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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

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Frameworks, quantitative indicators, characters, and modeling approaches

to analysis of energy system resilience: A review
Somayeh Ahmadi a, b, Yadollah Saboohi a, Ali Vakili c, *
Energy Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11365-9567, Tehran, Iran
Institute for Energy Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin, 10587, Berlin, Germany
Research Institute for Energy Management and Planning, Tehran University, P.O. Box 1417466191, Tehran, Iran


Keywords: The rise of the damage to energy systems caused by both natural and man-made disruptive events and the
Energy system resilience connection between energy systems and socio-economic systems have motivated the study of energy system
Indicators and index of energy resilience resilience. This paper conceptualizes and comprehensively presents a systematic review of the recent literature
Energy resilience models
focused on the analytical, technical, and mathematical points from the standpoint of the energy systems facing
Energy resilience characters
Energy resilience frameworks
disruptive events. To this end, five phases are developed. Firstly, the concept of the energy system resilience is
Energy resilience review presented, and then the energy resilience characters and the resilience states are introduced and connected.
Thirdly, the formulation and indicators of the energy resilience are demonstrated, and modeling features,
modeling approach, and solving methods are discussed and compared. Finally, the gaps in the existing literature
on the energy system resilience are identified, and future research opportunities are suggested.

disasters; it was about 186,000 MW [6]. For the 2008 Wenchuan

1. Introduction earthquake, nearly 23% of direct economic losses were caused by the
damage to infrastructures, such as energy infrastructure [7]. Also, as
The high reliability of energy supply and the compatibility of the mentioned, the hazards of energy systems can affect social and economic
energy sector with the environment are essential factors in the process of systems. For instance, the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake, tsunami,
the economic reconstruction and the sustainable development of coun­ and nuclear disaster was a catastrophe which led to over 15,000 deaths
tries [1,2]. Thus, most of our activities, well-functioning of modern so­ and caused 470,000 people to evacuate their homes. Direct economic
cieties, and the growth of economies (such as the gross domestic product losses have been estimated at 16.9 trillion yen (US$199 billion), and the
(GDP) of countries) depend on a reliable and efficient supply of energy reconstruction budget over a nine-year reconstruction period is esti­
[3]. In today’s global and increasingly dynamic and turbulent environ­ mated at 32 trillion yen (US$263 billion) [8]. Moreover, during the
ments, energy systems and supply energy are challenged with numerous period from 1990 to 2016 over the mainland of China, the 192 records
disruptive events which threaten to disrupt the activities and perfor­ selected in this study are linked to 1153.4 billion China Yuan (CNY) of
mance of energy systems [4], [5]. There is a bilateral relation between direct economic losses [9].
energy sector hazards and social and economic systems. Therefore, the Hence, the given examples provide enough evidence that the eval­
effects of threats and hazards caused by the energy sector on the envi­ uation of the risks, threats, and disturbances to the energy supply and
ronment and human society, as well as the impact of natural disasters, demand and the energy system resilience is one of the major challenges
technology, and society disruptions on the energy sector, are the factors of energy planning and policy making because of the relationship of
affecting social and economic systems. economic and social systems with energy systems. Resilience is consid­
Natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, ered as a strategy for risk management, and its goal is to minimize
volcanic eruptions, snowstorms, and wildfires and man-made threats, vulnerability, improve flexibility, adapt to the surrounding environ­
including terrorist attacks or labor strikes can cause temporary or per­ ment, and increase the tolerance of the system in the face of threats and
manent damage to the energy infrastructure [8]. For example, Hines system disturbances [10–14]. Holling defined the term of resilience for
et al. calculated the size of North American electricity blackout using the first time in 1973 as the ability of a system to absorb or resist the
the observed statistical trends for 100 years according to natural effects of failures without any changes in the functioning of the system

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Vakili).
Received 21 September 2020; Received in revised form 14 March 2021; Accepted 16 March 2021
Available online 30 March 2021
1364-0321/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

Nomenclature MREC Market recovery effort cost

TREC Transportation recovery effort
R Resilience index TMV Target market value of production
F(t)D Performance of system at the post-disruption time F(t) Performance of system at the time of t
F(t)R Performance of system after an initial post-disruption F(t)
´ Performance of system at the post-disruption time from
equilibrium state 100% performance at the original state
F(t)E Original stable system performance ϕenhanced Parameters used such as physical hardiness, feeder
SP Recovery speed maximum capacity, or restoration time.
tE Times of the event start, completed restoration ϕpre− event Parameters used such as physical hardiness, feeder
tR Times of completed restoration capacity, or restoration time prior to the event
tD Times of the worst damaged condition S Safety of system
RC Resilience cost PP Probability of correctly predicting the failure event
Pm Probability of successfully mitigating the event (1 − ρ) System failure probability
Pd Probability of correctly diagnosing the failure event αi , , i = 1, 2 Weighting coefficient
Ys Year split ECI Energy cost increase
UE Unserved energy Δmin and Δmax Minimum and maximum of xi (k)
xi (k) Characterized comparability sequence S Stability of system
p Distinguish coefficient = 0.5 ICmax Maximum possible imposed costs in each scenario
ρi Probability that energy will pass to any predator OC Operational costs
IC Imposed costs PC Penalty costs
FL Functionality loss Pi Share of energy source i
TC Transportation cost ru Remaining network utilization
H Shannon–Weaver index Ti,j Energy flow at the prey and predator
aru Average remaining network utilization P Energy production
FC Total discounted cost D Energy demand
BC Cost in the case of the baseline scenario Wmax Possible maximum network output
SCF Spare capacity factor Wbase Network output of the baseline
Wmin Possible minimum network output Si Proportion of electricity generated
D Diversity
SIC Systemic impact cost

[15]. Resilience is a multi-dimensional concept, and research on resil­ main abilities of urban systems, namely “availability”, “accessibility”,
ience is categorized into social resilience [16–18], ecologic resilience “affordability”, and “acceptability” [36].
[19,20], hybrid socio-ecologic resilience [21–23], engineering resilience Although there are very few literature reviews of energy system
[24–26], and economic resilience [27,28]. resilience, the existing ones are conceptually and empirically oriented.
Although there is a lack of consensus on the definition of energy Nevertheless, despite the growing number of the works on infrastructure
resilience, the terminology of energy system resilience was elaborated and energy resilience, there are few studies that focus on quantifying the
along with the study on the resilience of critical infrastructures in en­ characteristics of resilience in energy systems. The motivation of this
gineering category [29–31]. The National Infrastructure Advisory paper lies on the need to present a comprehensive study of the energy
Council defined infrastructure resilience as “infrastructure resilience is systems resilience including all energy levels. The particular contribu­
the ability to reduce the magnitude and/or the duration of disruptive tions of this paper are exploring the energy system resilience characters
events. The effectiveness of a resilient infrastructure or enterprise de­ and indicators as quantitative drivers to analyze energy systems with
pends upon its ability to anticipate, absorb, adapt to, and/or rapidly respect to the disruption events. Also, reviewing different energy system
recover from a potentially disruptive event [32]. Rehak et al. defines modeling approaches implies utilizing resilience-based indicators/fac­
infrastructure resilience (such elec.) as a quality which reduces the tors during the evaluation of models selection that is used for recom­
vulnerability of an element, absorbs the effects of disruptive events, mendations as to which quantitative methods to use, at different levels
enhances its ability to respond and recover, and facilitates its adaptation of defense and identification of the future research areas. Hence, in this
to disruptive events similar to those encountered in the past [29]. Zhang paper, we present a comprehensive study of energy system resilience by
et al. allocated restoration resources for enhancing the resilience of focusing on the analytical, technical, and mathematical points from the
interdependent infrastructure systems. They measured the resilience of standpoint of the energy systems facing disruptive events. To this end,
the system using the economic loss and the inoperability of the system we analyze the energy system resilience in five phases as shown in Fig. 1.
[33]. We introduced the concept of energy resilience in the first phase and
Erker et al. presented the topic of energy crises and designed an then presented the characters and states of energy system resilience for
assessment of regional energy resilience (RERA) to determine the pre­ identifying an energy resilience framework and the relation between the
sent baseline-resilience of a region, referring to an energy crisis in a characters and states of energy system resilience in the second phase.
specific spatial context. They studied sectors and energy services being This paper also provides a set of quantitative methods and energy
affected by the constraints on fossil energy, and their need for im­ resilience indicators related to each energy resilience character for
provements surveyed attitudes and risk sensitivity referring to energy measuring and comparing the resilience of one energy system with that
crises [34,35]. Sharifi and Yamagata presented a review of developing a of the others. Then, the models of energy resilience are summarized by
framework for identifying planning and designing the criteria for urban considering energy system modeling features and approaches; the
energy resilience. They introduced sustainability-related dimensions of methods are solved in the fourth phase. Lastly, the shortcomings and
urban energy with integrating resilience features, namely “planning and limitations of the current research are identified. This paper will provide
preparing for”, “absorbing”, “recovering from”, and “adapting”, with the the readers with the knowledge about:

S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

Fig. 1. The methodology of the literature review.

(1) what is the concept of energy system resilience? 2.1. Energy resilience characters
(2) what are the indicators, characters, and states of energy
resilience? Energy resilience is a multifaceted capability of an energy system.
(3) what kinds of modeling approaches and features are used for Resilience characters vary as authors and research objectives change. As
analyzing energy system resilience, and what methods are used to energy resilience is a concept with an ambiguous definition, there are
solve them? not any resilience factors in finding the resilience quantification of
models [37]. Indeed, there is no comprehensive model of presenting a
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 in­ set of quantitative metrics. This is clearly specified in Table 1 presenting
troduces the concept of energy system resilience, and Section 3 proposes the set of resilience characters and factors. Some of the characters and
the characters and states of energy system resilience and the relation factors are used for energy resilience, and the others, which can possibly
between them. Section 4 demonstrates the quantification of the in­ be used in energy systems, are considered for other engineering systems
dicators of energy system resilience, and Section 5 presents the modeling as shown in as shown in Table 2.
features of and the modeling approaches to energy system resilience. Ponomarov and Holcomb introduced important factors such as
Finally, Section 6 concludes the findings and presents the shortcomings adaptive capability, unexpected disruptive events, response and recov­
of the current research. ery ability, and control over the structure for considering supply chain
systems [38]. Ponis and Koronis presented anticipating unexpected
2. Energy system resilience events, responding adaptively, maintaining control over structure, and
system robustness as the resilience factors in the supply chain [39].
Energy systems include supply and demand which are considered in Melnyk et al. examined two critical and complementary factors: (1) the
a number of levels, including resources (oil, rich gas, coal, nuclear, solar, ability of a system to minimize the impact of a disruption by evading it
wind, biomass, hydro, and other), processes, conversion, transportation, entirely (resistance capacity) and (2) the ability of a system to find a
storage, distribution, and consumption. return path to a steady state of functionality (recovery capacity) [40].

S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

Table 1 system resilience, which is allowed by predictive capabilities. Resistance

The set of energy system resilience characters and factors. to disruptive events is another factor in energy system resilience, which
Characters and factors Considered Ref. needs the energy system to be robust. This character is attained by
systems absorbing the disruption. On the other hand, adapting to unexpected
McDaniels et al. (2008) - Robustness Infrastructure [47] events necessitates the ability to reorganize energy systems. Finally,
- Rapidity systems recovering of the energy system after disruptive events is the ability of
Ponomarov and Holcomb - Adaptive capability Supply chain [38] the system to restore its pre-disruption state. Therefore, energy system
(2009) - Anticipating resilience includes avoiding, resistance, adapting to, and recovering
unexpected events
- Response ability
from disruptive events as demonstrated in Fig. 2.
- Recovery ability The related literature has extensively tried to identify the key char­
- Control over system acteristics of energy system resilience from a qualitative point of view as
Ponis and Koronis (2012) - Anticipating Supply chain [39] summarized in this subsection. These characters are recognized by
unexpected events
relevant authors who have identified, referred to, or examined energy
- Responding
adaptively system resilience. The key characteristics are anticipation, absorption,
- Control over system adaptation, and recovery. Although sometimes these characters have
- Robustness been applied interchangeably by different authors, we obviously iden­
Roege et al. (2014) - Planning/preparing Energy systems [41] tify them to contribute to the definition of the quantitative indicators.
- Recovery
- Absorption
- Adaptation 2.1.1. Anticipation
Melnyk et al. (2014) - Resistance capacity Supply chain [40] The anticipation of disruptive events is one of the most important
- Recovery capacity characters of energy system resilience. New complex cascading failures
Zobel and Khansa (2014) - Robustness Engineering [48]
may stem from unanticipated or emergent system characteristics as they
- Rapidity systems
Woods (2015) - Sustainability Engineering [49] develop in an incremental and ad hoc fashion [53]. This character can be
systems used to increase the adaptation and robustness of energy systems by
Philieps et al. (2016) - Preparation Energy systems [50] predicting and appropriately responding to disruptive events [54].
- Recovery Anticipation is defined as the ability to learn, adapt, take preventive
- Mitigation
action, resist, and recover the system in disrupted events [55,56].
- Response
Kamalahmadi and Melat- - Anticipating Supply chain [42]
parast (2016) unexpected events 2.1.2. Absorption
- Resistance capacity Abimbola et al. argued that the absorption of disruptive events is one
- Recovery capacity
of the most powerful means of achieving resilience in energy systems.
- Flexibility
- Redundancy They defined absorptive capacity as a measure of the ability of a system
Sato et al. (2017) - Diversity Energy systems [51] to withstand turbulent conditions and to lessen the consequences [57].
Schlor et al. (2018) - Resource productivity Energy systems [43] Absorption is defined as the capability of energy systems to resist the
- Sustainability impact of disruptive events similar to the robustness of a system [58].
Wang et al. (2019) - Absorbability Solar power plant [44]
Absorption is also defined as the degree to which an energy system can
- Recovery
Akhtar et al. (2019) - Preparation capacity Micro grid [45] absorb the impacts of system perturbations and minimize consequences
- Restoration capacity systems with little effort [59,60]. Roege et al. described absorption as a character
- Adaptation capacity of resilience to maintain most critical asset functions and service avail­
Ajaz (2019) - Adaptation capacity Micro grid [46]
ability while repelling or isolating the disruption [13].

2.1.3. Adaptation
Roege et al. considered energy system resilience and presented its The adaptive capacity is defined as the degree to which a system can
characters as planning and preparing of energy systems before the start self-organize and overcome a disruptive event to regain system perfor­
of disruptive events and regarded recovery, absorption, and adaptation mance and overcome a disruption without any recovery activities [57,
as the important factors after the events [41]. Anticipating the occur­ 58,60]. Francis also stated that adaptation is one of the most important
rence of disruptions and preparing the supply chain for any expected and characters of energy system resilience which is defined as the ability of a
unexpected changes in the environment (anticipating unexpected system to absorb system perturbations and adjust to undesirable situa­
events) and the ability of the supply chain to resist and deactivate the tions by undergoing some changes [59]. However, Jufri et al. defined the
perturbation before it expands play a vital role in ensuring the conti­ adaptation state as the fully restored state that occurs after the disrup­
nuity of the operations (resistance capacity), and the ability to minimize tive event up to the next disruptive event [61]. Using knowledge from
the negative impacts of the disruptions on the supply chain (recovery the disruptive event, altering the protocol, configuring the system,
capacity) is another character of the energy system resilience presented training the personnel, or other aspects are most of the adaptation ac­
by Kamalahmadi and Melat-parast [42]. Schlor et al. used sustainability tivities which help energy system become more resilient [41]. Moreover,
and energy resource productivity as the resilience characters of an en­ agility usually refers to the system ability to quickly adapt the network
ergy system [43]. In another work, Wang et al. proposed absorbability structure and operation policy to the dynamic and turbulent re­
and recoverability as the two important resilience factors in an energy quirements of customers [62,63].
system [44]. Also, Akhtar Hussien et al. presented preparation, resto­
ration, and adaptation for considering the resilience of a micro grid 2.1.4. Recovery
power system [45], and Ajaz considered the adaptation capacity as a The literature on empirical and conceptual energy resilience has
resilience factor in evaluating the resilience of micro grid systems [46]. shown that recovery is a key factor in energy system resilient as
Based on the above discussion, we gather all the possible resilience mentioned in Table 1. The restorative capacity is a measure of the ease of
characters and factors to consider energy system resilience according to repairing or restoring the damage to a disrupted energy system [57,58].
Table 1. As shown, avoiding the disruption of the system before the Recovery is also defined as the capacity to fulfill priorities and achieve
disruptive event by anticipation is one of the important factors in energy goals in a timely manner in order to contain losses and avoid future
disruption [64]. The failed processes in the given system recover

S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

Table 2
The collection of characters, indicators, and formula of energy system resilience.
Name System considered Resilience Characters Resilience Indicators Formulation Ref

Anticipation Absorption Adaptation Recovery

Resilience modeling of Power system ✓ — ✓ ✓ - Reliability Index Recovery = Pm × Pd × PP × [57]

engineering systems - Recovery Index (1 − ρ)
Modeling infrastructure waterway — ✓ ✓ ✓ — — [58]
Resilience analysis of infrastructure — ✓ ✓ ✓ - Resilience Index F(t)D F(t)R [59]
R = SP
engineered and systems (an electric - Speed recovery F(t)E F(t)E
infrastructure systems. power example) &
tD − tE
SP =
tR − tE
Resilience Analysis of Petrochemical units — ✓ ✓ ✓ Resilient cost SIC + MREC + TREC [60]
RC =
Petrochemical Supply TMV
Chains to a Hurricane
Generic metrics and — ✓ — ✓ - Resilience Index as recovery(t) [96]
R = =
quantitative the function of time loss (td )
approaches for system - Cost F(t) − F(t)D
resilience F(t)E − F(t)D
C = Costresilience action +
Lsystem disruption
Multi-dimensional Electric power — ✓ — ✓ - Resilience Index F(t)dt [97]
hurricane resilience system R(t) = ∫ T0
0 F(t)E dt
assessment of systems
Resilience of integrated Power and water — ✓ — ✓ - Rapidity Index F(t)R − F(t)D [98]
Rapidity =
power and water system - Robustness Index tR − tD
systems &
Robustness = F(t)
power grid resilience to Power system — ✓ ✓ ✓ - Adaptability Index ϕ [61]
Adaptability = enhanced
extreme weather events ϕpre− event
∫ tD
Resilient design and Chemical process — ✓ — ✓ - Resilience Index F(t)dt [65]
operations of process - Total cost R(t) = ∫ t0D
0 F(t)E dt
systems &
C = total cost of system
A Framework to — ✓ — ✓ - Resilience Index t∫D [64]
R = (100 − F(t))dt
Quantitatively Assess 0
and Enhance the
Seismic Resilience of
Assessment of Transport system — ✓ — — - Resilience Index t∫R dS [99]
R =
Transportation System tE dt
energy security Energy system — — — — - Energy security ESC = exp( − [3]
assessment considering coefficient (ESC) α1 .UE.exp(Ys ) − α2 .ECI.
energy system exp(Ys ))
resilience to disruptions
solar-assisted carbon Solar system — ✓ — — - Resilience Index [100]
R =
capture and storage - Spare capacity Factor
power plant by - Diversity k
∏k Δmin + p × Δmax
adopting resilience i=1
Δxi (k) + p × Δmax
Wmax − Wmin

D = Si
Measuring resilience in Power System — — ✓ — - Stability Index S = ρi log ρi [101]
energy systems
A performance-based A large office — ✓ — — - Resilience Index ICmax − IC [102]
R =
resilience assessment building - Cost Index ICmax∑
methodology IC = OC + FLk × PCk
Resilience oriented water — — ✓ — — - Cost Index C = OC + PC + TC [103]
and energy hub

Examining the resilience Power system — — — — - Shannon–Weaver H = Pi ln Pi [104]
of national energy Index
A distributed energy Power system — ✓ — — - The average t=1 rut
management strategy remaining network aru =
for resilient shipboard utilization
Measuring resilience in Energy system — — — — - Resilience Index Ti,j 2 [80]
R = − log
aquatic trophic T0,j T0,i

S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

demand, the energy supply is projected to grow in the future [66–69].

Therefore, the total supply energy supply can be calculated by balancing
the energy demand and the energy supply from t0 to t1 , and this state is
named the stable original state. A disruptive event occurs at time t1 , and
the total energy supply decreases until stopping at time t2 and restoring
the time start. This state is the disrupted state of the energy system. From
t2 , the performance of the energy system gradually increases, and this
trend continues to t3 when the system achieves a stable condition.
Disruptions in the energy system may be transverse to other depen­
dent infrastructure systems and possibly even back to itself, where the
failure originated [70–72]. For example, some climate change events,
hurricanes, and terrorist attacks can cause the disruption in water in­
frastructures, and because of the relation between the energy system and
the water structure, it can occasion failures in power plants, oil and gas
refineries, etc. [73]. Hence, the vulnerability of energy systems may
relate to the vulnerability of other infrastructures.
Resilience of energy systems can be defined as the ability of an en­
ergy system to minimize disruptions to energy service by anticipating,
resisting, absorbing, adapting to, and recovering from a disruptive
event. Fig. 3 illustrates the relationship between the characters of energy
system resilience and the states of energy system resilience. As can be
seen, the anticipation of a disruptive event can be considered in the
stable original state, and the resistance, absorption, and adaption of the
energy system can be measured in the disrupted state; the recovery of
Fig. 2. The main characters of the energy system resilience (adopted after the disrupted system is determined in the recovery state.
ref [52]).
2.2.1. State 1: original stable state
gradually, and the system performance function increases to its original The energy system operates in normal conditions, and sufficient
operating level [65]; also, in the recovery section, all the asset functions anticipating of the disruptive event can cause the application of pre­
are restored, and services to their pre-event functionality should be ventive actions in a disrupted state. Thus, the estimation of the condi­
available [41]. Melnyk et al. defined recovery as the ability of a system tions of energy systems in different scenarios using historical data such
to find a return path to a steady state of functionality once a disruption as the number of affected technologies can be useful for predicting the
has occurred [40]. damage [74]. Hence, by using the result of this anticipation, some
strategies such as using multiple parallel units in place of a single unit
with the same total capacity [65,75], building backup systems [64], and
2.2. Relationship of characters and states of energy system resilience designing the alternative sets for each technology [76] can be organized
to increase the resilience of energy systems. Also, monitoring the situ­
Fig. 3 demonstrates the performance of energy system conditions ation of the energy system [77] and using mobile technology are two
with a disruptive event (the total energy supply) as a function of time. If important actions in this state [77,78].
the energy system is considered under normal conditions, the perfor­
mance of the system increases (the red line). This is due to the fact that 2.2.2. State 2: disrupted state
the energy demand is anticipated to increase significantly in the coming The disrupted state is the damaged condition of energy systems. This
years as a result of population growth and economic development, and state starts when a disruptive event occurs, and the performance of the
because of the need to balance the energy supply and the energy

Fig. 3. The relationship between the characters of energy system resilience and the states of energy system resilience.

S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

system is functionally dropped. In this state, the system resistance to an indicators should be quantifiable, repeatable, and comparable across
event can be evaluated. This resilience character is identified by the different systems [94,95]. Although the study on resilience index in
performance level of energy systems. The high robustness or resistance energy systems is still limited, we characterize the indicators of energy
of the energy system can lead to improving the resilience at the initial system resilience used in various references.
impacts of the disruptive event and reducing the level of performance Francis and Bekera considered resiliency of a system based on three
degradation [34,79,80]. In addition to the resistance of the system, the resilience capacities: adaptive capacity, absorptive capacity, and
magnitude of the impact depends on the absorption of the disruption recoverability. They presented a metric for measuring resilience based
[37,63,81]. The absorptive capacity of the energy system is the capa­ on system performance (F(t)) and the speed of recovery (SP ) which are
bility of the system components to withstand the impact of the event. In calculated by Eqs. (1) and (2) respectively. The speed of recovery is a
some energy systems, the damaged part may be the principal part for function of time at the event start tE , at the completed restoration (tR ),
flowing failure because the other parts of the system will burden addi­ and in the worst damaged condition (tD ). Actually, they defined slack
tional loads on it [82]. Also, adaptability is particularly important as it time as the maximum amount of post-disaster time that is acceptable
attempts to overcome a disruptive event without any recovery activities before recovery. The indicator of system resilience is the absorptive
[83,84]. This capability of the energy system can reduce the rate or capacity of the system described by the performance level of the system
speed of the resilience degradation [77,85,86]. The identification of the at the post-disruption time (F(t)D ), after an initial post-disruption
critical components of the energy system and the selection of adaptive equilibrium state (F(t)R ) and the performance of the original stable
technologies in the energy supply and demand sides are two main ac­ system (F(t)E ) [59].
tivities in this states which initiate the procedures for withstanding the
F(t)D F(t)R
damaged infrastructure as fast as possible. R= SP (1)
F(t)E F(t)E
2.2.3. State 3: recovery state tD − tE
The recovery state is the transition state of the energy system from its SP = (2)
tR − tE
damaged condition to its equilibrium condition, which starts from t2 to
t3 in Fig. 3. Following the actions in the disrupted state, a resilient en­ Another index was proposed by Vurgin et al. [6]. They used a
ergy system should demonstrate high recovery capabilities in order to comprehensive resilience assessment framework for evaluating the
restore the infrastructures distorted and the components and technolo­ resilience of infrastructures and economic systems. They proposed the
gies damaged during the impacts caused by a disruptive event and the resilience cost (RC) as an indicator of calculating the resilience of
dynamic characteristics of the energy system. The recovery functions are chemical systems. They divided the resilience cost into two categories:
formulated according to the desirable characteristics of versatility and costs resulting from decreased system productivity (SI) and costs
physical interpretation [87]. A restoration action may bring back 100% attributed to recovery activities (TRE). Therefore, the resilience cost is
of the performance of the energy system or only a certain portion of it. calculated as a function of systemic impact cost (SIC), market recovery
There are two important amounts in this state: 1) the maximum energy effort cost (MREC), transportation recovery effort cost (TREC), and
performance damaged (the difference between the target and the min­ target market value of production (TMV) [6]. It is expressed by:
imum performance level), and 2) the time needed to return to the SIC + MREC + TREC
equilibrium condition [88–90]. These two features depend on the RC = (3)
restoration resources of the energy system, including cost, energy
resource availability, access, energy storage units, transportation, and Henry and Marquez considered two characters of the system resil­
temporary energy supply [91–93]. A number of actions such as ience, namely absorption and recovery, and presented two indicators of
reenergizing transmission and distribution lines, restoring damaged calculating the resiliency of a system. Indicators are expressed in Eqs. (4)
components, restarting units, resynchronizing areas, restoring the load, and (5). The resilience index is the ratio of recovery to loss suffered by
etc. Should be taken in this phase [77]. the system at some previous point. It is a function of the system per­
formance in three states: the performance of a system in the stable
2.2.4. State 4: stable recovered state original state before the disruption occurs (F(t)E ), the performance of a
This state is the recovered state of the energy system which imme­ system at the post-disruption time (F(t)D ), and the performance of a
diately occurs after the restoration of the damaged energy system when system at the stable recovered state which refers to the new steady state
the recovery state is finished. In this state, if the performance of the performance level once the recovery (F(t)R ) is complete. Also, they
energy system is optimum before the desorption, the performance level presented another indicator of calculating the total cost of a system as
in the stable recovery state is exactly equal to the performance level given in Eq. (5). This index is a function of the cost incurred in imple­
before the occurrence of the disruption event in that time period. menting the resilience action (Costresilienceaction ) and the cost loss incurred
However, if it is not optimum, the performance of the system in the due to the inability of the system to perform at a normal level due to
stable recovered state may not be equal to the one in the normal con­ system disruption (Lsystemdisruption ) [96].
dition. It can be considered as a long-term prevention state, in which the recovery(t) F(t) − F(t)D
impact of the disruptive event and the performance of the energy system R= = (4)
loss (td ) F(t)E − F(t)D
should be thoroughly analyzed to identify the weaknesses or limitations
of the system so as to improve it to be better prepared for future events C = Costresilience action + Lsystem disruption (5)
Ouyang et al. presented an index between zero and one which can
3. Quantification of energy system resilience calculate the resilience of energy systems by the ratio of the real per­
formance of the energy system recording change under major disruptive
This section highlights the qualitative approaches to resilience events and system restoration efforts (F(t)) to the target of that system
assessment to specify resilience index in energy systems. Quantitative (F(t)E ) as expressed in Eq. (6). They also considered two characters of the
indices are required to study energy system resilience, and general in­ system resilience: absorption and recovery [97].
dicators of energy system resilience provide a quantitative tool to ∫T
evaluate resilience by measuring the performance of the system ac­ R(t) = ∫ T0 (6)
F(t)E dt
cording to the structure of the energy system before and after disruptive 0

events without concentrating on system-specific characteristics. Good

S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

Shinozuka et al. introduced rapidity and robustness as two indicators Martišauskas presented an energy security coefficient for calculating
of calculating the energy and water system resilience. The rapidity of the the energy resilience of a system. This index is a function of unserved
system is the ratio of the average recovery rate to the recovery time. The energy (UE) and energy cost increase (ECI) at different years (Ys ) which
average recovery of the energy system was calculated by the difference are added together with weighting coefficients (α1 and α2 ) as given by
between the performance of the system at the post-disruption time Eq. (14). The energy cost increase is evaluated in a specific disruption
(F(t)D ) after an initial post-disruption equilibrium state (F(t)R ). tR And tD scenario based on the total discounted cost in the case of analyzed sce­
are the time at the completed restoration and at the worst damaged nario (FC) and the cost in the case of the baseline scenario (BC). This
condition respectively. The robustness of the energy system was defined variable is always larger than 0%. Also, the unserved energy is part of
as the performance of the system at the post-disruption time from 100% the needed energy which is not supplied. This variable is defined as a
performance at the original state (F(t) ´ ) [98]. percentage and can be measured according to Eq. (16) based on energy
production (P) and energy demand (D) [3].
F(t)R − F(t)D
Rapidity = (7) ESC = exp( − α1 .UE.exp(Ys ) − α2 .ECI.exp(Ys )) (14)
tR − tD

Robustness = F(t)D (8) ECI = (15)
Adaptability is another index of calculating the resilience of energy
systems presented by Jufri et al. This index is evaluated based on the UE = 1 −
improvement on the energy system parameters used in degradation and D
restoration stages (as presented in Eq. (9)). These parameters can be Wang et al. introduced three resilience indices for energy systems
restoration time, the maximum system capacity, etc. Hence, adaptability considering the absorption state of the system as presented in Eqs. (17)–
is calculated by the ratio of the system parameters at restoration time (19). Spare capacity factor (SCF) is one of them which is calculated as
(ϕenhanced ) to the system parameters prior to the disruptive event the ratio of the difference between the possible maximum network
(ϕpre− event ) [61]. output (Wmax ) and the possible minimum network output (Wmin ) to the
network output of the baseline (Wbase ). Diversity (D) is another index
Adaptability = (9) ensuring different types of options for energy systems that is a function
ϕpre− event
of the proportion of electricity generated from each energy sources (Si ).
Gong et al. evaluated the resilience of energy systems by two in­ The composite resilience index (R) is a function of the minimum and
dicators: resilience index and total cost. They calculated resilience index maximum of the value in each criteria in each scheme (Δmin .and
as a function of the accumulated system performance in the same period Δmax), distinguish coefficient (p), and k dealing with the serial number
in two states of the system: 1) no disruptive event occurs (F(t)E ) and 2) of the criteria [100].
the disruptive event occurs (F(t)). The key advantage of this indicator is √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
√ k
that it accounts for recovery time and performance degradation simul­ √ ∏ Δmin + p × Δmax
R=√ (17)

taneously. Also, they presented the total cost of the energy system, i=1
Δxi (k) + p × Δmax
which includes all the system costs, namely investment cost, fuel cost,
and operation and maintenance cost, as another index of evaluation the Wmax − Wmin
system resilience [65]. SCF = (18)
∫ tD ∑
R(t) = ∫ t0D (10) D= Si (19)
F(t) E dt i

Stability index is another index of energy system resilience that was

C = total cost of system (11)
presented by Molyneaux et al. They used this index as a stability index
According to Bruneau et al. the resilience of energy systems can be and related it to the diversity of energy systems, which was a function of
measured by the resilience triangle. They considered four resilience the probability that energy will pass to any predator (ρi ). They consid­
characters: robustness, rapidity, resourcefulness, and redundancy. The ered adaptation as an energy resilience character and reported that
introduced index is the accumulated difference between the energy when the parameters of redundancy and diversity are present, resilience
system performances (F(t)) under normal conditions and disruption is enhanced [101]. It is expressed by:
conditions. If the performance of the system is assumed to be 100 under
S = ρi log ρi (20)
normal conditions, the resilience index is calculated by Eq. (12) [64].
∫tD Moslehi and Reddy measured the resilience of energy systems
considering the imposed cost of the system as demonstrated in Eqs. (21)
R= (100 − F(t))dt (12)
and (22). Since resilience is a positive capacity of an energy system,
higher numbers should reflect better performance, while higher

Enjalbert et al. correlated the resilience of a system with system imposed costs should represent poorer resilience in dealing with dis­
safety according to Eq. (13). They considered absorption as a resilience ruptions. The resilience index is a function of the maximum possible
character and calculated the system safety by summing the effect of the imposed costs in each scenario (ICmax ) and the imposed cost in the failure
factors which can affect the system safety; then, they measured the local mode (IC) that is measured based on operational costs during the failure
resilience of the system. The local resilience of the system can be mode and each time period and the penalty costs associated with one
negative if the performance decreases or positive if the system recovers unit of k functional service loss during the time period (PCk ). In this
from the disturbance. The global resilience is found by integrating the formulation, the penalty costs do not vary based on the failure modes
local resilience from when the disruptive event starts (tE ) to when the but may vary depending on the time period. They also introduced en­
restoration is complete (tR ) [99]. ergy resilience matrix based on this index [102].
∫tR ∫tR ICmax − IC
dS R= (21)
R= local resilience = (13) ICmax
tE tE

S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

IC = OC + FLk × PCk (22) section. The modeling features of energy resilience and the assessment
k consequences of the selected models are presented in Table 3.
Ghaffarpor et al. presented another resilience index based on the
4.1.1. Level of energy resilience modeling
total cost of the energy system, including the total operation cost (OC)
Macro-level and micro-level are two main categories of energy
consisting of the operation costs of the components, the start-up costs,
resilience modeling designed to answer different questions and effects
and the shutdown costs along the operating horizon; the total penalty
on the modeling approach, the sectoral coverage, and the time frame of
cost (PC); and the total cost of transferring energy resources and fuels
forecasting. The macro-level modeling focuses on the entire energy
(TC), which is expressed as follows. For enhancing the system reliability
system and the interaction between different sectors. For energy de­
and calculating the total penalty cost of the energy system, operators
mand top-down models, a neo-Keynesian approach is usually used at a
have to select an operation scheme that limits the lost loads. Hence, the
macro level. In this category, the interaction between energy and eco­
value of electrical, heat, and drinking water lost loads on the operation
nomic is considered. The input–output table can be employed for
scheme was used to calculate the penalty costs [103].
showing this interaction. One of the disadvantages of macro-level
C = OC + PC + TC (23) modeling is that the specific technology is not well presented in en­
ergy systems because of a relatively high level of expertise.
Shannon–Weaver index is another energy resilience index presented
by Kharrazi et al. and is given by Eq. (24). In this formula, Pi represents
4.1.2. Data requirements
the share of energy source i in the mix of energy generation for an energy
The data requirement of the models is one of the main classification
system. It is clear that the higher the value of H is, the more diverse the
of all energy models because of the input data. Generally, internal data
energy system becomes. They indicated that secure and responsible
(implicit in the code) and external data (input data) are two categories of
consumption requires the diversification of not only energy generation
data in energy models which should be carefully scrutinized for data
but also energy imports based on this index [104].
∑ needs. Most energy models will necessitate the data of a quantitative,
H= Pi ln Pi (24) cardinal type, and some even require aspects to be expressed in mone­
i tary units. The availability and sufficient quality of the input data are
Lai and Illindala determined the resilience of a power system by essential for the practical use of energy models, and the lack of satisfying
average remaining network utilization index (aru) which was calculated data is a ubiquitous problem for modeling the energy system [106]. The
as the average of the ratio of the remaining capacity after satisfying the qualitative or ordinal data are used when the input data are not available
current load demand to the total network capacity at each time. They or unreliable. This feature of models (requiring data) is very dependent
showed that enforcing a higher weight to the resilience enhancement on the modeling approach and the time frame of forecasting of models;
would increase the remaining capacity [105]. This index is measured by long-term models necessarily need highly aggregated data. The quality
Eq. (25): of the output of the models is related to the quantity and quality of the
∑T input data, so a model with a high quality and quantity of the input data
rut delivers well-founded outputs, and vice versa. In this paper, three levels
aru = t=1 (25)
T of data requirement are proposed for studying resources: low, medium,
Sánchez presented a resilience index of energy systems according to and high.
a dynamic balance between the supply and demand of energy to persist
the redundancy of system. He related the system resilience to the 4.1.3. Analytical approach
effective number of the connections per node as expressed in Eq. (26). There are two analytical approaches to modeling the energy system
This index is a function of energy flow at the prey and predator (Ti,j ). based on the technological details at each energy level, the economy,
This index of resilience derived from the supply and demand of energy in and the environment: top-down approach, bottom-up approach, and
the system represented a possibility to identify its changes over time in hybrid approach [107–111].
addition to a particular state of the ecosystem in a given time [80]. Top-down models generally focus on the aggregate macro-economic
metrics and incorporate less details of energy technologies [112]. These
Ti,j 2 models employ historically derived variables to analyze the aggregate
R = − log (26)
T0,j T0,i behaviors of energy systems [113]. Indeed, the typical top-down model
approach emphasizes the economy as a whole and designates substitu­
According to Abimbola and Khan [57], the resilience of an engi­
tion across different inputs on the basis of historically calibrated factors
neered system can be characterized with three capacities of absorption,
[114]. The well-established top-down approach to modeling of ener­
adaptation, and restoration which are modeled as a function of time.
gy–economy policies has been dominated by computable general equi­
They introduced a recovery index that is a function of the probability of
librium (CGE) models [115]. Another top-down approach used in energy
successfully mitigating the disruptive event (Pm ), the probability of
system modeling is econometric models that specify the statistical
correctly predicting the failure event (PP ), and the probability of
relationship between the variables and estimate the relevant model
correctly diagnosing the disruptive event (Pd ) as presented in Eq. (27)
parameters [116,117]. Energy models in this category give pessimistic
estimates on the “best” performance.
Recovery = Pm × Pd × PP × (1 − ρ) (27) The typical bottom-up approach needs rich details of technologies
and emphasizes how a number of individual energy technologies can be
4. Energy resilience models used at each energy level [118,119]. The typical bottom-up approach
focuses on the energy system itself and does not include the interactions
4.1. Energy resilience modeling features between the energy system and the broader economic system as a whole
[120]. MARKAL is a well-known bottom-up energy model which ana­
In order to elaborate on energy system models and gain an insight lyzes energy supply systems [121]. The integrated MARKAL-EFOM
into the characteristics of different modeling approaches in the context [122] (TIMES), EnergyPLAN model [123], OSeMOSYS [124], PRIMES
of energy resilience modeling, some features of the models, including [125], energy systems model (ESM) [126], and MESSAGE [127] are
the level of modeling, data requirements, the analytical approach, time other famous bottom-up energy system models. In this category, the
frame for forecasting, and sectoral coverage are considered in this interactions between the energy sector and other sectors are assumed
negligible, and models give optimistic estimates on the “best”

Table 3
The models and modeling features of energy system resilience.
Model name Modeling Level of Data requirements Analytical Time frame of forecasting Energy sectoral Endogenous/ Ref.

S. Ahmadi et al.
approach modeling approach coverage exogenous damage
and restore
Macro Micro Low Medium High Bottom- Top- Short- Medium- Long-
up down term term term

Two-stage method for the outage Optimization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power Distribution Endogenous [130]
management of power distribution modeling Systems
Sequential Service Restoration for Optimization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power Distribution Endogenous [131]
Unbalanced Distribution Systems modeling Systems and Micro-
Model for Resilient Distribution Systems by Optimization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power Distribution Endogenous [132]
Micro-grids Formation modeling Systems
Resilient Operation of Multiple Energy Optimization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Micro-grids Endogenous [133]
Carrier Micro-grids model modeling
Resilient distribution network planning Optimization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power Distribution Endogenous [134]
problem (RDNP) modeling Systems
The planner–attacker–defender mode Optimization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power system Endogenous [135]
Risk optimization model for enhanced power Optimization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power grid Endogenous [136]
grid resilience modeling
Nonlinear adaptive robust optimization Optimization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Chemical process Endogenous [137]
model and algorithm for resilience analysis modeling
Quantifying the resilience of an urban traffic- Optimization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Transport sector Endogenous [138]
electric power coupled system modeling
Resilience-driven multi-objective restoration Optimization ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power and water Endogenous [139]
model modeling systems
An agent-based model of power and water Agent-Based ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power and water Endogenous [140]
infrastructure modeling systems
A dynamic supply chain network Agent-Based ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Supply chain network N/A [141]
modeling (power)

Integrated energy systems based on smart Agent-Based ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Integrated energy Endogenous [142]
agent communication modeling system
A multi-agent model for power management Agent-Based ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power systems Endogenous [143]
Methods and techniques for simulating Agent-Based ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – Endogenous [144]
human systems modeling
Agent-Based Electricity Market Simulation Agent-Based ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power systems N/A [145]
A Multi-Agent Solution to Distribution Agent-Based ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power systems Endogenous [146]
Systems Restoration modeling

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

Multi-agent-based reconfiguration for Agent-Based ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ distribution Endogenous [147]
restoration of distribution systems modeling generation systems
An analytical framework for supply network Stochastic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ supply networks N/A [148]
risk propagation modeling
A Bayesian network model for resilience- Stochastic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power system N/A [149]
based supplier selection modeling
A general frame work for assessing system Stochastic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Chemical factories Endogenous [150]
resilience using Bayesian networks modeling
Resilience improvement planning of power- Stochastic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power and water Endogenous [151]
water distribution systems modeling system
Statistical trend tests for resilience of power Stochastic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power system Endogenous [152]
systems modeling
Resilience assessment for interdependent Stochastic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power system Endogenous [153]
urban infrastructure systems modeling
Resilience of Critical Electrical Power model Stochastic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power system Endogenous [154]
A framework for the reliability/availability Stochastic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Power system Endogenous [155]
assessment of a power transmission grid modeling
An adaptation of the Baseline Indicator based ✓ ✓ ✓ Building sector N/A [156]
Resilience Indicators for Communities model
Energy security assessment in terms of energy Indicator based ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Energy systems N/A [3]
system resilience model
S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

performance. formulated as a mixed integer linear program (MILP) for power man­
agement in DG systems. The objective function of the first stage is
4.1.4. Time frame of forecasting minimization of the distance between the depot in each cluster and the
Time frame of energy forecasting and time horizon vary due to the damaged component of them. In the second stage of this model, the
different modeling techniques, purposes, and energy scenarios. The time picked-up load is maximized, and the repair time is minimized consid­
horizon is typically associated with the model focus, that is, a long-term ering the network operation, the repair crew, and the constrains on the
model for which the user can choose the exact period. The time horizon resources [130]. Chen et al. expanded a sequential service restoration
is very important because different economic, social, and environmental (SSR) model for providing restoration solutions to distribution systems
processes are important on different time scales. There are three cate­ in the event of large-scale power outages. In this model, the total
gories for the time frame of forecasting, and there is no standard for restored energy over the time horizon is maximized considering the
defining them. In this paper, we use the definition of Grubb et al. [128], system operation, connectivity, topology, and sequencing constrains
which is demonstrated in the following forms: with an MILP formulation [131]. Ding et al. also formulated the resilient
distribution system by sectionalizing switches of the systems. The
➢ Short term: 5 years or less; objective function is to maximize the total weighted sum of loads picked
➢ Medium term: Between 5 and 15 years; up after natural disasters upon a mix integer liner programing with
➢ Long term: Over 15 years. operation and topology constraints [132]. Nezamoddini et al. developed
an optimization model as a mixed integer linear programming problem
The modeling approach in different energy resilience models may to determine the optimal investment decision (without considering the
depend on the time frame of forecasting. For example, Boero et al. re­ generation costs in the objective function) for the resilient design of the
ported that models of relatively long-term analysis may, to a reasonable transmission systems against attacks. They measured the damage caused
approximation, assume an economic equilibrium in which resources are by the physical attacks in terms of the load curtailment [136].
fully allocated. However, short-term models focus on “transitional” and Some authors have developed an optimization model of energy
disequilibrium effects such as transitional market responses, capital resilience at multiple levels or stages. For example, Manshadi and
constraints, unemployment, and inflation [129]. Khodayar presented a mixed integer bi-level linear programming model
of calculating the vulnerability of multiple energy carrier (electricity
4.1.5. Sectoral coverage and natural gas) micro-grids to various interdictions so as to increase the
An energy resilience model can be developed only for one sector such resilience of the energy supply and decrease the operation cost [133].
as electricity sector or can include more sectors based on the reference Yuan et al. also solved a resilient distribution network planning problem
curve of the energy system which designs, for instance, the renewable (RDNP) to organize the reinforcing and distributed generation re­
sector; final energy consumption sectors such as household, industry, sources. They developed a two-stage robust optimization model so as to
agriculture, transportation, and energy services; and others. Generally, minimize the system damage. The objective was maximizing the damage
single sectoral models are used only for micro-level modeling because through a max–min bi-level game after the network planning decision
they cannot provide enough information on macro-economic models [134]. Fang and Sansavini formulated a min–max–min model which
because of ignoring the other sectors of economy. Most of bottom-up implements the planner–attacker–defender model. The model objective
energy models are multi sectoral models, but all the multi sectoral functions were the minimization of the total cost, the maximization of
models do not apply a bottom-up approach to modeling the energy the system disruptions, and the minimization of the system performance
system. loss after the attack. They solved this model as a three-level mixed
integer program (TLMIP) [135].
4.2. Modeling approach Some researchers have presented a multi-objective model which was
solved in one or two stages for checking the optimal point of energy
Analyses done in Table 3 demonstrate that the modeling approaches resilience. For example, Gong and You presented a multi-objective, two-
can be classified into three main types: optimization modeling; agent- stage, adaptive, robust, mixed-integer, fractional programming model.
based modeling; stochastic modeling. Some authors also used different The first objective function is the maximization of the resilience, and the
modeling approaches such as system dynamic or indicator-based second objective function is the minimization of the total capital cost.
modeling (based on the models collected in Table 3) which, because They formulated the problem in a three-level structure for optimization:
of their low frequency in the reviewed works, have not been included in the network configuration, equipment capacities, and capital costs; the
the main categories of this paper. Table 4 lists the modeling approaches, worst-case realization of the availability of process units; and the
the corresponding models, the indicators used, and the solving methods number of available processes and operating levels in each time period
which are collected in this paper. The presented four modeling ap­ [137]. Almoghathawi et al. developed a resilience-driven multi-­
proaches are illustrated in detail in the following subsections. Hosseini objective restoration model as a mixed-integer program for maximizing
et al. presented some commercial software tools and algorithms for the resilience of interdependent infrastructure systems while mini­
utilizing optimization and stochastic modeling approaches. GAMS, mizing the total cost associated with the restoration process. In this
CPLEX, Lingo, AnyLogic, and anyLogistix are used in optimization model, the availability of the time periods along with the resources, the
modeling, and meta-heuristic algorithms; multi-criteria decision-mak­ different restoration times for the disrupted components, and the system
ing approaches such as AHP, ANP, and VIKOR; Markov chain; and performance are the main parameters [139].
Bayesian are employed for stochastic models [63]. To summarize, the existing optimization models share common ob­
ject functions such as the minimization of the damage to the energy
4.2.1. Optimization models system, investment and operational costs, and recovery time and the
Optimization modeling approach is one of the most extensively used maximization of the system performance and the load restored. Table 4
technique to consider the energy system resilience. In this approach, a demonstrates that all the models use a mixed integer linear program­
problem to optimize the total system cost, restore time, performance ming for solving the problem; some models solved the problem in one
loss, etc. After a disruptive event occurs is developed to achieve the stage, and the others solved it in multiple stages.
maximum amount of resilience in the energy systems. Different authors
have used various indicators, objective functions, and solving methods 4.2.2. Agent-based models
to optimize the resilience of a system as described in this subsection. Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a methodological and simulation
Arif et al. developed a two-stage optimization model which is approach which can be used for measuring energy system resilience. As

S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

Table 4
Energy resilience modeling approaches, solving methods and indicators.
Modeling Model name Solving method Description Indicators Ref.

Optimization Two-stage method for the outage mixed integer linear Co-Optimization of Repairs, 1- Distance between the depot in [130]
modeling management of power distribution program (MILP) Reconfiguration, and DG Dispatch cluster σ and damaged
systems. component m- (d(depσ , m))
2- The picked-up loads and
minimize the repair time of the
damaged components.
Sequential Service Restoration for mixed integer linear Optimization of total restored energy Total restored energy over the [131]
Unbalanced Distribution Systems program (MILP) time horizon
Model for Resilient Distribution mixed integer linear Optimization of total loads after The total weighted sum of loads [132]
Systems by Micro-grids Formation program (MILP) disasters picked up after natural disasters
Resilient Operation of Multiple Energy Mixed integer bi-level Optimization of the operation cost 1- The operation cost of the [133]
Carrier Micro-grids model linear programming system subjected to the
(MIBLP) limitation of resources to trigger
2- The operation cost of the
multiple energy carrier micro-
grid under attack.
Resilient distribution network planning Mixed integer linear Optimization of the damage (two-stage Load shedding [134]
problem (RDNP) program (MILP) robust optimization)
The planner–attacker–defender mode Three-level mixed integer Optimization of the investment and 1- Performance loss [135]
program operating costs, and loss after attacks 2- The total nominal costs
Risk optimization model for enhanced Mixed integer linear Optimization of the investment costs The investment costs [136]
power grid resilience program (MILP)
Nonlinear adaptive robust optimization Mixed integer linear Optimize the resilience and economic 1- Performance loss [137]
model and algorithm for resilience program objectives (Multi-objective two-stage 2- The total nominal costs
analysis adaptive robust mixed-integer fractional
Resilience-driven multi-objective Mixed integer linear Maximization of the resilience and 1- availability of the time and [139]
restoration model program (MILP) Minimizing the total cost resources
2- The total cost
3- System performance
Agent based An agent-based model of power and The independent system minimizing the cost of power dispatched The total cost [140]
modeling water infrastructure operator agent
A dynamic supply chain network simulation program Simulation the supply chain network (as Distribution size [141]
Integrated energy systems based on Monte Carlo simulation Reliability of system 1-Time to Repair [142]
smart agent communication 2- Failure rate
A multi-agent model for power Pareto-front in multi- minimizing operational cost 1-total cost [143]
management objective and maximization of the system 2-system’s performance
Agent-Based Electricity Market agent-based modeling and the consumption behaviors of 1-energy consumption [145]
Simulation simulation (ABMS) commercial buildings 2-total cost
techniques, Gen-Co Agent in a real-time pricing environment under
different market structures
A Multi-Agent Solution to Distribution multi-agent systems maximize the supply of power 1-power supply [146]
Systems Restoration 2-Load Restoration
Multi-agent-based reconfiguration for multi-agent systems Maximization of load restoration 1- Load shedding [147]
restoration of distribution systems 2-load restoration
Stochastic An analytical framework for supply Bayesian approach Supply of power [148]
modeling network risk propagation
A Bayesian network model for Bayesian approach Power supply Load shedding [149]
resilience-based supplier selection
A general frame work for assessing Bayesian approach Trade-off between budget availability 1- Absorptive capacity of [150]
system resilience using Bayesian and resilience capacities manufacturing facility
networks 2- Absorptive capacity of
Resilience improvement planning of Stochastic integer linear minimizes the expected inaccessibility 1-power and water load [151]
power-water distribution systems programming values of loads to power and water under 2-budget of system
and minimizes the budget
Statistical trend tests for resilience of Econometrics statistical trend and empirical evidence 1-performance losses [152]
power systems 2-recobery time
Resilience assessment for Stochastic programing Minimization of cost flow 1-total cost [153]
interdependent urban infrastructure 2-recovery time
systems 3-failure time
Resilience of Critical Electrical Power Monte-Carlo-based time- Power supply Performance of system [154]
model series simulation
A framework for the reliability/ Monte-Carlo Repair time and performance of the 1-power supply [155]
availability assessment of a power power systems 2- Restoration time
transmission grid
Hybrid Adaptive robust framework for the Mixed-integer tri-level Optimization of the 1- Restoration time [164]
modeling optimization of the resilience program (MITLP) Resiliency (Adaptive robust 2- failure and recovery
optimization (ARO)) probabilities
(continued on next page)

S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

Table 4 (continued )
Modeling Model name Solving method Description Indicators Ref.

A multi-mode restoration model Mixed integer linear Optimization of the 1- Intensity and time allocation [165]
program (MILP) Resiliency (Two-stage stochastic of the repair activities
optimization) 2- system performance

a computational simulation technique, ABM enables the modeling of size, time to repair, failure rate, energy consumption, load restoration,
individual, heterogeneous, autonomous agents or decision-making en­ and performance of energy systems are the common indicators used in
tities [157] which are able to account for emergent patterns and collected agent-based models (see Table 4).
self-organization through simulation [158]. Agent-based models consist
of dynamically interacting, rule-based agents the behavior of which is 4.2.3. Stochastic models
described (encoded) in simple rules [159,160]. Bonabeau defined an According to the related literature, stochastic models are another
agent as an entity which can be identified by its capabilities, the expe­ approach to modeling energy system resilience and reliability, which
rience history, and data (the memory of the entity). The memory of the has been applied to capturing the uncertain characters and system
entity can have multifaceted patterns that provide valuable data on the failures. Chang and Shinozuka presented a stochastic model of assessing
dynamics of the simulated real-world energy systems [144]. One of the resilience based on the system performance loss and the length of re­
advantages of using ABM is the ability to incorporate heterogeneous covery and restoration time after a disruptive event [162].
agents. For example, heterogeneity in energy systems can be assumed Many models adopt the sequential Bayesian method which is a
primarily by fuel type, the relative cost of fuel, heating and cooling powerful methodology for handling uncertainty and risk assessment.
technology, conversion technologies, and nameplate capacity [140]. Forward and backward propagation analysis is a unique feature of the
ABM is gradually being accepted as a suitable tool for studying complex Bayesian approach that does not exist in any other methodologies such
societal challenges such as energy resilience [158,161]. as regression models, structural equation modeling, or neural network
Thompson et al. presented an agent-based model of power and water modeling [63]. Garvey et al. utilized a Bayesian network approach to
infrastructure systems. In this model, the interdependent critical infra­ develop a model of risk propagation as a natural fit for the goal of
structure model (ICIM) contained power plant agents of different fossil- measuring risks within a supply chain [148]. Hosseini and Barker pro­
fuel types, a hydroelectric dam agent, a wind farm agent, a solar farm posed a Bayesian network model for evaluating and selecting the best
agent, a centralized agent that manages the dispatch of power, water supplier based on the criteria falling into primary, green, and resilience
objects which are representative of the reservoirs providing cooling categories. They applied the developed model to power systems and
water for the power plants, and a water management agent; also, the calculated two types of uncertainty: operational uncertainty such as
cost of the power dispatched is the objective function of this model demand uncertainty and disruption uncertainty such as natural di­
[140]. Hou et al. characterized a multi-stage multi-agent model sasters. They also analyzed both forward propagation and backward
considering supply chain network resilience as a complex adaptive propagation analysis using the proposed model [149]. Hosseini et al.
system consisting of diverse firms and demand–supply relationships also implemented this approach to design the resilience of supply chains
among them, where the macro-level system behaviors can emerge from based on the notion of absorptive, adaptive, and restorative capacities
the interactions between the micro-level behaviors of the firms. The using five key phases: threat analysis, resilience capacity design, resil­
distribution size is the indicator in this model [141]. Li et al. also ience cost evaluation, resilience quantification, and resilience
evaluated the reliability of an integrated energy system (power and improvement [150].
natural gas) based on two-state smart agent model of most repairable Najafi et al. presented a planning framework for enhancing the
components simulated in AnyLogic platform. In this model, the system resilience of power distribution network and water distribution network
state evaluation after failures was conducted autonomously along with with multiple micro-grids against hurricanes with stochastic modeling
the reconfiguration process, which effectively improves the reliability approach. The main objective function was the minimization of the in­
evaluation efficiency of integrated energy systems. The time to repair, vestment cost of the strategies for improving resilience and the expected
the failure rate, and the total cost are the main indicators in this model load values of inaccessibility to power and water under hurricanes
[142]. [151]. Shen et al. also developed a statistical trend model of the resil­
Dehghanpour et al. introduced a smart agent-based micro-grid for ience of power systems based on three key components: the time be­
resilient/self-healing grids. They used smart control techniques for the tween disruptions, the performance loss of each disruption, and the time
control and management of micro-grids in a multi-agent model with needed for recovery. Then, they examined the modified model with
multi-objective functions to find the Pareto-front of the objective func­ Lewis–Robinson test [152].
tions (minimizing the operational cost and maximizing the system per­ Monte Carlo simulation is another popular stochastic method for
formance). In addition, the paper presented the application of Nash modeling energy system resilience and uses repeated sampling to
bargaining solution for solving the problem [141]. Zhou et al. used this determine the properties of some phenomenon trend [163]. Panteli and
modeling approach to simulate an electricity market with commercial Mancarella presented a stochastic model considering power resilience in
building demand response. Power generation companies, load services, the presence of high-impact weather disruptive events. They captured
buildings, and system operators are the main agents, and the energy the random nature and the impact on the different system components
consumption and the total cost are two indicators in this model [145]. using a time-series simulation model based on sequential Monte Carlo
Also, Solanki et al. employed agent-based modeling to calculate power [154]. Cadini et al. also proposed an extreme weather stochastic model
system resilience based on restoration time after disruptive events. of power systems. They introduced a restoration model accounting for
Power supply, load shedding, and load restoration are the main in­ the operating conditions that a repair crew may encounter during an
dicators in these models [146,147]. extreme weather event and solved it by a customized sequential Monte
To sum up, agent-based models are commonly used for simulating Carlo scheme in order to quantify the impact of extreme weather events
energy system resilience because of the behavior analysis of agents and on the reliability/availability performance of the power grid [155].
decision makers by making certain rules. However, there is a limitation To review, stochastic approaches are one of the frequently used
for the most existing agent-based models which can only simulate one models for considering energy system resilience. Bayesian and Monte
type of interdependency of a system [33]. The total cost, distribution Carlo are two famous methods used to solve the stochastic resilience

S. Ahmadi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144 (2021) 110988

model. Moreover, the total system cost, recovery time, failure time, and 5.2. Future works
system performance are the main indicators employed in these models.
Although this paper presents a comprehensive review of energy
4.2.4. Hybrid model system resilience, some obvious gaps listed below have been identified
Fang and Zio introduced a two-stage robust optimization model for based on the works of literature examined and should be elaborated in
maximizing the resilience of interdependent infrastructures under a the future.
limited budget. They calculated the potential impacts of natural hazards
on an infrastructure in terms of failure and recovery probabilities of the • Since the resilience of an energy system against disruptions affects
system components and solved their model as a tri-level max–min–max the level of social welfare, supplying the needs of economic systems,
mixed integer program [164]. Fang and Sansavini considered the effects and the environment, it can be used to calculate the sustainability of
of uncertain repair time and resources on the post-disruption restoration a system in the face of disruption. There are few researches in which
of critical infrastructures. They presented a two-stage stochastic pro­ multi-objective modeling is used sustainability as a critical factor.
gramming model for the post-disruption critical infrastructure restora­ • Since some disturbances such as climate change occur in the long
tion planning problem for system resilience, which was solved by a run, the development of the models of energy system resilience with
mixed-integer program [165]. a long-term planning perspective is really necessary. In fact, most
existing models of energy resilience focus on immediate effects of
5. Conclusions and future works disruptions, and no research work has provided a detailed systematic
energy model for planning the dynamic behavior of an energy system
5.1. Discussion and conclusions facing disruptions in the long term.
• A holistic research on the evaluation of energy system resilience
This paper presents a systematic literature review of energy system considering all energy levels, including transfer, processing, refine­
resilience by focusing on analytical, technical, and mathematical points ment, conversion, and distribution has not yet been published. In
and aiming at identifying frameworks, quantitative indicators, charac­ most researches, energy system resilience is considered as a section
ters, and modeling methods of the analysis of energy system resilience. of infrastructure systems or the resilience of one section of an energy
We introduced the concept of energy system resilience and reviewed the system as power sector measured.
qualitative and quantitative drivers of energy system resilience. We • There are few works on modeling energy resilience in energy re­
presented qualitative drivers as the characters of energy resilience and fineries such gas or oil refineries while considering the storage level
quantitative drivers as the indicators of energy resilience. or carbon capture section.
Avoiding the disruption of energy systems before a disruptive event • To the best of the authors’ knowledge, anticipation is one of the main
by anticipation, resistance to disruption by absorbing the disruption, characters of energy system resilience that plays an important role in
adapting to unexpected events, and recovering energy systems after enhancing the system resilience. There are no indicators of this
disruptive events are the main characters of energy system resilience. character although it is necessary.
Therefore, we defined the energy system resilience as the ability of an • The development of technology and applying advanced technologies
energy system to minimize disruptions to energy services by antici­ to the energy network are one of the most important issues that
pating, resisting, absorbing, adapting to, and recovering from a should be considered in the design of energy supply systems.
disruptive event. We also presented that the anticipation of disruptive Therefore, the effect of the new technologies on the influence of the
events can be considered in a stable original state, that the resistance, resilience of energy systems due to disruptive events is one of the
absorption, and adaption of energy systems can be measured in a dis­ important issues that has an essential role in the improvement to
rupted state, and that the recovery of the disrupted system is determined energy development strategies and has been neglected in the related
in a recovery state. literature.
We reviewed the quantification of energy system resilience and their
indicators, and we related the indicators to the energy resilience char­
acters in different researches. Comparing the results demonstrates that Declaration of competing interest
the energy performance, total cost, time of repair, and damaged per­
formance are the main indicators of analyzing the energy system The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
resilience. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Then, the models of energy system resilience are presented in the the work reported in this paper.
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