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Name: Ida Ayu Natasha Padma Dewi Paranggi

Nim: 210050128
Class: AA215

1. What are they talking about?

Answer: They talked about Todd experiences when he was living abroad three different
countries, they talked about Todd experiences once he lived in England, Thailand, and
2. What countries were mentioned on the audio? Which country did Todd stay the longest?
Answer: In the audio there were three countries are mentioned, there are England,
Thailand, and Japan. The longest country he had stayed is Japan, he is stayed there over
fifteen years.
3. Why did Todd become an English teacher in Thailand?
Answer: When he traveled to Thailand, he thought he needs a job because he did not
have much money to earned, and he wanted to stay in Thailand for a long time. That is
why he became an English teacher for four years.
4. Write down few cities of Japan mentioned on the audio and how to travel there!
Answer: Few cities of Japan there were mentioned on the audio are Tokyo, Osaka, and
Fukuoka. To travel to the cities, we can go by public transportations such as trains and
5. How did Todd describe Japan?
Answer: Todd describes that Japan is a nice country. Besides, the food and the people are
nice, the scenery is beautiful. Also, Todd said, Fun thing to do in Japan is hiking, see
beautiful beaches, and go to the beautiful islands because Japan has lots of beautiful
nature and nice cities.

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