Assignment AI

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Assignment : Multiclass Classification (Iris Species Classifier)

About Dataset: The iris dataset includes 3 different species (as shown in Figure) with 50 samples for
each class, and 4 features – sepal width, sepal length, petal width, and petal length.

Instruction: 1) Download the dataset (Kaggle/Git Hub/other available websites) or Import from Sklearn
2) Analyze the data -EDA

3) Split train and test data

4) Train classification models using Linear Regression, KNN, and Logistic Regression

5) Test and Evaluate the Performance

Note: You have to train each model by tuning the best parameter. Discuss the performance of these
three models with classification report.

Turned In Format: 1)Python file (.ipynb if used jupyter notebook)

2) Word file (.doc) which includes - Model best parameters, Performance
result (classification report and confusion matrix), and your

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