TermReport - 2022-2023 5

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TERM 2 REPORT CARD 2022-2023

Student Name KHALIFA SAEED ALMHEIRI Code (ID) 701232

Class 6 Section C American Program


(see below)
Islamic Studies P- P- 65th Students Domain Sports
Arabic D+ P- 65th Interests Science and Technology
Arabic Social Studies P- P+ 90th
Moral Education P P 80th
English Social Studies P P+ 90th
English P- P+ 90th
Mathematics D D- 20th Reward / Certificates 0.00
Science D D 35th
Design Technology D+ P- 65th
French D+ D+ 50th Tardiness 0.00
Visual Performance Art P- P- 65th
Physical Education P+ P+ 90th
Unexcused Absences 1.00
*Performed better than X% of students

Proficiency Level Scale (- Approaching , + Exceeding)

Consistently demonstrates critical, profound and thorough interpretations, understanding, analysis, and evaluation of the
concepts and ideas. Articulates complex thoughts, moving effectively from the concrete to the abstract and from the specific
Mastery (M) to the general. Consistently applies the acquired skills to produce exceptional work, with outcomes that exceed the
curriculum expectations.

Is always able to demonstrate very good understanding of the concepts and ideas. Has developed skills of interpretation,
inference, analysis, and evaluation, which may lack depth in some instances. Applies the acquired skills competently to
Proficient (P) produce high quality work with few errors. Is always able to produce outcomes that meet the curriculum expectations and
occasionally exceeds the expected outcomes.

Demonstrates reasonable knowledge and understanding of the concepts. Sometimes demonstrates skills of interpretation,
inference, analysis, and evaluation, but work often lacks depth. Work regularly includes inaccuracies and misconceptions.
Developing (D)
Produces outcomes that sometimes meet the curriculum expectations.

Demonstrates little knowledge and understanding of the concepts. Rarely demonstrates skills of interpretation, inference,
analysis, and evaluation; work lacks depth and effectiveness in most instances and is usually random, incoherent, and
Emerging (E)
undeveloped. Produces work that is generally below the curriculum expectations and standards.

Not applicable
(NA) NO Evidence.

Name : Dr. Ziad Aoudi Student Learning Skills Social Skills

(Max *****) (Max +++++)

Signature : *** ++++

Date : 05-April-2023


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