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Online Food Ordering System

Software Requirement Specification

Shubham Aute: -2030331246044
Vaibhav Gitte: - 2030331246051
Umar Shekh: - 2030331246049
Suyog Deore: - 2030331246047



In this document I am presenting the requirements specification for an online

ordering system designed primarily for use in the food delivery industry.) My
system will allow restaurants to quickly and easily manage an online menu which’
customers can browse and use to place orders with just a few clicks. 0’e system
ten relays these orders to restaurant employees’’ an easy to navigate graphical
interface for efficient processing.

Described within the document is an overall model of the system1 outlines of

functional and non-functional requirements1 and a detailed description of the user
interface. Finally, the document presents an account of the evolution of the system
along with anticipated maintenance.
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 5

1.1 purpose ............................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Document convention ......................................................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Intended audience ............................................................................................................................................... 5

1.4 product scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Overall Description ................................................................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Product Perspective ............................................................................................................................................. 7

2.2 Product Features ................................................................................................................................................. 7

2.3 Operating Environment....................................................................................................................................... 7

3. Functional and Non- Functional Requirements ..................................................................................................... 8

3.1 Functional Requirement ...................................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Non-Functional Requirement .............................................................................................................................. 9

4. UML Diagrams ....................................................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 Sequence Diagrams ........................................................................................................................................... 10

4.2 Activity Diagrams ............................................................................................................................................. 11

4.3 Class Diagram ................................................................................................................................................... 11

4.4 Use-Case Diagram ............................................................................................................................................ 12

5. Usage Scenarios........................................................................................................................................................ 15
Chapter 1
1.1 Purpose
The project “Online food ordering website” will enable the end users to register online, read
and select the food from menu card and order food online by just selecting the food that the
user want to have using android application. The results after selecting the food from the menu
card will directly appear on the screen near the chef who’s going to cook the food for you.

1.2 Document Convection

When writing then SRS document for Online food ordering website the following
terminologies are:
To make the document more efficient and readable I used bet font style and font size and
headings are bold and highlighted with attractive colours.

1.3 Intended Audience

All the people of that village.
Also, the people of nearby village or city.

1.4 Product Scope

• Easy to use.
• Enable smooth and secure operation.
• Increase processing speed.
• Enhance better responsive and control.
• User friendly interface.
• Enhance satisfaction.
• Secure from unauthorized person.
This Online food ordering Web-application will also help in

• Making software management easy: Software application can be stored and

grouped logically making it easy to identify, deploy and manage them.

• Avoid multiple copies of software application: With all the software

packages stored in a common folder; it is less likely that multiple copies of the same

software packages will exist at different locations.

• Minimize security risk: Security risks are minimized since folder in which all the

software packages are stored has the Read only permission applied to it.

• Enable easy backup: It becomes easy to take a backup of this folder because all

the software packages are stored in one folder.

Chapter 2

Overall Description:
2.1 Product Perspective
The software described in this SRS is the software for a complete Restaurant food ordering
system. The system merges various hardware and software elements and further interfaces
with external systems. it relies on a number of external interfaces for persistence and
unhandled tasks as well as physically interfacing with humans

2.2 Product Features

The Restaurant food ordering system interfaces with an existing payment system, including a
cash register and software accessible credit system, in order to quickly and easily handle
customer billing. The payment system should be operable such that it can return information
to the RFOS system as to whether payment was successful or failed.

2.3 Operating Environment

The Surface Computer UI is the interface used by restaurant customers. This interface uses the
surface computer paradigm- users interact with the system by dragging 'objects' around on the
flatscreen touch-sensitive display.

The Tablet UI is designed to run on a small, wireless-enabled touch-screen tablet PC, to be

used by waiters to accommodate customer needs. The Display UI provides kitchen staff with
simple functionality related to ordered items.

Chapter 3

3.1 Functional Requirements:

1. Registration
If customer wants to order the food, then he/she must be registered, unregistered user
can’t go for ordering.

2. Login
The customer login to the system by entering valid user id and password for ordering.

3. Display the menu

In the system all the items are displayed with their rates.

4. Modify menu
System can make changings in menu like adding or removing food items which are not

5. Select food item/s

Items are selected customer feel free to order.

6. Changes to order
Changes to order means the customer can make changings in order like he/she can delete
or add food item in order.

7. Review the order before submitting

Before submitting the complete order is reviewed to the customer. Customer name,
phone number, location (address) and placed order, hen finally order is submitted.

8. Payment
For customer there are many types of secure billing will be prepaid as debit or credit
card, post-paid as after delivering, check or bank draft.

9. Provide delivery and payment details

Here bill is generated, order no. and payment are given and confirmation of delivery is

After the payment or surf the product, the customer will log out.
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements:

1. Portability
System running on one platform can easily be converted to run on another platform.

2. Reliability
The ability of the system to behave consistently in a user-acceptable manner when
operating within the environment for which the system was intended.

3. Availability
The system should be available at all times, meaning the user can access it using a web
browser, only restricted by the down time of the server on which the system runs.

4. Maintainability
A commercial database is used for maintaining the database and the application server
takes care of the site.

5. Security
Secure access of confidential data (customer information).

6. User friendly
System should be easily used by the customer.

7. Performance
Performance should be fast.

8. Efficient
System should be efficient that it won’t get hang if heavy traffic of order is placed.

9. Safety
Data in the database of system should not loss or damage.

Personal data of the system should not disclose to anyone.
Chapter 4


4.1 Sequence Diagram

4.2 Activity Diagram

4.3 Class Diagram
4.4 User-case Diagram
Chapter 6

Usage Scenario

Use Case Title Signup

Use case Id 01
Actor Admin
Description Admin can create new account to login to application
Pre-Condition Web application should in running condition
Post Condition Action performed Successfully
Author Admin
Modification History 1.0
Modification Date 2021/2022

Use case Title Login

Use case Id 02
Actor Admin
Description Admin can create new account to login to application
Pre-condition Web Application should in running condition
Post condition Action Performed Successfully
Author Admin
Modification History 1.0
Modification Date 2021/2022

Use case Title Maintain Software and Customer

Use case Id 03
Actor Admin
Description Admin can create new account to login to application
Pre-condition Manage remedies page should available
Post condition Action Performed Successfully
Author Admin
Modification History 1.0
Modification Date 2021/2022
Use case Title Add/Remove Software
Use case Id 04
Actor Admin
Description Description Admin will manage all software
Pre-condition View and remove option of software
Post condition Action performed Successfully
Author Admin
Modification History 1.0
Modification Date 2021/2022

Use case Title Access Website

Use case Id 05
Actor Admin
Description Description Admin will manage all software
Pre-condition View and remove option of software
Post condition Action performed Successfully
Author Admin
Modification History 1.0
Modification Date 2021/2022

Use case Title Booking

Use case Id 06
Actor Customer
Description Book an item by Customer
Post condition Action performed Successfully
Author Admin
Modification History 1.0
Modification Date 2021/2022

Use case title Payment

Use case id 07
Actor Coatomer
Description Payment is done by customer
Post Condition Action performed Successfully
Author Admin
Modification History 1.0
Modification Date 2021/2022
Use case Title Logout
Use case Id 06
Actor Admin
Description Admin can logout to this application
Pre-condition Application should in running condition
Post condition Select the option of logout
Author Admin
Modification History 1.0
Modification Date 2021/2022

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