Weekend Test-1 - Class 8 Abe Hayat

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51) Which kind of animals move on the branches of the trees?

a) Terrestrial b) Aquatic c) Aerial d) Arboreal

52) What do you call the animals that feed on plants?

a) Carnivores b) Herbivores c) Omnivores d) None of the above

53) Dolphins and whales do not have gills. They respire through

a) Lungs b) Gills c) Nostrils d) None of the above

54) Which are the plants growing in neither very dry and nor very wet like cultivated

lands are called

a)Hydrophytes b) Mesophytes c) Xerophytes d) All the above

55) Yaks protect themselves from the cold conditions through

a) Feathers b) Hair c) Scales d) Shells

56) In a cactus plant , the process of food making called photosynthesis is carried

Out by:

a)Stem b) Modified leaves c) Roots d) Flowers

57) Which of the following pairs is not a living thing?

a) Crab, mouse b) Horse, Zebra

c) Penguin , Eagle d) Sharpner , box

58) Which of the following is an example of submerged hydrophytes?

a) Eichhornia b) Pistia c) Water lily d) Vallisnaria

59) A non-woody plant that has tender stems is called

a) Herb b) Shrub c) Trees d) All the above

60) Plants like tomato , radish , wheat , rice , carrot are categorized as

a) Trees b) Herbs c) Shrubs d) None of the above

The Excellence Program Test
Class VIII
Max Marks: 15

July-Weekend Test-1 Chemistry

36) Anything in this world, which occupy space and has mass is called: [ ]

a) Atom b) Matter c) Molecule d) All of the above

37) Which of the following is considered as matter? [ ]

a) Table b) Metals c) Plants d) All of the above

38) Water exists in __________ states. [ ]

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

39) The particles in _________ are held together by strong inter-particle forces. [ ]

a) Solids b) liquids c) Gases d) All of these

40) An _________ is the basic form of matter that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by any
a) Matter b) Molecule c) Mixture d) Element

41) Identify the liquid element from the following: [ ]

a) Iron b) Oxygen c) Sodium d) Mercury

42) ______ number of elements are known to us till date. [ ]

a) 108 b) 111 c) 118 d) 120

43) The symbol of magnesium is: [ ]

a) Mg b) Mn c) M d) N

44) An element is a pure substance made up of ________ atoms. [ ]

a) Same b) Different c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above

45) The elements present in water are:

a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen c) Nitrogen d) Both (a) and (b)

46) Which of the following is a gaseous compound?

a) Water b) Salt c) Oxygen d) Carbon dioxide

47) Which of the following represents molecules made of different atoms: [ ]

a) CO2 b) H2O c) N2 d) Both (a) and (b)

48) Molecules made of different type of atoms are called: [ ]

a) Elements b) Compounds c) Mixtures d) Air

49) The formula of water molecule is: [ ]

a) HO2 b) H2O c) H2 d) H2O2

50) The number of atoms present in one molecule of hydrogen is: [ ]

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

The Excellence Program Test
Subject : Physics (Weekend-1 Basics)
Time : 30 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 15
Total Questions: 15

Name: Roll No: Marks Obtained:

21. Speed is
(a) Distance travelled/Time (b) Time/Distance travelled (c) Distance travelled × Time
(d) Time + Distance travelled

22.A pendulum oscillates 20 times in 4 seconds. Find its time period.

(a) 0.05 sec. (b) 0.001 sec. (c) 0.2 sec. (d) 0.1 sec

23. Loudness of sound is determined by

(a) pitch (b) frequency (c) amplitude (d) time period

24. The number of vibrations made by a vibrating body in one second is

(a) frequency (b) noise (c) loudness (d) pitch

25. The maximum displacement of a body from its mean position is called
(a) amplitude (b) oscillation (c) periodic motion (d) frequency

26. The velocity of sound at 20°C is approximately

(a) 3400 m/sec. (b) 340 m/sec. (c) 430 m/sec (d) 304 m/sec.
27. Sound is produced by
(a) Non-Vibrating objects only (b) Vibrating and non- vibrating objects
(c) Vibration has no relation to sound (d) Vibrating objects only

28. Beam of light striking the reflecting surface is called

(a) reflecting ray (b) incident ray (c) refracted ray (d) normal ray

29. Band of seven colours is called

(a) VIBGYOR (b) spectrum (c) dispersion (d) reflection

30. Front balged part of the eyeball is called

(a) cornea (b) choroid (c) pupil (d) retina
31.Visually impaired people can read and write using
(a) electronic writer (b) digital pens (c) braille system (d) hearing aids
32.A quantity which can be measured by any mean is called..
a).Physical quantity b).Normal quantity c).General quantity d).None
33.Among following fundamental physical quantities are
a).Mass b).Time c).Electric current d).All
34.Physical quantities are classified into
a).Fundamental b).Derived c) Both a & b d).None
35.Length is measured by device..
a).Scale b)Tape c)Both a & b d) None
The Excellence Program Test
Subject: Mathematics Maximum Marks: 20
3rd July 2023: Weekly Test - 1 Total Questions: 20 Class: VIII
Time: 20 Minutes
Name: Roll No: Marks Obtained:

Syllabus: Number System, Algebra, Arithmetic in real life, Geometry

1. Which of the following statements is false?
(a) Natural numbers are closed under subtraction
(b) Whole numbers are not closed under subtraction
(c) Integers are closed under subtraction
[ ]
(d) Rational numbers are closed under subtraction.
2. 0 is not
(a) a natural number (b) a whole number
[ ]
(c) an integer (d) a rational number.
3. Which of the following statements is true ?
(a) Natural numbers are not associative for multiplication
(b) Whole numbers are not associative for multiplication
(c) Integers are associative for multiplication
[ ]
(d) Rational numbers are not associative for multiplication.
4. a × b = b × a is called
(a) commutative law for addition (b) commutative law for multiplication
(c) associative law for addition (d) associative law for multiplication. [ ]
5. a × (b × c) = (a × b) × c is called
(a) associative law for addition (b) associative law for multiplication
(c) commutative law for addition (d) commutative law for multiplication. [ ]

6. The expression 4xy + 7 is in

(a) one variable (b) two variables (c) no variable (d) none of [ ]
7. The expression x + y + z is in
(a) one variable (b) no variable (c) three variables (d) two [ ]
8. The value of x² – 2x + 1 when x = 1 is
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) -2 (d) 0. [ ]
9. Which of the following is a monomial ?
(a) 4x² (b) a + 6 (c) a + 6 + c (d) a + b + c + d. [ ]
10. How many terms are there in the expression 5xy² ?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 3. [ ]
11. Which of the following is an improper fraction?
[ ]
(a) 2/7 (b) ½ (c) 2/3 (d) 73/10
Class: VIII

12. Which of the following is a mixed fraction?

(a) 2/17 (b) 3/14 (c) 5/27 (d) 2 & 13/15 [ ]

13. Which of the following is not an equiva-lent fraction of 3/5 ?

(a) 6/10 (b) 9/15 (c) 12/20 (d) 15/24 [ ]

14. 1 – 1/5 is equal to

(a) 2/5 (b) 3/5 (c) 4/5 (d) 1/5 [ ]
15. 1/2 + 1/3 is equal to
(a) 1/6 (b) 5/6 (c) 7/6 (d) 11/6 [ ]
16. In ΔRST, ST = 5 cm, and∠STR = 45° and∠ RST = 45°. Which criterion can be used
to construct ΔRST?
(a) A.S.A. criterion (b) S.A.S. criterion (c) S.S.S. criterion (d) R.H.S. criterion [ ]
17. Δ PQR is such that ∠P = ∠Q = ∠R = 60° which of the following is true?
(a) Δ PQR is equilateral. (b) Δ PQR is acute angled.
(c) Both [a] and [b] (d) Neither [a] nor [b] [ ]
18. Which vertex of ΔABC is right angled if AB = 8 cm, AC = 6 cm, and BC = 10 cm,?
(a) ∠C (b) ∠A (c) ∠B (d) A or C [ ]
19. An isosceles triangle is constructed as shown in the figure.

Which of the given statements is incorrect?

(a) PR is the hypotenuse of ΔPQR. (b) ΔPQR is an equilateral triangle.

(c) ΔPQR is a right angled triangle. (d) If right angled ΔPQR has its [ ]
equal angles measuring 45° each.
20. How many perpendicular lines can be drawn to a line from a point not on it?
[ ]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) Infinite

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