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At Home (Di Rumah)

1. Door 8. Coffee table 15. Rug

Pintu Meja ruang tamu Permadani

2. Window 9. Television 16. Ceiling

Jendela Televisi Langit-langit

3. Window Curtains 10. Computer 17. Wall

Tirai jendela Komputer Tembok

4. Chair 11. Driveway 18. Floor

Kursi Jalan untuk mobil di Lantai


5. Sofa 12. Bed 19. Desk

Sofa Tempat tidur Meja tulis

6. Furniture 13. Lamp 20. Washing machine

Mebel Lampu Mesin cuci

7. Dining Table 14. Fan

Meja makan Kipas angin

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