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Let X T be a compactspace Show that CA Il Ila is


let co any lim an o be the set of all sequences

that converge to zero Let 11Can D sup law Prove

11ID is a
nlsp Is it complete

in Coo any an o for w exceptfinitelymany

Let 11Can 11 suptant Prove that Coo Il 11 is a

Is it complete

Prove the
following version of Young's inequality Let f
be a cont and strictlyincreasing function for n o

with fro o Let be the inverse off Then for a byo

Fen dnt
ab f
f bg
G dy
Equality holds iff befea Give a geometricproof
Prove that the induced metric is translation
on a
invariant i e dental is re den s t mis e x 11.113

Let CX Il ID be a ubp then the function 11 11 X R

is a Lipschitz cont function with Lipschitz constant1

Let X be a normed linear space Provethat Bo D BenD

CB Girts

Let X be a nbp and By denote the unit ball in X i e


Prove that X

Let X be a wormed lineal space and assume that

an N Yn Y Prove that Nn Dn N D

and can en where c e ik

linear Dfw norm linearspaces Xand Y is said to be an

et may be sf
isometry if it is norm preserving i e Hell ATall

Provethat T X Y a linearmapbtw Nsp X Y is an isometry

iff it is distancepreserving

Give an example of a worm linearspace which is not a

Banach space

If Y is a subspace
ofa ubp X Then provethat Yis a closedsubspace
of the Nsp X

Give an example of an isometry btwnlspaces X I Y which is an

isometry but not a vectorspace isomorphism

Prove that 12 R is separable How about l for lep c o

Prove that It is not separable

If a vector X is dimensional Then there exist two norms

On X that are notequivalent

Let Ilill and Il 112 be two equivalent norms on X

I Prove that a sequence is Cauchyin X 11.11 if it is Cauchy in X11.112

Lii Provethat an n in 11.111

if andonlyif an a in 11.112

iii Prove that X 11.11 is complete ift x 71112 is complete

Show that the norms 11.11 and11.111 on C10,1 are notequivalent

Define the 11.11 on C To D as

If Colt Hf'll
Provethat C toD is complete with C norm

Show that the norms 11Ilp M 11g for pta are not equivalent


Let per be an absolutelyconvergent series in a complete resp x Show

911 E ok

E M I É MNull for each
11 m e IN

Show that a normedlinearspace X is a Banachspace

iff the unitsphere
S me X 11271 1 is a completemetricspace war t themetric

den y In 911

Let M n G bethe complex vectorspaceof all now matrices with entries

in 0 For X E M G G let X denotethe complexconjugateofthe transpose

Define X Y trace XY't then prove that MCn G 2 is an inner

product space

If my n and yn y in H C then Inn yn Ln y

Let an anEH with 11mn11 1 11Mullfor me IN Assume that canyn 1

Provethat 11mn yall O

Let tis be a sequence of ve real numbers Let

Prove thatthere is a vectorspacestructure in H and

there is an inner product

any an 0 for w sufficientlylarge Restrictthe inner product

Let cop

on t fo Coo Provethat Coo is not a completesubspace of l

the identities
Let It be an inner product space Then prove following
Pythagoras Identity
and y are orthogonalto each other line91122
112412 117112 More
Day If n generally

if A xp I e r en is an orthogonalsubset ofH then

E nun 11
in Forany n YEH

IntypeMay't 2 11m14IlyIP

iii PolarizationIdentity For n ye H

42Ny Luty my La y n y i Latin atty ish ing n ing

Prove that forany set Y C H His a Hilbertspace


is a closed linear subspace of H

Let Ye H be a linearsubspaceof H Then prove that Yt T

Let U be any vectorsubspace of a Hilbertspace It Prove that Visclosed

Vt V

Notefrom Problem 27 Coo is a vectorsubspace

of l what is bootin 12

30 Prove that a linear map btw norm linearspaces X Y is continuous if

and only if it mapssequences convergingto 0 to bounded sequences

Let K E C Ia b X aid Define

Tuf a
Jk mis febdy f f e c Laib
Show that Tk is a bounded linearmap on CLab 11 110 What is 11Tallop

C to D all a
Let T Cto D 11.11 defined
TfLt Ifes Is Is T continuous

Ifhe Max IfIla Iif Il

Consider X Ctoif with L norm Show that T X IK given by

Tf flo is liman but not continious

Let X BM be a finite measure space ie M X Lo Provethat

22 X B M E L X BM i.e 22 is a subspace of 21

Let T X Y be a cont linearmap between ubp Xand Y Let any

be a sequence in X such that Ennen is convergent Prove that

T Ennen EntLMD and in particular the series En TED is

convergent in Y

Let Co devotethespaceof all sequencesconverging to 0 Provethat

i Co Il Il is a complete
ii let f Co 11 11,7 A be defined by

fan anMn where a an El is fixed

Show that
f is a continuous linear map
Let C denote thespaceof all convergent WMMsequences Prove that

I C Il Il is a complete
ii Let f c 11.11 Q defined
by fan lip on
bounded linear
Prove that f is a map

Let X l but with 11Ila Show that flu Enn is a discont linear


Let Xbe a Banachspace and T X X bea bounded linear operator Show

I T is invertible
that if IT1121 then

Let AG Bl x be invertible Prove that F E o s t 11AM EInd f n ex

Recall that Bl x 11Hop is a wormlinearspace show that the set

GL x TE Bl x T exists lies in Br ex

is an opensubset of Brix

Let X be a compact Hausdorffspace Let y e ca then the multiplication

C x C X defined as
operator Me
Myf n Gen fan

Then prove that 11

My1 11411

Let It be a Hilbert space and fora fixed non zero vector UGH

Sn V7 Prove that Ifall Hull

define f n

Show that LP0,1 I 2920,1 for p q

480 Let X 450,1 and GGc toB Define a linearfunctional

Prove that Hall fights Idt 11gal

Af Sigle flt dt f f EX

Compute the worms

of the followingfunctionals
a A f
I flt It
b A f
I flt get dt for a fixed ge CI i D
C A f EE LifLei where tk Is Ken are distinctpoints

of I I I and ar

Let 4
be a Hilbert spaceand Y be a non zero closedsubspaceofH
Prove that the projectionmap P H Y is a bold linear map with
11P71 1

Let It bea Hilbertspace Let T H H be a cont linear map Prove that

sup Tn b 1 N Y E BH

in the Hilbertspace H
where Ba is the unit ball

Let It be a Hilbertspaceand TE Bl H Provethat 11711 11777

Let X Y betwo finite dimensional worm linearspace the same

dimension n 7,1 Prove that they are homeomorphic

Let X be a normed linearspace and Ya finitedimensionalvectorsubspace

ofX Given no E X prove that thereexists y EY such that d no y d fno Y

If X is a finitedimensional worm linearspace and YZ X is proper

Then prove that F an unit vector u such that den Y 1

Let X Y be normed linearspaceand let Brix 4 be thespace of

all bounded linear operatorsfrom Xto Y If Beex Y is complete provethat

Y is a Banachspace

comparetheaboveproblem withthefollowingresult
Result BL X Y is a Banachspace if Y is a Banachspace

A closed subspace Y IX of a up X is said to admit a complement Z

a closed linear subspaceof X such that X Y Z

that dimensional linear subspace

any finite of a normed linear

space X is always complemented

ie ttt 1
Let Kpan let pt bethe conjugateexponentoff Prove that

47 R lp R

Let co denote the space of all real sequences converging to zero with

U U Prove that Cf G IR and bi IR la R

and X be a f d resp Let w be alikesspace of

Let v be a up
T W X be a cont linear map Prove thatthere exists
T V X a cont linear map whichextends T

Give an example
of an extensionofcont linear final as in the

statementof Hahn Banachextensiontheorem is not unique

Let Vbe a up and let W be a propersubspace of V Define

W ge v gens o f new

Show that Wt is a closed subspace of U

Openmapping theorem Bounded inverse

theorem isomorphismtheorem

Let T X Y be a cont linear map btw Banachspaces X Y and

there exists c o such that NTall 3 C11211 I n e X Provethat rangeof T

i e RIT TX is closed and T is a topological linear isomorphism

of X onto TX

Let X be a vectorspace and H Ily and 11 112 be two complete

norms on X Assume that there is an M o such that

Anda L M And2

Show that these two norms are equivalent

Let T X Y be a cont linear map btw Banachspaces XandY

Prove that T is one one and TX isclosed iff thereexists 070 such that


Da An operator T X Y between
up X and Y is said to be

if the graph ofT ie

closed subset
is a
of XxY

66 Let XandY be Banach spaces and let T X Y be a discont linear

map Let GLT denote thegraphofT

a Let A X G 6 be defined by A a Ca Tx Prove that A is

a closed operator but notbounded

b A G e X is a bounded operator which isonto but not open

67 Let X 11.11 be a separable Banach space and let ei ie I be a

Hamel basis ofX such that 11911 1 f ie I Define

Recall sums over
124 Ei tail if N
Ernie uncountable index

Show that
a 1.1 is a norm on X

ii the identity map I X 1D X 11.11 is cont

iii I is closed but not cont

Let 11.11 and 1 I be norms on a vectorspace X with the property

that Ann all o and Inn y 1 so implies n y Further assume that

they are complete norms Show that equivalent

they are

Let a Can be a sequence such that Zaman Lo for each nel

Define A l l by setting An Eamon Prove that A is a

continions linear map

Let A be a closedsubspace
of Cto I and g to I R be a function

such that H fEA gfeA Show that

Mg A A given by Mg f gf
is a cont linearmap

Let A it It be a linearmap on a HilbertspaceIt such that

for every n y EH Any Ln Ay Prove that A is a cont



Let a fan be a sequence such that Enann converges for all nel

Show that a eld

Let a Can be a sequence such that Eamon converges for all nel

Show that web

Let a fan be a sequence such that Eamon is convergent whenever

N Elloill Ila Show that an E l

Formulate and prove the general statement for K pen

Let Xand Y be Banach spaces Let Tn ME IN CBL X Y

Assume that for and ne X we have

any get sump Ig Tn us Ca Prove

that sunt NewY La

Let X Y Banach spaces Let T X Y be a linear map such that

fort X I felt Prove that T is bounded

780 Let A be a subset of a Banach
space X Then prove that A is bold

iff FCA is bold f f ext


Let X Cta b and K E C Taib x Taib Let

Trf a
Ikin y firs dy
Show that TR Cta b Cla b is a compact linear operator

Let s IT X Y be compact operators Prove that Ste and At

for a Elk are compact operators

Let Cn E Co Define T L2 l2 a linear map s E

TGuis army

Prove that T is a compact operator on l

Let A X Y be a topological linear isomorphism Then A is eft iff

X is finite dimensional

and Y are Barrack ST X Y be liver such

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