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September 4, 2019 MR. S.



Deduce the following equations for uniformly accelerated motion by using integration technique
(i) V = u + at (ii) S = ut + 1/2at2
2 2
(iii) v – u = 2as (iv) snth = u + a/2 (2n – 1)

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September 4, 2019 MR. S. ARUNACHALAM (HOD PHYSICS)



Consider an object moving along a straight line with uniform acceleration a. Let u be the initial velocity
of the object at time t = 0 and v be the final velocity of the object after time t. And S is the distance
travelled by object in time t. Velocity time graph of this motion is a straight line AB, as shown in the fig.
Where OA = ED = V; OE = t = AD
(I) V = u + at
We know that slope of velocity time graph of uniformly accelerated motion represents the
acceleration of the object.
Acceleration = slope of the velocity – time graph AB

or a= = = = or v – u = at or v=u+

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September 4, 2019 MR. S. ARUNACHALAM (HOD PHYSICS)

Expression for centripetal acceleration

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September 4, 2019 MR. S. ARUNACHALAM (HOD PHYSICS)

According to Newton’s second law of motion,

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Which that total final linear momentum of the isolated system is equal to its initial linear momentum.

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September 4, 2019 MR. S. ARUNACHALAM (HOD PHYSICS)


Following are the four laws of limiting friction
1. The magnitude of the force of limiting friction (F) between any two bodies in contact is directly
proportional to the normal reaction (R) between them i.e.
When a body is heavy, normal reaction R = mg increases. Therefore, F increases. Hence P = F increase
i.e. more force is required to move a heavier body than to move a lighter body.
2. The direction of the force of limiting friction is always opposite to the direction in which one body is at
the verge f moving over the other.
3. The force of limiting friction is independent of the apparent area of contact, so long as normal
reaction between the two bodies in contact remains the same.
4. The force of limiting friction between any two bodies in contact depends on the nature of material of
the surface in contact (i.e. force of adhesion) and their roughness or smoothness.

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September 4, 2019 MR. S. ARUNACHALAM (HOD PHYSICS)


A force is said to be conservative if work done by or against the force in moving a body depends
only on the initial and final position of the body, and not on the nature of path followed
between the initial and the final positions.
For example, gravitational force is a conservative force.
A force is said to be non – conservative, if work done by or against the force in moving a body
from one position to another, depends on the path followed between these two positions.
For example, frictional forces are non conservative forces.

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September 4, 2019 MR. S. ARUNACHALAM (HOD PHYSICS)

Potential energy of a spring


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Small amount of work done in increasing the length of the spring by dx is

dw = - Fdx = kxdx
Total work done in giving displacement x to the body can be obtained by
integrating from x = 0 to x = x

September 4, 2019 MR. S. ARUNACHALAM (HOD PHYSICS)

1. The sign of work done by a force on a body is important to understand, state carefully if the
following quantities are positive or negative:
(a) Work done by a man in lifting a bucket out of a well by means of a rope tied to the bucket.
(b) Work done by a gravitational force in the above case.
(c) Work done by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane.
(d) Work done by an applied force on a body moving on a rough horizontal plane with uniform
(e) Work done by the resistive force of air on a vibrating pendulum in bringing it to rest.
2. A body is moving unidirectional under the influence of a source of constant power. Its
displacement in time t is proportional to (i) t1/2 (ii) t (iii) t3/2 (iv) t2
3. A body is initially at rest. It undergoes one- dimensional motion with constant acceleration.
The power delivered to it at time t is proportional to (i) t 1/2 (ii) t (iii) t3/2 (iv) t2
4. The bob A of simple pendulum released from 300 to the vertical hits
another bob B of the same mass at rest on a table as shown in fig. How
high does the bob A rise after the collision? Neglect the size of the bobs
and assume the collision to be elastic.

5. A bullet of mass 0.012 kg and speed 70 m/s strikes a block of wood of mass 0.4 kg and
instantly comes to rest with respect to the block. The block is suspended from the ceiling by
thin wire. Calculate the height to which the block rises. Also, estimate the amount of heat
produced in the block.
6. Two inclined frictionless tracks, one gradual and the other steep meet at o, from where two
stones are allowed to slide down from rest, one each track. Will the stones reach the bottom at
the same time? Will they reach there with the same speed? Explain.
7. If momentum of a body is increased by 50%, then what will be the percentage increase in k.E.
of the body? Ans. 125%
8. A 16 kg block moving on a frictionless horizontal surface with a velocity of 4 m/s compresses
an ideal spring and comes to rest. If the force constant of the spring be1000 N/m, then how
much is the spring compressed? Ans. 1.6 m.
9. What percentage of K.E. of a moving particle is transferred to stationary particle, when it
strikes the stationary particle of (a) 1000 times its mass (b) equal mass Ans. 3.92% & 100%
10. A ball of 0.1 kg make elastic head on collision with a ball of unknown mass that is initially at
ret. If the 0.1 kg ball rebounds at one third of its original speed, what is the mass of the other
11. Consider the collision depicted in fig. to be between two billiard
balls with equal masses m1 = m2 . The first ball is called the cue and

September 4, 2019 MR. S. ARUNACHALAM (HOD PHYSICS)

the second ball is called the target. The billiard player wants to sink the target ball in a corner
pocket, which is at an angle 2 = 370. Assume that the collision is elastic and that friction and
rotational motion are not important. Obtain 2
12. A ball moving with a speed of 9 m/s strikes an identical ball at rest, such that after the
collision, the direction of each ball makes an angle of 30 0with the original line of motion. Find
the speed of the two balls after collision.
13. A batsman deflects a ball by an angle of 450 without changing its
speed which is equal to 54 km/h. What is the impulse imparted to the
ball? Mass of the ball is 0.15 kg.
14. Explain why a horse cannot pull a cart and run in empty space.
15. A mass of 100 kg is resting on a rough inclined plane of angle 30 0.
If the coefficient of friction is 1/ find the greatest and the least force that acting parallel to
the plane in both cases, just maintain the mass in equilibrium.
16. A cyclist goes round a circular track of 440 metres length in 20 second. Find the angle that
his cycle makes with the vertical.
17. A block slides down an incline plain of angle 30 0 with an acceleration g/4. Find the
coefficient of kinetic friction.
18. A stream of water flowing horizontally with a speed of 15 m/s gushes out of a tube of cross
sectional area 10-2 m2, and hits at a vertical wall nearby. What is the force exerted by the
impact of water, assuming that water rebounds with the same speed. Ans. 45000N
19. A bomb at rest explodes into three fragments of equal mass. Two fragments fly off at right
angles to each other with velocities of 9 m/s and 12 m/s. Calculate the speed of the third
fragment. Ans. 15 m/s
20. Two billiard balls each of mass 50 gm moving in opposite directions with a speed of 36 km/h
collide and rebound with the same velocity. What is the impulse imparted to each ball due to
the other? Ans. 1kg m/s
21. The initial speed of a body of mass 2 kg is 5 m/s. A force acts
for 4 seconds in the direction of motion of the body. The force
time graph is shown in the fig. Calculate impulse of the force and
also find the speed of the body. Ans. 8.5Ns, 9.25 m/s.
22. A stone tied to the end of a string 80 cm. long is whirled in a horizontal circle with a
constant speed. If the stone makes 14 revolutions in 25 seconds, what is the magnitude and
direction of acceleration of the stone?
23. The position of the particle is given by = 3.0tî – 2.0t2 ĵ + 4.0ќ m, where t is in second and
the coefficients have the proper units for to be in metres. (a) Find the and of the
particle? (b) What is the magnitude and direction of velocity of the particle at t = 2 s?

September 4, 2019 MR. S. ARUNACHALAM (HOD PHYSICS)

24. A particles starts from the origin at = 0 with a velocity of 10.0ĵ m/s and moves in the x – y
plane with a constant acceleration of (8.0î + 2.0ĵ) m/s-2 (a) At what time is the x – coordinate of
the particle 16 m? What is the y – coordinate of the particle at that time? (b) What is the speed
of the particle at that time?
25. î And ĵ are unit vectors along x- and y – axis respectively.
(a) What is the magnitude and direction of the vectors (î + ĵ) and (î – ĵ)?
(b) What are the components of a vector = 2î + 3ĵ along the direction of (î + ĵ) and (î – ĵ)?
26. A fighter plane flying horizontally at an altitude of 1.5 km with speed 720km/h passes
directly over head an anti craft gun. At what angle from the vertical should the gun be fired
from the shell with muzzle speed 600 m/s to hit the plane. At what minimum altitude should
the pilot fly the plane to avoid being hit? (Take g = 10 m/s-2).
27. Convert energy of one joule into ergs.
28. Check the correctness of the relations, snth = u + a/2 (2n – 1), where u is initial velocity, a is
acceleration and snth is the distance travelled by the body in nth second.
29. The frequency of vibration (ѵ) of a string may depends upon length (l) of the string, tension
(T) in the string and mass per unit length (m) of the string. Using the method of dimensions,
derive the formula for ѵ.
30. Assuming that the mass m of the largest stone that can be moved by a flowing river
depends on velocity v, the density ρ and acceleration due to gravity g, show that m varies
directly as the sixth power of the velocity of flow.
31. A stone is dropped from the top of a cliff and is found to travel 44.1 min the last second
before it reaches the ground. Find the height of cliff.
32. From the top of tower 100 m in height a ball is dropped and at the same instant another
ball is projected vertically upwards from the ground so that it just reaches the top of tower. At
what height do the two balls pass another?
33. A stone is dropped from a balloon at an altitude of 300 m. How long will the stone take to
reach the ground if (a) the balloon is ascending with a velocity of 5 m/s. (b) the balloon is
descending with a velocity of 5 m/s. (c) the balloon is stationary?
Ans. (i) 8.36s (ii) 7.33s (iii) 7.82s
34. A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate A for some time after which it retards at
constant rate B to come to rest. If the total time lapse is T seconds, evaluate the maximum
velocity reached and total distance travelled, in terms of A, B and T.
. Ans. (AB/ A + B) T, [(AB/A + B)T2/2]
35. A particles moves along a straight line such that its displacements s at any time t is given by
s= t3 – 6t2 + 3t + 4meters. Find the velocity, when the acceleration is zero. Ans. – 9 m/s .
-2 2
36. The acceleration `a’ in ms of a particle is given by a = 3t + 2t + 2, where t is the time. If the
particle starts out with a velocity v = 2 m/s at t = 0, then find the velocity at the end of 2s.
Ans. 18m/s.

September 4, 2019 MR. S. ARUNACHALAM (HOD PHYSICS)

37. Two parallel rail tracks run north-south. Train A moves north with a speed of 54 km/h and
train B moves south with a speed of 90 km/h. What is the (a) relative velocity of B with respect
to A?
(b) Relative velocity of ground with respect to B? And
(c) Velocity of a monkey running on the roof of the train A against the motion with a velocity of
18 km/h with respect to the train A as observed by a man standing on the ground ?
38. The speed time graph of a particle moving along a fix direction is as
shown in fig. Obtain the distance travelled by the particle between
(a) t = 0 to 10s (b) t = 2 to 6s. What is the average speed of the particle
over the intervals in (a) and (b)?
39. What is a projectile? Give its examples. Show that the path of
projectile is a parabolic path when projected horizontally from a certain height.
40. From the top of a tower 156.8m high a projectile is thrown up with a velocity of 39.2 m/s,
making an angle 300 with horizontal direction. Find the distance from the foot of tower where it
strikes the ground and the time taken by it to do so.
41. Explain (i) Unit vector (ii) Equal vectors (iii) Negative vectors (iv) Co initial vectors (v)
Collinear vectors and (vi) Coplanar vectors.
42. A river 800 m wide flows at the rate of 6 km/h. A swimmer who can swim at 10km/h in still
water, wishes to cross the river straight.
(a) Along what direction must be strike?
(b) What should be his resultant velocity?
(c) How much time he would take?
43. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the following forces impressed on a
particle , 3 kgf due to north- East, 6 kgf due south- west, kgf due North- west.
AnS. kgf 1402’south of East
44. Find a unit vector parallel to the resultant of the vectors = î + 4ĵ - 2ќ and = 3î - 5ĵ + ќ.
Ans. (4î – ĵ – ќ)/
45. Find the angle between the vectors and , where = î + 2ĵ – ќ and = - î + ĵ - 2ќ.
Ans. 600


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