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Reading and Use of English 1 hour 30 minutes

1. Jangan buka kertas soalan ini sehingga diberitahu.
2. Tulis nama dan tingkatan pada kertas jawapan anda.
3. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi lima bahagian yang terdiri daripada 40 soalan.
4. Jawab semua soalan. Baca arahan bagi setiap bahagian dan soalan dengan teliti.
5. Tulis jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan yang disediakan.
6. Serahkan kertas jawapan kepada pengawas peperiksaan selepas taman ujian.

For Examiner’s Use

Part Total Marks

1 8
2 10
3 8
4 6
5 8

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Part 1

[ 8 marks ]

[ Time suggested : Fifteen minutes ]

Questions 1 to 8

Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark the
correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

THURSDAY – Three students of SMK Kulai Besar are elated with their
achievement when they were announced as winners of the Young Creative
and Innovative Competition in the upper-secondary category level. The
annual competition attracted entries from forty-two schools this year, the
highest, if compared to previous ones.

The Form Four boys won thein invention of ‘Little Maid’ which can wipe
four tables at a time. This will save time in restaurants especially during peak
hours. However, ‘Little Maid’ needs to be developed further before it can be

1 From the newspaper extract above, the competition

A offered more than one category.
B was held for the first time.
C did not have as many participants as last year.

Feel the exhilaration and excitement during this adrenaline rush act and feel
like a bird, soaring in the sky. It can be great adventure, easier said than done.
Mr. Thamuz, a professional skydiver and instructor has the tips of you think
you are up to the challenge.

2 People venture into skydiving

A as it can make them fly in the sky like a bird.
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B to gain some thrilling experience.
C when they get good advice from a professional.

3 From the extract above, we can conclude that

A Moskov is Shahrizal’s classmate.
B Paquito is concerned about Shahrizal.
C Shahrizal is boasting about his scholarship.

Sports activities promote physical fitness and good

health. It also overcomes boredom. Playing games
provides relaxation after a hard day’s work by reducing
out mental tension and physical strain. Team games
encourage cooperation. In a sports programme,
children usually develop self-confidence and loyalty to
their team, school and country.

4 Which of the following statements is true?

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A Sports activities make a person brainy.
B Sports activities make one feel stressed.
C Sports activities inculcate good qualities.

Hi Luo Yi,
Yi Sun-Shin will be arriving at Kuala Lumpur International Airport at
3:00 p.m. today. Make sure you’re at the airport to pick him up later. He had a
wonderful time in Terengganu, and his cousins, Chang’e and Yu Zhong are sad
to see him leave. They’re looking forward to the next holidays to visit us.


5 Which of the following is true about Chang’e and Yu Zhong?

A They live in Terengganu
B They are mum’s cousins.
C They will pick up Yi Sun-Shin at the airport.

Come and join a 2-day seminar on

Time for Change

Learn how to handle you anger and remain calm during stressful situations.
Date : 15 & 16 December 2023
Time : 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Venue : Odette Ballroom, Khaleed Hotel
Fee : RM500 (inclusive of tea break, lunch, seminar kit and certificate of
Speaker : Dato’ Dr Syed Minsitthar
Professional Trainer in Relationship Management

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6 Which of the following statements is true about the brochure?

A There is no entrance fee.
B Each participant will be awarded a certificate.
C Accommodation will be provided for the participants.

Money-Minder is a free app that will help people to prepare their monthly budget ad save
money through a variety of methods. Users need to link their bank and card accounts to the
app, and Money-Minder will analyse their spending habits.
Besides creating a budget, it can also track their spending. For those who want to set a savings
goal, Money-Minder can set an amount into the linked bank account periodically to deposit the
money as savings.

Source: The Internet

7 What is the advantage of using the application Money-Minder?

A You learn how to spend more money.
B You can link it to you bank account.
C It assists in managing your personal finance.

Fresh and tasty Cakes

 Various flavors and styles

 Quick delivery

Custom orders can be made on

request – at least a week before
the required date

Hanabi – 016 – 912 3456

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8 Pharsa’s wedding is on 25th December 2023 and she wants to order from Hanabi, Pharsa
A needs to place her cake order by 20th December 2023.
B has to ask someone to pick up the cake from Hanabi’s place.
C can order a two-tier cake with two different flavours.

Part 2

[ 10 marks ]

[ Time suggested : Fifteen minutes ]

Questions 9 to 18

Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. For each question, mark the
correct answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

Dear Kagura,

It’s been two weeks since you moved. Everyone misses you. I hope
you are (0) adjusting well your your new school.

Life is pretty __________ (9) the same here. Last week, Valir and I
__________ (10) just talking about you. Remember that time when you
and I __________ (11) our school in the swimming competition? We had
to train with Coach Gatotkaca for two months before the big day! Every
morning, we __________ (12) by jogging three laps around the track. Then
we __________ (13) swimming videos to learn more about different
strokes. Finally, we spent two hours in the pool to perfect our swimming

The day of the competition finally arrived. In the end, we got third
place. __________ (14) we didn’t win the gold medal, we all became much
better swimmers. Coach Gatotkaca was so proud of what we had
__________ (15), he even organized an event for us. He always told us that
to be a great champion, compete with the best, but to be the greatest
champion, compete with yourself. Remember when we were called on
stage to receive the Outstanding Swimmer award __________ (16) our
coach? It was such a memorable __________ (17).

Enough about the past. Have you made any friends at you new
school? Do you plan to join your new school’s swimming team? I think
you should. The team members will be so lucky to have you in
__________ (18) team.

Can’t wait to hear from you. Write back soon!

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0 A is B are C will D can

9 A much B any C so D very

10 A is B are C was D were

11 A represented B attended C entered D participated

12 A moved up B picked up C warmed up D turned up

13 A noted B watched C noticed D observed

14 A since B However C Furthermore D Although

15 A achieved B gained C performed D improved

16 A to B by C from D of

17 A history B praise C success D ceremony

18 A its B our C their D your

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Part 3
[ 8 marks ]

[ Time suggested : Twenty minutes ]

Questions 19 to 26

Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. For each question, mark the
correct answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

Today’s active adults may find their on-the-go lifestyle sometimes cause them to miss out on
important nutrients. Work, sports, children and leisure activities can have an effect on meal
preparations and eating habits. Therefore, the average diet today leaves a lot to be desired.

Research finds out meals lacking in a number of essential nutrients, including calcium,
potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C and D. The need for additional food supplements
has practically become a necessity. The average person now eats very few helpings of fruits
and vegetables. Processed food removes the natural nutrients and replaces them with artificial
supplements. The air we breathe contains increasingly more oxidizing pollutants.

That is why a variety of food supplements are in the market to help us to get the
nutritional support to do our work well. These supplements can be obtained in pharmacies,
health stores and supermarkets. To be healthy, we must make sure we have a foundational
nutrition. We must give the body what it needs. The body does its best with whatever food
we feed it. Dietary supplements are products taken by mouth that contain dietary ingredients
intended to supplement the diet. The dietary ingredients in these products may include
vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids and substances such as enzymes,
organ tissues and metabolites. Dietary supplements can also be extracts or concentrates and
may be found in many forms such as tablets, capsules, soft gels, liquids or powders.

It is important to take supplements from several different sources. It is not good to rely
on any one brand. You want to have a variety of nutritional products so that you are getting
whole food sources from three or four different manufacturers on a daily basis. This is the
best way to be sure that you are getting a full complement of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms
and other food sources that can provide peak nutrition for you. Consumers benefit from a food
supplement industry that ranks amongst the most sophisticated in the world. In the world of
holistic nutrition, we take whole food from nature that is grown organically. If we do not, then
we take super food supplements. They are dried, ground into powder and then shaped into
pills or tablets. Super foods that are popular in the market include spirulina, garlic, blue-green
8 algae and wheatgrass.
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There is no doubt that we need a variety of nutrients ranging from carbohydrates, protein, fat,
vitamins, minerals and water each day to stay healthy. This includes calcium and vitamin D to
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healthy immune system and vision. Yet the source of these nutrients is important. Usually it is
best to try to get these nutrients from food as opposed to health supplements. Fruits,
vegetables, fish and other healthy foods contain nutrients and other substances not found in a
pill. We cannot get the same synergistic effect from a supplement.

Taking certain dietary supplements in higher-than-recommended doses may even

interfere with nutrient absorption or cause side effects. While most of the supplements are
safe for consumption as long as we follow the instructions and dosage, we should not take
them as we like. Getting our nutrients straight from a pill sounds easy, but supplements do not
necessarily deliver on the promise of better health. Some can even be dangerous, especially
when taken in larger-than-recommended amounts. Taking them excessively can be harmful.
for instance, an overdose of vitamin C can cause diarrhea. Another example is amino acid
supplements which are widely used by athletes who believe that having more of these basic
building blocks available enables skeletal muscles to get stronger and have better endurance
without the added calories. However, an excess of amino acid supplements tends to cause an
imbalance of the amino acids already present in the body. Consequently, they cause fever,
skin rash, muscle and joint pains.

(Adapted from ‘Dietary Supplements’ http://www,cfsan.fda.govl_dms/ds-overview.html)

19 In paragraph 1, what causes adults to miss out on important nutrients?

A They don’t pay attention to food preparation because they spent too much time on sporting
B They don’t pay attention to food preparation because they have to look after children and
C They don’t pay attention to food preparation because they are involved in many activities.
D They don’t pay attention to food preparation because their jobs are demanding.

20 In paragraph 2, why does the writer say food supplements have become a necessity?
A People are eating too much processed food.
B People are not eating enough vegetables.
C The air is polluted.
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D All of the reasons above.

21 In paragraph 3, what is meant by ‘foundational nutrions’?

A It means basic nourishment.
B It means original nourishment.
C It means primary nourishment.
D It means elementary nourishment.

22 From paragraph 3, what is the definition of food supplements?

A Food supplements are extracts of concentrates.
B Food supplements are capsules, gels, tablets, liquids and powders.
C Food supplements are made up of enzymes, organ tissues and metabolites.
D Food supplements are vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and the like.

23 In paragraph 4, why does the writer say it is better to take supplements from several different
A This is to ensure consumers support all the companies involved.
B Consumers will get a range of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and the like.
C This allows consumers to get holistic nutrition and superfood supplements.
D Consumers can try different manufacturers and then choose what is best for them.

24 With reference to paragraph 5, what is lacking in supplements?

A Supplements do not provide healthy nutrients.
B Supplements are limited to calcium, vitamins and folic acid.
C Supplements cannot provide the same nutrients as a plate of food.
D Supplements do not have the same food combination as a plate of food.

25 In paragraph 6, why is taking higher-than-recommended doses of supplements dangerous?

A It is very harmful.
B It may cause death.
C It may cause side effects.
D It may cause body aches and joint pains.

26 What is the purpose of the writer in writing this article?

A To state who should take supplements.
B To let readers know what supplements are made up of.
C To write about the variety of supplements available in the market.

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D To show that vitamins, minerals and nutrients from food are still the best when compared to
taking supplements.

Part 4

[ 8 marks ]

[ Time suggested : Twenty minutes ]

Questions 27 to 32

You are going to read an article about the 5G technology.

Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose the sentences (A to H) to fit each gap (27 to 32).
There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. For each questions, mark the correct answer
(A to H) on your answer sheet.

Understanding the Advantages of 5G

What is 5G exactly? 27 . It offers much faster data download-and-upload speeds.

compared to 4G, 5G networks feature improvements that will have far-reaching impacts on how
people live, work, and play all over the world.

Each wireless network generation has reflected a significant increase in speed. The benefits
of 5G - the 5th generation of cellular network technology - we'll have to push far beyond 4G LTE.
5G has the predicted speeds of up to 10Gbps, which amounts to a hundredfold increase if compared
to the speed off 4G. 28 . For example, with 4G, we need at least 10 minutes to download a
high-resolution movie at optimum speeds. however, we can download the same movie at peak
download speeds in just six seconds with 5G.

29 . In other words, latency is the time needed for a device to react to the order
given by a user. One of the goals for each wireless generation has been to reduce latency. New 5G
networks will have even lower latency than 4G LTE, with the round-trip transmission of data taking
less than 5 milliseconds. The short latency of 5G can be applied in a wide range of fields. 30

5G latency makes many previously unthinkable innovations possible and one of them is
Internet of Things (IoT). 31 . These physical objects can connect and exchange data with
11 other devices and systems over the Internet. For example, IoT enables the manufacturer to improve
© English Departmentefficiency.
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IoT, The machines in factories can be connected, monitored and
analysed so that they can perform at their optimum levels.
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A It is the next generation of mobile Internet connection.

B Therefore, it is essential for us to understand and embrace the technology.
C For example, in the field of medicine, the surgeon living in one country can perform a “tele-
surgery” on a patient living in another country by operating a surgical device remotely.
D The United States, China, and South Korea are expected to be among the first to install full 5G
E In real life, the speed and enhancements of 5G will mean exciting possibilities for consumers.
F 5G will enable billions of new connections with speed and security.
G The Internet of Things (IoT). Refers to the network of physical things, such as machines,
animals, people and computers, that are embedded with sensors, software, and other
H lithomancy measures how long a signal takes to go from its source to its receiver, and then back

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Part 5

[ 8 marks ]

[ Time suggested : Twenty minutes ]

Questions 33 to 40

We interviewed six students about places they would like to go for a weekend gateaway. Read the following
information below and answer questions that follow.

A – Fredrinn, 17 years old D – Beatrix, 15 years old

I read about Tam Hill resort which is set amidst 45 I have never been to Malacca, the famous
acres of vast tropical beauty. The unique resort is Historical City. I would love to walk along Jonker
built using bamboo materials and offers many land Street, visit the historical sites or go on the river
and water activities including beach volleyball, cruise. The food is not to be missed, too!
swimming, ATV, flying fox, and many more. I
love those kinds of activities.

B - Benedetta, 14 years old E - Cecilion, 16 years old

I prefer to stay in Top Glamz Genting where I would like to go to Sabah and go hiking up
guests can choose a bell tent or a pretty dome that Mount Kinabalu but I also want to have a cool
comes with a private jacuzzi! I'll wake up in the place to stay. I think I shall choose Kinabalu Glam
morning with cool air and mist all around. There is park in Kundasang, a newly-opened glamping
also a space specially built as a backdrop which spot surrounded by sweeping views of valleys,
can be perfect for glamorous-looking photos. trees and mountains.

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C - Silvanna, 15 years old F - Belerick, 17 years old

I love to go somewhere with beautiful beaches I love nature and extreme activities. Nature retreat
such as in Pulau Redang where I can go for walks is a glamping site situated in Sungai Lembing,
or just laze around. I don't really like to swim but Pahang. It is a tranquil and serene sanctuary
sometimes it's difficult to resist when everyone where I can go jungle-trekking and white-water
else is calling out for you. rafting and come back to have a well-needed rest
in the unique capsule units built for comfort with
lush trees and bushes all around.

Question 33 to 36

Using the information from the interview, match the statements below with the paragraph ( A – F ) which
describes the following gateway sites?

Statements Paragraph

33 It is an alluring place for you to stay in, relax and take selfies! ___________________

34 This is the place to experience various local cuisine, visit interesting

places and watch the city as you sail by. ___________________

35 It is set amidst lush forest where visitors can indulge themselves in

various activities. ___________________

36 You can climb mountain and spend the night at a place with a
breathtaking view. ___________________

Question 37 to 50

Using words from the interview, complete the notes below. You answer should not be more than one word.

Vacation Sites for a Gateway

It is fun and enjoyable to be able to go for a retreats all

vacations with family members or friends. Depending on
14 preference, there are many places available for selection.
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located places (37) __________ with greeneries
and beautiful sceneries you can indulge in (38) _________
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ENGLISH: PAPER 1 [1119/1]
(Reading and Use of English)
NAME: _______________________________________________________________________
CLASS: _______________________________________________________________________

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