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While I can't provide interactive worksheets directly, I can offer you a sample co-dependency

worksheet that you or your clients can use for self-reflection. Feel free to adapt it to suit specific
needs or preferences.

### Co-Dependency Self-Reflection Worksheet

**Section 1: Understanding Codependency**

1. **Define Codependency:**

- How would you personally define codependency?

- What are some behaviors or patterns you associate with codependency?

2. **Personal Identification:**

- Reflect on specific instances in your life where you believe codependent behaviors were present.

- What were the dynamics of those relationships, and how did you contribute to them?

**Section 2: Exploring Triggers**

3. **Identify Triggers:**

- List situations, emotions, or interactions that trigger codependent tendencies for you.

- How do you typically respond to these triggers?

4. **Impact of Triggers:**

- Reflect on how these triggers impact your well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life.

**Section 3: Boundaries and Communication**

5. **Current Boundaries:**

- Describe your current understanding and practice of setting boundaries in relationships.

- Are there areas where you struggle to establish or maintain boundaries?

6. **Communication Patterns:**
- Reflect on your communication style in relationships.

- How comfortable are you expressing your needs and setting limits?

**Section 4: Self-Awareness and Self-Care**

7. **Self-Awareness:**

- How would you describe your level of self-awareness regarding your own needs, emotions, and

- In what ways do you prioritize your own well-being?

8. **Self-Care Practices:**

- List some self-care practices that you currently engage in or would like to incorporate into your

- How can these practices contribute to reducing codependent behaviors?

**Section 5: Goals and Action Steps**

9. **Codependency Recovery Goals:**

- What are your primary goals in overcoming codependency?

- How will achieving these goals positively impact your life and relationships?

10. **Action Steps:**

- Identify specific, actionable steps you can take to work towards your codependency recovery

- Consider seeking support from therapists, support groups, or other resources.

Remember, the goal of this worksheet is to promote self-reflection and awareness. It can be
beneficial to revisit and update it regularly as part of the ongoing recovery process. Additionally,
seeking guidance from a mental health professional or using resources from reputable organizations
can complement this self-reflection process.

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