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A Hovercraft is a vehicle that flies like a plane but can float like a boat, can drive like a
car but will traverse ditches and gullies as it is a flat terrain. A Hovercraft also sometimes called
an air cushion vehicle because it can hover over or move across land or water surfaces while
being held off from the surfaces by a cushion of air. A Hovercraft can travel over all types of
surfaces including grass, mud, muskeg, sand, quicksand, water and ice .Hovercraft prefer gentle
terrain although they are capable of climbing slopes up to 20%, depending upon surface
characteristics. Modern Hovercrafts are used for many applications where people and
equipment need to travel at speed over water but be able load and unload on land. For example
they are used as passenger or freight carriers, as recreational machines and even use as warships.
Hovercrafts are very exciting to fly and feeling of effortlessly traveling from land to water and
back again is unique.

Fig 1: Hovercraft in use

Vehicles designed to travel close to but above ground or water. These vehicles are
supported in various ways. Some of them have a specially designed wing that will lift them just
off the surface over which they travel when they have reached a sufficient horizontal speed (the
ground effect). Hovercrafts are usually supported by fans that force air down under the vehicle

to create lift, Air propellers, water propellers, or water jets usually provide forward propulsion.
Air-cushion vehicles can attain higher speeds than can either ships or most land vehicles and
use much less power than helicopters of the same weight. Air-cushion suspension has also been
applied to other forms of transportation, in particular trains, such as the French Aerotrain and
the British hover train. Hovercraft is a transportation vehicle that rides slightly above the earth’s
surface. The air is continuously forced under the vehicle by a fan, generating the cushion that
greatly reduces friction between the moving vehicle and surface. The air is delivered through
ducts and injected at the periphery of the vehicle in a downward and inward direction. This type
of vehicle can equally ride over ice, water, marsh, or relatively level land.
Hovercraft is a vehicle that rides on cushion of air over surface. A hovercraft is a type
of submarine, comes in category of cushion vehicle or ACV. This is a vehicle that can run
smoothly over surface with the help of supplied air beneath the hull.
Also called GROUND-EFFECT MACHINE or HOVERCRAFT, any of the machines
characterized by movement in which a significant portion of the weight is supported by forces
arising from air pressures developed around the craft, as a result of which they hover in close
proximity to the Earth’s surface. It is proximity to the surface that chiefly distinguishes such
craft from aircraft, which derive their lift from aerodynamic forces created by the movement
through the air.
Two main classes of air cushion vehicles exist: those that generates their own pressures
differential irrespective of forward speed; and those, more cslosely related to, that require true
aircraft, that require forward speed before the pressure differential can be generated. The former
are classified as aerostatic craft (ACVs); the latter are called aerodynamic ground-effect
machines (GEMs).

Development of air cushion by momentum curtain effect
Stability of the Hovercraft on its cushion of air remained a real problem despite some
design efforts and new approach was needed. To solve these problems, plenum chamber with
a momentum curtain was developed by Sir Christopher Cockrell.

His first experiments were conducted with the aid of two cans and a vacuum cleaner
(with blower end). The cans were drilled and bolted so that one can was inside the other with
open ends facing down to some weighing scales, the top of the larger can was open and had a
tube connected to it so that air could be forced in to the top can and around the smaller can

Fig2: Development of air cushion by momentum curtain effect

The air traveled around between the inside of the bigger can and outside of the smaller
can and was then let out towards the scales in a narrow ring of air, the cans were mad4e so that
it was possible to remove inner can so the air could be directed in two ways.
The experiment was conducted in two steps. First the smaller can was removed and
blower switched on. The scales measured the amount of thrust the air from the one can produced
down onto the scales. The smaller can was now replaced inside the larger can so that the ring
of air was produced. Again the blower was switched on and the scales measured amount of
thrust the ring of air produced down onto the scales. Here is the key discovery because Cockrell
observed that the two cans nested inside each other produced more thrust onto the scales than
the simple open can or plenum chamber did, he had discovered the momentum curtain effect
and this was the key ingredient that he patented.
In the full size craft the plenum chamber was also filled in so that a slot round the bottom
edge of plenum chamber wall was former where the air fed in at the top. The slot produced a
curtain of flowing air that was inclined. The high pressure air from the slot angled inwards

towards the centre of the craft helped to contains and sustains the air cushion. Using this method
a stable air cushion could be created. The craft was still riding on a plenum chamber of sorts
but it was created and maintained by the high pressure ring of air surrounding the lower pressure
air in the center.
The momentum curtain arrangement achieved higher hover heights with less power. It
also solved some of the stability problems. The box structure in the center of the craft around
which air escaped was closed to form a buoyancy tank to enable the craft to float on water when
it came to rest.
The design was exactly what was used in first publicly demonstrated Hovercraft the
SRN1, built by Saunders Roe in the United Kingdom it served as a test bed for many years
during Hovercraft development.
Hull construction
The lower hull of the craft includes the craft floor, side panels, forward and aft panels
till the top skirt attachment line. Most commercially build craft in polyester resin will use this
section to transfer to the top hull.
The lower hull
• Needs to have adequate size for the total weight of the craft and payload
• Must be strong enough to support craft off cushion (on landing pads)
• Have enough freeboard to support craft in displacement mode on water
• Must be watertight and as smooth as possible.
The lower hull can be build out of all boat building materials. From simple ply to very
complicated composite panels. The lower hull is as well as section of the craft which might get
the highest abuse during operation and especially landing in unknown areas. As long as craft is
on cushion there is no harm against the hull – once our lift unit fails during operation we can
hope for a rigid floor or a soft landing. Even if our craft has landing pads – if the center floor is
nearly at same level as landing pads – we will only be able to set the craft smooth on a parking
lot or water. All the surfaces will not be leveled enough to provide a smooth surface. In case
we use composite materials- we should try to use a core material which is easily available at
our location. Continuously repairing a composite panel in the manner of filling just with the
resin and glass will over the years change the properties of this panel. 6.3 Hovercraft skirts

Despite the momentum curtain being very effective the hover height was still too low
unless great, and uneconomical, power was used. Simple obstacles such as small waves, or tide-
formed ridges of shingle on a beach, could prove to be too much for the hover height of the
craft. These problems led to the development of the skirt.
A skirt is a flexible shaped strip fitted below the bottom edges of the plenum chamber
slot. As the Hovercraft lifts, the skirt extends below it to retain much deeper cushion of air. The
development of skirts enables a Hovercraft to maintain its normal operating speed through large
waves and also allows it to pass over rocks, ridges and gullies.
Skirt is one of the most design sensitive parts. The design must be just right or an
uncomfortable ride for passengers or damage to craft and skirts results. The skirt material has
to be light flexible and durable all at the same time. For skirt to meet all of the requirements the
design and use of new materials has slowly evolved.
There are three types of skirts
• Bag skirt
• Finger skirt
• Bag
• Fingerskirt
A Hovercraft skirt is required to fulfill the following functions-
• Contain the cushion of air beneath the craft at required Hover height
• Have the ability to confirm or contour effectively over obstacles so as to keep minimum,
the loss of cushion air
• Return to its original shape after having been deformed
• Give adequate stability
• Offer little resistance to passage of obstacles beneath it
• Have the ability to absorb a large portion of the energy which is produced on impacts or
collision with obstacles greater than hover height or cushion depth.
The lifting fan
Fan serves as the backbone of a HOVERCRAFT. It is a part of a propulsion system.
Fans are high specific machines with high efficiencies. The efficiency and delivery pressure
fall when the fan operates at higher flow rates.

In the enclosed space fan operates in a propeller would not be suitable. Firstly the
volume of air needed is very large and a propeller is designed to be most efficient in open air
like on an aircraft. Propellers again are not efficient in applications when an air backpressure
will be applied to the propeller blades as they rotate.
Because of this the lifting on most Hovercraft uses what is known as a centrifugal fan.
This is a fan in which two discs are fitted together and looks rather like a doughnut with angled
slat at their edges.
When the assembly is rotated at high speed air is sucked in to the center hole in the fan
and the slats force it out at the edges. The advantages of the fan are twofold. They operate
efficiently in an environment when back pressure is high and they will move larger volumes of
air for a given rotation speed than a propeller with the same speed and power input
The lifting fan is coupled via a gearbox to the engine. The engine also drives the
propeller on the craft, which provides thrust for forward motion of the Hovercraft.

Rudders and control of hovercraft

Control of a Hovercraft is accomplished by primarily though the use of rudders like the
type used on aircraft. The main difference would be, however, that Hovercraft generally utilizes
many rudders rather than just one.
On the SRN4 the pylons on which they are mounted can be rotated to change the
direction of thrust. Another method of control is through ‘puff ports’ or dual thrust fans where
you would slow one down and speed up the other to turn in the direction desired.
The hovercrafts are designed to float like a boat with the engine turned off. To stop the
Hovercraft-Reducing engine RPM will reduce the air cushion height and increased drag
between the skirt and the surface will slow and stop the Hovercraft. Alternatively, the
Hovercraft can be turned 180 degrees and the engine accelerated till the craft stops. In an
emergency situation on most surfaces turning the engine off will stop the Hovercraft
immediately. Building a hovercraft isn’t the easiest tasks as there are number of design and
construction principles to adhere to. But with some good guidelines or instructions, some
handiness with tools, time and patience, success is assured.

The basic principle of an air cushion is that if you lift an object of the ground using air you
reduce the force required to move the object. Because the object is no longer in contact with
the ground the friction this causes (surface friction) is reduced, making it easier to move the
This also implies that the smoother the surface is the friction. This is also true that
uneven surface with rocks and other obstacles can significantly slow down or even stop and
damage an air cushion vehicle if the chamber containing the air cushion was made of rigid
materials. Hence the use of a flexible skirt and the need of a sufficient lift. This allows the craft
to pass over rocks and other uneven terrain obstacles without too much trouble or damage or
slowing down.

The basic parts

That said with a hovercraft we can identify three basic construction necessities-
1.) The hull, below which is attached the skirt system.
2.) a propulsion system to move the craft and.
3.) The lift system to feed air into the plenum chamber below the craft in order
to create the air cushion.
Some hovercraft uses single motor system to provide both the air for the plenum
chamber and propulsion. The difficulty in using one motor is to provide to provide optimal
efficiency for both systems, diving the power for propulsion as well as for the fan to produce
enough air for the lift.
Power to weight ratio
Although an air cushion vehicle does not require the critical power to weight ratio precision, as
does an airplane in order to operate, it is nonetheless necessary to consider power to weight
ratio at the design stage of an air cushion vehicle, rather than find out later there isn’t enough
power to lift or move the craft.
The power to weight ratio determines in large part the amount of ground clearance
between the skirt and the ground surface. The greater the ground clearance the more efficiently
the propulsion system operates. That is not to say that the higher the higher the hovercraft lifts

into the air the better. Lifting too high will cause instability. Such is the power of the lift that
even a severely overloaded and miscalculated power to weight ratio hovercraft construction
will still work, but it is far from ideal.

Different system requirements

Air pressure can take forms of dynamic pressure (like the force you feel when the wind
blows on our face) and static pressure (like the pressure in a gas bottle). The hovercraft thrust
system concerns mainly with dynamic air pressure and hovercraft lift system is more concerned
with static air pressure.

Thrust system requirements

In case of the thrust system, it is the acceleration of a mass of air that produces the
thrust. Newtonian physics states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and this is
exactly what causes the thrust, accelerating air out of the hovercraft causes a thrust propelling
the hovercraft forward. Now this can be achieved in different ways, for example a small area
high velocity jet of air with the same power input. However there are many factors such as
frictional losses in the intake, the propeller, the outlet, and the rudders and within the air itself.
Without going into detailed analysis, these can be expressed, as efficiencies at each stage but
suffice to for this discussion that most losses are proportional to the air velocity squared. That
means in simplistic terms that if we double the air velocity we double the thrust but we will get
four times the losses.
In other words, we can get much more thrust per kilowatt of engine power input with a
system that passes a larger quantity of air at a relatively low velocity compared with a system
that passes a smaller quantity of air at a higher velocity. Therefore the factors to consider mainly
when designing the thrust are air mass flow and reduction of losses.

Lift system requirements

In the case of a hovercraft lift systems, it is the air pressure that acts upon the underside
of the hovercraft that provides the lifting force to make the hovercraft hover. Also, because the

skirt does not form a perfect seal the hovercraft perimeter there is leakage of the air that must
be balanced by the constant air input from the lift fan.
Hovercraft lift systems usually have rather dirty airflow characteristics so most of the
dynamics pressures of the moving air is lost as it passes around bends and obstructions in the
ducting system. The amount of lost dynamic air pressures can be minimized by designing a lift
system that operates at a low velocity. That leaves static air pressure as the overriding
consideration combined with getting enough air into the lift system to allow for skirt leakage.
Therefore the factors to consider mostly when designing the lift air input system are pressure
characteristics of the fan and the volume flow capabilities of it at the required pressure.
This is a completely different design criterion that what is needed for an efficient thrust
system and the design of the fan result in a completely different device to that which would be
chosen for maximum thrust efficiency.


In the beginning…
Hovercraft as we know them today started life as an experimental design to reduce the
drag that was placed on boats and ships as they ploughed through water. The first recorded
design for an air cushion vehicle was put forwarded by Swedish designer and philosopher
Emmanuel Swedenborg in 1716. The craft resembled an upturned dinghy with a cockpit in the
centre. Apertures on either side of this allowed the operator to raise or lower a pair of oar-like
air scoops, which on downward strokes would force compressed air beneath the hull, thus
raising it above the surface. The project was short-lived because it was never built, for soon
Swedenborg soon realized that to operate such a machine required a source of energy far greater
than that could be supplied by single human equipment. Not until the early20th century was a
Hovercraft practically possible, because only the internal combustion engine had the very high
power to weight ratio suitable for Hover flight.
In the mid 1950s Christopher Cockrell, a brilliant British radio engineer and French
engineer John Bertin, worked along with similar line of research, although they used different
approaches to the problem of maintaining the air cushion. Cockrell while running a small
boatyard in Norfolk Boards in the early 1950s began by exploring the use of air lubrication to
reduce the hydrodynamic drag, first by employing a punt, then a 20 knot ex-naval launch as a
test craft.
The first recorded design for a hovercraft was in 1716 put forward by Emmanual
Swedenborg, a Swedish designer and philosopher. The project was short-lived and a craft was
never built. Swedenborg realized that to operate such a machine required a source of energy far
greater than any available at that time. In the mid-1870s, the British engineer Sir John
Thornycroft built a number of model craft to check the air-cushion effects and even filed patents
involving air-lubricated hulls, although the technology required to implement the concept did
not yet exist. From this time both American and European engineers continued work on the
problems ofdesigning a practical craft. In the early 1950s the British inventor Christopher

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Cockerell began to experiment with such vehicles, and in 1955 he obtained a patent for a vehicle
that was "neither an airplane, nor a boat, nor a wheeled land craft." He had a boat builder
produce a two-foot prototype, which he demonstrated to the military in 1956 without arousing
interest. Cockerell persevered, and in 1959 a commercially built one-person Hovercraft crossed
the English Channel. In 1962 a British vehicle became the first to go into active service on a
19-mi (31-km) ferry run.
Initial Concept
The initial proposal was inspired by an art exhibit displayed at the University of
California, Irvine - Beall Center for Art and Technology. The exhibit featured Jed Berk’s
Autonomous Light Air Vehicle (ALAV) in which each blimp represented an intelligent and
social “life-form” (shown in Figure 2). This exhibit combines art and social behavior concepts
through sensor technology and computer science algorithms.
[1]. The blimps were also able to communicate with its human prospectors through an
interactive phone demo.

Proposed ideas

Figure 3: Autonomous Light Air Vehicle exhibit at the UCI Beall Center for Art and

Initially the senior project proposal was an improvement on the ALAV exhibit by giving
each blimp more “intelligence” and emphasizing the social aspect through the creation of a
swarm project. When a blimp is singled out it performs ordinary defined functions, but the
swarm project occurs when it is attached to the swarm (or other blimps). It can perform extra

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functions in which it could not while alone. In order to create this swarm project, Floating
vehicles needed to be produced which led into our idea of an autonomous hovercraft.
Initial Hovercraft Concept
After focusing on the basics of the original concept, building a proper vehicle was
essential. Since it was to improve the original ALAVs, the decision to create a hovercraft versus
a blimp was mainly contributed to the amount of hardware we can fit into each. On a blimp, the
amount of surface area available to carry components was limited compared to that of a
hovercrafts base. The assumption that was taken was customized circuit boards might be too
expensive and time consuming to produce, so components would be larger than those on the
During the experimental and proof of concept stages, building a hovercraft had proven
to be more di cult than it had seemed. Again, the original concept was deviated and had become
an autonomous hovercraft. The reasoning in which the hovercraft became autonomous was due
to the fact that it would be a necessary feature in having a more intelligent ALAV-like vehicle.
An ability of the hovercraft was to autonomously navigate around objects in its path or to locate
others in its swarm.
Final Concept
The autonomous hovercraft was decided to have a beacon detection feature as its
navigation means. The ability to detect a beacon relates back to the original concept of the
swarm e ect when a single vehicle would need to detect its companions in order to form a
swarm. Through several experimental prototypes, the vehicle design and navigation system
were improved. The final product is an autonomous hovercraft that navigates by detection of a
beacon, producing a following hovercraft if the beacon itself is mobile. Thebeacon consists of
an IR transmitter that is recognized by an array of IR receivers on thehovercraft base. This paper
will discuss the research and development into this final concept.

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Principle of working
The principle of working of a Hovercraft is to lift the craft by a cushion of air to
propel it using propellers. The idea of supporting the vehicle on a cushion of air developed
from the idea to increase the speed of boat by feeding air beneath them. The air beneath the
hull would lubricate the surface and reduce the water drag on boat and so increasing its speed
through water. The air sucked in through a port by large lifting fans which are fitted to the
primary structure of the craft. They are powered by gas turbine or diesel engine. The air is
pushed to the underside of the craft. On the way apportion of air from the lift fan is used to
inflate the skirt and rest is ducted down under the craft to fill area enclosed by the skirt.

Fig 4: Principle of working

At the point when the pressure equals the weight of the craft, the craft lifts up and air is
escaped around the edges of the skirt. So a constant feed of air is needed to lift the craft and
compensate for the losses. Thus craft is lifted up. After the propulsion is provided by the
propellers mounted on the Hovercraft. The airs from the propellers are passed over rudders,
which are used to steer the craft similar to an aircraft. Hovercraft is thus propelled and controlled
and its powerful engine makes it to fly.
A hovercraft rides on air under pressures that is continuously supplied by lift system
and directed into the chamber under the craft. A flexible curtain system called a skirt is attached
to outer perimeter of the craft forms the air chamber and contains the air beneath the craft.

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A hovercraft is propelled forward with a thrust propeller, which is directly driven by
motor that is designed at low rpm that produces maximum thrust with a minimum noise. There
are no brakes in a hovercraft.
Stopping is achieved with reduction of power of motor or running 180 degrees and
applying full thrust.
Steering is achieved by mounting movable rudders mounted behind the thrust propeller.
Since a hovercraft travels on a cushion of air, some period of training is required.
A hovercraft is also sometimes called an AIR CUSHION VEHICLE or ACV. This is a
vehicle that flies like a boat, can drive on a land like a car but will traverse ditches and gullies
like it is a flat terrain. The hovercraft is unique method of transportation.
Modern hovercraft are used for many applications where people or equipment travel
need to travel at the speed over water and load and unload on land. The hovercraft motor
provides the power to drive large fans that flow air under the craft. The air is retained by a
rubber ‘skirt’ that enables the craft to travel over a wide range of terrain. The skirt simply gives
away when an obstacle is encountered. The motor also supplies the power to thrust propeller of
some kind that pushes the craft forward on its ‘bubble’ of air. ‘Rudders’ like on aeroplane, steer
the direction of the craft.
1. Lift force
2. Thrust force
3. Drag force

Lift force
The lift force that we want to produce in our hovercraft is a force that is equal to or
greater than the weight of the hovercraft. Lift is produced by blowing air into the hovercraft’s
skirt, creating a high pressure pocket. Since the pressure in the skirt is greater than the
pressure produced by the weight of the hovercraft, an upward force is created. Ideally, we
want the lift force produced to be equal to the weight of the hovercraft in order to maximize

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efficiency. If the lift produced is greater than the weight, air will escape the skirt through the
bottom, thus lowering the lift force until equilibrium is obtained.
Thrust force
Thrust, which is created by the propulsion system, is the force which pushes the
hovercraft forward. Having maximum thrust is critical for our hovercraft, as we are designing
it so that it may travel a certain distance in the smallest amount of time.
Drag force

Drag must also be considered when designing our hovercraft. Assuming that our
design produces enough lift to essentially make the surface frictionless, drag is the only force
that opposes the hovercraft’s forward motion.
However, we can reduce this force. The drag is caused when the hovercraft moves
through a fluid, such as air. The drag force can be calculated using the following equation:

Lower hull
It is the basic structure on which the Hovercraft floats when the engine is stopped while
moving over water. It supports the whole weight of the craft.
They are air bags inflated by air are fitted around the perimeter of the craft hold air
under the craft and thus upon a cushion of air. It enables to obtain greater Hover height. The
material used is rib stop nylon or Terylene.
Lift fan
It is fitted to the primary structure of the Hovercraft. The air is pumped under the craft
between the skirt spaces to produce a cushion of air.
It is used to obtain the forward motion of the craft. It is fitted to the top of the craft and
is powered by a powerful gas turbine or diesel engine.

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They are similar to that used in an aircraft. Rudders are moved by hydraulic systems.
By moving the rudders we can change the direction of the craft.When the hovercraft is finally
able to move it will most definitely require steering capabilities. This is achieved through the
use of rudders. These rudders can be controlled by a variety of devices including computers.
The rudders must be well weighed out in order to avoid weighing down your hovercraft and
also well shaped in order to move air as efficiently as possible.
Rudders cannot be too heavy otherwise they will weigh down the craft because they are
located very close to the motor. The shape of the rudder dictates how well it will be able to
move air.
• Creation of Hovercrafts:
When building a hovercraft it is imperative that you are sure you have a firm grasp of the
important concepts and principles involved. An elementary knowledge of physics is required.
Ease of use, cost, availability and safety are all significant considerations when building a
hovercraft. Care must be taken in selecting a motor and propeller for the proper function and
stability of the hovercraft and to meet your needs for thrust and lift. A good skirt design is
essential for stability and of course, body designs must be well thought-out in order to meet
your needs for speed and stability. Finally, the rudders must be well weighed out in order to
avoid weighing down your hovercraft and also well shaped in order to move air as efficiently
as possible.

How does a Hovercraft work-

Hovercrafts work on the two main principles of lift and propulsion. When dealing with
a hovercraft, the existence of lift is imperative for the proper function of the vehicle. Lift is an
essential factor because it is that which allows the craft to ride on a cushion of air several inches
off the ground. This process, the process of attaining lift begins by directing airflow under the
craft. In order to quarantine the air under the air cushion, a skirt is required. This is done in
order to create pressure under the hovercraft which forces the vehicle off the ground. Attaining
the proper amount of airflow is imperative for the maintenance of the craft’s stability. If too

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much airflow is directed under the craft, it will then hover too high above the ground, resulting
in the hovercraft to tip. Not enough lift will cause the craft to remain on the ground which
defeats the very purpose of the hovercraft altogether. The source of the airflow which propels
the craft of the ground is a fan. The fan can be used for lift and thrust. It can be dedicated to lift
or thrust or even both simultaneously. In either case the passage where the air flows through to
reach the air cushion affects the stability of the hovercraft. This passage is a hole located on the
base of the craft. Another vital component is the motor. The motor is usually located in the rear
of the vehicle and is the heaviest of the components. Due to the weight of the motor, extra
pressure is required under the area where the motor is positioned in order to attain hovering
Thrust Propellers The propeller used to drive the hovercraft along is usually an aircraft
type with variable pitch blades. Its speed of rotation must remain fixed to that of the engine and
the lift fan. This is because the amount of lift air required dictates the engine speed to drives the
lift fan. In turn the amount of propulsion, which the propellers provide, must be obtained by
varying the propeller pitch and not its rate of rotation. This system is termed 'integrated
lift/propulsion'. A Hovercraft having more than one lift fan and propeller generally has a
separate engine for each fan-and propeller unit. The propellers used on hovercraft can vary from
four-bladed versions and about nine feet in diameter on the smaller craft to the four propellers
on the SRN4 cross-Channel hovercraft. These are four-bladed and nineteen feet in diameter!
On the SRN 4 the pylons on which they are mounted can be rotated to change the direction of
thrust. On smaller craft, rudders like on aircraft, are used for direction control. 2.4.3.
Momentum Curtain.
When early models were built and analysis was done on the airflow using the plenum
chamber type of hovercraft it showed that there were problems with stability. In addition the
craft would require enormous power to maintain a reasonable hover height.Stability of the
hovercraft on its cushion of air remained a real problem despite some design efforts and a new
approach was needed. To solve these problems, a plenum chamber with a momentum curtain
was developed by Sir Christopher Cockerall.
Air box The box-like structure at the rear of the hovercraft, right behind the propeller,
the box-like structure is called an air box. The air box takes about 10% of the air being pushed

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backward by the propeller and forces it downward, underneath the hovercraft. There are three
small ducts cut into the base of the hovercraft, underneath the air box. Two of these ducts lead
into the skirt, which is basically a bag that goes all the way around the perimeter of the craft,
while the third duct leads directly underneath the hovercraft. 2.5. HOVERING POWER Take
a hovercraft which, complete with crew, fuel and load, weighs 2,000 pounds (lbs.), and is 15
feet (ft.) long and 7 ft. wide. Its area would be 15 ft x 7 ft. = 105 square (sq.) ft.
If the craft is to hover, the pressure of air forming the cushion must be 2,000 pounds or
greater. This represents 19 pounds. Per sq. ft. Yes, only 19 pounds per square feet is required
to lift the hovercraft which seems much smaller than you might imagine. From existing designs
of Hovercraft that have been developed, it is possible to make some simple estimate of the
power needed to lift a Hovercraft. Using 19 pounds per square foot it is estimated 4 horsepower
for each sq.ft. of curtain or skirt area can maintain that hover.
Curtain area is its length times its height. A hovercraft 15 ft. long by 7 ft. wide would
have a curtain length of 44 ft.-twice the length plus twice the width. If we want it to hover one
foot high we would need sufficient power to provide a curtain of44 x 1 sq. ft. At 4 horsepower
per sq, ft. we would need 176 horsepower Just to lift the craft up to hover one foot above the
ground. Don't forget we now need to push the craft along as well so that engine is the minimum
size we can use.

Hovercraft operation
Piloting a hovercraft is an interesting proposition. Since very little of it actually touches
the ground, there isn't much friction, making it very difficult to steer and also very susceptible
to strong winds. Imagine trying to drive around on top of an air-hockey puck! We've discovered
that the best way to drive it is treat it like a jet ski, i.e. leaning back and forth and steering very
carefully. It is also possible to do a 360-degree turn without stopping, which is quite a sight.

Aerodynamics is defined as the branch of fluid physics that studies the forces exerted
by air or other gases in motion. Examples include the airflow around bodies moving at speed
through the atmosphere (such as land vehicles, bullets, rockets, and aircraft), the behavior of

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gas in engines and furnaces, air conditioning of buildings, the deposition of snow, the operation
of air-cushion vehicles(hovercraft), wind loads on buildings and bridges, bird and insect flight,
musical wind instruments, and meteorology. For maximum efficiency, the aim is usually to
design the shape of an object to produce a streamlined flow, with a minimum of turbulence in
the moving air. The behavior of aerosolsor the pollution of the atmosphere by foreign particles
is other aspects of aerodynamics.

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Small hovercraft are very popular with leisure users, and rental users who sell rides. As
they are all-terrain craft, they are also invaluable for rescue, commercial, environmental
surveys, military and homeland patrol applications. For resellers, there are significant business
opportunities for those able to fully exploit them.
Compared to personal watercraft (Jet Skis) and snowmobiles, Hovercraft are true all
terrain vehicles, able to travel over any flat surface, i.e. sand, mud, water, ice, snow, rivers,
lakes, grass, tarmac. Jet Ski users have to contend with tidal restrictions, whereas marine grade
personal leisure hovercraft (PLH) can operate at high tide or low tide. Hovercraft have no
propellers, so can travel over shallow water areas, without fear of damage from submerged
rocks, coral or marine life.

Target Markets
The following types of customers may have an interest in small hovercraft.
1. Activity Centres
2. Adventure days and corporate activity operators
3. Airports for rescue and bird scaring.
4. Aviation dealers, already selling microlights, ultralights or helicopters.
5. Coastal and Lake property developers.
6. Coastguard Patrol, Police, Military, Coastline inspection, homeland security patrol.
7. Corporate Customers (for rental).
8. Corporate event organisers.
9. Diving operators, ideal for marine life surveys, wreck location.
10. Environment consultants, surveyors, universities involved in marine research.
11. Farmers for flooded ground. Fish and shell fish farmers.
12. Filming companies, before and behind the camera.

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13. Fire Departments (Flood, mud, ice rescue)..
14. Fishing, hunting applications for getting to places difficult to reach by other vehicles.
15. Goldmine, mining &Aluminium plants.
16. Hotels and resorts.
17. Jet Skiers fed up with tidal restrictions
18. Karting & race Tracks.
19. Leisure users.
20. Luxury yachts for on board entertainment or to use as super tenders (travel over
submerged rocks or coral).
21. Marine surveyors, civil engineers building bridge or other marine based construction
22. Military procurement.
23. Mud, ice and flood rescue organisations.
24. Oil Exploration. Oil exploration companies operating in shallow water areas.
25. Police and rescue organisations.
26. Promotion and advertising agencies.
27. Resorts and Ride Experience organisers.
28. Shellfish farmer.
29. SuperYacht Builders & Captains.
30. Theme parks.
31. Tourism, Tourist Development.
32. TV Company, interesting features, talk shows, documentaries.
33. TV Shows.

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Hovercrafts are generally simple mechanisms in theory. Yet the process from theory to
manifestation is not as easy as it may seem. A plethora of problems exist and must be faced in
order to attain a well-functioning hovercraft.
The plans and designs must be flawless. One must take under consideration the weight
and the shape of each component in order to avoid problems such as instability and dysfunction.
This is a marvelous machine which greatly cuts down the friction which intern helps it to attain
greater speed and more stability.
Varieties of problems and factors have to be taken into account in designing and
constructing a hovercraft. The difficulties involved in maintaining stability and functional
competency has limited the application to only transportation or for military purpose. The cost
involved in the developing of a hovercraft is also another impediment to the widespread use of
this machine.

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Future scope of Hovercraft

he future of hovercraft is about increasing their use and operation throughout more
parts of the world, and not necessarily inventing or discovering new technology. Obviously
the industry relies on continual improvement, incorporating modern technologies and
materials, however the benefits will come as more semi-skilled workers can produce high
quality hovercraft quickly and easily, in even the remotest regions of the planet.

By making our newer designs available as either completed hovercraft or as CKD kitsets, we
are enabling many customers in DEVELOPING NATIONS the opportunity to own a
hovercraft, which they could not afford if it was imported already constructed.

Typically the developing nations who will benefit most are the nations who have low value
currencies and high import tariffs, which would otherwise combine to make the cost of a
hovercraft prohibitive.

These customers usually have excellent labour skills available locally, at much lower cost, but
they lack the expertise in hovercraft design and manufacturing, which we can provide.
Another situation often found with these nations is a poor transport infrastructure and a
desperate need for hovercraft to open up VALUABLE WATERWAY ACCESS.

AirLift Hovercraft firmly believes that by offering the appropriate hovercraft manufacturing
technology to licensees, the cost of building hovercraft will become more relative to
individual situations and more affordable and viable for the end users.

The new design and manufacturing technologies available today should be used to create
simple and effective hovercraft designs which will help improve the lives of many people in
many ways. If we keep focusing on this, then hovercraft will continue to improve and become
more affordable for everyone.

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• Research paper on Development of a Hovercraft Prototype by IJET.

• Research paper on Design and development of hovercraft by IJET.
• https://airlifthovercraft.com/hovercraft-information/
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/hovercraft
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hovercraft
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/acv
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/hovercraft
• http://www.scribd.com/doc/7393272/hovercraft
• https://www.britannica.com/technology/shipping-water-transportation

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