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Agiaall Lausight cal ptaloe SNE Ata yall et g Bi — Lyall Adin de jhe i gpalig alact em hoall anil ga all aly Gg AY) Aut a du) die Citi peat Y Mobile : 009647709204269 Facebook : Telegram: https://tme/abualgasimaldarraji Email : hs Glace 4 sls EP 24 _ 2015 nn ae oe NeMic Ens} wcerinsy ae = as — I = Lnterodeckon: Neolfic strane Compenetts aud Ahem Characteristic . Road Wag s- Se = reed war, nehwocle Nats Rese Avene of ~yees deans pechabiov engines descebed @ Ged 4 M6 "Tha Phase rf transportation engineerin swicw deals usity Plawninsy 2 Jeomed ric tes awd 4 talbic operation P veal$, strets . wel High wa§ss their networks 5 DO Rud a. Lod, Hy O Rs ws vaisia| Ne minadl ond celakot SKIPS ath other moeles of + rovspurtahon * - Ash See ere ive ae > VP cress mI), Ds rl Cat O82 ni mead ways Che HR MET OOS ed SOME Ve US, hind s2b ole ighway § i Poa shy ~ Fadthioned classification of Wash - or, eet “ey Q principal Arterial + - CPs 5 Enpresims sathers) % igh Design A Long distance . # Pak Combat ob SUNG zen 285+ ea ® Design lever ah Service Spel Di 2ekm ye G@ Miner Arterial ¥*M oderars Design Speed /00 kn ® Design teed of service = R-c @ Cottector [major Sf mtror ] *Desiqn speol ~ Bo km shen * led 4 sewice CD @ Leck smcesipraad Cletal steed) ad (Local road) x Dein 5 peed ~(Ze-4o)ew Jnr « Legal Streed — weloan acen (Aver with Paprtation) 7 5000 : =xpita Loca\ vead = vere) Arex Caveats papelahion) See 7 . 688 —esidenticl PK a t+} \ wnt . . =| ace) B janes \ {pes Minor Arteriad g Wig hues Class: Sicadton aceerdi 2s 4 Ganceticl Derign Facou: - —=- = a Lana Wghaas =— € —— Maley Lows Wayhws . = Ar Lens Wehny Tyrie Gros Sector B-t0o% “ orton oe Nt et 4 oo ce aor (ean wa Sees wreak Highway seston Sibu. oO Af 2 be) GU ds eo Wk way was ~ Nt 0. 7 wed urban, ke “ "hs4 Schou oust fol can . . 6@ Teak ania Exsincaemdy “ee. 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Foc etonQre Se TAR AGH Fo esolve apattern dete) Ww Visual acuity eR ome wwshe of are ( 1) Prom Seavee ois corsidered thy yroreash Wisiew acu) Go/20) [USA S4sten| Cle) [Tags Supton | S16 1 con vend GBA letter Pron Cm Chases + © IBGE letter fron Cm Find Bu Letter Weir” ‘ L _ -— win of G+ 2 Ave tom Fe yt ~~ * one EB , 2Axc tole > g- ene tse YL} PS Le BBR — Lend Son( 2 a (xeorten ) L = BFS Kew ave Tuo Ypesf visud acuity. © Static Visual acuity both Ake objec and driver are aca ral p E Dynanre wsuak acuity wT driver ability 4o detect wetatively moving obojet - .2 * lov \ision t- Caley Visian is the abit) of Shevebiate one cote Pron Another Bulb ki dencyy WAS ater saath) ) > Deo. ® Glare Vision 2s Grave vecavers + TIRE Mt veguved bY a peter FS recever Pram the Rech O TE glare after arian the Nd sone is Knows a gece ReeAWEY, «this Lima WS aloouk (B Sec) - Moving Fron ducts to Vigt and can be CE sec) ov mavt When — avindy Grom Nagi ta dark KD perception His ails of driver to egtiicke speed ond Sistance | fy is Perticdady Aerqoerkentt on twe- Lane Way wey ay Passing, warenvers _. mat tN cate ye BDuay ~~ Yesveinsy Precephow ._ less of Same hearing ability nok & Serious problen far driver, Since tig 1 aheectS Be ide NO Sn te corected by _ Percepro+ HK vea Cr wn ws 2- fom ko Aanulus § : vt Reaction stimulus is useally divided to three Stages: * Perception :— Yer See’ aw’ i “ S Fl Diver see's aconteal device p warning sign ov object i AMS voad- oe wer pretation ie Tadeatif'y, Ay objeck ay Control device anch thes onderstards Maa Stew - 2 Dekisior Aveactian :_ Arornpe tms information and wake decision alo ow Wed +o yvespond- (AASHTs ) recammenal percephenm yeaction Hare :_ pecception 2 os Sec Rava) Tek ners Gee Cuyloon)) | | Radin Te = Asses te percceehon ~ ceacHon Kea s O- 2S Sex a oe. weet see GP peslestrians »- xg sped =o ae m/ fans wallh | peoes tr | aver 2 ba mds | % | * Pedestra for fotway yt Foot wiesy width =N wo FS Z = Ux OFS Ne No of Lanes hee 3 ® _ 5. 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De . @ (Ce eam) —-&- tw fraves —o.ceclentan4— Cotta, Velocity pDidtonte sind “Fra eu: )) = —AyroteHist—is Aravelliosy ak Se “ken tne nen ne | —ol0 Served, Fria. fain S— real — ht vo ffs Aight Stay ced for Gg sec} if Jus ctovist wishes+e_pass|—. —tha tight sth ode — Stopping, Jostens]. aren agin + Pind TRE sremired snfowen | ae wf--car2@ tan speed af qe _Carog| Ht pet thigh 2 — $7 Relv- N= Belew fe ae ll @ x Vet 4 tat 2Co. 2-22.24 415+ Ae yg aes mls a oleae _ jag eH 15 Sen) = Eta t Ne =—40-bet | wer 0-2 FP ks Nr ASE - oa ik) ee ge Qo 2aw 2x -4 Bo, -i4 sab betas fepa»—-—- 1ST atime — oc ee wad ¢ —PB-2-f5-Tha Crete im a0 +4 SAM ~——-—re5 preot_to ti - — Ve j$-the velecits Bang Ke is thee dipacmet ae Max, x: Velecshiwhen—ace-— i lu Maks ACC. wher V 2 Or KG wv we cee AAS. ( taf = - Mo _: 2ybeb »)) — We eye flue foe evalt | dt = a ~ fat vp t Ng et (7-8 ov f : 2 =! _ ae 7 6 2a pT We - Bt. bua la Q%4) Ln Cl-BVe + ; a - Adtriver—fraa Wonks ah Ceo ku} ie) benind ane thee Gic_sleCides fa —pass—cugh—_ press ANs acceler s§@ic Le Aine Prag Assinm othe accelevobiery eben ox ob Aa Nreniche may log dR Savi bed hte ov 4-3 Finda oe arabe eee ela C4 sec) -aCaclecated-ofle- GZS nex alcelecation—and max. Speed 2 Hows beng he wad dake tre Vehicle be cach era 2 Baty —y> SY sot av | | She 3B B. Real | | | No: Zax 0-273 = 8-34 Mihsec- ele feze C3- B34401) = bog w/See Bmax ac: at Vee => aig n/sed max sPecol “a: S&S 23a m/sec = pbt a - = le 4-4 Kn/ hr. ws 6 x=VoR) Pe Ce-VeR) Sov = Lane 2P- 2 2 Cr-e —)- + Fare-2IVE o Ea hE Se — | fass|- Wes. Awmpatienk cac Stuck benind slow moving Areal teeing ak Go kimi) decided be over | Laie ths truck.dhe acceleration Characteristics ot coe, sige by S22 -o0F VY Find re | Gwrwk 6a acacleration alter (Zr FZ acd te Sea) @) wrats is Nayrox Speed athaines by thr Cow -B ew Far wil ee Cov travel 36 Seg: @ wre 15 dw max. ancclevotan - | s ae TSS oO bec. Nand a Weolhic En jae) 6 sun he e Dynawic characteristic 5 . J vehicle motion tend fe be Vetanted by ak Five Sages oy Mitten ce S @ Lneckin resistance E&Y — Wwe Farce Feared wy avelidle to IverGome Tos Aendency ts remain oh cegk OF Femain 4 motion Ww stright Line « > of 7 AB or = WoMerves wm 2 VeWicle mass &a) At Vehicle acceleration Con /ree) Mote t- (Fd) be GH) posshye omen Were Is acceleration, Fi ww CD neative Wren Xere 1S decelerate. @ Grode ves is tance (F9) The force \F9) veyuired HY Vehicle te Overcome the component of Qraclation force acting on friction inclined Suclace Cw sine) w= 214 Fs sw sn Fay 2 M97 Sin@ ,@asmall Bp Gor anQs Sin® = G QS 8) see @® Se a Giz sradiek CSlope) eK perce - @ So Rew resistance © Fr) “ihe forte vequired by Avdhicl to avercome the Friction effects af movicd parts of vehicle as well aS te frictom betweer He anol paemel sirface - a “ (& ee Ces) Vise Uchicle speecd Cm /Sec) 2 VCEm/ur) #0278 DA vesistance (Fa) Ihe Force reoyuir edt sy avewicle to move oir fron A vekicle path wo aswell ag to overcowe the frichoned effects of air wit velicle side Tap od wader Carries + Fas OS xCp */P# A #\/® where + Co + Reve dynonic alvag coelficiend - coe ea CD =0-36e Coz o3B\ Cpies-o'8 Po wih close pic with open mea waiidow s sido Co t PC Wypical Value 20-4 ; P= Aw density kg/d 2 eB 2 Kg/ec 2 Section cave mw A: Frontal) Cress- ® SB (BD Cave vesistoncec Fe) Ta force vegewied by avelWicle to over coms Who e! . ten dency fo motior in stright Lint and Chengnd the diveckon +e curved path - ~ 5 Re \ where. _ Qi We Setclevaton of gvauty Ca, ™ Aect) Re: Radurs of the cwve cr y Vi Speed of velwCle Cm /mec) ® Power ees oremen . ha ensyre - gerrecatal power wexuicmen be over coms AME Vowious esis hence and to prop a vericle can we Calculated as follow ind ;— P.-EF «v wee Fis Faw Fa oe Fe + Fr vi: Speed of Vewicle Cw /sec) pi Pow « hp» house power Cwehts)) he = Zs0 watks OFS K watts @ EronSe ze “ duct by pa sseryev Cor etermina the heurse Power praduc ‘) ee at speed of Ciwo Kalo) Qn a stvigs coad AST Y qode wih Smeeth Paveruk , Assume we wet of the Gr (1800 Kq) and cross-section aren *F Venicle is 3c 2 Soe =F - Fas Fas Fy Fas es SB PA =O-'S xo.4 #OCBRE K BO ¥Cloe xo zany? = 2)25 NN Fe 2 OS Cay 4 Too ae ~ [B00 29g) © ay C+ Be 02 2e Tee SR) = 236-3 yy Fa: MA G, ry = $802 x31 loo *s = 682.4" ZF = Nao. as nN) P=Rev 2\Wao-4s #loo ¥ @-27% = 339094. Wotks / #80 = 4413 he. Cc JJ EStimote Hy power vequivedl fo acrelerahan GBs kg) Vewicle teavelosy CAB lem Ie) Ue Gx) rade ab ovate of (UB w [Sec ) Se Veicle Fos a fronted crogs section arax of (iQ m )~ Ika vead Way was 4 stright ahgmendt and abadiy akan and podched asphato surface . 7 . s Wedd Ersy reac Meee eS D- Bekingy distence (du) :. Aistana heeded te StaP the Vebicle “able brake Cskiddinny Asvtence )- dy Ve ae 254-($55G,) 1 Where; 2 — Aon Qyrade. si V2 wwitiel speed Cw [nd Design Speed - For CodPicien® of friction due bo braking. Ses oss -0€2 acy pavem oi Condi on | ze2y-4 Sek paverend condiior(Rainy) °-) MAnddy Qavemul’ Cond rien = eos Ley pavewak G- ode nS * Ost Mile = 1609 Kms: socom H= 4E sed Miles bsCoq Km B22 Ph cect meter: &-23Ft Nv 3 Seo Sec A ph —> ft free mile * 1604 3-28 = tthe hr ¥3ée0 Mle arads =ft fee he : Ken m/sec “ . En Ps D) Kem e100 _ _ ae Wet pe see Se Fe 49278 = ee eS Ex> aa LEZ To extn, Fron freewas, 7 Cov expected to decelerahe Frou BO kml +0 So nl onthe exit vame, mSsuma Fp 20-2 . Compove between ths braking distence requiced on BY up grde exitramp fromthe depressed Free wey wocth ty rewired On Gar ad ayade exit Comp ? ee + a 2 Ng -VE go* 307 a ae 2540 fy+Gi) 284 Ce2y wos) = B4-6m 2 2 de SOs ge. 264 (0240) es-Be n> EranPe.. Driver efaCar travelling at Jo Eph veyswed AOus to steP after ky brakes hove been apried ;wihok ave cof ict, sl Gricdion Was developed between wars And” Paverneck Sucface © Bx loz. So. de SE) de 2sa¢ $49) 24 (Pro) 40+ > 254 (fs o) Pf: 0B%es @® @ Soppinn sont Aistlance sb) Te minim SANT AD vran ce veawredt Par a driver to SE avdicle after Seer On oloyeck Mth Velicies Path was a5 Ierkwey hod Obyeck - WS distance 1S He sum of the distance troueled duct) PeC Ce pion ~ reactor Hmne anditee distance traveled dari} Wore Kins. Steppin, Ndtance Leg Sastre Brakind distance o2F8 VU. a u * 2seCPot @) wea Ye ee ys Obstet w Speed of malhlane Wahoos As 90 Keh ovens AS int man StepPey Si AiGlence thak Should FE Previd ad On a wood WY 1- G road 6 Verizowteh - Nes & vrax. ayrode 5) assume bna-S seg @ ssp= 4&4 Ae = 0-27R3 VA 4 VAAVE AS4 ChE G) =e-248x90v2-5 4 20% 0% a 754 (0-350) = VFO @ SSD. o273KGQor 2-5 20's 0% = Qo wy 8st 254 Co ger &) mM. Jue nit, Rad = AR) FARE weiewnnn ods of a Ciceatar R) Par a vebicle tray ellina , oak WY) Kem Ike Can be debermiminsy considering Te equililo rine OR tre Velie GSA respect te UES moving vR OK dows thy jactina - ve Rew: ve = 2 ) ~ ) ealest) is Ce+P) Ae velmcle speed Cem Ine) Rs vadurs of Ae Core) Rs grde Friction coh. Codd. of slid friction (o-Ml= IF) €. super elevation cote Cw qa Qoeakion aN coadmny F@ward We center ef Ye Carve) (0-04-0712) comtvibugal Force CF Ba, a8 OA: acceleration afar Curve wrotion @ “dastagh DWecomse Aw Lecotion vestricitens » atkurning woud Woy AS Limited to AvedWwS of (Soa fk) 19 Xho max voke oF super clevakor ig 3:66 onda cocfficced of side Friction is taken a5 o-ld Whal woud be cnsidered a Sale speed 2 So NIU © IsCeaty Soo = SE “TsGoretse-4) N= 33-43 Moh. Exam Qe @ Snes wodkuiS emuivedd ak a Cacve Sechion af Dererwnd Bre woe igh oa AG Awe design Speed US KM (er anckhhe Super elevation AG o-08 2 So\n . Fs Ay, era \Wo* acest) — CHCee Reta) “A horrgenteh Carve WS te be designed far agerton of Wass} havin a design speed AS Rafer Jif te physical | Condition restr ick he wading to (Slo m) rwihsk Vala reauive) Pov super levator ai\\ bee aaged Sekign 2 © Sa Nn R= \wwace +9) ast ae 129 Ce 0-14) es 06g = ay Super elevahon “Wedic @ 55 Bp neve PMA Eyeing, ee ye yWalPic Stream Paranclers 4 TWalhic stveaun Pavameleys Class Pied intwo DSroups is @ Macro SCa pic Poratmeters # Jescritoe ths tale Strean Whole / there Parameters includes # Nowe ond Fro woke ® Speed * Desay @ ice Scopic parameters : describe thy behavigr of WWdWidesd Or Par oP Velhicle\ sthele includes. © NKead Wa. od Spacing, * Speed oP idivigual Vehicle - @Drorme and Slow vabe Nolima is Number af Velwicle Poisk ov Section oP Q “tema ey S thsk Passing, & Given BYE lane oF divechken of SPECP eA mg interval Gayor how) Ustss- Upa Uy Veliicle / Aa velscle / howe NSE. Dany Nowe ave Ret dived.) far example Bren Por entice Yooh, wang > Ber Wise Specified \ Seose VA in bath Sivecton . @ Te Dally, Moree wwe used Pact \ 2 Estatalitamesdts of Webi vosena Avenk- 2- Comgatation of acerdienk Cahes in team af loo milion NVewicles — Kilomeber - 3 Eva\uatoun oP Anseconamicad Feasibitty, oF Kahway Project . A- Development or mneintononce of Whoa B- Struthwcal aerign of povemek ‘é- Planing of Wig voass x ay Netunn Spe © Annual Qrerong daily tra fhic (AAbT) = eth Votmn of one year _ AADT = see Ja =Vpd Dba ho SS hau Abas, SO Sr ahem © Arnal Average weekday traffic CAAwT) AAwT « Tore) Weekday of one Year vpd 260 BSS 5am S 2 Rls = Number at weal? day in one doy = @ Averore dea AvalPic (ADT) . etal Vows oh a aver peviod . . 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Wd 00:9-00:5 Anoy 9u} 404 Wd 00:9-S¢:¢ Wd Sp:S-0¢:5 Wd 0€:$-S}:¢ Wd S}:S-00:¢ [eAs9}ul aul, MO} JO @J21 PUB SALNIOA Jo ajdwexyg (eu) SOUINIOA ALNOH qng ‘“INOY-Yeed ey) Buunp MO} Ul ORBEA Jo aeiBap Je}ee16 e S8}E9IPUI 4Hq JEMO7 86°0 Pur 02°0 Uaamjag jeWOU ‘00'L 5 4Ha 5 $z"0 : : ‘ALON . OSTI#b 280 = “Tog mata ST Aey TAH. 7 aHd SO[DIYSA OSZ] = SA, S811U8A OGEp =AH ‘dHd JO 9jdwexy N (pe) SOWINIOA Ayanoy qns @) Tefic oO Tele Egincering : »Uoclume Studies, Qmemods of Canducdiy Valwms Conds. @ mona wmerthad . Sersens cecord insy the trafic Nlo\unre + © Auromahc meXhad 1 vsiegy surface debectors Suchas Prernatic vaad tube a Soe Sudaee debectors SUCH AS magnele ov electracel contig) device, Piso, Ag ted Camera Gv laser SCamner Canoe Uses for “this Purjrese + @ Types of Vetamt counks.— e) Covdon Cound s- Wis type of couk is sed When formato is Veured on Uebicle a Ccumulahon Wn aver Sadk aS Cevtral Bosiness Distvict (CBD) Aha oveqis enclosed wort. emmy nary Closed looP > Volwms Conntt Pa Vehicles leauing Ow enterivy, 4ly cordon ares are Yecorded (a The inter Section a“ of each Yeool with The Cordon Line- Tae. LT @ ) Screen Lina Com >- sen tafortokign is wae Ws vape of Counk is Used wher along va Crag Sate uot yo ancthe™ , kh sty aven is divided in to lavge Sechion Py Wing iasgyineer Lines Knot) as Scvten Une and debbie counts ave then jaker ef each point rd Prowg One aren where acoad crossed Screen Uns - Natarah and mein snaile barcier Suchas thes or Vailwat Can be wed ascreen Lat: © Inter secon cond 2 - Wis type of count is vied te obtan data about hy Nralumt of each movenak of inter section Opproaches, alse to obtain date abou vehidet Clas fication 2) 1 Bam e| og | Nore === All te above counts ave Gandlucted Ror a Certain period C stacly peciad ).- - @ Periodic Notun Cound s: - Te obtain a certain tralhic Volune data auch ag CAADTY iis messary te oblein data contineusty . Wawever 1838 net Peasible to collect continnous ata on oll roads becance of Mhe cost Mmvolvet, there Pore Peviedic Voluma coumts ave divided intwo tapes: ®D contol count e- Tr Wig Gantvol Conk Station Volumos ave Vecorded Continvousty (24 hows te BES AN) Ao determing Veluwe adiusimend Pacter tak Can be used bo determine CAADT) - & Coverage Count t- <{ADT Tn is coverasy Comat Votrmt ove courted For periods ermally roraed C24- 4B Wes) SAR AAS of Vols adjusimend factor obtain from Contvel Points .HWeSe Shoct Hime Cover ted +e (AADT) - 2 Caverdge Comts © Conhra\ Counk’ ; B ¥ Adjstmend of peviodic count s- Using) data from Continuers Contin) station Ccoutvel station) expansion factor Canlbe Calculated ond petit Used fo determine (AADT) for thy Similar Clogs vead From short Peviod count coverage Cound srahon) . —Wourl) Expawion factor, Tetel Vol Por 24 how pevied HEF Nel & Particular hour Ob Coe shit ~ Daily Expansion factor — Avecoge total vor itd Vows For week DEF Averags Ve\ for Parhiculardeny Set en tote) BES ott ED = Monthly Ceasonab) Expansion = Tord Searty Nov) (12 ‘Pa lor Fetal Vel. for parhGalar Month MEF AADT ADT fer partiCelar month Beta eat peo CHR oF! MEF = Eka DE 4 traffic engineer’ Urgently needs Se determin hha ® AADT o~ avacol primary road that has We Vain distribahon Chavacheristes Shown in table 5253) he Callectesl ths data shown belo on a Tuesday Aus e sy Ane month of May - Determine tts AADT FAL coal > F-3 on 400 B-Fan cac F-10 AN Eso lo- an zo U-12 noon 650 Yolung “Yetste@ bounty Exporsion Factors ; our Veotwns WEF 6 Fam 244 42. <— 123 FB aon 426 2q «— sage #-Aa, 560 22-65 " win Je am 6st 18-8 : NO maes) Fez Iz) : M12 ay S67 10.62 ‘2-1 pen 660 18-2) 1-2 pm 334 ro 2-3 Pm B32 14. 34 3-4 pm B36 14.99 4-5 pm a6) 2-85 5-6 pm 392 13-35 &-F Pen 743 le-en #-B pm Fo. 12-4q 2-F pm 606 20-38 A-1o pm 43q 2-2e font pm 346 Bq "12 Om, 3éo 34.3) $2- | am 241 51-24 '- 2am (so B82 2-30m loo 123.59 3-4 am qo Igr2 -S 0 86 1449.6 pean 1Bd Jou Brakdak = 12350 Notre Teste © Dai) Expansion Dey F wee \Joluwns, Senden, — #Za5 Monday 1074. Tuesday ~~ AF22- wednesday ——— L4H. Worsday Loy Sedesy 13125 539 Saluda Norah weekly = Wizz Nrolueme @ factors for avaval Prinsed ead DEF Fsl22 aSis <— 339 Foz <~ Fs AFT fea -—-6-S $2 : y-0h2 S724 €-S7e Table ponthiy Expasion Faclor for acwtah primoct) road - Teta Yeacly = 28450 Volume Ment (ADT MEF Sannacly 1350 (956 ee S Febvnac} —-}200 Mags a 2RHse Mare 14450 163s. ; Apel [600 lagi \ May ——-Hee 1.3q4 Jase ~ 2500 0-943 Say) -4tloo.- o-S93- Pegust ~—-4550- e-s2)_. SePtenper 3750. 0-632 october ——2500 o-qag November. Za0e uss. "Decewver Hse se Mean avevose daily Nowe = ZBS9/, =23 70 a ® Selation 2. % EStimahe Hae ZA ke Velurnn Por Wesday Using Hho Factor Ber in Aadole O Totad daity, (apie, stron n2t) + (Snes 29) sone 8) sion xo 5 wees = Wasq vy Xetal Vewne 2 LP wef dey No- oF WewS HAUSE Aa Z4br Nolwa shar Tresdey to an avereae Nolwna Fov Week usmy Xs Pacters aren in table ® CAD) ved. Ned * DEF _ Wasa ¥ 4722 q = 1S20l Ned & Since Wr daly were Catlected in Mey VSe Packer Shoon For Ney Antole @ ve oplan ua. AADT ARPT = ADT x ME Fico, = I3Zol x 1.394 = IGhoz VUpd AADT MEF = Apr a @) Wie , Lec: No“8 ethic Ergineeinay ee “Speed and Wavel tine = Speed :- Rate of movemend of veWicle w disbearce Per Wske Kime Fuswally expres eal Sm Ihe) o¢ @rsee) — Spot Speada Th iS AN mStantancus speed of avehicle ak aw} Specifies pad. Were ave ro AYees af Vebricte aNecagye Spot spelt @ Tors mean speed CYS) 22 aw, AM Velicle s , sroge Spaed of MSHS) POLK “over sand fi Kons Mier val. S a Wer Some Specie ; a es: SMO ES “ n wheres. Vit Speed of lth Udrcls . AP distance traveled Sv legth of Righway Sym oh Cit Koved Hae of Ay Ce vebiche) @ Space Mean Speed€ sms) z+ Prevage speed of AW Vehicle OLUPINA Aayven sechon ak an AnStonce ot we sump. 3, aed ES Eki GS) LVOTE -Fins Always more tree FS Kom Ove 7 eee ura Shown \% Aabote below Were wmessuy ed for vercles at The AveverSeJ CS-% Ku) Siqmeh a igh compte TMS and Show whey, SMs sv lower tan TAS 2 No H. Vewicles Wayeled Tos OIG ee/ned ~ Korie _~ | ———— 2c _ 3 2 Bt Be 8 BR Se Boro + ——_— 28 68-6 Ss 2.2 37.3 is ~2.§ > 1.4 elas S-A8i4) Mae =“. BEEN @ goa Ke he Ms. Ded | CXBE 2 GQia te lhr Ek . (4. SMS iS lower Amon rms Pease Vy give mate weigher Por slwer movies Vebtcles Secanse Ny ocemey Awe sackown fox \ensy Mn. #4 Npe of Speads- © ~eraval Speed Caseeney speed) Apo Distonce CK) Nee ee an overa\) Aravel Huth) ‘ec Raraninay speed . i a) Wreve) Tome — Stop pry RaQ Se Design speed. Ibis a selected Speed sed te deterwy Whe Nervio Qeametic design features sf haha C20- 130 KS Ie) ie Cradss of Carve 2 Slopes sesdaw 4 --- ede) For exon Qler— = principe arkerad oy 20 Ea /ur = wimor avterah Bo Kelby — Ca\lecten Gea tema lae = socal street C20 ~4.9) bale @ operatiny speed .- wor. salle speed of Velricle Arolhic streans sith awk exccadind, A deg sped” Cosme) BS percentile Speed soperah-y sped) @ Percentile speed LDifherenck speed WRe Curenn Speed smedian speed > uperatiy Speed > lowest Speed) - 98] 13 used Por deberminindy the dG S Pea. OS/ is “sel for determrininn ary Math Speest. Ser is used for dakermini wy WL vain spel: 157, Shows The slower Vehicles where Speed may be Causing, intePevence Sith Ha tvalhic stren - a wo @) Weakic Pri a Wie Bain ees = Me Ofin coring 1 Sun _ + Density:- oleh a geen wn gd SS Tht mm bow of Vehicles oC, = sa oh a Lane of “eadway Cven Anite’ ik Ov (veb/ kun =NP Em). ae Re ‘ S * Felotin sto between Nowmes Speed and Dew aa ' Q:vVesn . pee vi & Y 7D whee. _ Qi tefhic Va\wung Vs Space mean Tpeed Di density. SesdiEVSon, V a, PUSH Ne ey QSk A namysi, OP Cabin se Qos, D C4) Ves eR one pa, Q. We. & Vela. Tr Devsity No-6& Ven. see L ~D: L T D+ TE MN L Se *N NU D: T oe & + ° Th Dye S Quax Bea x Des Garon shield praposed alive relbhon ship pdwen Speed 3 densi Sy= Bax ce vP- CME Ve = VR-C SD 8 Se nerer- Ng sR space mean s peed: ‘3 ae Pree Pros SQeed. WHS De Bevo Dj: Jon desiy WM VEE Bere ae cautiptiad &4O)) As Mpa eb Dt ® de PRAABIIYTYA Ear ne O eAs) Ns * gave SB sQ>Q: Ns Bj BENE © : ak Dee vaton Ex ne ® NEY AB eNE- 2G D a 3 = . mp: c =D Doma > DE ~@ # Derivation Gqu Wo-Q) i oe D: Re: Po-2 Bi vs . Ns 2 Vonage 2 YE -—-& Ns, D3. Vs 4 4 BED AL Uacony rantidasigibeboten peed A dat on 1 Nema Ff Wig hwooy Noneve ne Bree Speed Bo Kgh Dad the omer Aessidy = Jo Koh prowl & the ero Fle Tuk could be exgecked on WWis Naghway 2 and ob wuak Speed wouldiit 0 Cour? Qwoxrs DLVE , Fox Ro 4 \Aoe Veoh. Ng. 87 Nowa SES EDs hg Veh . ® Relation SIP Webvear Nota and density of ays Mand soe, SL Qiz Go D- 04d? panak BW OW jou densay, Dj)? Ar+.coD- oad® By dernohey te D S82 60 -1.eD aD a a nD wrox* $2 a37sVek Deax = DL ay Dj -7S VEE QR: p-=dD, ween Qe Aico D- oR DE = DChe- 3D») be DV= Seog =FS VER - Green yer, Prepedad aren Vncar relation Stup ers s density 4 een Speed K enShy, —, . Ne a VsicC ha BB € s maipted by D a. ‘ Bi CD + Qa > Se canstak aves awe wean Speed avd density Nay won -Linege Yeleten sip of WL form : Vs = Cohn ( DL) Uw here Do= VSo Vek -desty is So Nigk -Space mean Speed 1S Zo tegh » Pind Awan? So\sr- Ns= Cm BE mptial bY T A- cd MmDBL D 8Q.c[pe7 DOD? MMe] sD. Ds D D . = ¢ woe + deBary = Clee PY wee wre, 82 1g ae Sn, ae) D Vg max = S ce we Be ee & 3 eS MSS = 47324 Quox ~ D msn &Vs AT-BtA w 246 Slepe sf Lik AR i200 B20 -SB Nw = 46 Kina Wee Tra in seconds te reach, Ad Sence Jou +. IS _% Boece 4G xloos ~ SEF See- Exon OE One Laws oh A Z-Lone aneway Cacrinay Woy fs closed for Fepaws . Wr maximum ean free Speed wader Condi hens a low flor in ts 2-Loms porhon is Cs Kash) Vader Condi ions PP ed ceptlemaeeciertt low flo observations Shad Ahab warinuy: mean Free speed in tha battlemecie is also 6s(km/y) - We ave SPACE hheadwoy when vehicles are Stabenary 1S (2g m - I Volume oP offre ony 2- Lane road is 1900 W/W Assuming shad Ure Speed concentration Yelation is Uwears Pindy— GW mean speed af Hofbic thronah the baltleneck Cased bY ava cloSurve of One lames Vy a sol os rn ces Noatblesecte Dy = SS *2=l60V/Km 12-3 iments Road Por 2-Lome. 52 1608 2 Be Vk, D3= “Ze = Be We 3 vo” D Por Single lone: @ Baas: DIANE So] a 1809 ASCEES 200 VIN 9 x10 BoxGs _ Bmax = Isee Vv /m o WT observed vow is 18od V/b ad i indicabed bY oink AN on the Greene CQ-D) curve TR geink BH corr spond tothe Flow corresponding torhe bettlencck Sagacih oy Seen eS 56S aa oe ~ MBes De = Go +565: Res 2 : Cw B98 Le X's AAs Qt 260 Da = Bo- 44.5 < 85-5 Mean speed af offic Mnrough loodtleneele = Ske =f Ln Oc = TSE ates ka /\ Mean speed! of fvoffic in ths Congested condilions \navnediodely on Ane appreach to ty Wratkleneck - = Slope OF Uns OK _ \Bse 2 OS ke V3as GB Meow speed of treflic on Sorviogemrny Clear af the InPlwvonce af wottleneck Slope of Lie OA 1800 = S607] Ke Jue 3s @ Rake ok which arene of congested tallic grows = Slope of Line AG Ras Fu In. Neo a BG. : iG, . Loon QD. oO ¥ SMS SOK - O.nsity Cconcentrotioa) 2 No. of vehicles oceupyie diena C4mile) Jeng of avoasl at acertain fn stant. gntts $ veh |r Vp Kira ° yooo x Spacing = Deity Cm) ey spacing vam > Density: TOE = poo vpke, Level of service CLOS) 3- Yualitative watasurmient describing tk operation=£ condi hen within Tratfic stream. Los Describhion operating spew — TTT Em Lhe Free Flow . 16 B stable Flow Be c Stable Plow witk some 72 yeshrichion oO Approaching unshable 86 Flow E voshkable Flow a <48 force of Flow (Stop and go) Highway Capacity Manual 2000 Los Although speed is a major concern of drivers as related to service quality freedom to ‘maneuver within the traffic stream and proximity to other vehicles are equally noticeable concems. These qualities are related tothe density of the traffic stream. Unlike speed, 1se5 up to capacity. resulting in a measure of effectiveness density increases as flow incr that is sensitive to a broad range of flows, Operating characteristics forthe six LOS are shown in Illustrations 13-5 through 13-10. The LOS are defined to represent reasonable ranges in the thvee critical flow variables: speed, density, and flow rate LOS A describes fee-flow operations. Free-flow speeds prevail. Vehicles are almost completely unimpeded in their a nthe traffic stream, The effects of incidents or point breakdowns ae easily absorbed at this level LOS B represents reasonably fre flow, and free-flow speeds are maintained, The ability to maneuver within the wafic steam is only slightly restricted, and the gener level of physical and psychological comfort provided to drivers is tll high. ‘The effec ‘of minor incidents and point breakdowns are sil easily absorbed. vest 1 6. 105 8 Highway Capacity Manual 2000 huveranon 1948, LOS hays 139, LOS no Chapt 19 Frooway Concont asic Freomay Sonor WY Highwoy Copacity Manual 2000 uasnnon 13-10, 10S F LOS C provides for flow wit speeds at or neurthe FPS ofthe freeway. Freedom to ‘maneuver within the tai stream is noticeably restricted, and lane changes require more ‘care and vigilance on the part of the driver. Minor incidents may still be absorbed, but the local deterioration in service willbe substantial, Queues may be expected to form bbeind any significant blockage LOS D is the level at which speeds begin to decline slightly with increasing flows and density begins to increase somewhat more quickly. Freedom to maneuver within the affic stream is more noticeably limited, and the driver experiences reduced physical and yehological comfort levels. Even minor incidents cen be expected to create que because the traffie steam has litle space to absorb disruptions {A its highest density valve, LOS E describes operation a capacity, Operations at this level ae volafile, because there are virally no usable gaps in the trafic steam, Vehicles are closely spaced, leaving litte oom to maneuver within the traffe stream at speci that still exceed 49 mf, Any disruption ofthe traffic stream, such as vehicles eterno p ora vehicle changing lanes, can establish a disruption wave tha propayates ouput the upstzeam traffic Flow. ACeapacity, the taffie stream alulity t dissipate even the most minor disruption, and any incident can be expected to oduce a serious breakdown with extensive queving, Maneaverabilit ‘tucai ts exteemtely lite, snd the level of physical and psychological the claves 4s pour LOS Fdescribes breakdowns in vehicular flow. Such conditions generally exist \wuhin queues forming behind breakdown points, Breakdowns occur for a number of + Tualtic incidents ean cause a temporary rection i the capacity of a short sexmient, so that the number of vehicles arriving a the point is greater than the number of vette that ea move theough it + Points of recurting congestion, such as merge or weaving segments and lane drops, cexpevteuce very high demand in ehich the numberof vehicles amivingis greater than the number vehicles dlieharged + Iu forceasting situations, the projected peak-hour (or other) flow rate can exceed y of the location. [Note tht i all eases, breakdown occurs when the ratio of existing demand Wo seta capacity arf forecast demnd to estimated eapacity exces immediately dowastrcam of such a point, however, are generally ator near capacity, at dowastican operations prove (astiing that there are no additional dawasteany k LOS F operations wathin a queue are the result ofa breakiowa batlencck at 3 dowosticam point. LOS Fs also use describe eon re point ofthe byeakdown of bottleneck aul the queue discharge Flow that occurs at speeds lows bottlenecks) as elischarging veieles move away from the Bost Cpr 13 -Feooway Conca haw Bass Frooway Sogmon “DD + Design service FIO af which vehicles wate: Meximum hourly flow vate Can be expectect to pass « poeta! er secon of alant ov vooslwey during one hour wilboutk service falling below a pre-selectecl £evel of bes Design serurce Plow rake Cpephpt) A Gée B 1080 ¢ 1550 —D 198° E 220° X Capactly = Design serusee Flow wate Fry Los E Design Los Highwes Flak Rolling Mountain principal Arteriol B 8 < Minor Arterial a B c collector c c D Local D dD Dd @ Sa © Flow - Density - speed Relation shi)> Green shielel Chineav) speed Ne 4 Vet Free Fleut spceel IIE mamas) v Greenberg (son Linear ) ab Ue > Dee ° at Dy > va0e D By Dens? hy Ve - DYE (v-Dwelahion ship) ey tinea 9 = Dve — oy YE _-- C90) Os relationship PL Vv 4 = Voy ia --- (¥-V) velabionsh:p THIS Parabola Func © rak ohvch oensity CD) 2 CaPacity oe Gy a Occur - From Ke 4 _O plo} , since jf ts symmetrs ol about Ke mid lige, SKarcfore D = Os at Gray ~ Also Vv eee + 9mas * - Since G2VD TRere fove ve ds mak = BG Ve 0 Ins ay = = Seufion ky dervation . = Dvp — OF VEL 4. 9 £ (OG tale C9-») ot _ vp - 20 VE do oz °° = ail ME 20 Be noe PL see. G0) oF Gmax a Sub eg(1) a} 9-0 velat on - DyvF Fog ESE = SF) Oe = NeOy _ veOy 2 4 Yanan 2 VEST 4 * dD greenberg yhationship between V anv) Bott leneck Bottleneck or Shock waves occur In breLK'c stream cnt te suddlen veduction In vondway capacity wigich may be occur ote te tke reduction fa No: JS Sarzes, Work tones 5 veshricheS brielge Sy Qrash or a signal turning red. a werk Bone - — Lane blockage @ @- —O; — a 1 4A Few ~4 Vows ° 4 bx Orv a DQ, AY Kushe co @) Whic @ ec. No. AX Wale Engi neeriay be _: Ms Pevsihy Con contortion ) z- /Yo- of. vehvcles FAP A Key Chaite) / Kenty, fread 4. Certan insted UB ts Veh / le Up be, ON * SPac, = _loog ST ony = pieces easly level of Servicg Las : Awalitauve NES em each AeSc ribbing We operations condition MIMI Iie Drea | as votin eed kK. ~ LESONSY Speed Ko fy . —— n Free Flow AG Ys Stalole Flows Be © State Plow sith qe Vest riche D APP reaching Mnstable "ss Fron E vestable Flow 43 Cc Fav Cod Flow Cetep 3s soy \ 4% *DSign Service DOK mun howdy expected to Pass AXES Ome hour Neve ot service - Las 1On QD Wahoses Prin ciphl Arleridl Miner Actesa) Call ecto Locod S | Flows vake 4- | Fiows wade ak which vehicle& Con We | a yok ov Section of a bane Ov voadwes Lsitron Gallin) elod a Pre-Seclected | Desian service Plow woke __ Cre rhph) 66a Lao 1SSo JAY 2200 Design LOS Fuk _Rawiny, Mantair a a re s &, & < © d > »o Dd Wend was Distribution is high way oie Fos 2 —— Has head Wey Gee) od a) Le S Pacing Yead Wey oH) Vim Wedwoay Ho rg We King Between thy ayriaval a srccessive yates ak at aspecilied poink oad Wis Mae "ce cipoced A Vong - heey * Space head wor 4 -Ts the diskance between Successive vehicles AAPICANY) meaSuced From frank wenger te frok bom per, WN As Abe veciproced 3p densi)" \ Ys a tAabice i cehow Ly Ve Ersinceri As Nitak_ Application Tn Tethe Easiness - = Nowtmad aigtclemon Cs Peed analysis) = poisson distri baton Coomtny analais ) . eh sal dictyilouhon Gu terved Sicte-) Neyehve Exponential Sstvioubio Sona headwoy) aCz) some Sader x Normal dig tyowton ’ La cee p. oe ae 7 Pp) -J Sl a2 --G -b0 C2) =Aren wedey Se Carve: ss 2 Origyraly, 2 Ws PRY: (HMA ~~. e 12 -@) Neem atist- ie ee q 27 Value - a TS Winere y_ Ks Normally ditvipehon statistics, DN mean of digheilento w - Ss Standard deviaton of distr. Same Sige delerminahon Ade: Noe baést et Si Stontord deviation . Er stevderd exvor of mean. VAG: Kovrespondinw, te conidence Vevel 95/. (2 valve) conPidence level Z value Cas, Lag FY, $ ee Be 2 TY WO erdard deviates of speed sample Cre kathy) mek is Sangle Bigg bo eStmale thy wean speed on goody Sechionm 7, PSS ov wus A ee [ery Om AB] and BAZ] conPiderce \eve)- sso fev9S% conPdence \eve! Ne SMEG 2oa ven. Com gh Sing) e Jor OM-4 Z Conf. lever. , Ne BEC agg Ven Gaye Seu) ie Yor tolerance oS Ke /hy- ve a6" 92% 1 gag Veh GomleSiy aS/ FIBER “Ver C Sample Sige 44-77) & x Anadapis & Speed) Sed ieS + - Tn speed stidier, acensiderable muanber of specs ave observed There fore rs Necessary TO ude StetiGtical to sraysis Wa doka crstaimed bo onalysis steps Gu be SHomeriged a Fetters + - We dake ave Converted be Prequences and Per cortasyy Frequancs, »- k-\4+3-3 SQN R we aces wokere OE Classy widty Rr Man. Valve Koz no. af Clagres. 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