Mariana Arellano Alva - Gov CH 19 Vocabulary

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Chapter 19 Civil Liberties – 1st Amendment

Define al Political Dictionary Terms from Chapter 19

Bill of rights: The first session of the new congress met that demand with a series of proposed
amendments. Ten of them , known as the Bill of rights.
Civil liberties:Are protections against government. They are guarantees of the safety of persons
, opinions, and property from arbitrary acts of government.
Civil rights: the term is sometimes reserved for those positive acts of government that seek to
make constitutional guarantees a reality for all people.
Aline: are people who are not citizens of the country in which they live. not all rights are given
to aliens.
Due process clause: means this: No state can deny to any person any right that is basic or
essential to the American concept of ordered liberty
Process of incorporation :which has held that most of the protections in the bill of rights are
also covered by the 14th amendment’s due process clause , and so apply against the states. In
deciding those cases, the cort has engaged in what has come to be called the process of
Establishment clause:the 1st and 14th amendments set out two guarantees of religious
freedom. These guarantees prohibit(1) an establishment of religion”the establishment clause).
Parochial: it was purposely intended to eliminate private and especially parochial(church-
related) schools.
Free exercise clause:The second part of the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom is set
out in the cositution’s free exercise clause.
LIbel: is the false and malicious use of printed word.
Slander:is the false and malicious use of spoken words.
Sedition:is the crime of attempting to overthrow the government by force or to disrupt its
lawful activities by violent act.
Seditious speech: is the advocating , or urging , of such conduct.
Prior restraint: the constitution allows the government to punish some utterances after they
are made. But, with almost no exceptions, the government cannot place any prior restraint on
spoken or written words.
Shield law:congress has not acted on the court's suggestion , but some 30 states have passed
so-called shield laws.
Symbolic speech:people also communicate ideas by conduct, by the way they do a particular
a person can “say” something with a facial expression or a shrug of the shoulders, or by carrying
a sign or wearing an armband .
Picketing:involves patrolling of a business site by workers who are on strike.
Assemble: the constitution protects the right of the people to assemble together with one
another to express their views on public matters.
Content neutral:that is, while the government can regulate assemblies on the basis of time ,
place, and manner, it cannot regulate assemblies on the basis of what might be said there.
RIght of association: the guarantees of freedom of assembly and petition include a right of

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