Bacp Application Pack

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An invitation to membership

Application Pack

Membership of BACP
It is our aim to support and encourage members through their careers as counsellors and psychotherapists and to allow for continuing professional development and recognition within the counselling and psychotherapy profession.
Member (MBACP)
If you have successfully completed and graduated from a minimum of a one year full time or two year part time counselling and/or psychotherapy qualification that included a supervised placement as an integral part of the course you are eligible to become a member of BACP with the use of the designatory letters MBACP.

Associate membership
You should join BACP as an Associate member if you are directly involved in counselling and psychotherapy and; your qualifications do not meet the criterion for Member MBACP, or your course in counselling and psychotherapy is not a minimum of a one year full time or two years part time with an integral supervised placement. Associate members may move either into the Student member or Accredited member category subject to the appropriate entry requirements being met. If you use counselling skills but are not a qualified or practising counsellor/psychotherapist then pleasecontact us for an Affiliate application form.

Membership benefits
Membership of BACP has numerous features which will guide and inform you through your practice; some of which are detailed below. Should you have any further questions please contact us on 01455883300 or email
Therapy Today
For counselling and psychotherapy professionals September 2010 Vol. 21 / Issue 7 Therapy Today

Therapy Today magazine

Find a therapist online

Find a therapist online lists over 8,000 of our qualified members who have paid to advertise their services; increasing awareness of their private practice. The online directory can be searched by the public looking for a therapist or by students and practising therapists looking for a supervisor. Access to the information is free through the main page of our website.

Ethical Framework
Knowing that you adhere to the BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy will give you guidance in your practice.

As part of BACP membership you will receive our The power of coaching professional magazine Therapy Today which will help you stay informed on current practice methods and issues within the psychological therapies field. It offers readers insight into a broad range of therapy related subjects, up to date thinking in the fields, current research development and topical national and international news.
September 2010, Vol. 21 Issue 7

Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling & Psychotherapy

Parent empathy training for autistic spectrum disorder Day in the life: trauma support on London Transport

The Ethical Framework is of significant importance for the protection of the public, the reputation of the Association and in upholding standards of practice within the profession.

Many members choose to enjoy additional benefits by joining one or more of BACPs divisions. Each of these seven divisions specialises in specific areas of therapy and has their own journals and conferences which will give you opportunities for networking with like minded counsellors and psychotherapists. Full details of these divisions can be found on our website

Information sheets


information sheet

Guidance for trainee placements

by Mary Anne Coate

Introduction This information sheet should be read in conjunction with Practical Aspects of Setting up a Counselling Service (Information Sheet E1).1 Essentially this information sheet outlines the issues to be considered when establishing reasonable workloads. The issue

As a member of BACP you would be able to access for free, further guidance on specific areas of counselling and psychotherapy contained in our information sheets. Access is available to BACP members through our dedicated members website area.
Therapeutic work is stressful and demanding. The BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy (2002)2 states that: Attending to the practitioners well being is essential to sustaining good practice. Practitioners have a responsibility to themselves to ensure that their work does not safe as possible... (Care of Self as a Practitioner para 56) It is important that this is recognised when considering reasonable work loads. This issue is clearly important for both therapists and their prospective employers who may require guidance on the variables which should be taken into account in determining the following:

the variables involved in coming to a meaningful decision about workload. Each of us can think of specific circumstances where 20 client contact hours per week would present no great difficulty and other contexts where it would present an impossible demand. Excluding idiosyncratic factors within the therapist, at least 11 variables are relevant to an assessment of appropriate workload. 1. The practice experience accumulated by the therapist. 2. The complexity of the work. 3. The variability of the clientele. 4. The vulnerability of some clients. 5. The risk in working with certain client groups. 6. The depth of the therapists engagement with the client. 7. Therapeutic competence. 8. The amount and quality of supervision. 9. The availability of peer support. 10. The support offered by the administrative and managerial framework. 11. The stress of the therapist.
BACP Information Sheets are intended to be read in conjunction with the BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy. The Information Services ethics helpdesk team is available to members who wish to explore any ethical issues concerned with their practice.

n the proportion of client contact time to time for associated work which might be expected. n the total amount of contact time appropriate in the working day or week. n the allowance for associated activities which should be built into hourly rates for sessional appointments.

The variables

Simply giving guidance in terms of hours of client contact per week masks

Considering these variables applied to particular work contexts helps us to make judgements on the overall amount of client contact time which might be expected of a therapist in any working day or week. For example, highly competent, experienced therapists, well supported by supervision, by peers and by a holding managerial framework might find it possible to work with 5 clients in a single day. However, if they were employed full-time, they might feel considerably stretched to repeat that load on each of the 5 days of the week. In most therapeutic approaches the therapist, unlike most other medical or social practitioners, is working with highly emotional material and offering a considerable depth of engagement within that realm. Although 5 hours might be sustained in a single day, the accumulating emotional demands might mean that only

It should be noted that this Information Sheet offers broad guidance, which sets out professional good practice, but it should not be substituted for legal and for other professional advice applicable to your particular circumstances.

BACP, May 2009

For BACP use only: Application guidance

The following information is designed to make the application process as straightforward as possible. Please read the guidance notes before completing the form, referring to the relevant sections for assistance.

Category: .............................................

BACP membership application form

To avoid unnecessary duplication of your records, please complete the following. If you have had any previous membership of, or correspondence with, BACP please provide previous membership/reference number if known Please note that ALL applicants must provide a sponsor and referee to this application. The sponsor must sign any supporting documentation as outlined in section 7. Your sponsor must also sign any supporting documentation as confirmation that they have seen the original. Please complete in block capitals.

Important information
Please allow up to 28 working days for the processing of your membership application. An administration charge of 15 will be deducted from any refund if an application is withdrawn and no error occurred on the part of BACP. In the event of any balances over the 15 administration charge not claimed by the applicant within one year, BACP will write off the unclaimed amount as donations. If,however, the applicant subsequently decides to reapply, BACP will reinstate the original payment and this can be used against the new subscription. To ensure that BACP maintains its high standard of membership, all membership applications are subject to our checking procedure. This will ensure that BACP is in a position to meet possible regulatory standards for the profession and that a high standard is maintained within the counselling and psychotherapy profession. Please note: All documents once verified and scanned will be confidentially shredded.

Your personal details

Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms. Other title*....................................................
* see guidance notes

Surname .................................................................................................................... First name/s ............................................................................................................... Date of birth ............................................................................................................... Gender ....................................................................................................................... Any other names you are currently known by .............................................................
(Please put N/A if you are not known by any other names)

Any former/maiden names .........................................................................................

(Please put N/A if you do not have any former/maiden names)

Address details
As verification of your address please enclose a copy of official correspondence showing your name and current address, dated within the last three months. Postcode ...................................................... House number/name .......................... Street name ............................................................................................................... Address line 1 ............................................................................................................ Address line 2 ............................................................................................................ Town .......................................................................................................................... County ....................................................................................................................... Country ...................................................................................................................... Telephone ................................................................................................................... Mobile ........................................................................................................................ Work tel ...................................................................................................................... Website ...................................................................................................................... Email .......................................................................................................................... If you would like your correspondence sent to a different address please state on a separate letter and tick box

Subscription dates
Your membership subscription will run for 12 months from the date that your membership is finalised. A renewal notice will be issued in advance of your subscription expiry date.

Section 1 Your personal details Please complete all of this section, putting N/A if any part does not apply to you. For Other title i.e. Dr, Rev, Sir, you must enclose evidence of your entitlement to use the title. This must be certified by your sponsor. Section 2 Address details Please provide your contact details in full.






Page 1

Member details (if applicable)

Only to be completed by those applying for member MBACP membership.
In order to use the designatory letters MBACP after your name please provide evidence of your counselling and psychotherapy qualifications, i.e. a copy of your certificate or a letter on headed paper from your college or institute confirming your qualifications. You must have completed a minimum of a one-year full time or two-year part time course with supervised placement or, a BACP accredited course. If you are unable to provide us with written evidence that you have completed a placement as part of your studies, please complete and sign the declaration in this section.

Section 3 Counselling and psychotherapy qualifications Only to be completed by those applying for the Member category.
Please provide full details of your counselling and psychotherapy qualifications and training. You must have completed and successfully graduated from a minimum of a one-year full time or two-year part time course with supervised placement or, a BACP accredited course. Please enclose evidence, signed by your sponsor, of your counselling and psychotherapy qualifications and details of your placement. This must be a true copy of your original certificate and evidence of your placement. If you do not have written proof of your placement, please sign and date the declaration in this section.

Title of course ............................................................................................................ College or place of study ............................................................................................ Type of educational establishment: Further education Higher education/university Private provider Yes No

Was your course a BACP accredited course?

Duration of course ...................................................................................................... Please tick one Full-time Part-time

Please include a witnessed copy of your qualifications as explained in Section 7. Placement declaration A placement is the assessed counselling and/or psychotherapy practice with genuine clients undertaken as an integral part of the training course. I declare that as part of my course I have completed a supervised placement.

Applicants signature ....................................................... Date ............................... All signatures must be dated within the last six months

Associate details (if applicable)

Only to be completed by those applying for Associate membership.
Please provide information regarding the highest qualification that you have which relates to your counselling/psychotherapy work.

Section 4 Associate member qualifications To help BACP understand its membership better please provide information regarding the highest qualification that you have which relates to your current employment/ work.
If you have a qualification in counselling and/or psychotherapy please let us know at what level.

Title of course ............................................................................................................ Place of study ............................................................................................................ Duration of course ...................................................................................................... Please tick one Level (if known):
Diploma Diploma Diploma Foundation Degree BA/BSc (Level (Level (Level (Level (Level 3) 4) 5) 5) 6)


(Level 7) (Level 7) (Level 7) (Level 8) Other

PG Certificate PG Diploma Masters PhD

If you have any other qualifications, not related to your counselling/psychotherapy work, please give details below:

Title of course ............................................................................................................ Place of study ............................................................................................................ Level:

Diploma Diploma Diploma Foundation Degree BA/BSc (Level (Level (Level (Level (Level 3) 4) 5) 5) 6) PG Certificate PG Diploma Masters PhD (Level 7) (Level 7) (Level 7) (Level 8) Other

Page 2






Section 5 Disclosure Expulsion from another professional body, having been the subject of a disciplinary review by another professional body, or having been convicted of a criminal offence is not necessarily a bar to membership of BACP. However, failure to disclose any such information, or false declarations, may result in a refusal or termination of membership.
Applications containing such declarations and/or disclosures concerning relevant health matters will be submitted to a panel for consideration under the normal procedures outlined in Article 12.2 and 12.3 of the Articles of Association.

It is important that you complete this section in full. Please note that disclosure of any information does not automatically exclude you from BACPmembership. However, failure to disclose such information may result ina refusal or termination of membership. Have you ever been convicted of any criminal or civil offence? Have you ever been refused/expelled from membership of any professional body/register on the grounds of professional misconduct? Have you ever been the subject of any disciplinary action or any criminal, civil, investigatory or disciplinary proceedings or enquiries? Are you currently or likely to be the subject of any professionally related disciplinary action or any criminal, civil, investigatory or disciplinary proceedings or enquiries? Yes Yes No No





If you have declared that you have a disclosure under this section please ensure you enclose a full and comprehensive signed statement, giving details of the circumstances surrounding the disclosure including; mitigating factors; steps you took to turn your life around; and what you have learnt from your experiences. Where you have declared a disclosure it would be useful if you could attach a copy of a recent CRB check.

Section 6 Applicants declaration and signature Applicants must have read and understood BACPs Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy. It is the responsibility of members of BACP to ensure their full understanding of the professional conduct procedure and associated protocols.
If your work involves research into counselling and psychotherapy, you are responsible for familiarising yourself with the Ethical guidelines for researching counselling and psychotherapy. These are available to download from the BACP website at If you cannot access the document from the website a copy is available on request from Customer Services on 01455 883300. The declaration must be signed and dated by ALL applicants. If you are unable to sign the form yourself due to a disability, please contact customer services.

Applicants declaration and signature

1. I have read, understood and agree to uphold and abide by the Associations Ethical framework for good practice in counselling and psychotherapy as effective from April 2002 and amended from time to time. I also agree to abide by the Ethical guidelines for researching counselling and psychotherapy as amended from time to time, if my work involves conducting research in the field of counselling and psychotherapy. I understand that I will be subject to the Professional Conduct Procedures and the associated protocols of BACP should any complaint arise against me during my period of membership. I agree to observe the Memorandum and articles of the association and regulations for the time being in force. 2. I confirm that I do not have a criminal record that might prejudice the publics trust in me, the profession or BACP if accurately informed about all the circumstances of the case, OR I attach details of convictions to be taken into account in considering this application for membership. 3. I confirm that I have not been dismissed from employment for any reason, or refused/expelled from membership of a professional body/register on any grounds, OR I attach details of matters or sanctions relating to professional misconduct to be taken into account in considering this application for membership. 4. All relevant pending criminal, civil, investigatory or disciplinary proceedings or enquiries are declared on an attached statement. 5. I confirm that the information contained in and attached to this form is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby authorise the officers of BACP to make such enquiries as they consider necessary to verify the information given. I understand that any false or misleading statement, falsification of accompanying evidence or collusion may lead to disciplinary action being taken against me and may result in termination of my membership. I understand that failure to disclose on application or during the period of membership could lead to disciplinary action and termination of membership. 6. I understand that payment of subscription does not constitute acceptance of this application to join BACP. 7. I understand there may be rare occasions when it is necessary and/or appropriate to share information about me with other regulatory bodies for the purpose of regulation and in the interest of the public protection.

Applicants signature ....................................................... Date ............................... All signatures must be dated within the last six months and before the sponsor.






Page 3

Sponsor to the application

n Every application must have a sponsor. n application form needs to be completed in full, including the applicants The signature, before the sponsor signs and dates the form. n Spouses, partners or relatives can not act as your sponsor. n need to see evidence of the sponsors qualifications/professional We standing if they are not a current member of BACP. For suitable sponsor qualifications, please refer to the guidance notes. n BACP may contact your sponsor directly.

Section 7 Sponsor to the application A person other than yourself, and not your spouse/partner or relative, must complete this section in all cases. Your sponsor must not be the same person as your referee.
All photocopied supporting evidence submitted as part of the application process must show an original signature from your sponsor. This is to confirm that you have made either a true statement and/or a true reproduction of any original document. Cognate counselling or psychotherapy professional bodies are: BABCP, BPS, COSCA, IACP or UKCP. n Your sponsor must have known you for a minimum of two years. n Your sponsor can be a BACP member or a member of a cognate counselling/psychotherapy professional body, but must have known you for a minimum of two years. If your sponsor is not a BACP Member, or a member of a cognate counselling/psychotherapy professional body, then they must be professionally qualified as one of the following: n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Accountant Barrister Chemist Dentist Doctor Justice of the peace Member of parliament Minister of a recognised religion Nurse (SRN and SEN) Optician Person with recognised qualification (min. degree level) Police officer Social worker Solicitor Teacher with QTS

Requirements for sponsors 1. The sponsor must have known you for a minimum of two years. 2. The sponsor must either be a current individual member of BACP; or have membership of a cognate counselling or psychotherapy related professional body; or be a person of professional standing (pleaserefer to the application guidance). 3. Please note: sponsors who are not BACP members should ensure that they state their profession andqualifications. 4. The sponsor must sign any supporting documentation that is a photocopy.

To be completed by the sponsor Sponsors full name ..................................................................................................... BACP membership number (if applicable) .................................................................. Professional position/title ............................................................................................ Professional qualifications (please provide evidence) .................................................. .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... . .................................................................................................................................... Business/home address .............................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Postcode ..................................................................................................................... Telephone number .......................................................................................................

Please contact customer services if you require further clarification. If the sponsor is not a BACP member, it is the responsibility of the applicant to include evidence of the sponsors qualifications. This documentation will need to be submitted with the application form and should be either a copy of the sponsors qualifications or registration with a professional body. Evidence should be in an A4 format.

Page 4






Sponsor reference to be completed by the sponsor: Please answer the following questions by writing in the spaces below. Please use extra paper if necessary. 1. In what capacity do you know the applicant?......................................................... . .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 2. How long have you known the applicant? .............................................................. .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 3. Please provide a full statement as to why you believe the applicant is a suitable candidate for membership of BACP and what qualities you feel they can bring to the profession? .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Sponsor declaration
n recommend the applicant as a suitable candidate for membership of the British Association for I
Counselling & Psychotherapy.

n confirm that all information given on and enclosed with this form is true, accurate and complete to I
thebest of my knowledge and belief. Where photocopied supporting documentation is necessary, Ihave seen the original of all copies enclosed, and signed each copy submitted as a true reproduction of the original documentation.

Sponsor signature ........................................................ Date ................................. All signatures must be dated within the last six months and after the applicant has signed and dated their declaration.






Page 5

This section must be completed n Your referee must have known you for a minimum of two years and can be someone who knows you in a personal or professional capacity. Your referee must not be a spouse, partner or relative. n referee cannot be the same person who is acting as your sponsor in Section 7. The n BACP may contact your referee directly. To be completed by the referee: Referees full name ..................................................................................................... Home address ............................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... . ................................................................................. Postcode................................... Contact telephone ...................................................................................................... Please answer the following questions by writing in the spaces below. 1. In what capacity do you know the applicant?.......................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 2. How long have you known the applicant? ............................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 3. Please give a full statement as to what qualities you believe the applicant can bring to the counselling and psychotherapy profession? .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... . .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... . .................................................................................................................................... Referee declaration:
I believe that the applicant will act with integrity, impartiality and respect when working with clients and other members of the public and therefore recommend them as a suitable candidate for membership of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy.

Section 8 Referee A person other than yourself who knows you in a personal or professional capacity must complete this section. They must have known you for a minimum of two years.
Your referee can be your employer, tutor, colleague or neighbour (for example). The referee cannot be the same person as your sponsor.

Referee signature ........................................................ Date .................................. All signatures must be dated within the last six months.

Page 6






Section 9 Membership category

If you are unsure about which category to apply for please contact membership services. Reduced fees are available if you are either in receipt of a state benefit OR if you are unwaged with no personal income. Tax credits are not acceptable as evidence for the reduced fees. For a full list of suitable state benefits please see the list below. n Attendance allowance n Jobseekers allowance n Bereavement allowance n Disability living allowance n State retirement pension n Council tax benefit n War disablement pension n Carers allowance n War widows pension n Housing benefit n Long-term incapacity benefit (more than six months) n Industrial injuries disablement benefit n Income support n Invalid care allowance If you are applying for the reduced fee category, you will need to include evidence of your eligibility. This can include a letter from the benefits agency, or a photocopy of your benefit book, datedwithin the last 12 months. Alternatively, enclose a signed declaration that you are unwaged with no personal income. Please note that there is also a reduced fee for life category. This is for people who are in receipt of a state retirement pension or who are receiving a life-time benefit. You will need to get the appropriate evidence witnessed, as set out in Section7.

Membership category
BACP membership category applied for (please tick). Member Associate member Full fee 142 Full fee 132 Reduced fee 71 Reduced fee 66

9 10

Membership of any division or faculty is additional to BACP membership. Each of these interest groups is profiled at and in the enclosed leaflet. Please indicate which divisions you would like to join.
Annual fee Reduced fee

AIP Association for Independent Practitioners APSCC Association for Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling AUCC Association for University and College Counselling BACP Coaching BACP Healthcare (formerly FHCP) BACP Workplace (formerly ACW) CCYP Counselling Children and Young People

18 20 40 20 30 30 20

9 10 20 10 15 15 10

Membership fees
Postage: UK delivery address postage & packing is included in your subscription. Non-UK delivery address 19. Total fees payable: Main membership Divisions Postage (non-UK 19) Donation Total


Method of payment
Please select ONE payment method:
Cheques/orders payable to BACP OR OR

n Cheque, postal or money order (please enclose your payment with this form) n Credit/debit card (please complete the section below) n Direct debit (annual single) (please complete and enclose the direct debit mandate)


Section 12 Method of payment

Please choose ONE method of payment. Payments can be made by cheque, postal or money order, credit/debit card or direct debit (annual single or 10 monthly). Payments by cheque, postal or money order, and debit/credit card will be processed and banked upon receipt. This does not constitute acceptance of the application. Please complete the appropriate section for your method of payment. We now require the 3 digit security number from your card along with the house number and postcode of the billing address to be able to process any card payments. If you prefer to give this information by telephone please contact Membership Services on 01455883300 after you have sent your application form.

n Direct debit (10 monthly instalments) (please complete and enclose the direct debit mandate) Credit/debit card payment only complete if you wish to pay by card. Payment card number Expiry date Switch (only) issue no

Name of cardholder as on card .................................................................................. 3 digit number on the signature strip House number and postcode of billing address ......................................................... ....................................................................................................................................
If you are completing this form electronically, you must now print the whole document, sign and date Section 6 and pass the form to your chosen supporting signatories. Once complete, please return the form and any supporting documents to BACP by post.






Page 7

Data Protection Act

BACP is licensed under the Data Protection Act to hold the data you provide for purposes of maintaining your membership as a service to you and condition of membership we will send you information about BACP events, services and products that may be of professional interest. We may also work with BACP subsidiaries and carefully selected third parties to send you further information we will not allow these organisations to use or store your data for any other purpose. Please tick the appropriate box to indicate if you would like to receive relevant information, including electronic communication, from BACP subsidiaries and No carefully selected third parties. Yes

If visually impaired, please indicate here if you would like to receive Therapy Today/CPR or the Ethical Framework on web download or audiocassette.
Web download Audio cassette

Future issues of Therapy Today Future issues of CPR Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy (This can also be downloaded from our website) N/A

Please use this checklist to ensure that you have completed all sections of the form correctly. Please note that any omissions may delay your membership application, as we will need to write to you for further clarification. I have: Completed section 3 (if applying for Member MBACP) Completed section 4 (if applying for Associate member) Signed and dated section 6 Had a sponsor, complete, sign and date section 7 after me Had a referee, complete, sign and date section 8 Attached supporting evidence (if required) for sections 2, 3, 7 and 9 Had the supporting evidence verified and signed (if required) for sections 3 and 9 Indicated the membership category I am joining Indicated any divisions I wish to join Enclosed the correct payment Enclosed address verification If you have any queries regarding the application form please contact Customer Services on 01455 883300. Please return the completed application to: Membership Services BACP BACP House 15 St Johns Business Park Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4HB

Application form valid from

1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012

Page 8






Instruction to your bank or building society to pay by direct debit

Please complete this form in black ink and send it to: British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy, BACP House, 15 St Johns Business Park, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17 4HB Name(s) of account holder(s) For BACP official use only. This is not part of the instruction to your bank or building society. Payment will be taken on or around the 25th of the due month. Instruction to your bank or building society Bank/building society account number Please pay the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy direct debits from the account details in this instruction subject to the safeguards Branch sort code assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. Iunderstand that this instruction may remain with BACP and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my bank/building society. Name and full postal address of your bank/building society To: the manager of Address
Bank/building society

Originators Identification Number

8 3 6 3 1 0


Date Membership number Postcode

Banks and building societies may not accept direct debit instructions for some types of account.

This guarantee should be detached and retained by the Payer.

The Direct Debit Guarantee

n Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits. This n there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit, the British Association for If Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) will notify you a minimum of 14 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request BACP to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. n an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit by BACP or your bank or building society you are If entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society. n you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when BACP asks you to. If n You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

Divisional membership with BACP

Many individuals choose to enjoy additional benefits by joining one or more BACP Divisions in addition to their membership.
Association for Independent Practitioners
AIP represents the interests of independent practitioners, whether in private practice at home or in the office orworking independently within an organisation, orwithin the voluntary sector. AIP provides a wide range of training opportunities in different geographical locations, a quarterly journal to keep members up to date with the world of counselling and provides both articles and discussion columns. AIP is committed to reducing the loneliness of the independent practitioner and to providing the information and support necessary for the modern professional practitioner.

BACP Coaching
BACP Coaching is the forum for BACP members involved and interested in coaching practice, research, supervision and training. Our mission is to promote ethical, effective and professional coaching for the well being and enhancement of individuals and organisations. As BACPs newest division were developing a range of benefits for our members, including: professional standards and ethical guidelines; conferences and events; training and CPD support; national, local and online networking opportunities; coaching resources; publications and information to support members who coach in a variety of contexts. We also value collaboration with other BACP divisions. For more information visit

BACP Workplace
BACP Workplace is the professional home for counsellors in workplace settings and the forum for all professionals with an interest in counselling, employee support and psychological health at work. BACPWorkplace exists to promote best practice in professional counselling and the provision of employee support, providing a mutual support network for individuals and organisations working in this area. BACPWorkplace achieves this by facilitating local networks and disseminating information through the Counselling at Work journal, conferences, local consultation events,the BACP Workplace websiteand dissemination of research. For more information visit

Association for Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling

APSCC seeks to promote the values of the spiritual dimension, pastoral care and counselling as significant elements in the life, health and development of individuals and their communities. APSCC encourages the recognition of pastoral care and counselling as distinct yet complementary practices. Members work in both voluntary and paid sectors, may be lay or ordained and come from a broad range of professional backgrounds.

BACP Healthcare
BACP Healthcare provides a forum for those involved with counselling in GP surgeries, hospitals and a wide-range of healthcare settings. We provide training for counsellors and psychotherapists working in all professional healthcare settings with a view to maintaining a commendable standard of practice and service delivery. Membership of BACP Healthcare includes counsellors and psychotherapists working in healthcare, doctors and nurses using counselling skills as part of their work and purchasers/providers of counselling and psychotherapy services in healthcare settings. Formore information visit

Counselling Children and Young People

CCYP promotes, develops and supports counselling and psychotherapy for young people in a wide range of settings, including educational and youth establishments. CCYP is committed to ensuring that all young people have access to professional counselling. The division seeks to create a climate where CCYP is recognised as the expert body on counselling for children and young people. The divisions work includes best practice guidance, conference and events planning, and advising members and BACP staff on ethical issues and questions. Members include teachers, educational psychologists, youth workers, Connexions advisors and social workers, as well as counsellors and psychotherapists.

Association for University and College Counselling

AUCC promotes counselling, for both students and staff,as an integral part of the education process of institutions of further and higher education. It seeks to promote and foster good practice through research, dissemination of knowledge, resource provision plus work with other organisations who support these aims. Members have access to an active mail base, an advisory service, information, research, and publicity material to support them in their work. Any BACP member who works or has worked in further or higher education is eligible to join the AUCC.

Subscriptions run concurrently with main BACP membership. Ifyou wish to join any of these Divisions then please indicate on the application form and include additional payment. Please note that reduced fees are available on all divisional memberships if you are entitled to the reduced fees on your main membership. Please see the table for a list of full and reducedfees for divisional membership.

Division fee
AIP APSCC AUCC BACP Coaching BACP Healthcare BACP Workplace CCYP

Full fee Reduced fee

18 20 40 20 30 30 20 9 10 20 10 15 15 10

BACP Gift Aid Declaration

BACP depends almost entirely on membership fees to maintain and develop the Association to support you, your colleagues and your profession now and in the future.
Making your payment through the Gift Aid scheme costs you nothing more than your usual membership subscription but really helps BACP financially. By completing and returning the declaration BACP can reclaim your tax element (which you pay through your personal tax allowance) to increase the value of subscriptions. If you are already claiming your subscription against a personal tax allowance it is not possible to also Gift Aid cannot complete this declaration. Please join our scheme by fully completing the declaration and help us to keep any future fee increases to a minimum.



Forenames: ........................................................................................................................................................... Address: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ Postcode: ............................................................................................................................................................

I confirm that I want the charity BACP to reclaim the tax on all subscriptions made after 6 April 2008 and all subscriptions thereafter. You must already be paying through your employment an amount of income tax or capital gains tax equal to the tax we reclaim on your subscriptions, currently 25p for every 1.00 you pay. Please inform us if you no longer pay tax. You may cancel your covenant at any time.

Signed: ....................................................................................

Date: ..........................................................

BACP House

For BACP use only: membership number

15 St Johns Business Park Lutterworth LE17 4HB t: 01455 883300 f: 01455 550243 e: w:
Company limited by guarantee 2175320 Registered in England & Wales. Registered Charity 298361 VAT Registration 443 854 436

Please return to:

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy BACP House 15 St Johns Business Park Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4HB

BACP House 15 St Johns Business Park Lutterworth LE17 4HB t: 01455 883300 f: 01455 550243 e: w:
Company limited by guarantee 2175320 Registered in England & Wales. Registered Charity 298361 VAT Registration 443 854 436

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