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RAD Conference Proceedings, vol. 6, pp.

1–4, 2022
ISSN 2466-4626 (online) | DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2022.00


Mila Pandurovic1*,
(On behalf of the DARWIN collaboration)
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract. One of the most intriguing questions of new physics is the possible existence of, so called, “dark” or “missing” matter.
Weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) is one of the potential candidates for cold dark matter and is studied using several
types of experiments. Among many, the direct detection liquid noble gasses experiments are the leading ones in terms of
sensitivity to above GeV WIMP mass parameter space. The foreseen future European astroparticle observatory, DARWIN, is
designed as an ultimate direct detection liquid xenon-based experiment in dark matter searches. DARWIN’s rich experimental
program also includes other rare event searches, such as an investigation of the Majorana nature of neutrinos though neutrino-
less double beta decay, the search for the axion, a hypothetical particle proposed as a solution of the strong CP problem, or many
Rare event searches, besides large-scale detectors with low detection threshold, require high control and almost background-free
environment. Two types of background processes can mimic the WIMP recoil signal, nuclear and electronic recoil events. The
dominant electronic recoil background is coming from the radon progenies ( 222Rn). Since it is created by radioactive decay inside
all detector materials, the effective detector shielding is hindered. Here we present the requirements of radon level in xenon target
necessary to reach the foreseen sensitivity in rare event searches. We also give the state-of-the-art of radon mitigation strategies
which include material selection and screening, on-line radon removal techniques, as well as the off-line methods of tagging
electronic recoil events from radon progenies.

Keywords: DARWIN, liquid xenon detectors,

rare event searches, WIMP, radon background

1. INTRODUCTION In order to search for the WIMP dark matter

candidate particle, several types of experiments are
employed: direct and indirect dark matter searches
Open questions of particle physics today include and collider experiments. Direct dark matter searches
the phenomena that are characterized by the extremely involve several detection techniques that depend on
low number of signal processes covered up under a the detector's working medium (target). Figure 1. gives
huge amount of background. The experimental the achieved and projected sensitivities of WIMP dark
measurements of these processes are classified as rare matter searches for collider and direct detection
event searches. One of the lead examples is the experiments.
question of dark matter, a hypothetical form of matter
that is proposed to explain many cosmological
observations. These observations suggest that the vast
majority of matter in the universe cannot be accounted
for by the ordinary matter which is governed by the
Standard model of particle physics. Out of all missing
mass, around twenty-five percent of the matter in the
Universe is attributed to the so-called dark matter.
This type of matter does not interact with strong or
electromagnetic force with ordinary matter, but rather
through a gravitational and weak force. If any
additional force governs the behavior of dark matter, it
is suggested to be very weak, thus overall, these
interactions have exceptionally low cross sections.
Since the Standard model of particle physics cannot
account for this type of matter, this indicates a new
physics besides this phenomenon. Many theories Figure 1. Comparison of sensitivities of direct detection
propose dark matter particle candidates, where one of and future collider experiments within a simplified model
the main ones is a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle scenario of a WIMP where the interaction between Standard
Model quarks and the dark matter is mediated by a new scalar
M. Pandurovic, on behalf of DARWIN Collaboration, Radon background at DARWIN, RAD Conf. Proc., vol. 5, 2022,

As can be seen, liquid xenon detectors such as the INFN underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran
XENON1T, XENONnT, and its successor future Sasso (LNGS), at 1400 m depth, which corresponds to
experiment DARWIN are one of the leading detection 3600 m.w.e.
techniques for the dark matter searches in the region
above 10 GeV of WIMP masses [1][2]. For these The detection principle of dual-phase LXe TPC is
detector types the improvement of sensitivity, that is based on the excitation of the xenon atom by the recoil
improvement of signal-to-background ratio of of the impinging particle in the liquid xenon phase.
processes of interest, implies increasing the number of The subsequent de-excitation of excited xenon atoms
detected signal processes while minimizing the will produce prompt scintillation light of 178 nm
background. Signal increase is achieved by the longer wavelength, which is denoted as the S1 signal, and the
detector exposure and the higher target mass, while ionization electrons. The electrons are accelerated by
background minimization involves numerous the drift field Edrift towards the gaseous xenon phase at
mitigation techniques and procedures which will be the top of the detector, in which, after the extraction by
presented in detail. the extraction field from the liquid phase, accelerated
In order to increase the sensitivity to the rare electrons will produce a secondary delayed scintillation
processes, dark matter in the first place, the ultimate signal S2. The delayed scintillation signal alongside the
dark matter detector DARWIN (DARk matter WImp prompt scintillation signal S1, provides the xyz position
search with liquid xenoN) is proposed [3]. of the collision. The principle of signal formation is
given in Figure 2.


DARWIN is a dual-phase liquid xenon time projection

chamber (TPC), with the gaseous phase located at the
top of the detector, and the liquid one at the bottom.
The current baseline detector design is based on a LXe
TPC (∼2.6 m high and 2.6 m large) with photosensor
arrays, placed on the top and bottom of the chamber,
which is given in Figure 1.

Figure 2. Working principle of a dual-phase TPC.

The collision of the incoming particle with the

xenon atom can produce a nuclear recoil (NR), where
the impinging particle scatters of xenon nucleus, and
electronic recoil (ER) where the collision with an
electronic cloud of xenon atoms occurs. The shape of
the S1/S2 signal ratio gives the possibility of
discrimination between these two types of recoil, which
is important since scientific channels have different
signatures. For example, the main physics channel,
WIMP, is characterized as a single scatter nuclear
recoil, which serves as the basis of its detection.
Future astroparticle observatory DARWIN foresees
the rich physics program where dark matter searches
are at the primary focus. However, other physics
channels also include the fundamental questions of
particle physics. In the first place, the question of
possible Majorana nature of neutrinos, is going to be
Figure 1. Detailed view of the DARWIN TPC inner detector. answered with the most sensitive probe, the
measurement of the neutrinoless double beta decay
The inner detector will be surrounded by a large, [5]. Also, the search for axion-like particles, which will
instrumented water shield, which passively reduces the shed light on the strong CP problem or the existence of
environmental radioactivity as well as muon-induced sterile neutrinos, are questions that are also being
neutrons, and will act as an active Cherenkov muon pursued. The common factor in these searches is their
veto. In order to reduce neutron-induced background extremely low cross-section. Considering the rarity of
a neutron veto, outside the inner detector is also the studied processes, a very good understanding of all
foreseen [4]. The detector is foreseen to be located at possible background sources and targeted mitigation

M. Pandurovic, on behalf of DARWIN Collaboration, Radon background at DARWIN, RAD Conf. Proc., vol. 5, 2022,

strategies for the reduction of the background is crucial years of DARWIN run time. The colored lines indicate
for the success of the measurement. the contours of the optimized fiducial volumes
containing different LXe target masses.

3. BACKGROUND IN RARE EVENT SEARCHES This spatial distribution of background events

allows for the application of the fiducialization
technique that can be used for further reduction of
By the origin of the background sources, the external background. It is a process of choosing the
background can be classified as external or intrinsic. physical volume of the detector in which the actual
By external background, all radioactive background is measurement will be performed. The fiducial volume is
produced outside the working medium of the detector obtained in the process of optimization of the
(target), the liquid xenon, while intrinsic background background-to-signal ratio and signal efficiency. Figure
refers to radioactive processes produced in the target 3. also gives the investigated volumes for DARWIN in
itself. External background originates from the the case of neutrinoless double beta decay physics
interaction of cosmic muons and muon-induced channel, for which the fiducial volumes have been
neutrons or (α, n) reactions and spontaneous fission in calculated.
the detector material of surroundings and
environmental radioactivity. As the detector will be Another type of background by the origin is the
operated in an underground laboratory, the muon flux intrinsic background which are radioactive impurities
at LNGS will be reduced by a factor of 106 relative to a present in the detector target. Thus, for this type of
flat overburden. To further reduce environmental background active detector shielding and
radioactivity and muon-induced neutrons the inner fiducialization cannot be used. In the case of the liquid
detector will be surrounded by a large water shield, xenon experiments these are the progenies of
which will act as an active Cherenkov muon veto and primordial elements 238U and 232Th, 222Rn, and 220Rn
will be equipped by the neutron veto. However respectively, as well as anthropogenic krypton isotope
radiogenic neutrons which cannot be effectively Kr. It was shown that by using cryogenic distillation
reduced in this manner are the most critical krypton background can be reduced to 56 ppq which is
background for direct WIMP detection, since in well below the desired level of 200 ppq [5]. While the
general, neutrons give a signature similar to WIMP. primordial elements which are ever-present ensure the
The background is coming from neutrinos, which are constant emanation of radon 222Rn and thoron, 220Rn,
being investigated with high precision as one of the the latter, due to its short lifetime is far less present in
physics channels at DARWIN, while in the WIMP the target than radon. On the other hand, the long
searches it represents a special kind of background lifetime of radon ensures the homogeneous mixing
since high energy neutrino-induced nuclear recoils with the xenon target. Therefore, for the rare event
(CEvNS) cannot be distinguished from the WIMP searches background coming from radon progenies,
signal. Also, from this type of background, the detector along with irreducible neutrino background, represent
cannot be effectively shielded. Overall neutrino the major source of background.
presence thus will become the relevant background for
the cross sections below 10-48 cm2 and possibly will
determine the limit of the detector sensitivity. 4. RADON BACKGROUND
For external background sources, background
events will be located near detector surfaces, due to
the self-screening property of liquid xenon. Figure The primordial nature of the 238U ensures the radon
3. gives the spatial distribution of external presence in detector building materials as well as the
background events in an LXe volume, with the surroundings. Its half-life of 3.8 days leads to the
visible decreasing gradient towards the center of homogeneous mixing with the target within the full
the detector. active volume. While α- decays of the progenies in the
radon 222Rn decay chain, deposit a substantial amount
of energy, due to its signature it does not pose a
significant background source for the WIMP searches.
On the other hand, β particles, especially ones that are
not accompanied by the emission of γ particles
contribute significantly to the background, giving the
signature of single scatter ER events.
Radon emanation from the material proceeds via
two emanation patterns, the emanation by recoil and
by diffusion. In the emanation by recoil the 226Ra
decays into the daughter nuclei, 222Rn which recoils
against the emitted α particle. With the energy
obtained from this recoil, emanation is limited to the
radium atoms located at 20 nm depth or less. The
second emanation process is diffusion, which is
characterized by the diffusion constant, and for metals,
Figure 3. Spatial distribution of external background
events inside the instrumented volume, given for 100
M. Pandurovic, on behalf of DARWIN Collaboration, Radon background at DARWIN, RAD Conf. Proc., vol. 5, 2022,

which are the main construction materials in the

detector, diffusion constant is very small. Since the background rate at the current xenon dark
The necessary sensitivity imposed by the physics matter detectors is dominated by the 222Rn induced
program of the future astroparticle observatory events, in addition to the bulk background
DARWIN requires the radon presence at the level of measurement, dedicated radon emanation
0.1 µBq/kg, which is nearly an order of magnitude measurements for detector materials and subsystems
better then currently achieved one [6]. In order to are performed. Two detection techniques are used,
achieve the sensitivity goal multiple simultaneous lines ultralow background miniaturized proportional
of radon mitigation are foreseen. counters and electrostatic radon monitors [9][10]. The
miniaturized counters are used for smaller samples.
The active volume of the counters is around 1 cm 3 and
the counting gas consists of 90% argon and 10%
5. RADON BACKGROUND MITIGATION methane to which the radon to be measured is added.
Rn atoms decay by α-disintegration, followed by two
further α-decays from 218Po and 214Po until the long-
The radon background is dealt with at several
lived 210Pb breaks the secular equilibrium. On average
different lines of mitigation. The first one is concerned
around 50% of all α decays are detected leading to
with the choice of detector building materials and
approximately 1.5 counts per one 222 Rn decay. The
contains material radioassay and selection, radon
chambers are not sensitive to muons, electrons, and
emanation prevention using the coating of the separate
gammas (µ, e, γ), since they deposit less than 50 keV,
parts of the detectors, and surface treatment. The
thus background count is one count per day on
second line of mitigation concerns the radon removal
average, leading to the minimum detectable activity of
from the target itself, using purification techniques.
∼ 20 μBq that can be achieved. About twenty counters
The proposed improved/novel detector concepts also
are available, where eight counters can run in parallel.
deal with the radon reduction. The last line of radon
For larger samples and subsystems of the detector,
mitigation is performed in the offline analysis of the
electrostatic radon monitors are used. The sensitivity
of the chambers is around four times better than in the
case of electrostatic monitors.
1.1. Material screening and selection In order to be able to handle several samples in
The selection of low-radioactive materials is of parallel, an automated system to extract, purify, and
paramount importance. In order to select very radio collect emanated radon from different samples on a
pure material a number of dedicated facilities are charcoal trap has also been developed, Auto-Ema
employed [7][8], using different detection techniques. (Automated emanation system).
Two measurement methods are used to determine
the amount and isotopic composition of 1.3. Coating of the material
radionuclides present in the materials, gamma-ray
The novel technique of radon emanation prevention is
spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Gamma-ray
the “coating” of the materials. That is the process of the
spectroscopy is a non-invasive method sensitive to
application of the surface radium-free materials on the
a wide range of gamma emitters. The mass of
surface of the detector building materials. The applied
samples can range from a few grams to 100 kg. To
layers will form a barrier with the goal of physically
reach the necessary sensitivity, the needed
preventing radon emanation. The coating width must
exposure ranges from 10 to 40 days. The achieved
exceed the range 222Rn by the recoil, 20 nm.
sensitivities reach down to 10 µBq/kg. The
complementary analytic technique used is
Different coating techniques of different materials
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
have been evaluated, among others titanium,
(ICP-MS) which is among the most sensitive ones
copper, and carbon. The most effective one was the
to assess the composition of a given sample
electrodeposition of copper, where the most
through separation and measurement of individual
successful radon suppression, by three orders of
isotopes. This is particularly useful in determining
magnitude better, than other samples that were
the amount of 238U and 232Th within materials. This
being investigated [11].
mass spectroscopy method requires only a few
grams of sample material and short measurement
times. They are also used when the mass of the 1.4. Surface treatment methods
sample is too small or the available measurement
time is too short to achieve the desired sensitivity A thorough cleaning of materials serves multiple
in an HPGe spectrometer. The achieved purposes. Besides removing residual particulates that
sensitivities range from 1 to 10 µBq/kg. if released inside the detector, might compromise the
However, the measurement of the 226Ra bulk detector’s operation, the removal of the radioactive
activity is not adequate to predict how much 222Rn isotopes that have been accumulated on the material
emanates from the material. Therefore, special surfaces, during production, storage, and handling is of
methods and equipment for the determination and paramount importance. In particular, special attention
measurements of radon emanation are developed. is paid to the radon progenies. As said all detector
materials, surrounding materials as well as the dust
1.2. 222
Rn emanation measurement contain traces of 238U and 232Th. Subsequently, 222Rn is
ever-present in the air, and its progenies tend to plate
M. Pandurovic, on behalf of DARWIN Collaboration, Radon background at DARWIN, RAD Conf. Proc., vol. 5, 2022,

out on the materials that are later employed in the Since the radon is distributed homogeneously and
experiment. This is particularly the case with isotropically throughout the detector volume,
radioactive polonium, bismuth, and especially lead classical self-screening, using the fiducial volume,
isotopes such as 210Pb, which is a stable element with cannot be applied to the intrinsic background.
22.3 years decay time. Of greater importance are the Several proposals of the detector design are
materials which are in the proximity of liquid xenon. proposed [14][15][16]. One of the proposals to
One of the critical components is the PTFE reflector surmount the problem, targeting the first place
due to its proximity to the detector target. The PTFE Rn, is the novel detector design hermetic dual-
surrounds the whole vertical volume of the detector phase TPC [14]. The design principle relies on the
thus providing a nearly perfect reflection of the self-screening property of the xenon target. The
scintillation signal to be recaptured by the PMT on the design features double volume dual-phase TPC,
top and bottom of the detector. However, it is very with the considered mechanical separation based
porous and thus capable of trapping the radioactive on cryofitting technique, which exploits the
impurities. In order to eliminate this source of different thermal expansion coefficients of the
background special dedicated procedures for PTFE main TPC construction materials PTFE, stainless
cleaning [12] and other various material types have steel, and Kovar.
been developed [8].The next two lines of mitigation The outer, „screening “volume receives the majority of
deal with the radon impurities in the LXe target. radon which is emanated from detector surfaces. Both,
screening and active volumes are connected to the
1.5. Purification of xenon same xenon storage but use independent purification
and supply systems. A schematic view of the design is
given in Figure 5. A small-scale hermetic prototype
Even after careful material choice, surface was built and operated. By scaling up the results
treatment and coating of detector material, traces achieved to the DARWIN scale, it was shown that with
of radon are still going to be present in the liquid the proposed hermetic TPC concept substantial
xenon, due to the constant emanation from reduction of the 222Rn concentration can be achieved.
detector material into the volume of the detector.
In addition to the purification of
the liquid xenon before the start of data taking, in
order to achieve further background mitigation, the
purification of xenon from electronegative impurities
[8], krypton and radon have to be performed

Figure 6. Sketch of the double volume TPC, inner (blue) and

outer (green) with the separate purifying systems.
Figure 5. Radon removal system of XENONnT experiment.
The key components are the top condenser, package tube,
reboiler, and four-cylinder magnetically-coupled piston
pump. 1.7. Offline analysis and tagging of the radon
induced background.
The purification of krypon is performed by a krypton
distillation coloumn. The predecessor of the DARWIN
experiment, XENONnT is the first experiment to have The WIMP signal event would produce a single
a dedicated online radon removal system based on scatter nuclear recoil. On the basis of that several
cryogenic distillation an it achieved <1µBq/kg [13]. offline background-to-signal separation methods have
been developed.
In radon and thoron decay chains, the decays of
1.6. The novel detector designs Bi and 212Bi are followed by fast decays of their

M. Pandurovic, on behalf of DARWIN Collaboration, Radon background at DARWIN, RAD Conf. Proc., vol. 5, 2022,

polonium daughters of 214Po and 212Po (BiPo the ambient background, the detector will be
coincidence). The decay time of these two consecutive surrounded by a water shield instrumented with the
decays is within the event recording time frame This neutron veto. However, the most persistent
leads to the recording of these successive decays within background in WIMP searches is coming from the
the same event, which allow rejecting of this event radon and its progenies, due to its pervasive presence.
Also, by measuring 218Po and 214Bi-214Po and if using the Radon is constantly emanated from the detector
convective motion of Xe in the detector, one can find material into the detector target, liquid xenon. To
and tag the 214Pb background event. These delayed surmount the problem, multiple lines of mitigation of
coincidence signatures cause multiple S1 and S2 radon and its progenies are being developed in parallel.
signals to be present in an event, making it possible to The primary ones are concerned with detector material
identify and reject them. The reduction efficiency is production and screening in order to select very radio-
more than 98%. pure materials. Surface impurities are reduced by
Incoming particles will recoil against the xenon treatment methods which are developed specifically for
target either in the collision with the xenon electron each material type. Purification of the detector target is
cloud or with the nucleus itself. The collision with applied before and during the science runs. Further, in
electron could, electronic recoil (ER), is order to prevent radon emanation from the detector
characteristically produced by incoming gamma, beta materials, the technique of detector material coating is
particles, or low-energy solar neutrinos. The recoil applied. In order to improve detector self-shielding
against the nucleus, nuclear recoils (NR), will be several novel detector designs are also proposed.
produced by the collision of neutrons. In addition to the physical removal of background, the
techniques of offline analysis, signal, and background
separation, and the optimization of the fiducial volume
are applied.
The reduction of all possible backgrounds to the
required levels and increased detector exposure will
make DARWIN an ultimate dark matter detector that
will be able to reach cross-sections down to neutrino

Acknowledgments: The work presented in this

paper is performed as the collaborative effort of the
Figure 7. Distributions of prompt versus delayed DARWIN collaboration. The authors would like to
signal for electronic (blue) and nuclear recoils thank the Ministry of Science and Technology of the
(red). Republic of Serbia.
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