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Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter ae 11.3 Photoelectric Effect WE (0 mark) 1. Define the term “threshold frequency’, in the context of photoelectric emission, (Delhi 2019) Define the term “Intensity” in photon picture aa ofelectromagnetic radiation. (Delhi 2019) 41.4 Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect WAM ma) - 3. The figure shows the variation of stopping potential Vp with the frequency » of the incident radiations for two photosensitive metals P and Q. Which metal has smaller threshold wavelength? Justify your answer. PQ v4 D110 10S (A12019) 4. Draw graphs showing variation of photoelectric current with applied voltage for Pio incident radiations of equal frequency iG different intensities. Mark the graph for the radiation of higher intensity. (2018) 5. In photoelectric effect, why should the photoelectric current increase as the intensity Prmonochromatic radiation incident on @ photosensitive surface is increased? Explain (Foreign 2014) 6. The given _ graph 1 shows the variation ‘of iL photoelectric current (1) Versus applied voltage f| (V) for two different photosensitive materials and for two different intensities of — the incident radiations. Identify the pairs of curves that correspond te different materials but same intensity of incident radiation? (Delhi 2013) cA 10. 1. 275 Show on a plot the nature of variation of photoelectric current with the intensity of ‘cident on a photosensitive surface (Delhi 2013C) Why is photoelectric emission not possible at all frequencies? (AI20120) Define the term ‘stopping potential in Pfation to photoelectriceffect. (AI2011) Define the term ‘threshold frequency” in relation to photoelectric effect. radiatio (Foreign 2011) For a given photosensitive material and with voruee of constant frequency of incident tadiation, how does the photocurrent vary ‘with the intensity of incident light? (AI 2011 C) (2marks) 12, 13. 14. 15. (a) Define the terms, (i) threshold frequency ‘and (ii) stopping potential in photoelectric effect. (b) Plot a graph of photocurrent versus anode potential for a radiation of frequency wand intensities I, and Js (Ih <1). (Delhi 2019) () Monochromatic light of frequency 60 x 10" Hz is produced by a laser. ‘The power emitted is 2.0 x 10 3 w, Estimate the Pimber of photons emitted per second on an average by the source. (Gi) Draw a plot showing the variation of photoelectric current versus the intensity of cident radiation on a given photosensitive surface, (Delhi 2014) ‘two monochromatic radiations —_ of frequencies V, and v,(d, > 2) and having the same intensity are in turn, incident on a photosensitive surface to cause photoelectric Pnission. Explain, giving reason, in which case (i) more number of electrons will be tmitted and (ii) maximum kinetic energy Of the emitted photoelectrons will be more. (Delhi 2014C) Plota graph showing the variation of stopping potential with the frequency of incident 276 radiation for two different photosensitive materials having work functions W, and W,(W, > W,). On what factors does the (i) slope and (ii) intercept of the lines depend (Delhi 2010) 16. Two monochromatic radiations, blue and violet, of the same intensity, are incident on a photosensitive surface and cause photoelectric emission. Would (i) the number of electrons emitted per second and (ii) the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons, be equal in the two cases? Justify your answer: (Delhi 2010C) HAMIE 6s mars) 17. In the study of a photoelectric effect the graph between the stopping potential V and frequency v of the incident radiation on two different metals P and Q is shown i (i) Which one of the two metals has higher threshold frequency? (ii) Determine the work function of the ‘metal which has greater value. (ii) Find the maximum kinetic energy of electron emitted by light of frequency 8x 10" Hz for this metal. (Delhi 2017) 18. Using photon picture of light, show how Einstein's photoelectric equation can be established. Writetwo features of photoelectric effect which cannot be explained by wave theory. (AI 2017) 19. Explain giving reasons for the following: (a) Photoelectric current in a photocell increases with the increase in the intensity of the incident radiation. (b) The stopping potential (V,) varies linearly with the frequency (v) of the incident radiation for a given photosensitive surface with the slope remaining the same for different surfaces. (2/3, AI 2017) (EG CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 20. ‘the following graph shows the variation of photocurrent for a photosensitive metal: t Photocurrent L —s A @ x (a) Identify the variable X on the horizontal axis. (b) What does the point A on the horizontal axis represent? (©) Draw this graph for three different values of frequencies of incident radiation v,, v, and v; (U, > U; > v3) for same intensity. () Draw this graph for three different values of intensities of incident radiation I,, I, and J, (I, > I, > h) having same frequency. (AI2017) 21. Sketch the graphs showing variation of stopping potential with frequency of incident radiations for two photosensitive materials A and B having threshold frequencies v4 > Up (In which case is the stopping potential more and why? (ii) Does the slope of the graph depend on the nature of the material used ? Explain. (AI 2016) 22. Plot a graph showing the variation of photoelectric current with intensity of light ‘The work function for the following metals is given, Na: 2.75 eV and Mo: 4.175 eV. Which of these will not give photoelectron emission from a radiation of wavelength 3300 A from a laser beam? What happens if the source of laser beam is brought closer? (Foreign 2016) 23. Define the term “cut off frequency” in photoelectric emission. ‘The threshold frequency of a metal is f, When the light of frequency 2f is incident on the metal plate, the maximum velocity of photo-electron is v, When the frequency of the incident radiation is increased to Sf, the maximum velocity of photoelectrons is v. Find the ratio v, : vy. (Foreign 2016) Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 24, Describe briefly three _ experimentally ‘observed features in the phenomenon of photoelectric effect. (2/3, AL2015) 25. A beam of monochromatic radiation is incident on a photosensitive surface. Answer the following questions giving reasons. (a) Do the emitted photoelectrons have the same kinetic energy? (b) Does the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons depend on the intensity of incident radiation? (©) On what factors does the number of emitted photoelectrons depend? (Foreign 2015) 26. Define the terms (i) ‘cut-off voltage and (ti) threshold frequency’ in relation to. the phenomenon of photoelectric effect. (2/3, Al 2012) 27. Draw a graph between the frequency of incident radiation (v) and the maximum Kinetic energy of the electrons emitted from the surface of a photosensitive material. State clearly how this graph can be used to determine (i) Planck’ constant and (ii) work function of the material. (Foreign 2012) 28, Draw a graph showing the variation of stopping potential with frequency of incident radiation for two photosensitive materials having work functions W, and W,(W, > Ws). ‘Write two important conclusions that can be drawn from the study of these plots. (AI 20120) 29. Draw a plot showing the variation of photoelectric current with collector plate potential for two different frequencies, 1, > Vp, of incident radiation having the same intensity. In which case will the stopping potential be higher? Justify your answer. (AI 2011) HEME (5 marks) 30. Figure shows a plot of stopping potential (V;) with frequency (v) of incident radiation for two photosensitive material M, and M,, Explain (i) why the slope of both the lines is same? (i) for which material emitted electrons have greater kinetic energy for the same frequency of incident radiation? arr M/s, ry (3/5, AI2015C) 31. Define the terms ‘threshold frequency’ and ‘stopping potential’ in the study of photoelectric emission. (2/5, Foreign 2010) 11.5 Photoelectric Effect Wave Theory of Light (2 marks) 32. Why is wave theory of electromagnetic radiation not able to explain photoelectric effect ? How does photon picture resolve this, problem? (Delhi 2019) ENTE (3 marks) 33. Discuss briefly how wave theory of light cannot explain photoelectric effect. (2/3, AT 2015) 34, Why photoelectric effect cannot be explained on the basis of wave nature of light? (2/3, Delhi 2013) and HEM (5 marks) 35. Write three observed features of photoelectric effect which cannot be explained by wave theory of light. (2/5, Al 2015C) 36. Explain briefly the reasons why wave theory of light is not able to explain the observed features in photoelectric effect. (2/5, Foreign 2010) 11.6 Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation : Energy Quantum of Radiation (1 mark) 37. Name the phenomenon which shows the ‘quantum nature of electromagnetic radiation. (AI 2017) (2 marks) 38. [flight of wavelength 412.5 nm is incident on each of the metals given in table, which one will show photoelectric emission and why? Metal Work Function (eV) Na 1.92 K 215 Ca 3.20 Mo 4.17 (2018) 39. Using the graph shownin the figure forstopping potential versus the incident frequency of photons, calculate Planck’ constant. Vowols) 246810 yuot) (Delhi 2015) 40. Write Einstein's photoelectric equation. State clearly the three salient features observed in photoelectric effect, which can be explained on the basis of the above equation. (A! 2010) FINI (3 marks) 41. (i) How does one explain the emission of electrons from a photosensitive surface with the help of Einstein's photoelectric equation? (ii) The work function of the following 275 eV, K = 23 eV, 5.15 eV. Which of these metals will not cause photoelectric emission for radiation of wavelength 3300 A from a laser source placed 1 m away from these metals? What happens if the laser source is brought nearer and placed 50 cm away? (Delhi 2017) 42. (i) State two important features of Einstein's photoelectric equation. (ii)Radiation of frequency 10"° Hz is incident ‘on two photosensitive surfaces P and Q. There is no photoemission from surface P, Photoemission occurs from surface Q but photoelectrons have zero kinetic energy, Explain these observations and find the value of work function for surface Q. (Delhi 2017) (HESSD CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 43. jive reason for maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is independent of the intensity of incident radiation (1/3, Al 2017) 44. Write three characteristic features in photoelectric effect which cannot be explained on the basis of wave theory of light, but can be explained only using Einstein's equation. Dethi 2016) 45. Write photoelectric equation and mention which important features in photoelectric effect can be explained with the help of this equation. Einstein's The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons gets doubled when the wavelength of light incident on the surface changes from 2, to As. Derive the expressions for the threshold wavelength A, and work function for the metal surface. x 46. Light of wavelength 2000 A falls on a metal surface of work function 4.2 eV. What is the Kinetic energy (in eV) of the fastest electrons emitted from the surface? (What will be the change in the energy of the emitted electrons if the intensity of light with same wavelength is doubled? (fi) If the same light falls on another surface of work function 6.5 eV, what will be the energy of emitted electrons? (Foreign 011) (5 marks) 47. Explain how Einstein's photoelectric equation is used to describe photoelectric effect satisfactorily (5, AL201SC) 11.7 Particle Nature of Light : The Photon (1 mark) 48, Define intensity of radiation on the basis of photon picture of light, Write its St unit (Al 2014) 49. Define intensity of radiation in photon picture of light, (Delhi 2012) Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter (2 marks) 50, Write three basic properties of photons which are used to obtain Einstein's photoelectric ‘equation. Use this equation to draw a plot of maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted versus the frequency of incident radiation. (Al 2014C) NIM (3 marks) 51. In the wave picture of light, intensity of light is determined by the square of the amplitude of the wave. What determines the intensity in the photon picture of light? (2/3, AI 2016) 52. (a) Write the important properties of photons which are used to establish Einstein’ photoelectric equation. (b) Use this equation to explain the concept of, (i threshold frequency and (ii) stopping potential (A12015) Write the basic features of photon picture of electromagnetic radiation on which Einstein’ photoelectric equation is based. (2/3, Delhi 2013) 54, Write Einstein’ photoelectric equation and point out any two characteristic properties of photons on which this equation is based. Briefly explain the three observed features which can be explained by this equation. (AI2013) 55, State three important properties of photons which describe the particle picture of electromagnetic radiation. (Delhi 2013C) 56. Write Einstein’ photoelectric equation. Mention the underlying properties of photons on the basis of which this equation is obtained. Write two important observations of photoelectric effect which can be explained by Einstein's equation. (A12013C) 57. Write Binstein’s photoelectric equation. State clearly how this equation is obtained using the photon picture of electromagnetic radiation, 53. Write the three salient features observed in photoelectric effect which can be explained using this equation, (Delhi 2012) 279 58. Write two characteristic features observed in photoelectric effect which support the photon picture of electromagnetic radiation. (2/3, Foreign 2012) 59. Write Einstein's photoelectric equation, giving the main points of the photon-picture of electromagnetic radiation on which this equation is based. State three observed features of photoelectric effect which can be explained by Einstein's equation. (AI 2012C) 60. (a) Ultraviolet light of wavelength 2271 A from a 100 W mercury source is incident on a photocell made of molybdenum metal. If the stopping potential is 1.3 V, estimate the work function of the metal (b) How would the photocell respond to high intensity (10° W/m’) red light of wavelength 6328 A produced by a He - Ne laser? (Delhi 2011C) 11.8 Wave Nature of Matter (1 mark) 61. Draw a plot showing the variation of de-Broglie wavelength of electron as a function of its K-E. (Delhi 2015C) 62. Write the expression for the de-Broglie wavelength associated with a charged particle having charge ‘q’ and mass ‘m, when it is accelerated by a potential V. (AI 2013) 63. A proton and an electron have same kinetic energy. Which one has greater de-Broglie wavelength and why? (AI 2012) 64. Show on a graph the variation of the de-Broglie wavelength (A) associated with an electron, with the square root of accelerating potential (V). (1/3, Foreign 2012) 65. Show graphically, the variation of the de-Broglie wavelength (2) with the potential (V) through which an electron is accelerated from rest. (Delhi 2011) 66, Write the relationship of de-Broglie wavelength 2 associated with a particle of ‘m in terms of its kinetic energy E. (Delhi 2011C) 280 67. A particle is moving three times as fast as an electron. The ratio of the de-Broglie wavelength of the particle to that of the electron is 1.813 x 10, Calculate the particle's mass and identify the particle. (4120110) (2 marks) 68. An ct-particle and a proton are accelerated through the same potential difference. Find the ratio of their de Broglie wavelengths, (Delhi 2017) 69. The wavelength 2 of a photon and the de Broglie wavelength of an electron have the same value. Show that energy of a photon is (2A mcih) times the kinetic energy of electron, where m, ¢ and h have their usual meaning (Foreign 2016) 70. A proton and an cparticle have the same de-Broglie wavelength. Determine the ratio of (i) their accelerating potentials i) their speeds, (Delhi 2015) 71. A proton and a deuteron are accelerated through the same accelerating potential. Which one of the two has (@) greater value of de-Broglie wavelength associated with it, and (b) less momentum? Give reasons to justify your answer, (Delhi 2014) X-rays fall on a photosensitive surface to cause photoelectric emission, Assuming that the work function of the surface can be neglected, find the relation between the de-Broglie wavelength (A) of the electrons emitted and the energy (£,) of the incident Photons. Draw the nature of the graph for & as.a function of E, (Delhi 2014C) An Gcparticle and a proton are accelerated from rest by the same potential. Find the ratio of their de Broglie wavelengths, 72. 73, (Al 2010) EYNTM (3 marks) 74. Obtain an expression for the ratio of the accelerating potentials required to accelerate a proton and an d-particle to have the same de-Broglie wavelength associated with them. (2/3, Al 2019) (QEEED CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 75. An electron and a proton are accelerated through the same potential. Which one of the two has (i) greater value of de-Broglie wavelength associated with it, and (ii) lesser momentum? Justify your answer in each case. (b) How is the momentum of a particle related with its de-Broglie wavelength? Show the variation on a graph. (AI 2019) 76. An electron microscope uses electrons accelerated by a voltage of 50 kV. Determine the de Broglie wavelength associated with the electrons. Taking other factors, such as numerical aperture etc. to be same, how does the resolving power ofan electron microscope compare with that of an optical microscope which uses yellow light? (AI 2014) 77. An electron and a photon each have a wavelength 1.00 nm. Find (their momenta, (ii) the energy of the photon and (iii) the kinetic energy of electron. (Delhi 2011) 11.9 Davisson and Germer Experiment (1 mark) 78. Figure shows a plot of — Ww accelerating potential, versus the de-Broglie Wavelength “2° in the case of two particles having same charge ‘q’ but different masses my and m;, Which line (A ot B) represents a Particle of large mass? where V is the (Al 20130) nent which shows wave trons, Which phenomenon was observed in this experiment using an electron beam? (Foreign 2010) 79, Name an exp nature of el Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter (2 marks) 80, Au electron is accelerated through « potential itterence of 100 volts, What i the de- Broglie wavelength associated with Af To whieh part of the electromagnetic: spectrum does this value ot wavelength correspond? (Dellii 2010) 81, Bind the ratio of the de Broglie wavelengths, associated! with, (1) protons, accelerated through a potential of 128 Yeand (id) ee particles, accelerated potential of 64 V, through a (Delhi 20100) S82. The two lines marked ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the: gl figure, show a plot of de-Broglic wave n ngth 1 =. where Vis the accelerating W potential, for two nuclei }H and JH. A vers (i) What does the slopeofthe lines represent? Gi) Wdentity which lines correspond to these nuclei. 281 (AI 20100) HEMI (3 marks) 83, State briefly, with what purpose was Davisson and Germer experiment performed and what inference was drawn from this. (1/3, AL 2019) 84. (a) Describe briefly how the Davison. Germer experiment demonstrated the wave nature of electrons. (b) An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential V; Obtain the expression the de-Broglie wavelength associated with it, (Foreign 2014) PENT 1, Threshold frequency is defined as the minimum frequency of incident radiation below which the photoelectric emission stops altogether 2. The amount of light energy or photon energy, incident per unit area per unit time is called intensity of electromagnetic radiation, 3. Metal Q has smaller threshold wavelength. Vo 1101 For P, when Vo = 0, Vp = Up = 0.1 x 10! st For Q, when Vy =, Ug = Uy = 1x 10" 5 AS Ug > UpS0Ag < hyp 4. For a given frequency, Photoelectric current ¢ Intensity Photoelectric current 5. Since ‘photoelectric current is directly proportional to the number of photoelectrons emitted per second, on increasing intensity, more photoelectrons will emit 6. Since the value of stopping potential for the pair of curves (1 and 2) and (3 and 4) are the same hence curves 1 and 2 correspond to one material while curves 3 and 4 represent another material. ‘The pairs of curves (1 and 3) and (2 and 4) correspond to diferent’ materials but same intensity of incident radiation as the saturation current depends upon intensity and not on material 2 Wi n of photoelectric current with intensity of light for a given frequency of incident radiation ‘> / intensity of light 282 8 Photoelectric emission is not possible at all frequencies because below the threshold frequency for photosensitive surface of different atoms emission is not possible. 9. For a given frequency of incident radiation stopping potential is that minimum negative potential given to anode for which the photoelectric current becomes zero, It is denoted by V,. For a given frequency of the incident radiation, the value of stopping potential is different for different metals but itis independent of the intensity of the incident light 10. Threshold frequency is defined as the minimum frequency of incident radiation below which the photoelectric emission stops altogether. 11. Threshold frequency does not depend upon the intensity of light, The intensity of light mainly depends on the number of photons for given frequency of incident radiation. Therefore, the photoelectric current increases with the intensity of incident light. 12. (a) (i) Threshold Frequency : The minimum frequency of incident light which is just capable of ejecting electrons from a metal is called the threshold frequency, It is denoted by Vo. (ii) Stopping Potential : The minimum retarding potential applied to anode of a photoelectric tube which is just capable of stopping photoelectric current is called the stopping potential. It is denoted by Vp (or Vs). (©) Photoelectric Higher intensity current, | —£—, — Sit". “Vs ‘Applied voltage 6.0 x10" Ha 13, (i) Given, v P=20x10°W Let 1 is the number of photons emitted by the source per second, Are £ hw 2x10" =—— 5 = 0.0502 « 107 6.63 x10 «6.0% 10! = 5 x 10" photons per second, (ii) Refer to answer 7. (MEEED CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 14, (i)_ Intensity = Number of photons per unit area per unit time For unit area and unit time, fy =f, =m) 0) = "U2 meMs1 > mon, m Va For same intensity number of photons per unit area per unit time is large for 0 ie. m3. Hence, more electrons will be emitted corresponds to V, (ii) The maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons is more for the light of greater frequency. Since V, > Vp, maximum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons will be correspond to 0, 15. The graph showing the variation of stopping potential (Vj) with the frequency of incident radiation (v) for two different photosensitive materials having work functions W, and Wy (W, > W,) is shown in figure. Metal Metal 1 WW; stopping f potential (Ve) Prequency of incident > ‘diation av Av (i) Slope of the line ell hAv] ai> Slope of the line =!" ie © quantity and does not depend on nature of metal surface. it is a constant (ii) Intercept of graph 1 on the stopping potential axis + Intercept of the line depends upon the stopping function of the metal surface, 16, Frequency of violet light (v,) > frequency of blue light (v) des {2 }» 1 Ye ‘As both light have same intensity, so Shc my Yy ” Wy = MyYp => So Ny> My ‘Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter (i) Since m, > ny, hence number of electrons emitted per second corresponding to blue light will be more than that for violet light. (ii) Since v, > Vj, hence maximum kinetic energy of the electrons (Kyu = HV = 9) for violet light will more than that for blue light. 17, (i) For, threshold frequency vp = 3 10!" Hz. For Q, threshold frequency Vg = 6 x 10" Hz, So, metal Q has higher threshold frequency. (ii) Work function for Q Wo = hidg = 6.6% 1076 x 10! = 39.6 x 107 247 eV (iii) The maximum kinetic energy, of electron emitted by light of frequency 8 x 10" Hzis, 2+ Kyyax = (0 ~ Vo), 66x 10°4(8 x 10'- 6 x 104) = 13.2 107] = 0.825 eV 18. According to photon picture of light, in photoelectric effect, electron absorbs a quantum of energy (Iv) of radiation. If this quantum of energy absorbed exceeds the minimum energy needed for the electron to escape from the metal surface, the electron is emitted with some kinetic energy, the maximum value of which can be given by hv - 9 ‘This is known as Einstein's photoelectric equation. 9 is the work function of metal, which is the minimum energy needed by a surface electron to come out. ‘The two features of photoelectric effect which cannot be explained by wave theory, are (i) The instantaneous emission of electrons (ii) The existence of threshold frequency for @ metal surface 19. (a) The number of photoelectrons emitted, i.e, photoelectric current depends only upon its intensity. The photo current is directly proportional to the number of photoelectrons emitted per second. This implies that the number of photoelectrons emitted per second is directly proportional to the intensity of incident radiation. Photoelectric current Intensity of light 283 (b) ‘The energy of the emitted electrons depends on the frequency of the incident radiations. The stopping potential is more negative for higher frequencies of incident radiation, From the figure, stopping potentials are in order Voy > Vos» Vor if the frequencies are in the order of Us> V; > Uy “This implies that greater the frequency of incident light, greater is the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons. | Stopping potential Wo) Metal A ‘Metal B D [Frequency of incident radiation (0) —> 20. (a) The variable X on the horizontal axis is collector plate potential. (b) ‘The point A on the horizontal axis represents stopping potential. © Photoelectric current vy> > Vs » ‘current =Vor Vox -Vo 9 Collector plate -<— Retarding potential potential —> (d) t Photocurrent h Stopping Saturation potential s ‘current, -Vo oO Retarding Collector plate: +— potential potential 21, We know, Krux = ¢Vs= MCW =o) 284 (i) From the graph for the same value of 0, stopping potential is more for material B. bad (v=) e ‘. Vyishigher for lower value of, Here Up < V4 50 Van> Vou (ii) Slope of the graph is given by which is e constant for all the materials. Hence slope of the graph does not depend on the nature of the material used. 22. Refer to answer 7. Given that A = 3300 x 10°? m, x, = 2.75 eV, Ovo = 4.175 eV ‘Then energy of the laser beam is, he ___ 6.6x10™* x3x 10% 2% 3300x1071 x1.6x10"? Since E < Oyj therefore there will be no emission of photoelectrons for molybdenum (Mo). Bringing the source nearer will cause to emit more photoelectrons as intensity on the plate will increase. 23. The minimum value of the frequency of light, below which the photoelectric emission stops completely, howsoever large may be the intensity of light, is called the cut-off frequency. Given that threshold frequency of metal is f and frequency of light is 2f. Using Einstein's equation for photoelectric effect, we can write Wof-fy= Fmt (i) =3.75eV Similarly, for light having frequency 5f, we have nef-f)= ; mt nll) Using (i) and (ii), we find fLtotafi ote! 4f yom V4 yy 2 24. On the basis of experiments on photoelectric effect, three observed features are : (i) Emission of photoelectrons start as soon as light falls on metal surface i.e. there is no time lag between incidence of light and emission of photoelectrons. (ii) The emission of photoelectrons takes place only when the frequency of the incident radiations is above a certain critical value called threshold CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 of that metal frequency Vy, which is character! emitting electrons, Above threshold frequency Up, maximum kinetic energy with which photoelectrons are emitted is directly proportional to frequency v of incident radiation. So the graph plotted between (1/2)m¥ nae OF CV with frequency v is a straight line for frequencies above threshold frequency Vy. (iii) The maximum kinetic energy with which a photoelectron is emitted from a metallic surface is independent of the intensity of light and depends only upon its frequency. 25. (a) Yes, all emitted photoelectrons have same kinetic energy as the kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons depends upon frequency of the incident radiation for a given photosensitive surface. (b) No, the kinetic energy of emitted electrons does not depend on the intensity of incident radiation. If the intensity is increased, number of photons will also increase but energy of each photon remains same as the frequency is also same. The maximum kinetic energy depends on frequency not on intensity. (©) The number of emitted photoelectrons depends only on intensity of incident light. For a given frequency of incident radiation, its intensity depends on the number of photons. 26. Cut-off voltage : For a particular frequency (© > 0) of incident radiation, the minimum negative potential Vo applied to the plate or anode, (A) for which the photoelectric current just becomes zero is called. cut-off voltage. Refer to answer 10. 27. Kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted from the surface of a photosensitive material, KE=hv-@=hv~hvy ual Nature of Radiation and Matter This is a equation of straight line of the form, yemx+e (i) From this graph, the Planck's constant can be calculated by the slope of the line. (ii) Work function is the minimum energy required to eject the photoelectron from the metal surface. 6 = hug, where Vo = threshold frequency From the graph, work function is given by intercept of line on the kinetic energy axis. a ‘Vo. vin * KE of electron (eV)—> 28, Refer to answer 15. 29. The stopping potential is more negative for higher frequencies of incident radiation. ‘Therefore, stopping potential is higher for v,. Photoelectric current Saturation visu current aaah Collector plate» ctarding tial potential Potential V (KE) max = €Vp = hv ~ @ h = Va=ty-2 ee From this equation we can conclude that Vo will increase if v increases. 30. (i) Slopeofline=—— —[ eAV =hAv) Slope ofline = e = It isa constant quantity and does not depend ‘on nature of metal surface. (ii) Maximum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectron, KE = eV, = hv ~ hy, i) 285 For a given frequency V, > V; (from the graph) So from equation (i), (KE), > (KE); Since the metal M, has smaller threshold frequency i.e., smaller work function. It emits electrons having a larger kinetic energy. 31. Refer to answer 12 (a). 32. The observed characteristics of photoelectric effect could not be explained on the basis of wave theory of light. (i) According to wave theory, the light propagates in the form of wavefronts and the energy is distributed uniformly over the wavefronts. With increase of intensity of light, the amplitude of waves and the energy stored by waves will increase. These waves will then, provide more energy to electrons of metal; consequently the energy of electrons will increase. ‘Thus, according to wave theory, the kinetic energy of photoelectrons must depend on the intensity of incident light; but according to experimental observations, the kinetic energy of photoelectrons does not depend on the intensity of incident light. (ii) According to wave theory, the light of any frequency can emit electrons from metallic surface provided the intensity of light be sufficient to provide necessary energy for emission of electrons, but according to experimental observations, the light of frequency less than threshold frequency can not emit electrons; whatever be the intensity of incident light. (iii) According to wave theory, the energy transferred by light waves will not go toa particular electrons, but it will be distributed uniformly to all electrons present in the illuminated surface. ‘Therefore, electrons will take some time to collect the necessary energy for their emission. The time for emission will be more for light of less intensity and vice versa, But experimental observations show that the emission of electrons take place instantaneously after the light is incident on the metal; whatever be the intensity of light. So, we conclude that wave nature of light can be used to explain photoelectric effect. ‘The photon picture resolve this problem by following features, (i) In the interaction of photons with free electrons, the entire energy of photon is absorbed. ot 286 (ii) Energy of photon is directly proportional to frequency. Intensity of incident radiation depends on the number of photons falling per unit area per unit time for a given frequency. 33. Refer to answer 32. 34. Refer to answer 32 35. Refer to answer 32. 36. Refer to answer 32. 37. Photoelectric effect. shows the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiation. 38. Wavelength of incident light, A = 412.5 nm 1242eV nm Energy of incident light, E= te <—san =3eV Metals Na and K will show photoelectric emission because their work functions are less than the energy of incident light. 39. Using Einstein's photoelectric equation, eV=in-o on differention we get eAV = hAv 19 orh=£8¥ _ 16x10"? x(1.23-0) =6.56x10" Js av (8-5)x10! 40. Einstein's photoelectric equation is given below. 1 foes mma + Wo where v = frequency of incident radiation 1 3 maximum kinetic energy of an emitted electron W, = work function of the target metal ‘Three salient features observed are (i) Below threshold frequency v, corresponding to Wy, no emission of photoelectrons takes place. (ii) As energy of a photon depends on the frequency of light, so the maximum kinetic energy with which photoelectron is emitted depends only on the energy of photon or on the frequency of incident radiation. (iii) For a given frequency of incident radiation, intensity of light depends on the number of photons per unit area per unit time and one photon liberates one photoelectron, so number of photoelectrons emitted depend only on its intensity. (GEZEI CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 41. (i) The Einstein's photoelectric equation is given as Koc = HD ~ % Since Kya Must be non-negative implies that photoelectric emission is possible only if Ir» > % or Vf> Vp Where Vp = —", ‘This shows that the greater the work function ®,- higher the threshold frequency Up needed to emit photoelectrons. ‘Thus, there exists a threshold frequency vp = ® for the metal surface, below which no photoelectric emission is possible (ii) Condition for photo electric emission, hv > 0 be => or 7 > o for 4= 3300 he _ 1.989x10~ % 3300x107! =377eV 16x10" Moand Niwill not cause photoelectric emission. If the laser source is brought nearer and placed 50 cm away, then photoelectric emission will not effect, since it depends upon the work function and threshold frequency. 42. (i) Two features of Einstein’ photoelectric equation: (a) Below threshold frequency v, corresponding to W,, no emission of photoelectrons takes place (b) As the number of photons in light depend on its intensity, and one photon liberates one photo electron. So number of emitted photoelectrons depend only on the intensity of incident light for a given frequency. (ii) Below threshold frequency no emission takes place. As there is no photoemission from surface P ie. the frequency of incident radiation is less than the threshold frequency for surface P. From surface Q photoemission is possible ie, the frequency of incident radiation is equal or greater than threshold frequency: As the kinetic energy of photo electrons is zero ie, the energy of incident Fadiation is just sufficient to pull out the electron from the surface Q Work function for surface Q, Wo= hu. ASK.E, = y= 10" He 6X 10 10! = 6.6x 10° 4.125 eV Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 43. For a given frequency of the incident radiation, the stopping potential is independent of its intensity, ie., the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons depends on the light source and emitter plate material but is independent of intensity of radiation. AS Kya, = ¢Vy where Vo= Stopping potential 44, Refer to answer 40. 45. Einstein’ photoelectric equation Krux = Fm? = ho @)= hv —Iny (i) answer 40. From eqn. (i) he Kom = SS = zo According to question, (ii) =(iii) From eqn. (ii) and (iii), he he 2{=£-9, J=2- (E-e}-FE-¢o - A = 2000 A = 2000 x 10°" m Wo=4.2eV h=663x 10" Js Bow +Ke, o | KE==- Ht " Se A gts ar a (2000x107) 1.6x107 = (6.2-4.2)eV=2.0eV (i) ‘The energy of the emitted electrons does not depend upon intensity of incident light, hence the energy remains unchanged. 287 (ii) For this surface, electrons will not be emitted as the energy of incident light (6.2 eV) is less than the work function (6.5 eV) of the surface, 47. Refer to answer 40. 48. ‘The amount of light energy or photon energy, incident per unit area per unit time is called intensity of radiation. SI Unit : W m™ or J ny 49. Refer to answer 48. 50. Photons : According to Planck’s quantum theory of radiation, an electromagnetic wave travels in the form of discrete packets of energy called quanta, ‘The main features of photons are as follows: (i) In the interaction of photons with free electrons, the entire energy of photon is absorbed. (ii) Energy of photon is directly proportional to frequency. Intensity of incident radiation depends on the number of t photons falling per unit area per unit time fora given frequency. (ii) In photon electron collision, the total energy. [7% v= and momentum remain *| Frequency of incident constant. fedition Einstein's photoelectric equation is Krax= I ~ 51. Fora given frequency, intensity of light in the photon picture is determined by 1 Enersy of photons _mxhv ~ Axt area x time where n is the number of photons incident normally on crossing area A in time t. “52. (a) Refer to answer 50. (b) Einstein's photoelectric equation According to Einstein, when light is incident on metal surface, incident photons are absorbed completely by valence electrons of atoms of metal on its surface. Energy hv of each photon is partially utilized by an electron to become free or to overcome its “work function” Wo and rest of the absorbed energy provides the maximum kinetic energy to the photoelectron during the emission. ie. 288 1. I= mv gy +Wy 2 ‘The minimum value of the frequency of incident radiation below which the photoelectric emission stops i. kinetic energy of photoelectron is zero is called threshold frequency (v9) Threshold frequency, Vp : 2 2 mina ‘max =h0-Wo Of, KE wax = V9 When work done by collecting electrode potential on aphotoelectron is equal to its maximum kinetic energy then the electrode potential is known as stopping potential. Stopping potential, Vo =~: 53. Refer to answer 50. 54. Einstein’ photoelectric equation Kyoax = 5" max = 2 (a) Refer to answer 50. (b) Refer to answer 40. 55. Refer to answer 50. 56. Refer to answers 40 and 50. 57. Refer to answers 40 and 50. 58. Refer to answer 40. 59. Refer to answers 40 and 50. 60. (a) From Einstein’ equation hv = 4+ K= 09+ eV, or gy=hv-eV, " -eV, v= hvy (Equation is independent of the power of the source) «1074 x3 x 10% 227110 66x10 x 3x10" } =| SO On els le 2271x110" x1.6x10 = 55eV-13eV=4.20V (b) Threshold frequency v, = = -13eV 19 _42x1.6200 10x10! © 66x10 (HEZED CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 and the frequency of red light from the source is 10° W/m? c__3xio8 2 6328x10 Since frequency of red light is less than threshold frequency so photocell will not respond to red light, however high (10° W/m’) be the intensity of light. .7 x10!" Hz 61, de-Broglie wavelength t elt » P \2mKE => 22 KE=constant. KE—> 62. m, >> m, p< Ae Hence for same kinetic energy wavelength iated with electron will be greater. 64. We know 4 = o WV ‘The nature of the graph between Aand WV is rectangular hyperbola, 2.27 65. 2 A ‘onstant I a onstant v— Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter h V2mE h_h 67. de-Broglie wavelength A= cae 66. 1.813 x 10 MY, MV, 1813x107“ (3y,) =———__ = 1675 x 10°” kg. 1.813107 x3 ‘Thus, the particle may be a proton or a neutron. mp << my Proton will have larger de Broglie wavelength. 68. de-Broglie wavelength of a charged particle accelerated through a potential difference V is h given by, A= mae -. For proton and ot particle charges are q and 2q respectively, h . dp Joa wi) A har f4m,qV From eqn (i) and (ii) hag _(2 ii. 1 e-(& “Ah 69. Given that 2 is the wavelength of the photon. The de-Broglie wavelength of the electron is (As mig =4 mp) get, A me Kinetic energy of electron, Ea bm? = n( ey aE a a cE mh is 2am a We know that energy of photon is Dividing (i) by (ii), Bh, gy the E, 2mn? he , 70. de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of mass m and charge q accelerating through a potential V is given by 289 oi) m= Amy = AMM dey= 2G = 2 ion eqn. (i) mata, o. da \™pdp\p (ii) Again from eqn. (i) hh pom dp mova = 4M Aa MpYp Mp Vp %q=4il 71. For same accelerating potential, a proton and a deutron have same kinetic energy. (a) de Broglie wavelength is given by h__oh h aete P mK P2m(qV) So, he Le vin ‘Mass of a deutron is more than that of a proton, So, proton will have greater value of de-Broglie wavelength. (b) Momentum, p= J2mK; pa vm Mass of a deutron is more than that of a proton, So, a proton has less momentum. 72, According to Einsteins photoelectric effect E=W+ ; my? Since work function of the surtace is negligible, the above equation becomes net tw? 2 ! jam a If, is de-Broglie wavelength of the emitted electrons, then : ae ae mv J2mE my 290 73. Refer to answer 68. 74. Refer to answer 70 (i). 75. Refer to answer 71. (b) de-Broglie wavelength of a particle h n he P or Ap=h=constant It shows a rectangular hyperbola. = 5.49 x10"? m “The resolving power of an electron microscope is much better than that of optical microscope. Resolving power of a microscope ae me This formula suggests that to improve resolution, we have to use shorter wavelength and media with large indices of refraction. For an electron microscope, [is equal to 1 (vacuum). For an electron microscope, the electrons are accelerated through a 50,000 V potential difference. Thus the wavelength of electrons is found tobe 10" m. ‘As, A is very small (approximately 10°° times smaller) for electron microscope than an optical microscope which uses yellow light of wavelength (5700 A to 5900 A). Hence, the resolving power of an electron microscope is much greater than that of optical microscope. 77. (i) Momentum of photon 6.6 x10 ‘| pote = = 6.610 kg ms” a 1x10 Momentum of electron 66x10" = 6.6% 107 kgms™ Pe «107 (ii) Energy of photon he 66x 107" 3x10" So eS =1.98x10" J # a 1x10" (ii) Kinetic energy of electron CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 = 2.39% 10J Im 2%9.1X10 h 78, de-Broglie wavelength, = Tm? or amqV h 1 i —.~. the graph of 2 versus is 2 mg Wo oP Ww h ji straight line of slope “The slope of line Bis ght ine of slope Fe small, so particle B has larger mass (charge is same). 79. Davisson-Germer experiment shows wave nature of electrons. The phenomenon of diffraction of electron beam was observed in this experiment. 80. Here V= 100 volts. The de-Broglie wavelength pe 227 yyy = 1227 =) 227 WW v 100 10 “The value of de-Broglie wavelength is associated with the wavelength of X-rays. = 0.1227 =0.123nm 81. ‘The de-Broglie wavelength }. is A= Dmg h h dp = 1d 2, 2 Bam antgv" dp _ [amxdexo4 Aq V mxex128 Required ratio = 2:1 82. a A 8 ot Ww (i) In terms of accelerating potential V, the de Broglie wavelength of a charged particle is given by Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter h d: mv li) Where q is the charge and m is the mass of the particle. The equation (i) represents straight amg inversely proportional to vim for given value of q. (ii) Since the slope of ine B is lesser, it represents the particle of heavier mass ie. }H. The line A represents the particle of lighter mass | H. $3. The purpose of Davisson and Germer experiment was to do confirm the de-Broglie hypothesis of matter waves. This experiment confirmed the existence of electron waves. de-Broglie wavelength determined from the experiment agrees with the theoretical value determined from the relation, i.e, h_ 12.27 peo p> WwW 84. (a) Experimental arrangement used by Davisson and Germer : Electrons from a hot tungsten cathode are accelerated by a potential difference V between the cathode (C) and anode (A). A narrow hole in the anode renders the electrons into a fine beam of electrons and allows them to strike a nickel crystal. Electron. alle | line, whose slope is The slope of the line is ‘The electrons are scattered in all directions by the atoms in the crystal and its intensity in a given direction is found by the use of a detector. ‘The (ddl 291 graph is plotted between angle @ (angle between incident and the scattered direction of the electron team) and intensity of the scattered beam. The experimental curves obtained by Davison and Germer are as shown here. wy, gl av yd oi tncnbgnt eas Icdgot beam c o @ wo ‘The appearance of the peak in a particular direction at 54 V is due to the constructive interference of electrons scattered from different layers of the regularly spaced atoms of the crystals. (b) Consider an electron of mass m and charge e. Let v be the final velocity attained by the electron when itis accelerated from rest through a potential ference of V volts. Then kinetic energy gained by the electron equals the work done on the electron by the electric field. KE. gained by the electron, ulnar 2 2m Work done on the electron = eV eV or p= V2mK = V2meV Hence the de-Broglie wavelength of the electron is yet ek Pp VamK J2mev Now h = 6.63 x 10°" J s, m= 9.1 x 10" kg. e=16x10"C 6.63x10 Vaxoaxio 6x 123x107 12.3 “Wy v dre sce A

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