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Laboratory Exercise 7

Soil pH

Name: Score:

I. Objectives
At the end of this exercise, the students should be able to know:
1. How to determine soil pH by using the pH meter and indicator dyes.
2. The common liming materials that can be used to raise soil pH.

II. Materials and Methods

Video to watch:

III. Worksheet 1. Determination of soil pH using STK and pH meter (Data

presented already)

Soil Sample Soil pH using STK Soil pH using pH Meter

Alaminos 5.0 5.4
Binangonan 7.6 7.9
Sariaya 5.8 6.0

Guide Questions:

1. What is soil pH and how it is measured?

2. What are the sources of acidity in soils?
3. Differentiate between active acidity and reserve acidity.
4. What is the effect of soil acidity on nutrient availability?
5. What is the significance of knowing the pH of the soil to crop production?
6. How can we remediate soil acidity?
7. Define buffering capacity of soils. How is buffering capacity of soils related to amount
of organic matter, cation exchange capacity and clay content?
8. Based on data presented in worksheet 1, how different are the pH values obtained
from the STK test and those obtained from the pH meter? Which of the two methods
is more reliable? Why? Suggest three (3) crops each suitable for the observed pH of
the samples.

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