sales promotion schemes
click on your ad, order your product directly 6.Developing the promotion budget
or 7.Execution of the campaign
strike up a conversation and seek additional 8.Evaluation of the campaign effectiveness
information. After buying the product, they
can review and share it with friends on social
media, thus motivating more customers to
5. Wide range of formats
There’s an ad format for every business.
Most of us are familiar with popular banner
and text
ads displayed in search engines and on
websites. We’re also used to seeing video
ads preceding and interrupting content on
social networks and YouTube. Still, that’s not
all – QR codes, text links, affiliate marketing,
hashtags and social media contests, all of
these can be part of your online marketing
Disadvantages of online marketing
1. Not everyone is on the internet and wants
to share their dataYour potential customers
might just not be present online, or only
occasionally. They might also use only one
specific search engine or social network and
you’ll have to find out which one that is with
user research. You also have to follow the
laws concerning privacy and collection of
user data. If your users don’t want you to use
their data for any purpose, you have to
2. Limited space for ads
Your advertising message must be short
enough to fit into the available space, so you
might need to get creative with the call to
action. You will probably also have to
compete with other business owners trying to
promote their own brands. Since there are so
many different forms of advertising,it
definitely pays to combine them to increase
the reach and see which works the best.
3. Declining ad-clicks
The click-through rate is gradually
decreasing. While in the past online
advertisement enticed a good number of
users to click, over the time people became
more immune to marketing charms. Large
number of internet users actively block the
ads through browser extensions.Many others
simply choose to ignore them.

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