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Q1.Tell us about yourself?

(Maximum 300 words):

(Complete your Who Am I Essay first as it will lead to your introduction. Your introduction should
help the interviewer understand you as a person and can include your personal details also. It
should clear leave markers to 3 to 4 focus areas in which the interviewer can focus and ask
subsequent questions.)

I am xyz . I was born in Suratgarh , a small town in the sri ganganagar district of rajasthan. I belong to the
place ,that shares its adjacent boundaries with pakistan , due to which air force and military have their
high presence here. Born to an engineer father and a teacher mother , I have always been brought with
the values like discipline and perseverance. My journey in my academic so far have been that of an
hardworking student .I have not only been involved in academics through my schooling , but was also
actively involved in sports. The exposure to sports have developed in me the strong sportsman spirit ,
which I feel helps me very much in life . Soon after completing high school , I moved to xyz and started
preparing for the engineering entrance examination. I was fortunate to secure a seat amongst top
prestigious engineering universities in the country , abc institute . I always enjoyed participating in
various events . Rewinding back to my school journey , I have always been proud of the little
accomplishment I had managed to gain along the way, i have won 19 gold medals in athletics. I also love
playing football I was captain of my school team and group team also have second prize at district level.
I have also won prizes in clay modeling and group singing competition. And in college I joined a few clubs
and coordinated in organizing various events like human powered vehicle challenge and various
workshops and classroom events. Also did projects on innovative technologies like friction drilling, also
prototyping cfc free solar a/c .

I got placed on campus in abc where I learned different technologies like cloud computing, amazon web
services etc. in my current project I am working as an etl developer developing tables from the raw data
provided so that it could be analyzed properly and used as required by the client.

Q2.What according to you are your strengths and weakness? Mention at least 3 strengths and 3
(Give examples to prove that these are your strengths or weaknesses. The strengths and
weaknesses must reflect the depth of your thinking. Avoid mentions of common weaknesses like
time management, thinking too much, introvert etc. Frivolous statements like 'My weakness is food
' should be avoided)

Ans- strength

Adjusting – I am very adjusting in nature. I try to adjust to the maximum with people and groups. I
adjust easily to new places. Most of this came from college life as in our college we were free to choose
any subject any teacher we want from that’s available so we usually had different batch of classmates
for different subject and in different semesters so always have to form new teams for project and
classroom activities also in hostel, For room allotment form second year onwards we had hostel
counseling for the room allocation so roommates were different in different year and to adjust with new
roommates is a very different thing. I remember the incident when I was staying in a six bedded non ac
room. As its vellore and in summers it was very hot. I bought a personal table fan. Now the problem was
it made a little extra noise and one person had a problem with it and he asked me to remove it I said ok I
won't operate it in day time but at night I require it and lets adjust with this the other day he told me he
will complain to warden if I don’t remove it but in 6 bed you also have to adjust a little it's not your
home. This continued for a while and then one day he politely asked me if he was sometimes unable to
sleep because of the noise and requested me to not use it. Then I considered his request but then I was
also not able to sleep in such heat so I had a few of my friends in the same hostel staying in 6 bedrooms.
I shifted my mattress there and used to sleep in their room at night.

calmness-I handle most of the situation calmly I usually don't panic a recent instance I could recall was
when I was traveling to the exam center by car with my friend and our car got punctured on the way and
we were on 10-15 min advance we couldn't see any mechanic nearby he lost his calm a but I thought
calm and composed and called by dad he instructed me how do go about it and we manage to replace it
within 15 min and reached the center on time

Time management- Like from school time as I liked to play a lot so I had to have proper time
management to complete the whole work and also keep up with studies and not lose up the pace. Also
while I was in xyz we had to study a lot and had tests every 21 days for the complete syllabus taught till
date so I also have to revise the previous taught lessons so I have to spare 1-2 hrs regularly apart from
regular workload to time management was critical there. Also presently studying for mba along with
work required a proper planning and managing time properly so that lack behind any day gives it proper

Others(team player)


Stage fright-glossophobia- I got this phobia from an incident that happened in school time. I had an
opportunity to deliver the pledge stage and when I was at it I forgot it in mid way and couldn’t recall it
so i was blank on stage then someone from back of the stage bought me the written pledge and I
finished it somehow. Later I was scolded by the class teacher and also the principal for this and after that
I developed this fear. But then slowly I started participating in group activities on stage but I still have
some fear in speaking individually on stage but one thought that I learned recently to overcome it is that
when on stage I should consider myself as the most knowledgeable person nobody knows more than
me. This brings a lot of confidence and helps overcome the fear

Delay in decisions-I few cases when I am not able to decide which is the best possible one I tend to
delay the decision although I know I have to choose one but then I think some new point might come up
if I delay or something will happen with time but that not the case what is does is narrow the choices
and then I am forced to go with whatever is left. But slowly I understood it waste a lot of time and
occupies your mind most of the time so I am trying to improve on this whatever is the dilemma I try to
pick and one and just by it and not comparing it with the other choice because their might also be some
sort of problem that I couldn’t see as then the decision would be clear on basis of merit. What I am
trying to follow is take a decision and then put your complete efforts in making it right as once said by
Ratan Tata.

Online Shopping- I tend to spend too much time online searching for discounts and whenever there is
sale I tend to look up for product and then to waste a lot of time on sometimes a lot of time is
wasted so now a days I am reducing time spent by not looking for much discounts and ordering at
whatever price its available.

Others(pleasing everyone)
Q3. What are your short term and long tern career goals? :
(Keep your focus on career goals. Also share how did MBA come into your consideration set and
what are your strengths that will help you do well in MBA. Avoid generic statements like, "Secure a
job that interests me, works on my strengths or does justice with my talent/skill levels". You could
cite career paths of role models and give examples of the kinds of jobs or profiles which inspire

Born to an engineer father I was more fascinated with machines, I vividly remember my experience in
the seventh grade when we bought our first car. I was fascinated with how it works and what's the
machinery inside. Thus nurturing my curiosity, I choose to be an engineer.

On entering the real world of engineering, learning academics, meeting people realized the complete
things are not made in one plant but all small parts from a crank pin to the engine are imported from
different plants and are assembled in the main plant now I became curious on how this is done and
managed on such a large scales and so effectively. Thus I was more attracted to operation and supply
chain part of it and so to understand this I took up a few subjects in my engineering like operation
management , production planning and control, total quality management and I became more inclined
towards this and that desires me to have a management degree so that I can be professionally equipped
to make technology meet utility.

My short term goal is to get maximum learning I could from college and to participate in all the relevant
clubs and activities and participate in more and more case studies so in short equip myself fully to get
into the industry.

As part of long term goal I have an aspiration to be working at the higher designation may be as a
strategic operation head of entire country in some renowned organization where I can enjoy the power
of decision making and handle the operations of entire country and incorporate changes that helps to
get product delivered to customer in minimum time and cost.

Q4. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? :

(Think about what kind of work you could be doing (job, entrepreneurship, etc). Think about the
function and role you could be in (marketing/sales/finance/research/strategy etc) . Will you like to
be in an MNC or an Indian company? What kind of problems to do you want to solve?)

In the coming five years , I see myself operating as an operation manager at an automobile industry that
has always aspired me to associate with them. I want to manage a team of highly talented , motivated
and efficient individuals. And handle operations of entire zone. I wish to use our efforts in the most
efficient way and together as a team, want to work on larger level of generating business. My goal is not
only self centered , but I also want to ensure that my target audience is satisfied with our service.

Q5. What has been your greatest achievement till date? :

(Greatest achievements do not necessarily come from work or academics. Broaden your thinking to
bring up examples of personal crisis or fears you have overcome, important relationships you have
developed or repaired, decisions you have taken, challenges you have overcome, or passions you
have pursued with dilligence. They could of course be important awards or recognitions or
academic achievements too)

For me the definition of accomplishment is something that I wish to experience again ; apart from the
adrenaline rush and the happiness that I experienced. During my high school days , I was always
enthusiastic about sports . Blessed by the god of fortune that day , I managed to brag 4 gold medals on
sports day in different events. Owing to this I was given championship also I was then given the
responsibility to train the junior team for the intra school competition. I was also the torch bearer in the
next sports competition. Cutting down to next year, seeing my performance, I was recommended for
CBSE clusters, there I was not going by self individuality , but I was there to represent my school. The joy
of responsibility to represent my school the respect that I received and he appreciation I gained , were
for me the true accomplishment I had. It’s the feeling of respect, faith and the trust that I wish to
experience again.

Q6. What according to you are the 3 most important values that you have in you? Values are
principles which you stand for and live by. They are a part of your character and play a role in
important decisions you make in life
You should have ample examples of situations to justify the values you hold. You could talk about
the sources of these values, what they mean to you. Think of how these values have changed or
guided your life decisions.

Kindness and humanity-recently I came across a situation where I ordered pantry from xyz but before
the products could be delivered I saw I could get the same for a lower amount so I asked customer care
to stop the delivery and return the parcel but as it was out for delivery the delivery agent updated the
status delivered without calling me and when rung the bell for delivery I asked him to cancel as I don’t
want the delivery but he asked me to accept the order as he has marked it delivered and he wont be
able to return the product and amount would be deducted from his salary. I couldn’t believe then I
talked to his manager he told me its against the policy to deliver without customer being present so he
has to pay. Or you accept the order he will pay 200 difference amount and he wouldn’t have to suffer for
the entire order amount but humanity as he is already earning less and evening paying 200 would be a
burden for him I accepted the order but told him not to deliver again like that.

value of coexistence- I am acutely aware what I can bring to the table but I also acknowledge the other
people thing I have learnt is that I can be best at some things and someone else can be better
at some other thing so I have their point of view and listen to it properly they might bring something
promising to the table.

calmness-I handle most of the situation calmly I usually don't panic a recent instance I could recall was
when I was traveling to the exam center by car with my friend and our car got punctured on the way and
we were on 10-15 min advance we couldn't see any mechanic near by and he lost his calm a but I
thought calm and composed and as we had no other option to except to change the wheel so and we
manage to replace it within 15 min and reached the center on time.

Others(Standing by when I am right, Forgiving)

Q7. Enlist some important skills you have. How have these skills helped you in doing well in life?
leadership skills- For me the leader is one who is not only willing to use the best of the talent but is the
one who knows how to use the available talent . I always like taking up challenges , one such incident
happened during my school , where I had built the football team of naive boys who only had the passion
to play football but lacked the skilled training. I volunteered to select the right group of boys , analyzing
their skill and ensuring that they are well trained.we came up with a good team that bragged a medal in
competition. This helped me a lot ,after this i lead the sports team of my group also became vice captain
of my house. One very important lesson I learned was this in order for a team event to be successful
everyone even the last person should feel that they belong to the team and are a crucial part of it.

Time management – this is the skill that I had built consciously by sheer perseverance and practice .
Right from my prime years of education , due to actively being involved in sports and studies , my
parents instilled in me this skill to manage my time efficiently so that I don’t lack on to any academic
classes . This thoroughly helped while I was in abc preparing for my entrance examination, where I had
to shuffle amongst the different subjects and give the dedicated time to each subject to make sure that I
have equally studied each topic . Now that after completing my bachelors when I had started preparing
for MBA , I was fully working at the same time , because I wanted to attain exposure but at the same
point I used to give adequate time for preparation.

Q8. Which extra-curricular activities have you participated in? :

Their are various extra-curricular activities that I participated in such at clay modeling won twice, group
singing competition once 1st prize, football matches won twice and runner up at district level, tug of
war,100m,200m,400m,long jump and also relay race (total 19 gold medals in athletics). also coordinated
in organizing various workshops and events in college

Q9. Who is your role model in life? Why do you admire him or her? Role model could be a family
member, or a teacher or friend or someone from public life (past or current).

Give examples of the values your role model which appeal to you. You could talk about situations
which these people have handled or decisions they have taken which inspire you. Avoid cliched
quick answers like 'My mother is role model for the sacrifices she has made'.

my father is my role model for the various values and lesson of life he gave me.I remember the times
when I was younger , my father was still into his establishing phase where he was burdened with several
pressures , in one such incident , being in the government sector , he was offered many rewards in
return, owing to pressure , he gave in the process of favoring the odds, but things not necessarily go as
planned , soon after that I started remaining ill ,and continuous reports and checkups said that no
proper cause was found behind state . My father was quick enough to realize that this might be because
money that comes through the ill means always doesn’t makes the man wealthy. He has always taught
whatever we earn through right means is enough for us to leave happily and not to indulge in any
unethical means of short term gains.

once he we were at abc junction traveling back home after the treatment of my grandmother. my father
has booked the sleeper a day before and we had confirmed reservation but the train arrived we were
informed that our coaches were cut we had to travel back urgently as he had work to attend and my
grandmother couldn't travel by bus he went inside the train and when it stated he pulled the
emergency chain engine tried to pull it back so he tied it with the berth and train stopped. the tt came
along with the railway police ,my father told then he wont allow the train to move further till he is not
given his seat and obviously abc junction is such a big junction so spare coaches would definitely be
available with them higher officials of railway came we called up media he told them we have confirm
tickets and we should be given our sets and until that is done we wont allow the train to move others
passengers also joined and supported him this lasted for about 30 min and finally they arranged 2
coaches that were canceled. this taught me when you are right stand by it how much impossible the
situation might feel thing will fall in place.

Q10. If you could not do MBA, what will you do?

if not mba then I would work in 2 wheeler automobile sector get a good experience their and also work
with my cousin at his abc showroom gain some experience about business dealing and then open a two
wheeler automobile showroom in xyz.

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