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It's the overall qualits ofsentence structure and speurngs

Grommatical accuracu.

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Education is the most Content

(Main body of the
for a developed
advantages of actualls travelling to iou
Example (Objective type): destinations far exceed them. Write an vararte
While reading about new places and for the magazine Travel Times, evaluatie
searching for them online has its merits, the both these options. You are Amrit/ Amrto
2. Emotionally as well as intellectually, a woman is as good as a man if not better. words
Yet weondon't
her the same status as a man enjoys in society. in 150-200
Write an article
women in society'. You are Navtej/Navita.*
s of
By Navtej / Navita
The injustice meted out to women in all the phases of their lives shows us that we as a nation mas houe
freed ourselves from a foreign reign, but we have not been able to cut the chains of narroW-minded bios
Certain practices like female infanticide and dowrs are on the extreme end of the spectrum and are
stil prevalent. The girl-child is considered to be a bane and she doesn't enjoy the privileges given to o
boy. She is denied the right to education as her parents think that it is not necessary tor her to studu
Working women are denied opportunities of growth and subjected to discrimination of getting lower
Only education and economic independence can empower women to fight for their rights. The society
as a whole has to come together and change the existing practices. If the women of the country are not
given their due, the country as a whole will never progress.

3. As compared to the older generation, the youth of today are greatly inclined to pursue adventurous
activities either for money or for fun. There is a latest craze for joining reality shows, rafting, rock
cimbing, mountaineering, etc. Write an article in 150-200 words on "Which life would you prefer
safe or adventurous?"* [CBSE 2010]


By Xyz
Today's youth is always in search of something interesting and adventurous. Gone are the days
when the people around 30 or 50 years of age would prefer sitting back at home in the chair
reading books. People are now greatly inclined towards adventure. They don't want to spend
the fittest part of their lives in a boring or monotonous way. Rather, they alwaus chase atest
risku challenges
trends and extreme sports. The youth of the nation can always be seen taking
rafting, etc.
'ke making short deadly videos for fun, trekking9 with friends, sky diving, river By
nothing bad or wrong in living a ife in an interesting wayif one ensures maximum safetu.
There is
taking all the safets measures, these extreme sports not only bring fun and excitement to the life but
in the times of adversities.
also teach us to tackle the problems
occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, you have been College.
&On the invited to attend the event at KJ Arya there which
utter dismal, you found that the students were in a physical fight over
To your involved youth.
calls for a need focus on the relevance of Gandhian philosophy in times amongthe
Write an article for the same in 120- 150words using the given cues. You are Reema/Raj.
Remind ourselves the way Gandhi fought battles
m Legdership has lost its essence; needs to be tracked
B) Accepting the Gandhian ways and ahimsa in ife


By Reema / Raj
and many more moter
The world today is battling wars, conflicts and struggle for power, money
philosophy more than ever berore.
things. It's high time we need Mahatma Gandhi's ideologs and
times when leadership has lost its essence, it is imperative that we remind ourselves oT the
In the of his times: where others tought
millennium. Bapu wasa man ahead
greatest personaities of the
inficting misery and death upon innocent people, he was a warrior of a different
battles with weapons, weapon., His world was based on honesty and he
yet did not lift anu
kind. He led the biggest battle and the world needs today, a philosophy
That is the kind of philosophy that
believed in the moral universe. 'Satyagraha' the only weapon.
where truth is the only force, and only weapon, humanity
strife and struggle for power dominate with an absolute disregard for
We live in times where future, must embrace the Gandhian way of ife,
torchbearers of the
and humane qualities. We as the
honesty, equality and ahimsa become an integral part of your life.
Edutainment Club of your school. You are deeply distressed
of the
7. You are Sparsh/ Netra, Secretaru students in reading the newspaper. The school subscribes to
to see the lack of interest
displayed by them or use them to make
papers, students just throw
reading the
the newspaper but instead of
Write an article in not more than 150 words, for classes IX-Xll.
paper planes and play with them. newspapers and subscribing to them with the help of the
highighting the importance of reading
given cues.
better than newspaper.
(1) No other source of information is
(2) Provides a lot of information on various topics.
(3) Helps to enhance language skills.
By Sparsh/Netra
In the words of Arthur Sulzberg Jr, "Newspaper cannot be defined by the second word-
to be defined by the first Word- 'news' and this is why we all should be an avid reader of Ihey haye
as they provide us with worldwide news.
in the present times, where technologs dictates terms, there are numerous sources of newo. newspapers
television, radio and the electronic i media, but no other sOurce could ever live up to the high
set up by newspapers. A newspaper gives us a lot of information encompassing a plethora of topi d
Current affairs, politics, science and technology, health, sports, education and industry and additie
help for students in the form of courses and career options.
saddens me to see most of the students tossing away the newspaper given to them each dau i
school when reading newspapers is the best way to enhance language skills.
he schools should
enlightenment make buefforts
one gains to join
reading everyoneevery
ewspapers in spreading awareness
day. When aboutredd
the tedchers the growth and the
the newspaper
the students get motivated to follow suit. Make the most of this wonderful sOurce as a newspaper
seeks not only to inform but also to interest, stimulate and excite.
8. SWhile reading about new places and searching for them online has its merits, the
actually travelling to various destinations far exceed them. Write an article in 120-150advantages of
words for the
your TravelYou
oWn ideas. Times,
are evaluating both these options. You may use the cues given belowa
(1) Builds confidence
(2) Make friends and memories
(3) Experience new cultures
(4) Expands knowledge
9. You are Saima Yasir. You have observed that a lot of people are not
a mask or maintaining social distance in the times of COVID-19 even
following the rules of wearing
after multiple reminders
by the government. Write an article in 120-150 words on "lmportance of adhering to COVID-19
precautions" to make people aware about the same. Use the given cues.
(1) Lockdown in states
(2) People moving carelessly
(3) Should adopt healthy practices
(4) Distribution of masks and sanitizers

By Saima / Yasir
The importance of adhering to COVID-19 precautions in today's current tumutuous situation is vital.
Recently, the Governmentshould
has declareda complete lockdown in many states and recommended that
be restricted
ted onlu to purchase essential items.
the movement of people
However, people are still moving about without observing the requisite distance and without wearing
masks. People areestill carelesslyjostling without realising the danger that t
arranged for essentialg are in and the risk that
they put others in. Even when the government has for all foolish to be delivered right
at the doorstep for people, they are seen moving out
safe amount of distance and precaution is requiredweto succumb
prevent the contamination and spread of the
to the deadlus virus Onlin
virus. People should adopt healthy practices before
classes can be facilitated for those needing to exercise while masks and sanitizers should be distributed
to encourage people to adopt healthy
5. Suggestions and
6. Thoughtful quote
11. You are Aditya<Aditi
hort an incident
of XIl Std., Ss
in which the childrenConvent
tried toSchool,
enth, You have decided to write an article Imitate Raipur. Recently,
the stunts you read in the newspaper
shown television and emoee
on the Ill efects of television
could guide them to watch the
Aditi. programmes ln an effective wau. Use theon kids and how the pol
given cues. You are ONC
(1) Children immitate heroes in real Ife
(2) Ended up losing ife
3) Should be educated by parents about
the harmful effects
(4) Should be engaged in activities.


By Aditya | Aditi
Children watch television thinking the reel ife to be real Whatever their "heroes do, they try to imnrtate
that in real life. Recently, some children lost their lives in their desire to have superpowers but ended
up losing their ives. The young kids feel thrilled and excited upon watching the anmazing stunts on
television. They fail to understand that these stunts are performed by speciaists under well- controlled
tbecomes mandatory for the parents to educate their children about the harmful effects of aping these
super-human tricks and feats of bravery. They must draw attention of the children to the mandatory
warning dsplayed at the beginning of the advertisement/stunt.
Kids should be encouraged to indulge in healthy conmpetitive games of physical and mental skill under
strict parental supervision. This would help in proper development of the personality of the kids and
ensure freedom from the dangers of mindless imitation of stunts.
(1) Change in behaviour of people
(2) People turned into beasts
(3) Doctors should give advisory
(4) People need hope and positivity

By Gagan / Astha
The growth in the number of cases of domestic violence during the period of nationwide lockd.
shocking. Being forced to stay ot home with the families is proving to be bothersome for some peonl
Their behaviour is becoming erratic and restless, resulting in family quarrels. The situation has resure
in physical assault in many cases. People feel like they are being chained within an enclosed space. Th
frustration and the burden of negative thoughts have turned then into ruthless beasts.
For those people who are finding it hard to deal with the current situations, there needs to be some
kind of help given. it can be in the form of providing online counselling sessions or airing informative
commercials on keeping good mental health over the mass media. Doctors should give advisory and
prescriptions to such people through television or radio.
People who are not able to sustain this lockdown due to the negativity around them need nothing but o
ray of hope and positivity. A healthy motivating discussion with such people would result into a better
vision of life for them.

14. You have organised a seminar on 'Drug Abuse' in your school in collaboration with Sober Club. Wrte
an article in 120-150 words, about Drug Abuse in youth for a popular magazine. Use the given cues
Sign yourself as Sia Jha.
(1) Necessary for mankind
(2) Drug abuse caused worldwide alarm
(3) Children becoming prey to drugs
(4) Proper treatment can help
By Sia Jha
Drugs have been used by mankind for medical purposes since ages, but never before has the abuse of
druas caused such a worldwide concern and posed an alarming menace. The uouth is going mad to
have that 'adrenaline rush' to feel sublime. They have no idea that they are leading themselves to that
dark well from where they may never come out if they do not stop themselves in time
For some young people, drugs might be a fashion' and for others it might be a remedu for tension,
fustration, and mental agony. Children, whose parents have broken marriages or a violent gtmosphere
at homes, become an easy prey to drugs.
Proper treatment can help them to give up drugs. We should enlighten the students ahout the
devastating effectsofoftheir
drugs and parents should ensure that they maintain a good atmosphere at
children's mental health.
homes for the sake


By Smith / Smitha
. g g ,people start their dau bu readina the news of crime prevailing almost everywere
rising population in the biq cities has led to a resource crunch, which in turn gives rise to crime. The law
and order machinery needs to be changed as per the changing society.
The poice needs to be trained in new methodoloqu of combating crime besides changing the i
The police have to shed their anti-pe0ple image and work outwho
strategies to regain the trust or tne
are reads to help them. lodoy
Povpe. ney snould not have the bad attitude towards people
anyone witnessing a crime or an accident refrains from coming forward to help as it will invove a verg
stressful interaction with the police.
The police plays the main role in the main tenanceof law and order in the metropolitan cities and thus,
they really need to re-invent their image to gain the trust of the populace.
Example (Subjective type):
The invention of mobile phone can be a blessing but if misused, it can prove to be a curse. Write an article
in about 120-150 words on this invention. You are Rajat /
Riddhima Sen.
By Rajat / Riddhima Sen
The invention of mobile phones is one of the major advancements in human
history. Mobile phones
have changed the way people communicate with each other nowadays. These are
the easiest
devices to use and probably, the most portable ones to share the information from one
person to
another despite the distances of millions of kilometres. Undoubtedly, the advantages of the
phones are many. However, the disadvantages of mobiles are equally many. mobile
Adolescents and teenagers are continuousls distracted from their studies any other work
of their mobile phones. They are seen talking and texting at all because
road. while driving and even during classes. This leads to accidentsplaces, even while walking on the
and also their bad performances
in ccademics. Often they get involved in notorious and criminal
easily fall into the traps of cyber-criminals. Parents should be activities through the phones. Theu
vigilant enough of their children's
activities over the phones and ensure that they use it for their good.

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