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Lab 1

Software Test Plan

Software Test Plan
• A test plan is a document describing the scope,
approach, objectives, resources, and schedule of
a software testing effort.
IEEE 829 test plan standard
• https://softwaretestingfunda
Test scenario
• Definition:- any functionality that can be tested.
• How to write: Look at the use cases in SRS

• Example: Check the Login

Test case
• a set of actions executed to verify a particular feature or
functionality of your software application.
• A Test Case contains test steps, test data, precondition,
postcondition developed for specific test scenario
• Test cases examples
▫ Check system behavior when valid email id and password is
▫ Check system behavior when invalid email id and valid password
is entered.
▫ Check system behavior when valid email id and invalid password
is entered.
▫ Check system behavior when invalid email id and invalid
password is entered.
▫ Check system behavior when email id and password are left blank
and Sign in entered.
Test case format
• Test scenario ID
• Test case ID
• Test case item
• Input Pre-condition
• Test Steps
• Test Data
• Expected Result
• Actual Output
• Status
Test case writing techniques
• Boundary Value Analysis
• Equivalence Class Partitioning
• Decision Table
• State Transition
• Error Guessing
Boundary Value Analysis
• Boundary value analysis is based on testing at
the boundaries between partitions.
• If input between x & y: x-1, x, x+1, y-1, y, y+1
Equivalence Class Partitioning
• This software testing method divides the
input domain of a program into classes of
data from which test cases should be designed.
• The concept behind this technique is that test
case of a representative value of each class is
equal to a test of any other value of the same
• It allows you to Identify valid as well as invalid
equivalence classes.
Equivalence Class Partitioning….cont
Decision Table
• This software testing technique is used for functions
which respond to a combination of inputs or events.
• Following are steps to create a decision
▫ Enlist the inputs in rows
▫ Enter all the rules in the column
▫ Fill the table with the different combination of inputs
▫ In the last row, note down the output against the input
Decision Table … cont
State transition testing
• State transition diagrams document the events
that come into and are processed by a system as
well as the system's responses.
• When a system must remember something
about what has happened before or when valid
and invalid orders of operations exist, state-
transition diagrams are excellent tools to record
this information.
State transition testing
State transition diagram terminology
• State (represented by a circle)—A state is a condition in which a system is waiting for
one or more events. States "remember" inputs the system has received in the past
and define how the system should respond to subsequent events when they occur.
• Transition (represented by an arrow)—A transition represents a change from one
state to another caused by an event.
• Event (represented by a label on a transition)—An event is something that causes
the system to change state. Generally, it is an event in the outside world that enters
the system through its interface. Sometimes it is generated within the system such as
Timer expires. When an event occurs, the system can change state or remain in the
same state and/or execute an action.
• Action (represented by a command following a "/")—An action is an operation
initiated because of a state change. It could be print a Ticket, display a Screen,
turn on a Motor, etc. Often these actions cause something to be created that are
outputs of the system.
• a conditional (represented by square brackets [] )can be evaluated either True or
False. This conditional acts as a guard allowing the transition only if the condition is
• The entry point on the diagram is shown by a black dot while the exit point is
shown by a bulls-eye symbol.
State transition testing
State transition testing
State transition testing
Error Guessing
• guessing the error which can prevail in the code.

• Guidelines for Error Guessing:

▫ The test should use the previous experience of
testing similar applications
▫ Understanding of the system under test
▫ Knowledge of typical implementation errors
▫ Remember previously troubled areas
▫ Evaluate Historical data & Test results
Error Guessing example
• Suppose there is a requirement stating that the
mobile number should be numeric and not
less than 10 characters. And, the software
application has a mobile no. field.
• Now, below are the Error Guessing
▫ What will be the result if the mobile no. is left blank?
▫ What will be the result if any character other than a
numeral is entered?
▫ What will be the result if less than 10 numerals are

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