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1. Kick off : when a football (soccer) game or a team, etc. kicks off, the game starts
2. splash out (on something) | splash something out (on/for something) : (British
English, informal) to spend a lot of money on something
3. Put sb up : cho ai ở nhờ
4. Run out of sth
5. Get on/along with sb = Hit it off with sb : To have a good relationship with sb
6. By Far + so sánh nhất : by a great amount
7. Do sth up : to repair and decorate a house, etc.
8. Go through sth : to experience sth unpleasant
9. On account of = because of sth #. On behalf of sb : đại diện cho ai
10. see yourself out : to leave a building or room by yourself after visiting someone
1. Absorption in sth : sự say mê miệt mài đến nỗi quên hết mọi thứ xung quanh
2. Be detrimental to sb/sth = be harmful to sth/sb
3. Advice about sth
4. A speech on sth
5. advise somebody against (doing) something
6. get by (on/in/with something) : to manage to live or do a particular thing using
the money, knowledge, equipment, etc. that you have
 e.g : How does she get by on such a small salary?
7. Put sth in : to fix equipment or furniture into position so that it can be used =
8. Look into sth
9. Come up : (of plants) to appear above the soil / (of the sun) to rise / to happen
10. Come on : (informal) to improve or develop in the way you want
 E.g : The project is coming on fine.
1. Turn sth down
2. Put sth aside
3. At the sales , things can be bought at half price #. Sell for + (price cụ thể ) / sell at
4. Bring about sth = cause sth
5. Catch/keep up with : theo kịp , đuổi kịp
6. Come off : to be able to be removed : kiểu lỏng , bị tụt ra
 Dịch : Xe vừa rẽ thì một bánh xe đằng sau bị long ra
7. In the end # At the end of sth
8. Stand for : viết tắt của
9. See through sth : to realize the truth about somebody/something ( nhìn thấu được
sth ) #. Deception : lời lừa gạt
10. if somebody’s eyes or face light up, or something lights them up, they show
happiness or excitement ( qkhu của light => lit )
1. Contrary to sth : đối lập với sth
#. On the contrary(n) #. In contrast to sth
2. Like (prep)
3. #. call somebody/something by something ( call : give sb a particular name ) =>
e.g:We call each other by our first names here.
#. call somebody/something after somebody/something They called their first
daughter after her grandmother. ( mở rộng thuii )
4. She runs a comb through her hair
5. Be independent of sb/sth
6. Put sth away : cất sth đúng nơi đúng chỗ
7. draw something up : to make or write something that needs careful thought or
8. Make up sth : bịa ( chuyện )
9. stand out (from/against something) : to be easily seen or noticed
10. Come out sth : make sth be known by public
1. help out | help somebody out : to help somebody, especially in a difficult
2. Break off : to stop speaking or stop doing something for a time
 E.g : They looked worried and broke off when the boss passed by
3. Put sth aside
4. Be out of the question = there is no question of doing sth : it is impossible
5. Be in favour of sb/sth
6. Result in
7. Be committed to (doing) something : tận tâm cống hiến làm gì
8. Keep/catch up with sb/sth = keep pace with sb/sth
9. Get over sth : vượt qua
10. Cut down on sth
1. add up to something: to lead to a particular result; to show something
 e.g : Their proposals do not add up to any real help for the poor.
#. Add up to sth : tổng số là ( amount to sth : cũng có 2 nghĩa tương tự )
2. stand around : to spend time standing somewhere and doing very little ( kiểu
đứng chờ mà ko làm j thêm )
 e.g : They stood around waiting for the store to open.
3. draw something out : to make something last longer than usual or necessary
4. Pull out of sth : to move away from something or stop being involved in
 E.g : The project became so expensive that we had to pull out.
5. Lay sb off = dismiss / sack / fire sb = make sb redundant
6. find out (about something/somebody) | find out something (about
something/somebody) : to get some information about something/somebody by
asking, reading, etc.
7. Make sth out : to say that something is true when it may not be
8. make off with something ( số tiền ) : to steal something and hurry away with it
9. stand down (as something) to leave a job or position
10. keep off something : to avoid eating, drinking or smoking something
1. wear off : to gradually disappear or stop ( tác dụng của thuốc /cơn đau/ …)
2. beyond your wildest dreams : to a degree or in a way you had never thought
3. Be (un)familiar with sth
4. go through something : to look at or examine something carefully, especially in
order to find something >< look/flick through : nhìn qua nhìn lướt
5. Dreams are commonly made up of both visual and verbal images
6. catch up on something : to spend extra time doing something because you have
not done it earlier
7. Live up to sb’s expectations >< fall short of sb’s expections
8. Put up with sth/sb
9. Be tired of sb/sth = be bored with sth/sb # Be tired from sth : mệt vì
10. Since the early 1960s
1. If ideas, remarks, or accusations are flying about/around, they are passed quickly
from one person to another and cause excitement:
 E.g : All kinds of rumours are flying around about the school closing.
2. win out/through : (informal) to be successful despite difficulties
3. Cover sth up : (disapproving) to try to stop people from knowing the truth about
a mistake, a crime, etc.
4. sing along (with somebody/something) | sing along (to something) : to sing
together with somebody who is already singing or while a record, radio, or
musical instrument is playing
5. make something of somebody/something : to understand the meaning or
character of somebody/something => e.g : what do you make of your new boss . Is
he easy to work with
6. try out for something : (especially North American English) to compete for a
position or place in something, or to be a member of a team
7. pick on someone : to criticize, punish, or be unkind to the same person often and
8. hit on/upon something : [no passive] (rather informal) to think of a good idea
suddenly or by chance
9. Pull yoursef together : regain your feeing
10. Push in : chen hàng
1. Come across sb
2. Be independent of sb/sth
3. Be under repair
4. Lay sth down = Bring sth in : ban hành luật lệ
5. Stand in for sb = deputize sb = take sb’s place
6. #. Loan : (n) the act of lending something; the state of being lent => on loan e.g :
an exhibition of paintings on loan (= borrowed) from private collections
7. put yourself/something across (to somebody) : to communicate your ideas,
feelings, etc. successfully to somebody
 e.g : She's not very good at putting her views across.
#. get across (to somebody) | get something across (to somebody) : to be
communicated or understood; to succeed in communicating something

 Có sự # biệt về cách dùng chủ và bị động

#. get something over (to somebody) : to make something clear to somebody
 E.g : He didn't really get his meaning over to the audience.
8. Live up to sth
9. hold out little, etc. hope (of something/that…) | not hold out any, much, etc. hope
(of something/that…) to offer little, etc. reason for believing that something will
10. Comply with = Conform to sth = abide by = obey rule
1. on fire The car was on fire.
2. Be in favor of sth
3. Make for swhere : to move towards something => e.g : make for the see
4. Take up sth = start sth
5. Get round : to travel to a lot of places:
 E.g: Spain last week and Germany this week - he gets around, doesn't he!
6. Be absorbed in sth
7. Wear out = be exhausted : kiệt sức
8. On behalf of sb/sth
9. Show sb around sw
10. Bear in mind
1. Catch on = become popular
2. Bring sth up : to mention a subject or start to talk about it
3. fall behind (somebody/something) : to fail to keep level with
4. die down : to become gradually less strong, loud, easy to notice, etc.
5. let up (informal) : to become less strong
6. part with something : to give something to somebody else, especially something
that you would prefer to keep
7. Pick sth out : lựa chọn kĩ càng
8. see to something : to deal with something
9. Show up = arrive
10. Take sth apart = dismantle/separate sth = Take sth to pieces
1. keep something down : to make something stay at a low level; to avoid
increasing something
2. in the flesh : if you see somebody in the flesh, you are in the same place as them
and actually see them rather than just seeing a picture of them
3. Pull sb round : to regain one's health
4. back something up : (computing) to prepare a second copy of a file, program,
etc. that can be used if the main one fails or needs extra support
5. knock off | knock off something : (informal) to stop doing something, especially
6. shout somebody down : to shout so that somebody who is speaking cannot be
7. By nature : essentially and innately(1 cách bẩm sinh )
8. ride (out) the storm : to manage not to be destroyed, harmed, or permanently
affected by the difficult situation you experience:
9. be above the law : someone who is above the law does not have to obey the law
10. be under lock and key :locked away safely / If a person, especially a criminal, is
under lock and key, they are being kept in a place from which they cannot escape,
usually a prison.
1. Contribute to sth
2. Be famous for sth
3. Pick sb up : đón ai
4. Stir sth up : to make something move around in water or air =>e.g : The wind
stirred up a lot of dust.
5. Come off : to be able to be removed : kiểu lỏng , bị tụt ra
 Dịch : Xe vừa rẽ thì một bánh xe đằng sau bị long ra
6. Lay sth down = Bring sth in : ban hành luật lệ
7. Look over sth : to examine something to see how good, big, etc. it is = inspect
8. Go on : usually be going on : to happen
 E.g : What's going on here?
9. Put sth out : to stop something from burning or shining
10. Get to sw : arrive at , reach sw
1. Hold sb/sth back : to prevent sb/sth from moving / developing
2. Put sth aside
3. Go/come down with sth : bị bệnh gì
4. tear something up : to destroy a document, etc. by tearing it into pieces ( xé nát )
5. Look up = improve
6. be in the red : (informal) to owe money to your bank because you have spent more
than you have in your account
7. In that = because
8. dole something out (to somebody) : (informal) to give out an amount of food,
money, etc. to a number of people in a group
9. At the height of sth : at the most advanced or extreme point of (something) => at
the height of the crisis
10. On the contrary
1. Get through sth : to manage to do or complete something
2. Break up with sb
3. up to (doing) something : strong/good enough to take part in such activity
4. run over something : to read through or practise something quickly
5. Carry sth off: to succeed in doing something that most people would find
6. bargain for/on something : to expect something to happen and be prepared for it
7. tower over/above somebody/something : to be much higher or taller than the
people or things that are near
8. tamper with something to make changes to something without permission,
especially in order to damage it = interfere with sth
9. see somebody through | see somebody through something : (not used in the
progressive tenses)to give help or support to somebody for a particular period of
 e.g: I only have $20 to see me through the week.
10. Go out : mất điện
1. Come up with
2. stay on : to continue studying, working, etc. somewhere for longer than expected
or after other people have left
3. Take sb aback = to surprise sb
4. have come a long way : to have advanced to an improved or more developed
5. A lost cause : someone or something that has no chance of succeeding:
6. lose count of something : to not be able to remember a total:
7. Go by : (of time) to pass
8. Sit up : to not go to bed until later than usual
9. put something behind you : If you put a bad experience or your own bad
behaviour behind you, you do not let it affect your life now
10. drop someone/something like a hot potato : to quickly stop being involved with
someone or something because you stop liking that person or thing or you think
they will cause problems for you
1. Take sth in : to understand or remember something that you hear or read
2. Get through sth : to manage to do or complete something
3. Work out sth : to plan or think of something
4. Get up to sth : to be busy with something, especially something surprising or
5. drive at something : to try to explain or say something:
6. apprehensive about/of something : worried or frightened that something
unpleasant may happen
7. with no free time in between #. In between :between the two times mentioned:
8. Be sick at hear = unhappy
#. Walk out on sb : to suddenly leave somebody that you are having a relationship
with and that you have a responsibility for
9. check back with sb: to talk to (someone) again in order to find out new
10. cut down on = to reduce the size, amount or number of something
1. If a machine plays up, it does not work as it should:
2. sort something/somebody/yourself out : (especially British English) to deal
with somebody’s/your own problems successfully
3. Tie in with = blend In with = match sth
4. Bring sth up : to mention a subject or start to talk about it
5. Put off sth : lose interest in sth
6. In principle : If you agree with or believe something in principle, you agree
with the idea in general, although you might not support it in reality or in every
7. Under the impression that : have a wrong thought that
8. Clean up : (informal) to win or make a lot of money
9. Pay off : become successful
10.Take sb in
1. Lay sth down : (formal) to stop doing a job, etc. => lay down my duties
2. get in someone's hair : to annoy someone, usually by being present all the
time:to lay down your duties
3. Black/pass out : become unconscious for a short time = faint
4. see, spot, tell, smell, etc. something a mile off (informal) : to see or realize
something very easily and quickly
5. be in over your head : to be involved in a difficult situation that you cannot
get out of
6. Come out : ra mắt 1 sp
7. Once in a blue moon = rarely
8. make off with something ( số tiền ) : to steal something and hurry away with it
9. N
10. be/come up against a brick wall : to be unable to make more progress with a
plan or discussion because someone is stopping you
1. Take sth in : to understand or remember something that you hear or read
2. Do away with sth = get rid of sth / do away with sb = kill sb
3. make light of something : to behave as if a situation, especially a problem, is
not serious or important:
4. Cordon sth off
5. break out (of something) : to escape from a place or situation
6. Go/come down with sth : bị bệnh gì
7. Tell sb apart = differentiate sb
8. Comply with sth
9. at short notice : only a short time before something happens
10. in compliance with : in the way that is required by (a rule, law, etc.)
1. on your own initiative : If you do something on your own initiative, you plan
it and decide to do it yourself without anyone telling you what to do
2. Other than sth = except sth
3. Take sth in : to understand or remember something that you hear or read
4. Look over sth : to examine something to see how good, big, etc. it is = inspect
5. do somebody out of something : (informal) to unfairly prevent somebody
from having what they ought to have
=>e.g : She was done out of her promotion.
1. take something over : to gain control of a business, a company, etc.,
especially by buying shares
2. take somebody on : (especially British English) to employ somebody
3. Go on + Ving = continue doing sth
4. Go off ( alarm ): ring
5. Get over sth : vượt qua sth – keep sb from sth
6. Admiration for sth
7. In an attempt to V
8. Attitude to sth
9. In tears = crying
10.The increase in sth
Practice 23:
1. A : sail through (something) = to pass an exam, a test, etc. without any
2. C: get at something= to learn or find out something
3. C: take somebody aback= [usually passive] to shock or surprise somebody
very much
4. A
 Put in for sth = to officially ask for something
 Go out to: if your thoughts, etc. go out to somebody, you think about them
in a kind way and hope that the difficult situation that they are in will get
5. C
 Laugh sth off : to try to make people think that something is not serious or
important, especially by making a joke about it
 laugh at somebody/something: to make somebody/something seem stupid
or not serious by making jokes about them/it
6. B
 biased against somebody/something = making unfair judgements
7. D
 aptitude for something / doing sth : natural ability or skill at doing something
8. D
 be on good, friendly, bad, etc. terms (with somebody)= to have a good,
friendly, etc. relationship with somebody
9. A
 Pull through= to get better after a serious illness, operation, etc.
 pull up = (of a vehicle or its driver) to stop
 pull back : rút lui
 pull out= (of a vehicle or its driver) to move away from the side of the
road, etc.
10.D Press on = continue
1. Over
 Over the top= done with too much acting, emotion or effort
2. In
 cave in (on somebody/something)(of a roof, wall, etc.) to fall down and towards
the centre
3. For
4. Away
 turn somebody away (from something)= to refuse to allow somebody to enter a
5. Up
 Free up sth: to make sth available to be used
6. Up
 get/put somebody’s back up= (informal) to annoy somebody
7. For
 for a start= (informal) used to emphasize the first of a list of reasons, opinions, etc.
8. In
 (be) up in arms (about/over something)= (informal) (of a group of people) to be
very angry about something and ready to protest strongly about it
9. On
 get on like a house on fire(id) to become friends quickly and have a very friendly
10. As
 Go as red as a beetroot (id) to have a red face because you are embarrassed

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