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Table of Contents

Quarterly Report ........................................................................................................................................... 1

【Confirmation by Representative Director】 ............................................................................................ 2
I. Company Overview............................................................................................................................ 3
1. Company Overview............................................................................................................................ 3
2. Company History ............................................................................................................................... 4
3. Matters Pertaining to Changes to Capital ........................................................................................... 6
4. Total Number of Shares ..................................................................................................................... 6
5. Matters Pertaining to the Articles of Incorporation ........................................................................... 7
II. Business Activities ............................................................................................................................. 8
1. Business Overview ............................................................................................................................. 8
2. Major Products and Services .............................................................................................................. 8
3. Raw Materials and Facilities .............................................................................................................. 8
4. Sales and Order .................................................................................................................................. 9
5. Risk Management and Derivatives .................................................................................................. 10
6. Major Contracts and Research ......................................................................................................... 12
7. Other Matters.................................................................................................................................... 13
III. Financial Matters .............................................................................................................................. 17
1. Summarized financial information ................................................................................................... 17
2. Consolidated Financial Statements .................................................................................................. 19
3. Notes on Consolidated Financial Statements ................................................................................... 24
4. Financial Statements ........................................................................................................................ 60
5. Notes on Financial Statements ......................................................................................................... 64
6. Matters Pertaining to Dividends ..................................................................................................... 103
7. Matters concerning financing by issuance of securities ................................................................. 105
8. Other Financial Matters .................................................................................................................. 107
IV. Directors’ Management Diagnoses and Analytic Opinions ........................................................... 111
V. Auditor’s Audit Opinion ................................................................................................................ 112
1. Matters concerning external audit .................................................................................................. 112
2. Internal Accounting Management System ..................................................................................... 114
VI. Company’s Organizations such as the Board of Directors ............................................................ 115
1. Board of Directors .......................................................................................................................... 115
2. Matters Pertaining to Audit System ............................................................................................... 121
3. Matters Pertaining to General Meeting of Shareholders, etc. ........................................................ 125
VII. Shareholders ................................................................................................................................... 128
1. Shareholding of the Largest Shareholder and its Special Interest Parties ...................................... 128
2. Changes to the largest shareholder ................................................................................................. 130
3. Distribution of Shares..................................................................................................................... 130
4. Share Price and Share Trading ....................................................................................................... 131
VIII. Executives and Employees ......................................................................................................... 132
1. Status of Executives and Employees .............................................................................................. 132
2. Remuneration to Executives........................................................................................................... 134
IX. Affiliates ......................................................................................................................................... 136
1. Name of the relevant corporate group and names of affiliates ...................................................... 136
2. Diagram to identify the control, dependence and investment among affiliates ............................. 136
3. Name of companies and details among the affiliates, which directly or indirectly affects the
management of the Company ................................................................................................................... 137
4. Status of additional positions between the Company and the affiliates ......................................... 137
5. Status of investment in other companies (summary) ..................................................................... 137
X. Transactions with Large Shareholders ........................................................................................... 138
1. Credit granting to large shareholders ............................................................................................. 138
2. Transfer or succession of assets to or from large shareholders ...................................................... 138
3. Operational transactions with large shareholders ........................................................................... 138
4. Transactions with stakeholders other than major shareholders ...................................................... 139
XI. Other Matters Necessary for the Protection of Investors ............................................................... 140
1. Progress and Change Status of Disclosure ..................................................................................... 140
2. Matters Pertaining to Contingent Liabilities .................................................................................. 140
3. Matters Pertaining to Sanctions...................................................................................................... 141
4. Other Matters Such as Significant Incidents after the Basic Date for Preparation ........................ 141
XII. Detailed Table ................................................................................................................................ 143
1. Status of Consolidated Subsidiaries (Detailed) .............................................................................. 143
2. Status of Affiliates (Detailed) ........................................................................................................ 143
3. Status of investment in other companies (detailed) ....................................................................... 156
【Confirmation by Expert】 .................................................................................................................... 157
1. Confirmation by Expert .................................................................................................................. 157
2. Interests with Expert....................................................................................................................... 157
Quarterly Report

(The 23rd year)

from 01 January 2021

Business year
to 30 September 2021

To: The Financial Services Commission

Korea Exchange 15 November 2021
Type of corporation for submission: Listed company
Occurrence of exemption reason: Not applicable
Company Name: LX Semicon Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Son Bo-Ik
Address of the Headquarters: 222 Techno 2-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
(Tel) 02- 3777-1114
Person responsible for this report: (Position) CFO (Name) Lee Hyuk-Joo
(Tel) 02-6924-3114

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【Confirmation by Representative Director】

Confirmation and Signature of Representative Director

Letter of Confirmation

We are representative director and others responsible for reporting. Based on the review and confirmation
of this annual report with significant care, we confirm that all the important matters to be provided have
been given without omission, falsification or any such signs and that nothing inducing critical
misunderstanding of users of this report has been provided or expressed.

We also hereby confirm that the Company has established and manages its internal accounting
management system based on Article 8 of the [Act on External Auditors of Share Companies] (Limited
to the companies subject to external audit based on Article 8 of the same Act).

15 November 2021

LX Semicon Co., Ltd.

Representative Director Son Bo-Ik (Signature)

Director of Reporting Choi Sung-Kwan (Signature)

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I. Company Overview

1. Company Overview

A. Outline of consolidated subsidiaries

Status (summary) of consolidated subsidiaries

(Unit: companies)

Number of consolidated companies Number of

Division major
Beginning Increase Decrease Ending subsidiaries
Listed - - - - -
Unlisted 2 1 - 3 -
Total amount 2 1 - 3 -
※ Refer to '1. Status (detailed) of consolidated subsidiaries.
Note) For details of consolidated subsidiaries, refer to ‘1. Status (detailed) of consolidated subsidiaries in XII. Detailed Table.

Changes in consolidated companies

Division Subsidiary Reason

LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd. Newly established during the current period
Newly consolidated
- -

Excluded from - -
consolidation - -
Note) LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd. has been established on 3 September with new investment.

B. Legal and commercial name of the Company

The Company’s name is LX Semicon Co., Ltd.

C. Date of establishment

The Company was established on 11 November 1999.

D. Address, telephone number and website of the headquarters

Address: (H.Q) 222 Techno 2-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (Tamnip-dong)

Telephone: +82 2 6924-3114

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Whether the Company is an SME

Whether the Company is an SME Not applicable

Whether the Company is a venture
Not applicable
Whether the Company is a middle-standing
Not applicable

E. Major areas of businesses

The Company is engaged in design, manufacturing, and sales of system semiconductor IC as its main
business, and consists of a single display business division.
For details of the Company’s major business activities, please refer to “II. Business Activities”.

F. Credit rating

In the past three years, the Company has not requested credit ratings to domestic or overseas credit rating
agencies which offer ratings and private rating agency’s interest rates not as in the credit inquiry business.

G. Stock listing (or registration and designation) and special listing of the Company

Stock listing (or Stock listing date (or Applicable regulations

Special listing
registered/designated) registration / designation) such as special listing
KOSDAQ market 08 June 2010 - -

2. Company History

A. The Company’s major historical events are as follows:

Date Major contents

Oct. 2016 Awarded the prize of sales tower 500 billion won (Daejeon City)
Mar. 2017 Change of representative director (Han Dae-Keun --> Son Bo-Ik)
Oct. 2017 Awarded the prize of sales tower 600 billion won (Daejeon City)
Acquired part of System IC business from LG Electronics Co., Ltd. (entire
May. 2018
assets and manpower related to T-Con chips for OLED TV)
The 10th Korea KOSDAQ Award (KOSDAQ Association) (awarded with
Jun. 2018
Best Job Creating Company Prize)
Oct. 2019 Awarded the prize of sales tower 700 billion won (Daejeon City)
Jun. 2021 Change of name (Silicon Works Co., Ltd. → LX Semicon Co., Ltd.)

Note) The Company changed its name from Silicon Works Co., Ltd. to LX Semicon Co., Ltd. by the extraordinary general
meeting of shareholders on 25 June 2021, and the effective date of the change of name is 1 July 2021.

B. The major historical events of LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc (USA), one of the Company’s

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subsidiaries are as follows:

Date Major contents

Oct. 2012 Establishment of legal entity (capital of USD 500,000)
Change of the company name (SILICON WORKS, INC. → LX Semicon
Jul. 2021
U.S.A., Inc)

C. The major historical events of Silicon Works China Co., Ltd., one of the Company’s
subsidiaries are as follows:

Date Major contents

March 2017 Establishment of legal entity (Paid in capital CNY 4,085,400)
May 2018 Capital increase with consideration (CNY 4,085,400 -> CNY 13,012,920)

D. The major historical events of LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd., one of the Company’s subsidiaries
are as follows:

Date Major contents

September 2021 Establishment of legal entity (Paid in capital JPY 30,000,000)

E. The headquarters location and changes of the address

11 November 1999: 4th Fl., Jeil Bank Building, 1299 Dunsan-dong, Seo gu, Daejeon, Korea
15 December 2000: 5th Fl., Semyung Hoekwan Building, 1299 Dunsan-dong, Seo gu, Dae jeon, Korea
04 October 2005: 104-13 Munji-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
31 January 2011: 222 Techno 2-ro Yuseong gu, Daejeon , Korea

F. Major changes to the management

Type of the general Appointment

Date of change meeting of Expiration or dismissal
shareholders Newly appointed Re-appointed

Regular general Representative director Son Bo-Ik, Non- Representative director Han Dae-Keun, Non-
17 Mar. 2017 meeting of executive director Min Byeong-Hun, - executive director Son Bo-Ik, External director
shareholders External director Yoon Il-Goo Lee Sang-Guk

Regular general Internal director Choi Sung-Kwan, Non- Internal director Bae Dong-Su, Non-executive
16 Mar. 2018 meeting of executive director Jeong Hyeon-Ok, - director Min Byeong-Hun, External director Moon
shareholders External director Shin Yeong-Soo Geon-Woo
Regular general
Non-executive director Jeong Yeon- Non-executive director Jeong Hyeon-Ok, External
15 Mar. 2019 meeting of -
Chae, External director Wi Kyung-Woo director Lee Nam-Joo
Regular general Representative director Son Bo-
26 Mar. 2020 meeting of - Ik, External director Yoon Il- -
shareholders Goo
Regular general Internal director Choi Sung-
18 Mar. 2021 meeting of Non-executive director Roh Jin-Seo Kwan, External director Shin Non-executive director Jeong Yeon-Chae
shareholders Yeong-Soo

Note 1) Please refer to “Ⅷ. Executives and Employees” for more details on change in management.
Note 2) Internal director Choi Sung-Kwan and external director Shin Yeong-Soo has been reappointed, other non-executive
director Jeong Yeon-Chae had resigned and other non-executive director Roh Jin-Seo, newly appointed on 18 March 2021.

G. Changes of the largest shareholder

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According to the spin-off of LG, which was the previous largest shareholder, the largest shareholder was
changed from LG Corp. to LX Holdings Co., Ltd., and the changes in the largest shareholder, etc. are
described in “2. Shareholding of the largest shareholder of VII. Shareholders”.

H. Change of company name

Date of
Before change After change Reason for change
Change of governance and
25 June 2021 Silicon Works Co., Ltd. LX Semicon Co., Ltd. improving image as a
semiconductor company

Note 1) The date of change is the date of approval of the general meeting of shareholders for the change of Articles of
Incorporation reflecting the change of company name.
Note 2) The effective date of the changed name is 1 July 2021.

3. Matters Pertaining to Changes to Capital

The Company has not changed its capital for the last 5 years.
(Unit: KRW, shares)

Types Division End of the current period

Total issued shares 16,264,300
Common shares Par value 500
Capital 8,132,150,000
Total issued shares -
Preferred shares Par value -
Capital -
Total issued shares -
Others Par value -
Capital -
Total amount Capital 8,132,150,000

4. Total Number of Shares

The total issued shares are 16,264,300 common shares as of 30 September 2021.
(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: shares)

Type of share
Division Remarks
Common shares Preferred shares Total amount
Ⅰ. Total number of shares to be issued - - 50,000,000 -
Ⅱ. Total number of shares issued so far 16,264,300 - 16,264,300 -

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Ⅲ. Total number of shares decreased so far - - - -
1. Capital decrease - - - -
2. Interest distribution - - - -
3. Redemption of redeemable
- - - -
4. Others - - - -
Ⅳ. Total number of shares issued (Ⅱ-Ⅲ) 16,264,300 - 16,264,300 -
Ⅴ. Number of treasury shares - - - -
Ⅵ. Number of outstanding shares (Ⅳ-Ⅴ) 16,264,300 - 16,264,300 -

Note) The total shares of the Company to be issued is 50 million shares, of which the issuing limit of preferred stock is 7
million shares.

5. Matters Pertaining to the Articles of Incorporation

A. History of changes to the articles of incorporation

Changed Name of general meeting

Major changes Reason for change
date of shareholders
The 20th ordinary Establishing electronic registration basis provisions, Preparing the basis for electronic
15.03.2019 general meeting of changing business handling details of transfer agent registration and clarifying the contents
shareholders and adding notification contents of the provisions
Revising items regarding separate election for audit
The 22nd ordinary Revising items regarding separate
officer, and changing texts to be able to make a
18.03.2021 general meeting of election for audit officer and flexibility
resolution through proxy by assigning an officer in
shareholders of regulations related to the committee
board of directors
Revising articles due to change of the company
The 1st extraordinary
name, clarifying business purposes and changing Revising articles due to change of the
25.06.2021 general meeting of
website in notification method according to name company name

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II. Business Activities

1. Business Overview
The Company is in the business of designing, producing and selling core parts (System IC) that drive
display panels, and consists of a single display business division.
The main products are Driver-ICs and Timing controllers that drive panels, and the Driver-ICs account
for 87.8% of total sales in the current quarter (84.2% in the prior quarter). Exports account for 98.9% of
the total sales in the current quarter (96.5% in the prior quarter).
The product development is carried out through continuous discussions with electronic companies, which
are consumers, about product specifications and characteristics, and manufacturing is outsourced to
semiconductor manufacturers.

2. Major Products and Services

[Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: 100 million won)

Product Q3 of the 23rd year The 22nd year The 21st year
Business sector Product Major product
details Sales Ratio(%) Sales Ratio(%) Sales Ratio(%)
Driver - IC 11,943 87.80 10,036 86.38 7,236 83.44
System Panel driver
Semiconductor Driver - IC,
IC IC and others 1,660 12.20 1,583 13.62 1,435 16.56
Total amount 13,603 100.00% 11,619 100.00% 8,671 100.00

3. Raw Materials and Facilities

A. Major raw materials

[Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: 100 million won)

Raw material Major supplier
Wafer, etc. 6,277 SK Hynix Co., Ltd., LG Innotek Co., Ltd., etc.
Processing cost, etc. 3,042 LB Semicon Co., Ltd., LB Lusem Co., Ltd., etc.
Note) LG Innotech Co., Ltd. among the Company’s suppliers belong to LG affiliates.

As the Company is a fabless company placing orders and commissioning semiconductor manufacturing
processes and the cost for the purchase of wafers is a very important element for the management
performance and it is considered to be confidential. Hence, the Company will not provide the unit cost
and trends of wafer prices.

B. Manufacturing capacity and facilities

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The Company is a fabless company and has no manufacturing facilities. All the necessary manufacturing
is commissioned to professional semiconductor manufacturers (foundries). Accordingly, it has no
separate manufacturing facilities and the details are not provided.

C. Commissioned Manufacturing

Fabless companies depend on commissioned processing from wafer manufacturing to package and
testing. As wafer manufacturing foundries, package and testing businesses involve large scaled
investment due the characteristics of semiconductor industry, the businesses are divided accordingly.

4. Sales and Order

A. Sales performance

[Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: 100 million won)

Business Q3 of the 23rd
Sales type Product The 22nd year The 21st year
sector year
Products System Exports 13,454 11,271 8,359
and others IC Domestic 149 348 312
Total amount 13,603 11,619 8,671

B. Sales channels, methods, strategies, and major customers

(1) Sales and mass production support organizations

As of the end of the current period, the departments of the Company are composed of TI divisions
(TV/IT/Display) and MS divisions (Mobile Solution), and TI and MS sales divisions under the TI
department and MS department are in charge of domestic and overseas sales.

(2) Sales channels

Our sales consist of direct sales from the head office, and are produced by outsourced companies and
delivered to customers. The Company develops and sells products based on consistent discussions on the
product specifications and characteristics with electronic companies, which are the buyers.

Division Sales channels

Order → LX Semicon (OEM → release → delivery)

Note) Domestics are sales within Korea

(3) Sales strategy

The Company is expected to maintain its competitiveness in the market through the development of new
products and technologies as well as differentiated customer support to strengthen the customer base and

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to expand subjects of new customers. Also, it will keep its market status by providing the optimum
solutions requested by customers as tailor made products.

(4) Main source of sales

There are two customers whose sales from a single external customer accounted for more than 10% of
the Group's sales for the current quarter, the sales were 945.7 billion won (580.3 billion won in the prior
quarter) and 236.5 billion won (106.1 billion won in the prior quarter), respectively.

C. Order situation

Driver chips for displays manufactured by the Company vary according to the size and characteristics of
display panels. Due to the nature of the purchasing policies of major panel makers, orders for necessary
quantities are usually made every 10 weeks with additional requests at any given time thereafter.

5. Risk Management and Derivatives

The Group is exposed to credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk with regard to financial instruments.
Information on the risk to which the Group is exposed is disclosed in the notes with the goal, policy, risk
evaluation and management procedure, and capital management of the Group, and additional quantitative
information is also disclosed throughout these financial statements.

A. Credit risk management

Credit risk refers to risk where the Group may have financial losses as customers or transactional
counterpart fails to fulfill contractual obligations for financial instruments, and it may mainly break out
from account receivables for customers and investment assets. the Company is trading with customers
with the certain level or higher of credit rating in an effort to reduce financial losses due to default, while
reviewing the credit ratings of customers with exposure to credit risk periodically. Credit risk may break
out even from transactions with financial institutions as well, and the Company is in principle trading
only with the banks of higher credit ranking in an effort to reduce this risk. The Company ensures that
new transactions are carried out for deposits with the higher likelihood of credit risk such as trust deposits
only after approval by the executive in charge. The exposure level of the Group to credit risk in the current
year is maximum 7,618 billion won, including cash, cashable assets, trade receivables and other

B. Management of liquidity risk

Maintaining and managing adequate liquidity is a very important matter for the Company. The Company
currently maintains non-debt management and has an adequate cash level. In addition, the Company is
making every effort to maintain and manage appropriate liquidity through periodic forecasting of funds
balance, estimating the required cash level, and managing income and expenses.
Separately, the Company is actively communicating with the financial market to secure early liquidity in
preparation for liquidity risks. We are actively reviewing overdraft and other borrowing limits to secure

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abundant liquidity.

C. Market risk

Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due
to changes in market prices.

(1) Exchange rate risk management

The Group is exposed to the exchange rate risk related to the sales profits and costs indicated in won,
which is the functioning currency. The major presentation currency for these transactions is the USD.
The book values of the cash assets and liabilities presented in major currencies other than the functioning
currency at the end of the current and the prior periods are as follows:
(Unit: 100 million won)

Current quarter End of the prior period

Assets in foreign
1,619.6 0.0 1,316.7 0.0
Liabilities in
881.0 10.9 286.2 0.0
foreign currency

The effect of the changes in foreign exchange rate for Korean won (before income tax) for the current
and the prior periods on the losses and gains are as follows
(Unit: 100 million won)

Current quarter End of the prior period

(If 5% changed) (If 5% changed)
USD ±36.9 ±51.5
JPY ±0.5 ±0.0

(2) Interest rate risk management

The Group is not recognizing the fixed interest rate financial instruments as the financial instruments for
which the profits or losses should be recognized in the current business year. Therefore, the revenues and
operating cash flows of the Group are actually independent of variations in the market interest rate.

D. Capital risk management

The capital management of the Group is for maintaining the existence of the Company as a going concern,
minimizing the capital cost for funding, maximizing the profits of the shareholders, and maintaining an
appropriate equity structure. The Group is managing its capital based on the liability ratio. The Group
manages the capital based on the ratio of liability, which is calculated by dividing the total liability in the
statement of financial position with capital. The Group maintains a proper liability ratio at 49.65% as of
the end of the current period.

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E. Transaction of Derivatives

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information.

6. Major Contracts and Research

A. Major contracts in management

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information.

B. Research and development

(1) Research and development organization


Research Center
Development Development


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(2) Research and development expenses

(Unit: million won)

Q3 of the 23rd
Category The 22nd year The 21st year
Total R&D expenses 110,295 120,928 100,030
(Government subsidies) (40) (72) (196)
Total R&D expenses after deducting
110,255 120,856 99,834
government subsidies
Selling and
administrative 110,255 120,856 99,834
Manufacturing cost - - -
Development expenses
- - -
(intangible assets)
R&D expenses/sales ratio
8.1 10.4 11.5
[R&D expenses÷current sales×100]
Note) The percentage of sales was calculated based on the total amount of R&D expenses before deducting government

(3) Performances in research and development

The Company is specialized in display components and has secured a variety of product technological
power over the entire area of displays from components for IT products such as laptops, monitors and
tablet PCs to other components for TV and mobile devices during the recent years.
Our main products are Driver-IC, T-CON, and PMIC, and the Company is growing sales by expanding
our product lineup with mobile-oriented P-OLED DDI and Touch Controller, etc. In addition, the
Company is developing Power Ics and MCUs, which are system semiconductors for home appliances and
electronic devices, by expanding our technological power to various application areas other than displays.

7. Other Matters

A. Status of intellectual property rights possession

The Company has 894 applications (before acquisition of patent) and 555 patents regarding
semiconductor as of 30 September 2021. The above number of applications can vary anytime by new
applications, acquisition, expiration, waiver, etc.
The patents are managed by a dedicated organization composed of experts, who are in charge of patent
development, registration, follow-up management, and dispute response.
[Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: cases)
Division Status Patent Total amount
Domestic 420 213 633

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Overseas 474 342 816
Total amount 894 555 1,449

B. System IC

(1) Characteristics of the industry

The products have been growing in scale with the development of the display industry as a key component
to drive the display panel. The key competitive factor in the display parts market is to strengthen
technological competitiveness based on the original technology and to enter the market in the early stage
of display technology development. As the complex product designing technology is required recently,
technology gap is getting bigger between companies that have differentiated technology and those who
have not.

(2) Market scale and growth

The medium and large scale (TV/IT/automotive) display IC market is growing in size thanks to qualitative
growth due to the increasing proportion of premium products such as high-resolution (8K) LCDs and
OLED TVs, as well as aggressive investments made by Chinese panel makers in LCD TVs. In addition,
in the small (smart phone/smart watch) display IC market, starting with Apple's first P-OLED phone
release (2017), Chinese panel producers are accelerating their entry into the P-OLED market, and growth
centered on P-OLED products is expected to continue in the future. As such, the display IC market is
expected to grow continuously due to the rapid growth of Chinese panel makers and the trend of panel
generation conversion.

[Annual panel sales]

① Medium and large sized (TV/ IT/automobile) display IC

The display IC market for LCD TVs is growing on the rise of the number of ICs per panel with the
increased panel volume due to aggressive investments by Chinese panel makers and the increase in the
proportion of UHD panels. The UHD TV penetration rate in 2021 is expected to be about 63% on a global
average, and in particular, the spread of 8K TVs is also growing, leading the growth of display ICs for

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In addition, the proportion of OLED TVs in the premium TV market is increasing steadily, and the number
of TV set makers who have selected OLED panels as a strategy for product differentiation is increasing.
The display IC market for large OLED TVs is also showing high growth. The market size is small as LG
Display is the only company that is mass-producing OLED TV panels so far. However, rapid growth is
expected in the future as Chinese panel producers are making aggressive facility investments based on
enormous capital power. Unlike LCD products, display ICs for OLED TVs are based on panel
compensation technology in addition to driving technology, so companies with competitive power are
expected to lead the market.
IT products are expected to increase in short-term demand due to the expansion of the non-face-to-face
living environment caused by COVID-19. In addition, some premium brands are increasing the added
value by adding new functions such as increasing the resolution and utilizing the touch panel.

② Small (smart phone/smart watch) display IC

The smartphone market has entered the stage of maturity. The smartphone panel market size was about
1.6 billion units in 2019 and reached about 1.5 billion units in 2020 and is expected to reach 1.6 billion
units in 2021 due to recovery of demands. The smartphone market in developed countries is expected to
grow less than that of the emerging market, and the growth of the emerging market is driving the growth
of the overall smartphone market.
Major global set makers are actively pursuing form factor evolution strategies to create new demand, so
the proportion of smartphones equipped with P-OLED panels is expected to continue to increase.
Currently, domestic panel makers are leading the P-OLED market due to the technological gap between
Korean and Chinese panel makers, but Chinese makers' share in the P-OLED panel market is expected to
gradually increase as the makers expand their capacity.
The smart watch market is expected to continue to grow at a high level every year after the great growth
in 2020, and the size of the related market is expected to increase continuously through services linked to
various devices such as IoT in the future.

(3) Characteristics of economic fluctuations and competitive elements

The core competitive element in the display component market is the market entry at the initial stage with
the development of display, as well as the strengthening technological competitiveness based on original
technologies. It is to create a barrier to entry through differentiation through technological
competitiveness by securing a meaningful share in a new market where new technologies are applied.
The display industry is a field that requires both technology and capital-intensive characteristics and
economies of scale, and has the characteristic that the barrier to entry increases as the degree of technical
completion increases. In the past, the supply capacity has improved through fierce competition among
panel makers, and in line with the increase in demand, the overall display industry has recorded a high
growth rate. However, in recent years, due to the high maturity of the market and limited demand, it has
entered a low-growth phase. Due to its high sensitivity to economic fluctuations, replacement demand
does not increase significantly. Without creating new demand through innovative products, it is difficult
to expect continuous growth in the market.

(4) Market share

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According to a market research firm Omdia, based on the year 2020, the Company has ranked the 51st
place in the global semiconductor companies ranking, and in the top 3 among display driver IC
companies. In recent years, securing competitive power in new technologies rather than the size of sales
itself has become an important criterion for determining the Company's competitive advantage. Thus, the
Company is successfully entering the premium market such as OLED/P-OLED through close cooperation
with panel and set customers. In addition to the display, the Company is also continuing to expand our
business to new areas such as home appliances, automobiles and batteries etc.

(5) Strength of the Company

Company not only provide the core components of display system semiconductor as a total solution, but
also localize the products that have been highly dependent on imports, contributing to stable parts
procurement and price competitiveness of domestic downstream companies. We are also actively
supporting customer's market by providing customized premium products through continuous technology
development. The win-win strategy based on trust with forward looking companies plays a major role in
our competitiveness.
Through these efforts, we have secured technological response power to comply with market change in
more prompt and flexible ways than other companies from new product development to delivery.
Accordingly, our company is realizing customer diversification through securing domestic and overseas
customers based on our unique designing technological power.

C. LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc

Silicon Works China Co., LTD.
LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd.

The Company has overseas subsidiaries in the US, China and Japan for sales support such as customer
support. Please refer to "B. System IC" for the characteristics and the market size in the overseas

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 16

III. Financial Matters

1. Summarized financial information

A. Summarized consolidated financial information

The consolidated financial statements for the third quarter of the 23rd business year were prepared in
accordance with the Korean International Financial Reporting Standards (K-IFRS) and were reviewed by
an external auditor. The consolidated financial statements for the 22nd and 21st years presented for
comparison were prepared in accordance with the K-IFRS.
(Unit: million won)

Q3 of the 23rd year The 22nd year The 21st year

30 September 2021 31 December 2020 31 December 2019
[Current assets] 978,391 629,332 519,233
ㆍQuick assets 792,158 494,067 400,390
ㆍInventories 186,233 135,265 118,843
[Non-current assets] 127,387 121,270 110,500
ㆍTransferrable financial assets - - -
ㆍTangible assets 53,290 41,793 31,623
ㆍIntangible assets 50,046 52,145 52,680
ㆍOther non-current assets 24,051 27,332 26,197
Total assets 1,105,778 750,602 629,733
[Current liabilities] 346,383 209,089 144,852
[Non-current liabilities] 20,487 9,229 12,674
Total liabilities 366,870 218,318 157,526
[Capital] 8,132 8,132 8,132
[Capital surplus] 76,343 76,343 76,343
[Other capital items] (59) (455) (433)
[Retained earnings] 654,492 448,264 388,165
[Non-controlling interest] - - -
Total equities 738,908 532,284 472,207
(01 January 2021 ~ (01 January 2020 ~ (01 January 2019 ~
30 September 2021) 31 December 2020) 31 December 2019)
Sales 1,360,293 1,161,896 867,122
Operating profit 283,777 94,227 47,255
Net income 228,185 72,529 38,539
Owners of the parent 228,185 72,529 38,539
Non-controlling interest - - -

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 17

Net earnings per share (KRW) 14,030 4,459 2,370
Net diluted earnings per share
14,030 4,459 2,370
Number of companies included
3 2 2
in the consolidation

B. Summarized financial information

The financial statements for the third quarter of the 23rd business year were prepared in accordance with
the K-IFRS and were reviewed by an external auditor. The financial statements for the 22nd and 21st
years presented for comparison were prepared in accordance with the K-IFRS.
(Unit: million won)
Q3 of the 23rd year The 22nd year The 21st year
30 September 2021 31 December 2020 31 December 2019
[Current assets] 975,317 627,617 517,493
ㆍQuick assets 789,084 492,352 398,650
ㆍInventories 186,233 135,265 118,843
[Non-current assets] 128,222 122,271 111,771
ㆍTransferrable financial - - -
ㆍTangible assets 51,649 40,476 30,647
ㆍIntangible assets 49,881 51,962 52,619
ㆍOther non-current assets 26,692 29,833 28,505
Total assets 1,103,539 749,888 629,264
[Current liabilities] 346,612 209,675 145,432
[Non-current liabilities] 20,296 9,195 12,675
Total liabilities 366,908 218,870 158,107
[Capital] 8,132 8,132 8,132
[Capital surplus] 76,343 76,343 76,343
[Other capital items] (381) (381) (381)
[Retained earnings] 652,537 446,924 387,063
Total equities 736,631 531,018 471,157
Evaluation method for Cost method Cost method Cost method
investment securities of
dependent joint company
(01 January 2021 ~ (01 January 2020 ~ (01 January 2019 ~
30 September 2021) 31 December 2020) 31 December 2019)
Sales 1,360,293 1,161,896 867,122
Operating profit (loss) 283,106 93,723 46,811
Net income (loss) 227,570 72,291 38,240
Net earnings (loss) per share 13,992 4,445 2,351

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Net diluted earnings (loss) per 13,992 4,445 2,351
share (KRW)

2. Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
End of Q3 of the 23rd year as of 30 September 2021
End of the 22nd year as of 31 December 2020
(Unit: KRW)
End of Q3 of the 23rd End of the 22nd year
Current assets 978,390,600,381 629,332,380,326
Cash and cash equivalents 127,129,518,208 100,567,267,243
Short-term financial instruments 330,000,000,000 150,846,049,384
Trade receivables 273,751,739,554 210,368,392,594
Other payables 32,290,158,081 14,492,581,250
Other current assets 28,986,537,100 17,630,142,242
Short-term investment assets 0 163,039,267
Inventories 186,232,647,438 135,264,908,346
Non-current assets 127,387,073,119 121,269,958,547
Non-current other receivables 12,521,327,446 13,157,235,410
Investments in associates and joint ventures 4,196,193,655 4,088,947,195
Tangible assets 45,521,767,671 33,160,184,544
Licensed assets 7,768,610,976 8,632,767,975
Intangible assets 50,045,844,289 52,144,579,630
Non-current other assets 1,396,319,010 1,124,251,174
Deferred tax assets 5,937,010,072 8,961,992,619
Total assets 1,105,777,673,500 750,602,338,873
Current liabilities 346,383,407,405 209,088,958,240
Account payables 235,725,776,476 144,000,394,513
Other payables 40,934,760,826 36,200,157,048
Other current liabilities 10,069,047,617 9,852,133,137
Current lease liabilities 3,357,611,200 2,857,091,653
Current tax liabilities 56,296,211,286 16,179,181,889
Non-current liabilities 20,485,849,564 9,228,876,340
Non-current other payables 20,000,000 20,000,000

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Non-current other liabilities 3,240,737,174 3,065,517,123
Non-current lease liabilities 4,233,296,624 5,380,313,919
Defined benefit liabilities 12,991,815,766 763,045,298
Total liabilities 366,869,256,969 218,317,834,580
Owners’ equity 738,908,416,531 532,284,504,293
Capital 8,132,150,000 8,132,150,000
Capital surplus 76,343,170,500 76,343,170,500
Other capital items (58,537,394) (454,724,156)
Retained earnings (deficits) 654,491,633,425 448,263,907,949
Non-controlling interest 0 0
Total equities 738,908,416,531 532,284,504,293
Total equities and liabilities 1,105,777,673,500 750,602,338,873

Consolidated Income Statement

Q3 of the 23rd year from 01 January 2021 to 30 September 2021
Q3 of the 22nd year: from 01 January 2020 to 30 September 2020
(Unit: KRW)

Q3 of the 23rd year Q3 of the 22nd year

3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Revenue (Sales) 505,394,416,600 1,360,293,286,378 367,216,639,437 798,925,620,587
Cost of goods sold (“COGS”) 308,869,630,987 887,814,018,794 270,309,975,871 586,731,521,203
Gross profit 196,524,785,613 472,479,267,584 96,906,663,566 212,194,099,384
Selling and administrative expenses 67,539,799,629 188,701,790,863 48,427,644,699 142,696,633,071
Operating profit (loss) 128,984,985,984 283,777,476,721 48,479,018,867 69,497,466,313
Financial income 1,042,334,376 2,498,189,102 590,490,438 2,180,949,291
Financial expense 804,322,672 1,892,550,389 227,498,803 527,596,529
Other non-operating income 9,782,021,343 19,287,061,822 975,072,044 7,773,762,312
Other non-operating losses 4,835,918,494 9,393,351,924 2,974,711,705 7,478,974,282
Equity method gains and losses 19,067,090 107,246,460 (329,150,322)
Profit (loss) before income tax 134,188,167,627 294,384,071,792 46,842,370,841 71,116,456,783
Income tax expenses 29,718,329,496 66,199,541,316 9,882,970,234 14,601,435,340
Net income (loss) 104,469,838,131 228,184,530,476 36,959,400,607 56,515,021,443
Attribution of net income (loss)
Net income (loss) attributable to the owners of
104,469,838,131 228,184,530,476 36,959,400,607 56,515,021,443
the Group
Earnings per share
Basic earnings (loss) per share (Unit: KRW) 6,423 14,030 2,272 3,475
Diluted earnings (loss) per share (Unit: KRW) 6,423 14,030 2,272 3,475

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Consolidated Comprehensive Income Statement
Q3 of the 23rd year from 01 January 2021 to 30 September 2021
Q3 of the 22nd year: from 01 January 2020 to 30 September 2020
(Unit: KRW)

Q3 of the 23rd year Q3 of the 22nd year

3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Current net profit (loss) 104,469,838,131 228,184,530,476 36,959,400,607 56,515,021,443
Other comprehensive income 213,066,204 396,186,762 30,727,110 117,110,792
Items that are not reclassified to profit or loss 0 0 0 0
(other comprehensive income before tax)
Gains or losses on remeasurement of defined 0 0 0 0
benefit plans (other comprehensive income
before tax)
Gains and losses on valuation of financial assets 0 0 0 0
Income tax related to items that are not 0 0 0 0
reclassified to profit or loss
Items that can be reclassified to current profit or 213,066,204 396,186,762 30,727,110 117,110,792
loss (other comprehensive profit or loss before
Foreign exchange difference in translation at 213,066,204 396,186,762 30,727,110 117,110,792
overseas business sites (Other comprehensive
income before tax)
Total comprehensive income 104,682,904,335 228,580,717,238 36,990,127,717 56,632,132,235
Attribution of total comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income, equity attributable 104,682,904,335 228,580,717,238 36,990,127,717 56,632,132,235
to the owners of the parent

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Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Q3 of the 23rd year from 01 January 2021 to 30 September 2021
Q3 of the 22nd year: from 01 January 2020 to 30 September 2020
(Unit: KRW)
Owners’ equity
Total capital Non-
Capital Retained attributable to controlling Total capital
Capital components interest
surplus earnings owners of the
of capital
01 January 2020 (at the beginning) 8,132,150,000 76,343,170,500 (433,012,471) 388,164,487,465 472,206,795,494 0 472,206,795,494

Net income 0 0 0 56,515,021,443 56,515,021,443 0 56,515,021,443

Remeasurement related to
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
defined benefit plan
Total comprehensive
income Gains and losses on valuation of
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
financial assets at FVOCI

Overseas business profit and loss 0 0 117,110,792 0 117,110,792 0 117,110,792

Transactions with
shareholders recognized Annual dividends 0 0 0 (13,499,369,000) (13,499,369,000) 0 (13,499,369,000)
directly in equity
30 September 2020 (at the end) 8,132,150,000 76,343,170,500 (315,901,679) 431,180,139,908 515,339,558,729 0 515,339,558,729

01 January 2021 (at the beginning) 8,132,150,000 76,343,170,500 (454,724,156) 448,263,907,949 532,284,504,293 0 532,284,504,293

Net income 228,184,530,476 228,184,530,476 0 228,184,530,476

Remeasurement related to
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
defined benefit plan
Total comprehensive
income Gains and losses on valuation of
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
financial assets at FVOCI

Overseas business profit and loss 0 0 396,186,762 0 396,186,762 0 396,186,762

Transactions with
shareholders recognized Annual dividends 0 0 0 (21,956,805,000) (21,956,805,000) 0 (21,956,805,000)
directly in equity
30 September 2021 (at the end) 8,132,150,000 76,343,170,500 (58,537,394) 654,491,633,425 738,908,416,531 0 738,908,416,531

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Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Q3 of the 23rd year from 01 January 2021 to 30 September 2021
Q3 of the 22nd year: from 01 January 2020 to 30 September 2020
(Unit: KRW)

Q3 of the 23rd year Q3 of the 22nd year

Operating cash flows 252,017,374,165 50,481,850,818
Cash flows from operating activities 273,082,585,965 53,474,512,088
Net income (loss) 228,184,530,476 56,515,021,443
Increase or decrease for adjustment to current net 92,113,250,306 37,160,100,798
Change to equities/liabilities on sales operations (47,215,194,817) (40,200,610,153)
Gain on interest 2,130,006,598 2,658,818,622
Payment on interest (132,782,608) (167,350,729)
Payment of income tax (return) (23,062,435,790) (5,484,129,163)
Cash flows from investing activities (201,150,936,331) (39,742,537,166)
Increase in short-term financial instruments (340,000,000,000) (200,888,300,795)
Decrease in short term financial instruments 160,885,777,625 170,000,000,000
Increase in other receivables (2,343,072,092) (3,651,000,000)
1,830,774,725 1,755,170,076
Increase in advanced payments 0 (577,903,883)
Increase in other non-current liabilities 0 20,000,000
Decrease in other liabilities 0 0
Acquisition of tangible assets (19,778,309,629) (3,721,945,500)
Acquisition of intangible assets (3,255,626,220) (2,689,310,026)
Disposal of tangible assets 1,379,116,096 10,752,962
Disposal of intangible assets 0 0
Disposition of financial assets at FVTPL 130,403,164 0
Disposition of financial assets at FVOCI 0 0
Acquisition of investments in associates 0 0
Cash flows from financing activities (24,389,727,828) (15,863,157,909)
Payment of lease liabilities (2,432,922,828) (2,363,788,909)
Dividend payment (21,956,805,000) (13,499,369,000)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents before the 26,476,710,006 (5,123,844,257)
effect of exchange rate fluctuations
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 100,567,267,243 109,686,194,681
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash 85,540,959 72,633,484
Cash and cash equivalents at the end 127,129,518,208 104,634,983,908

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3. Notes on Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Company overview

(1) Summary of the parent

LX Semicon Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the parent”) was established on 11 November 1999 for
the purpose of designing and manufacturing FPD (flat panel display) semiconductor IC. The Company is
located in 222 Techno 2-ro, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. The parent was certified by the
Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology as a corporate subsidiary research facility in accordance
with Article 16 of the Technology Development Promotion Act and Clause 1 of Article 15 of the
Enforcement Decree of the same Act on 19 October 2001. The Company has also been designated as a
high-tech company in accordance with Clause 1 of Article 9 of the Special Law on the Cultivation of the
Special Research and Development Daedeok-gu and more on 23 October 2011.
The parent was then listed on KOSDAQ market as of 8 June 2010. After several increases in capital with
or without considerations, the amount of paid-in capital of the Company as of the end of the current
quarter is 8,132,150,000 won (16,264,300 issued shares and 50,000,000 authorized shares).
The parent changed the name from Silicon Works Co., Ltd. to LX Semicon Co., Ltd. on 1 July 2021.
The shareholders of the parent at the end of current quarter are as follows:

(Unit: shares)
Shareholders No. of shares held Ownership stake Remarks
LX Holdings Co., Ltd. 5,380,524 33.08%
Others 10,883,776 66.92% -
Total amount 16,264,300 100.00%
The current consolidated financial statements for the reporting period ending on 30 September 2021 are
comprised of shares in the parent and its subsidiaries (hereinafter the "Group").

(2) (2) Overview of subsidiaries subject to consolidation

Month Ownership (%)

Major business of End of the
Company name Address End of the
activity account current
closing prior period
LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc (*1) USA
manufacturing 12 100.00% 100.00%
and designing
Silicon Works China Co., Ltd. China manufacturing 12 100.00% 100.00%
and designing
LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd.
Japan manufacturing 12 100.00% -
and designing
(*1) SILICON WORKS, INC. changed its name to LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc. on 16 July.
(*2) It was established through new investment during the current quarter.

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(3) Summarized financial information of subsidiaries

The financial information of subsidiaries as of the end of the current and the prior quarters is as follows:
(Unit: won)
LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc Silicon Works China Co., Ltd. LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd.
Current quarter Prior period Current quarter Prior period Current quarter Prior period
Assets 771,285,500 628,272,171 5,142,497,013 3,783,843,776 317,454,000 -
Liabilities 106,376,697 94,078,991 1,000,193,798 414,253,882 - -
Assets 664,908,803 534,193,180 4,142,303,215 3,369,589,894 317,454,000 -
Sales 1,547,205,507 1,874,769,602 5,924,265,423 5,254,498,454 - -
Net Income 79,357,825 118,339,510 428,226,357 326,852,485 - -
comprehensi 130,715,623 81,837,350 772,713,321 341,642,960 342,000 -
ve income

2. Financial statement preparation standards and significant accounting policies

(1) Standards for preparing quarterly consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements of the parent and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as the
"Group") are summarized interim financial statements prepared by applying International Financial
Reporting Standards (hereinafter referred to as the "IFRS") 1034’ Interim financial report' for a part of
the period to which the annual financial statements belong. In order to understand the summary interim
financial statements, the annual consolidated financial statements for the business year ending 31
December 2020 prepared in accordance with the K-IFRS should be used together.
Important accounting policies that were applied to preparation of the consolidated financial statements
are described below, and the policies applied to preparation of the consolidated financial statements of
the current period are the same as those adopted in the preparation of the annual consolidated financial
statements for the business year ending 31 December 2020.

1) The new standards and interpretations introduced from this quarter and the resulting changes in
accounting policies are as follows:

- Lease under K-IFRS 1116 (amendment)

The international financial standards committee extended the scope of rent discounts (rent concession) by
a year due to the global spread of COVID-19 to lessees by revising the standards in March 2021. The
practical and simple method allows the lessee to choose not to evaluate whether the COVID-19-related
rental discount, etc., qualifies as a lease change. The lessee who has made this choice will account for
changes in lease fees due to the COVID-19 related rental fee discount, etc., consistent with the method
that the lessee accounts for when such changes are not lease changes. On the other hand, the practical and
simple method according to the amendment is not provided to the lessor.
The practical and simple method according to the amendment applies only to rental discount, etc. that
satisfy all of the following conditions.

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① The lease consideration modified due to changes in lease payments is substantially the same as or less
than the lease consideration before the change.

②The lease fee reduction only affects the lease payments due before 30 June 2022.

③Other lease terms and conditions are not substantially changed.

- IFRS 1109 “Financial instruments’, 1039 ‘Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement’,
1107 ‘Financial instruments: Notification’, 1104 ‘Insurance Contract’ and No.1116 ‘Lease’ (Amendment)
- Revisions on index for interest rate

In relation to the reform of the interest rate indicator, the effective interest rate, not the carrying amount,
is adjusted when the interest rate indicator is replaced for financial instruments measured at amortized
cost, and hedging accounting can be continued without interruption even if the substitution of the interest
rate indicator occurs in the hedging relationship. In the case of lease changes following interest rate index
reform, exceptions are included in which a discount rate reflecting the new alternative index interest rate
is applied. The Group does not expect that the amendment will have a material impact on the financial

2) The following are the details of the K-IFRS which were enacted and announced as of the date of
approval for the financial statements, but the effective date has not yet arrived, and the Group has
not been applied in advance:

- IFRS 1001 ‘Classification of the current and non-current liabilities’ (amendment)

This amendment only affects the indication of current and non-current liabilities in the financial
statements, and does not affect the amount of assets, liabilities and gains or losses, the time of recognition,
or the disclosure information for those items.
This amendment clarifies that the classification of current and non-current liabilities is based on the
entity's rights that exist at the end of the reporting period, and also highlights that it is irrelevant to
expectations of whether the entity will exercise its right to defer settlement of the debt. At the end of the
reporting period, if the loan agreement is complied with, the right exists, and settlement is clarified as the
transfer of cash, equity instruments, or other assets or services to the counterparty.
This amendment is applied retroactively after the commencement date of the first business year starting
after 1 January 2023, and early application is permitted.

- Reference to IFRS 1103 'Conceptual system’ (amendment)

This amendment includes the content that SKAS 1103 refers to the 'Conceptual System' (2018) instead
of the previous system ('Conceptual system' (2007)). In addition, this amendment also adds a requirement

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 26

that in the case of provisions or contingent liabilities that fall within the scope of application of IFRS
1037, the acquirer applies IFRS 1037 to determine whether a current obligation exists as a result of past
events at the acquisition date. In the case of contributions that fall within the scope of application of
Interpretation of IFRS 2121, the acquirer applies interpretation of IFRS 2121 to determine whether an
obligatory event that creates a payment liability for the contribution has occurred by the acquisition date.
This amendment adds an explicit statement that the acquirer does not recognize contingent assets in a
business combination.
This amendment applies to business combinations after the commencement date of the business year for
which the acquisition date first begins on or after 1 January 2022. Early application of the amendments is
allowed only when all the amendments under the 'Amendments to the Conceptual System References in
the K-IFRS' published together with the amendments are applied before or simultaneously with the

- Tangible assets under IFRS 1016 (amendment)

This amendment prohibits that the sale of goods produced before the tangible assets become usable, i.e.,
the sale of goods produced before it reaches the place and condition necessary to operate in the manner
intended by management, is deducted from the cost of the tangible asset. Accordingly, such sales and
related costs are recognized in profit or loss, and the costs are measured in accordance with IFRS 1002.
In addition, this amendment clarifies the meaning of 'testing whether tangible assets operate normally',
and states to evaluate whether the technical and physical performance of an asset can be used for the
production or provision of goods or services, lease to others, or management activities.
Unless the goods produced are the output of the entity's ordinary activities and the sale amount and costs
included in profit or loss are separately indicated in the statement of comprehensive income, the Company
should disclose an account in the statement of comprehensive income that includes the size of the amount
and cost of the sale, and the amount and cost of the sale.
This amendment applies retrospectively only to tangible assets that has reached a location and condition
capable of operating in the manner intended by management after the commencement date of the earliest
period indicated in the financial statements for which this amendment is first applied. The cumulative
effect of the initial application of this amendment is recognized by adjusting the opening balance of
retained earnings (or other components of equity, if appropriate) at the beginning of the earliest indicated
period. These amendments will be applied from the first business year beginning on or after 1 January
2022, and early application is permitted.

- Loss-bearing contract and contract execution cost under IFRS 1037 (amendment)

This amendment clarifies that the cost of executing a contract consists of costs directly related to the
contract. Costs directly related to a contract consist of the incremental costs (e.g. direct labor cost and
direct material cost) to perform the contract and any other cost allocations (e.g. depreciation of tangible
assets used in the performance of the contract) directly related to the performance of the contract.
This amendment applies to contracts for which all obligations have not been fulfilled on the

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 27

commencement date of the business year in which this amendment is first applied. The comparative
financial statements are not rewritten, but instead, the cumulative effect by the first adoption of the
amendments is recognized as retained earnings at the date of initial application or, as appropriate, other
elements of equity.
This amendment will be applied from the first business year beginning on or after 1 January 2022, and
early application is permitted.
- Annual improvements of 2018-2020 cycle based on K-IFRS

This annual improvement includes some amendments to the first adoption of K-IFRS under IFRS 1101,
IFRS 1109 ‘Financial instruments’, IFRS 1116 ‘Lease’ and IFRS 1041 ‘Agriculture, forestry and

② IFRS 1101 ‘The first adoption of K-IFRS’

This amendment provides an additional exemption from accounting for cumulative translation differences
in subsidiaries that become first adopters later than the parent. Subsidiaries subject to the exemption
provisions in paragraph D16(1) of IFRS 1101 may choose to measure the cumulative translation
difference of all overseas operations at the carrying amount to be included in the parent's consolidated
financial statements on the basis of the date of transition of the parent to the K-IFRS. However, the effect
of the business combination in which the parent acquires a subsidiary and adjustments in accordance with
the consolidation procedure are excluded. A similar choice may be made if an associate or joint venture
applies the exemption provisions in paragraph D16(1) of IFRS 1101.
This amendment will be applied from the first business year beginning on or after 1 January 2022, and
early application is permitted.

③ K-IFRS 1109 Financial Instruments

This amendment includes only fees received or paid between the entity (borrower) and the lender when
applying the '10%' test to assess whether financial liabilities have been removed, which clarifies that it
includes fees paid or received by businesses or lenders on behalf of other parties. This amendment will
be applied prospectively to changes and exchanges that have occurred after the initial application date.
This amendment will be applied from the first business year beginning on or after 1 January 2022, and
early application is permitted.

④ K-IFRS 1116 "Lease"

This amendment deleted the contents of the lease improvement reimbursement amount in case 13 of IFRS
1116. Since this amendment is only relevant to applicable cases, the effective date has not been specified.

3. Significant decisions and major source of estimation uncertainty

In preparing the interim financial statements, management should make judgments that have a significant
effect on the amounts recognized in the financial statements (excluding matters related to estimates), and
the carrying amount of assets and liabilities that are not readily identifiable from other sources. estimates
and assumptions must be made. Estimates and related assumptions are based on past experience and other

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 28

factors deemed relevant. In addition, actual results may differ from these estimates.
For the preparation of the interim financial statements, the material judgments made in the process of
applying the Group's accounting policies and the main sources of estimation uncertainty are the same as
in the annual consolidated financial statements for the business year ended 31 December 2020.

4. Sales division

The Group consists of a single research and development organization, while applying the same marketing
strategy. It also identifies the sales division as a single division and provides reporting on such a basis.
There are two companies whose sales from a single external customer account for more than 10% of the
Group's sales, and sales are 945,749 million won (580,281 million won in the prior quarter) and 236,464
million won (106,137 million won in the prior quarter), respectively.

5. Classification of financial instruments by category

(1) Financial instruments by category

Details of the book value of financial instruments by category as of the end of the current and prior periods
are as follows:
(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Financial assets:
Items at FVTPL
Financial liabilities at FVTPL - 163,039,267
Items at FVOCI
Trade receivables 125,212,069,631 105,806,689,122
Financial assets measured at amortized cost
Cash and cash equivalents 127,129,518,208 100,567,267,243
Short-term financial instruments 330,000,000,000 150,846,049,384
Trade receivables 148,539,669,923 104,561,703,472
Other receivables (*1) 40,929,966,434 22,796,261,979
Sub-total 646,599,154,565 378,771,282,078
Lease receivables 3,881,519,093 4,853,554,681
Total amount 775,692,743,289 489,594,565,148
Financial liabilities:
Financial liabilities measured at
amortized cost
Account payables 235,725,776,476 144,000,394,513
Other payables (*2) 17,226,796,337 19,263,163,367
Sub-total 252,952,572,813 163,263,557,880

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 29

Lease liabilities 7,590,907,824 8,237,405,572
Total amount 260,543,480,637 171,500,963,452
(*1) Lease receivables are excluded.
(*2) Employee related liabilities not included in financial liabilities are excluded.

(2) Financial incomes and costs by category

Details of financial incomes and financing costs recognized in the current profit or loss in the current and
prior periods are as follows:
(Unit: KRW)
Interest revenue (costs) Other income (*1)
Current quarter Prior quarter Current quarter Prior quarter
Financial liabilities at FVTPL - - (32,636,103) 27,786,692
Financial assets at FVTOCI - - 10,426,384,429 (345,484,407)
Financial assets measured at
2,422,841,930 2,013,782,555 3,467,231,253 1,341,208,477
amortized cost
Lease receivables 74,304,412 95,816,109 - -
Financial liabilities measured at
- - (5,348,221,030) 309,518,116
amortized cost
Lease liabilities (132,782,608) (167,350,729) - -
Total amount 2,364,363,734 1,942,247,935 8,512,758,549 1,333,028,878
(*1) Other profits or losses include profit or loss arising from financial instruments at FVTPL and losses
on disposition of accounts receivable and losses on foreign currency translation, and profits and losses on
foreign exchange differences at FVTOCI, financial assets and liabilities measured at amortized cost.

(3) Transfer of financial assets

The Group transferred account receivables according to the account receivable factoring contract with the
Export-Import Bank, etc. In this transaction, if the relevant trade receivables are not recovered at maturity,
the Group is not obligated to pay the unrecovered amount of trade receivables to banks.
There is no carrying amount of trade receivables accounted for as collateralized borrowing as the Group
transferred all or part of the transferred financial assets through factoring of accounts receivable as of the
end of the current quarter.

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6. Cash and cash equivalents

The details of cash and cash equivalents as of the end of the current and prior periods are as follows:
(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Demand deposits 26,929,518,208 10,567,267,243
Term deposit, etc. (*1) 100,200,000,000 90,000,000,000
Total amount 127,129,518,208 100,567,267,243
(*1) This is a financial instrument whose maturity is within 3 months from the acquisition date, which
has very high liquidity, is easy to convert to a fixed amount, and has a slight risk of value fluctuation.

7. Short-term financial instruments

The details of short-term financial instruments as of the end of the current and prior periods are as follows:
(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Term deposit 330,000,000,000 150,846,049,384

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8. Trade and other receivables

(1) Trade and other receivables as of the end of the current and prior periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Current Non-current Current Non-current
273,751,739,554 - 210,368,392,594 -
Receivables 28,306,129,079 - 11,067,830,772 -
1,089,355,631 - 721,852,856 -
Loans 1,572,984,892 7,405,854,361 1,403,207,680 7,548,533,982
Deposits - 2,555,642,471 - 2,054,836,689
1,321,688,479 2,559,830,614 1,299,689,942 3,553,864,739
Total amount 306,041,897,635 12,521,327,446 224,860,973,844 13,157,235,410

(2) The changes in lease receivables during the current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior period
Beginning 4,853,554,681 6,124,481,750
Interest income 74,304,412 124,192,931
Recall (1,046,340,000) (1,395,120,000)
Ending 3,881,519,093 4,853,554,681

(3) Maturity analysis of lease receivables as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Less than 1 year 1,395,120,000 1,395,120,000
Over 1 year and less than 2 years 1,395,120,000 1,395,120,000
Over 2 year and less than 3 years 1,215,104,509 1,395,120,000
Over 3 year and less than 4 years - 813,820,000
Total undiscounted lease 4,005,344,509 4,999,180,000
Unrealized financial income (123,825,416) (145,625,319)
Net lease investment 3,881,519,093 4,853,554,681

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9. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

(1) Financial assets at FVTPL as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Items at FVTPL
LB Investment - 163,039,267

(2) The changes in the financial assets at FVTPL during the current quarter and the prior period are as

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior period
Beginning 163,039,267 270,925,629
Disposal amount (163,039,267) -
Valuation profit and loss - (107,886,362)
Ending - 163,039,267

10. Other assets

Other assets at the end of current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Current Non-current Current Non-current
4,950,599,130 98,035,890 654,965,524 145,142,494
Prepaid expenses 24,035,937,970 1,298,283,120 16,965,080,131 979,108,680
Loans of value
- - 10,096,587 -
added taxes
Total amount 28,986,537,100 1,396,319,010 17,630,142,242 1,124,251,174

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11. Inventories

(1) Inventories of the Group as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Finished goods 58,635,354,056 40,247,274,592
Work in process 136,226,722,643 116,647,392,008
Inventory return assets 361,151,082 189,116,375
Inventory valuation allowance (8,990,580,343) (21,818,874,629)
Total amount 186,232,647,438 135,264,908,346

(2) Recognized valuation profits and losses of the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Cost of goods sold:
Establishment of allowance for
(172,034,707) (86,930,177)
return of inventories
Establishment (return) of allowance
(12,828,294,286) 6,911,606,049
for valuation of inventories

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12. Investment of associates and joint ventures

(1) The investment of associates and joint ventures as of the end of the current quarter and the prior
period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Month End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Major business of
Company name Address Carrying Carrying
activity account Ratio (%) Ratio (%)
closing amount amount
R&D and design
Advance Power Device of semiconductor
Korea 3 49.00% 4,196,193,655 49.00% 4,088,947,195
Technologies Co. ltd. devices
R&D and design

(2) The changes in the investments in associates during the current and the prior quarters are as follows:

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Beginning Equity method gains and losses End of the current quarter
4,088,947,195 107,246,460 4,196,193,655

② Prior quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Beginning Equity method gains and losses End of the prior quarter
4,295,935,074 (329,150,322) 3,966,784,752

(3) The summarized financial information of associates and joint ventures during the current quarter
and the prior period is as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Advanced Power Device Technology Co., Ltd.
Current quarter Prior period
Assets 8,911,749,710 8,628,177,438
Liabilities 348,089,190 283,387,244
Equity 8,563,660,520 8,344,790,194
Sales 2,211,900,544 2,650,940,551
Net income (loss) 218,870,326 (422,424,242)
Total comprehensive income
218,870,326 (422,424,242)

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(4) The amount of financial information of an associate is adjusted to the book value of the stake in the
associate as of the end of the current and prior periods as follows:

① End of the current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Net assets at the Net asset equity Book value at the
Company name Group's share (B)
end (A) (A*B) end

Advanced Power Device

8,563,660,520 49.00% 4,196,193,655 4,196,193,655
Technologies Co. ltd

② End of the prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Net assets at the Net asset equity Book value at the
Company name Group's share (B)
end (A) (A*B) end

Advanced Power Device

8,344,790,194 49.00% 4,088,947,195 4,088,947,195
Technologies Co. ltd

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13. Tangible assets

(1) The details of tangible assets as of the end of the current and prior periods are as follows:

① End of the current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Other tangible
Division Land Buildings Structures Machinery Equipment Total amount
assets (*)
Acquisition cost 5,015,382,334 4,847,249,181 188,300,000 50,958,375,986 17,046,885,577 7,349,641,289 85,405,834,367
- (2,633,666,304) (15,299,388) (20,967,795,164) (12,059,859,427) (3,745,741,547) (39,422,361,830)
- - - (239,798,395) - - (239,798,395)
impairment loss
- - - (40,115) (11,866,356) (210,000,000) (221,906,471)
Carrying amount 5,015,382,334 2,213,582,877 173,000,612 29,750,742,312 4,975,159,794 3,393,899,742 45,521,767,671

(*) Other tangible assets include equipment appliance, leasehold improvements and construction in-

② End of the prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Other tangible
Division Land Buildings Structures Machinery Equipment Total amount
assets (*)
Acquisition cost 5,015,382,334 4,847,249,181 188,300,000 23,905,890,867 15,682,919,553 16,576,118,246 66,215,860,181
- (2,451,894,452) (11,768,760) (15,921,112,331) (10,835,377,095) (3,005,808,205) (32,225,960,843)
- - - (564,056,013) - - (564,056,013)
impairment loss
- - - (935,118) (9,723,663) (255,000,000) (265,658,781)
Carrying amount 5,015,382,334 2,395,354,729 176,531,240 7,419,787,405 4,837,818,795 13,315,310,041 33,160,184,544
(*) Other tangible assets include equipment appliance, leasehold improvements and construction in-

(2) Changes in carrying amount of tangible assets during the current quarter and the prior period are as

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Other tangible
Division Land Buildings Structures Machinery Equipment Total amount
assets (*)
Carrying amount at
5,015,382,334 2,395,354,729 176,531,240 7,419,787,405 4,837,818,795 13,315,310,041 33,160,184,544
the beginning
Acquisition cost
- - - 3,237,491,384 1,870,388,977 16,218,071,783 21,325,952,144
during the period
Disposal cost during
- - - (9,000) (2,669,584) (686,403,031) (689,081,615)
the period
Substitution of assets
- - - 24,761,062,169 - (24,761,062,169) -
under construction
Depreciation - (181,771,852) (3,530,628) (5,752,877,531) (1,748,084,717) (694,312,895) (8,380,577,623)
Others - - - 85,287,885 17,706,323 2,296,013 105,290,221
Carrying amount at
5,015,382,334 2,213,582,877 173,000,612 29,750,742,312 4,975,159,794 3,393,899,742 45,521,767,671
the end of the quarter
(*) Other tangible assets include equipment appliance, leasehold improvements and construction in-

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② Prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Other tangible
Division Land Buildings Structures Machinery Equipment Total amount
assets (*)
Carrying amount at
5,015,382,334 2,637,717,199 181,238,744 6,909,629,215 4,819,396,508 2,288,930,197 21,852,294,197
the beginning
Acquisition cost
- - - 2,166,792,403 2,272,020,072 13,145,083,912 17,583,896,387
during the period
Disposal cost during
- - - (31,738) (3,497,340) - (3,529,078)
the period
Substitution of assets
- - - 975,605,167 - (975,605,167) -
under construction
Transfer to licensed
- - - - - (410,559,310) (410,559,310)
Depreciation - (242,362,470) (4,707,504) (2,638,519,820) (2,248,670,176) (732,539,591) (5,866,799,561)
Others - - - 6,312,178 (1,430,269) - 4,881,909
Carrying amount at
the end of the prior 5,015,382,334 2,395,354,729 176,531,240 7,419,787,405 4,837,818,795 13,315,310,041 33,160,184,544
(*) Other tangible assets include equipment appliance, leasehold improvements and construction in-

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14. Intangible assets

(1) The details of intangible assets as of the end of the current and prior periods are as follows:

① End of the current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Industrial property Other intangible Intangible assets
Division Goodwill Software Membership Total amount
rights assets (*1) under construction
Acquisition cost 27,913,122,677 3,927,014,221 14,382,400,538 3,593,114,600 34,882,988,673 3,209,282,322 87,907,923,031
- (1,576,739,200) (8,168,755,434) - (27,842,285,345) - (37,587,779,979)
- - - (243,581,400) - - (243,581,400)
impairment loss
- (15,478,660) - - - (15,238,703) (30,717,363)
Carrying amount 27,913,122,677 2,334,796,361 6,213,645,104 3,349,533,200 7,040,703,328 3,194,043,619 50,045,844,289

(*1) Other intangible assets consist of customer-related intangible assets and technological capabilities
generated through business acquisition.

② End of the prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Industrial property Other intangible Intangible assets
Division Goodwill Software Membership Total amount
rights assets (*1) under construction
Acquisition cost 27,913,122,677 3,326,441,693 12,370,081,725 3,593,114,600 34,882,988,673 3,059,117,441 85,144,866,809
- (1,335,163,253) (6,572,416,403) - (24,818,247,013) - (32,725,826,669)
- - - (243,581,400) - - (243,581,400)
impairment loss
- (12,203,765) - - - (18,675,345) (30,879,110)
Carrying amount 27,913,122,677 1,979,074,675 5,797,665,322 3,349,533,200 10,064,741,660 3,040,442,096 52,144,579,630
(*1) Other intangible assets consist of customer-related intangible assets and technological capabilities
generated through business acquisition.

(2) Changes in carrying amount of intangible assets during the current quarter and the prior period are
as follows:

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Industrial property Other intangible Intangible assets
Division Goodwill Software Membership Total amount
rights assets (*1) under construction
Carrying amount at
27,913,122,677 1,979,074,675 5,797,665,322 3,349,533,200 10,064,741,660 3,040,442,096 52,144,579,630
the beginning
Acquisition cost
- 3,899,601 385,109,277 - - 2,427,110,940 2,816,119,818
during the period
Disposal cost
- (1,688,805) - - - (48,799,565) (50,488,370)
during the period
Substitution of
assets under - 618,429,852 1,606,280,000 - - (2,224,709,852) -
Amortization of
- (264,918,962) (1,591,398,920) - (3,024,038,332) - (4,880,356,214)
intangible assets
Others - - 15,989,425 - - - 15,989,425
Carrying amount at
the end of the 27,913,122,677 2,334,796,361 6,213,645,104 3,349,533,200 7,040,703,328 3,194,043,619 50,045,844,289
(*1) Other intangible assets consist of customer-related intangible assets and technological capabilities
generated through business acquisition.

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② Prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Industrial property Other intangible Intangible assets
Division Goodwill Software Membership Total amount
rights assets (*1) under construction
Carrying amount
27,913,122,677 1,566,942,928 6,270,597,276 2,445,333,200 14,374,000,003 110,435,919 52,680,432,003
at the beginning
Acquisition cost
- 372,821,412 552,539,845 1,124,200,000 - 2,315,781,770 4,365,343,027
during the period
Disposal cost
- (2,924,702) - (220,000,000) - (173,348,284) (396,272,986)
during the period
Replacement (*2) - 331,112,083 955,025,453 - - 785,664,157 2,071,801,693
Reclassification of
- - (179,988,673) - 179,988,673 - -
Amortization of
- (288,877,046) (1,796,216,036) - (4,489,247,016) - (6,574,340,098)
intangible assets
Others - - (4,292,543) - - 1,908,534 (2,384,009)
Carrying amount
at the end of the 27,913,122,677 1,979,074,675 5,797,665,322 3,349,533,200 10,064,741,660 3,040,442,096 52,144,579,630
prior period
(*1) Other intangible assets consist of customer-related intangible assets and technological capabilities
generated through business acquisition.
(*2) The amount of long-term advance payment related to the acquisition of industrial property rights was
replaced with intangible assets construction in-progress of 2,072 million won during the current period.

(3) Intangible assets with indefinite useful life

The Group classifies goodwill and membership among intangible assets as intangible assets with
indefinite useful lives and is not amortized, and reviews impairment annually along with intangible assets
under construction, which are intangible assets that have not yet been used. There was no impairment
recognized for goodwill, intangible assets construction in-progress, and memberships during the prior

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 40

15. Government subsidies

The Group has concluded the technology development agreements with the managing organizations
regarding the following new technology development projects as national projects. The Group has spent
government subsidies received in connection with such development projects as purchases of tangible
and intangible assets, and the government subsidies are presented as a deduction of the assets and
expenses. Settlement due to the completion of tasks during the current quarter has been completed.

Government project Coordinating company

Development of micro liquid lens array panel for the Korea Advanced Institute of
implementation of 3D image in the eyeball adaptive type Science and Technology

16. Lease

(1) The Group leased buildings and vehicles, and the average lease period is about 3 years.

(2) The carrying amount of licensed assets as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are
as follows:

① End of the current quarter

(Unit: KRW)

Division Buildings Vehicles Total amount

Acquisition amount 14,364,991,081 1,265,497,435 15,630,488,516
Accumulated depreciations (7,482,327,399) (379,550,141) (7,861,877,540)
Carrying amount 6,882,663,682 885,947,294 7,768,610,976

② End of the prior period

(Unit: KRW)

Division Buildings Vehicles Total amount

Acquisition amount 13,568,462,734 638,526,620 14,206,989,354
Accumulated depreciations (5,213,867,541) (360,353,838) (5,574,221,379)
Carrying amount 8,354,595,193 278,172,782 8,632,767,975

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(3) Changes in carrying amount of intangible assets during the current quarter and the prior period are
as follows:

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)

Division Buildings Vehicles Total amount

Amount at the beginning 8,354,595,193 278,172,782 8,632,767,975
Acquisition cost 881,486,307 1,071,573,426 1,953,059,733
Decrease (Termination of
(28,191,099) (167,116,582) (195,307,681)
Depreciation (2,349,887,543) (302,359,492) (2,652,247,035)
Others 24,660,824 5,677,160 30,337,984
The amount at the end 6,882,663,682 885,947,294 7,768,610,976

② Prior period

(Unit: KRW)

Division Buildings Vehicles Total amount

Amount at the beginning 9,445,476,190 325,387,122 9,770,863,312
Acquisition cost 2,077,032,954 300,655,649 2,377,688,603
Decrease (Termination of
(107,735,369) (51,287,923) (159,023,292)
Depreciation (3,064,822,681) (298,068,966) (3,362,891,647)
Others 4,644,099 1,486,900 6,130,999
Amount at the end 8,354,595,193 278,172,782 8,632,767,975

(4) The amounts recognized in profit or loss during the current quarter and the prior period are as

(Unit: KRW)

Division Current quarter Prior quarter

Depreciation on licensed assets 2,652,247,035 2,570,730,788
Interest cost on lease liabilities 132,782,608 167,350,729
Expenses related to short-term leases and
513,370,371 433,669,702
small assets lease

(5) The Group's total cash outflow due to leases for the current and the prior quarters is 3,079 million
won and 2,965 million won.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 42

(6) The details of lease liabilities as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)

End of the current quarter End of the prior period

Division Present value of Present value of
Minimum lease Minimum lease
minimum lease minimum lease
Less than 1 year 3,489,229,764 3,357,611,200 3,010,998,676 2,857,091,653
Over 1 year and less
4,299,731,343 4,233,296,624 5,498,344,557 5,380,313,919
than 5 years
Total amount 7,788,961,107 7,590,907,824 8,509,343,233 8,237,405,572

(7) The current components of lease liabilities as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period
are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)

Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period

Current liabilities 3,357,611,200 2,857,091,653
Non-current liabilities 4,233,296,624 5,380,313,919
Total amount 7,590,907,824 8,237,405,572

17. Trade and other payables

The details of trade and other payables as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Current Non-current Current Non-current
235,725,776,476 - 144,000,394,513 -
Payables 16,414,008,939 - 31,644,626,030 -
Unpaid expenses 24,520,751,887 - 4,555,531,018 -
Rental deposits - 20,000,000 - 20,000,000
Total amount 276,660,537,302 20,000,000 180,200,551,561 20,000,000

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18. Other liabilities

(1) The details of other liabilities at the end of current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Current Non-current Current Non-current
Advances 5,900,024,192 - 4,230,541,855 -
Withholdings 1,826,117,952 - 2,044,382,715 -
Provisions 2,342,905,473 - 3,577,208,567 -
employee salary - 2,250,631,722 - 2,136,061,671
Provision for
- 990,105,452 - 929,455,452
Total amount 10,069,047,617 3,240,737,174 9,852,133,137 3,065,517,123

(2) Changes in the provisions during the current and prior periods are as follows:

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
End of the
Division Beginning Established Returned Paid
current quarter
Provision for
3,332,437,307 1,341,303,590 (456,504,868) (2,445,558,378) 1,771,677,651
sales warrant
Provision for
244,771,260 4,335,763,972 (4,009,307,410) - 571,227,822
Provision for
929,455,452 60,650,000 - - 990,105,452
Total amount 4,506,664,019 5,737,717,562 (4,465,812,278) (2,445,558,378) 3,333,010,925

② Prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Division Beginning Established Returned Paid Ending
Provision for
3,946,189,306 1,391,438,719 (1,883,876,933) (121,313,785) 3,332,437,307
sales warrant
Provision for
159,587,501 2,434,156,344 (2,348,972,585) - 244,771,260
Provision for
582,365,174 347,090,278 - - 929,455,452
Total amount 4,688,141,981 4,172,685,341 (4,232,849,518) (121,313,785) 4,506,664,019

The Group recognizes warranty expense in the provision for product warranties as expected to be borne
by the Group related to sales guarantee for the products and recognizes the corresponding transferred
amount in selling and administrative expenses. On the other hand, the Group recognizes the amount
corresponding to the portion of revenue to be canceled at the time of product return as allowance liability

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 44

for return and deduction to sales in accordance with the IFRS 1115.

19. Capital and capital surplus

(1) The details of capital at the end of current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current
Division End of the prior period
Number of authorized shares 50,000,000 50,000,000
Par value 500 500
Number of shares issued 16,264,300 16,264,300
Capital 8,132,150,000 8,132,150,000

(2) There are no changes in the number of shares outstanding (16,264,300 shares) in the current and
prior periods.

(3) The details of capital surplus at the end of the current and the prior quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current
Division End of the prior period
Paid-in capital in excess of par value 66,560,617,129 66,560,617,129
Other capital surplus 9,782,553,371 9,782,553,371
Total amount 76,343,170,500 76,343,170,500

20. Other capital items

The details of other capital items at the end of current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current
Division End of the prior period
Overseas business profit and loss 322,270,337 (73,916,425)
Gains and losses on valuation of financial assets at
(380,807,731) (380,807,731)
Total amount (58,537,394) (454,724,156)

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21. Retained earnings

(1) The details of current retained earnings at the end of current quarter and the prior period are as

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Statutory reserves 4,066,075,000 4,066,075,000
Unappropriated retained earnings 650,425,558,425 444,197,832,949
Total amount 654,491,633,425 448,263,907,949

(2) Changes in the undisposed retained earnings during the current and the prior quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Amount at the beginning 444,197,832,949 384,098,412,465
Payment of dividends (21,956,805,000) (13,499,369,000)
Quarterly net income 228,184,530,476 56,515,021,443
The amount at the end 650,425,558,425 427,114,064,908

22. Earnings per share

(1) Basic earnings per share

① The calculation of basic earnings per share in the current and the prior periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW, shares)

Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Quarterly net income for
104,469,838,131 228,184,530,476 36,959,400,607 56,515,021,443
common share
Weighted average
number of common 16,264,300 16,264,300 16,264,300 16,264,300
shares outstanding
Basic earnings per share 6,423 14,030 2,272 3,475

② Calculation of weighted average number of common shares in the current quarter

No. of Weight No. of weighted

Number of Number of
outstanding average
Division shares issued treasury shares
common shares 3 months Accumulated outstanding
(1) (2)
(1-2) common shares
273 days/273
Beginning 16,264,300 - 16,264,300 92 days/92 days 16,264,300

③ Calculation of weighted average number of common shares in the prior quarter

Division Number of Number of No. of Weight No. of weighted

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 46

shares issued treasury shares outstanding average
(1) (2) common shares 3 months Accumulated outstanding
(1-2) common shares
274 days/274
Beginning 16,264,300 - 16,264,300 92 days/92 days 16,264,300

(2) Diluted earnings per share

The Group does not have any dilutive securities in the current and the prior periods. Therefore, the diluted
earnings per share is the same as the basic earnings per share.

23. Financial revenues and expenses

(1) The details of financial revenues in the current and prior periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Interest income 1,041,999,461 2,497,146,342 557,382,681 2,109,598,664
Gain on foreign exchange (financial) 334,915 1,042,760 33,107,757 40,069,797
Gain on valuation of financial assets at
- - - 31,280,830
Total amount 1,042,334,376 2,498,189,102 590,490,438 2,180,949,291

(2) The details of financial expenses in the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Interest expenses 43,207,684 132,782,608 52,622,002 167,350,729
Loss on foreign exchange (financial) (690,833) 3,713,856 (96,217,120) 11,267,255
Loss on disposal of account receivables 761,805,821 1,723,417,822 267,653,804 345,484,407
Loss on disposal of financial assets at
- 32,636,103 - -
Loss on valuation of financial assets at
- - 3,440,117 3,494,138
Total amount 804,322,672 1,892,550,389 227,498,803 527,596,529

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24. Other non-operating income and expenses

(1) The details of other non-operating income in the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Profit on foreign exchange
7,164,019,405 15,212,033,067 740,513,528 7,099,029,394
Profit on foreign currency
2,586,989,828 3,907,298,036 179,413,807 550,634,267
conversion (non-financial)
Gain on disposal of tangible
23,401,498 82,881,127 390,816 15,563,969
Miscellaneous profits 7,610,612 84,849,592 54,753,893 108,534,682
Total amount 9,782,021,343 19,287,061,822 975,072,044 7,773,762,312

(2) The details of other non-operating expenses in the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Loss on foreign exchange
3,888,012,996 7,330,133,386 3,298,305,026 5,195,449,824
Loss on foreign currency
946,516,786 1,517,714,147 (340,644,687) 832,289,786
conversion (non-financial)
Loss on disposal of tangible
482,170 16,925,602 1,778,464 7,482,464
Impairment losses on
- 50,488,370 2,924,702 146,118,494
intangible assets
Donations - 5,523,993 12,265,000 16,908,815
Miscellaneous losses 906,542 472,566,426 83,200 1,280,724,899
Total amount 4,835,918,494 9,393,351,924 2,974,711,705 7,478,974,282

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25. Operating profit

The main items and amounts included in operating profit calculation for the current and last periods are
as follows:
(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Sales 505,394,416,600 1,360,293,286,378 367,216,639,437 798,925,620,587
Sales from sales of goods 501,982,128,442 1,355,160,389,231 366,633,010,314 793,685,127,925
Other sales 3,412,288,158 5,132,897,147 583,629,123 5,240,492,662
Cost of goods sold
308,869,630,987 887,814,018,794 270,309,975,871 586,731,521,203
Cost of finished goods sold 307,121,167,915 885,770,704,926 270,158,497,024 584,565,801,957
Cost of other goods sold 1,748,463,072 2,043,313,868 151,478,847 2,165,719,246
Selling and administrative
67,539,799,629 188,701,790,863 48,427,644,699 142,696,633,071
Salary and bonuses 12,884,824,477 35,496,390,287 9,627,966,316 27,272,889,018
Severance payments 637,709,904 1,946,355,362 848,114,059 2,297,390,453
Employee benefits 3,314,119,308 7,958,273,487 2,091,118,340 5,848,520,751
Travel expenses 583,425,525 1,162,958,594 248,466,157 640,831,601
Rent 517,827,163 1,417,415,459 380,832,835 1,004,776,612
Service fees 5,788,820,437 16,250,447,272 3,470,944,898 9,218,892,764
Depreciation 1,745,758,983 4,877,539,813 1,516,365,186 4,554,381,110
Amortization of intangible
576,993,631 1,594,867,010 451,326,808 1,310,989,806
Establishment of provision
for sales guarantee 63,574,267 884,798,722 780,204,911 (564,255,525)
Ordinary R&D expenses 39,198,454,310 110,294,963,433 27,521,155,902 87,291,041,828
Others 2,228,291,624 6,817,781,424 1,491,149,287 3,821,174,653
Operating profit 128,984,985,984 283,777,476,721 48,479,018,867 69,497,466,313

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26. Employee benefits

The Group pays its retiring employees with the predetermined amount of retirement benefits in lump sum,
based on the level of salaries and the years in service, and this is classified as defined benefit system.
Such retirement benefit can be withdrawn before the resignation of the employee as interim settlement
when the legal requirements apply. The number of years of service for calculating severance pay after the
interim settlement is newly calculated from the time of settlement.

(1) The details of defined benefit liabilities as of the end of the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Present value of defined benefit obligation 54,273,469,722 43,512,383,794
Fair value of plan assets (41,281,653,956) (42,749,338,496)
Defined benefit liabilities 12,991,815,766 763,045,298

(2) Changes in the current value of the defined benefit obligation during the current and the prior
quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Beginning balance of defined benefit
43,512,383,794 39,248,760,042
Current service cost 4,806,164,595 4,846,630,761
Interest cost 724,117,731 612,031,671
Transfers between associates 7,346,274,602 1,002,241,698
Retirement benefit payment (2,115,471,000) (2,224,199,350)
Ending balance of defined benefit obligation 54,273,469,722 43,485,464,822

(3) Changes in the fair value of plan assets during the current and the prior quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Beginning balance of plan assets 42,749,338,496 35,268,837,546
Interest income 648,215,460 481,085,703
Severance payment from plan assets (2,115,471,000) (2,093,816,780)
Others (429,000) -
Ending balance of plan assets 41,281,653,956 33,656,106,469

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(4) The expenses recognized in the current profit or loss regarding the defined benefit plans during the
current and prior quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Current service cost 4,806,164,595 4,846,630,761
Net interest cost 75,902,271 130,945,968
Total amount 4,882,066,866 4,977,576,729

(5) The details of plan assets as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current
Division End of the prior period
Short-term financial product, etc. 41,281,653,956 42,749,338,496

27. Income tax expenses

Income tax expense was calculated by adjusting the adjustments recognized for the current period from
the current income tax expense for the past period, deferred income tax expense resulting from the
occurrence or extinguishment of temporary differences, and income tax expense related to items
recognized outside profit or loss. The average effective tax rates for the current and the prior periods'
income tax expenses are 22.5% and 20.5%, respectively.

28. Statement of Cash Flow

(1) The details of reconciliation of income and expenses during business activities in the current and
last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Income tax expenses 66,199,541,316 14,601,435,340
Depreciation 11,032,824,658 6,944,887,623
Establishment (return) of allowance for
(12,828,294,286) 6,911,606,049
valuation of inventories
Establishment of allowance for return of
(172,034,707) (86,930,177)
Loss on disposal of inventories 20,393,749,122 -
Establishment of provision for return 326,456,562 121,717,177
Gain on disposal of tangible assets (82,881,127) (15,563,969)
Loss on disposal of tangible assets 16,925,602 7,482,464
Impairment losses on intangible assets 50,488,370 146,118,494
Amortization of intangible assets 4,880,356,214 5,009,608,018

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Severance payments 4,882,066,866 5,002,099,857
Gain on foreign currency translation (3,908,340,796) (590,704,064)
Loss on foreign currency translation 1,521,428,003 843,557,041
Interest income (2,497,146,342) (2,109,598,664)
Interest expenses 132,782,608 167,350,729
Establishment of provision for sales guarantee
884,798,722 (564,255,525)
Gain on valuation of financial assets at FVTPL - (31,280,830)
Loss on valuation of financial assets at FVTPL - 3,494,138
Loss on disposal of financial assets at FVTPL 32,636,103 -
Long-term employee benefits 182,270,051 124,442,368
Equity method gains and losses (107,246,460) 329,150,322
Loss on disposal of account receivables 1,723,417,822 345,484,407
Establishment of restoration cost 60,650,000 -
Others (611,197,995) -
Total amount 92,113,250,306 37,160,100,798

(2) Changes in assets and liabilities during sales of the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Trade receivables (61,137,643,409) (70,697,886,621)
Other payables (17,222,124,510) (5,590,099,108)
Other current assets (11,560,341,280) (11,662,209,674)
Other non-current assets - (6,120,927)
Inventories (58,361,159,221) (62,740,203,005)
Account payables 90,285,853,419 87,630,756,635
Other current liabilities (995,336,878) (2,068,507,132)
Other payables 3,524,517,872 23,135,799,788
Long-term employee salary liabilities (67,700,000) -
Net defined benefit liabilities 7,346,703,602 847,336,000
Lease receivables 972,035,588 950,523,891
Total amount (47,215,194,817) (40,200,610,153)

(3) The Group has prepared the cash flows based on operating activities on the cash flow statement
using the indirect method. The significant transactions that do not involve cash inflows and outflows
for the current and the prior periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Substitution of construction in progress 24,761,062,169 195,709,091

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 52

Substitution of intangible assets in progress 2,224,709,852 110,435,919
Substitution of advance payments into intangible
- 2,440,562,604
Increase of licensed assets due to restoration
- 347,090,278
Increase (Decrease) of accrued expenses relating to
1,562,276,515 (198,347,091)
acquisition of tangible assets
Increase (Decrease) of accrued expenses relating to
(439,506,402) 158,863,920
acquisition of intangible assets
Recognition of lease liabilities and licensed assets
1,953,059,733 1,121,546,416
under the lease agreement
Liquidity substitution for lease liabilities 3,100,077,028 2,605,062,553
Liquidity substitution for lease receivables 994,034,125 972,035,588
Liquidity substitution for loans 1,192,835,571 1,030,534,139

(4) Cash flows from financing activities

Changes in liabilities arising from financial activities during the current and prior quarters are as follows:

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Cash flows from
Non-cash End of the current
Division Beginning financial activities
transaction quarter
Dividends payable - (21,956,805,000) 21,956,805,000 -
2,857,091,653 (2,432,922,828) 2,933,442,375 3,357,611,200
liabilities(non- 5,380,313,919 - (1,147,017,295) 4,233,296,624

② Prior quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Cash flows from
Non-cash End of the prior
Division Beginning financial activities
transaction quarter
Dividends payable - (13,499,369,000) 13,499,369,000 -
2,800,707,185 (2,363,788,909) 2,516,760,580 2,953,678,856
liabilities(non- 7,077,760,245 - (1,039,990,759) 6,037,769,486

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29. Limited financial instruments

There are no financial instruments with restricted use as of the end of the current quarter.

30. Specially related persons

(1) The details of special interest parties as of the end of the current and last periods are as follows:

Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period

Advanced Power Device Technology Advanced Power Device Technology
Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

Companies exercising significant

LX Holdings Co., Ltd. (*1) LG Corp.
influence on the Group
LX Holdings Co., Ltd. and joint Subsidiaries of LG Corp. and joint
Others ventures ventures
Large corporate group affiliates (*2) Large corporate group affiliates (*2)
(*1) The Group that exerts significant influence on the Company has been changed from LG Corp. to LX
Holdings Co., Ltd during the current quarter.
(*2) Not included in scope of related party pursuant to IFRS 1024 'Disclosure of related parties', but it
belongs to the same large corporate group under the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act.
Accordingly, subsidiaries and associates of LG Corp. and associates of LX Holdings Co., Ltd. are
classified as affiliates of a large corporate group.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 54

(2) Transactions with related parties during the current and prior quarters are as follows:

1) Transactions with specially related persons after changing the largest shareholder

(Unit: KRW)
Division Name Details Current quarter (*1)
Sales expenses 2,069,593,660
LG CNS Co., Ltd. Acquisition of tangible
and intangible assets
S&I Corp. Sales expenses 303,979,430
LG Management Development Institute Sales expenses 357,553,000
LG Electronics USA Inc. Sales 657,203,343
LG Display (China) Co., Ltd. Sales 8,530,625,320
LG Display (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Sales 203,667,879,372
LG Display Vietnam Haiphong Co. Ltd. Sales 122,830,754,613
LG Display Yantai Sales 18,761,300,819
LG Display High-Tech (China) Co.,Ltd. Sales 17,570,865
LG Display (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. Sales 3,255,867,413
Sales 202,716,335,403
LG Display Co., Ltd.
Sales expenses 2,434,175,830
Other large corporate
group affiliates Sales 7,435,723,587
Other revenues 411,450,851
LG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Sales expenses 2,477,038,410
Acquisition of tangible
and intangible assets
Sales expenses 42,955,051
LX Hausys Co., Ltd. (*2) Acquisition of tangible
and intangible assets
Sales expenses 29,609,772,730
LG Innotek Co., Ltd. Acquisition of tangible
and intangible assets
LG U Plus Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 64,314,942
LX Pantos Co., Ltd. (*2) Sales expenses 2,182,327,921
Biztech Partners Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 104,165,000
Hi-Teleservice Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 643,183
HS Ad Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 507,258,000
(*1) Transaction amount since May when the largest shareholder was changed.
(*2) LG Hausys Co., Ltd. and Pantos Co., Ltd. changed their names to LX Hausys Co., Ltd. and LX
Pantos Co., Ltd. respectively as of 1 July.

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2) Transactions with specially related persons before changing the largest shareholder

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
Division Name Details
(*1) 3 months Accumulated
Sales expenses 1,372,705,479 925,741,945 2,986,713,813
LG CNS Co., Ltd. Acquisition of
tangible and 212,392,500 317,035,000 1,148,780,712
Other subsidiaries
intangible assets
of LG Corp.
S&I Corp. Sales expenses 371,712,744 296,299,308 847,014,377
LG Management Development
Sales expenses 729,812,000 204,970,250 596,797,650
LG Electronics USA Inc. Sales 534,926,511 405,011,624 1,188,550,301
LG Display (China) Co., Ltd. Sales 2,274,927,448 1,832,153,280 5,244,852,564
LG Display (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Sales 112,237,908,135 71,864,522,691 175,365,172,596
LG Display Vietnam Haiphong
Sales 123,838,406,957 10,274,904,691 10,274,904,691
Co. Ltd.
LG Display Yantai Sales 15,387,423,425 20,445,347,565 20,667,992,536
Sales 133,532,403,964 171,998,853,843 368,391,319,799
LG Display Co., Ltd. Sales expenses - - 36,125,353
Other large
corporate group Other revenues 175,747,619 2,980,000,872 3,780,438,099
affiliates Sales 3,674,107,945 2,831,395,655 8,513,503,980
LG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Sales expenses 1,947,780,936 1,429,121,952 4,018,832,145
LG Innotek Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 33,832,007,574 21,057,600,544 32,956,151,366
LG U Plus Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 40,488,371 28,973,885 96,363,710
LX Pantos Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 1,990,251,402 849,946,272 1,619,549,171
Biztech Partners Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 83,332,000 57,498,000 172,494,000
HS Ad Co., Ltd. Sales expenses - - 25,000,000
Hi-Teleservice Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 590,909 594,545 3,291,102
(*1) Cumulative transaction amount in April before the change of the largest shareholder. of the largest

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 56

(3) The receivables and payables of related parties as of the end of the current and last quarters are as

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Division Name
Receivables Payables Receivables Payables
LG CNS Co., Ltd. - 349,827,530 - 688,038,477
LG Management Development
- 27,097,400 - 8,339,320
S&I Corp. 900,000,000 48,232,895 900,000,000 96,605,340
LG Electronics USA Inc. 259,137,630 - 118,972,800 -
LG Display (China) Co., Ltd. 5,378,700,899 - 1,741,711,200 -
LG Display (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. 31,804,629,068 - 14,533,818,780 -
LG Display Vietnam Haiphong
3,018,419,616 - 45,157,716,047 -
Co. Ltd.
LG Display Yantai 4,510,282,855 - 862,775,514 -
Other large corporate LG Display High-Tech (China)
group affiliates 18,402,101 - - -
LG Display (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. 3,295,242,814 - - -
LG Display Co., Ltd. (*1) 105,478,680,855 - 74,419,080,668 -
LG Electronics Co., Ltd. (*1) 7,379,801,074 50,617,600 4,121,489,880 27,609,504
LG Innotek Co., Ltd. (*1) - 13,541,187,037 - 16,891,644,426
LX Pantos Co., Ltd. - 995,213,970 - 800,105,543
Biztech Partners Co., Ltd. - 22,916,300 - 21,091,400
Hi-Teleservice Co., Ltd. - 67,500 - -
HS Ad Co., Ltd. - 17,831,000 - -
(* 1) In addition to the above bonds and liabilities as of the end of the current quarter, lease liabilities of
6,010 million won and licensed assets of 6,192 million won have been recorded. As of the end of the
current quarter, LG Display Co., Ltd., LG Electronics Co., Ltd. and LG Innotek Co., Ltd. have recorded
1,822 million won, 2,154 million won, and 300 million won of the in advance payments for service
activities of the Group.

(4) Details on major fund transactions with the concerned entity during the current quarter and prior
period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior period
Division Name
Payment of dividends Payment of dividends
Other large corporate group affiliates
LG Corp. 7,263,707,400 4,465,834,920
(*1) The largest shareholder of the Group was changed from LG Corp. to LX Holdings Co., Ltd., but
currently the Group and LX Holdings Co., Ltd. are affiliated with LG's corporate group under the
Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act. LG is classified as an affiliate of a large corporate group.

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(5) The details of the compensation for major management during the current and the prior quarters are
as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Short-term salaries 2,153,962,640 5,868,371,750 811,466,888 3,239,561,268
Severance payments 189,442,009 555,454,509 175,549,051 500,175,462
Total amount 2,343,404,649 6,423,826,259 987,015,939 3,739,736,730
The key executives of the Group include the auditors and the registered directors (including external

(6) The Company has no security and guarantee detail providing to or provided by special interest
parties at the end of current year and last quarters.

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31. Contingency and agreement

(1) The Group is receiving payment and payment guarantee of 393 million won from Seoul Guarantee
Insurance as of the end of the current quarter.

(2) The Group has a credit limit contract with some financial institutions such as Shinhan Bank, and
the Group's credit limit details as of the end of the current quarter are as follows:

(Unit: USD)
Division Financial institutions Foreign currency
Purchase foreign exchange Shinhan Bank 16,000,000
Purchase foreign exchange NH Bank 15,000,000
Purchase foreign exchange Mizuho Bank 60,000,000

(3) The Group has an export receivable transfer transaction agreement with the Export-Import Bank
and two other banks in relation to the collection of trade receivables as follows: The limit details of
the Group as of the end of the current quarter are as follows:

(Unit: USD)
Division Financial institutions Foreign currency (USD)
Factoring Export-Import Bank 300,000,000
Factoring BNP Paribas 40,000,000
Factoring MUFG 60,000,000

(4) The Group has no details of providing collateral for financial assets as of the end of the current

(5) The Group has no ongoing litigation or disputes as of the end of the current quarter.

32. Cases after the reporting period

The Group received approval from LG Chem through a resolution of the board of directors on 22 October
to acquire a stake in FJ Composite Materials Co., LTD and related tangible and intangible assets for 7
billion won to promote new business.

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4. Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Position
End of Q3 of the 23rd year as of 30 September 2021
End of the 22nd year as of 31 December 2020
(Unit: KRW)

End of Q3 of the 23rd year End of the 22nd year

Current assets 975,316,321,784 627,616,746,055
Cash and cash equivalents 125,517,560,647 100,049,526,121
Short-term financial instruments 330,000,000,000 150,000,000,000
Trade receivables 273,751,739,554 210,368,392,594
Other payables 31,970,336,376 14,486,382,161
Other current assets 27,844,037,769 17,284,497,566
Short-term investment assets 0 163,039,267
Inventories 186,232,647,438 135,264,908,346
Non-current assets 128,222,562,791 122,271,171,730
Non-current other receivables 12,314,120,254 13,020,381,435
Investments in subsidiaries 2,633,748,045 2,316,636,045
4,410,000,000 4,410,000,000
Tangible assets 44,377,096,573 32,014,043,860
Licensed assets 7,272,375,515 8,462,114,244
Intangible assets 49,881,176,457 51,961,752,353
Non-current other assets 1,396,319,010 1,124,251,174
Deferred tax assets 5,937,726,937 8,961,992,619
Total assets 1,103,538,884,575 749,887,917,785
Current liabilities 346,611,315,820 209,674,814,791
Account payables 235,725,776,476 144,000,394,513
Other payables 41,617,953,304 36,948,461,153
Other current liabilities 10,057,749,892 9,839,933,991
Current lease liabilities 3,051,297,566 2,718,391,566
Current tax liabilities 56,158,538,582 16,167,633,568
Non-current liabilities 20,296,263,852 9,194,692,925
Non-current other payables 20,000,000 20,000,000
Non-current other liabilities 3,240,737,174 3,065,517,123
Non-current lease liabilities 4,043,710,912 5,346,130,504
Defined benefit liabilities 12,991,815,766 763,045,298

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Total liabilities 366,907,579,672 218,869,507,716
Capital 8,132,150,000 8,132,150,000
Capital surplus 76,343,170,500 76,343,170,500
Other capital items (380,807,731) (380,807,731)
Retained earnings (deficits) 652,536,792,134 446,923,897,300
Total equities 736,631,304,903 531,018,410,069
Total equities and liabilities 1,103,538,884,575 749,887,917,785

Income statement
Q3 of the 23rd year from 01 January 2021 to 30 September 2021
Q3 of the 22nd year: from 01 January 2020 to 30 September 2020
(Unit: KRW)

Q3 of the 23rd year Q3 of the 22nd year

3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Revenue (Sales) 505,394,416,600 1,360,293,286,378 367,216,639,437 798,925,620,587
Cost of goods sold (“COGS”) 308,869,630,987 887,814,018,794 270,309,975,871 586,731,521,203
Gross profit 196,524,785,613 472,479,267,584 96,906,663,566 212,194,099,384
Selling and administrative expenses 67,890,589,020 189,372,943,591 48,535,467,262 143,035,315,165
Operating profit (loss) 128,634,196,593 283,106,323,993 48,371,196,304 69,158,784,219
Financial income 1,035,213,720 2,485,085,714 590,670,562 2,172,138,834
Financial expense 803,069,754 1,884,966,345 215,116,982 509,076,118
Other non-operating income 9,778,991,447 19,272,608,514 971,698,889 7,761,390,818
Other non-operating losses 4,835,907,892 9,393,331,691 2,973,166,424 7,476,421,072
Profit (loss) before income tax 133,809,424,114 293,585,720,185 46,745,282,349 71,106,816,681
Income tax expenses 29,574,901,264 66,016,020,351 9,868,040,732 14,575,519,584
Net income (loss) 104,234,522,850 227,569,699,834 36,877,241,617 56,531,297,097
Earnings per share
Basic earnings (loss) per share
6,409 13,992 2,267 3,476
(Unit: KRW)
Diluted earnings (loss) per share
6,409 13,992 2,267 3,476
(Unit: KRW)

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Comprehensive Income Statement
Q3 of the 23rd year from 01 January 2021 to 30 September 2021
Q3 of the 22nd year: from 01 January 2020 to 30 September 2020
(Unit: KRW)

Q3 of the 23rd year Q3 of the 22nd year

3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Current net profit (loss) 104,234,522,850 227,569,699,834 36,877,241,617 56,531,297,097
Other comprehensive income
Items that are not reclassified to profit or loss (other
comprehensive income before tax)
Gains or losses on remeasurement of defined
benefit plans (other comprehensive income before
Gains and losses on valuation of financial assets at
Income tax related to items that are not reclassified
to profit or loss
Total comprehensive income 104,234,522,850 227,569,699,834 36,877,241,617 56,531,297,097

Statement of Changes in Equity

Q3 of the 23rd year from 01 January 2021 to 30 September 2021
Q3 of the 22nd year: from 01 January 2020 to 30 September 2020
(Unit: KRW)
Other components
Capital Capital surplus Retained earnings Total capital
of capital
01 January 2020 (at the beginning) 8,132,150,000 76,343,170,500 (380,807,731) 387,062,680,932 471,157,193,701

Net income 0 0 0 56,531,297,097 56,531,297,097

Remeasurement related to defined
0 0 0 0 0
benefit plan
Total comprehensive income
Gains and losses on valuation of
financial assets at FVOCI 0 0 0 0 0

Transactions with shareholders

Annual dividends 0 0 0 (13,499,369,000) (13,499,369,000)
recognized directly in equity
30 September 2020 (at the end) 8,132,150,000 76,343,170,500 (380,807,731) 430,094,609,029 514,189,121,798

01 January 2021 (at the beginning) 8,132,150,000 76,343,170,500 (380,807,731) 446,923,897,300 531,018,410,069

Net income 0 0 0 227,569,699,834 227,569,699,834

Remeasurement related to defined
0 0 0 0 0
benefit plan
Total comprehensive income
Gains and losses on valuation of
financial assets at FVOCI 0 0 0 0 0

Transactions with shareholders

Annual dividends 0 0 0 (21,956,805,000) (21,956,805,000)
recognized directly in equity
30 September 2021 (at the end) 8,132,150,000 76,343,170,500 (380,807,731) 652,536,792,134 736,631,304,903

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 62

Statement of Cash Flow
Q3 of the 23rd year from 01 January 2021 to 30 September 2021
Q3 of the 22nd year: from 01 January 2020 to 30 September 2020
(Unit: KRW)

Q3 of the 23rd year Q3 of the 22nd year

Operating cash flows 251,748,767,923 49,674,855,666
Cash flows from operating activities 272,764,848,587 52,644,908,384
Net income (loss) 227,569,699,834 56,531,297,097
Increase or decrease for adjustment to current net profit 91,496,205,348 36,290,506,621
Change to equities/liabilities on sales operations (46,301,056,595) (40,176,895,334)
Gain on interest 2,113,681,410 2,655,162,180
Payment on interest (128,912,419) (160,043,942)
Payment of income tax (return) (23,000,849,655) (5,465,170,956)
Cash flows from investing activities (202,080,471,710) (38,593,252,320)
Increase in short-term financial instruments (340,000,000,000) (200,000,000,000)
Decrease in short term financial instruments 160,000,000,000 170,000,000,000
Increase in other receivables (2,288,324,881) (3,651,000,000)
Decrease in other receivables 1,830,774,725 1,736,443,552
Increase in advanced payments 0 (577,903,883)
Increase in other non-current liabilities 0 0
Decrease in other liabilities 0 20,000,000
Acquisition of tangible assets (19,559,702,594) (3,589,286,348)
Acquisition of intangible assets (3,255,626,220) (2,540,724,141)
Disposal of tangible assets 1,379,116,096 9,218,500
Disposal of intangible assets 0 0
Disposition of financial assets at FVTPL 130,403,164 0
Disposition of financial assets at FVOCI 0 0
Acquisition of investments in associates (317,112,000) 0
Acquisition of investments in associates 0 0
Cash flows from financing activities (24,200,299,774) (15,639,551,651)
Payment of lease liabilities (2,243,494,774) (2,140,182,651)
Dividend payment (21,956,805,000) (13,499,369,000)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents before the effect
25,467,996,439 (4,557,948,305)
of exchange rate fluctuations
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 100,049,526,121 108,327,650,225
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash
38,087 40,016,166
Cash and cash equivalents at the end 125,517,560,647 103,809,718,086

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5. Notes on Financial Statements

1. Company overview

LX Semicon Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) was established on 11 November 1999
for the purpose of designing and manufacturing FPD (flat panel display) semiconductor IC. The Company
is located in 222 Techno 2-ro, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. The Company was certified by
the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology as a corporate subsidiary research facility in
accordance with Article 16 of the Technology Development Promotion Act and Clause 1 of Article 15 of
the Enforcement Decree of the same Act on 19 October 2001. The Company has also been designated as
a high-tech company in accordance with Clause 1 of Article 9 of the Special Law on the Cultivation of
the Special Research and Development Daedeok-gu and more on 23 October 2011.
The Company was then listed on KOSDAQ market as of 8 June 2010. After several increases in capital
with or without considerations, the amount of paid-in capital of the Company as of the end of the current
quarter is 8,132,150,000 won (16,264,300 issued shares and 50,000,000 authorized shares).
The Company changed the name from Silicon Works Co., Ltd. to LX Semicon Co., Ltd. on 1 July 2021.
The shareholders of the Company at the end of current quarter are as follows:

(Unit: shares)
Name of shareholders No. of shares held Ratio Remarks
LX Holdings Co., Ltd. 5,380,524 33.08% Largest shareholder
Others 10,883,776 66.92% -
Total amount 16,264,300 100.00%

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2. Financial statement preparation standards and significant accounting policies

(1) Standards for preparing financial statements

These financial statements are summarized interim financial statements prepared by applying K-IFRS
1034 'Interim Financial Report' for a part of the period to which the annual financial statements belong,
and separate financial statements by K-IFRS 1027 'Separate Financial Statements’ To understand these
condensed interim financial statements, it is necessary to use the annual porcelain financial statements for
the fiscal year ending 31 December 2020 prepared in accordance with the IFRS adopted by Korea.
The material accounting policies applied in the preparation of the interim financial statements include
those adopted in the preparation of the annual financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2020,
except for the impacts related to the introduction of the standards or interpretations described same as

1) The new standards and interpretations introduced from this quarter and the resulting changes in
accounting policies are as follows:

- Lease under K-IFRS 1116 (amendment)

The international financial standards committee extended the scope of rent discounts (rent concession) by
a year due to the global spread of COVID-19 to lessees by revising the standards in March 2021. The
practical and simple method allows the lessee to choose not to evaluate whether the COVID-19-related
rental discount, etc., qualifies as a lease change. The lessee who has made this choice will account for
changes in lease fees due to the COVID-19 related rental fee discount, etc., consistent with the method
that the lessee accounts for when such changes are not lease changes. On the other hand, the practical and
simple method according to the amendment is not provided to the lessor.
The practical and simple method according to the amendment applies only to rental discount, etc. that
satisfy all of the following conditions.
The lease consideration modified due to changes in lease payments is substantially the same as or less
than the lease consideration before the change.

① The lease consideration modified due to changes in lease payments is substantially the same as or less
than the lease consideration before the change.
The lease fee reduction only affects the lease payments due before 30 June 2022.

③Other lease terms and conditions are not substantially changed.

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- IFRS 1109 “Financial instruments’, 1039 ‘Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement’,
1107 ‘Financial instruments: Notification’, 1104 ‘Insurance Contract’ and No.1116 ‘Lease’ (Amendment)
- Revisions on index for interest rate

In relation to the reform of the interest rate indicator, the effective interest rate, not the carrying amount,
is adjusted when the interest rate indicator is replaced for financial instruments measured at amortized
cost, and hedging accounting can be continued without interruption even if the substitution of the interest
rate indicator occurs in the hedging relationship. In the case of lease changes following interest rate index
reform, exceptions are included in which a discount rate reflecting the new alternative index interest rate
is applied. The Company expects that this revision will not have a material impact on the consolidated
financial statements.

2) The following are the details of the K-IFRS which were enacted and announced as of the date of
approval for the financial statements, but the effective date has not yet arrived, and the Group has
not been applied in advance:

- IFRS 1001 ‘Classification of the current and non-current liabilities’ (amendment)

This amendment only affects the indication of current and non-current liabilities in the financial
statements, and does not affect the amount of assets, liabilities and gains or losses, the time of recognition,
or the disclosure information for those items.
This amendment clarifies that the classification of current and non-current liabilities is based on the
entity's rights that exist at the end of the reporting period, and also highlights that it is irrelevant to
expectations of whether the entity will exercise its right to defer settlement of the debt. . At the end of the
reporting period, if the loan agreement is complied with, the right exists, and settlement is clarified as the
transfer of cash, equity instruments, or other assets or services to the counterparty.
This amendment is applied retroactively after the commencement date of the first business year starting
after 1 January 2023, and early application is permitted.

- Reference to IFRS 1103 'Conceptual system’ (amendment)

This amendment includes the content that SKAS 1103 refers to the 'Conceptual System' (2018) instead
of the previous system ('Conceptual system' (2007)). In addition, this amendment also adds a requirement
that in the case of provisions or contingent liabilities that fall within the scope of application of IFRS
1037, the acquirer applies IFRS 1037 to determine whether a current obligation exists as a result of past
events at the acquisition date. In the case of contributions that fall within the scope of application of
Interpretation of IFRS 2121, the acquirer applies interpretation of IFRS 2121 to determine whether an
obligatory event that creates a payment liability for the contribution has occurred by the acquisition date.
This amendment adds an explicit statement that the acquirer does not recognize contingent assets in a
business combination.
This amendment applies to business combinations after the commencement date of the business year for
which the acquisition date first begins on or after 1 January 2022. Early application of the amendments is
allowed only when all the amendments under the 'Amendments to the Conceptual System References in

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 66

the K-IFRS' published together with the amendments are applied before or simultaneously with the

- Tangible assets under IFRS 1016 (amendment)

This amendment prohibits that the sale of goods produced before the tangible assets become usable, i.e.,
the sale of goods produced before it reaches the place and condition necessary to operate in the manner
intended by management, is deducted from the cost of the tangible asset. Accordingly, such sales and
related costs are recognized in profit or loss, and the costs are measured in accordance with IFRS 1002.
In addition, this amendment clarifies the meaning of 'testing whether tangible assets operate normally',
and states to evaluate whether the technical and physical performance of an asset can be used for the
production or provision of goods or services, lease to others, or management activities.
Unless the goods produced are the output of the entity's ordinary activities and the sale amount and costs
included in profit or loss are separately indicated in the statement of comprehensive income, the Company
should disclose an account in the statement of comprehensive income that includes the size of the amount
and cost of the sale, and the amount and cost of the sale.
This amendment applies retrospectively only to tangible assets that has reached a location and condition
capable of operating in the manner intended by management after the commencement date of the earliest
period indicated in the financial statements for which this amendment is first applied. The cumulative
effect of the initial application of this amendment is recognized by adjusting the opening balance of
retained earnings (or other components of equity, if appropriate) at the beginning of the earliest indicated
period. This amendment will be applied from the first business year beginning on or after 1 January 2022,
and early application is permitted.

- Loss-bearing contract and contract execution cost under IFRS 1037 (amendment)

This amendment clarifies that the cost of executing a contract consists of costs directly related to the
contract. Costs directly related to a contract consist of the incremental costs (e.g. direct labor cost and
direct material cost) to perform the contract and any other cost allocations (e.g. depreciation of tangible
assets used in the performance of the contract) directly related to the performance of the contract.Costs
directly related to a contract consist of the incremental costs (e.g. direct labor cost and direct material
cost) to perform the contract and any other cost allocations (e.g. depreciation of tangible assets used in
the performance of the contract) directly related to the performance of the contract.
This amendments applies to contracts for which all obligations have not been fulfilled on the
commencement date of the business year in which this amendment is first applied. The comparative
financial statements are not rewritten, but instead, the cumulative effect by the first adoption of the
amendments is recognized as retained earnings at the date of initial application or, as appropriate, other
elements of equity.
This amendment will be applied from the first business year beginning on or after 1 January 2022, and
early application is permitted.

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- Annual improvements of 2018-2020 cycle based on K-IFRS

This annual improvement includes some amendments to the first adoption of K-IFRS under IFRS 1101,
IFRS 1109 ‘Financial instruments’, IFRS 1116 ‘Lease’ and IFRS 1041 ‘Agriculture, forestry and

① IFRS 1101 ‘The first adoption of K-IFRS’

This amendment provides an additional exemption from accounting for cumulative translation differences
in subsidiaries that become first adopters later than the parent. Subsidiaries subject to the exemption
provisions in paragraph D16(1) of IFRS 1101 may choose to measure the cumulative translation
difference of all overseas operations at the carrying amount to be included in the parent's consolidated
financial statements on the basis of the date of transition of the parent to the K-IFRS. However, the effect
of the business combination in which the parent acquires a subsidiary and adjustments in accordance with
the consolidation procedure are excluded. A similar choice may be made if an associate or joint venture
applies the exemption provisions in paragraph D16(1) of IFRS 1101.
This amendment will be applied from the first business year beginning on or after 1 January 2022, and
early application is permitted.

② IFRS 1109 ‘Financial instruments’

This amendment includes only fees received or paid between the entity (borrower) and the lender when
applying the '10%' test to assess whether financial liabilities have been removed, which clarifies that it
includes fees paid or received by businesses or lenders on behalf of other parties. This amendment will
be applied prospectively to changes and exchanges that have occurred after the initial application date.
This amendment will be applied from the first business year beginning on or after 1 January 2022, and
early application is permitted.

③ IFRS 1116 ‘Lease’

This amendment deleted the contents of the lease improvement reimbursement amount in case 13 of IFRS
1116. Since this amendment is only relevant to applicable cases, the effective date has not been specified.

3. Significant decisions and major source of estimation uncertainty

In preparing the interim financial statements, management should make judgments that have a significant
effect on the amounts recognized in the financial statements (excluding matters related to estimates), and
the carrying amount of assets and liabilities that are not readily identifiable from other sources. estimates
and assumptions must be made. Estimates and related assumptions are based on past experience and other
factors deemed relevant. In addition, actual results may differ from these estimates.
For the preparation of the interim financial statements, the material judgments made in the process of
applying the Company's accounting policies and the main sources of estimation uncertainty are the same
as in the annual consolidated financial statements for the business year ended 31 December 2020.

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4. Classification of financial instruments by category

(1) Financial instruments by category

Details of the book value of financial instruments by category as of the end of the current and prior periods
are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Financial assets:
Items at FVTPL
Financial liabilities at FVTPL - 163,039,267
Items at FVOCI
Trade receivables 125,212,069,631 105,806,689,122
Items measured at amortized cost
Cash and cash equivalents 125,517,560,647 100,049,526,121
Short-term financial instruments 330,000,000,000 150,000,000,000
Trade receivables 148,539,669,923 104,561,703,472
Other receivables(*1) 40,402,937,537 22,653,208,915
Sub-total 644,460,168,107 377,264,438,508
Lease receivables 3,881,519,093 4,853,554,681
Total amount 773,553,756,831 488,087,721,578
Financial liabilities:
Items measured at amortized cost
Account payables 235,725,776,476 144,000,394,513
Other payables(*2) 18,193,243,465 20,253,490,483
Sub-total 253,919,019,941 164,253,884,996
Lease liabilities 7,095,008,478 8,064,522,070
Total amount 261,014,028,419 172,318,407,066
(*1) Lease receivables are excluded.
(*2) Employee related liabilities not included in financial liabilities are excluded.

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(2) Financial incomes and costs by category

Details of financial incomes and financing costs recognized in the current profit or loss in the current and
prior periods are as follows:
(Unit: KRW)
Interest revenue (costs) Other income (*1)
Current quarter Prior quarter Current quarter Prior quarter
Financial liabilities at FVTPL - - (32,636,103) 27,786,692
Financial assets at FVTOCI - - 10,426,384,429 (345,484,407)
Financial assets measured at amortized
2,410,743,214 2,004,972,098 3,469,940,436 1,352,422,101
Lease receivables 74,304,412 95,816,109 - -
Financial liabilities measured at
- - (5,348,221,030) 309,518,116
amortized cost
Lease liabilities (128,912,419) (160,043,942) - -
Total amount 2,356,135,207 1,940,744,265 8,515,467,732 1,344,242,502
(*1) Other profits or losses include profit or loss arising from financial instruments at FVTPL and losses
on disposition of accounts receivable and losses on foreign currency translation, and profits and losses on
foreign exchange differences at FVTOCI, financial assets and liabilities measured at amortized cost.

(3) Transfer of financial assets

The Company transferred account receivables according to the account receivable factoring contract with
the Export-Import Bank, etc. In this transaction, if the relevant trade receivables are not recovered at
maturity, the Company is not obligated to pay the unrecovered amount of trade receivables to banks.
There is no carrying amount of trade receivables accounted for as collateralized borrowing as the
Company transferred all or part of the transferred financial assets through factoring of accounts receivable
as of the end of the current quarter.

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5. Cash and cash equivalents

The details of cash and cash equivalents as of the end of the current and prior periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Demand deposits 25,317,560,647 10,049,526,121
Term deposit, etc.(*1) 100,200,000,000 90,000,000,000
Total amount 125,517,560,647 100,049,526,121
(*1) This is a financial instrument whose maturity is within 3 months from the acquisition date, has very
high liquidity, is easy to convert to a fixed amount, and has a slight risk of value fluctuation.

6. Short-term financial instruments

The details of short-term financial instruments as of the end of the current and prior periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Term deposit 330,000,000,000 150,000,000,000

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7. Trade and other receivables

(1) Trade and other receivables as of the end of the current and prior periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Current Non-current Current Non-current
Trade receivables 273,751,739,554 - 210,368,392,594 -
Receivables 27,988,283,090 - 11,067,470,840 -
Accrued income 1,087,379,915 - 716,013,699 -
Loans 1,572,984,892 7,405,854,361 1,403,207,680 7,548,533,982
Deposits - 2,348,435,279 - 1,917,982,714
Lease receivables 1,321,688,479 2,559,830,614 1,299,689,942 3,553,864,739
Total amount 305,722,075,930 12,314,120,254 224,854,774,755 13,020,381,435

(2) The changes in lease receivables during the current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior period
Beginning 4,853,554,681 6,124,481,750
Interest income 74,304,412 124,192,931
Recall (1,046,340,000) (1,395,120,000)
Ending 3,881,519,093 4,853,554,681

(3) Maturity analysis of lease receivables as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Less than 1 year 1,395,120,000 1,395,120,000
Over 1 year and less than 2 years 1,395,120,000 1,395,120,000
Over 2 year and less than 3 years 1,215,104,509 1,395,120,000
Over 3 year and less than 4 years - 813,820,000
Total undiscounted lease 4,005,344,509 4,999,180,000
Unrealized financial income (123,825,416) (145,625,319)
Net lease investment 3,881,519,093 4,853,554,681

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8. Financial liabilities at FVTPL

(1) Financial assets at FVTPL as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Items at FVTPL
LB Investment - 163,039,267

(2) The changes in the financial assets at FVTPL during the current quarter and the prior period are as

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior period
Beginning 163,039,267 270,925,629
Disposal amount (163,039,267) -
Valuation profit and loss - (107,886,362)
Ending - 163,039,267

9. Other assets

Other assets at the end of current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Current Non-current Current Non-current
Advanced payments 4,309,913,048 98,035,890 625,735,336 145,142,494
Prepaid expenses 23,534,124,721 1,298,283,120 16,658,762,230 979,108,680
Total amount 27,844,037,769 1,396,319,010 17,284,497,566 1,124,251,174

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10. Inventories

(1) The details of inventories as of the end of the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Finished goods 58,635,354,056 40,247,274,592
Work in process 136,226,722,643 116,647,392,008
Inventory return assets 361,151,082 189,116,375
Inventory valuation allowance (8,990,580,343) (21,818,874,629)
Total amount 186,232,647,438 135,264,908,346

(2) Recognized valuation profits and losses of the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Cost of goods sold:
Establishment of allowance for return of
(172,034,707) (86,930,177)
Establishment (return) of allowance for
(12,828,294,286) 6,911,606,049
valuation of inventories

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 74

11. Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures

(1) The details of investments of subsidiaries as of the end of the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Month End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Addres Major business of
Company name Carrying Carrying
s activity account Ratio(%) Ratio(%)
closing amount amount
LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc(*1) USA manufacturing 12 100.00 137,322,045 100.00 137,322,045
and designing
Silicon Works China Co., Ltd. China manufacturing 12 100.00 2,179,314,000 100.00 2,179,314,000
and designing
LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd.(*2) Japan manufacturing 12 100.00 317,112,000 0.00 -
and designing
Total amount 2,633,748,045 2,316,636,045
(*1) SILICON WORKS, INC. changed its name to LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc. on 16 July.
(*2) It was established through new investment during the current quarter.

(2) The investment of associates and joint ventures as of the end of the current quarter and the prior
period are as follows::

(Unit: KRW)
Month End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Major business of
Company name Address Carrying
activity account Ratio(%) Ratio(%) Carrying amount
closing amount
R&D and design
Advance Power Device
Korea of semiconductor 3 49.00 4,410,000,000 49.00 4,410,000,000
Technologies Co. ltd.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 75

12. Tangible assets

(1) The details of tangible assets as of the end of the current and prior periods are as follows:

① End of the current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Other tangible
Division Land Buildings Structures Machinery Equipment Total amount
Acquisition cost 5,015,382,334 4,847,249,181 188,300,000 49,084,989,672 16,722,054,875 7,284,781,067 83,142,757,129
- (2,633,666,304) (15,299,388) (19,987,600,629) (11,935,446,174) (3,731,943,195) (38,303,955,690)
- - - (239,798,395) - - (239,798,395)
impairment loss
- - - (40,115) (11,866,356) (210,000,000) (221,906,471)
Carrying amount 5,015,382,334 2,213,582,877 173,000,612 28,857,550,533 4,774,742,345 3,342,837,872 44,377,096,573

(*1) Other tangible assets include facility equipment, leasehold improvements and assets construction in-

② End of the prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Other tangible
Division Land Buildings Structures Machinery Equipment Total amount
Acquisition cost 5,015,382,334 4,847,249,181 188,300,000 22,297,405,395 15,435,827,782 16,576,118,246 64,360,282,938
- (2,451,894,452) (11,768,760) (15,273,610,355) (10,773,442,512) (3,005,808,205) (31,516,524,284)
- - - (564,056,013) - - (564,056,013)
impairment loss
- - - (935,118) (9,723,663) (255,000,000) (265,658,781)
Carrying amount 5,015,382,334 2,395,354,729 176,531,240 6,458,803,909 4,652,661,607 13,315,310,041 32,014,043,860

(*1) Other tangible assets include facility equipment, leasehold improvements and assets construction in-

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 76

(2) Changes in carrying amount of tangible assets during the current quarter and the prior period are as

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Other tangible
Division Land Buildings Structures Machinery Equipment Total amount
Carrying amount at
5,015,382,334 2,395,354,729 176,531,240 6,458,803,909 4,652,661,607 13,315,310,041 32,014,043,860
the beginning
Acquisition cost
- - - 3,132,358,155 1,818,858,933 16,156,128,021 21,107,345,109
during the period
Disposal cost during
- - - (9,000) (2,669,584) (686,403,031) (689,081,615)
the period
Substitution of assets
construction in- - - - 24,761,062,169 - (24,761,062,169) -
Depreciation - (181,771,852) (3,530,628) (5,494,664,700) (1,694,108,611) (681,134,990) (8,055,210,781)
Carrying amount at
5,015,382,334 2,213,582,877 173,000,612 28,857,550,533 4,774,742,345 3,342,837,872 44,377,096,573
the end of the quarter
(*1) Other tangible assets include facility equipment, leasehold improvements and assets construction in-

② Prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Other tangible
Division Land Buildings Structures Machinery Equipment Total amount
Carrying amount at
5,015,382,334 2,637,717,199 181,238,744 5,978,557,331 4,774,638,268 2,288,930,197 20,876,464,073
the beginning
Acquisition cost
- - - 1,864,349,926 2,088,034,246 13,145,083,912 17,097,468,084
during the period
Disposal cost during
- - - (31,738) (439,510) - (471,248)
the period
Substitution of assets
construction in- - - - 975,605,167 - (975,605,167) -
Replacement of
- - - - - (410,559,310) (410,559,310)
licensed assets
Depreciation - (242,362,470) (4,707,504) (2,359,676,777) (2,209,571,397) (732,539,591) (5,548,857,739)
Carrying amount at
the end of the prior 5,015,382,334 2,395,354,729 176,531,240 6,458,803,909 4,652,661,607 13,315,310,041 32,014,043,860
(*1) Other tangible assets include facility equipment, leasehold improvements and assets construction in-

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 77

13. Intangible assets

(1) The details of intangible assets as of the end of the current and prior periods are as follows:

① End of the current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Industrial property Other intangible Intangible assets
Division Goodwill Software Membership Total amount
rights assets (*1) under construction
Acquisition cost 27,913,122,677 3,927,014,221 14,144,022,632 3,593,114,600 34,882,988,673 3,209,282,322 87,669,545,125
- (1,576,739,200) (8,095,045,360) - (27,842,285,345) - (37,514,069,905)
- - - (243,581,400) - - (243,581,400)
impairment loss
- (15,478,660) - - - (15,238,703) (30,717,363)
Carrying amount 27,913,122,677 2,334,796,361 6,048,977,272 3,349,533,200 7,040,703,328 3,194,043,619 49,881,176,457

(*1) Other intangible assets consist of customer-related intangible assets and technological capabilities
generated through business acquisition.

② End of the prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Industrial property Other intangible Intangible assets
Division Goodwill Software Membership Total amount
rights assets (*1) under construction
Acquisition cost 27,913,122,677 3,326,441,693 12,152,633,355 3,593,114,600 34,882,988,673 3,059,117,441 84,927,418,439
- (1,335,163,253) (6,537,795,310) - (24,818,247,013) - (32,691,205,576)
- - - (243,581,400) - - (243,581,400)
impairment loss
- (12,203,765) - - - (18,675,345) (30,879,110)
Carrying amount 27,913,122,677 1,979,074,675 5,614,838,045 3,349,533,200 10,064,741,660 3,040,442,096 51,961,752,353
(*1) Other intangible assets consist of customer-related intangible assets and technological capabilities
generated through business acquisition.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 78

(2) Changes in carrying amount of intangible assets during the current quarter and the prior period are
as follows:

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Industrial property Other intangible Intangible assets
Division Goodwill Software Membership Total amount
rights assets (*1) under construction
Carrying amount at
27,913,122,677 1,979,074,675 5,614,838,045 3,349,533,200 10,064,741,660 3,040,442,096 51,961,752,353
the beginning
Acquisition cost
- 3,899,601 385,109,277 - - 2,427,110,940 2,816,119,818
during the period
Disposal cost during
- (1,688,805) - - - (48,799,565) (50,488,370)
the period
Substitution of assets
- 618,429,852 1,606,280,000 - - (2,224,709,852) -
under construction
Amortization of
- (264,918,962) (1,557,250,050) - (3,024,038,332) - (4,846,207,344)
intangible assets
Carrying amount at
27,913,122,677 2,334,796,361 6,048,977,272 3,349,533,200 7,040,703,328 3,194,043,619 49,881,176,457
the end of the quarter
(*1) Other intangible assets consist of customer-related intangible assets and technological capabilities
generated through business acquisition.

② Prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Intangible assets
Industrial Other intangible
Division Goodwill Software Membership construction Total amount
property rights assets (*1)

Carrying amount at the

27,913,122,677 1,566,942,928 6,270,597,276 2,445,333,200 14,374,000,003 48,895,000 52,618,891,084
Acquisition cost during
- 372,821,412 393,435,528 1,124,200,000 - 2,315,781,770 4,206,238,710
the period
Disposal cost during the
- (2,924,702) - (220,000,000) - (173,348,284) (396,272,986)
Replacement of
construction in- - 331,112,083 891,576,000 - - 849,113,610 2,071,801,693
Reclassification of
- - (179,988,673) - 179,988,673 - -
Amortization of
- (288,877,046) (1,760,782,086) - (4,489,247,016) - (6,538,906,148)
intangible assets
Carrying amount at the
27,913,122,677 1,979,074,675 5,614,838,045 3,349,533,200 10,064,741,660 3,040,442,096 51,961,752,353
end of the prior period
(*1) Other intangible assets consist of customer-related intangible assets and technological capabilities
generated through business acquisition.
(*2) The amount of long-term advance payment related to the acquisition of industrial property rights was
replaced with intangible assets construction in-progress of 2,072 million won during the prior period.

(3) Intangible assets with indefinite useful life

Among intangible assets, goodwill and membership are classified as intangible assets with indefinite
useful lives, are not amortized, and are reviewed annually for impairment along with intangible assets
under construction, which are not yet used. There was no impairment recognized for goodwill, intangible
assets construction in-progress, and memberships during the prior period.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 79

14. Government subsidies

The Company has concluded the technology development agreements with the managing organizations
regarding the following new technology development projects as national projects. The Company has
spent government subsidies received in connection with such development projects as purchases of
tangible and intangible assets, and the government subsidies are presented as a deduction of the assets
and expenses. Settlement due to the completion of tasks during the current quarter has been completed.

Government project Coordinating company

Development of micro liquid lens array panel for the Korea Advanced Institute of
implementation of 3D image in the eyeball adaptive type Science and Technology

15. Lease

(1) The Company leased buildings and vehicles, and the average lease period is about 3 years.

(2) The carrying amount of licensed assets as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are
as follows:

① End of the current quarter

(Unit: KRW)

Division Buildings Vehicles Total amount

Acquisition amount 13,616,502,813 1,118,425,037 14,734,927,850
Accumulated depreciations (7,116,552,156) (346,000,179) (7,462,552,335)
Carrying amount 6,499,950,657 772,424,858 7,272,375,515

② End of the prior period

(Unit: KRW)

Division Buildings Vehicles Total amount

Acquisition amount 13,211,943,075 563,262,039 13,775,205,114
Accumulated depreciations (5,016,066,837) (297,024,033) (5,313,090,870)
Carrying amount 8,195,876,238 266,238,006 8,462,114,244

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(3) Changes in carrying amount of intangible assets during the current quarter and the prior period are
as follows:

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)

Division Buildings Vehicles Total amount

Amount at the beginning 8,195,876,238 266,238,006 8,462,114,244
Acquisition cost 539,914,922 931,126,980 1,471,041,902
Decrease (Termination of
(28,191,099) (167,116,582) (195,307,681)
Depreciation (2,207,649,404) (257,823,546) (2,465,472,950)
The amount at the end 6,499,950,657 772,424,858 7,272,375,515

② Prior period

(Unit: KRW)

Division Buildings Vehicles Total amount

Amount at the beginning 9,445,476,190 325,387,122 9,770,863,312
Acquisition cost 1,720,513,295 225,391,068 1,945,904,363
Decrease (Termination of
(107,735,369) (51,287,923) (159,023,292)
Depreciation (2,862,377,878) (233,252,261) (3,095,630,139)
The amount at the end of the
8,195,876,238 266,238,006 8,462,114,244
prior period

(4) The amounts recognized in profit or loss during the current and the prior quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)

Division Current quarter Prior quarter

Depreciation on licensed assets 2,465,472,950 2,344,305,423
Interest cost on lease liabilities 128,912,419 160,043,942
Expenses related to short-term leases and
138,736,861 92,040,266
small assets lease

(5) The Company's total cash outflows due to leases for the current and the prior quarters are 2,511
million won and 2,392 million won, respectively.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 81

(6) The details of lease liabilities as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)

End of the current quarter End of the prior period

Division Present value of Present value of
Minimum lease Minimum lease
minimum lease minimum lease
Less than 1 year 3,179,842,864 3,051,297,566 2,870,442,844 2,718,391,566
Over 1 year and less
4,104,471,736 4,043,710,912 5,498,344,557 5,346,130,504
than 5 years
Total amount 7,284,314,600 7,095,008,478 8,368,787,401 8,064,522,070

(7) The current components of lease liabilities as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period
are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)

Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period

Current liabilities 3,051,297,566 2,718,391,566
Non-current liabilities 4,043,710,912 5,346,130,504
Total amount 7,095,008,478 8,064,522,070

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 82

16. Trade and other payables

The details of trade and other payables as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Current Non-current Current Non-current
Account payables 235,725,776,476 - 144,000,394,513 -
Payables 17,380,456,067 - 32,392,930,135 -
Unpaid expenses 24,237,497,237 - 4,555,531,018 -
Rental deposits - 20,000,000 - 20,000,000
Total amount 277,343,729,780 20,000,000 180,948,855,666 20,000,000

17. Other liabilities

(1) The details of other liabilities at the end of current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Current Non-current Current Non-current
Advances 5,900,024,192 - 4,230,541,855 -
Withholdings 1,814,820,227 - 2,032,183,569 -
Provisions 2,342,905,473 - 3,577,208,567 -
Long-term employee
- 2,250,631,722 - 2,136,061,671
salary liabilities
Provision for
- 990,105,452 - 929,455,452
Total amount 10,057,749,892 3,240,737,174 9,839,933,991 3,065,517,123

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 83

(2) Changes in the provisions during the current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Division Beginning Established Returned Paid Ending
Provision for sales
3,332,437,307 1,341,303,590 (456,504,868) (2,445,558,378) 1,771,677,651
Provision for return 244,771,260 4,335,763,972 (4,009,307,410) - 571,227,822
Provision for
929,455,452 60,650,000 - - 990,105,452
Total amount 4,506,664,019 5,737,717,562 (4,465,812,278) (2,445,558,378) 3,333,010,925

② Prior period

(Unit: KRW)
Division Beginning Established Returned Paid Ending
Provision for sales
3,946,189,306 1,391,438,719 (1,883,876,933) (121,313,785) 3,332,437,307
Provision for return 159,587,501 2,434,156,344 (2,348,972,585) - 244,771,260
Provision for
582,365,174 347,090,278 - - 929,455,452
Total amount 4,688,141,981 4,172,685,341 (4,232,849,518) (121,313,785) 4,506,664,019

The Company counted guarantee expenses to be borne for product sales guarantee as provision for sales
guarantee and recognized its equivalent transfer as the selling and administrative expenses. On the other
hand, the Company recognizes the amount corresponding to the portion of revenue to be canceled at the
time of product return as allowance liability for return and deduction to sales in accordance with the IFRS

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 84

18. Capital and capital surplus

(1) The details of capital at the end of current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Number of authorized shares 50,000,000 50,000,000
Par value 500 500
Number of shares issued 16,264,300 16,264,300
Capital 8,132,150,000 8,132,150,000

(2) There are no changes in the number of shares outstanding (16,264,300 shares) in the current and
prior periods.

(3) The details of capital surplus at the end of current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Paid-in capital in excess of par
66,560,617,129 66,560,617,129
Other capital surplus 9,782,553,371 9,782,553,371
Total amount 76,343,170,500 76,343,170,500

19. Other capital items

The details of other capital items at the end of current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Loss on valuation of financial assets at FVTOCI (380,807,731) (380,807,731)

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 85

20. Retained earnings

(1) The details of current retained earnings at the end of current and the prior periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Statutory reserves 4,066,075,000 4,066,075,000
Unappropriated retained earnings 648,470,717,134 442,857,822,300
Total amount 652,536,792,134 446,923,897,300

(2) Changes in the undisposed retained earnings during the current and the prior quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Amount at the beginning 442,857,822,300 382,996,605,932
Payment of dividends (21,956,805,000) (13,499,369,000)
Quarterly net income 227,569,699,834 56,531,297,097
The amount at the end 648,470,717,134 426,028,534,029

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21. Earnings per share

(1) Basic earnings per share

① The calculation of basic earnings per share in the current and the prior periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW, shares)

Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Quarterly net income
104,234,522,850 227,569,699,834 36,877,241,617 56,531,297,097
for common share
Weighted average
number of common 16,264,300 16,264,300 16,264,300 16,264,300
shares outstanding
Basic earnings per
6,409 13,992 2,267 3,476

② Calculation of weighted average number of common shares in the current quarter

Weight No. of weighted

Number of No. of
Number of issued average
Division treasury shares outstanding
shares (1) 3 months Accumulated outstanding
(2) common shares
common shares
273 days/273
Beginning 16,264,300 - 16,264,300 92 days/92 days 16,264,300

③ Calculation of weighted average number of common shares in the prior quarter

No. of Weight No. of weighted

Number of shares Number of
outstanding average
Division issued treasury shares
common shares 3 months Accumulated outstanding
(1) (2)
(1-2) common shares
274 days/274
Beginning 16,264,300 - 16,264,300 92 days/92 days 16,264,300

(2) Diluted earnings per share

The Company does not have any dilutive securities in the current and previous year. Therefore, the diluted
earnings per share is the same as the basic earnings per share.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 87

22. Financial revenues and expenses

(1) The details of financial revenues in the current and prior periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Interest income 1,035,883,477 2,485,047,626 550,600,765 2,100,788,207
Gain on foreign exchange (financial) (669,757) 38,088 40,069,797 40,069,797
Gain on valuation of financial assets at
- - - 31,280,830
Total amount 1,035,213,720 2,485,085,714 590,670,562 2,172,138,834

(2) The details of financial expenses in the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Interest expenses 41,263,933 128,912,419 51,453,805 160,043,942
Loss on foreign exchange (financial) - 1 (107,430,744) 53,631
Loss on disposal of account receivables 761,805,821 1,723,417,822 267,653,804 345,484,407
Loss on disposal of financial assets at
- 32,636,103 - -
Loss on valuation of financial assets at
- - 3,440,117 3,494,138
Total amount 803,069,754 1,884,966,345 215,116,982 509,076,118

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23. Other non-operating income and expenses

(1) The details of other non-operating income in the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Profit on foreign exchange
7,164,019,405 15,212,033,067 740,513,528 7,099,029,394
Profit on foreign currency
2,586,989,828 3,907,298,036 179,413,807 550,634,267
conversion (non-financial)
Gain on disposal of
23,401,498 82,881,127 390,816 15,563,969
tangible assets
Miscellaneous profits 4,580,716 70,396,284 51,380,738 96,163,188
Total amount 9,778,991,447 19,272,608,514 971,698,889 7,761,390,818

(2) The details of other non-operating expenses in the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Loss on foreign exchange
3,888,012,996 7,330,133,386 3,298,305,026 5,195,449,824
Loss on foreign currency
946,516,786 1,517,714,147 (340,644,687) 832,289,786
conversion (non-financial)
Loss on disposal of
482,170 16,925,602 244,002 5,948,002
tangible assets
Impairment losses on
- 50,488,370 2,924,702 146,118,494
intangible assets
Donations - 5,523,993 12,265,000 16,908,815
Miscellaneous losses 895,940 472,546,193 72,381 1,279,706,151
Total amount 4,835,907,892 9,393,331,691 2,973,166,424 7,476,421,072

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 89

24. Operating profit

The main items and amounts included in operating profit calculation for the current and last periods are
as follows:
(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Sales 505,394,416,600 1,360,293,286,378 367,216,639,437 798,925,620,587
Sales from sales of goods 501,982,128,442 1,355,160,389,231 366,633,010,314 793,685,127,925
Other sales 3,412,288,158 5,132,897,147 583,629,123 5,240,492,662
Cost of goods sold (“COGS”) 308,869,630,987 887,814,018,794 270,309,975,871 586,731,521,203
Cost of finished goods sold 307,121,167,915 885,770,704,926 270,158,497,024 584,565,801,957
Cost of other goods sold 1,748,463,072 2,043,313,868 151,478,847 2,165,719,246
Selling and administrative
67,890,589,020 189,372,943,591 48,535,467,262 143,035,315,165
Salary and bonuses 11,489,922,108 31,602,168,236 8,813,438,689 24,696,024,566
Severance payments 637,709,904 1,946,355,362 848,101,190 2,272,867,325
Employee benefits 3,108,375,701 7,461,839,424 1,968,585,923 5,493,467,178
Travel expenses 489,560,478 976,742,688 200,062,729 513,590,803
Rent 249,192,416 702,711,629 211,934,255 635,401,445
Service fees 8,594,034,636 23,504,587,084 4,976,018,788 13,927,559,221
Depreciation 1,544,893,206 4,365,398,888 1,390,199,267 4,100,384,864
Amortization of intangible
565,343,683 1,560,718,140 440,706,106 1,286,225,496
Establishment of provision for
63,574,267 884,798,722 780,204,911 (564,255,525)
sales guarantee (reversal)
Ordinary R&D expenses 39,198,454,310 110,294,963,433 27,521,155,902 87,291,041,828
Others 1,949,528,311 6,072,659,985 1,385,059,502 3,383,007,964
Operating profit 128,634,196,593 283,106,323,993 48,371,196,304 69,158,784,219

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 90

25. Employee benefits

The Company pays its retiring employees with the predetermined amount of retirement benefits in lump
sum, based on the level of salaries and the years in service, and this is classified as defined benefit system.
Such retirement benefit can be withdrawn before the resignation of the employee as interim settlement
when the legal requirements apply, and the number of years of service for calculating severance pay after
the interim settlement is newly calculated from the time of settlement.

(1) The details of defined benefit liabilities as of the end of the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Present value of defined benefit obligation 54,273,469,722 43,512,383,794
Fair value of plan assets (41,281,653,956) (42,749,338,496)
Defined benefit liabilities 12,991,815,766 763,045,298

(2) Changes in the current value of the defined benefit obligation during the current and the prior
quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Beginning balance of defined benefit obligation 43,512,383,794 39,248,760,042
Current service cost 4,806,164,595 4,846,630,761
Interest cost 724,117,731 612,031,671
Transfers between associates 7,346,274,602 1,002,241,698
Retirement benefit payment (2,115,471,000) (2,224,199,350)
Ending balance of defined benefit obligation 54,273,469,722 43,485,464,822

(3) Changes in the fair value of plan assets during the current and the prior quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Beginning balance of plan assets 42,749,338,496 35,268,837,546
Interest income 648,215,460 481,085,703
Severance payment from plan assets (2,115,471,000) (2,093,816,780)
Others (429,000) -
Ending balance of plan assets 41,281,653,956 33,656,106,469

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 91

(4) The expenses recognized in the current profit or loss regarding the defined benefit plans during the
current and prior quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Current service cost 4,806,164,595 4,846,630,761
Net interest cost 75,902,271 130,945,968
Total amount 4,882,066,866 4,977,576,729

(5) The details of plan assets as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Short-term financial product, etc. 41,281,653,956 42,749,338,496

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 92

26. Income tax expenses

Income tax expense was calculated by adjusting the adjustments recognized for the current period from
the current income tax expense for the past period, deferred income tax expense resulting from the
occurrence or extinguishment of temporary differences, and income tax expense related to items
recognized outside profit or loss. The average effective tax rates for the current and the prior periods'
income tax expenses are 22.5% and 20.5%, respectively.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 93

27. Statement of Cash Flow

(1) The details of reconciliation of income and expenses during business activities in the current and
last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Income tax expenses 66,016,020,351 14,575,519,584
Depreciation 10,520,683,731 6,490,891,378
Establishment (return) of allowance for valuation of
(12,828,294,286) 6,911,606,049
Establishment of allowance for return of inventories (172,034,707) (86,930,177)
Loss on disposal of inventories 20,393,749,122 -
Establishment of provision for return 326,456,562 121,717,177
Gain on disposal of tangible assets (82,881,127) (15,563,969)
Loss on disposal of tangible assets 16,925,602 5,948,002
Impairment losses on intangible assets 50,488,370 146,118,494
Amortization of intangible assets 4,846,207,344 4,984,843,708
Severance payments 4,882,066,866 4,977,576,729
Gain on foreign currency translation (3,907,336,124) (590,704,064)
Loss on foreign currency translation 1,517,714,148 832,343,417
Interest income (2,485,047,626) (2,100,788,207)
Interest expenses 128,912,419 160,043,942
Establishment of provision for sales guarantee
884,798,722 (564,255,525)
Gain on valuation of financial assets at FVTPL - (31,280,830)
Loss on valuation of financial assets at FVTPL - 3,494,138
Loss on disposal of financial assets at FVTPL 32,636,103 -
Long-term employee benefits 182,270,051 124,442,368
Loss on disposal of account receivables 1,723,417,822 345,484,407
Establishment of restoration cost 60,650,000 -
Others (611,197,995) -
Total amount 91,496,205,348 36,290,506,621

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 94

(2) Changes in assets and liabilities during sales of the current and last periods are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Trade receivables (61,236,914,608) (70,723,748,140)
Other payables (16,909,542,510) (5,589,941,091)
Other current assets (10,831,095,447) (11,513,861,222)
Other non-current assets - (6,120,927)
Inventories (58,361,159,221) (62,740,203,005)
Account payables 90,285,853,419 87,630,756,635
Other current liabilities (993,439,383) (2,068,809,718)
Other payables 3,494,201,965 23,012,649,115
Long-term employee salary liabilities (67,700,000) -
Net defined benefit liabilities 7,346,703,602 871,859,128
Lease receivables 972,035,588 950,523,891
Total amount (46,301,056,595) (40,176,895,334)

(3) The Company has prepared the cash flows based on operating activities on the cash flow statement
using the indirect method. The significant transactions that do not involve cash inflows and outflows
for the current and the prior quarters are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Division Current quarter Prior quarter
Substitution of construction in progress 24,761,062,169 195,709,091
Substitution of intangible assets in progress 2,224,709,852 48,895,000
Substitution of advance payments into intangible assets - 2,440,562,604
Increase of licensed assets due to restoration obligation - 347,090,278
Increase (Decrease) of accrued expenses relating to
1,562,276,515 (198,347,091)
acquisition of tangible assets
Increase (Decrease) of accrued expenses relating to
(439,506,402) 158,863,920
acquisition of intangible assets
Recognition of lease liabilities and licensed assets under
1,471,041,902 1,121,546,416
the lease agreement
Liquidity substitution for lease liabilities 2,773,461,494 2,209,275,682
Liquidity substitution for lease receivables 994,034,125 972,035,588
Liquidity substitution for loans 1,192,835,571 1,030,534,139

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 95

(4) Cash flows from financing activities

Changes in liabilities arising from financial activities during the current and prior quarters are as follows:

① Current quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Cash flows from End of the current
Division Beginning Non-cash transaction
financial activities quarter
Dividends payable - (21,956,805,000) 21,956,805,000 -
2,718,391,566 (2,243,494,774) 2,576,400,774 3,051,297,566
Lease liabilities(non-
5,346,130,504 - (1,302,419,592) 4,043,710,912

② Prior quarter

(Unit: KRW)
Cash flow from End of the prior
Division Beginning Non-cash transaction
financing activities quarter
Dividends payable - (13,499,369,000) 13,499,369,000 -
2,800,707,185 (2,140,182,651) 2,120,973,709 2,781,498,243
Lease liabilities(non-
7,077,760,245 - (1,087,729,266) 5,990,030,979

28. Financial instruments with the restricted use

There are no financial instruments with restricted use as of the end of the current quarter.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 96

29. Specially related persons

(1) The details of specially related persons as of the end of the current quarter and the prior period are
as follows:

Division End of the current quarter End of the prior period

LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc (*1) SILICON WORKS, INC.
Subsidiaries Silicon Works China Co., Ltd. Silicon Works China Co., Ltd.
LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd. (*2) -
Associates and joint Advanced Power Device Technology Co., Advanced Power Device Technology Co.,
ventures Ltd. Ltd.
Companies exercising
significant influence on LX Holdings Co., Ltd. (*3) LG Corp.
the Company
LX Holdings Co., Ltd. and joint ventures Subsidiaries of LG Corp. and joint ventures
Large corporate group affiliates (*4) Large corporate group affiliates (*4)
(*1) SILICON WORKS, INC. changed its name to LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc. on 16 July.
(*2) It was established through new investment during the current quarter.
(*3) The company that exerts significant influence on the Company has been changed from LG Corp. to
LX Holdings Co., Ltd during the current quarter.
(*4) Not included in scope of related party pursuant to IFRS 1024 'Disclosure of related parties', but it
belongs to the same large corporate group under the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act.
Accordingly, subsidiaries and associates of LG Corp. and associates of LX Holdings Co., Ltd. are large
corporate group affiliates.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 97

(2) Transactions with related parties during the current and prior quarters are as follows:

1) Transactions with specially related persons after changing the largest shareholder

(Unit: KRW)
Division Name Details Current quarter (*1)
LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc Sales expenses 807,671,481
Silicon Works China Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 3,911,881,619
Sales expenses 2,069,593,660
LG CNS Co., Ltd. Acquisition of tangible
and intangible assets
S&I Corp. Sales expenses 303,979,430
LG Management Development Institute Sales expenses 357,553,000
LG Electronics USA Inc. Sales 657,203,343
LG Display (China) Co., Ltd. Sales 8,530,625,320
LG Display (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Sales 203,667,879,372
LG Display Vietnam Haiphong Co. Ltd. Sales 122,830,754,613
LG Display Yantai Sales 18,761,300,819
LG Display High-Tech (China) Co.,Ltd. Sales 17,570,865
LG Display (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. Sales 3,255,867,413
Sales 202,716,335,403
LG Display Co., Ltd.
Sales expenses 2,434,175,830
Other large corporate
group affiliates Sales 7,435,723,587
Other revenues 411,450,851
LG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Sales expenses 2,477,038,410
Acquisition of tangible
and intangible assets
Sales expenses 42,955,051
LX Hausys Co., Ltd. (*2) Acquisition of tangible
and intangible assets
Sales expenses 29,609,772,730
LG Innotek Co., Ltd. Acquisition of tangible
and intangible assets
LG U Plus Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 64,314,942
LX Pantos Co., Ltd. (*2) Sales expenses 2,182,327,921
Biztech Partners Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 104,165,000
Hi-Teleservice Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 643,183
HS Ad Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 507,258,000
(*1) Transaction amount after May when the largest shareholder was changed.
(*2) LG Hausys Co., Ltd. and Pantos Co., Ltd. changed their names to LX Hausys Co., Ltd. and LX
Pantos Co., Ltd. respectively as of 1 July.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 98

2) Transactions with specially related persons before changing the largest shareholder

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
Division Name Details
(*1) 3 months Accumulated
LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc Sales expenses 741,974,758 339,982,928 1,341,270,500
Silicon Works China Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 2,403,956,088 1,266,519,023 3,693,356,704
Sales expenses 1,372,705,479 925,741,945 2,986,713,813
LG CNS Co., Ltd. Acquisition of
tangible and 212,392,500 317,035,000 1,148,780,712
Other subsidiaries
intangible assets
of LG Corp.
S&I Corp. Sales expenses 371,712,744 296,299,308 847,014,377
LG Management Development
Sales expenses 729,812,000 204,970,250 596,797,650
LG Electronics USA Inc. Sales 534,926,511 405,011,624 1,188,550,301
LG Display (China) Co., Ltd. Sales 2,274,927,448 1,832,153,280 5,244,852,564
LG Display (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Sales 112,237,908,135 71,864,522,691 175,365,172,596
LG Display Vietnam Haiphong
Sales 123,838,406,957 10,274,904,691 10,274,904,691
Co. Ltd.
LG Display Yantai Sales 15,387,423,425 20,445,347,565 20,667,992,536
Sales 133,532,403,964 171,998,853,843 368,391,319,799
LG Display Co., Ltd. Sales expenses - - 36,125,353
Other large
corporate group Other revenues 175,747,619 2,980,000,872 3,780,438,099
affiliates Sales 3,674,107,945 2,831,395,655 8,513,503,980
LG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Sales expenses 1,947,780,936 1,429,121,952 4,018,832,145
LG Innotek Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 33,832,007,574 21,057,600,544 32,956,151,366
LG U Plus Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 40,488,371 28,973,885 96,363,710
LX Pantos Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 1,990,251,402 849,946,272 1,619,549,171
Biztech Partners Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 83,332,000 57,498,000 172,494,000
HS Ad Co., Ltd. Sales expenses - - 25,000,000
Hi-Teleservice Co., Ltd. Sales expenses 590,909 594,545 3,291,102
(*1) Cumulative transaction amount up to April before the change of the largest shareholder.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 99

(3) The receivables and payables of related parties as of the end of the current and last quarters are as

(Unit: KRW)
End of the current quarter End of the prior period
Division Name
Receivables Payables Receivables Payables
LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc - 173,956,686 - 274,944,041
Silicon Works China Co., Ltd. - 970,219,647 - 785,061,968
LG CNS Co., Ltd. - 349,827,530 - 688,038,477
LG Management Development
- 27,097,400 - 8,339,320
S&I Corp. 900,000,000 48,232,895 900,000,000 96,605,340
LG Electronics USA Inc. 259,137,630 - 118,972,800 -
LG Display (China) Co., Ltd. 5,378,700,899 - 1,741,711,200 -
LG Display (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. 31,804,629,068 - 14,533,818,780 -
LG Display Vietnam Haiphong
3,018,419,616 - 45,157,716,047 -
Co. Ltd.
LG Display Yantai 4,510,282,855 - 862,775,514 -
Other large corporate
group affiliates LG Display High-Tech (China)
18,402,101 - - -
LG Display (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. 3,295,242,814 - - -
LG Display Co., Ltd. (*1) 105,478,680,855 - 74,419,080,668 -
LG Electronics Co., Ltd. (*1) 7,379,801,074 50,617,600 4,121,489,880 27,609,504
LG Innotek Co., Ltd. (*1) - 13,541,187,037 - 16,891,644,426
LX Pantos Co., Ltd. - 995,213,970 - 800,105,543
Biztech Partners Co., Ltd. - 22,916,300 - 21,091,400
Hi-Teleservice Co., Ltd. - 67,500 - -
HS Ad Co., Ltd. - 17,831,000 - -
(* 1) In addition to the above bonds and liabilities as of the end of the current quarter, lease liabilities of
6,010 million won and licensed assets of 6,192 million won have been recorded. As of the end of the
current quarter, LG Display Co., Ltd., LG Electronics Co., Ltd. and LG Innotek Co., Ltd. have recorded
1,822 million won, 2,154 million won, and 300 million won of the in advance payments for service
activities of the Company.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 100

(4) Details on major fund transactions with the concerned entity during the current quarter and prior
period are as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior period
Division Name Cash Payment of Cash Payment of
contribution dividends contribution dividends
Other large corporate group
LG Corp. - 7,263,707,400 - 4,465,834,920
affiliates (*1)
LX Semicon
Subsidiaries 317,112,000 - - -
Total amount 317,112,000 7,263,707,400 - 4,465,834,920
(*1) The largest shareholder of the Company was changed from LG Corp. to LX Holdings Co., Ltd., but
currently the Company and LX Holdings Co., Ltd. are affiliated with LG's corporate group under the
Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act. LG is classified as an affiliate of a large corporate group.

(5) The details of the compensation for major management during the current and the prior quarters are
as follows:

(Unit: KRW)
Current quarter Prior quarter
3 months Accumulated 3 months Accumulated
Short-term salaries 2,153,962,640 5,868,371,750 811,466,888 3,239,561,268
Severance payments 189,442,009 555,454,509 175,549,051 500,175,462
Total amount 2,343,404,649 6,423,826,259 987,015,939 3,739,736,730
The key executives of the Company include the auditors and the registered directors (including external

(6) The Company has no security and guarantee detail providing to or provided by special interest
parties at the end of current and last periods.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 101

30. Contingency and agreement

(1) The Company is receiving payment and payment guarantee of 393 million won from Seoul
Guarantee Insurance as of the end of the current quarter.

(2) The Company has a credit limit contract with some financial institutions such as Shinhan Bank, and
the Company's credit limit details as of the end of the current quarter are as follows:

(Unit: USD)
Division Financial institutions Foreign currency
Purchase foreign exchange Shinhan Bank 16,000,000
Purchase foreign exchange NH Bank 15,000,000
Purchase foreign exchange Mizuho Bank 60,000,000

(3) The Company has an export receivable transfer transaction agreement with the Export-Import Bank
and two other banks in relation to the collection of trade receivables as follows: The limit details of
the Company as of the end of the current quarter are as follows:

(Unit: USD)
Division Financial institutions Foreign currency
Factoring Export-Import Bank 300,000,000
Factoring BNP Paribas 40,000,000
Factoring MUFG 60,000,000

(4) The Company has no details of providing collateral for financial assets as of the end of the current

(5) The Company has no ongoing litigation or disputes as of the end of the current quarter.

31. Cases after the reporting period

The Company received approval from LG Chem through a resolution of the board of directors on 22
October to acquire a stake in FJ Composite Materials Co., LTD and related tangible and intangible assets
for 7 billion won to promote new business.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 102

6. Matters Pertaining to Dividends

A. Matters Pertaining to Dividends

The Company, pursuant to its Articles of Incorporation, is distributing dividends by the decisions of the
board of directors and resolutions of general meeting of shareholders. In order to enhance shareholder
value and expand shareholder return, the Company plans to maintain an appropriate level of dividend
policy in the future by using the free cash flow that comprehensively considers investment, cash flow,
financial structure, and dividend stability. Moreover, Article 55 and 57 of the Company’s Articles of
Incorporation provides profit dividend and the prescription of extinction for rights of dividend payment

Article 55 of the Articles of Incorporation [Profit Distribution]

① The dividend of profits may be carried out with money or other properties than money.

② If the dividend of profit is carried out with shares, the Company may use other types of stocks upon a
resolution of the general meeting of shareholders when it issues a number of shares.

③ The dividend under ① shall be paid to the shareholders listed in the Register of Shareholders as of the
end of each business year or registered pledgees.

Article 57 [Extinctive Prescription of Claims for the Payment of Dividend]

① The extinctive prescription of the right to request the payment of dividends shall be completed if it is
not exercised for five years.

② The dividends resulting from the completion of the extinctive prescription under ① shall belong to the

B. Dividends over the recent three business years

(1) Major dividends indexes

Year before prior

Current period Prior period
Division Type of share
Q3 of the 23rd
The 22nd year The 21st year
Face value per share (Won) 500 500 500
(Consolidated) Current net profit (Million won) 228,185 72,529 38,539
(Individual) Current net profit (Million won) 227,570 72,291 38,240
(Consolidated) earnings per share (Won) 14,030 4,459 2,370
Total dividends in cash (Million won) - 21,957 13,499
Total amount of dividends (Million won) - - -

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 103

(Consolidated) Cash dividend (%) - 30.3 35.0
Common shares - 2.5 2.1
Cash dividend rate (%)
Preferred shares - - -
Common shares - - -
Share dividend rate (%)
Preferred shares - - -

Dividend in cash per share Common shares - 1,350 830

(Won) Preferred shares - - -

Share allocation per share Common shares - - -

(shares) Preferred shares - - -
Note 1) (Consolidated) current net income is attributable to the parent's interest in the consolidated net income, and
(consolidated) earnings per share is the basic earnings per share of common share for the parent interest in the consolidated
net income.
Note 2) (Consolidated) cash dividend payout ratio is the percentage of the total cash dividend amount to the parent interest in
consolidated net income.

(2) Past dividend history

(Unit: times, %)

No. of consecutive dividends Average dividend yield

Quarterly (intermediate)
Settlement dividend Last 3 years Last 5 years
- 11 2.4 2.4
Note) The number of consecutive dividends from the 12th to the 22nd years is a total of 11 times.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 104

7. Matters concerning financing by issuance of securities

7-1. Performance of Financing by Issuance of Securities

[Matters related to issuance of equity securities, etc.]

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information.

[Matters related to issuance of debt securities, etc.]

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information.

Record on issue of liability securities

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: KRW, %)
Total amount Rating grade
Issuing Type of Method of Date of Interest Date of Undertaking
(electronic (Rating Repayment
company securities issue issue rate maturity company
registration) organization)
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -

Outstanding balance of corporate paper

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: KRW)
Over 10 Over 30 Over 90 Over 180 Over 1 Over 2
Remaining to 10 days days days days days year year Over 3 Total
maturity or less 30 days or 90 days or 180 days or 1 year or 2 years or 3 years or years amount
less less less less less less
- - - - - - - - -
ding - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -

Outstanding balance of short-term bonds

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: KRW)
Over 10 Over 30 Over 90 Over 180
Remaining to 10 days or days days days days Total Limit of Remaining
maturity less 30 days or 90 days or 180 days or 1 years or amount issue limit
less less less less
- - - - - - - -
ding - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 105

Outstanding balance of corporate bonds
(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: KRW)
Over 4 Over 5
Over 1 year Over 2 year Over 3 year
Remaining to 1 year or year year Over 10 Total
2 years or 3 years or 4 years or
maturity less 5 years or 10 years or year amount
less less less
less less
- - - - - - - -
ding - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -

Outstanding balance of hybrid securities

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: KRW)
Over 10 Over 15 Over 20
Over 1 year Over 5 year
Remaining to 1 year or year year year Over 30 Total
5 years or 10 years or
maturity less 15 years or 20 years or 30 years or year amount
less less
less less less
- - - - - - - -
ding - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -

Outstanding balance of conditional capital securities

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: KRW)
Over 1 Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 5 Over 10 Over 20
Remaining to 1 year year year year year year year year Over 30 Total
maturity or less 2 years or 3 years or 4 years or 5 years or 10 years 20 years 30 years year amount
less less less less or less or less or less
- - - - - - - - - -
ding - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -

7-2. Usage of financing by issuance of securities

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 106

8. Other Financial Matters

A. Cautions such as repreparation of financial statements

(1) If the (consolidated) financial statements are reprepared, the reasons for the repreparation, the
contents and the impact on the (consolidated) financial statements as of the reporting date, there is
no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information.

(2) Merger, division, asset transfer, business transfer

Contract date Contracting amount Transferred
Division Contents date of key
Resolution date party (Billion date
Business LG Electronics All of assets and personnel related to the
29.05.2018 461 01.07.2018 -
transfer Co., Ltd. business of T-Con chip for OLED TV
Note) For losses and profits arising from the transactions, refer to XI. Other matters necessary for the protection of investors -
-> 4. Other information such as sanctions --> Information after the merger --> B. Financial comparison tables before and after
the merger, etc.

B. Establishment of allowance for bad debts

(1) Established allowance for bad debts per each accounting title

(Based on 30 September 2021] (Unit: million won, %)

Allowance for bad Ratio of allowance

Division Account subject Receivables
debts establishment
Trade receivables 273,752 - 0.0
Other payables 32,290 - 0.0
Q3 of the 23rd
year Non-current other
12,521 - 0.0
Total amount 318,563 - 0.0
Trade receivables 210,368 - 0.0
Other payables 14,493 - 0.0
The 22nd year Non-current other
13,157 - 0.0
Total amount 238,018 - 0.0
Trade receivables 159,276 - 0.0
Other payables 4,572 - 0.0
The 21st year Non-current other
11,552 - 0.0
Total amount 175,400 - 0.0
Note) The consolidated subsidiaries of the Company have no record of establishing allowance for bad debts.

(2) Changes in allowance for bad debts

The changes in the allowance for bad debts from account receivables in the year are as follows:

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 107

(Based on 30 September 2021] (Unit: million won)

Division Q3 of the 23rd year The 22nd year The 21st year
1. Total allowance for bad debts at the
- - -
2. Net recognition as bad
- - -
① Amount processed as bad debts - - -
(receivables written off)
② Recollected receivables - - -
③ Other increases/decreases - - -
3. Amount in reflection of allowance for
- - -
bad debts
4. Total allowance for bad debts at the end - - -
Note) The consolidated subsidiaries of the Company have no change of establishing allowance for bad debts.

(3) Policy on establishing the allowance for bad debts over the account receivables

The assumed bad debt amounts are set to allowances for bad debts in parallel use of the individual analysis
method and age analysis for the balances of trade receivables.
- 100% bad debt was established for bonds with more than one year according to the bond age analysis.
- The experience ratio of bad debts is calculated and established on the basis of the accrued bad debts in
reality on the average balance of receivables in the past three years.

(4) Outstanding amount of account receivables by their elapsed duration as of the end of the current

(Based on 30 September 2021] (Unit: million won)

Elapsed period
Within 6 months Over 6 months Total amount

Trade receivables 273,752 - 273,752

Total amount 273,752 - 273,752
Ratio (%) 100.00 - 100.00

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 108

C. Inventory status

(1) Status on inventory asset per business division

(Based on 30 September 2021] (Unit: million won)

Q3 of the 23rd
Business sector Items The 22nd year The 21st year Remarks
Semiconductor Inventories 186,233 135,265 118,843 -
Total amount 186,233 135,265 118,843 -

Portion of inventory over gross assets (%)

16.8 18.0 18.9 -
[Total inventory ÷ total assets at the end × 100]
Inventory turnover ratio (recollection)
[Converted annual sales cost÷ {(Inventory at the 7.4 times 6.8 times 5.9 times -
beginning + Inventory at the end)÷2}]

(2) Due diligence results on inventories

① Date of due diligence

Due diligence on inventories is carried out twice a year on the basis at the end of June and December.

② Method of due diligence

Examination with samples is carried out for some items with less importance although total quantity shall
be examined in principle.
The external auditor shall be present in the due diligence of inventory, take samples and check out the
existence of inventories.

③ Status of long-term overstock, etc.

Loss due to obsolescence evaluation of inventories is determined, and the evaluation details of inventories
as of 30 September 2021 are as follows:
(Based on 30 September 2021] (Unit: million won)

Items Acquisition cost Holding amount Valuation allowance Balance at the end
Inventories 195,223 195,223 (8,990) 186,233

D. Contract status

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 109

E. Evaluation details of fair value

(1) Summary of fair value evaluation procedures [Non-derivative financial assets]

The Group classifies non-derivative financial assets into four categories: financial assets recognized in
the current profit or loss, financial assets held to maturity, loans and receivables, and transferable financial
assets, which are recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position when it becomes a
contractual party.
Non-derivative financial assets are measured at fair value at initial recognition. If they are not financial
assets recognized in the current profit or loss, the transactional cost directly related to the acquisition of
the financial assets are added to the fair value at initial recognition.

① Financial assets at FVTPL

Financial assets carried at FVTPL at initial recognition are classified as financial assets at FVTPL.
Financial assets at FVTPL are measured at fair value after initial recognition, and changes in fair value
are recognized in the current profit or loss. Meanwhile, transactional costs related to acquisition incurred
at the time of initial recognition are recognized immediately in the current profit or loss as incurred.

② Financial assets held to maturity

They are classified as financial assets held to maturity if their maturity is fixed and the amounts to be paid
are fixed or determinable for non-derivative financial assets when the Group has the aggressive intent and
ability to hold to maturity. After initial recognition, are measured at amortized cost using the effective
interest method.

③ Loans and receivables

Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and their transaction price not quoted
in an active market are classified as loans and receivables. After initial recognition, they are measured at
amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. After initial recognition, are measured at
amortized cost using the effective interest method.

④ AFS financial assets

Non-derivative financial assets designated as available for sale or not classified as financial assets
recognized in the current profit or loss, financial assets held to maturity or loans and receivables are
classified as transferable financial assets. They are measured at fair value after initial recognition, and
changes in fair value are recognized in other comprehensive profit or loss. However, equity securities that
do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be measured reliably
are measured at cost.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 110

IV. Directors’ Management Diagnoses and Analytic Opinions

In accordance with the standards for preparing corporate disclosure forms, the Company does not include
this item in the quarterly and semi-annual reports.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 111

V. Auditor’s Audit Opinion

1. Matters concerning external audit

A. Name and audit opinion of auditor

Business year Auditor Audit opinion Special remarks Key audit matters
Q3 of the 23rd year Anjin Accounting Evaluation of
Not applicable Not applicable
(current) Corp. inventories
Anjin Accounting Evaluation of
The 22nd year (prior) Appropriate Not applicable
Corp. inventories
The 21st year (the year KPMG Samjong Evaluation of
Appropriate Not applicable
before the prior) Accounting Corp. inventories

B. Audit service contract status (Unit: million won, hour(s))

Audit contract
Business year Auditor Contents details
Remuner Remuner
Hours Hours
ation ation
Review of quarterly/half year
Anjin Audit of separate and consolidated
Q3 of the 23rd year
Accounting financial statements 420 3,818 331 1,460
Corp. Audit of the internal accounting
management system
Review of quarterly/half year
Anjin Audit of separate and consolidated
The 22nd year
Accounting financial statements 379 3,443 379 3,644
Corp. Audit of the internal accounting
management system
Review of quarterly/half year
Audit of separate and consolidated
The 21st year (the Samjong
financial statements 200 2,145 200 2,587
year before the prior) Accounting
Review of the internal accounting
management system

C. Status of non-audit service contracts with auditor

Business year Contract date Services Period Remuneration Remarks

Q3 of the 23rd year
- - - - -
The 22nd year (previous) - - - - -
The 21st year (the year
- - - - -
before the prior)

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 112

D. Result of the internal audit organization's discussion with the accounting auditor on matters
that may have a significant influence on the judgment of stakeholders in the financial

Divisio Metho
Date Attendees Main discussion
n d
Company: 3 members of the
Face to Report on audit result and operation evaluation of
1 27.01.2021 audit committee
face internal accounting management policy
Auditor: executive director

E. Auditor’s opinion on subsidiaries

There is no subsidiary which has received any audit opinion other than appropriate from auditor during
the current year.

F. Change of Auditors

The Company has been selected as a corporation subject to periodic designation from the 2020 business
year, and has been subject to Article 11-1 and 11-2 of the Act on External Audit of Stock Companies,
Article 17 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on External Audit of Stock Companies, and in accordance
with Articles 10 and 15-1 of its enforcement. The Company was notified by the Financial Supervisory
Service that an external auditor was designated as Anjin Accounting Firm and reported the above to the
audit committee and the 21st general meeting of shareholders.
For reference, the designated audit period is from 2020 to the 2022 business year.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 113

2. Internal Accounting Management System

A. Status of operation of internal accounting management system

(1) Report by the internal accounting manager

Business year Reporting date Details Remarks

The Company’s internal accounting control system as of 01 December
2021 is thought to be effectively designed and operated in terms of
The 22nd year 27.01.2021 -
importance, considering the standard regulations on the internal
accounting control system.
The Company’s internal accounting control system as of 01 December
2021 is thought to be effectively designed and operated in terms of
The 21st year 11.02.2020 -
importance, considering the standard regulations on the internal
accounting control system.
The Company’s internal accounting control system as of 01 December
2021 is thought to be effectively designed and operated in terms of
The 20th year 30.01.2019 -
importance, considering the standard regulations on the internal
accounting control system.

(2) Overall opinions represented in the audit report by auditor

The Company’s internal accounting control system as of 31 December 2020 is thought to be effectively
designed and operated in terms of importance, considering the standard regulations on the internal
accounting control system.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 114

VI. Company’s Organizations such as the Board of Directors

1. Board of Directors

A. Overview of the structure of board of directors

As of the day this report is prepared, the board of directors comprises of 2 full time directors, 1
uncategorized non-executive director and 3 external directors. executive director and 3 independent
directors. Our representative director Shon Bo-Ik also takes charge of the chairman of the board of
directors and he was elected as chairman in accordance with Article 5 of the Board of Directors
Regulations. With regard to the history and roles of each director, please refer to “Ⅷ. Executives and
Employees 1. Executives and Employees”.
An audit committee has been established and operated within the board of directors.
Name of
Configuration Name of director Purpose and authority
Wi Kyung-Woo, Yoon
Audit 3 external
Il-Goo, Shin Yeong- Audit of overall company business including financial position
committee directors
Finance 2 internal Son Bo-Ik, Choi Sung- Improving management efficiency through rapid decision-making
committee directors Kwan on daily financial matters

- External directors and their changes

(Unit: person)

No. of external Changes in external directors

No. of directors
directors Appointment Dismissal Early retirement
6 3 - - -
Note) Shin Yeong-Soo, an external director and a member of the audit committee, was re-appointed at the 22nd general meeting
of shareholders in 2021 and has a term of three years.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 115

B. Major resolutions

Name of director
Son Bo-Ik Choi Sung- Jeong Yeon- Shin Yeong- Wi Kyung-
Yoon Il-Go Roh Jin-Seo
Passed or (Attendan Kwan Chae Soo Woo
No. Date held Agenda (Attendance (Attendance
not ce rate: (Attendance (Attendance (Attendance (Attendance
rate: 100%) rate: 100%)
100%) rate: 100%) rate: 100%) rate: 100%) rate: 100%)
Agreed or not
Report in the business performance and
annual performance for the fourth
quarter of 2020
Report on the operational status of the Reported
Report - - - - - -
compliance control system matters
Report on the operation status of the
internal accounting management
1 27.01.2021 Approval of the 22nd financial
statements and business report
Approval of the introduction of the Before
electronic voting system appointment
Approved Approval of appointment of Approved Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed (Appointed
compliance officers on Mar.2021)
Approval of equipment investment
Approval of occupational safety and
health plans
1- Report on the evaluation result of
Report the operation status of the internal - - - - - -
accounting management system
2 26.02.2021
1- Approval of convocation and
Approved purpose of the 22nd regular meeting of Approved Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed
Approval of the amendment of
executive officers' personnel
management regulations
3 18.03.2021 Approved Approval of payment of performance Approved Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed
incentives for executive officers
Approval of execution of remuneration
for directors
1- Report on business performance for Reported
Report - - - - - -
the Q1 2021 matters
Approval of the convening of an
extraordinary general meeting of
shareholders and the purpose of the
Approval of setting the base date and Before
closing period of the shareholder list resignation
Approval of establishment of a (Resigned on
4 11.05.2021
Japanese corporation Mar.2021)
Approved Approved Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed
Approval of revisions to executive
officer personnel management
Approval of executive officer
Approval of revision of performance
incentive standards for executive
1- Report on business performance for Reported
Report - - - - - -
the Q2 2021 matters
5 23.07.2021 1- Establishment of Finance committee
Approved and enactment of operational Approved Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed

Note 1) Choi Sung-Kwan was reappointed at the 22nd general meeting of shareholders and has a term of three years.
Note) Shin Yeong-Soo, an external director and a member of the audit committee, was re-appointed at the 22nd general meeting
of shareholders and has a term of three years. Note 3) Roh Jin-Seo was appointed at the 22nd general meeting of shareholders
and has a term of three years.
Note 4) Jeong Yeon-Chae, non-executive director, resigned at the 22nd general meeting of shareholders.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 116

C. Committee within the BOD

(1) Composition of committee within the board of directors

Name of
Configuration Name of director Purpose and authority
Finance 2 internal Son Bo-Ik, Choi Sung- Improving management efficiency through rapid decision-making
committee directors Kwan on daily financial matters

Note 1) The audit committee was excluded according to the standards for preparing the corporate disclosure form.

(2) Activities of the Committee within the BOD

Name of director
Son Bo-Ik Choi Sung-Kwan
No. Date held Agenda Passed or not (Attendance rate: (Attendance rate:
100%) 100%)
Agreed or not
1. Approval of establishment of Taiwan
1 09.08.2021 Approved Approved Agreed
liaison office

D. Independence of directors

The directors are elected at the shareholders' meeting, and the candidates for the directors to be elected at
the shareholders' meeting are appointed by the board of directors meeting and submitted to the general
meeting shareholders as an agenda. If there is a shareholder’s proposal pursuant to the relevant laws and
regulations related to the election of directors, the Board of Directors shall submit it to the general meeting
of shareholders within the legal scope.
As the total assets as of the end of the current business year are less than 2 trillion won, the Company has
no obligation to establish a recommendation committee for external directors. In order to secure fairness
and obligation to establish a recommendation committee for external directors.
The six directors elected in accordance with these procedures as of 30 September 2021 are as follows:
e term or
Deal with Relationship with the Term
Recomm Field of activity not
Job title Name Background of appointment the largest or major of
ender (business in charge) (No. of
Company shareholders office
e terms)
He served as the head of the SIC Center at LG Electronics, as
the leading authority in the field of system semiconductors.
Based on his abundant experience and competence, he was
Internal Son Bo- Board of Board chairman, Executives of affiliates 3 Reappoint
appointed as the CEO of LX Semicon from 2017 and has
director Ik directors representative director (LX Semicon) years ment (1)
excellent capabilities in the overall operation of the Company,
such as continuing the Company's growth. Therefore, he was
appointed as the internal director.

Since he was appointed CFO in 2018, he has demonstrated

excellent capabilities in the overall operation of the Company,
Internal and has made a lot of contributions to the profit creation of the Board of CFO, internal Not Executives of affiliates 3 Reappoint
director Company and shareholders even in the rapidly changing internal directors accounting manager applicable (LX Semicon) years ment (1)
and external economic conditions, therefore, he was appointed
as the executive director.

He was appointed as other non-executive director since he has

long-standing management and planning experience at LG and
Other non-
Roh LG Electronics, and based on sufficient experience and Board of Business for overall 3
executive Executives of affiliates -
Jin-Seo knowledge in related fields and experience in justice directors management years
management, he is expected to contribute to development of the
Company through his stable performance of his work.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 117

He is currently a professor at the department of business
Business for overall
Wi administration at Sookmyung Women's University, and is
External Board of management, 3
Kyung- expected to contribute to the Company's development by Not applicable -
director directors Chairman of the audit years
Woo providing advice on overall management and a lot of experience
from the perspective of a financial expert.
He is currently working in the department of electronic
engineering at Yonsei university, and because of his expertise in Business for overall
External Yoon Board of 3 Reappoint
the IT industry, he is expected to be able to appropriately serve management, audit Not applicable
director Il-Go directors years ment (1)
as an outside director, such as reinforcing decision-making committee member
expertise and preparing for the future of LX Semicon.
He is a Ph.D. in electronic engineering at Seoul National
University, and is currently serving as a professor in the
Shin department of electronic engineering at KAIST. He was Business for overall
External Board of 3 Reappoint
Yeong- appointed as an outside director because he was judged to be management, audit Not applicable
director directors years ment (1)
Soo able to contribute to the Company's business development based committee member
on his knowledge and experience in the semiconductor business

Note 1) Choi Sung-Kwan was reappointed at the 22nd general meeting of shareholders and has a term of three years.
Note) Shin Yeong-Soo, an external director and a member of the audit committee, was re-appointed at the 22nd general meeting
of shareholders and has a term of three years.
Note 3) Roh Jin-Seo was newly appointed at the 22nd general meeting of shareholders and has a term of three years.

■ Authorities of the board of directors

1) The board of directors decides important corporate issues pursuant to Chapter 5 of the articles of
2) The board of directors must review and decide the following issues pursuant to Article 393-2 of
the Commercial Act:

- Proposal of issues requiring the approval of the general meeting of shareholders

- Appointment and dismissal of the CEO
- Establishment of the committee and the appointment and dismissal of its members
- Matters determined by the articles of association

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 118

E. Professionalism of external directors

(1) Job performance support organizations for external directors

- CFO finance team

- Main task: board of directors operation and independent director job performance support
- Team staff: 3 people

Depart No. of Job title

Work period Major activities
ment staff (Service years)
Pre-explanation of the board agenda for external directors
Senior manager
Perform tasks such as support for requests necessary for the
Financi (2 years), staff (3
3 people Average 2 years performance of external director duties
al team years)
Establishment of external director workshops and seminar
staff (1 year)
training schedules

Note) The number of years of service is calculated based on the number of years of service at the Company.

(2) Education for external directors

- Status of education implementation for external directors

Reason for
Education date Organizer independent Key education details
LG Management
Activities of the board of directors and major
25.04.2018 Development Shin Yeong-Soo -
items related to company management
Institute Co., Ltd.
LG Management Education for
Activities of the board of directors and major
17.04.2019 Development Wi Kyung-Woo new external
items related to company management
Institute Co., Ltd. directors
Financial, IR and Education for
10.05.2019 business Wi Kyung-Woo new external Major items related to company management
management team directors
Financial, IR and Wi Kyung-Woo,
22.08.2019 lead product Yoon Il-Goo, Shin - Company's main product presentation
planning team Yeong-Soo

- Status of workshop implementation of external directors

Reason for
Date Organizer independent Details
Wi Kyung-
Finance, Accounting
Woo, Internal audit work plan
and tax and
11.02.2020 Yoon Il-Goo, - Matters concerning the independence of external
Shin Yeong- auditors
management team
Wi Kyung-
Finance, Accounting Evaluation results of the operation status of the
management and internal accounting management system
06.03.2020 Yoon Il-Goo, -
Integrity Evaluation result of the internal accounting
Shin Yeong-
management team management system

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 119

Finance, accounting Wi Kyung- Operation schedule of the internal accounting
management and Woo, Yoon Il- management system, evaluation plan of the internal
03.06.2020 -
Integrity Goo, Shin accounting management system, and support of the
management team Yeong-Soo audit committee in 2020
Wi Kyung-
Finance, Accounting
Woo, Report on internal audit department business
management and
27.01.2021 Yoon Il-Goo, - performance and plan; External audit progress and
Shin Yeong- key audit items
management team
Finance, Accounting Wi Kyung- Evaluation result of the internal accounting
management and Woo, Yoon Il- management system, evaluation of internal
26.02.2021 -
Integrity Goo, Shin monitoring system operation status, audit report of
management team Yeong-Soo audit committee
Finance, Accounting Wi Kyung- Operation schedule of the internal accounting
management and Woo, Yoon Il- management system, evaluation plan of the internal
11.05.2021 -
Management Goo, Shin accounting management system, and support of the
improvement team Yeong-Soo audit committee in 2021

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 120

2. Matters Pertaining to Audit System

A. Audit committee

(1) The composition of the Audit Committee and inclusion of independent directors

Outside Accounting and financial experts

Name director Career Information Type of
or not Yes or no Related career
BA in Economics, SNU
MA in Business Administration and
BA in Economics, SNU
Ph.D. Business Administration, UCLA
MA in Business Administration and Ph.D. Business Administration,
(Current) Professor of Business
UCLA Accounting
Wi Administration, Sookmyung Women's
Professor of Business Administration, Sookmyung Women's and finance
Kyung- Yes Yes University (1997~present)
University (1997~present) degree
Woo Chairman of Election Management
Chairman of Election Management Committee, Korean Finance holders
Committee, Korean Finance Association
Association (2006~Current)
external director of Mirae Asset Life Insurance (2020~Present)
external director of Mirae Asset Life
Insurance (2020~Present)
Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei
University, Master of Electrical and Ph.D. Computer Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Georgia Tech Microelectronics Research Center Research Fellow,

USA (1997~1999)
Senior Researcher, Source Technology Research Division,
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (1999~2000)
Yoon Songdo Campus Coordination Team Leader (2009~2010)
Yes - - -
Il-Go Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University
College of Engineering (2010~present)
Dean of International Engineering College, Yonsei University
Member of the Internationalization Advisory Committee directly
under the President of Yonsei University (2012-2014)
Vice-Chairman of Industry-Academic Center, Yonsei University
Yonsei University Planning Office Vice President (2016~Present)
BS in Electronic Engineering, Seoul National University, MS in
Electronic Engineering, Seoul National University, Ph.D. in
Electronic Engineering, Seoul National University
Shin Research Staff Member, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center,
Yeong- Yes Yorktown Heights, NY, USA (2001~2004) - - -
Soo Advisory Professor of LG Electronics Future Technology Forum
Professor of KAIST Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Note) Shin Yeong-Soo, an external director and a member of the audit committee, was re-appointed at the 22nd general meeting
of shareholders and has a term of three years.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 121

(2) Independence of the members of the Audit Committee

The members of the Audit Committee (three persons) are all independent directors who do not have any
reasons for disqualification in accordance with the Commercial Act. They are maintaining their
independence and the appointment of the members has been made after a thoroughly review by the board
of directors and the final approval by the general meeting of shareholders.
The Company is complying with the procedures set forth in the Commercial Act and other relevant laws.
Also, the organization, authority, and the scope of works are clearly stated in the relevant rules in order
to carry out the auditory works.
Whether selection criteria
Main contents of election criteria Related laws
are satisfied
Consisting of three directors Satisfied (3 people)
Article 415-2 (2) of the
Two thirds or more of independent directors as Satisfied (all are Commercial Act
members independent directors)
One or more members as an accounting or financial Satisfied (Wi Kyung-Woo
expert 1 person) Article 542-11 (2) of the
Independent director as the representative of the Audit Commercial Act
Other disqualification requirements (specially related Article 542-11 (3) of the
Satisfied (not applicable)
parties with the largest shareholder) Commercial Act

Relationship with the

Audit Recomm Deal with the
Background of appointment largest or major
committee ender Company
Wi Kyung- Appointed as a qualified financial and accounting Board of
Not applicable Not applicable
Woo expert directors
Appointed as a semiconductor expert, judged as Board of
Yoon Il-Go Not applicable Not applicable
the right person directors
Shin Appointed as a semiconductor expert, judged as Board of
Not applicable Not applicable
Yeong-Soo the right person directors

(3) Activities of the Audit Committee

External director

Wi Kyung-Woo Yoon Il-Go Shin Yeong-Soo

Agreed or Remar
No. Date held Agenda (attendance rate: (attendance rate: (attendance rate:
not ks
100%) 100%) 100%)

Agreed or not
Report on business performance and annual performance for the fourth
quarter of 2020
Report on the operation status of the internal accounting management Reported
Report - - - -
system matters
1 27.01.2021 Report of the 22nd financial statements and business report
Report on the progress of the audit by an outside auditor

Approv 1. Approval for the Audit compensation, time and labor necessary for the
Approved Agreed Agreed Agreed -
ed external auditor

Approval of the evaluation report by the Audit Committee on the operation

status of the internal accounting management system
Approv Approval of the audit committee's evaluation opinion on the operation
2 26.02.2021 Approved Agreed Agreed Agreed -
ed status of the internal monitoring system
Approval of the audit report by the audit committee for financial
statements and business reports
3 11.05.2021 Report 1. Report on business performance for the 1st quarter of 2021 - - - -
4 23.07.2021 Report 1. Report on business performance for the 2nd quarter of 2021 - - - -

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 122

(4) Training implementation for the Audit Committee

Education Participating Reason for

Organizer Key education details
date audit committee absence
Wi Kyung- The role and responsibility of the Audit Committee due to
Woo, Yoon Il- the contents of changes and responses to the advancement
26.11.2020 Samil PwC -
Goo, Shin of the internal accounting management system and the
Yeong-Soo expansion of the internal accounting management system.

(5) Status of support organizations for the Audit Committee

No. of
Dept. (team)
employees Position (service years) Major activity details
Support for the operation and job performance of the Audit
1 senior manager, 2 staff
Financial team 3 Committee and Establishment of Audit Committee
(average 2 years)
workshops and seminar training schedules
Management 2 senior managers, 1 junior
Support for evaluation of internal accounting management
improvement 3 manager
system and exercise of audit authority
team (average 1.5 years)

Note) The number of years of service is calculated based on the number of years of service at the Company.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 123

B. Compliance officer

(1) Personal information of compliance officers, etc. (including major experience)

Date of
Name Date of Birth Major career
- Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, KAIST
- Master of Laws, Ewha Womans University Law School
- Master of Laws, Georgetown University
- Attorney (Korea, California, USA)
Lee, Ji-hyung Mar. 1985 27.01.2021
- Barun Law Firm (Limited)
- Legal team, LG International
- Legal team, LG Household & Health Care
- Legal team manager, LX Semicon Co., Ltd.

Note) The compliance officer Lee Ji-hyung, is a lawyer, and has met the compliance control standards and requirements of a
Compliance Officer pursuant to Clause 5 of Article 542-13 of the Commercial Act.

(2) Major activities and results of the compliance officer

As a result of evaluating the effectiveness of our compliance control standards and checking compliance
with them, our compliance control standards have been created and adhered to in accordance with all laws
and regulations and control standards for compliance.
Main check details Check results
Details compliance control standards
Ensure that matters specified by the Commercial
- Appropriately established in accordance with the
Act are stipulated in the compliance control
requirements of the Commercial Code and standard
compliance control criteria.
Evaluation and management system of legal risks
- Formalizing legal risks and preparing detailed check items
by type in progress
Independent business performance system of compliance
support officer
Ensure that compliance control systems, - Compliance officers are appointed by the board of
Always procedures, instruments, training and compliance directors, and their tenure is guaranteed.
support matters are effectively established Sanctions system for violations
- Relevant contents are appropriately reflected in the
employment rules and disciplinary regulations.
Compliance check and reporting system
- Relevant contents are appropriately reflected in the
employment rules and disciplinary regulations.
Compliance check and reporting system
Ensure that the categorization of risky actions,
- Preparing to carry out the regular annual compliance
compliance check, matters relating to the
check and prepare and operate a process to report to the
compliance officer are effectively implemented
board of directors.

(3) Status of support organizations for the compliance officer

No. of
Dept. (team)
employees Position (service years) Major activity details
Legal affairs 1 senior manager, 2 junior managers Important matters related to the operation of
team (average 2 years) the compliance control criteria

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 124

3. Matters Pertaining to General Meeting of Shareholders, etc.

A. Voting system

(1) Status of voting system

(Based on 30 September 2021)

Concentrated voting Written voting
Type of voting system Electronic voting system
system system
Introduction Exclusion Not introduced Introduced

22nd (2021) 1st extraordinary general meeting of

Implementation - -

Note 1) The Company implements a voting system by proxy, and the methods of delegation include direct issuance of a written
power of attorney, post or fax, posting on the Internet website, etc., and sending it by e-mail.
Note 2) In accordance with Article 382-2 of the Commercial Act, shareholders who own 3% of the total number of issued
stocks may request that the directors be appointed by the intensive voting method. The Company does not stipulate matters
concerning the written voting system in the articles of incorporation, and the electronic voting system can be implemented by
the resolution of the board of directors. It was approved for the implementation of the electronic voting system by the resolution
of the first board of directors, which was held on 27 January 2021.

(2) Exercise of the right of the minority shareholders

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

(3) Competition over management right

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 125

B. Voting rights

(1) Status of Voting Rights

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: shares)

Division Type of share Number of shares Remarks

Common shares 16,264,300 -
Total number of shares issued (A)
Preferred shares - -
Common shares - -
Number of shares without voting rights (B)
Preferred shares - -
Number of shares with restricted voting rights Common shares - -
based on the Articles of Association laws (C) Preferred shares - -
Number of shares with restricted voting rights Common shares - -
based on other laws (D) Preferred shares - -
Number of shares with resurrected voting Common shares - -
rights (E) Preferred shares - -
Number of shares with voting rights Common shares 16,264,300 -
(F = A - B - C - D + E) Preferred shares - -

(2) Operations for shares

Division Details
① Shareholders have the rights to receive new shares in proportion to the number of shares held by themselves.
② Despite Clause 1, the Company may distribute new shares in the event of the following,
1. When the Company issues new shares via the general capital increase by public offering based on their solution of the board of
directors according to Article 165 6 of the「Act on Capital Market and Financial Investment」
2. When the Company issues new shares via stock option according to Article 542-3 of the 「Commercial Act」
3. Primary distribution to the members of the Employee Stock Ownership Association within 20% of the total number of shares
Preemptive rights issued
based on the 4. When necessary to achieve the management goals such as the introduction of new technology and improvement of the financial
Articles of structure according to Article 418 of the Commercial Act
Association 5. In the case of collecting new shares or having the acquirers take over the shares to be listed in the security market or KOSDAQ;
6. When the Company issues new shares for foreigners’ investment based on the reasons of management according to the
Foreigners Investment Promotion Act
7. When issuing new shares according to the issuance of depository receipts (DR) within 50% of the total number of shares issued
③ The handling of odd lots generated from the allocation of shares and new shares based on the abandonment or loss of preemptive
rights shall be Decided based on the resolution of the board of directors.
④ Pursuant to Section 2, in the event one other than a shareholder assigns a new stock, he/she shall notify the shareholder at least two
weeks prior to the date of payment the provisions prescribed in Sections 1,2 and 2(2), 3 and 4 of Article 416 of the Commercial Act.
Settlement date 31 December
Regular general
meeting of Within three months after the closing of each business year
Period closing the
1 January ~ 7 January, every year (the closing date of the shareholders’ list: 31 December, every year)
shareholders’ list
Type of shares One share, 5 share, 10 share, 50 share, 100 share, 500 share, 1000 share, and 10,000 share certificates (8 types)
The Korea Securities Depository / Busan International Finance Center (BIFC), 40, Munhyeon Geumyung Road, Nam gu, Busan,
Transfer agent
Korea / (Tel) +82 51 519 1500
The Company’s public announcement is posted at its Website (
Public notices When network glitches or other unavoidable factors prevent the posting at its Website, the Company makes notices at the Maeil
Economic Daily published in Seoul.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 126

(3) Summary of minutes of general meeting of shareholders

Date Agenda Resolution

2021 1st extraordinary
general meeting of
1. Approval of amendment to the articles of incorporation Approved
(25 June 2021)
1. Approval of the 22nd consolidated financial statements and financial
2. Approval of amendment to the articles of incorporation
22nd Regular general 3. Appointment of directors
meeting of shareholders 3-1 Election of internal director Choi Sung-Kwan Approved
(18 March 2021) 3-2 Election of other non-executive director Roh Jin-Seo
4. Appointment of members of the Audit Committee (external director
Shin Young-Soo)
5. Approval of limit of remuneration for directors
1. Approval of the 21st consolidated financial statements and financial
2. Appointment of directors
21st Regular general
2-1 Election of internal director Son Bo-Ik
meeting of shareholders Approved
2-2 Election of internal director Yoon Il-Goo
(26 March 2020)
3. Appointment of members of the Audit Committee (external director
Yoon Il-Goo)
4. Approval of limit of remuneration for directors
1. Approval of the 20st consolidated financial statements and financial
2. Approval of amendment to the articles of incorporation
3. Appointment of directors
20th Regular general
3-1 Election of other non-executive director Jeong Yeon-Chae
meeting of shareholders Approved
3-2 Election of external director Wi Kyung-Woo
(15 March 2019)
4. Appointment of members of the Audit Committee (external director Wi
5. Approval of limit of remuneration for directors
6. Approval of the regulation for the payment of executive retirement pay

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 127

VII. Shareholders

1. Shareholding of the Largest Shareholder and its Special Interest


A. Shareholding of the Largest Shareholder and its Special Interest Parties

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: shares, %)

Number of shares owned and the stake

Type of At the beginning At the end Remark
Name Relation
share s
Number of Number of
Ratio Ratio
shares shares
LX Holdings Co., Largest Common
0 0.00 5,380,524 33.08 -
Ltd. shareholder shares
Son Bo-Ik Executive 1,826 0.01 2,600 0.02 -
Choi Sung-Kwan Executive 0 0.00 1,600 0.01 -
1,826 0.01 5,384,724 33.11 -
Total amount shares
- - - - - -

Note 1) Please refer to “Ⅷ. Executives and Employees” for more details on change in management.
Note 2) LX Holdings Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder of the Company, was established through a spin-off from LG Corp.
with the date of the spin-off on 1 May 2021.

B. Important issues related to the largest shareholder

(1) Basic information of the largest shareholder (as of 30 September 2021)

Business executive
CEO (Representative Largest shareholder (The
Number of (Business executive
Name member) largest investor)
investors member)
Name Stake (%) Name Stake (%) Name Stake (%)
Koo Bon- Koo
7.72 - - 15.95
LX Holdings Co., Joon Kwang-Mo
Ltd. Song Chi-
- - - - -

Note 1) Stake is based on common shares.

Note 2) The above stake is based on 30 September 2021 is the closing date of the shareholder list.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 128

[Changes of representative directors, business executives, and largest shareholder of corporations or

Business executive (Business Largest shareholder (The

CEO (Representative member)
Date of change executive member) largest investor)
Name Stake (%) Name Stake (%) Name Stake (%)
Koo Kwang-
03.05.2021 Koo Bon-Joon 7.72 - - 15.95
03.05.2021 Song Chi-Ho - - - - -

Note 1) New CEO Koo Bon-Joon and Song Chi-Ho were appointed by the board of directors on 3 May 2021.
Note 2) Stake is based on common shares.

(2) Financial status of the largest shareholder

(Unit: million won)

Name of corporation or organization LX Holdings Co., Ltd.
Total assets 1,308,813
Total liabilities 25,200
Total equities 1,283,613
Sales 45,812
Operating profit 29,399
Net income 28,764

Note 1) LX Holdings Co., Ltd. was newly established during the current period, and the financial status as of the end of the
half-year (30 June 2021) is described.
Note 2) For the financial status as of the end of September 2021, refer to the quarterly report of LX Holdings Co., Ltd. to be
disclosed within November 2021.

(3) Major contents that may affect the stability of the Company's business including business status

LX Holdings Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder of the Company, was established through a spin-off from
LG Corp. with the date of the spin-off on 1 May 2021. LX Holdings Co., Ltd. is a holding company that
controls all business contents through stock ownership of LX International Co., Ltd., LX Hausys Co.,
Ltd., LX Semicon Co., Ltd., and LX MMA Co., Ltd. All operating income of LX Holdings Co., Ltd.
consists of equity method income.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 129

2. Changes to the largest shareholder
Details for changes to the largest shareholder
(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: shares, %)
Name of the Number of
Date of change Ratio Reason for change Remarks
largest shareholder shares owned
LX Holdings Co., Shares succession due to spin-off of LG
03.05.2021 5,384,724 33.11 -
Ltd. Corp.

Note 1) The largest shareholder changed from LG Corp. to LX Holdings Co., Ltd. according to the spin-off of LG Co., Ltd.,
which was the prior largest shareholder. (Registered on 3 May 2021)
Note 2) The number of shares and ownership ratio above are the sum of the shares owned by the largest shareholder and
specially related persons at the time of the change of the largest shareholder.

3. Distribution of Shares
- Status of shares held

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: shares)

Number of shares
Division Name of shareholders Ratio (%) Remarks
5% or higher LX Holdings Co., Ltd. 5,380,524 33.08 -
shareholders - - - -
Employee stock ownership association 5,506 0.03 -

Note) The number of shares owned and the share ratio are as of 26 May 2021, the date of the recent closing of the shareholders'

- Status of minority shareholder

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: shares)

Shareholders Shares hold

Division Minority Total Minority Total number of Remarks
Stake (%) Stake (%)
shareholders shareholders shares shares issued
26,668 26,677 99.97 9,218,358 16,264,300 56.68

Note 1) Shareholders having shares under 1/100 of the total shares issued.
Note 2) Date of the recent closing of the shareholders' list as of 26 May 2021

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4. Share Price and Share Trading

A. Domestic share market

(Unit: KRW, shares)

Year 2021
Sep. Aug. Jul. Jun. May Apr.
Maximum 121,600 126,700 126,400 121,700 107,500 101,600
Minimum 101,200 109,500 113,300 102,700 93,000 75,800
LX Semicon Average 113,121 118,262 119,568 110,027 100,911 92,955
Common Maximum
545,465 685,737 494,524 540,191 506,057 511,910
shares (days)
Volume of Minimum
transaction (days) 112,184 135,944 116,187 120,709 80,419 121,568
Monthly 5,264,217 5,275,454 4,664,434 5,490,108 5,567,797 5,520,360
※ The highest and lowest share prices and trading volume are based on the closing price and daily trading
volume of the day.

B. Overseas share market

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 131

VIII. Executives and Employees

1. Status of Executives and Employees

A. Status of executives

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: shares)

No. of shares
Shares Relationship Term
Registered Full time Shares Service
Name Sex DOB Position Responsibilities Major career withou with the largest expirati
or not or not with period
t shareholder on date
Chairman of the Registered
Represe MIT (MA)
Sep. Registered board of directors, director of 01.12.16 25.03.2
Son Bo-Ik M ntative Regular CTO SIC Center Director, LG 2,600 -
1961 director representative affiliates (LX ~present 023
Director Electronics Co., Ltd.
director Semicon)
Department of Business
Choi Administration, Yonsei
Feb. Internal Registered CFO, internal director of 01.01.18 17.03.2
Sung- M Regular University 1,600 -
1973 director director accounting manager affiliates (LX ~present 024
Kwan General manager of Finance
Team, LG Co., Ltd.
Other Unregistered
non- MIT (Master) director of
Roh, Jin- Sep. Registered Non- Business for overall 18.03.21 17.03.2
M executi Strategy division of LG affiliates (LG
Seo 1968 director regular management ~present 024
ve Electronics Co., Ltd. Electronics Co.,
director Ltd.)
Business Administration
Business for overall
Wi Externa (Ph.D), UCLA
Jul. Registered Non- management, the 15.03.19 14.03.2
Kyung- M l Professor of Business - - Not applicable
1962 director regular chairman of Audit ~present 022
Woo director Administration, Sookmyung
Women's University
Business for overall Georgia Tech (Ph.D)
Yoon Il- Jun. Registered Non- management, Professor of Electrical and 17.03.17~ 25.03.2
M l - - Not applicable
Goo 1967 director regular member of Audit Electronic Engineering, present 023
Committee Yonsei University
PhD. Department of
Business for overall Electronic Engineering, Seoul
Shin Externa
Aug. Registered Non- management, National University 16.03.18 17.03.2
Yeong- M l - - Not applicable
1967 director regular member of Audit Professor, Department of ~present 024
Soo director
Committee Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, KAIST
Business Administrative,
Koo Bon- Dec. Chairm Unregister Business for overall University of Chicago 11.05.21
M Regular - - director of -
Joon 1951 an ed director management (Master) ~present
Vice chairman of LG Corp.
Department of Electronic
Managi Product planning Unregistered
Na Joon- Sep. Unregister Engineering (MA), Inha 01.01.19
M ng Regular and research and 20,636 - director of -
ho 1968 ed director University ~present
director development affiliates
LG Semiconductor
Department of Physics (PhD),
Managi Yonsei University Unregistered
Lee Jae- Jun. Unregister 03.01.21~
M ng Regular R&D SIC Center DIC Business 500 - director of -
Deok 1962 ed director present
director Team, LG Electronics Co., affiliates
Department of Electronic
Engineering (MA), Seoul
Product planning Unregistered
Go Dae- Sep. Unregister National University 31.07.17
M Director Regular and research and - - director of -
Hyeop 1965 ed director SIC Center DTV SoC ~present
development affiliates
development director, LG
Electronics Co., Ltd.
Hong Jul. Unregister Cornell Univ. MILR (MA) 01.12.18
M Director Regular CHO 1,800 - director of -
Min-Seok 1969 ed director LG Electronics ~present
Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering (PhD),
Na Unregistered
May Unregister Hanyang University 01.07.15
Young- M Director Regular R&D 527 - director of -
1971 ed director SIC Center DIC business ~present
Sun affiliates
team, LG Electronics Co.,
Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Unregistered
Woo Feb. Unregister 10.02.11
M Director Regular R&D KAIST (PhD) - - director of -
Young-Jin 1977 ed director ~present
Korea Advanced Institute of affiliates
Science and Technology

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 132

Department of Electrical and
Jeon Electronics Engineering, Unregistered
Feb. Unregister 01.09.03
Hyeon- M Director Regular R&D KAIST (PhD) 20,691 - director of -
1971 ed director ~present
Gyu Korea Advanced Institute of affiliates
Science and Technology
Techno management major
(MA), KAIST Unregistered
Jang Jae- Jan. Unregister Quality 15.02.16
M Director Regular SIC center business support - - director of -
Ryang 1964 ed director Management ~present
department head, LG affiliates
Electronics Co., Ltd.
Department of Electronic
Head of Engineering (BA), Kumoh Unregistered
Kim Eon- May. Unregister 15.11.99~
M Director Regular Manufacturing National Institute of - - director of -
Young 1968 ed director present
Control Group Technology affiliates
LG semiconductors

Sogang University Business Unregistered

Hwang Jun. Unregister Operation/Marketin 02.03.17
M Director Regular Administration (Bachelor) - - director of -
Gyung-Ha 1971 ed director g Strategy ~present
LG Electronics Co., Ltd. affiliates

Department of Electronic
Jeong Feb. Unregister Engineering, Korea 01.06.06~
M Director Regular R&D - - director of -
Yong-Ik 1975 ed director University (Master) present
Magna Chip Semiconductor

Sogang University,
Researc Unregistered
Lee Ji- Nov. Unregister Department of Electronic 12.08.19~
F her Regular R&D 200 - director of -
Won 1976 ed director Engineering (Ph.D.) present
(directo affiliates
LG Electronics Co., Ltd.

Note 1) The number of shares owned includes allocations of shares under the employee stock ownership plan to unregistered
executives (NA Joon-Ho, Jeon Hyeon-Gyu).
Note 2) Choi Sung-Kwan is the internal director of Advanced Power Device Technology Co., Ltd.
Note 3) Note) Jeon Hyeon-Gyu also serves the director of Advanced Power Device Technology Co., Ltd.
Note 4) Non-executive director Roh Jin-Seo concurrently serves as the vice president of LX Holdings Co., Ltd.
Note 5) Non-executive director Jeong Yeon-Chae resigned on 18 March 2021.

B. Status of employees

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: million won)

Employees Non-affiliated worker

Number of employees

Employees without
Term based employees Average
defined term Total annual Total
Business sector Gender Average service years salary per Male Female
Total salary amount
(Short term (Short term
Total Total
employees) employees)

Total Male 969 0 19 10 988 4.88 55,007 56 -

Total Female 224 0 13 9 237 3.25 8,469 36 19 29 48 -

Total amount 1,193 0 32 19 1,225 4.57 63,475 52 -

Status of remuneration for non-registered executives

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: million won)
Number of Average salary per
Division Total annual salary Remarks
persons person
13 4,038 311 -
Note1) The number of people is based on the reporting date.
Note 2) The total amount of remuneration is the sum of remuneration received in the current business year.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 133

2. Remuneration to Executives
<Remuneration to all directors and auditors>

A. Amount approved by shareholders’ meeting

(Unit: million won)

Number Amount approved by
Division Remarks
of persons shareholders’ meeting
The approval amount of the shareholders’
Registered director 3 - meeting is based on the sum of registered
The approval amount of the shareholders’
External director - - meeting is based on the sum of registered
The approval amount of the shareholders’
Members of the Audit
3 - meeting is based on the sum of registered
Committee or auditor
Total amount 6 3,000 -

Note) Since the Company pays directors’ remuneration pay based on the “executive remuneration pay provisions” that have
been resolved at the general meeting of shareholders in accordance with Article 38 of the Articles of Incorporation, severance
pay is not included in the compensation limit approved by the general meeting of shareholders.

B. Amount of remuneration

(1) All directors and auditors

(Unit: million won)

Average per capita
Number of persons Total amount Remarks
5 1,706 341 -

Note) Other non-executive directors (Roh Jin-Seo) are excluded from the number of people.

(2) Types

(Unit: million won)

Average per
Number of
Division Total amount capita Remarks
Registered director
(Excluding external directors and 2 1,544 772 -
members of the Audit Committee)
External directors (excluding members of
- - - -
the Audit Committee)
Members of the Audit Committee 3 162 54 -
Auditors - - - -

Note1) The number of people is based on the reporting date.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 134

Note2) The total amount of remunerations is based on the income on the Income Tax Act, which has been paid under the
qualification of the registered executive by the serving or resigned registered directors, external directors and members of the
Audit Committee pursuant to the provisions of Article 159 of the Capital Market and Financial Investment Services Act and
Article 168 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.
Note 3) The average amount paid per member of the Audit Committee was calculated by dividing the total remuneration by
the number of people (3).
Note4) Other non-executive directors (Roh Jin-Seo) are excluded from the number of people.

<Individual remuneration status of directors and auditors who paid 500 million won or more>
The Company does not include this item in the quarterly report in accordance with the standards for
preparing the corporate disclosure form.

<Remuneration status of the top 5 individuals among the remuneration payments of 500 million or more>
The Company does not include this item in the quarterly report in accordance with the standards for
preparing the corporate disclosure form.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 135

IX. Affiliates

1. Name of the relevant corporate group and names of affiliates

Name of corporate group: LG affiliates
Name of the affiliate: LX Semicon
- Corporate Registration No.: 160111-0089395
- Business Registration No.: 314-81-29147

A. Status of affiliates (summary)

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: companies)

Number of affiliates
Name of corporate group:
Listed Unlisted Total amount
LG affiliates 14 55 69
※ Refer to 'Table-2. Status of affiliates (detailed)’.
Note) For details of status of investment in other companies, refer to ‘2. Status (detailed) of investment in other companies in
XII. Detailed Table.Note) for details of affiliates, refer to ‘2. Status of affiliates (detailed) in XII. Detailed Table.

2. Diagram to identify the control, dependence and investment among


Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 136

3. Name of companies and details among the affiliates, which directly
or indirectly affects the management of the Company
Company name Details
LX Holdings Co., Ltd. Holding company

4. Status of additional positions between the Company and the affiliates

[Based on 30 September 2021)

Status of additional positions

Name Job title
Company name Position Regular or not
Other non-executive
LX Hausys Co., Ltd. Non-regular
Other non-executive director
Roh Jin-Seo
director Other non-executive
LX MMA Co., Ltd. Non-regular

5. Status of investment in other companies (summary)

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: million won)

Number of investment company Total investment amount

Purpose of Increase(decrease)
Beginning Ending
investment Total Assessed
Listed Unlisted carrying Acquisition carrying
amount profit and
amount (disposition) amount
- 4 4 6,405 317 107 6,829
- - - 0 - - 0
- 1 1 0 - - 0
Total amount - 5 5 6,405 317 107 6,829
※ Refer to 'Table-3. Status (detailed) of investment in other companies’
Note) For details of status of investment in other companies, refer to ‘3. Status (detailed) of investment in other companies in
XII. Detailed Table.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 137

X. Transactions with Large Shareholders

1. Credit granting to large shareholders

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

2. Transfer or succession of assets to or from large shareholders

A. Business transfer

Contract date Submission
Contracting amount Transferre
Division Resolution Contents date of key
party (Billion d date
date report
All of assets and personnel related to
Business LG Electronics
29.05.2018 the business of T-Con chip for 461 01.07.2018 -
transfer Co., Ltd.

Note) For losses and profits arising from the transactions, refer to XI. Other matters necessary for the protection of investors -
-> 4. Other information such as sanctions --> Information after the merger --> B. Financial comparison tables before and after
the merger, etc.

3. Operational transactions with large shareholders

[Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: million won)

Profit transaction Cost transaction

Division Company name
Sales Others Purchase Others
LG CNS Co., Ltd. 0 0 3,442 1,250
S&I Corp. 0 0 676 0
LG Management Development
0 0 1,087 0
LG Electronics USA Inc. 1,192 0 0 0
LG Display (China) Co., Ltd. 10,806 0 0 0
LG Display (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. 315,906 0 0 0
LG Display Vietnam Haiphong Co.
Affiliates and their subsidiaries Ltd. 246,669 0 0 0
LG Display Yantai 34,149 0 0 0
LG Display High-
Tech (China) Co.,Ltd. 18 0 0 0
LG Display (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. 3,256 0 0 0
LG Display Co., Ltd. 336,249 2,610 0 0
LG. Electronics Co., Ltd. (*) 11,110 411 4,425 44
LX Hausys Co., Ltd. (*2) 43 211

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 138

LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 0 0 63,442 150
LG U Plus Co., Ltd. 0 0 105 0
LX Pantos Co., Ltd. 0 0 4,173 0
Biztech Partners Co., Ltd. 0 0 187 0
HS Ad Co., Ltd. 0 0 507 0
Hi-Teleservice Co., Ltd. 0 0 1 0

4. Transactions with stakeholders other than major shareholders

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 139

XI. Other Matters Necessary for the Protection of Investors

1. Progress and Change Status of Disclosure

<Progress and change status of disclosure>
As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

2. Matters Pertaining to Contingent Liabilities

<Important Litigations>
As of the end of the current year, it is judged that there are no significant litigation cases that could have
a significant impact on the Company's business as a lawsuit has been filed against the Company's

<Status of promissory note, notes and checks as collateral>

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: sheets, million won)

Submitted to Sheets Amount Remarks
Bank - - -
Financial institution
- - -
(except bank)
Incorporated entity - - -
Others (individual) - - -

<Status of debt guarantees and debt acceptance agreements, other contingent liabilities, etc.>
As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 140

3. Matters Pertaining to Sanctions
<Status of sanctions>
There is no case of any violation against domestic and/or international financial and tax obligations from
laws and regulations such as the Commercial Act, Capital Market Act, External Audit Act, Fair Trade

<Sanctions from the Korea Exchange, etc.>

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

<Matters pertaining to the occurrence and return of profits from short-term trading>
As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

4. Other Matters Such as Significant Incidents after the Basic Date for
<Significant incidents after the basic date for preparation>
The Company received approval from LG Chem through a resolution of the board of directors on 22
October to acquire a stake in FJ Composite Materials Co., LTD and related tangible and intangible assets
for 7 billion won to promote new business.

<Use of direct financed funds>

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

<Information after merger>

A. General matters

Division Details
Transferred date 01 July 2018
Transfer amount 48 billion won
Company name LG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Representative director Jeong Do-Hyun
LG Twin Tower, 128, Yeoui Road,
Address of head office
Yeongdeungpo gu, Seoul
Background of business Total solution construction for system semiconductors for OLED TV

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 141


Legal form Business transfer

Acquired all assets and manpower related to OLED TV T-Con chip business for 48
Specific details
billion won
Key schedule Date of contract (date of resolution of the board of directors): 29.05.2018

Note) The difference in the working capital between the valuation time and the acquisition time was settled, and the final
acquisition amount was changed from 48.0 billion won to 46.1 billion won.

B. Comparison table of financial matters before and after business transfer

* Mergers, etc. (mergers, important business/asset transfers, comprehensive exchange and transfer of
shares and division)
(Unit: million won)
Forecast Performance
Applicable 1st year 2nd year
Items Remarks
company 1st year 2nd year Performanc Difference Performanc Difference
e rate e rate
Sales 16,209 38,766 19,698 -22 38,210 1 -
Electronics 1,888 4,755 1,622 14 3,152 34 -
Co., Ltd.
Net income 947 2,636 748 21 2,589 2 -

Note 1) 1st year is 1 July 2018 (from the date of transfer) to 31 December 2018, and 2nd year is 2019.
Note2) Difference rate: (Forecast-Performance)/Forecast, which is the units described in the table above are %.
Note3) Reason for the difference ratio of over 10%- Sales increased due to increased customer demand compared to the
business environment predicted at the time of acquisition, but operating profit decreased due to increased development

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 142

XII. Detailed Table

1. Status of Consolidated Subsidiaries (Detailed)

(Unit: million won)
Whether it
Total asset at
Basis of controlling is major
Company name Foundation Address Main businesses the end of the
relationship subsidiary
last year
Control over the
investee (paragraph 5
2952 BUNKER HILL LN #101 SANTA Sales support, Not
LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc 15.10.2012 628 to 18 of K IFRS 1110
CLARA, CA 95054 etc. applicable
consolidated financial
Control over the
Room 609 Zhongchen Building No-1
investee (paragraph 5
Silicon Works China Co., Lizezhong 2Road, Sales support, Not
3.3.2017 3,784 to 18 of K IFRS 1110
Ltd. Wangjing Chaoyangqu, Beijing, 100102, etc. applicable
consolidated financial
Control over the
investee (paragraph 5
LX Semicon Japan Co., Tokyo Sankei Building 25F, 1-7-2, Otemachi, Sales support, Not
3.9.2021 - to 18 of K IFRS 1110
Ltd. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan etc. applicable
consolidated financial

Note) The total assets of LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc and Silicon Works China Co., Ltd. at the end of the current business year
are based on as of 31 December 2020.
Note 2) SILICON WORKS, INC. (USA), a subsidiary of the Group, changed its name to LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc. on 16 July
Note 3) LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd. was established on 3 September with a new investment and has omitted the financial
status of the latest business year.

2. Status of Affiliates (Detailed)

① Domestic corporations

(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: companies)

No. of
Listed or not Company name Business Reg. No.
LG Corp. 110111-0003543
LX Holdings Co., Ltd. 110111-7875359
LG Electronics Co., Ltd. 110111-2487050
LX International Co., Ltd. 110111-0004632
LG Chemicals Co., Ltd. 110111-2207995
Listed 14 LG Life & Health Co., Ltd. 110111-2208000
LG Display Co., Ltd. 110111-0393134
LG U Plus Co., Ltd. 110111-1296676
LG Innotek Co., Ltd. 110111-0192180
GIIR Corporation 110111-0375398
LG Hausys Co., Ltd. 110111-4071207

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 143

LX Semicon Co., Ltd. 160111-0089395
Robostar Co., Ltd. 110111-1655393
LG HelloVision Co., Ltd. 110111-1144297
LG CNS Co., Ltd. 110111-0516695
LG Sports Co., Ltd. 110111-0359300
LG Institute of Management Development Co., Ltd. 110111-0423494
LX MMA Co., Ltd. 206211-0001805
Media Log Co., Ltd. 110111-1905441
Dacom Crossing Co., Ltd. 110111-2234683
S&I Corporation Co., Ltd. 110111-2411520
Hiplaza Co., Ltd. 131111-0028801
Seetech Co., Ltd. 110111-0589171
CS Leader Co., Ltd. 110111-2271924
A-in Teleservice Co., Ltd. 180111-0367581
Biz Tech Partners Co., Ltd. 110111-2689507
Coca Cola Beverages Co., Ltd. 110111-1342130
Hi-M Solutek Co., Ltd. 110111-3371989
CS One Partners Co., Ltd. 110111-3961756
HS Ad Co., Ltd. 110111-3076662
L Best Co., Ltd. 110111-3806267
Hi-Teleservice Co., Ltd. 110111-4251552
Unlisted 55
Korea Beverage Co., Ltd. 211311-0005197
Gonjiam Yewon Co., Ltd. 134211-0111354
Hatai HTB Co., Ltd. 110111-0900004
Ace Freezing Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. 135111-0047493
Nanum Nuri Co., Ltd. 176011-0075546
Innowith Co., Ltd. 200111-0343156
Hanuri Co., Ltd. 134811-0262254
Haengbok Nuri Co., Ltd. 150111-0172829
With You Co., Ltd. 110111-5145556
LX Pantos Co., Ltd. 110111-0208127
Pantos Busan Newport Logistics Center Co., Ltd. 180111-0641133
Helistar Air Co., Ltd. 120111-0528086
FMG Co., Ltd. 140111-0020096
Bargeunnuri Co., Ltd. 150111-0206876
Dangjin Tank Terminal Co., Ltd. 165011-0011709
Farmhannong Co., Ltd. 110111-4362482
Haengbokmaru Co. Ltd. 110111-6140993

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 144

LG Farouk Co., Ltd. 110111-6210647
Migene Story Co., Ltd.LG Farouk Co., Ltd.
Miraem Co., Ltd.Migene Story Co., Ltd.
Dreamnuri Co., Ltd.Miraem Co., Ltd.
Taegeuk Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.Dreamnuri Co., 134811-0004367110111-
Ltd. 6560282
Greennuri Co., Ltd.Taegeuk Pharmaceutical Co., 230111-0286144134811-
Ltd. 0004367
Hanultari Co., Ltd.Greennuri Co., Ltd.
Robomedi Co., Ltd.Hanultari Co., Ltd.
Ulleung Saemmul Co. Ltd.Robomedi Co., Ltd.
Rucipello Korea Inc.Ulleung Saemmul Co. Ltd.
S&I CM Co., Ltd.Rucipello Korea Inc.
Uplus Home Service Co., Ltd.S&I CM Co., Ltd.
ZKW Lighting Systems Korea Co., Ltd.ZKW
Lighting Systems Korea Co., Ltd.Uplus Home
Service Co., Ltd.
Loa Korea Co., Ltd.ZKW Lighting Systems Korea 110111-6932019120111-
Co., Ltd.ZKW Lighting Systems Korea Co., Ltd. 1013094
CV Partners Co., Ltd.Loa Korea Co., Ltd.
LG Energy Solutions Co., Ltd.CV Partners Co., Ltd.
Hi-Care Solutions Co., Ltd.LG Energy Solutions 110111-7737070110111-
Co., Ltd. 7701356
Ahreumnuri Co., Ltd.Hi-Care Solutions Co., Ltd.
Gowoonnuri Co., Ltd.Ahreumnuri Co., Ltd.
LG Magna e-Powertrain Co., Ltd.Gowoonnuri Co., 120111-1161330134111-
Ltd. 0575239
LG Magna e-Powertrain Co., Ltd. 120111-1161330

* The former Serveone Co., Ltd. carried out its drop down for the MRO business division as of 3 December
2018, and divided into a 100% subsidiary Serveone Co., Ltd. which was newly incorporated then, and it was
included in our affiliates as of 1 January 2019.
* Sejong Green Power Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 1 February 2019.
* East Arrow Partners LLC was included in our affiliates on 1 February 2019.
* Ulleung Saemmul Co. Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 1 March 2019.
* Rucipello Korea Inc. was included in our affiliates on 1 March 2019.
* S&I CM Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 1 April 2019.
* East Arrow Partners LLC was excluded from our affiliates on 20 June 2019.
* Promotion of the development of the spring water Ulleung Chusan Yongchunsu was excluded from our
affiliates on 21 June 2019.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 145

* Serveone Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 24 July 2019.
* Korea Elecom Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 30 August 2019.
* Global Dynasty Overseas Resource Development Private Placement Investment Company was excluded from
our affiliates on 1 November 2019.
* LG Fuel Cell Systems Korea Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 13 December 2019.
* Hi-entech Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 30 December 2019.
* LG Hitachi Water Solution Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 31 December 2019.
* LG HelloVision Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 3 February 2020.
* Hana Broadcasting Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 3 February 2020.
* Uplus Home Service Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 3 February 2020.
* JS Pharm. Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 14 April 2020.
* ZKW Lighting Systems Korea Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 1 May 2020.
* Sal de Vida Korea Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 13 July 2020.
* Hana Broadcasting Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 22 September 2020.
* LG Tostem BM Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 21 October 2020.
* KNI Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 21 December 2020.
* THEFACESHOP Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 21 December 2020.
* CNP Cosmetics Co., Ltd. was excluded from our affiliates on 21 December 2020.
* Loa Korea Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 4 January 2021.
* CV Partners Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 4 January 2021.
* LG Energy Solution Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 4 January 2021.
* Hi Care Solution Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 1 February 2021.
* Ahreumnuri Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 1 April 2021.
* Gowoonnuri Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 1 April 2021.
* LX Holdings Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 1 June 2021.
* Clean Soul LLC was excluded from our affiliates on 28 June 2021.
* LG International Co., Ltd. changed its name to LX International Co., Ltd. on 1 July 2021.
* LG Hausys Co., Ltd. changed its name to LX Hausys Co., Ltd. on 1 July 2021.
* Silicon Works Co., Ltd. changed its name to LX Semicon Co., Ltd. on 1 July 2021.
* LG MMA Co., Ltd. changed its name to LX MMA Co., Ltd. on 1 July 2021.
* LG Pantos Co., Ltd. changed its name to LX Pantos Co., Ltd. on 1 July 2021.
* LG Magna e-Powertrain Co., Ltd. was included in our affiliates on 1 August 2021.
* Sejong Green Power Co., Ltd. was excluded in our affiliates on 20 August 2021.
* Ugimag Korea Co., Ltd. was excluded in our affiliates on 20 August 2021.

② Overseas corporations

No. Name of affiliate Country

1 Arcelik-LG Klima Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Turkey
3 Beijing Yuanzhimeng Advertising Co., Ltd. China
7 GIIR America Inc. USA
8 GllR Communications India Private Limited India

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 146

9 GllR UK Limited UK
10 Hi Logistics China Co., Ltd. China
11 Inspur LG Digital Mobile Communications Co., Ltd. China
12 KM Resources Inc. Malaysia
13 Korea Carbon International Co., Ltd. China
14 L&T Display Technology (Fujian) Limited China
15 LG Chem (China) Investment Co., Ltd. China
16 LG Energy Solution (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. China
17 LG Chem (Taiwan), Ltd. Taiwan
18 LG Chem (Tianjin) Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd. China
19 LG Chem America, Inc. USA
20 Brazil
21 LG Chem Europe Gmbh Germany
22 LG Energy Solution Michigan, Inc. USA
23 LG Chem Poland Sp. z o.o. Poland
24 LG Chemical (Guangzhou) Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd. China
25 LG Chemical India Pvt. Ltd. India
26 LG CNS America Inc. USA
27 LG CNS China Inc. China
28 LG CNS Europe B.V Netherlands
29 LG CNS India Pvt. Ltd. India
31 LG Consulting corp. Panama
32 LG Display America,Inc. USA
33 LG Display Germany GmbH Germany
34 LG Display Guangzhou Co., Ltd China
35 LG Display Japan Co., Ltd. Japan
36 LG Display Nanjing Co., Ltd. China
37 LG Display Shanghai Co., Ltd. China
38 LG Display Shenzhen Co., Ltd China
39 LG Display Singapore Pte. Ltd. Singapore
40 LG Display Taiwan Co., Ltd. Taiwan
41 LG Display Yantai Co., Ltd. China
42 LG Electronics (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. China
43 LG Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. China
44 LG Electronics (China) Research and Development Center Co., Ltd. China
45 LG Electronics (Levant) Jordan Jordan
46 LG Electronics Alabama Inc. USA
47 LG Electronics Algeria SARL Algeria

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 147

48 LG Electronics Almaty Kazakhstan Limited Liability Partnership Kazakhstan
49 LG Electronics Argentina S.A. Argentina
50 LG Electronics Australia Pty, Ltd. Australia
51 LG Electronics Benelux Sales B.V. Netherlands
52 LG Electronics Canada, Inc. Canada
53 LG Electronics Colombia Limitada Columbia
54 LG Electronics do Brasil Ltda. Brazil
55 LG Electronics Deutschland GmbH Germany
56 LG Electronics Dubai FZE UAE
57 LG Electronics Egypt S.A.E Egypt
58 LG Electronics Espana S.A Spain
59 LG Electronics European Holding B.V. Netherlands
60 LG Electronics European Shared Service Center B.V. Netherlands
61 LG Electronics France S.A.S. France
62 LG Electronics Guatemala S.A. Guatemala
63 LG Electronics Gulf FZE UAE
64 LG Electronics Hellas Single Member SA Greece
65 LG Electronics HK Ltd. China
66 LG Electronics Honduras R.L. Honduras
67 LG Electronics Huizhou Ltd. China
68 LG Electronics Inc Chile Limitada Chile
69 LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. India
70 LG Electronics Italia S.P.A. Italy
71 LG Japan Lab. Inc. Japan
72 LG Electronics Japan, Inc. Japan
73 LG Electronics Latvia, Ltd Latvia
74 LG Electronics Magyar K.F.T. Hungary
75 LG Electronics M Sdn. Bhd Malaysia
76 LG Electronics Mexico S.A.DE C.V. Mexico
77 LG Electronics Middle East Co., Ltd. UAE
78 LG Electronics Mlawa Sp. z.O.O. Poland
79 LG Electronics Mobile Research U.S.A.,LLC. USA
80 LG Electronics Morocco S.A.R.L. Morocco
81 LG Electronics Nanjing New Technology co.,LTD China
82 LG Electronics Nigeria Limited Nigeria
83 LG Electronics Nordic AB Sweden
84 LG Electronics North Africa Service Company SARL Tunisia
85 LG Electronics Overseas Trading FZE UAE
86 LG Electronics Panama, S.A. Panama
87 LG Electronics Peru S.A. Peru

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 148

88 LG Electronics Philippines Inc. Philippines
89 LG Electronics Polska Sp. Z.O.O Poland
90 LG Electronics Portugal S.A. Portugal
91 LG Electronics Qinhuangdao Co.,LTD China
92 LG Electronics Reynosa S.A. DE C.V. Mexico
93 LG Electronics RUS, LLC Russia
94 LG Electronics S.A. (Pty) Ltd. South Africa
95 LG Electronics Shenyang Inc. China
96 LG Electronics Singapore PTE LTD Singapore
97 LG Electronics Taiwan Taipei Co., Ltd. Taiwan
98 LG Electronics Thailand Co., Ltd. Taiwan
99 LG Electronics Tianjin Appliances Co., Ltd. China
100 LG Electronics Ticaret A.S. Turkey
101 LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc. USA
102 LG Electronics Ukraine Ukraine
103 LG Electronics U.K. Ltd. UK
104 LG Electronics Venezuela S.A Venezuela
105 LG Electronics Wroclaw Sp.z.O.O. Poland
106 LG Electronics Africa Logistics FZE UAE
107 LG Electronics Miami Inc. USA
108 LX Hausys America,Inc. USA
109 LG Hausys Europe GmbH Germany
110 LX Hausys India Private Limited India
111 LX Hausys RUS,LLC. Russia
112 LG Hausys Trading Co., Ltd. China
113 LG Household & Health Care (Taiwan), Ltd. Taiwan
114 LG H&H USA, Inc. USA
115 LG Household & Health Care Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd China
116 LG Innotek (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Taiwan
117 LG Innotek Huizhou Co., Ltd. China
118 PT. LG Innotek Indonesia Indonesia
119 LG Innotek Poland Sp. z o.o. Poland
120 LG Innotek USA, Inc. USA
121 LG Innotek Yantai Co., Ltd. China
122 LX International Yakutsk Russia
123 LX International (America) Inc. USA
124 Bowen Investment (Australia) Pty Ltd Australia
125 LG International (China) Corp. China
126 LX International (Deutschland) GmbH. Germany
127 LX International (HK) Ltd. China

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 149

128 Japan
129 LG International (Saudi) LLC Saudi Arabia
130 LX_International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Singapore
131 LG Jiansheng Life Sciences (Beijing) Co., Ltd. China
132 LG Chem Life Sciences India Pvt. Ltd. India
133 LG Chem Life Sciences Poland Ltd. Poland
134 LG Polymers India Pvt. Ltd. India
135 LG Soft India Private Limited India
136 LG VINA Chemical Co., Ltd. Vietnam
138 LG-Shaker Co. Ltd. Saudi Arabia
139 Nanjing LG-Panda Appliances Co., Ltd. China
140 Ningbo LG Yongxing Chemical Co., Ltd. China
141 Ningbo Zhenhai LG Yongxing Trade Co., Ltd. China
142 P.T. LG Electronics Indonesia Indonesia
143 Philco Resources Ltd. Malaysia
144 PT. LG CNS Indonesia Indonesia
145 PT. Batubara Global Energy Indonesia
146 PT. Green Global Lestari Indonesia
147 PT.LX International Indonesia Indonesia
148 PT. Mega Global Energy Indonesia
149 Qingdao LG Inspur Digital Communication Co., Ltd. China
150 Resources Investment (H.K) Limited China
151 S&I Nanjing Company Limited China
152 Steel Flower Electric Machinery (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. China
153 Taizhou LG Electronics Refrigeration Co., Ltd. China
155 Tianjin LG Bohai Chemical Co., Ltd. China
156 Tianjin LG Botian Chemical Co., Ltd. China
157 LG Hausys Tianjin Co., Ltd. China
158 Zenith Electronics LLC USA
159 Zenith Electronics Corporation of Pennsylvania USA
160 LG Chem(HUIZHOU) Petrochemical Co., Ltd. China
161 GllR Rus LLC Russia
162 GllR Do Brasil Ltda Brazil
163 LG Hausys (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. China
164 Yantai VMI HUB LG International China
165 PT. Mega Prima Persada Indonesia
166 PT. Parna Agromas Indonesia
167 LG Electronics Air-Conditioning (Shandong) Co., Ltd. China

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 150

168 LG Electronics Angola Limitada Angola
169 Colmineral S.A. de C.V Mexico
170 Ginza Stefany Inc. Japan
172 LHC Solar. LLC USA
174 LG Electronics Saudi Arabia LLC Saudi Arabia
175 GIIR Thailand Ltd. Taiwan
176 PT. Ganda Alam Makmur Indonesia
177 LG Innotek Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd China
178 Global OLED Technology LLC. USA
179 GllR Germany GmbH Germany
180 GllR Ukraine LLC Ukraine
181 LG Display (China) Co., Ltd. China
182 LG Chem Life Sciences (Thailand) Ltd. Taiwan
183 Everlife Co., Ltd. Japan
184 LG H&H Singapore Private Limited Singapore
185 Everlife Agency Co., Ltd. Japan
186 Everlife H&B Co., Ltd. Taiwan
187 LG Electronics Pasig Inc. Philippines
188 LG Innotek Mexico S.A. de C.V. Mexico
189 LGC Petrochemical India Private Ltd. India
190 LX International India Private Limited India
191 LG Electronics Vietnam Haiphong Co Ltd Vietnam
192 Fertilizer Resources Investment Limited China
193 LG CHEM TK Kimya SANAYI VE TIC. Ltd. STI. Turkey
195 LG Hausys(Tianjin) Engineering Co., Ltd. China
196 LG CNS Saudi Arabia LLC Saudi Arabia
197 LG CNS JAPAN Co., Ltd. Japan
198 LG Chem Japan Co., Ltd. Japan
200 LG NanoH2O, LLC USA
201 LG Holdings Japan Co., Ltd Japan
202 PT. Binsar Natorang Energi Indonesia
203 PT.LG Electronics Service Indonesia Indonesia
204 Farmhannong America, Inc. USA
205 LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc USA
206 Hi Logistics Egypt Egypt

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 151

209 LG Energy Solution Battery (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. China
210 LG Chem (Chongqing) Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd. China
213 LG Electronics Finland Lab Oy Finland
214 LG Display Guangzhou Trading Co., Ltd. China
215 Haiphong Steel Flower Electrical & Machinery Company Limited Vietnam
216 Pantos Logistics (China) Co., Ltd. China
217 Pantos Logistics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China
218 Pantos Logistics (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. China
219 Pantos Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. China
220 Pantos Logistics (HK) Company limited China
221 Pantos Logistics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Taiwan
224 PT. Pantos Express Indonesia Indonesia
229 Pantos Logistics (CAMBODIA) Co., Ltd. Cambodia
230 Pantos Logistics Vietnam Co., Ltd. Vietnam
232 Pantos Logistics Philippines Inc. Philippines
234 Pantos Logistics Myanmar Co., Ltd. Myanmar
236 Pantos Logistics Benelux B.V Netherlands
237 Pantos Logistics France France
238 Pantos Logistics Poland Sp.z o.o. Poland
239 Pantos Logistics Germany GmbH Germany
242 Pantos Logistics Mexico S.A DE C.V Mexico
243 Pantos Do Brasil Logistica Ltda Brazil
245 Pantos Logistics Chile SPA Chile
247 FNS CIS LLC Russia

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 152

248 Pantos Logistics Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
249 Pantos Logistics UKRAINE LTD. Ukraine
250 ZAO Contrans Russia
251 Pantos Logistics L.L.C (DUBAI) UAE
254 LG Electronics Nanjing Battery Pack Co., Ltd. China
255 LG Electronics Nanjing Vehicle Components Co., Ltd. China
257 S&I POLAND sp.z o.o. Poland
258 Pantos North America, Inc. USA
259 LG Display Vietnam Haiphong Co., Ltd. Vietnam
262 LG Energy Solution Wroclaw sp. z o.o. Poland
263 Suzhou Lehui Display Co., Ltd. China
264 Toiletry Japan Inc. Japan
265 LG Innotek Vietnam Haiphong Co., Ltd Vietnam
270 c2i (s.r.o) Slovakia
271 FJ Composite Material Co., Ltd. Japan
273 LG Corp. U.S.A. USA
274 LX Hausys Canada, Inc. Canada
275 Silicon Works China Co., Ltd. China
276 LGEUS Power, LLC USA
277 LG Electronics Vehicle Component U.S.A., LLC USA
278 LG Chem Hai Phong Vietnam Co., Ltd. Vietnam
280 HS AD VIETNAM CO., LTD. Vietnam
281 LG Energy Solution Australia Pty Ltd Australia
283 LG Chem Mexico S.A. de C.V. Mexico
284 FarmHannong(Thailand) Ltd. Taiwan
285 Pantos Logistics Nigeria Limited Nigeria

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 153

287 LG Technology Ventures LLC USA
288 LG Chem Hai Phong Engineering Plastics LCC. Vietnam
289 LG Chem (Guangzhou) Information & Electronics Materials Co., Ltd. China
293 HS GTM Germany GmbH Germany
295 PT. Grand Utama Mandiri Indonesia
296 PT. Tintin Boyok Sawit Makmur Indonesia
297 PT. Tintin Boyok Sawit Makmur Dua Indonesia
298 LG Household & Health Care (Thailand) Limited Taiwan
299 FMG & MISSION Company Limited Japan
300 ZKW Holding GmbH Austria
301 ZKW Group GmbH Austria
302 ZKW Lichtsysteme GmbH Austria
303 ZKW Elektronik GmbH Austria
304 KES - kablove a elektricke systemy spol. s.r.o. Czech Republic
305 KES Poland Sp.z o.o. Poland
306 ZKW Slovakia s.r.o. Slovakia
307 ZKW Lighting Systems USA, Inc. USA
308 ZKW Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Mexico
309 ZKW Mexico Inmobiliaria, S.A. de C.V. Mexico
310 ZKW Mexico Servicios, S.A. de C.V. Mexico
311 ZKW Lighting Systems (Dalian) Co. Ltd. China
312 ZKW Austria Immobilien Holding GmbH Austria
313 ZKW Austria Immobilien GmbH Austria
314 LG Display High-Tech (China) Co., Ltd. China
315 Fleuve Beaute Inc. Japan
318 S&I Vietnam construction Co., Ltd Vietnam
320 Uniseal, Inc. USA
321 LG Energy Solution Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. China
322 LG Chem Life Science Innovation Center, Inc. USA
323 Avon Manufacturing (Guangzhou), Ltd. China
324 China
326 S&I CM NANJING China

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 154

327 S&I CM POLAND SP. Z o. o Poland
328 FarmHannong (Malaysia) SDN. BHD. Malaysia
330 The Avon Company USA
331 The Avon Company Canada Limited Canada
332 LG H&H Tokyo R&D Center Inc. Japan
333 Onecube International Logistics Co., Ltd. China
334 PT Farm Hannong Indonesia Indonesia
335 PT. Green Global Utama Indonesia
336 Ultium Cells LLC USA
337 Alphonso Inc. USA
338 Alphonso Labs Private Limited India
339 LG Energy Solution Europe GmbH Germany
340 ZKW Automotive Engineering CZ s.r.o. Czech Republic
342 PT. Energy Metal Indonesia Indonesia
343 PT. Global Investment Institusi Indonesia
344 PT. Satu Gen Indonesia Indonesia
345 LG Chem Asia Pte. Ltd. Singapore
346 LG Chem China Tech Center China
347 Shanjin Optoelectronics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Taiwan
348 LG Energy Solution (Taiwan), Ltd. Taiwan
350 LG Magna e-Powertrain USA Inc. USA
351 LG Magna Nanjing e-Powertrain Vehicle Components Co., Ltd. China
353 HI-M SOLUTEK POLAND Sp. z o.o. Poland
354 LG PETRONAS CHEMICALS Malaysia Sdn.Bhd. Malaysia
355 LG Energy Solution Fund I LLC USA
356 LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd. Japan
357 Boinca Inc. USA
358 PT. HKML Battery Indonesia Indonesia

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 155

3. Status of investment in other companies (detailed)
(Based on 30 September 2021) (Unit: million won, thousand shares, %)
Increase(decrease status of the
Beginning balance Ending balance
) recent
First Amount of business year
Listed or Purpose of
Company name acquisition the 1st Acquisition
not investment Valu
date acquisition (disposition
Quant Book ation Quant Book Total Net
Ratio ) Ratio
ity value gain/l ity value assets Income
Quan Amo
tity unt
Daedeok Investment Unlisted 20.05.2011 Simple investment 500 100 6.8 0 - - - 100 6.8 0 3,372 454
LX Semicon U.S.A.,
Unlisted 15.10.2012 Sales support, etc. 555 2,000 100 137 - - - 2,000 100 137 628 118
Silicon Works China
Unlisted 03.03.2017 Sales support, etc. 674 - 100 2,179 - - - - 100 2,179 3,784 327
Co., Ltd.
LX Semicon Japan
Unlisted 03.09.2021 Sales support, etc. 317 - - - 15 317 - 15 100 317 - -
Co., Ltd.
Development and
Advanced Power design business of
Unlisted 12.03.2018 4,410 176 49 4,089 - - 107 176 49 4,196 8,773 98
Device Technology semiconductor
Total amount 2,276 - 6,405 15 317 107 2,291 - 6,829 16,557 997

Note 1) Daedeok Investment Co., Ltd.'s total assets and net profit or loss for the most recent business year are as of 31
December 2017. Note 2) LX Semicon U.S.A., Inc. and Silicon Works China Co., Ltd. are December-settled corporations, and
total assets and net profit or loss for the most recent business year are as of 31 December 2020.
Note 3) LX Semicon Japan Co., Ltd., which was established in September 2021, is a December-settlement corporation, and
has omitted total assets and net profit or loss for the most recent business year.
Note 4) Advanced Power Device Technology Co., Ltd. is a March-settlement corporation, and total assets and net profit or
loss for the most recent business year are as of 31 March 2021.

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 156

【Confirmation by Expert】

1. Confirmation by Expert
As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

2. Interests with Expert

As of the reporting date, there is no relevant information. As of the reporting date, there is no relevant

Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System ( Page 157

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