NSS 3rd Eye Project Standards - V1.1

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NSS 3rd Eye Project Standards

Prepared By / Last Reviewed By Approved By

Updated By
Name Alice Julie Baskaran

Role QA Lead

Signature Alice Julie Baskaran

Date 13th March 2015

NSS 3rd Eye Project Standards Page 1

Application Name (UPN):
<Short form of License source>-<Complete Manufacturer Name>-<Complete Product Name>-<Version>-

Eg: CO-Microsoft-SQL Server Enterprise Edition-2005-32

Short forms of license source

Sl No License Source Short Form

1 Cognizant Owned CO
2 Customer Supplied CS
3 Cognizant In-house CI
4 Partnership PS
5 Open Source OS
6 Evaluation EV
7 Free Ware FW

Deliverable Folder & its structure:

The folder name must be as per the Master Tracker’s UPN (same as the Application Name).

As per the standards, the Folder name should be FW-Adobe-Acrobat Reader-9.4.0-32

Points to note:

No space before and after the hyphen (-)

Application name and version will be as per the Master Tracker and not as per the ARP Entry.

Folder Structure:

Every Application Folder will have the following Sub Folders:

NSS 3rd Eye Project Standards Page 2

Detection – contains Detection script

prodActualName, LicenseSupplier, ManufacturerName, prodVersion, supplierID ,bit & exeName

values will be taken from the Master Tracker.

productARPName and productARPVer is taken from Control Panel > Add /Remove Panel entry.

For all MSI, msiProductcode should have a value entered while for Setup, chkRegkey should have a

msiProductcode value should be as follows:

Documentation – will have the following documents:

 SupplierName-Manufacture-AppName-version-bit-AnalysisReport
 SupplierName-Manufacture-AppName-version-bit-QA_Checklist
(Not applicable for Silent Installation)
 Package_HandOverForm_v1.0
 Readme

1. Analysis Report:

Customer Name is NSS (& not the Customer/Manufacturer name of the Package).
Project Name is NSS 3rd Eye

NSS 3rd Eye Project Standards Page 3

Remaining details would be entered as per the Master Tracker:

If License Key is required and has been provided:

Enter Y in License Key and please do not enter the License key details in the Comments Section as

2. QA_Checklist:

Use the below QA checklist for Setup Capture and Vendor MSI/MST:

3. Package_HandOverForm_v1.0 and ReadMe:

These documents will have UPN Name / Folder name of deliverables as it is Application Name in
the Headings:

The Application name in both the documents in 1.12 will be the Normalized Product Name as
per the Tracker.

Serial key / License Key: - Yes enter Yes/No /NA. Do not enter the License key details.

NSS 3rd Eye Project Standards Page 4

In Package_HandOverForm_V1.0:

In Packager’s comments enter whether it is a Setup Capture / Vendor MSI/MST / Silent

installation and mention what actions has been taken care in the final package.

In Readme.doc:

Enter any additional information as below:

The packager could also mention if any HKCU registries / Files are remaining after Uninstallation
in this area.

Please mention the following points too in additional information

1. If D Drive Installation is not possible, please mention the reason too ( Reason is a must)
2. If logging option is not possible, please mention the reason too ( Reason is a must)
3. Whether the package runs in Interactive / Non-interactive mode of Psexec tool.

Below this, we can include

ICE Errors / Warnings:

 Setup capture (.MSI) should not have any ICE errors in it (Exceptional ICE33).
 For Vendor MSI – They need to mention the existing ICE errors in .MSI in this area,
Attach the ICE Errors.txt file in the document.

Shortcuts Installed:

 Screenshot of the shortcuts installed.

 Screenshot of any shortcuts that throws an error while launching it as User / Admin

Package – this folder has your final product (Install and Uninstall VBScript & supporting files (Windows
Installer / Executable file and folders))

NSS 3rd Eye Project Standards Page 5

Registry Branding Template:

Source – Original source files that were provided will be delivered in Source folder and not the
extracted files and folders of the original source files.

Silent installation / Silent setup can ignore Source Folder, since the source files will be delivered in
Package Folder.

If the application type is Vendor MSI /MST or Setup Capture, the actual source files must be present in
the Source Folder.

.PWC is no longer required to be delivered as part of the deliverables.

Other Standards:
1. VBScript:
 Please remove “On error resume next” from the Install, Uninstall and Detection Scripts
if it is present in the beginning of the script. It is acceptable if it is present anywhere in
the scripts but not in the beginning.
2. Active Setup:
 Active Setup is not mandatory for all HKCU data. Active Setup has to be created based
on package need. No need to create Active Setup if shortcut is creating per user registry
and user profile data.
 No need to handle removal of HKCU entries during uninstall currently. In future, we shall
come up with universal script for removal of HKCU Active setup keys.
 However we need to handle removal of Excel add-in keys in the current packages.
3. D drive installation:
 For silent setups, check the feasibility of D drive and do not research and waste the time
in finding D drive silent switch. Only, if readily available in the net, go for the same.
 Please mention in the Analysis Report / Readme the options that has been tried out for
D Drive instead of just one line “D drive is not feasible”.
4. 64bit Applications:
 If in the source path provided during assignment of application there are 2 files present
one for 32-bit & other for 64-bit than ask the lead to create an extra entry for 64 bit &
proceed with both the applications (it will be considered as 2 applications).
 Ignore 64 bit source, if present outside the source path provided.
5. PsExec.EXE:
 All applications will be tested by using PsExec.exe (in System Context) in Non-Interactive
mode (default) in both VMWare images and Physical machines (QA analyst and DT
6. Registry Table:
As per the QA checklist, there is a check for the following in Registry Table:

NSS 3rd Eye Project Standards Page 6

Check for “+” and replace it with “*” except for merge module registries
 The above check need not be taken care for Vendor MSI.
 For Setup Capture, we can just remove “+” sign instead of replacing with “*”.
7. AppPath:
 AppPath is not mandatory to be set in packages.
8. Log file:
Log file has to be for every package* in the below locations:
 C:\Windows\NSSAppLogs\<UPN>\UPN_Install.log,
 C:\Windows\NSSAppLogs\<UPN>\UPN_UnInstall.log.
Ensure the folder is created if not present.

For MSI, log file is mandatory and should be created as mentioned in the above point.
For Silent Setup – check whether there is any switch for creating log file, if so the package
should create log file as stated above and if not, ignore the creation of log file.
9. No Hard-coded entries in MSI:
MSI should not have any Hard-coded entries as per the best practices.
To check if there are any Hard-coded entries > go to Tables and press Ctrl + F to open the find
window and type “ :\” - you should see only ROOTDRIVE property for Hardcoded entry.
If there are any hardcoded entry, please remove hard coded and replace with soft coded.

NSS 3rd Eye Project Standards Page 7

Change Log

Please note that this table needs to be maintained even if separate Change item status log is
maintained in the tool / document and the version history needs to be given here. But reference
can be given to details of the changes if it is not given here.

Version Changes made

V1.0 Created by Alice Julie Baskaran
V 1.1 <If the change details are not explicitly documented in the table below,
reference should be provided here>
Page no Changed by Effective date Changes affected
6,7 Alice Julie 20 Mar 2015 The Packaging
Baskaran standards under
Other Standards
have been changed
according to the
process followed.
V 1.2 4,5,6 Alice Julie 17 Apr 2015 QA Checklist,
Baskaran Readme.docx and
Other Standards
have been modified
according to the
process followed.

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