10 Years Class-12 Economics - Chapter-1

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Solved Paper 2023

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

General Instructions:
Read the following instructions carefully and follow them:
(i) This Question paper contains 34 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) This Question Paper contains two sections:
Section A – Macro Economics
Section B – Indian Economics Development
(iii) This paper contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions type questions of 1 mark each.
(iv) This paper contains 4 Short Answer Questions type-I questions of 3 marks each to be answered in 60 to 80 words.
(v) This paper contains 6 Short Answer Questions type-II questions of 4 marks each to be answered in 80 to 100 words.
(vi) This paper contains 4 Long Answer Questions type questions of 6 marks each to be answered in 100 to 150 words.
(vii) Attempt all parts of a question together.

Delhi Set-I 58/5/1

SECTION - A 3. Read the following statements carefully:

Statement 1: In a two sector economy, consumption
(Macro Economics) expenditure and investment expenditure are the
1. 'Money is an asset which can be stored for use in two components of Aggregate Demand.
future.' Statement 2: Aggregate Demand curve always
In the light of given statement, identify the starts from point of origin with positive slope.
function of money. In the light of given statements, choose the correct
(Choose the correct alternative) alternative from the following:
(a) A measure of vale (a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false.
(b) A standard of deferred payment (b) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true.
(c) A store of value (c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true.
(d) A medium of exchange 1 (d) Both statements 1 and 2 are false. 1
Ans. Option (c) is correct. Ans. Option (a) is correct.
Explanation: In a two sector economy there is
2. "Considering the depreciation of Indian currency
only firms and households making them only
(`) in the international market. The Reserve Bank
consumption expenditure from the household
of India (RBI) has decided to purchase Indian
and investment expenditure from the firms to
currency (`) in the open market."
form a part of the Aggregate Demand. This makes
This represents ...............exchange rate system. statement 1 true.
 (Fill in the blank with correct alternative). Statement 2 is false as the Aggregate Demand curve
(a) fixed (b) flexible has a negative slope.
(c) managed floating (d) manipulated1 4. 'Deficit' in Balance of Payment (BOP) refers to the
excess of ................ .
Ans. Option (c) is correct. (Choose the correct alternative)
Explanation: In managed floating exchange rate (a) current account payments over current account
system with the help of market forces of demand receipts.
and supply, exchange rate is determined and (b) capital account payments over capital account
competent authority, i.e., country’s Central Bank receipts
intervenes so as to maintain the exchange rate (c) autonomous payments over autonomous
within a specific range. Central Bank also keeps receipts
reserves of foreign exchange within the targeted (d) accommodating payments over
accommodating receipts 1
value. Managed floating exchange rate is also called
as ‘dirty floating’. Ans. Option (c) is correct.
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5. (A) From the statements given in Column I and Column II, choose the correct pair.
Column I Column II
A. Vegetables grown in the personal garden (i) Non marketing activity
B. A car used as a taxi (ii) Consumer good
C. An air-conditioner used by household (iii) Capital good
D. Scholarship given to students by government (iv) Factor income

(a) A - (i) (b) B - (ii) (c) C - (iii) (d) D - (iv) 1
(B) Complete the tables:
Producer Value of Output Intermediate Consumption Value Added
Farmer 2,000 – 2,000
Baker (i) 2,000 2,000
Retail Seller 4,400 (iii) 400
Total (ii) 6,000 (iv)

(a) 4,000, 10,400, 4,000, 4,000 (b) 4000, 10,400, 4,000, 4,400
(c) 2,000, 6,000, 6,000, 4,400 (d) 4,000, 10,400, 6,000, 4,0001
Ans. Option (a) is correct. Þ MPC = 1 – 0.25 = 0.75
Explanation: Vegetable grown on personal garden C = C + bY
is for personal use and so will not be marketed. C = 30 + 0.75 Y
Thus, it is a non-marketing activity. OR
(B) Option (d) is correct.
Option (b) is correct. Explanation: As increase in National Income is
Explanation: (i) Value of output = Intermediate equal to the increase in Saving, MPS = 1
consumption + Value Added MPC = 1 – MPS
Þ 2,000 + 2,000 = 4,000 =1–1=0
(ii) 2,000 + 4,000 + 4,400 = 10,400 7. Read the following statements carefully:
(iii) 4,400 – 400 = 4,000 Statement 1: Money supply (M1) in Indian does not
(iv) 2,000 + 2,000 + 400 = 4,400 include 'demand deposits' with commercial banks.
6. (A) If in an economy, the Investment Multiplier is Statement 2: Money supply (M1) refers to assets available
4 and Autonomous Consumption is `30 crore, the with the commercial banks during a particular period of
relevant consumption function would be .............. . time.
 (Fill in the blank with correct alternative) In the light of given statements, choose the correct
(a) C = 30 + 0.75 Y (b) C = (–) 30 – 0.25 Y alternative:
(c) C = 30 + 0.25 T (d) C = (–) 30 – 0.25 Y 1 (a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false.
OR (b) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true.
(B) If increase in National Income is equal to increase (c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true.
in Savings, the value of Marginal Propensity to (d) Both statements 1 and 2 are false. 1
Consume would be .............. .
(Fill up the blank with correct alternative) Ans. Option (d) is correct.
Explanation: Statement 1 is false as M1 does include
(a) equal to unity (b) greater than one
the demand deposit with the banks. Statement 2 is
(c) less than one (d) equal to zero 1 false as M1 include:
Ans. (A) Option (a) is correct. (a) Currency notes and coins with the public
Explanation: K =4 (excluding cash in hand of all commercial banks)
C = `30 crore [C]
(b) Demand deposits of all commercial and co-
K = operative banks excluding inter-bank deposits.
1 − MPC (DD), where demand deposits are those deposits
1 which can be withdrawn by the depositor at any
Þ 4 =
1 − MPC time by means of cheque. No interest is paid on
Þ 1 – MPC = 0.25 such deposits.

(c) Other deposits with RBI [O.D.] where, other

DI = `200 crore
deposits are the deposits held by the RBI of all
economic units except the government and banks. K = =4
OD includes demand deposits of semi-government 0.25
public financial institutions (like IDBI, IFCI, etc.), ∆Y
foreign central banks and governments, the K = ∆I
International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, etc.
Thus, M1 = C + DD + OD. Þ 4 =
8. (A) Suppose, the price of one UK Pound (S) has 200
increased from ` 7 to ` 80, owing to market forces. Þ DY = `800 crore
This means that value of Indian currency (`) has 11. Suppose only one Goods 'X' is produced in the
............... . (Choose the correct alternative) country. Output of Goods X during year 2018 and
(a) appreciated (b) depreciated 2019 were 100 units and 110 units, respectively. The
market price of the product during the two years
(c) revalued (d) devalued 1
was `50 and `55 per unit, respectively.
Calculate the percentage change in Real Gross
(B) Suppose, Country X, has more inflation than
Domestic Product (GDP) in year 2019 using 2018 as
Country Y. Which of the following is most likely
situation to happen in such a case, assuming other the base year. 3
factors being constant? Ans. Read GDP2019 = Current output × Base year price
(Choose the correct alternative)

= 110 × 50 = 5,500
(a) A surplus trade balance in Country X
(b) A deficit trade balance for Country X
Real GDP2018 = 100 × 50 = 5,000
(c) A rise in exports from Country X to Country Y
Change = 5,500 – 5,000 = 500
(d) A deficit trade balance for Country Y 1 500
Percentage change = × 100 = 10%
Ans. (A) Option (b) is correct. 5, 000
Explanation: As the value of pound increased from 12. (a)
Giving valid reasons, state whether the
`70 to `80, the value of rupee has gone down as following statements are true of false:
against pound, and we can purchase less of pound
(i) Dividend received from investment
from the rupees. This is called depreciation of the
abroad is recorded on the credit side of
value of Indian currency.
the capital account.
(ii) Depreciation of the Indian currency will
(B) Option (b) is correct.
lead to promotion of Indian exports. 3
9. Read the following statements – Assertion (A) and
Reason (R). Choose one of the correct alternatives OR
given below: (b) Distinguish between Autonomous
transactions and Accommodating
Assertion (A): Full employment refers to absence of
involuntary unemployment.
Reason (R): Under full employment situation, all Ans. (a) (i) The statement is false. The dividend
willing and able bodied people get employment at received from the investment abroad is
prevailing wage rate. recorded in the current account and not
Alternatives: capital account as it is a revenue income
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and does not affect the asset or liability of
and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the government.
Assertion (A).
(ii) The statement is true. The depreciation of
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but
Indian currency will make exports more
Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
Assertion (A). profitable as the goods will become cheaper
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is in the foreign market.
false. OR
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true. 1
(b) Autonomous Transactions: These are inde-
Ans. Option (a) is correct. pendent in all other transactions in the BOP.
10. In an economy, the value of Marginal Propensity These transactions are not influenced by the
to Save (MPS) is 0.25, what will be the value of foreign exchange position of the country.
increase in income, if investments increased by Exports, imports, etc., are some examples.
`200 crores? Accommodating Transactions: These are
(a) `200 crores (b) `150 crores undertaken to cover deficit or surplus in the
(c) `1,000 crores (d) `800 crores 1 autonomous transactions. Therefore, their
Ans. Option (d) is correct. magnitude is determined by the Autonomous
Explanation: MPS = 0.25 Transactions.
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13. If planned savings exceeds planned investments in (ii) Expenditure on up gradation of fixed
an economy, explain its likely impact on income, asset by a firm.
output and employment. (II) Suppose in a financial year, the Gross
Ans. When planned savings are more than the planned Domestic Product (GDP) at market price
investment, (S > I) the consumers are consuming of a country was `1,100 crore. Net factor
less, leading the producers to reduce the production. income from Abroad was `100 crore,
This leads to the decrease in the inventories. The the net indirect taxes was `150 crore and
equilibrium income will have a tendency to reduce National Income was `850 crore.
till the S = I. Calculate the value of depreciation, on the
14. As per the following news published in "The basis of above information.
Hindu' on 6th August 2022, The Monetary Policy OR
Committee (MPC) of the Reserve Bank of India (b) (I) "While estimating Gross Domestic
raised the Repo Rate by 50 basis points. Product (GDP) by expenditure method,
Identify and explain the likely cause and entire focus is on expenditures incurred
consequences behind this type of action taken by the by the residents of the country."
Reserve Bank of India. Do you agree with the given statement?
Ans. Repo Rate is the rate at which the Central Bank Give valid reason in support of your
lends money to the commercial banks. In this answer.3
situation the Repo Rate is increased by the Central (II) Calculate the value of Domestic Income
Bank. This is done to correct the situation of from the following data:
Inflationary Gap. As a follow-up action, commercial
banks raise the market rate of interest (the rate at S. Amount is
which the commercial banks lends money to the No. (` crores)
consumers and the investors). This reduces demand (i) Rent and Royalties 1,300
for credit. Consequently, consumption expenditure
(ii) Net Indirect Taxes 200
and investment expenditure get reduced. Implying
a reduction in Aggregate Demand, as required to (iii) Wages and Salaries (in cash and in 1,700
correct Inflationary Gap. kind)
15. (a) Explain the role of Central Bank as (iv) Corporate Tax 400
Governments agent and advisor. 4
(v) Depreciation 400
(b) Define Reverse Repo Rate. Discuss briefly, (vi) Retained Earnings 300
how this instrument helps in controlling (vii) Dividends 400
credit creation by commercial banks. 4 (viii) Net Factor Income from Abroad (–) 120
Ans. (a) The Central Bank acts as a banker to both Central
(ix) Mixed Income of Self Employed 1,400
as well as State Governments. The Central
Bank accepts receipts and makes payments (x) Change in Stock (–) 200
for the government and carries out exchange, Ans. (a) (I) (i) Profits earned by Foreign Bank in India
remittance and other banking operations. It is the factor income to abroad, so it will not
advances credit/loan to the government to meet be added to the national income.
its requirements in case of crisis. It also acts as
(ii) Expenditure on the up gradation of
an agent to buy and sell government securities fixed asset by a firm will be added to the
and advises the government on various national income as it forms the part of fixed
financial matters such as economic and money capital formation.
matters, e.g., controlling inflation or deflation, (II) GDPMP = `1,100 crore
devaluation or revaluation of the currency,
NFIA = `100 crore
deficit financing, balance of payments, etc.
NIT = `150 crore
(b) Reverse Repo Rate refers to the rate of
interest paid by the Central Bank on deposits NNPFC = `850 crore
made by the commercial banks. When it is Depreciation = ?
raised, commercial banks are encouraged to NNPFC = GDPMP – Depreciation + NFIA –
make more deposits with Central Bank. As NIT
a result, funds available for lending with the 850 = 1100 – Depreciation + 100 – 150
commercial banks decrease. Their capacity of 850 = 1,050 – Depreciation
lending declines and credit creation is less. Depreciation = 1,050 – 850 = `200 crore
16. (a) (I) How should the following be treated in OR
estimating National Income of a country?
(b) (I) The statement is defended. To calculate
Give valid reasons. 3
GDPmp by the expenditure method,
(i) Profits earned by Foreign Banks in
we add up final expenditures on the

goods and services produced by all

the economic sectors of an economy.
Expenditures incurred on consumption (Indian Economic Development)
and investment are final expenditures. 18. During the British rule in India, Indian agricultural
These are classified into: (i) Private final output witnessed stagnation due to .............. .
consumption expenditure, (ii) Government
(Choose the correct alternative)
final consumption expenditure, (iii) Gross
domestic capital formation, (iv) Net exports (a) decline in handicrafts
= Exports less imports the sum total of (b) drain of Indian wealth
these expenditures is GDPMP. (c) land settlement
(II) Domestic Income (NDPFC) = (i) + (iii) +(iv) (d) introduction of railways 1
+ (vi) + (vii) + (ix) Ans. Option (c) is correct.
= 1,300 + 1,700 + 400+300 + 400 + 1,400 Explanation: According to Zamindari system,
= `5,500 crore the Zamindars were recognized as “permanent
17. Study the given picture carefully: owners of the land”. The profit accruing out of the
agriculture sector went to the Zamindars instead of
cultivators. However, both Zamindars and colonial
government did nothing to improve the condition
of agriculture. Zamindars were to pay a fixed sum
to the government as land revenue and they were
absolutely free to extract as much from the tillers of
the soil as they could.
19. (A) In the first phase of Green Revolution, output
was restricted mainly to ............. .
(Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Cereals and Pulses (b) Wheat and Rice
(c) Cotton and Jute (d) Jowar and Bajra 1
Answer the following questions based on common (B) ............... is known as the architect of Indian
knowledge and picture: Planning.
(a) Categorise the given items in the picture into (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
tax/non-tax receipts. (b) P.C. Mahalanobis
(b) "Government has started spending more on (c) Dr. Manmohan Singh
providing free services like education and (d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad 1
health to the poor." Ans. (A) Option (b) is correct.
In the light of above statement, explain how OR
the government can use the budgetary policy (B) Option (b) is correct.
in reducing 'inequalities of income'. 20. (A) Read the following statements carefully:
Ans. (a) Individual Income Tax – Tax Receipts Statement 1: Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Fines – Non-Tax Receipts was introduced in China in 1950's.
Property Tax – Tax Receipt Statement 2: China's growth is mainly contributed
by the manufacturing sector.
Motor Vehicle License Fee – Non-Tax Receipt
In the light of given statements' choose the correct
Sales and Gross Receipts Tax – Tax Receipt
alternative from the following:
Corporate Income Tax – Tax Receipt
(a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false.

Government budget can be used as a great (b) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true.
tool to influence the distribution of income (c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true.
in the economy. The government can follow (d) Both statements 1 and 2 are false. 1
the progressive tax system wherein the OR
government can tax the rich at a higher rate. (B) Identify the incorrect statement from the following:
Also, more taxes such as wealth tax, property  (Choose the correct alternative)
tax, etc. can be imposed on the rich. This will (a) China's economic growth rate is better than
bring down the personal disposable income of that of Pakistan.
the rich class and the amount so collected could (b) Pakistan is behind India in HDI ranking.
be used to provide free or subsidised services to (c) One Child Policy norm was adopted in
the poor, like education, food, health facilities, Pakistan.
etc. This will help to reduce the income (d) In 1991, India adopted New Economic Reforms.
disparity between the rich and the poor. 1
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Ans. (A) Option (c) is correct. Ans. Option (a) is correct.

OR Explanation: China’s economic reforms took place
(B) Option (c) is correct. in 1978.
Explanation: One Child Policy norm was adopted 25. Identify, which of the following is an incorrect
in China. function of environment?
21. .............. is the apex institution which plans and (a) Supplies resources
evaluates policies related to rural credit needs. (b) Assimilates waste
(a) Cooperative Credit Societies (c) Land degradation
(b) Regional Rural Banks (d) Provides aesthetic services 1
(c) Self Help Groups Ans. Option (c) is correct.
(d) NABARD 1 26. Identify, which of the following is the correct
Ans. Option (d) is correct. formula for calculating 'Worker-Population Ratio'?
 (Choose the correct alternative)
22. Read the following statements – Assertion (A) and
Reason (R). Choose one of the correct alternatives Total Labour Force
(a) × 100
given below: Total Population
Assertion (A): During 1980's economic growth rate Total Workers
of Pakistan was more than that of India. (b) × 100
Total Population
Reason (R): Pakistan followed the path of mixed
economic structure with equal participation of the Total Population
(c) × 100
public and the private sector. Total Labour Force
Total Population
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true (d) × 100 1
Total Workers 
and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
Assertion (A). Ans. Option (a) is correct.
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but 27. Read the following statements carefully:
Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Statement 1: First Five Year Plan of China
Assertion (A). commenced in the year 1956.
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is Statement 2: Both India and China adopted Socialist
false. Economy model following USSR.
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true. In the light of given statements, choose the correct
Ans. Option (b) is correct. alternative:
Explanation: The reason for Pakistan having more (a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false.
economic growth rate than India in 1980s was not (b) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true.
because they adopted the mixed economic system, (c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true.
but it was because India was a closed economy. (d) Both statements 1 and 2 are false. 1
23. Identify, which of the following are associated Ans. Option (d) is correct.
with the problem of human capital formation in Explanation: Statement 1 is false as first five year
India? plan in China started in the year 1953.
(i) Brain drain Statement 2 is false as India adopted the mixed
(ii) Low academic standards economic model whereas China adopted the
(iii) Rising population socialist model.
(iv) Change in social outlook 28. Interpret the situation of Earth as depicted in
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii) the given picture, with reference to current
environmental challenges:
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) (d) (i) and (iv) 1
Ans. Option (c) is correct.
24. Read the following statements carefully:
Statement 1: Special Economic Zones (SEZ's) policy
has led to huge Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
flow to China.
Statement 2: China's rapid industrial growth was
the result of its economic reform in 1981.
In the light of given statements, choose the correct
(a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false.
(b) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true.
(c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true.
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are false. 1
Ans. The picture shows the Earth is degrading and is more people are working in the same piece of
facing problems due to the economic development. land which could have been handled by fewer
Following are the contributing factors to the members. Thus, this engages extra members
environment crisis: unnecessarily. Instead, the extra members
(i) Rising population: Rising population creates could do some other jobs leading to an increase
the demand for resources for both production in the income.
and consumption which put pressure on the OR
environment. Rising population has resulted (b) Micro-credit plays an important role in
in the problems of food, housing and transport meeting the credit requirements of the poor.
Under micro-credit programmes, farmers
(ii) Air pollution: Air pollution lowers the quality get adequate credit at cheaper rates. Micro-
of air. Air pollution causes a serious damage to
credit programme promotes thrift in small
public health. Air pollution has increased the
proportions by a minimum contribution from
burden of heavy expenditure on public health.
each member. From the pooled money, credit is
(iii) Water contamination: Water becomes
given to the needy members which is repayable
contaminated primary from dumping of
in small instalments at reasonable interest rates.
chemicals and industrial wastes into river,
streams, lakes, etc. The consequence of water Micro credit programme abandons the need of
contamination is spread of water borne any kind of collateral. It also helps in women
diseases and damage to human life as well as empowerment.
animal life. Water contamination has increased 30. Compare and analyse the following information
the burden of heavy expenditure on drinking related to annual growth of Gross Domestic
water, public health and protection of animal Product (GDP) of India and China: 4
life. Annual Growth of Gross Domestic Product
(iv) Affluent consumption standard: Affluent
Country 1980–90 2015–17
consumption standards have created demand for
resources and put pressure on the environment. India 5.7 7.3
These have resulted in the increase in China 10.3 6.8
government expenditure on the protection of
environment. (Source: Asian Development Bank, Philippines,
(v) Industrialisation: Industrialisation has made World Development indicator – 2018)
it impossible to meet the growing needs of the Ans. The given data shows that China has gained
society. There is a heavy demand for resources economic strength over the years. When many
for production. Industrialisation has created
developed countries were finding it difficult to
the problems of air pollution, water pollution
maintain a growth rate of even 5%, China was
and noise pollution.
able to maintain near double-digit growth during
(vi) Urbanisation: Urbanisation has created
the decade of 1980s. The growth rate of China has
the problems of misuse and overuse of
decelerated to an average of 6.8% over the period
resources. There is a threat of pollution due
to deforestation and pressure on land. The 2015-17. In the recent past India has posted a decent
government has to create social infrastructure rise in the growth rate. While India had maintained
in the urban areas. a reasonable growth rate of 5.7% in the decade of
(vii) Poaching: Poaching is a serious threat to animal 1980s it has shown great caliber and character in
world. the period 2015–17 by registering an average of
(viii) Global warming: Global warming is a gradual 7.3%, over the period 2015–17. Nevertheless, Indian
increase in the average temperature of the elephant has to travel a long distance before it could
Earth’s atmosphere, as a result of the increase present itself as a real threat to the growth story of
in the Greenhouse gases since Industrial
the Chinese dragon.
31. (a) (i) State the meaning of 'Privatisation'.
29. (a) "In rural areas of India, more members of a
family are engaged in work, yet the gross (ii) 'Agriculture sector has been adversely
income of the family is generally low." affected by the economic reform process.'
Identify the type of unemployment indicated Comment.
in the above statement and explain the OR
paradox associated with it. 3 (b) State and explain any two main causes behind
OR infrastructural development by British rule.
(b) Explain the role of micro-credit system in 4
meeting credit requirements of poor. 3 Ans. (a) (i) Transfer of ownership from government
Ans. (a) This is the case of hidden or Disguised to private sector of organisations which
unemployment. It does not necessarily mean are presently run and controlled by
that more people earning in a family will lead government.
to more income, as it can be possible when
788 ] Oswaal CBSE 10 Previous years' Solved Papers, Class–12th

(ii) Economic reforms did not benefit the OR

agriculture and the agricultural growth rate (b) This statement is true. Rising population puts
has been decelerating. pressure on the rate of human capital formation
(i) Public investment in agriculture sector in the country. It becomes difficult to provide
has been reduced in the reform period due education and health care facilities to all.
to which irrigation, power, roads, market 33. (a) (i) Define agricultural diversification.
linkages and agricultural research have (ii) State the meaning of organic farming.
suffered. Discuss how does it help in promoting
(ii) Further, the removal of fertiliser subsidy sustainable development. 3
has led to increase in the cost of production OR
which has severely affected the small and (b) (i) Discuss the need for promoting women's
marginal farmers. education in India
(iii) Globalization and membership of WTO (ii) Explain absorptive capacity of
have resulted in policy changes such as environment with example. 3
reduction in import duties on agricultural Ans. (a) (i) Diversification of agricultural activities
products, removal of minimum support means basically to grow multiple crops
price and lifting of quantitative restrictions and extension of activities subsidiary to
on agricultural products which have agriculture.
increased international competition for (ii) Organic farming is a system of farming
Indian farmers making their condition that, enhances and maintains ecological
more miserable. balance with the help of techniques such as
(iv) There has been a shift from production crop rotation, green manure, compost and
for the domestic market towards production biological pest control, etc.
for the export market because of export Organic farming is needed to achieve
oriented policy strategies in agriculture. sustainable agricultural development.
This has shifted the focus on cash crops in Sustainable agriculture is necessary to
place of production of food grains which attain the goal of sustainable development.
have led to a fall in supply of food grains Sustainable agriculture requires that
thereby creating pressure on prices of food the quality of environment should be
grains. (Any Three) maintained and natural resources should
OR be conserved. Organic farming is one
of the ways of meeting the objective of
(b) The two main causes behind the infrastructure
sustainable agriculture as organic farming
development by British rule are:
is environment friendly.
(i) Transportation: The British built the road OR
and railway network not to help Indians (b) (i) Women have always been neglected when
but to actually mobilise troops to suppress it comes to education in India. The access to
the revolts. Not only that, but the railways education has always been biased towards
also supported as the transport of raw male population due to our social system
materials from India cities to be transported which is patriarchal. The lack of education
easily to the factories of Britain through the has caused exploitation of women and has
Indian Ports. resulted in a lower social status of women
(ii) Communication: The communication in India. There is an imminent need for
facility like telegrams were also not promoting female education in India,
developed for the benefit of Indians. It because of the following reasons:
was basically used as a tool to supress the (i) Women education is essential for
Indian revolutionaries. providing them economic independence
32. State with valid reasons whether the following and empowering them to save them from
statements are true or false: exploitation and domestic violence.
(a) "Higher productivity and production are the (ii) Women education is essential in order to
outcome of investment in human resources." raise the social status of women so that the
quality of life of women can be improved.
(iii) Educating woman helps in promoting
(b) Rising population is not the cause for quality
family welfare programmes and thus, in
of human capital formation. 2
population control.
Ans. (a) This statement is true. Investment in education (iv) Educated woman are aware of the
helps to develop a more skilled manpower. This importance of health care and thus,
leads to higher productivity and production take proper care of the family members
from the employees. With better health care contributing in human capital formation.
facilities, the sick can be tended at the earliest, (v) Educating a woman means educating a
increasing their productivity. family. An educated woman can inculcate
moral values in her children and can India's experiences, including robust gains in
facilitate their education. agriculture production, citizen centric food security
(II) Absorptive capacity of the environment programmes and innovative delivery mechanism
may be defined as the quantity of natural such as the 'One Nation one Ration Card' Scheme.
resources which can be drawn from it and  (Source The Economic Times July 16, 2022)
the maximum amount of pollutants that (a) State and discuss any two objectives of World
can be discharged without damaging it Trade Organisation. 4
seriously. For example, crude petroleum, (b) Name any two steps taken by India to
the source of petrol and diesel used in strengthen the food security. 2
motor vehicles is available in limited Ans. (a) The objectives of World Trade Organisation
supply. It cannot be reproduced again. With are:
the present rate of use of these resources, it
(i) To raise the standard of living in member
will lead to the depletion of these resources
countries: With the proper trade practices,
within less than half a century. Similarly, air
the WTO aims to have a border free or
pollution has created a problem of ozone
duty free trade among its member nations.
depletion. Air pollution has developed a
This enables the citizens of less developed
hole exposing human life to die dangerous
countries to get what is advanced
ultraviolet rays of Sun. Hence, industrial
technology from the more developed
development must be in accordance with
nations, leading the people to raise their
the carrying capacity of environment.
standard of living.
34. Read the following text carefully and answer
the given questions on the basis of the same and (ii) Development of a multilateral trade
common understanding. system: The WTO aims at not allowing
India urged the World Trade Organisation (WTO) just a single country to be benefitted from
to relax rules to allow the country to export food the trade, but all the members have some
grains from its public stocks to the nations facing benefit derived from it. This is only possible
food crises. India can help, reduce food insecurity by the development of a multilateral trade
but there is hesitation on the part of the WTO in system.
relaxing its rules. India's Finance Minister said (b) The steps taken by India to strengthen the food
food, fuel and fertilisers are global public goods security are:
and ensuring access of these for developing and (i) Green Revolution
emerging economics is critical. She also shared (ii) Modernisation of Agriculture

Delhi Set-II 58/5/2

Note: Except these, all other questions are from Delhi OR
Set-I (b) Explain the importance of credit availability
SECTION - A to farmers in rural development. 3
Ans. (a) An arrangement in which a worker uses his
12. Suppose only one Goods 'X' is produced in the own resources to make a living is known as
country. Output of 'Goods X' during 2018 and 2019 self-employed. He owns and operates an
were 100 units and 120 units, respectively. The enterprise to earn his livelihood. On the other
market price of the product during the two years hand, hired-workers are those people who
was `50 & `60 per unit, respectively. are hired by others on paid wages or salaries
Calculate the percentage change in real Gross as a reward for their services are called hired
Domestic Product (GDP) in year 2019, using 2018 workers. Thus, self-employed workers are
as the base year. 3 different from hired workers.
Ans. Read GDP2019 = Current output × Base year price OR
= 120 × 50 = 5,500
(b) Growth of rural economy depends primarily
Real GDP2019 = 120 × 50 = 6,000 on infusion of capital, from time to time, to
Change = 6,000 – 5,000 = 1,000 realise higher productivity in agriculture and
1, 000 non-agriculture sectors. As the gestation gap
Percentage change = × 100 = 20%
5, 000 between crop sowing and realisation of income
after production is quite long, farmers borrow
from various sources (formal and informal) to
23. (a) State with valid reason whether the following meet their requirements on seeds, fertilisers,
statement is true or false: etc. and other family expenses of marriage,
'Self employed workers are different from religious ceremonies, etc. (to be marked as a
hired workers'. 3 whole).
790 ] Oswaal CBSE 10 Previous years' Solved Papers, Class–12th

Delhi Set-III 58/5/3

Note: Except these, all other questions are from Delhi (a) fall (b) rise
Set-I and Set-II. (c) be doubled (d) not change 1
SECTION - A Ans. Option (d) is correct.
Explanation: There is no change in the multiplier as
10. If a linear consumption curve takes a parallel shift the shift in the consumption curve will not lead to
downwards, the value of investment multiplier the change in the marginal propensity to consume.
will .............. .
Outside Delhi Set-I 58/2/1

SECTION - A (b) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true.

(c) Both Statements 1 and 2 are true.
(Micro Economics) (d) Both Statements 1 and 2 are false. 1
1. "In the Annual Budget 2022–23, the Government
Ans. Option (c) is correct.
of India set up disinvestment targets of `65,000
Explanation: Induced consumption is the product
of MPC(b) and Income (Y) i.e., bY.
Such proceeds from disinvestment can be classified
So, it increases only with the increase in income.
as .............. receipts in the Government Budget as it
And hence directly related.
leads to .............. of the Government.
(Choose the correct alternative) 4. Ms. Iqra Ansari, a teacher, was explaining in her
class about various types of deposits with the
(a) capital, decrease in assets
commercial banks. She quoted that–
(b) revenue, increase in assets
(c) capital, increase in liabilities "These deposits form a part of M1 measure of
money supply and are payable on demand by the
(d) revenue, decrease in liabilities 1
commercial banks."
Ans. Option (a) is correct.
Identify the type of deposits she was explaining
Explanation: Disinvestment means when
about and choose the correct alternative:
government sells part of its share in PSU’s. Since
these receipts reduce the assets of the government (i) Demand Deposits
it is known as capital receipts. (ii) Time Deposits
2. Read the following statements – Assertion (A) and (iii) Post Office Deposits
Reason (R). Choose one of the correct alternatives
given below: Alternatives:
Assertion (A): The Balance of Payments is in (a) Only (i) (b) Only (ii)
surplus, if autonomous receipts are greater than (c) (i) and (ii) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii) 1
autonomous payments.
Ans. Option (a) is correct.
Reason (R): Autonomous transactions are
Explanation: M1= C+ DD + OD.
determined by the difference in the Balance of
DD refers to demand deposits which form the part
of money supply in the economy.
Alternatives: These deposits can be withdrawn by the depositors
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true on demand by the depositors.
and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
5. As per the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) press
Assertion (A).
report, dated 22nd June 2022:
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and
Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of "Net Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) recorded
Assertion (A). an outflow of US $15.2 billion mainly from the
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false. equality market."
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true. 1 The above transaction will be recorded in the
Ans. Option (c) is correct. ............... account on ............... side of Balance of
Explanation: Autonomoius items are determined Payments account of India.
by profit or economic motive.  (Choose the correct alternative)
3. Read the following statements carefully: (a) current, credit (b) current, debit
Statement 1: The induced consumption shows the (c) capital, credit (d) capital, debit 1
direct relation between consumption and income. Ans. Option (d) is correct.
Statement 2: With a certain increase in income, Explanation: Capital account records all the
induced consumption also increases. transactions that affects the assets and liabilities of
In the light of the given statements, choose the the country.
correct alternative from the of the following: Since there is an outflow of net portfolio investment
which reduces the assets and it will be recorded on
(a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false. the debit side of BOP.
6. (A) Read the following statements carefully: up with a surplus budget to achieve the budget
Statement 1: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the objective of ............. .
sum total of the gross market value of all the final (i) reallocation of resources
goods and services added by all the sectors in the (ii) price stability
economy during a fiscal year. (iii) redistribution of income
Statement 2: Gross Value Added at Market Price Alternatives:
(GVAMP) is equal to the excess of value of output
over intermediate consumption. In the light of the (a) (i) only (b) (ii) only
given statements, choose the correct alternative (c) (iii) only (d) (i) and (iii) 1
from the following: Ans. Option (b) is correct.
(a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false. Explanation: When government targets the rise
(b) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true. in general price level through its budget, its main
(c) Both statements 1 and 2 are true. objective is to maintain price stability.
9. (A) Read the following statements – Assertion
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are false. 1
(A) and Reason (R). Choose one of the correct
alternatives given below:
(B) On the basis of the figure given below, identify the
Assertion (A): At the break-even level of income,
type of flow indicated by B and D:
the value of Average Propensity to Consume (APC)
 (Choose the correct alternative) is zero.
Reason (R): Sum of Average Propensity of Consume
(APC) and Average Propensity to Save (APS) is
always equal to one.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true
and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
Assertion (A).
Alternatives: (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and
(a) Real flow (b) Money flow Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
(c) Nominal flow (d) National flow 1 Assertion (A).
Ans. Option (c) is correct. (c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
Explanation: GDP is the production added by all (d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true. 1
the sectors within the domestic territory of the
country in a fiscal year. GVA = Value of output –
Intermediate consumption by a particular sector. (B) ................. refers to that level of Aggregate. Demand
OR which can be met by the corresponding supply in
Option (a) is correct. the economy.
 (Fill up the blank with correct alternative)
Explanation: Real flow means flow of goods and
services between the two sectors. (a) Autonomous Consumption
7. Assuming that, the following data is given for an (b) Effective Demand
imaginary economy: (c) Excess Demand
Year 2020 (` in Cr.) 2021 (` in Cr.) (d) Deficient Demand 1
Ans. (A) Option (d) is correct.
Exports of visible 1,000 1,100
Explanation: Break even point is where Income
Imports of visible 800 850 is equal to income.
The balance of trade from 2020 to 2021 .............. by ` APC = C/Y
............... core. Hence at break even point, APC is 1.
(Choose the correct alternative)
And , APC + APS = 1
(a) increased, 200 (b) decreased, 200
Because, Y = C+S,
(c) increased, 50 (d) decreased, 50 1
Dividing both sides by y,
Ans. Option (c) is correct.
Explanation: Balance of trade = Export of goods – Y/Y = C+S/Y
Imports of goods 1 = C/Y+ S/ Y
For 2020. BOT = 1,000 – 800 = 200 1 = APC + APS
For 2021, BOT = 1,100 – 850 = 250 OR
Increase in BOT = 250 – 200 = 50

(B) Option (b) is correct.
8. In order to tackle the problem of rising general
Explanation: The level of AD, where AD=AS is
price level in an economy, government may come
known as effective demand.
792 ] Oswaal CBSE 10 Previous years' Solved Papers, Class–12th

10. (A) In the Indian economy, .............. are issued by Ans. Under Flexible exchange market, foreign exchange
the Reserve Bank of India and acts as legal tender rate is determined by the forces of demand and
money. supply.
(i) coins of all denomination The rate is determined at a point where demand
(ii) currency notes of various denominations, except and supply intersects. In the diagram below, e is
one rupee note
the equilibrium point and OP is foreign exchange
(iii) demand deposits
(a) Only (i) (b) Only (ii) Central Bank does not intervene in flexible exchange
(c) Only (iii) (d) (i) and (ii) 1 rate, because demand and supply can adjust the
OR deficit and surplus in foreign exchange by changing
(B) ................. formulates the Monetary Policy in the the foreign exchange rate.
(Fill in the blank with correct alternative)
(a) Commercial Banks
(b) International Monetary Fund
(c) Central Bank
(d) Central Government 1
Ans. (A) Option (b) is correct.
Explanation: RBI has the authority to issue
only currency notes except one rupee note.
Coins and one rupee note is issued by finance Depreciation of home currency means fall in the
ministry and demand deposits are created by value of domestic currency in terms of foreign
commercial Banks. currency due to the changes in demand and supply.
OR For example, 1 $ = ` 70 changes to 1$ = ` 75.
(B) Option (c) is correct. This means that more units of domestic currency
Explanation: Monetary policy is the policy to are available to foreigners by spending same unit
control money supply in the economy in order of foreign currency. This will make domestic goods
to regulate supervise and monitor the financial cheaper in the foreign market. Demand for domestic
structure of the country.
goods will rise. Exports will also rise.
11. On the basis of the data given below for an
imaginary economy, estimate the value of Net 13. "The process of credit creation by commercial
Domestic Product at factor cost (NDPFC): banks comes to an and when the total of required
reserves become equal to the initial deposits."
S. Items Amount With the help of a numerical example, prove that
No. (` in crores) the given statement is true. 4
(i) Household Consumption Ex- 2,000 Ans. Credit Creation process
penditure Assume – Initial deposits = ` 1,000 and LRR = 10
(ii) Government Final Consumption 1,500 Per cent
Expenditure Initial Reserve Loans
(iii) Gross Domestic Fixed Capital 1,000 Deposits Deposits
Formation 1,000 100 900
(iv) Net Additions to Stock 300 900 90 810
(v) Exports 700 810 81 729
(vi) Net Indirect Taxes 350 10,000 1,000 9,000
(vii) Imports 200
1 1
(viii) Consumption of Fixed Capital 250
Credit Multiplier = = % = 10
LRR 10
Ans. According to expenditure method,
Total credit creation
GDP at MP = i + ii + iii + iv + v – vii
= Initial deposits × Credit Multiplier
= 2,000 + 1,500 + 1,000 + 300 + 700 – 200
= 1,000 × 10 = 10,000
= 5,300 Crore
The above table shows that with an initial deposit of
NDP at FC = GDP at mp – dep – NIT ` 1,000, ( Assuming LRR = 10 %). The commercial
= 5,300 – 250 – 350 = 4,700 Crore banks will keep a portion of LRR aside (10 % of
12. (a) "Under the flexible exchange rate system, the 1,000), ` 100 and will give rest of the amount as a
Central Bank does not intervene in the foreign loan. (` 900). Every time the total depose reserves is
exchange market."
10 % of the deposit received by the bank.
Justify the statement, giving valid arguments.3
This process will end when total deposit reserve
will become equal to initial deposits received by the
(b) Explain the impact of home currency
depreciation on the exports of a nation. 3
14. (a) "In an economy ex-ante Aggregate Demand is Ans. (i)
Yes, I agree with the statement. Many goods
more than ex-ante Aggregate Supply." that are produced in leisure activities and
Explain its impact on the level of output, services generated by family members to each
income and employment. 4 other out of love and affection are not included
Ans. (a) When ex-ante aggregate demand is more than in national income. Like, cooking food for
ex-ante aggregate supply. family, teacher teaching his son, kitchen garden
It takes place before the equilibrium point. as a leisure activity.
At the income level below the equilibrium level These activities adds to welfare but these are
of income, Planned AD> Planned AS, not included in GDP of the nations.
This indicates that households are planning to Because
consume more than what firms are expecting. 1. These are not meant for market transactions.
This extra demand will get fulfilled by fall in 2. It is difficult to estimate its monetary value.
inventory. As the stock will fall below a desired
(ii) Final goods are those goods are which are
level, firms will start the production. This will meant for direct satisfaction of human wants
increase employment and income. or investment in business. These goods are
OR included while calculating national income.
(b) Given – MPC changes from 0.75 to 0.9 For Example, Milk purchased by a family
Change in investment = ` 1,000 is a final good as it is purchased for direct
when MPC= 0.75 satisfaction of wants.
K= Change in income/ change in investment Intermediate goods are those which help in
further production of goods and services and
K= 1/1 – MPC = 1/1 – 0.75 = 4
losses its identity in the process of production.
Change in income = 1,000 × 4 = ` 4,000 cr
Its also includes the goods for resale purpose.
when MPC = 0.9
The value of such goods is not added in
K = 1/1 – 0.9 = 10
national income as their value is already added
Change in income = 1,000 × 10 = ` 1,000
in the value of final goods.
Net increase income = 4,000 – 1,000 = ` 3,000 For example, Machine purchased by a machine
15. With suitable examples, distinguish between dealer.
Direct taxes and Indirect taxes. 4 OR
(i) Real and nominal GDP
Direct Tax Indirect Tax Real GDP Nominal GDP
When the impact and in- When the impact and 1. It refers to money 1. It refers to mon-
cidence of tax falls on the incidence of tax falls value of final ey value of final
same person it is called on different persons it goods and servic- goods and services
direct tax is called direct tax es produced in a produced in a do-
Its is non shiftable tax It is shiftable. domestic territory mestic territory of
of a country calcu- a country calculat-
It is progressive in nature It is regressive in na-
lated a base year ed at current year
prices. prices.
e.g., Income tax and e.g., GST
2. It is affected by 2. It is affected by
wealth tax
change in output changes in prices
10,000 1,000 over the years and output over
the years.
16. (a) (i)
"Many goods and services which may
contribute to welfare, but are not included 3. It is a true indica- 3. It is a not a true
in estimating gross Domestic Product tion of economic indication of eco-
(GDP)." Do you agree with the given growth. nomic growth.
statement? Give valid reason in support
Numerical example
of your answer. 3
(ii) With suitable examples, distinguish Comm- Produc- Prices Prices Real Nominal
between final goods and intermediate odity tion in in in GDO GDP
goods.3 2022 2018 2022
OR A 20 4 5 80 100
(b) (i) Using a suitable numerical example, B 30 5 9 150 270
distinguish between Real Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) and Nominal Gross C 10 7 10 70 100
Domestic Product (GDP). 4 D 15 8 12 120 180
(ii) State the meaning of 'normal resident' of a 420 650
794 ] Oswaal CBSE 10 Previous years' Solved Papers, Class–12th

Real and nominal GDP for the year 2022 is

different because of difference the prices from
base year to current year. 18. Which of the following is NOT true about foreign
(ii) Normal residents refer to the one who trade during the colonial rule?
ordinarily resides within the country and (Choose the correct alternative) 1
whose economic interest also lies within the (a) India suffered from large trade deficit.
(b) Restrictive policies of commodity productions
The income earned by the normal residents of
the country added together, earned inside and were followed.
outside the domestic territory of a country is (c) Britain maintained a monopoly control over
called national income of the country. India's exports and imports.
17. Read the following text carefully. Answer the given (d) India became and exporter of primary products
questions on the basis of the same and common and an importer of finished consumer goods.
understanding: Ans. Option (a) is correct.
On 30th September 2022, the Reserve Bank of Explanation: India witnessed an export surplus
India (RBI) raised Repo Rate for the fourth time which was used by Britishers for their war expenses
in a row. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) and developing their on-development base.
decided to raise the policy rate by 50 basis points 19. (A) ................ is a process, which includes all the
 1
th  activities from sowing till sale of the final produce
 1 basis point = of a per cent  . After rate in the market.
 100 
 
 (Fill up the blank with correct alternative) 1
stands at 5.9%, while the Reverse Repo Rate (a) Rural Development
continues to stand at 3.35%.
(b) Agricultural Diversification
Commercial banks borrow money from the Central
Bank, when there is a shortage of funds. With the (c) Organic Farming
surge in the Repo Rate, borrowings by general (d) Agricultural Marketing
public will become costlier. This is because, as RBI OR
hikes its Repo Rate, it becomes costly for the banks (B) ................. have emerged as an important micro
to borrow short term funds from the Central Bank. finance system and led to women empowerment.
As a result, the banks hike the rates at which  (Fill up the blank with correct alternative) 1
customers borrow money from them to compensate (a) NABARD
for the hike in the Repo Rate. This happens because (b) Self-Help Groups
banks offer loans to retail consumers at an interest
(c) Commercial Banks
rate which is generally, directly proportional to the
Repo Rate. (d) Land Development Banks
The increase of 0.50 per cent in Repo Rate will lead ANs. (A) Option (d) is correct.
to a higher interest rates on loans for borrowers, OR
implying that the Equated Monthly Instalments (B) Option (b) is correct.
(EMIs) for repaying the existing loans will also 20. (A) Read the following statements – Assertion
increase. (A) and Reason (R). Choose one of the correct
(a) Define 'Repo Rate'. 1 alternatives given below: 1
(b) Outline the recent change made by the Monetary Assertion (A): Human capital is not traded in the
Policy Committee of Reserve Bank of India in the market; however its services are traded.
Repo Rate. 1 Reason (R): Human capital is intangible in nature.
(c) "Increase in Repo Rate is an important tool used Alternatives:
by Monetary Policy Committee to combat the (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true
situation of inflation in the Economy." Justify and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
the given statement. 1 Assertion (A).
Ans. (a) Repo Rate refers to the rate at which Central (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and
Bank Lends money to commercial bank for a Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
short period of time. Assertion (A).
(b) RBI has increased the Repo Rate (c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
(c) When RBI increases the Repo Rate during
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
inflation, the interest rate on loans also
increases. This makes loans expensive and (B) Benefits of physical capital accrue only to private
entities, whereas human capital provides private
reduces the lending capacity of the commercial
as well as .................. benefits.
banks. Credit creation reduces and money
supply also falls. As the money supply falls,  (Fill up the blank with correct alternative) 1
AD levels also falls and it helps in reducing the (a) profitable (b) social
inflation rate in the country. (c) fiscal (d) monetary
Ans. (A) Option (a) is correct. OR
OR (B) ................. acts as a measure of 'the extent of
(B) Option (b) is correct. democratic participation in social and political
21. Read the following statement carefully: 1 decision-making.'
Statement 1: China introduced structural economic (Fill up the blank with correct alternative) 1
reforms on its own, without any pressure. (a) Human Development Index
Statement 2: Scholars argue that in India, the (b) Liberty Indicator
economic reforms process led to the worsening of (c) Economic Growth
all the economic indicators. (d) Poverty Index
In the light of the given statements, choose the Ans. (A) Option (d) is correct.
correct alternatives from the following:
(a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false (B) Option (b) is correct.
(b) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is ture 25. In an economy, when the rate of resource extraction
(c) Both Statements 1 and 2 are true. is lower than the rate of regeneration of the
(d) Both Statements 1 and 2 are false. resource, the environment may operate .................1
Ans. Option (a) is correct. (Fill up the blank with correct alternative)
Explanation: China introduced structural reforms (a) within its carrying capacity.
just because the Prime minister of China, Mao was (b) beyond its absorptive capacity.
not happy with the stable growth of China. (c) beyond its carrying capacity.
Economic reforms of India. Occurred in 1991 improved (d) beyond its aesthetic capacity.
GDP per capita income, industrial growth and foreign
Ans. Option (a) is correct.
exchange reserves so the statement is false.
Explanation: An environment goes beyond its
22. Which of the following was NOT the benefit carrying capacity when extraction of resources is
accruing from 'Golden Revolution'? more than the resource regeneration. It is unable to
(Choose the correct alternative) absorb waste.
(a) Increase in the income of farmers. 1 26. Read the following statement carefully: 1
(b) Increase in production of milk and related Statement 1: Amongst India, China and Pakistan,
products. China is the largest nation and has the highest
(c) Increase in production and exports of fruits population density.
and vegetables. Statement 2: One-child policy introduced in the late
(d) Employment fro women in rural areas. 1970s in China led to a considerable decline in the
Ans. Option (b) is correct. population growth rate.
Explanation: This is a benefit of white revolution. In the light of the given statements, choose the
23. From the set of the events given in Column- I and correct alternatives from the following:
the corresponding year in column-II, choose the (a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false
incorrect pair: (b) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is ture
(c) Both Statements 1 and 2 are true.
Column - I Column - II
(d) Both Statements 1 and 2 are false.
A. Introduction of Rail- (i) 1850 Ans. Option (b) is correct.
ways in India Explanation: China is the largest country. Because
B. Incorporation of TISCO (ii) 1807 its large area and its density of population is lowest
among the two nations.
C. First Official Census of (iii) 1881 27. On the basis of the data given below, identify the
India incorrect statement in terms of annual growth of
D. Opening of Suez Canal (iv) 1869 GDP (%): (Choose the correct alternative)
Annual Growth of Gross Domestic Product (%).
Alternatives: 1980–2017
(a) A - (i) (b) B - (ii) Country 1980–90 2015–2017
(c) C - (iii) (d) D - (iv)
India 5.7 7.3
Ans. Option (b) is correct.
24. (A) China initiated ................. in 1958, that aimed at China 10.3 6.8
industrializing the country on a massive scale. Pakistan 6.3 5.3
 (Fill up the blank with correct alternative) 1
Source: Key indicators for Asia and Pacific 2016.
(a) the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Asian Development Bank.
(b) setting up of Special Economic Zones
Philippines: World Development Indicators 2018.
(c) introduction of Economic Reforms
(a) China was able to maintain near double-digit
(d) the great Leap Forward Campaign growth during the 1980s.
796 ] Oswaal CBSE 10 Previous years' Solved Papers, Class–12th

(b) Pakistan was ahead of India during 1980-2017. Ans. (a) Diversification includes two aspects: one
(c) India experienced a rapid rise in Gross Domestic relates to change in cropping pattern and the
Product during 2015–2017. other relates to a shift of workforce from
(d) Both China and Pakistan experienced a decline agriculture to other allied activities
in growth rate during 2015–17. (i) Diversification towards new areas
is necessary to reduce the risk from
Ans. Option (b) is correct.
agriculture sector
Explanation: It is evident from the table that
(ii) To be able to provide productive sustainable
Pakistan GDP rate is lower than India in 2017. Only
livelihood options to rural people, much of
in 1980, Pakistan was ahead of India.
the agricultural employment activities are
28. "Serious concerns over the climate change is taking
concentrated in the Kharif season.
over the attention of the world." 3
(b) (i) Education and health care services create
both private and social benefits and this is
the reason for the existence of both private
and public institutions in the education
and health service markets.
(ii) Government intervention is required in
education and health because expenditures
on education and health make substantial
long-term impact and they cannot be easily
reversed; hence, government intervention
is essential.
In the light of the above statement and image, (iii) Individual consumers of these services do
discuss any two strategies to tackle this global not have complete information about the
concern of Environmental degradation. quality of services and their costs. In this
Ans. Two strategies that can be used to tackle the situation, the providers of education and
environmental concerns are health services acquire monopoly power
(a) Use of CNG in urban areas: In Delhi, the use and are involved in exploitation. The role
of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as fuel of government in this situation is to ensure
in public transport system has significantly that the private providers of these services
lowered air pollution and the air has become adhere to the standards stipulated by the
cleaner in the last few years. government and charge the correct price.
(b) Use of wind mills for the generation of 30. Discuss any two merits and merits of the Green
electricity: In areas where speed of wind Revolution in the agricultural sector in the Indian
is usually high, wind mills can provide economy.4
electricity without any adverse impact on the Ans. Merits / Positive effects of Green Revolution
environment. Wind turbines move with the  self-sufficiency in food grains
wind and electricity is generated. No doubt,  increased in production of the rice and wheat
the initial cost is high. But the benefits are such  increased in income of the farmers
that the high cost gets easily absorbed  price of food grains declined
29. (a) "Recently the Government of India has taken  low-income groups, who spent a large
numerous steps towards increasing the farmer's percentage of their income on food, benefited
income agricultural diversification" from this decline in relative prices procure
In light of the above statement, explain any two enough food grains to build buffer stocks
advantages of diversification in agriculture. 3 which could be used in times of food shortage.
OR Negative effects of green revolution
(b) "Active Government intervention is essential  increased in income disparities
in education and health sectors in India.?  increased in regional disparities
Do you agree with the given statement? Give  effective only on wheat and rice
reasons in support of your answer.  3  over utilisation of chemical in agriculture
31. On the basis of the given data:
Some Selected Indicators of Human Development, 2017–209
Item India China Pakistan
Human Development Index (Value) 0.645 0.761 0.557
Rank (based on HDI) 130 87 154
Life Expectancy at Birth (years) 69.7 76.9 67.3
Mean years of Schooling (% aged 15 and above) 6.5 8.1 5.2
Gross National Income per capita (PPP US$) 6.681 16.057 5.005

Percentage of People living Below Poverty Line (National) 21.9* 1.7** 24.3*
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births) 29.9 7.4 57.2
Maternal Mortality Rate (per 1 lakh births) 133 29 140
Population using at least basic Sanitation (%) 60 75 60
Population using at least basic Drinking Water Source (%) 93 96 91
Percentage of Undernourished Children 37.9 8.1 97.6
Note: for the year 2011: for the years 2015.
Sources: Human Development Report 2019 and 2020.
(i) Identify one income indicator and one health indicator each. 2
(ii) Compare India and China on the basis of any one of the indicator identified above in part (i). 2
Ans. (i) Gross national income per capita is an income indicator and infant mortality rate is an health indicator.
(ii) As per the table, in 2017–19, infant mortality rate of India is higher in comparison to China i.e., 29.9 and 7.9.
This indicates more children below the age of 1 year are dying in India. This is because of lack of health care
facilities in India in comparison to China.
32. (a) "Expenditure on on-the-job training is an agriculture policy to promote organic
important means of human capital formation farming.
in an economy." 2. It has been observed that the yields from
Give valid reasons to justify the given organic farming are less than modern
statement.4 agricultural farming in the initial years
OR 33. (a) (i) Define Worker Population Ratio. Discuss
its usefulness.  3
(b) "Organic farming is the need of the hour to
promote sustainable development but, has its (ii) 'Mr. Rishi, after completing his education
own limitations." has joined his family business but his
Elaborate any two advantages and limitations marginal productivity is zero.'
each of organic farming in the light of the
Comment upon the employment status of
above statement. 4 Mr. Rishi. Give valid reasons in support of
Ans. (a) Firms spend on giving on-the-job-training to your answer. 3
their workers. This may take different forms: OR
one, the workers may be trained in the firm itself
(b) (i) 'Kavya works on her family farm and is
under the supervision of a skilled worker; two, neither paid in cash nor in the form of
the workers may be sent for off-campus training. grains.'
In both cases firms incur some expenses. Firms
Can she be categorised as a worker? Give
will, thus, insist that the workers should work valid reasons in support of your answer. 3
for a specific period of time, after their on-the-
job training, during which it can recover the (ii) "In the late 1990's India experienced a
benefits of the enhanced productivity owing to widening gap between the growth of GDP
the training. Expenditure regarding on-the-job and employment generation". Discuss. 3
training is a source of human capital formation Ans. (a) (i) The proportion of population that is
as the return of such expenditure in the form of actually contributing to the production of
enhanced labour productivity is more than the goods and services.
cost of it. It is used for analysing the employment
(b) Advantages and limitations of organic farming: situation in the country.
Organic farming is the farming without the use If this ratio is high, it shows more
of chemicals. engagement of population in work.
Advantages If this ratio is low, it means that high
1. It helps in increasing by the increase in proportion of population is not engaged in
exports as the demand for organically economic activities.
produced goods is high. (ii) Mr Rishi has joined his family business
2. Organically grown food has more but he is not contributing anything to the
nutritional value than chemical farming business as his marginal productivity is
thus providing us with healthy foods. zero. He is a disguised unemployed.
Limitations Disguised unemployment is a situation
1. Inadequate infrastructure and the where a person seems to be engaged in a
problem of marketing the products work but does not contribute anything to
are major concerns which need to be the production process. If he is removed
addressed apart from an appropriate from the work, the work will not be affected.
798 ] Oswaal CBSE 10 Previous years' Solved Papers, Class–12th

OR Source:
(b) (i) Yes, Kavya is considered as a worker. (a) Briefly outline any two reasons for the initiation
Worker is someone who is involved in of Economic Reforms in 1991. 2
any productive (economic activity) and (b) Government introduced a set of stabilisation
contributes to the generation of GNP. and structural reforms to solve the economic
(ii) The widening gap between growth of GDP crisis. State the key initiatives and objectives
and employment generation is known as of these policies adopted by the Government of
JOBLESS growth. It indicates that without India.2
generating employment, an economy is Ans. (a) Actors responsible for economic reforms.
able to produce goods and services.  Fall in foreign exchange reserve
34. Read the following text carefully and answer  Adverse balance of payments
the given questions on the basis of the same and  Mounting fiscal deficit
common understanding.
 Rise in prices
The stabilisation and structural adjustment
 Failure of public enterprises
measures initiated under the 1991 "Economic
 Gulf crisis
Reforms" mark a watershed moment in India's
(b) Structural reforms are long-run policies. The
economic policies. For almost three decades since
goal of structural reforms is to abolish controls,
independence, India's development strategy and
eliminate bureaucratic hurdles and red tapism
economic policies were guided by the objectives of and make the decision-making process efficient
accelerating the growth of output and employment and transparent.
with social justice an equity.  In the new economic policy 1991, structural
Ever since the 1970s, it was realised that many reforms can be seen with respect to:
of the regulations on economic activities have 1. Liberalisation
outlived their usefulness and were in fact 2. Privatisation
hampering economic growth and development.
3. Globalization
In response to this, the government initiated some
1. Liberalisation: Liberalisation means removing
milder liberalisation reforms for almost a decade
all unnecessary control and restriction like
since the early 1980's. permits licenses, protectionist duties, quotas
However, the Indian economy soon had to face the etc.
Gulf crisis and consequently: Economic reforms under liberalisation:
(i) The uncertainties about the oil prices;  Industrial sector reforms
(ii) The external payment problems;  Financial sector reforms
(iii) The serious inflationary pressures;  Fiscal reforms: Fiscal reforms relate to revenue
(iv) The scarcities of essential commodities; and expenditure of the government. Tax
(v) The deterioration of fiscal discipline, etc. reforms are the principal component of fiscal
These led to the Indian economy on the verge of reforms. Broadly, taxes are classified as:
economic crisis. (a) Direct taxes: Direct taxes are those taxes,
In response to this emerging crisis, the Government the burden of which cannot be shifted onto
others. (Examples: income tax, wealth tax.)
initiated a set of stabilisation and structural
reforms like: (b) Indirect taxes: Indirect taxes (levied on
goods and services) are those taxes, the
(i) Reduction in fiscal deficit;
burden of which can be shifted onto others.
(ii) Containment of growth in money supply; [Examples: GST (Goods and Services Tax),
(iii) An exchange rate adjustment system etc. custom duty.]
The key objective of stabilisation policy was to  Foreign exchange reforms: External sector
bring the growth of aggregate demand in line with reforms include:
long term growth path of the economy. (i) foreign exchange reforms, and
In conjunction, the structural adjustment measures (ii) foreign trade policy reforms.
like; 2. Privatisation: Privatisation is the general
(i) industrial delicensing process of involving the private sector in
(ii) liberalisation of policy regime governing the ownership or operation of state-owned
international trade enterprises.
(iii) deregulation of financial sector  Policies adopted for privatisation:
were taken to improve the supply side of the  Contraction of public sector.
economy. This shifted the long-term growth path  Abolish the ownership of Govt. in the
of the economy itself completely. management of public enterprises.
(Adapted and modified)  Sale of shares of public enterprises

3. Globalization: Globalization may be defined as
 Policy promoting globalization:
a process associated with increasing openness
 Increase in equity limit of foreign investment.
growing economic interdependence and
 Partial convertibility.
deepening economic integration in the world
 Long term trade policy.
 Reduction in tariff.
Outside Delhi Set-II 58/5/2
Note: Except these, all other questions are from Out side
(ii) When MPC is 90%
Delhi Set-I. 1

K =
1 − MPC
11. On the basis of the data given below for an
K =
1 − 0.9
imaginary economy, estimate the Net Domestic
Product at Factor Cost (NDPPC): 3 1
= = 10

S. Amount
Items Income:
No. (` in crore)
(i) Household Consumption Expendi- 3,000 (i) K =
(ii) Government Final Consumption 1,000
5 =
2,000 crore

DY = 1,000 crore
(iii) Net Domestic Fixed Capital 1,000
Formation ∆Y
(ii) K =
(iv) Change in Stock 200
(v) Exports 500 DY

10 =
2,000 crore
(vi) Indirect Taxes 350
DY = 10,000 crore
(vii) Imports 300
Net Increase in Income = 10,000 – 5,000 = 5,000
(viii) Subsidies 50 Crore
30. "The debate over farm subsidies in India is enraged
Ans. NDPMP = Household consumption expenditure + at different platforms."
Government final consumption expenditure + Net
domestic fixed capital formation + Change in stock Discuss any two arguments in favour of continuing
+ Net exports (Export – Import) farm subsidies. 4
= 3,000 + 1,000 + 1,000 + 200 + (500 – 300) Ans. Subsidy in agriculture means providing some
= 5,400 important inputs to farmers at concessional rates
that is much lower than its market rate. During
NDPFC = NDPMP – Indirect Taxes +Subsidy
1960s, in order to adopt new technology, HYV
= 5,400 – 350 + 50
seeds and use of modern fertilisers and insecticides;

= `5,100 crore farmers were provided inputs at subsidised rates.
SECTION - B The following arguments are given to prove the
usefulness of subsidies:
13. (b) For a hypothetical economy, assuming there (i) It was necessary to use subsidies to provide
is an increases in the Marginal Propensity to an incentive for adoption of the new HYV
Consume (MPC) from 80% to 90% and change in technology by farmers, especially the small
investment to be `1,000 crore. farmers.
Using the concept of investment multiplier, (ii) Any new technology is considered as being
calculate the increases in income due to change in risky by farmers. Subsidies were, therefore,
Marginal Propensity to Consume. 4 needed to encourage farmers to adopt the new
Ans. (b) MPC Income from 80% to 90% technology initially.
Change in Investment = 1,000 crore (iii) Farming in India is still a risky business and
(i) When MPC is 80% subsidies provide hedging against the risk of
1 climatic conditions.
K =
1 − MPC (iv) Most farmers are very poor and they will not
1 be able to afford the required inputs without

K = subsidies.
1 − 0.8
(v) Subsidies bring about equity between rich and
1 poor farmers by enabling the poor farmers to
= =5
use modern technology and inputs.
800 ] Oswaal CBSE 10 Previous years' Solved Papers, Class–12th

Outside Delhi Set-III 58/6/3

Note: Except these, all other questions are from Out side Ans. (b) MPC income from 80% to 90%
Delhi Set-I & II.
Change in investment = 2,000 Crore
When MPC is 80%
12. On the basis of the data given below for an
K =
imaginary economy, estimate the value of Grass 1 − MPC
National Product at Market Price (GNPMP): 3 1

K =
S. Items Amount 1 − 0.8
No. (` in crore) 1
= =5
(i) Household Consumption Expendi- 2,000 .2
(ii) When MPC is 90%
(ii) Government Final Consumption 1,000 1

K =
Expenditure 1 − MPC
(iii) Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1,100 1

K =
(iv) Net Additions to Stock 200 1 − 0.9
(v) Exports 600 1
= = 10
(vi) Net Factor Income from Abroad 150 .1
(vii) Imports 400 Income:
Ans. GDPMP = (i) + (ii) + (iii) + (iv) + (v) – (vii) (i) K =
= 2,000 + 1,000 + 1,100 + 200 + 600 – 400
= 4,500
5 =
2, 000 crore
GNPMP = GDPMP + (vi)
= 4,500 + 150
DY = 10,000 Crore
= `4,650 crore ∆Y
(ii) K =
15. (b) For a hypothetical economy, assuming there ∆I
is an increases in the Marginal Propensity to ∆Y
Consume (MPC) from 80% to 90% and change in
10 =
2, 000 crore
investment to be `2,000 crore.
Using the concept of investment multiplier,
DY = 20,000 crore
calculate the increases in income due to change in Net increase in income = 20,000 – 10,000
Marginal Propensity to Consume. 4
= ` 10,000 crore


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