At The Pharmacy 2

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At the Pharmacy 2 (Di Apotik)

1. Cough medicine 8. Ear drops 15. Sleeping pills

Obat batuk Obat tetes telinga Obat tidur

(antitusif, med)

2. Cold medicine 9. Pain killer 16. Antiseptic

Obat pilek Obat pereda nyeri Pencegah infeksi

(analgesik, med) (antiseptik, med)

3. Antacid 10. Fever reducer 17. Antibiotics

Zat anti asam Obat penurun panas Antibiotik

(antasid, med) (antipiretik, med)

4. Aspirin 11. Insect repellent 18. Vitamins

Aspirin Obat anti gigit serangga Vitamin

5. Laxative 12. Birth control pills 19. Toothache medicine

Obat cuci perut Pil KB Obat sakit gigi

(laksatif, med) (kontrasepsi pil, med)

6. Soar throat medicine 13. Band aid 20. Condoms

Obat sakit tenggorokan Plester luka ringan Kondom

7. Eye drops 14. Flu medicine

Obat tetes mata Obat flu

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