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Sl. No. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions.

1. Microwave in aircraft navigation

Microwave are used in aircraft navigation. A radar guns out short bursts of microwave and it
reflect back from oncoming aircraft and are detected by receiver in gun. The frequency of
reflected wave used to compute speed of aircraft.

(i)How are microwave produced?

(a)klystron and magnetron valve
(b)sudden deceleration of electron in x-ray tube
(c)accelerated motion of charge in conducting wire
(d)hot bodies and molecules

(ii) Why microwave used for aircraft navigation?

a) Due to high wavelength
b) Due to low wavelength
c) Due to their frequency modulation power
d) None of these

(iii)Which is use of microwave?

a)in treatment of cancer

b)to observe changing blood flow

c)used to kill microbes

d)studying details of atoms and molecules

2 All the known radiations from a big family of electromagnetic waves which stretch over a huge
range of wavelengths. The orderly distribution of electromagnetic waves in accordance with their
wavelength or frequency into distinct groups having widely differing properties is called
electromagnetic spectrum. The main parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are Gamma rays , X-
rays ,ultraviolet rays , visible light , infrared waves , microwaves and radio waves in the order of
increasing wavelength from or to .The wavelength of the e.m. wave is
correlated with the characteristic size of the system that radiates. Thus, Gamma rays having a
wavelength of to , typically originate from an atomic nucleus. X-rays are emitted
from heavy atoms. Radio waves are produced by accelerating electrons in a circuit. A transmitting
antenna can most efficiently radiate waves having λ of about the same size as the antenna. Visible
radiation emitted by atom is, however much longer in wavelength than atomic size.
Q1.The correct option, if speeds of Gamma rays , X rays and microwaves are

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respectively will be


Q2. In the order of increasing frequency, the electromagnetic spectrum may be arranged as
a) Gamma rays ,X rays, visible light ,radio waves
b) X rays, Gamma rays ,visible light, radio waves
c) Radio waves ,visible light, X rays, gamma rays
d) Radio waves, visible light ,Gamma rays, X-rays
Q3. Microwave oven acts on the principle of
a) Giving rotational energy to water molecules
b) Giving vibrational energy to water molecules
c) Giving translational energy to water molecules
d) Transferring electrons from lower to higher energy levels in water molecule

Q4. The condition under which a microwave oven heats up a food item containing water molecules
most efficiently is
a) The frequency of the microwaves must match the resonant frequency of the water
b) The frequency of the microwaves has no relation with natural frequency of water molecules
c) Microwaves are heat webs so always produce heating
d) Infrared waves produce heating in a microwave oven

Q5. The structure of solids is investigated by using

a) Cosmic rays
b) X-rays
c) Gamma rays
d) Infrared radiation


Gamma rays are used in radiotherapy to treat cancer. They are used to spot tumors. They kill the
living cells and damage malignant tumor.

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1.What is the source of gamma rays?

(A) radioactive decay of nucleus

(B) accelerated motion of charges in conducting wire
(C) hot bodies and molecule
(D) klystron valve
2. Which E M Waves are used to study nuclear structure?
(A) X-ray
(B) Gamma Ray
(C) UV Ray
(D) Microwave
3. Which EM Wave is used in the treatment of tumor?
(A) X rays
(B) X rays and Gamma rays
(C) UV rays
(D) IR rays
4. Which E M Waves are used to study Molecular structure?
(A) X rays
(B) UV rays
(C) Gamma rays
(D) Microwave
5. Which EM Waves has Highest penetrating Power?
(A) X ray
(B) Gamma ray
(C) UV ray
(D) Visible light

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The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the range of all types of EM radiation. Radiation is energy
that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and
the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation. The
other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, infrared
light, ultraviolet rays, X- rays and gamma rays.
1. The classification is roughly based on?
a) Wavelength and frequency of waves.
b) Production and detection of waves.
c) The way of travelling of waves.
d) Yet to be discovered.
2. Which of the following is NOT an example of EM RAYS.
a) Radiotherapy(medicine).
b) Checking fractures.
c) Sterilisation.
d) Explosives.

3. Identify the pair having highest frequency and highest wavelength EM WAVES.
a) UV rays and X- rays
b) Gamma rays and Microwaves.
c) Gamma rays and Radio waves.
d) Radio waves and UV rays
4. What physical quantity is the same for X rays of wavelength
10-10m, red light of wavelength 6800 Ao and radiowaves of wavelength 500m?
a) Speed in vacuum (c)
b) frequency (f)
c) Scattering
d) Energy (e)
5. which of the following is the best method for production of infrared waves
a) bombardment of metal by high energy electrons
b) radioactive decay of nucleus
c) magnetron valve
d) vibration of atoms and molecules

5 A typical example of a plane electromagnetic wave propagating along the z direction (the fields are
shown as a function of the z coordinate, at a given time t). The electric field Ex is along the x-axis,
and varies sinusoidally with z, at a given time. The magnetic field By is along the y-axis, and again

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varies sinusoidally with z. The electric and magnetic fields Ex and By are perpendicular to each
other, and to the direction z of propagation. We can write Ex and By as follows:
Ex= E0 sin (kz–ωt)
By= B0 sin (kz–ωt)

The energy associated with the emw is E = Planks constant x frequency

The speed of emw = frequency x wavelength.

i)The electric field 'E' and magnetic field 'B' in electromagnetic waves are:
(A) parallel to each other
(B) inclined at an angle of 45°
(C) perpendicular to each other
(D) opposite to each other

ii)The energy of photon of electromagnetic radiation of wavelength = 2000 Armstrong is :

(A) 1.76 x 10-18 J
(B) 0.99 x 10-18 J
(C) 0.54 x 10-18 J
(D) 0.63 x 10-18 J

iii) The speed of light in air, if an electromagnetic wave is travelling in air whose dielectric
constant is k = 1.006, will be :
(A) 3 x 108 m/s
(B) 3.88 x 108 m/s
(C) 2.5 x 108 m/s
(D) 4.6 xl08 m/s

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iv)An object is placed at some distance from a radio station. If the interval between transmission
and reception of pulses is 2.66 x 10-2 sec, then the distance is :
(A) 4000 km
(B) 2000 km
(C) 3000 km
(D) 2500 km

Answer Key

Passage No Q.No-1 Q.No-2 Q.No-3 Q.No-4 Q.No-5

1 a a d
2 d c b a b
3 a b b c b
4 b d c a d
5 c b a a


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