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BANGALORE – 560 003
G—È.G—È.G≈È.“. Æ⁄¬fiOÊ⁄–, —ÊÆÊoM∂¡È, 2020

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¶´¤MO⁄ : 26. 09. 2020 ] —⁄MOÊfi}⁄ —⁄MSÊ¿ : 96-E
Date : 26. 09. 2020 ] CODE NO. : 96-E

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( BMW«ŒÈ ∫¤Œ¤M}⁄¡⁄ / English Version )

( Æ⁄‚¥´⁄¡¤»⁄~%}⁄ S¤—⁄W @∫⁄¥¿£% / Private Repeater )

[ V⁄¬Œ⁄r @MO⁄V⁄◊⁄fl : 100
[ Max. Marks : 100

Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
I. Four choices are given for each of the following questions
/ incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or
most appropriate. Choose the correct answer and write
the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet.
10 × 1 = 10
1. The first nuclear power station in India was
established at
(A) Kaiga (B) Narora
(C) Tarapur (D) Kalpakkam.
(C) Tarapur 1

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA) [ Turn over

96-E 2 CCE PR
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
2. ‘‘Investment on human development is the most precious
among all forms of capital’’ is said by
(A) Alfred Marshall (B) Adam Smith
(C) Karl Marx (D) A. C. Pigou.
(A) Alfred Marshall 1

3. Green revolution refers to

(A) significant increase in agricultural production
(B) significant increase in fruit production
(C) significant increase in milk production
(D) significant increase in fish production.
(A) Significant increase in agricultural production 1

4. The life blood of all economic activities is

(A) trade (B) advertisement
(C) insurance (D) finance.
(D) Finance 1
5. ‘‘Industrialise or Perish’’ was said by
(A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) Sri M. Vishveshwarya
(C) Jawaharlal Nehru (D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
(B) Sir M. Vishveswaraya 1

6. The main aim of labour policy is

(A) employees welfare
(B) organising labourers
(C) developing labourer skills
(D) training labourers.
(A) employees welfare 1

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA)

CCE PR 3 96-E
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
7. Postal Index Number system was implemented in 1
India to
(A) reach all the villages
(B) computerise postal services
(C) modernise and manage postal services efficiently
(D) increase e-mail services.
(C) modernise and manage postal services efficiency
8. Hydroelectricity was first generated in India at 1
(A) Koyna (B) Kargal
(C) Darjeeling (D) Shivanasamudra.
(D) Shivanasamudra
9. The system in which the farmers paid tax directly to the 1
government was
(A) Zamindari system (B) Ryotwari system
(C) Takkavi system (D) Jagirdari system.
(B) Ryotwari system
10. The Headquarters of Reserve Bank of India is at 1
(A) Kolkata (B) Delhi
(C) Bengaluru (D) Mumbai.
(D) Mumbai
II. Match list A with list B and write it : 5×1=5
a) Indian National i) Communist Party of
Trade Union India
b) The Hind ii) Krantikari Samajwadi
Mazdoor Sabha Party
c) United Trade iii) Praja Socialist Party
Union Congress
d) Bharatiya iv) Congress Party
Mazdoor Sangh
e) Centre of Indian v) Bharatiya Janata Party
Trade Unions
vi) Assam Gana Parishad
vii) Telugu Desham Party.

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA) [ Turn over

96-E 4 CCE PR
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
(a) (iv) Congress Party
(b) (iii) Praja Socialist Party 1
(c) (ii) Krantikari Samajwadi Party 1
(d) (v) Bharatiya Janata Party 1
(e) (i) Communist party of India 1
III. Answer the following questions in a word or sentence
each : 15 × 1 = 15
12. There is a high level of capital formation in developed
countries. Why ?
Due to more savings. 1
13. Which mineral is called black diamond ?
Coal. 1
14. What is the main aim of ceiling on land holdings
regulation ?
To redistribute the land to landless labourers. 1
15. What is the main principle of co-operative credit
societies ?
Co-operation. 1
16. Why was Regional Rural Banks established ?
To provide finance to landless labourers. 1
17. What is the objective of labour unions ?
To protect and promote the interest of labourers. 1
18. What is poverty ?
Unable to fulfil the basic requirements. 1

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA)

CCE PR 5 96-E
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
19. Why did British develop railway transport in India ?
To suit their trade & administrative purpose. 1
20. Why did the Government of India introduce open sky
policy in 1990 ?
To allow private airlines to operate in the country. 1
21. Which was the oldest central bank formed in the world ?
Riks Bank of Sweden. 1
22. What is trade ?
Buying and selling of goods and services. 1
23. What is the main aim of the economy ?
Human welfare. 1
24. What is density of population ?
Number of people living in a square kilometer area. 1
25. Why was National Population Policy 1976 introduced ?
To control the rapid increase in population. 1
26. Why was Port Development Corporation established ?
For construction, maintenance and expansion of facilities
in ports. 1
IV. Answer the following questions in about three to four
sentences each : 24 × 2 = 48
27. Which are the effects of soil erosion ?
— reduces underground water
— leads to floods
— reduces water storage capacity in dams
— low agricultural production. 2

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA) [ Turn over

96-E 6 CCE PR
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
28. What is the need of irrigation in India ?
— uncertain, unequal, irregular, untimely rainfall
— It results in floods and drought. 2

29. Which factors made money lenders more popular ?

— loan for any purpose
— easy approachable
— simple and adjustable
— do not follow lengthy legal modalities. 2

30. Mention the characteristics of new industrial policy of

— Abolition of industrial license
— Foreign investment and technology
— The dilution of the role of public sector
— Liberalisation of industrial policy
— Foreign Exchange Management Act. 2

31. Write the reasons for poverty in India.

— overpopulation
— low productivity in agriculture
— rising prices
— unemployment. 2

32. What was the main aim of integrated rural development

programme ?
— promoting self employment
— training
— financial assistance. 2

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA)

CCE PR 7 96-E
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
33. Which are the autonomous training institutions of
Reserve Bank of India ?
— National Institute for Bank Management
— Indira Gandhi Institute for Development and Research
— Institute for Development and Research in Banking
Technology. 2
34. Mention the types of trade.
— Internal trade or Domestic trade
— External trade or Foreign trade. 2
35. Name the Human Development Index.
— long healthy life
— knowledge
— standard of living. 2
36. Economic development of the country depends on its
resources. Justify.
— develops agriculture
— develops industries
— supply of fuel
— provide essentials
— security of the nation. 2
37. Social system in India also contributes to increase in
population. How ?
— universal marriage
— child marriage
— joint family
— superstitions
— illiteracy. 2

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA) [ Turn over

96-E 8 CCE PR
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
38. Name the important industrial research and development
— Central Beekeeping and Research Institute
— The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
— The Village Industries Research Institute
— Indian Council for Agricultural Research. 2
39. Name the different types of poverty.
— Absolute poverty
— relative poverty. 2

40. Taccavi loans are gift to farmers. How ?

— loans for long term
— low interest rate
— no hidden charges. 2

41. What are the reasons for soil erosion ?

— heavy rainfall
— shifting cultivation
— high usage of pesticides
— overgrazing
— urbanization & industrialization. 2
42. Mention any four advantages of forests.
— food
— firewood
— fertilizer
— purifies the air
— brings rainfall
— balance ecosystem. 2

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA)

CCE PR 9 96-E
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
43. Why is death rate declining in India ?
— Control of droughts and famines
— control of epidemics
— spread of education
— other factors. 2

44. How is Ryotwari system different from Zamindari

system ?
— Thomas Munroe introduced it
— farmers were owners
— they directly paid tax to the government
— there were no intermediaries. 2

45. What are the reasons for the failure of land reforms in
India ?
— lack of political will
— no pressure on government from tenants
— lack of enthusiasm in unorganised farmers
— apathy of Bureaucracy
— lack of land documents. 2

46. How do money lenders exploit farmers ?

— higher credit amount on the bond than the actual
— no receipts
— high rate of interest
— loan for unproductive purpose. 2

47. Mention the characteristics of small scale industries.

— easy to start
— less investment
— limited labour
— local raw materials
— managed by small entrepreneurs. 2

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA) [ Turn over

96-E 10 CCE PR
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
48. Social and economic conditions of agricultural labourers
are not good. Substantiate.
— low standard of living
— weak bargaining power
— indebtedness
— migration
— lack of social security measures. 2
49. What are the problems of road transport ?
— Poor quality of roads
— Accidents
— Pollutions
— high burden of tax
— rise in price of fare. 2

50. Mention the ship building units established in India.

— Visakhapatnam
— Cochin
— Kolkata
— Mumbai. 2

V. Answer the following questions in about five to six

sentences each : 6 × 3 = 18
51. Which are the functions of district industrial centres ?
— to conduct economic survey
— to supply machines
— to arrange raw materials
— to arrange loan facilities
— to assist in marketing
— to establish research. 3

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA)

CCE PR 11 96-E
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
52. List out the functions of Reserve Bank of India.
— Monetary authority
— Supervision of finance system
— Issue of currency
— Foreign Exchange Management
— Banker's Bank
— Government bank
— Research and publication
— Development functions. 3

53. Mention the characteristics of developing countries.

— Gradual increase in per capita
— Gradual decrease in population growth
— Gradual increase in human capital
— Priority for non-agricultural activities
— Importance of unorganised sector
— Growth of urbanization. 3

54. How are roads classified ?

Based on nature
— Pakka roads
— Kachha roads
Based on construction
— National Highways
— State Highways
— District roads
— Rural roads. 3

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA) [ Turn over

96-E 12 CCE PR
Qn. Sub.
Value Points Marks
Nos. Qn.No.
55. Human resource plays a prominent role in economic
development. Explain.
— Supply of labour
— security of a nation
— use of physical capital
— invention and innovation
— creation of good civilised society
— development of transport and communication
— development of quality population. 3
56. Sprinkler irrigation is needful for present India. Justify.
— Suitable for vegetables, coffee, tea, flowers
— effective use of fertilizers and pesticides
— low labour cost
— low erosion of soil
— irrigation can be extended. 3
VI. Answer the following question in about eight to ten
sentences : 4
57. International trade has become inevitable in the modern
world. Explain.
— Import of basic goods
— stability in prices
— industrial development
— expansion of market
— capital movement
— international peace and cooperation
— use of resources
— transfer of science and technology. 4

PR (D)-# 45063 (MA)

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