Program ENG 2022 05 03a

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Műszaki Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia

Cea de a XXIII-a Sesiune de Comunicări Științifice a Cercurilor Studențești
23rd Scientific Student Conference on Technical Science

Programme of the 23rd Scientific Student Conference on Technical Science

Conference Venue: Politehnica University Timisoara

Date: 6-8 May 2022

6th of May – Friday

17:00 Registration and Dinner – Politehnica University Canteen

20:00 Theatre play, The "Csiky Gergely" Hungarian State Theatre in Timișoara

7th of May – Saturday

7:30 Breakfast – at the accommodation
9:00 The opening ceremony of the 23rd Scientific Student Conference on Technical Science - Central
Library of the Politehnica University Timisoara
Kopacz Bíborka - president of the Hungarian Students’ Organization of Timișoara
Gergelyfi Beáta, organizer (HSOT)
Dr. Weiszburg Tamás, president of OTDT
Dr. Kovács Levente, rector of Óbuda University
Dr. Bogdanov Ivan, president of Politehnica Foundation
Dr. Nagy-György Tamás, dr. Domokos József, conference presidents
9:30 Invited speaker: Dr. Fekete Gusztáv (ELTE)
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Preparatory meeting of the jury
11:00 Section meetings (first block) – Electrical and Power Engineering Faculty
Applied informatics 1
Civil and Mechanical engineering
13:00 Lunch – Politehnica University Canteen
14:30 Section meetings (Second block) – Electrical and Power Engineering Faculty
Electrical and electronics engineering
Applied informatics 2
17:00 Professional programs ExperimentariumTM – Scientific playhouse
New Millenium Reformed Center technical visit
18:00 Guided city tour with Fenyvesi Éva (Starting point: ExperimentariumTM)
20:00 Dinner and party - Porto Arte restaurant
8th of May – Sunday
8:30 Breakfast – at the accommodation
10:00 Awards ceremony – Electrical and Power Engineering Faculty
Invited speaker: dr. Simó Attila (UPT)
12:30 Homeward journey

The Hungarian Students’ Organization from Timisoara (HSOT): Gergelyfi Beáta, Kopacz Bíborka
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Sapientia EMTE) – dr. Domokos József, dr. Szántó Zoltán
Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT) – dr. Nagy-György Tamás

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