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BSPA 1-3


I. Introduction
A. Introduce the Topic – In recent years, the debate surrounding the legal recognition of
marriage for LGBTQ individuals has gained prominence. Understanding the significance
of this issue requires a thorough examination of both opposing viewpoints.
B. Provide Background on the Topic – The historical context of LGBTQ rights and the
evolving societal attitudes towards same-sex relationships lay the foundation for the
ongoing discourse on legally recognizing marriage for LGBTQ individuals.
C. Assert the Thesis – In my view, LGBTQ has a rights of their own as they are people
too. Legally marriage for LGBTQ is a respect to their courage as they stand to their
II. Counter Argument
A. Summarize the Counterclaims
1. Religious Beliefs: Counterclaim: Some argue that legalizing marriage for LGBTQ
individuals goes against religious teachings that define marriage as a union
between a man and a woman.
2. Parental Concerns: Counterclaim: Some individuals express concerns about the
potential impact of LGBTQ marriages on children, arguing that children need
both a mother and a father for balanced development.
B. Provide Supporting Information for Counterclaims
1. Certain religious texts may explicitly state traditional definitions of marriage,
and adherents may argue that redefining it contradicts these beliefs.
2. Research evidence may be cited to suggest that children may face
challenges or lack certain benefits in non-traditional family structures.
C. Refute the Counterclaims
1. The legalization of marriage for LGBTQ people does not require religious
organizations to change their beliefs or ways of practice. A basic principle that
provides churches the freedom to defend their own views of marriage is the
line that separates of the two. Religious organizations are not required by
open civil marriage laws to hold or approve same-sex marriages. Article:
"Separation of Church and State: Protecting Religious Freedom" (Source:
2. A lot researches have found that same-sex couples' kids achieve simply as
well as kids raised in traditional families. Good companies such as the
3. American Psychological Association confirm that parental quality—rather than
the parents' sexual orientation—determines the wellbeing of their children.
Parenting and Child Development in Adoptive Families: Does Parental Sexual
Orientation Matter?" (Journal of Marriage and Family)
D. Give Evidence for Argument
1. In my research, public opinion has shifted significantly in favor of same-
sex marriage. According to Pew Research Center, in 2001, only 35% of
Americans supported it, while by 2021, the support had increased to 61%.
Legalizing same-sex marriage focuses on civil recognition and does not
require religious institutions to change their beliefs. Countries like Canada,
where same-sex marriage is legal, maintain robust protections for religious
III. Your Argument
A. Assert Point #1 of Your Claims
1. Give Your Opinion – On my opinion, several of the greatest important steps toward
achieving equality and acknowledging the basic human rights of all citizens is the
legalization of marriage for LGBTQ individuals. Rejecting those of the same gender to
the chance to marry is a situation of discrimination that defends the values of justice and
fairness while maintaining inequality.
2. Provide Support – There are several countries who support the same-sex marriage
for LGBTQ. Countries that have legalized same-sex marriage report increased social
stability and acceptance. The Netherlands, which was the first country to legalize same-
sex marriage in 2001, has seen positive societal outcomes, including greater social
B. Assert #2 of Your Claims
1. Give Your Opinion - I truly believe that LGBTQ individual rights should be respected
and protected. Building on the rights of each individual, regardless of their gender
identity or sexual orientation, is important for maintaining a fair and different community.
LGBTQ rights are human rights, and the world should work to end discrimination,
promote equality, as well as secure environments where people can live true to who
they are without worrying about a negative impact.
2. Provide Support – In global organizations, including Human Rights Watch and
Amnesty International, actively advocate for LGBTQ rights. Their work involves
documenting human rights abuses, raising awareness, and pressuring governments to
implement policies that protect and promote the rights of LGBTQ individuals.
C. Assert #3 of Your Claims
1. Give Your Opinion - I totally think LGBTQ people's mental health needs to be talked
about and given importance. Like everyone else, LGBTQ people should have access to
mental health services, social media sites, and a discrimination-free environment. A
society that is kind and accepting has to acknowledge the particular challenges that the
LGBTQ community experiences and assign guidelines together that support mental
2. Provide Support - As I look at internet or on social media it’s show the study results
repeatedly shows that LGBTQ people experience greater rates of mental health
problems such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Many factors, such as
discrimination, shame, and a lack of acceptance, are to blame for those inequalities.
IV. Conclusion
A. Restate Your Argument
In conclusion, legalizing marriage for LGBTQ people is not just an issue of justice
but also the first important step in creating a community using acceptance,
equality, and respect for human rights. The claim that denying LGBTQ people a
chance to get married defines discrimination against equality and respect is
proven by the evidence that has been provided. LGBTQ people is also human
like us and have their own feelings too. As they respect our beliefs and asking us
to respect them also and to be treated as equal.

Legally Recognizing Marriage for LGBTQ Individuals

Same-sex marriage is not welcome nor accepted to other people as they have
a different beliefs and practices. They believed that it is a sin to God and rejecting the
words of Him. But LGBTQ people is also a human and people who have a feelings and
emotions. They clearly know that marrying a same gender is not accepted, however, in
their heart and mind, they believed that ‘this is who I am ‘, they may be born different to
what they believed they are, they’re just a people who accepted who their are and now
seeking a acceptance to other people as they wanted to be treated equally.

Legal marriage is an important symbol of social acceptance for LGBTQ people

and is more simple legal recognition. Equal marriage rights let societies to show all of it
is not only accepted but also respected and that love is an emotion that is shared. This
recognition supports equality and helps in the loss of harming beliefs and assumptions
about the LGBTQ community.
Moreover, the acceptance of their relationships has an important effect on the
mental and emotional health of LGBTQ people. A feeling of peace of mind, safety and
belonging is provided by legal marriage. Research has shown that legal recognition and
social acceptance have a positive impact on mental health outcomes by decreasing the
judgment that is usually related to non-heteronormative relationships.

In conclusion, legalizing marriage for people in LGBT individuals. is an

expression of society's support for equal rights, acceptance, and the protection of
human rights, not just an extending of a legal privacy. It is our responsibility to face
discriminatory practices, remove through barriers, and to create a world where love in
all forms is accepted by the law as Countries grow. Accepting legal marriage for LGBTQ
people is a sign of our shared commitment to creating a world that is more
understanding and open to everyone, not just a matter of justice.

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