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Plot of the movie

The movie is about a teacher who reaches to a school with bad students and teaches and corrects those
bad students.

The characters of this movie

Teacher Jaime Escalate and his bad students like Angel Guzman and others.

theme of the movie

Best teacher

setting of the movie

Garfield High School

the genre of the movie.

Drama/Coming-of-age story

three math concepts that were taught in the movie that have been part of my math education.

- Mathematics is inherently difficult and complicated.

- To be good at math, you must be insane.

- People who are good at math are socially awkward.

some of the teaching techniques that Mr. Escalante used to keep his students interested in the class.

Motivation, Productive, Supportive

some of Mr. Escalante’s teaching mistakes? Can you describe some of them?

Lack of self-control, Don't think before doing something, Put high expectations for students

all math teachers learn from Mr. Escalante?

To confident, to have not bias, to patient the students

1.Who is Jaime Escalante?

Teacher in the movie

2. What was his job before teaching?

Military Service in Bolivian Army.

3. What was he hired to teach?

He worked various jobs while teaching himself English.

Where does he teach?

Garfield High School

What was his first day like?

During his first class, the students did not listen and mocked him.

What happened to his car the first day?

His car has been stolen, so he walked to home that evening.

What did he propose in the teacher's meeting?

As the school is threatened by the results of the examination, he said that if the students are taught
carefully, they can get good grades.

What nickname did Angel get?

Escalate- Angel.

9. What level are his students when he arrives? In a year?

Lowest level in math

10.How does Escalante help Angel? Why?

Give him three books, he doesn't think the value of education

1What tricks does Escalante use to motivate his students? (3)

It gives students confidence and makes effort.

12. What interfered with Guadalupe's education?

Taking care Guadalupe's family

13. Why was Anita going to quit?

Her dad made her work at the family business.

14. How did Escalante help Anita?

He talked her father.

15. What test do the students take?

Advance placement

16. How long did the students study for the test?

All summer

17.How many students took the test? How many passed?

All took the test and all passed

18. Name 3 family problems that almost keep students from achieving goals.

Sibling, illness, parents

19. What happens to Escalante due to stress?

Heart attack

20. Why did the test officials think the students cheated?

They all missed the same questions.

21. How did the students feel after being accused?

22. What did Escalante say to the test reps?

He wanted to see the scores; he accused them of discrimination

23. Why did Escalante want his students to retake?

To prove that they didn't cheat.

24. What were the 2nd round's results?

They all passed

25. What nickname did they give Escalante?


26. Why did Escalante think his students should study calculus?


27. Explain what this meant, "Tough guys don't do math, tough guys deep-fry chicken for a living."

Escalante-Angel; he was being cocky so Kimo said that's where he would be without school

28. Explain. "There are some people in this world who assume you know less than you do because of
your name and your complexion, but math is a great equalizer."

if you know math you can get any job regardless of race.

29. "Those scores would have never been questioned if my kids did not have Spanish surnames and
come from barrio schools. You know that!" Do you agree or disagree, Why?

they suspected the class of cheating because of their race.

30. What comments of the teacher was he called on from a student?

He said I don't like his teaching technique because he skips a lot.

31. What is "ganas"?


32. What is needed to be successful to achieve your goals(3)?

Develop a plan

33. What attitude did the parents have about learning?

Parenting attitudes vary from being supportive to suppressive.

34. Where did Kimo say that their number sense came from?

Aztec ancestors.

35. Why did Pancho not want to take the summer classes?

He could make more money working for his uncle.

36. What did one of the mother say to her daughter about taking the calculus class?

Boys don't marry smart girls

37. What did he use to teach fractions?

Using portions of apples

38. How did he explain negative numbers?

He explained the negative numbers as the hole in the sand and the positive numbers as the sand used to
fill the hole.

39. What did Angel mean about Kimo not ever listening?

He would not ever listen to reasons not excuses.

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