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File No.

REV02-22021/263/2022-LA SEC-CCLA

Office of thice Chicief Commississiiore of Landrn Anmirissit andtiori

A.P.i Mandrgandlandgi ii Gurtu Dissit ifict.

CCLA’ssi Ci ficuland Irssit ufictiorssi.Assissir.I/1878215/2023i nt.06/12/2023

Sub:Lands- Assignment of Government lands- Act No. 35 of 2023 An Act

further to amend the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands
(Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977 – Freehold rights to assigned
lands after a period of (20) years – Conduct of Workshop – Minutes
communicated - action plan for updation of changes in Webland –
Issued-Reg.(e file No.1878215)

Ref:1.Ordinance No. 9 of 2023 (further to amend the AP Assigned Lands

(Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977)
2.Govt.Memo No.REV01-LANA0LAND(PM)/2/2023-LANDS-I, dated
3.CCLA’s executive instructions Ref.No.Assn.I(1)/1878215/2023, dated
4.CCLA’s further instructions Ref.No.Assn.I(1)/18782154/2023, dated
5.CCLA’s instructions Ref.No.Assn.I(1)/18782154/2023, dated
6.Act No. 35 of 2023 an Act further to amend the Andhra Pradesh
Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977 dated
7.CCLA’s circular instructions No.Assn.I(1)/2256996/2023, dated
05.11.2023 & 15.11.2023.
8.Minutes of the Workshop on Assigned Lands to be made freehold-
last mile, dated 21.11.2023

The attention of the District Collectors is invited to the references

cited and it is informed that a workshop on ‘Making Assigned Lands
Freehold’ was conducted at the state level on 21.11.2023 with
Collectors/Joint Collectors/RDOs/Tahsildars and state level ofcers. After
due deliberations in the workshop, consensus on the way forward was
arrived at, on various land issues by the participants of the workshop.

As per discussions on making assigned lands freehold in terms of Act

35 of 2023 and probable solutions thereof and other important issues,
minutes of the workshop was prepared and submitted to the Govt. for
issuing Executive Instructions to all Revenue Ofcers, after obtaining the
approval of the Government.
File No.REV02-22021/263/2022-LA SEC-CCLA

Meantime, the following preparatory work may be taken up.


a. Districts have already identifed more than 10 lakh acres to be made
freehold in terms of Act 35 of 2023. In these cases, the following
action is needed:
i. Certifcate of freehold is to be distributed to all benefciaries by
eKYC method. Daily report in this respect shall be put up on
fle immediately.
ii. Webland is to be amended to refect changes for these lands
which are already verifed and declared eligible by verifcation
in the following sequence (VRO – Tahsildar- RDO – JC and sent
by Collector to District Registrar for removal from 22-A list.)
b. 11.61 lakh acres of assigned land have not been made freehold on
the ground of insufcient records. 11,266 acres have not been made
freehold on the ground that the revenue records show them to be
water bodies, even though such lands were assigned more than 20
years ago. In addition, some other categories of lands also need re-
verifcation. All such lands shall be pushed to the VROs'i login for re-
verifcation as per procedure already prescribed and in terms of the
conclusions arrived in the workshop held on 21.11.2023.

2. New andssissiigrmert of Gove rmert landrnssi/ landrkand landrnssi:

e-KYC based distribution shall be immediately initiated and
completed for newly assigned lands and Lanka lands.

3. RoFR Pandttand:
RoFR Pattas pertaining to one village have been incorporated
into webland adangal & 1-B register and sent to the Commissioner,
Tribal Welfare for concurrence of model (sent on 25.11.2023 to
Kondal Rao, OSD). The exercise shall now be taken up and
completed for all villages with ROFR pattas.

Therefore, all the Revenue Ofcers and District Collector in

the State are requested to take up work in terms of the above
instructions and ensure that the exercise is completed at the

G Sai Prasad I A S


All the District Collectors in the State.

All the Joint Collectors (RB&R) in the State.
All Revenue ofcers in the state.
Copy to Special Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue (Lands)
File No.REV02-22021/263/2022-LA SEC-CCLA

Department, Secretariat, Velagapudi, Amaravati, Guntur District

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