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Ancient Agricultural Practices

Prerented By
Sawant D. M.
[M.Sc. Agri. (Agril. Met), NET]
Developma,t of Human Culture

+Evolved oo earth a:>out 15 lach yearsag<>.

+evolvoo from rronkey.

+Horroercaus or J:IYa rra1.

♦Spend life widely.

4'8700- noo ec. Started domesticctioo of Sheep & Gca.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Stone Age '
Brooze Age Iron Age '
-------' -----------------------------------
PalL ithic Mj lithic NJ 1hic
Pa"iod Pa"iod Pe-iod

1) Stone Age
a) Paleol lthlc PS' lod (0 Id Stone age)
✓ 2,50,000to 10,000 BC.
✓ Food gaher & Hunters.
✓ Startm
ma<ing sonetools& audedloppers
✓ Hinting, rutting by using sonetoolsetc.,
✓ No knowledge cbout rultivaion & house building.
✓ Dividm into 3 phc&S
i) Early or lower Ps8>1ithic (2.50,000 to 1,00,000 BC)
ii) Middle PalEdithic (1,00,000 to 40,000 BC)
iii) Upper PalEdithic (40,000 to 10,000 BC)
b) MeID!ithic PE!'iod (Middle age)

✓ 10,000to 3,700 BC.

✓ Hunters& Herders.

✓ Betwee, aid of Paleolithic & beginning of Neolithic.

✓ Bega, al:lout 10,000 BC & elded with ri~ in agrirulture.

✓Tiny stone i rrplements called rri crolithi s.

✓ People lived on hunting. timing, food gahering.

✓ Domesticated a,i mal s.

✓ Mc:1or a:hievement isdomesticaion of the Dog.

41 .

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.. ' --
c) N8Jlithic Age (NeN age}
✓ 9000 to 7500 BC.
✓ Food producers.
✓ Beginning of Agrirulture.
✓ N8lli1hic revolution occurrm.
✓ Livm in settlm villages

Main Features
i. Stage in eoonomic & tedlnological developmEflt

ii. Use of pol isled stone axes.

iii. Ha,ct nme pottery developed.

iv. Invented textile, weaving & bas<etry.

v. Cultivation of ri~ ba,a ,a in eastern part of India

vi. Cultivmion of nillets& pulses.

vii. Di~e ry of silk.

a n k i n d m a d e
• The m
n e w to o ls a s :
le (h o z , p a ra
- Sick
se g a r el c e r e a l ).
,.• •
d m ill ( m o l in o
d e m a no , p a ra
e r e l c e r e a l) .
p e r a x e ( u n
- A chop
a d e P ie dr a ,
pero la p ie d ra e s ta
pu lim e n t a d a ).
2) Bronze Age (Chala:>iithic Culture) ( 3000 to 1700 BC.)
✓ End of Neolithic.
✓ Use of metal.
✓ Copper is first metaJ u~.
✓ Comrruniti es rue stone i rll)lements along with oopper & Bronze. So term
Chaloolithic is~ied.

SiCJJifia,nt Features
i. Plough invaited.

ii. Agrirulture Slifted.

iii. Flood waer stored.

iv. I rri gati on farming started.

Salient Features of Iron Age
1. U ~ sickle.

11. SeSclrum & SJgarca,e grown.

111. Iron plough, s,ear, axe, sickles & hoes were used.

1v. Dorne&ic aiimal s were s,eep, goat, dog~ cattle breeds & elepha,ts

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