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Name: Christopher C.

Olayon Section: SFENT1Emp Date:

Subject: Gender and Society Professor: Mary Ruby Beltran

1. Choose an advertisement and briefly write what is it all about or what is happening in
that advertisement.

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Pantene Philippines had released a

digital ad campaign titled "Labels Against Women." This campaign aimed to challenge
societal norms and stereotypes surrounding women's appearance and behavior in the

The campaign's primary message was to encourage people to recognize and combat these
stereotypes. “Labels Against Women” campaign included a video advertisement that went
viral online. The ad began with a montage of different workplace scenes, showing women in
various professional roles. It highlighted the double standards and biases that women often
face in the workplace. With the background music was a version of the classic song "Mad
World," which added emotional depth to the video. Central theme of the ad was "labels." It
showcased how women in professional settings are often labeled and judged based on their
appearance and behavior. For example, women who are assertive may be labeled as "bossy,"
while men exhibiting the same behavior are often praised for their leadership skills.

This double standard was demonstrated through a series of visual cues and text overlays.
Incorporated statistics to underline the issues women face, such as the gender pay gap and the
underrepresentation of women in leadership positions. This video encouraged viewers to stop
labeling women and to "be strong and shine." It conveyed the message that women should
not be defined by these stereotypes and that everyone should strive to create a more equitable
and supportive work environment.

2. Analyze it gender neutral or with gender bias as to content, or intention including use of
language. Quote if necessary.

Pantene Philippines campaign “Labels Against Women", had a specific gender focus,
primarily addressing the gender bias and stereotypes faced by women in the workplace. The
campaign's intention was to highlight these biases and raise awareness about them, rather
than promoting gender neutrality.

Content and Intention

 The ad's content was centered around women in professional settings, showcasing how
they are often judged and labeled based on their appearance and behavior, particularly
focusing on the double standards they face.
 The intention of the campaign was to shed light on the gender disparities and biases
women face in the workplace and to challenge and change these stereotypes.
 It aimed to empower women and encourage them to embrace their strengths, while also
urging society to recognize and address these biases.
 The campaign explicitly used language and imagery that focused on women's
experiences. For instance, it referred to women being labeled as "bossy" or "selfish,"
which are stereotypes commonly associated with women in leadership roles.
 The language in the campaign highlighted the specific challenges faced by women, such
as the gender pay gap and the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions.
 It used language that resonated with women's empowerment and self-confidence, as the
message was primarily directed towards women.
3. If you were to change this ad to be more gender neutral or non-Sexist, how would you
propose to change it? How will the ad appear or sound?

To make the "Labels Against Women" ad more gender-neutral and less sexist, the focus
should shift from solely highlighting issues faced by women to addressing stereotypes and
biases that affect individuals of all genders in the workplace.
1. The ad should continue to depict various workplace scenarios, showcasing a diverse
range of professionals from different genders, backgrounds, and ethnicities. Instead of
solely focusing on women, the narrative should emphasize the common stereotypes and
biases that affect everyone in the workplace.
2. The video should feature instances where individuals of all genders face judgments based
on their behavior or appearance. For instance, it can show how assertive individuals are
labeled as "bossy" and demonstrate how this labeling affects both men and women.
3. Include statistics on workplace discrimination, pay gaps, and representation that apply to
individuals of all genders and backgrounds. This will highlight that these issues affect
everyone and not just one specific gender.
4. The campaign should encourage everyone to challenge stereotypes, biases, and double
standards in the workplace. The message should be about creating a more inclusive and
equitable work environment for everyone, regardless of their gender.
5. The ad should avoid reinforcing gender-specific stereotypes or roles. It should use
language and imagery that reflect a diverse and inclusive workplace. For example,
instead of portraying women as solely concerned with appearance, it could show people
of all genders collaborating and supporting each other in a professional context.
6. The background music can be an uplifting and inspiring composition that evokes unity
and equality, promoting a message of inclusivity and change.

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