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we presented the classic and standard version of Chess implemented as a GUI. We
successfully created a game using inheritance, templates, Artificial Intelligence and a
GUI (Graphical User Interface).

The project had two aims, all of them which were achieved. The aims of the project
were important as they identified what the project was trying to achieve. Their aims

• First aim is to allow two users or players to play the game interactively from
remote locations.
• The second aim is that the java program for the chess game should be working
properly and allow the users to play the game.

The final report for the project was good, as it showed how the academic question was
created from the initial problem. The next section of the report was the literature review,
which contained quality sources from various different formats such as books, journals
and websites. The sources gave excellent background knowledge of the topic and aided
in answering the academic question.

The planning for the project was very well carried out as it initially had two weeks of
slack available. This allowed for leniency if any task took longer than anticipated. All
tasks were completed in the order they were anticipated.

The artefact was superbly developed and implemented. Findings from the literature
review was used to ensure that the game covered several different learning styles. Some
limitations of the chess game were found from the usability test results, which identified
that some features were missing that could have enhanced the user experience.

The testing methods used in the project were appropriate. The system test ensured that
all features of the chess game were functional before the beta test. There was no other
suitable tests found that would test the game as thoroughly as the system test.

The benefits are -

 A GUI user interface which help us to work with great ease.

 Chess program is a great, user-friendly game for two players by the use of
Artificial Intelligence.
List of References

[1] S. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Prentice Hall,

[2] Bratko, P. Tancig, and S. Tancig, “Detection of positional patterns in chess”, in

Advances in Computer Chess 4.

[3] H. Berliner, D. Kopec, and E. Northam, “A taxonomy of concepts for evaluating

chess strength,” in Proceedings of the 1990 ACM/IEEE Conference on


[5] Koster, R. (2005) A Theory of Fun for Game Design. Scottsdale,

Arizona: Para glyph.

[6] Primer Labs (2013) CODE HERO is a game that teaches how to make games |
Primer Labs [Online]. US: Primer Lab.
Available at: <>.

[7] Programming in java by balaguruswamy

[8] Computer Science by Sumita Arora

[9] Software Engineering by Roger Pressmen

[10] Computer Graphics by Hearn & Baker


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