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Transformational Leadership Approach

*Focuses on communication, inspiration, and positive reinforcement, transactional leaders

supervise, monitor performance, and create routines to maximize efficiency.

*Focusing on inspiring and motivating the team.

Recognizing and valuing the diverse backgrounds and expertise,

Therefore, I would encourage open communication and create an inclusive environment where
ever team member feels heard.

In Transformational leadership approach, I would encourage collaboration and cross-functional

interactions. Each and everyone has the opportunity to share their unique perspectives, creating
a dynamic atmosphere for idea exchange.

By acknowledging and leveraging each member’s expertise, we can develop a holistic solution
that capitalizes on collective intelligence of the team.

*One example is Regular Team Building and training sessions would further enhance cohesion,
breaking down communication barriers and mitigating conflicts.

In conclusion, this kind of leadership approach aims to unit the team towards a common goal
and ensuring project success in the competitive market.

5. Maintaining a transparency and solution-oriented communication style

In times of uncertainties and unexpected challenges, I would demonstrate resilience by

maintaining a transparent and solution-oriented communication style.

First, I would 1. acknowledge the challenges openly, emphasizing that setbacks are a natural
part of complex engineering projects. By framing them as opportunities for learning and
improvement, I would instill a positive outlook within the team.

I'd 2. actively engage with team members to gather diverse perspectives on overcoming
challenges, fostering a collaborative problem-solving environment. 3. Transparently sharing the
steps we're taking to address setbacks, along with a revised plan, helps maintain trust and
confidence. Continuous communication ensures that the team understands the evolving
situation and is aligned towards adapting to changes.

4. Leading by example, I would stay composed under pressure, showcasing a calm and
determined demeanor. Demonstrating adaptability and a proactive attitude, I'd emphasize the
importance of learning from setbacks to drive continuous improvement. By reinforcing a culture
of resilience and perseverance, the team would be better equipped to navigate uncertainties
and emerge stronger from challenges.

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