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Experimental investigation on maximizing conveying efficiency of belt

conveyors used in series application and estimation of power consumption
through statistical analysis

Article in Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy · November 2022

DOI: 10.1002/ep.14031


0 33

3 authors, including:

Madhab chandra Jena Sarat Kumar Mishra

Biju Patnaik University of Technology Biju Patnaik University of Technology


All content following this page was uploaded by Madhab chandra Jena on 26 September 2023.

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Received: 2 August 2022 Revised: 16 September 2022 Accepted: 3 November 2022
DOI: 10.1002/ep.14031

Sustainable Energy

Experimental investigation on maximizing conveying

efficiency of belt conveyors used in series application
and estimation of power consumption through
statistical analysis

Madhab Chandra Jena 1 | Sarat Kumar Mishra 2 | Himanshu Sekhar Moharana 3

Mechanical Engineering, BPUT, Rourkela,
India Abstract
BCET, BPUT, Rourkela, India In this research work, different parameters have been studied which affect the
GIFT, BPUT, Rourkela, India
energy consumption of belt conveyors. The effect of conveying distance and vertical
Correspondence lift on energy consumption was studied in detail by collecting energy consumption
Madhab Chandra Jena, BPUT, Ishanpur, Jajpur,
and other associated data of belt conveyors from different cement plants and ana-
Odisha 755005, India.
Email: lyzed with the help of different statistical analysis. The highest specific energy con-
sumption was found to be 0.0011 kWh/Ton-m in the smallest belt conveyor of 15 m
and the lowest specific energy consumption was found to be 0.0007 kWh/Ton-m in
the longest belt conveyor of 100 m. Specific energy consumption is reduced up to
36% per ton-meter of material conveying in the longest belt conveyor compared with
the smallest belt conveyor. On the contrary, the specific energy consumption for dif-
ferent vertical lifts is found almost the same. Hence, it can be suggested that for hori-
zontal conveying, the series of belt conveyors should be replaced with a single long
conveyor to achieve maximum conveying efficiency and to lower specific energy
consumption. The above study will be helpful for heavy industries such as cement
plants, steel plants, and so forth to reduce their energy consumption on belt con-
veyors and achieve the environmental sustainability goals. At the last part of the
study an equation is derived for estimating energy consumption in belt conveyors by
applying multiple regression analysis. The proposed equation will be helpful for esti-
mation of energy consumption of belt conveyors according to which the decision for
conveyor length can be taken.

belt conveyor, conveying distance, conveying efficiency, power consumption, power estimation,
vertical lift


All coauthors have agreed to submit the manuscript to the journal. The negative impact of industrialization on environment is on the rise
The findings have not been published elsewhere. day by day which includes burning of fossil fuel to meet the increasing
The manuscript is not currently under consideration by another journal. energy demand of industries and individuals. To mitigate this impact,

Environ Prog Sustainable Energy. 2022;e14031. © 2022 American Institute of Chemical Engineers. 1 of 11
2 of 11 JENA ET AL.

every industry and every individual needs to be sensitive towards use Roller, L-channels and support, to minimize the overall weight of
of energy in an effective way. Another concern for the industries is assembly through geometrical and finite element modeling using
the rising electricity prices and changing tariff structures are compel- CATIA V5R20 and finite Element analysis done in ANSYS14.5.13
ling factors for efficient and cost-effective use of electricity. Especially From the earlier study it is clarified with one energy consumption
in energy-intensive industrial applications, such as bulk material han- model for belt conveyors with long, troughed belts have been pro-
dling needs to be looked at as a high potential area of energy posed which could be for accurate assessment of the energy con-
saving. Different studies were also conducted earlier for energy sumption and operating cost suitable for conveyors longer than
sustainability and environmental sustainability, some models are pro- 1 km.14 However, long belts are more technically challenging to con-
posed by the researchers for viability and its application in the indus- trol at high speeds, and so, many are relatively slow with a typical
trial and residential applications.4–7 speed of less than 8 m/s.15
Conveyor belts are one of the major power consuming equipment A detailed experiment needs to be conducted to see whether
in heavy industries like cement plants and steel plants. It is estimated specific energy consumption comes down or not when conveying dis-
that the belt conveyors consume up to 40% of the total electrical tance increases with similar load conditions. To know the exact effect
energy consumed in an industrial processing unit.8 of conveying distance the detailed experiment is conducted and infer-
Earlier, the focus on energy reduction in the belt conveyors was ence drawn in this study. In addition, the study conducted for estima-
more on the mechanical and electrical components deployed on the tion of specific power consumption in the belt conveyors with
conveyor system.9 Different optimized algorithms for energy saving in different conveying distance and vertical lift considering similar load
belt conveyors have been proposed in the research conducted ear- conditions.
lier. However, there is also a need for the energy model to capture The typical belt conveyor is shown in Figure 1 consists of rubber
the quantities of material transferred by conveyors for the purposes belt, head pulley, gearbox, electrical motor, tail pulley, carrying idlers,
of energy cost optimization, as demonstrated by Mathaba et al.3 The return idlers, and take-up pulley.16 Conveyors are designed to take
research carried out by Zhang and Xia where the researchers pro- the load on account of moving the own weight and with material,
posed an analytical energy model, originating from ISO 5048 which is conveying the material horizontally and conveying the load verti-
based on optimization approach to improve the energy efficiency of cally. For the energy efficient conveyor, the most important parame-
belt conveyors at the operational level.10 ter is the start-up of the conveyor which takes highest load when
Another study was also conducted where different types of belt moves from rest position17 according to which the components are
conveyor, that is, the single drive belt conveyor, the single-tandem designed.
drive belt conveyor and the multidrive belt conveyor are com- Power consumption of belt conveyors are well established in dif-
pared.11 Where it is clarified that the multidrive belt conveyors are ferent text books and research papers which is given below.18
more efficient compared with the other two. It is always important
to consider the factors for energy efficiency at the time of designing. P ¼ ðT  V Þ=1000, ð1Þ
A study conducted earlier where it is proposed how the effective
design considering different parameters which includes belt speed, where P is consumption of conveyor in kW; T, steady state belt ten-
belt width, motor selection, belt specification, shaft diameter, pulley, sion in N; V, linear speed of belt conveyor in m/s.18
gear box selection, with the help of standard model calculation.12
Another study conducted aiming to optimize the critical parts like T ¼ 1:37 f  L g ½2 W i þ ð2 W b þ W m Þ cos ðδÞ þ ðH g W m Þ,

FIGURE 1 Belt conveyor with different parts.

JENA ET AL. 3 of 11

where f, coefficient of friction; L, conveying distance of conveyor in The second parameter that is to be considered for minimization
meter; g, acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2); Wi, load due to the of energy consumption is conveying distance (L). From expression (2)
idlers in kg/m; Wb, load due to belt in kg/m; Wm, load due to the con- it is clear that the energy consumption increases when conveying dis-
veyed materials in kg/m; δ, angle of inclination of the conveyor in tance is increased. But a detailed experiment needs to be conducted
degree; H, vertical lift of the conveyor in meter. to see whether specific energy consumption comes down or not when
Hence power consumption equation can also be written as conveying distance increases with similar load conditions. To know
the exact effect of conveying distance on specific energy consump-

P ¼ f1:37 f  L g ½2 W i þ ð2 W b þ W m Þ cos ðδÞ þ ðH g W m Þg V=1000: tion detailed experiment is being conducted.
The third parameter that is to be considered for minimization of
Similarly specific energy consumption for conveyor belts can be energy consumption is load due to the idlers (Wi). From expression (2)
given as: it is clear that the energy consumption increases when load due to
idlers increases. So, to decrease the load of idlers the specific weight
Esp ¼ E=C, of the idlers should be minimized as much as possible by selecting
proper material for the idlers.
where Esp, specific energy consumption; E, total energy consumption The study conducted on design parameters like idle roller mate-
in kWh in a specific time period; C, work done by belt conveyor in rial, trough angle, idle roller spacing, idle roller diameter, and idle roller
Ton-m in a specific period. bearing operational conditions and the result summarized for
From above equation it is clear that specific power consumption troughed belt system show high coherency with the theory, where
is directly proportional to total energy consumption in specific period using larger idle rollers and smaller idle roller spacing resulted in lower
and inversely proportional to the work done by the conveyor in Ton IRR.20
meter in a specific period. The fourth parameter that is to be considered for minimization of
Mathematically energy consumption is load due to belt in kg/m (Wb). From expression
(2) it is clear that the energy consumption increases when load due to
Esp / E Esp / 1=C: belt increases. Hence, to decrease the load of belts the specific weight
of the belts should be minimized as much as possible by selecting
Hence to minimize the specific power consumption the aim is to proper grades of material. The study conducted earlier by the
minimize the energy consumption and/or maximize the work done by researchers proposed how the belt tension, specific weight, elastic
the belt conveyor. properties of the belt material and individual types of resistances
Further energy consumption (E) can be written as affect the energy consumption of belt conveyors.15,21
The fifth parameter to be considered for minimization of energy
E ¼ P T, consumption is load due to the materials to be conveyed in kg/m
(Wm). Though, as per expression (2) the energy consumption
where P, power consumption; T, time. increases due to the quantity increase in conveying material but it
should be higher to decrease the specific energy consumption with

Or E / f1:37 f  L g ½2 W i þ ð2 W b þ W m Þ cos ðδÞ þ ðH g W m Þg V=1000, similar Energy consumption. The loading should be uniform and maxi-
mized to reduce the specific energy consumption. Energy efficiency in
E / f,L,W i ,W b ,W m ,δ,H,and V: ð2Þ belt conveyors is achieved by matching belt speed to the input mate-
rial feed rate in order to maximize the mass of material conveyed per
Further it is clear that to minimize the specific energy consump- unit length and, consequently, per unit of energy consumption.22 The
tion f, L, Wi, Wb, Wm, δ, H, and V needs to be optimized. mismatch between speed and the feed rate exists because, in practice,
When frictional force (f ) is considered for reducing the energy conveyors tend to operate at slightly below full capacity. Belt con-
consumption, it needs to be explained that frictional force (f ) between veyors are usually oversized during design to cater to anticipated
rollers and conveyor belt normally ranges from 0.016 to 0.027. As capacity expansions and sometimes to standardized component sizes
per expression (2), lower the frictional force obtained the specific in an effort to lower maintenance costs.23
energy consumption will be lower. There are various techniques In mining applications, conveyors may be loaded by an excavator,
which can be implemented for reducing the frictional force. resulting in an uneven loading of the belt, so that the overall material
Some of the important techniques are cleaning of the rollers peri- flow rate is 50%–70% of full capacity.24 The model explained a
odically to avoid deposition of material which leads to increase the steady-state condition with a uniform material mass per unit length
frictional force, old rough belt portions can be replaced by new ones through-out the whole belt.25,26 On very long belts, the effect of vari-
to reduce the frictional force due to rough surfaces and so forth. able mass per unit length can be significant, because it takes a signifi-
Proper lubrication of roller bearings needs to be done to reduce resis- cant amount of time for material to move from a loading point (at the
tance and frictional loss. tail) to a discharge point (at the head).
4 of 11 JENA ET AL.

F I G U R E 2 Methodology
adopted for conducting the study.

The sixth parameter to be considered for minimization of energy verified for its correctness on a sample basis by using appropriate cali-
consumption is the angle of inclination of the conveyor in degree (δ). brated measuring tools. The analysis has been done to find how the
From expression (2) it is clear that the angle of inclination increases power consumption has been changed by changing the various
the power consumption also increases. It is the factor of conveying parameters of belt conveyors like conveying distance, vertical lift, and
distance and height so the ratio of height and conveying distance to so forth by using correlation and regression analysis.
be optimized for minimizing the angle of inclination of conveyor. The outcome has been compared with calculated power consump-
The seventh parameter to be considered for minimization of energy tion data and a conclusion was drawn accordingly. At the last part of
consumption is the vertical lift of the conveyor in meters (H). From the study the belt conveyor power consumption estimation expression
expression (2) it is clear that the conveying height increases the power was derived using multiple regression analysis. The Methodology
consumption also increases. The specific power consumption has been adopted for conducting the research is given below in Figure 2.
verified by doing the experiment in detailsin the later part of the study.
The eighth parameter to be considered for minimization of energy
consumption is the velocity of the belt conveyor in meters per second 3 | S T U D Y ON P O W E R C O N S U M P T I O N OF
(V). From expression (2) it is clear that the velocity of belt conveyor BELT CO NV EY ORS
increases the power consumption also increases. The velocity also needs
to increase to maximize the capacity which in turn reduces the specific The study has been conducted on the belt conveyors having different
power consumption. But the study conducted earlier shows that assign- capacities, that is, 100 Tons per hour (TPH), 200 TPH, 300 TPH, and
ing lower belt speeds at constant belt capacity results in higher IRR due 400 TPH. The study conducted first on the belt conveyors having a
to higher loads imposed on the belt under these conditions. capacity of 100 TPH and having different lengths of conveyors as
This does not match with the generic rule that power demand shown in Table 1. The final data is obtained by taking 20 numbers of
increases with increasing belt speed.20 In another work, efficiency of a readings each and after getting the mean value. It is observed that the
conveyor system is evaluated by integrating all the factors that have mean load was 9.3 kW in 100 m conveyor and 1.7 kW in 15-m length
an influence on the power consumption. An energy efficient conveyor conveyor. The relationship of the power consumption with the differ-
system has been developed by using variable speed drive (VSD) mech- ent conveying distance has been depicted by the correlation method
anism resulting energy saving in different running conditions.27 In a which is shown in Figure 3. The correlation coefficient found to be
similar study, an optimal switching control and a VSD based system 0.9906. The governing equation is: y = 0.0907x + 0.5895.The specific
has been proposed which is suitable to improve the energy efficiency power consumption varies from 0.0009 to 0.0011 kWh/ton-m.
of belt conveyor systems at the different operational levels, where The study conducted on the belt conveyors having capacity of
benefits are derived after considering time-of-use tariff, ramp rate of 200 TPH and having different lengths of conveyors as shown in
belt speed, and other system constraints.25 Table 2. The final data is obtained by taking 20 numbers of readings
A Similar study conducted in another research where soft starters each and after getting the mean value.
and VSDs are used to reduce starting torque and load detecting It is observed that the mean load was 13.9 kW in 100 m conveyor
switching system to reduce number of operating hours. The average and 3.2 kW in 15-m length conveyor. The relationship of the power
power consumption at the start was reduced down to 47%.28 consumption with the different conveying distance has been depicted
by the correlation method which is shown in Figure 4. The correlation
coefficient found to be 0.9805. The governing equation is:
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS y = 0.1167x + 1.9467. The specific power consumption varies from
0.0007 to 0.0011 kWh/ton-m.
Some of the techniques for reducing energy consumption in belt con- The study conducted on the belt conveyors having capacity of
veyors have already been discussed above. Further study will be con- 300 TPH and having different lengths of conveyors as shown in
ducted in detail mainly focusing on conveying distance and vertical lift Table 3. The final data is obtained by taking 20 readings each and
of the conveyors. For verifying the theoretical power consumption after getting the mean value. It is observed that the mean load was
compared with actual power consumption the power consumption 19.6 kW in 100 m conveyor 4.5 kW in 15-m length conveyor.
data has been collected from different cement plants in Odisha and The relationship of the power consumption with the different convey-
other parts of India along with other parameters. The data also ing distance has been depicted by the correlation method which is
JENA ET AL. 5 of 11

TABLE 1 Power consumption in 100 TPH conveyors with different conveying distance

Sl. Belt Capacity of Conveying Vertical Belt Mean Sp. power

no. conveyor no. conveyor (TPH) length (m) lift (m) width (mm) load (kW) (kWh/Ton-m)
1 BC-1 100 15 0 800 1.7 0.0011
2 BC-2 100 30 0 800 3.2 0.0011
3 BC-3 100 45 0 800 4.9 0.0011
4 BC-4 100 60 0 800 6.3 0.0011
5 BC-5 100 75 0 800 7.6 0.0010
6 BC-6 100 100 0 800 9.3 0.0009

FIGURE 3 Correlation analysis power consumption versus conveying distance in 100 TPH conveyor.

TABLE 2 Power consumption in 200 TPH conveyors with different conveying distance

Sl. Belt Capacity of Conveying Vertical Belt Mean Sp. power

no. conveyor no. conveyor (TPH) length (m) lift (m) width (mm) load (kW) (kwh/Ton-m)
1 BC-7 200 15 0 900 3.2 0.0011
2 BC-8 200 30 0 900 6.25 0.0010
3 BC-9 200 45 0 900 7.3 0.0008
4 BC-10 200 60 0 900 8.8 0.0007
5 BC-11 200 75 0 900 10.16 0.0007
6 BC-12 200 100 0 900 13.9 0.0007

shown in Figure 5. The correlation coefficient found to be 0.9473. governing equation is: y = 0.2503x + 1.9066. The specific power con-
The governing equation is: y = 0.1712x + 2.8083. The specific power sumption varies from 0.0007 to 0.0011 kWh/ton-m.
consumption varies from 0.0007 to 0.0011 kWh/ton-m.
The study conducted on the belt conveyors having capacity of
400 TPH and having different lengths of conveyors as shown in 4 | POWER CONSU MPTI ON WITH
Table 4. The final data is obtained by taking 20 readings each and DI FF E R E N T V E R T I C A L L I F T
after getting the mean value. It is observed that the mean load was
27.8 kW in 100 m conveyor 6.3 kW in 15-m length conveyor. The The study has been conducted on the belt conveyors having capacity
relationship of the power consumption with the different conveying of 100 TPH. The study conducted to find out power consumption
distance has been depicted by the correlation method which is shown with different vertical heights and the obtained data is given in
in Figure 6. The correlation coefficient found to be 0.9878. The Table 5.
6 of 11 JENA ET AL.

FIGURE 4 Correlation analysis power consumption versus conveying distance in 200 TPH conveyors.

TABLE 3 Power consumption in 300 TPH conveyors with different conveying distance

Sl. Belt Capacity of Conveying Vertical Belt Mean Sp. power

no. conveyor no. conveyor (TPH) length (m) lift (m) width (mm) load (kW) (kWh/Ton-m)
1 BC-13 300 15 0 1000 4.5 0.0010
2 BC-14 300 30 0 1000 9.8 0.0011
3 BC-15 300 45 0 1000 9.8 0.0007
4 BC-16 300 60 0 1000 11.9 0.0007
5 BC-17 300 75 0 1000 16.9 0.0008
6 BC-18 300 100 0 1000 19.6 0.0007

FIGURE 5 Correlation analysis power consumption versus conveying distance in 300 TPH conveyors.

The final data is obtained by taking 20 readings each and after 5 | S P E C I F I C P O W E R CO N S U M P T I O N O F

getting the mean value. It is observed that the mean load was 1.3 kW C O N V E Y O R S WI T H D I F F E R E N T C O N V E Y I N G
in 5 m vertical height and 4.8 kW in 20 m vertical lift. The relationship DI STAN C E
of the power consumption with the different vertical lift has been
depicted by correlation method which is shown in Figure 7. The study has been conducted by selecting six numbers of belt
The correlation coefficient found to be 0.998. The governing conveyors having different conveying distances. Their specific
equation is: y = 0.234x + 0.085. The specific power consumption power consumption has been calculated in different lengths and
found in the range of 0.0024–0.0026 kWh/Ton-m. given in Table 6. The specific power consumption trend has been
JENA ET AL. 7 of 11

TABLE 4 Power consumption in 400 TPH conveyors with different conveying distance

Sl. Belt Capacity of Conveying Vertical Belt Mean Sp. power

no. conveyor no. conveyor (TPH) length (m) lift (m) width (mm) load (kW) (kWh/Ton-m)
1 BC-19 400 15 0 1200 6.3 0.0011
2 BC-20 400 30 0 1200 10.1 0.0008
3 BC-21 400 45 0 1200 11.9 0.0007
4 BC-22 400 60 0 1200 16.3 0.0007
5 BC-23 400 75 0 1200 20.4 0.0007
6 BC-24 400 100 0 1200 27.8 0.0007

FIGURE 6 correlation analysis power consumption versus conveying distance in 400 TPH conveyor.

TABLE 5 Power consumption in the conveyors with different vertical lift

Sp. energy
Sl. no. Belt conveyor no. Capacity of conveyor TPH Length (m) Vertical lift (m) Mean power (kW) (kWh/TPH/vertical lift in m)
1 BC-1 100 15 5 1.3 0.0026
2 BC-2 100 15 7 1.7 0.0024
3 BC-3 100 15 10 2.4 0.0024
4 BC-4 100 15 12 2.9 0.0024
5 BC-5 100 15 16 3.8 0.0024
6 BC-6 100 15 20 4.8 0.0024

put in the Minitab software and the graph is given in Figure 8. The 6 | E S T A B LI S H I N G P O W E R
specific power consumption varies from 0.0011 to 0.0007 kWh/ CONSU M PTI ON EQ U ATIO N
When we analyze the correlation for all the conveyors following It is evident from Equation (1), the main parameters for determining
result was found. For 100-m length belt conveyor, the correlation the power consumption of belt conveyors are capacity of the con-
equation found to be: y = 2E-06x + 0.0012 and the coefficient of veyor, conveying distance, and vertical lift. These three main parame-
correlation, R = 0.9081. For 200-m length belt conveyor, the correla-
ters have been collected from the field for different conveyors with
tion equation found to be: y = 5E-06x + 0.0011 and the coefficient their corresponding power consumption which is given in Table 7. By
of correlation, R2 = 0.8054. For 300-m length belt conveyor, the cor- using this data, one equation will be deduced to find out the power
relation equation found to be: y = 5E-06x + 0.0011 and the coeffi- consumption by using multiple regression analysis.
cient of correlation, R = 0.6307. For 400-m length belt conveyor, the
Applying multiple linear regression equation:
correlation equation found to be: y = 4E-06x + 0.001 and the coef-
ficient of correlation, R2 = 0.5497. y ¼ a1 x1 þ a2 x2 þ a3 x3 þ … þ an  1xn  1 þ an xn þ b:
8 of 11 JENA ET AL.

FIGURE 7 Correlation analysis power consumption versus vertical lift.

TABLE 6 Power consumption in 400 TPH conveyors with different conveying distance

Conveying Sp. power kWh/Ton-m in Sp. power Kwh/Ton-m in Sp. power Kwh/Ton-m in Sp. power Kwh/Ton-m in
length (m) 100 m belt conveyor 200 m belt conveyor 300 m belt conveyor 400 m belt conveyor
15 0.0011 0.0011 0.0010 0.0011
30 0.0011 0.0010 0.0011 0.0008
45 0.0011 0.0008 0.0007 0.0007
60 0.0011 0.0007 0.0007 0.0007
75 0.0010 0.0007 0.0008 0.0007
100 0.0009 0.0007 0.0007 0.0007

FIGURE 8 Specific power consumption of conveyors in different conveying distance.

where Y, power consumption; conveying capacity (TPH), X1; vertical Residual sum of squares: rss = 42.4329; coefficient of determina-
lift (m), X2; conveying length (m), X3; a1, 0.073; a2, 0.868; a3, 0.016; b, tion: R2 = 0.964.
221,211.694. To know the validity of the derived equation the theo-
retical power calculated by using the derived equation and
y ¼ 0:073X1 þ 0:868X2 þ 0:016X3  11:694: actual power consumption given in Table 7 has been compared
JENA ET AL. 9 of 11

TABLE 7 Power consumption in 400 TPH conveyors with different conveying distance

Sl. no. Belt no. Material Capacity (TPH)-X1 Vertical lift (m)-X2 Length (m)-X3 Mean load (kW) Theoretical load (kW)
1 2D1.BC01 Lime stone 220 3.7 10 7.8 7.7
2 2D1.BC02 Lime stone 300 8 60 17.5 18.1
3 2E1.BC01 Lime stone 250 4 141 10.7 12.3
4 2E1.BC03 Lime stone 300 8 67 18.1 18.2
5 2H1.BC01 lime stone 50 13 76 6.7 4.5
6 2H1.BC02 lime stone 72 22 94 13.4 14.2
7 3E1.BC01 Raw mix 155 10 114 12.1 10.1
8 CA1.BC01 coal 25 12 70 1.6 1.7
9 CN1.BC01 coal 30 28 143 14.3 17.1
10 5C1.BC01 clinker 225 3 49 7 8.1
11 5C1.BC02 clinker 225 3 53 7.1 8.2
12 5C1.BC03 clinker 225 3 49 7 8.1
13 5C1.BC04 clinker 350 24 156 39.8 37.2
14 5C1.BC05 clinker 225 3 16 6.5 7.6
15 5E1.BC01 gypsum 140 6.3 85 7.6 5.4
16 5E1.BC02 gypsum 145 2.5 11 3.6 1.2

by using ANOVA method of statistics and the result is given was 9.7 kW. On the other hand the maximum specific energy con-
below. sumption was found to be 0.0011 kWh/Ton-m in smallest belt con-
veyor of 15 m and the minimum specific energy consumption was
found to be 0.0007 kWh/Ton-m in longest belt conveyor of 100 m.
Summary of data
Hence it is found that the specific energy consumption comes down
Treatments by 36% per ton of material conveying when we compared the smallest

1 2 3 4 5 Total to longest conveyor. In correlation analysis there is a strong positive

correlation found between power consumption and conveying length.
N 16 16 32
P In the contrary when we analyze the specific power consumption with
X 180.8 179.7 360.5
conveying distance we found a strong negative correlation and also
Mean 11.3 11.2313 11.266
P 2 from the figure g it is evident that, when length of belt conveyors
X 3232.52 3159.29 6391.81
increases the specific energy consumption comes down. Hence, it is
SD 8.905 8.7218 8.6706 advisable to use longer conveyors to reduce power consumption by
Result details combining series of the conveyors into one rather than using it in a
Source SS df MS tandem arrangement.

Between-treatments 0.0378 1 0.0378 F = 0.00049 It is observed that in 5 m vertical lift, 100 TPH belt conveyor max-
imum load was 1.3 kW and in 20 m vertical lift, 100 TPH belt con-
Within-treatments 2330.514 30 77.6838
veyor the maximum load was 4.8 kW. On the other hand specific
Total 2330.552 31
power consumption varies from 0.024 to 0.026 kWh/Ton-m with dif-
ferent vertical lift. It is found that Power consumption increased for
The F-ratio value is 0.00049. The p-value is 0.982544. The result higher vertical lift but there is no any remarkable difference in specific
is not significant at p < 0.05. Hence the equation derived from the power consumption if the vertical lift of the conveyor increases by
multiple regression analysis can be used for power consumption esti- keeping other variables constant. Therefore, it is suggested that the
mation in belt conveyors. conveyors should be used in different lengths as per the practical
requirement for vertical lifts as there is hardly any difference i specific
power consumption depending on the vertical lift. The power con-
7 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION sumption equation is also established by using multiple regression
It is observed that in 15 m, 100 TPH belt conveyor maximum load The expression is found to be; y = 0.073X1 + 0.868X2
was 2.92 kW and in 100 m, 100 TPH belt conveyor the maximum load + 0.016X3  11.694. Where Y is the power consumption,
10 of 11 JENA ET AL.

X1 = Capacity (TPH), X2 = Vertical lift (m), X3 = Conveying length (m). (equal); project administration (equal); resources (equal); software
As per the equation deduced in introduction section other variables, (equal); validation (equal); visualization (equal); writing – original draft
that is, frictional force, idle roller load, belt load, angle of inclination, (equal); writing – review and editing (equal). Sarat Kumar Mishra:
and speed of the belt conveyor which affect the power consumption Supervision (equal); validation (equal). Himanshu Sekhar Moharana:
also. But these are having lower impact and also inclusive in the equa- Supervision (equal); validation (equal).
tion as the equation is derived from the actual power consumption
happened in the field considering effect of all the parameters. During DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
designing or modifications the main factors considered are conveying Data openly available in a public repository that issues datasets
distance, capacity, and vertical lift hence, those parameters with DOIs.
were considered for regression analysis for deducing the equation.
Madhab Chandra Jena
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age is lower or belt conveyor runs empty. Repair and maintenance of nesses when changing electricity tariffs. Appl Energy. 2014;133:
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