CH-8 - Introduction To Pneumatics

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c1tapterB _·

Jllttoduction to Pneumatics

,rninS Objectives
!fter going through ~his chapter you will be able to
define pneumatics;
: state the advantages of pneumatic systems;
• explain t~e characteristics of c~mpressed air;
• differentiate between ~ydraulic and pneumatic ;
• sketch simple hydraulic and pneumatic systems
raulic oil;
• state five advantages of using air instead of hyd
ead of pneumatic systems;
• name three reasons for considering hydraulic inst
and r and air lubricator used in
• discuss the operation of air filter, air regulato
pneumatic systems.
I .


(VTU JAN 2015) • l
"pneuma" meaning "breath" or air".

lbe word pneumatics comes from the Greek

The word was originally coined to give a name
to the science ofthe motions and properties
neering science which deals with the
,oir. Pneumatics may be defined as a branch of engiPneumatics can also be defined as
sbldy ofthe behaviour and application ofcompres
sed air.
d!branch offluid power technology that deals with the generation, transmission and control
uses compressed air to transmit
'Pf!!«' using pressurized air. Simply put, pneumatics
motion and power.

pneumatics air is the working
1. Pneumatics systems are economical: In
umatic components are less
medium, and it is available abundantly. Pne
. Maintenance cost of pneuma~c
expensive compared to hydraulic components .
systems is also less. is air. Air is not combustible,
2. Pneumatic systems are safe: Working medium
of hydraulic oils.
and there is no risk of fire hazard as in the case
3• Pneumatics systems are eco-friendly: Air is not harmful. Air can be let out to
mical, food, and pharmaceutical
~e atmosphere after its use. It is useful in che
300 Hydraulics and Pneuma~cs
4 Pneumatics can be used in hanh environme
nt: Air is not hartnfu
• combustible therefore it can be used in harsh
environment like min 1clr\<i t\ot
can be used in high temperature and corrosive env
s. Speed and pressure control of pneumatic actuatorsiron ment.
are easy.
es, etc., air
6. Low inertia effect of pne~ma~c co~ponents
due to the low density of .
7. Pneumatic systems are light m weight.
8. Operating elements are cheaper and easy to air,
9. Power losses are less due to low viscosity of
10. High output to weight ratio.
11. Pneumatic systems offer a safe power source . .
m explosive environment
12. Leakage is less and does not influence the
harmful. systems. Moreover, leaka .
ge 18 l\ot


1. Air is cheap, but compressed air is relatively
2. Compressed air requires good conditioning.
Dirt and dust lead to wear
tools and eqw.pment. on
3. It is not possible to achieve uniform and
constant piston .speeds as air is
4. Due to the high compressibility of air, pneum
atics actuators cannot proVide
precise positioning control.
5. Suitable only for low pressure (6-8 bars) and
hence, low force (up to SO kN)
applications. This is due to the compressor des
ign and cost limitations.
6. Exhaust air noise is unpleasant, and silencer
has to be used.
7. The oil mist mixed with the air for lubricating
the equipment escapes with the
exhaust to the atmosphere.
8. Due to its low conductivity, air cannot diss
ipate heat as much as hydraulic
9. Air cannot seal the fine gaps between the
moving parts unlike hydraulic
10. Air is not a good lubricating medium, unlike
hydraulic fluids.
11. Rigidity of pneumatic systems is poor due
to compressibility of air.
12. Air is noisy and prone to condensation pro


The choice of medium depends on the applica
tion. Some of the general, broad rules
followed in the selection of a working medium
are listed below.
• When the system requirement is high speed,
medium pressure (usually 6 to 8bar)
I ' and less accuracy of position, then the pneumatic
l' system is preferred.
Introduction to Pneumatics 301

we systern requirement is high pressure and high precision, a fluid system with
• • 41ood- • t • high 1ik ·
oil ;sot}te power req~rremen IS . e m forging presses, sheet metal press, it
hydraulics is the only ch01ce.
, . k Oil
wiieittlDSSI'ble to usethair system.
iS i!J:'r d where e qu1c ~esponse of actuator is required.
>Jr iS :ate variation range m the system is large, then the use of air system may
: ate~r~ condensation problems and o_il is preferred.
rut1 it1 plication requires only a medium pressure and high positional accuracy
, athe aped then hydro-pneumatic system is preferred.
iS.~:n-explosive. It is pr~ferred where fire/electric hazards are expected. Oil
,· IJt are more prone to fire and electrical hazards and are not recommended
sy steIJl.S .
. ch applications.

iJlSU se air contains oxyge~ (about 20%) and is not sufficient alone to provide
f :ate lubrication to moving P~ and seals, oil is usually introduced into the
~am near the actuator to proVIde lubrication preventing excessive wear and


& (VTU JULY 2015/JULY 2009)

Availability Air IS available m unlimited quantities.

riansportation Compressed air is easily conveyed in pipelines even over
longer distances.
si«age Compressed air can be stored in portable reservoirs.
~~- ---- ---r -Compressed air need not be returned. It can be vented to

the atmosphere after it has performed work.
Temperature Compressed air is insensitive to temperature fluctuations.
This ensures reliable operation even in extreme
temperature conditions.
Ceanliness Compressed air is clean. This is especially ~po~t in
food, pharmaceutical, textile, and beverage industries.
Components Operating elements for compressed air operation are of
simple and inexpensive construction.
Speed Compressed air is fast. Thus, high operational speed can
be attained.
Adiusta~ility Speeds and forces of the pneumatics elements can be .
infinitely adjusted. I
Overload safe Tools and operating elements are overload-proof. Straight
line movement can be produced directly.

111 .
302 Hydraulics and Pneumatics


Table 8.1 Industrial Applications of Pneumatics

Turning Cement plants

Positioning Milling Chemical plants
Orienting Sawing Coal mines
Feeding Finishing Cotton mills
Ejection Forming Dairies
Braking Qual ity control
Forge shops
Bonding Stamping Machine tools
Locking Embossing
Door or chute control
Packaging Filling
Turning and inverting Parts
r Feeding
Sorting •


Pneumatic systems carry power by employing compres
sed gas generally air as a fluid
for transmitting the energy from an energy-generating sour
ce to an energy-use point to
accomplish useful work. Figure 8.1 shows a simple circu
it of a pneumatic system with
basic components.
Power Opens when set
suppl y pressure is reached

Load(W) ....._
Pressure I 1-Of f 2- Raise 3- Lower
Motor switch . I
, Storage
Air cooler I • B
, reserolJ'

Air compressor

Air from
l Direction
Air tn Atmn •nhPr P

Figure 8.1 Components of Pneumatic System


Air actuator
Introduction to Pneumatics 303

o/&0 T .
convert the fluid power. into mechanical d useful
,,.-__a11J atiC ac
wators pow er to o

, f[O are used to com press the .fresh air drawn from the atmosphere.
99ors d t
store a given volume of compressed air. •
,.,.fdprerese ...,oirs are use1thod'

"".... i. .
' ~rase e used to contro e ~ection, flow rate and pressure of compressed air.
, '{,J'le9 ar wer supply (motor) IS used to drive
the compressor.
' posystem carries the pressurized air from one location to (
' ')1te pipiilSfrom the atmosphere through the air filter
and raised to the required
erature also rises and
•, iS drawn ir compressor. As the pressure rises, the temp
,.i,te by anl ~s provided to cool the air with some prelimina
F...aitCOo er
~- 1 • • d •
d t
ry treatment to remove

get stored to maintain the pressure.

";-tre atxn e~t P!es sunz e air
and stop the electric motor
11iefl th e reservorr, a pressure switch IS fitted to start .
~the 5tara; falls and reaches the required level, respectively.
jlJl P~ :rm ove men t is controlled_by a pn.eumatic
5 valve. One side of the pneumatic
ust air, and the other
~cy~ected to the compressed arr and silencers for the exha
~iSC o ected to port A and port Bof the cylin
:• 1
,ie 15_4:°nnof the valve is as follows:
~ti ~e: To lift the weight, the compressed air supp
ly is connected to port A,
• and the port B is connected to the exhaust line, by mov
ing the valve position 1 j
to the raise.
. . l f
dow n, the com pressed air line is connected to i t
Lowe r: To brin g the weight
2 moving the valve .I

port B and port A is connected to the exhaust airline, by


• position to the "lower."

3. Off: The weight can be stopped at a particular position
to "off" position. This disconnects the port A and port B
line and the retrieval line, which locks the air in the cylin
by moving the valve
from the pressurized
(VTU JAN 2015/JULY 2013/MAY 2007)
Syste ms
TiWe8.2 Comparison between Hydraulic and Pneumatic

l ltem~loys a pressurized liquid It employs a compressed gas. Usually, air as a

d to transmit motion and power. fluid to transmit motion and power
draulics system operates at pressures Pneumatic systems usually operate at 5 to 10
700bar. bars.
Ydesigned for closed Pneumatic systems are usually designed as
open systems.
30t Hydraulics and Pneumatics
4. System slows down when leakage Leakage does not affect the syst
occurs. more. em tnuch
5. Valve operations are difficult. Easy to operate the valves.
6. Heavier in weight Light in weight.
7. Pumps are used to provide Compressors are used to proVid
pressuriz.ed liquids. gas. e COtnpfessed
8. System is unsafe to fire haz.ards. System is free from fire hazards.
9. Automatic lubrication is provided. Special arrangements for lubricati
required. on are
10. Force transmission by oil (being Force transmission by air (being
incompressible) is similar to that of solid. compressible) is like a force transfe thr
That is, input motion is directly transferred spring. Therefore, output sJ?ee(l an~ 0.u~ a
to output motion. Therefore, output speed cannot be ~ntrolled accurately. POsition
and position can be controlled accurately.


Pneumatic systems are used for medium pressure, medium force, high speed
.. precision applications. Hydraulic systems are used for high pressure, high
, and low
force, low
speed, and high precision applications. Following are the basic reasons for
pneumati~ systems in some instances.
1. The pacific weight of air is much less than liquids. Therefore, inertia
of pneumatic system components are less compared to hydraulic system
components. Therefore, the force required to accelerate and decelerate air
much less than oil
2. The viscosity of air is much less than liquids. Therefore, frictional and
losses of pneumatic systems are less compared to hydraulic systems.
3. In the pneumatic system, air is exhausted to the atmosphere after use.
reduces the requirement of special design for reservoirs and leak proof system
and their associated cost. s
I '
,j 4. In certain applications like pharmaceutical and medical equipment,
I where
very clean air is required, hydraulic systems cannot be used because of
l hazards, safety concerns, and cleanliness. fire
• 5. Air being non-explosive, is preferred where fire/ electric hazards are expect
like in mines, etc. ed
1I ;
I The atmospheric air that is compressed in the compressor is obviously
not dean
because the atmospheric air contains many contaminants line dirt,
smoke water
Introduction to Pneumatics 305
to excessive wear and fail of pneumau·c
,t1,,is contaminated air leads diti
j(' i ....ents- ere 'fore fluid ure
~' ~•·· con oners are used to s I cl dry d
, A cO~~:~ee com~ressed ~- . upp y ean, an
~~t l of the ~md co tioners is t? make the compressed air more accept
nd1 able
, ; ~ d medium for the pneumatic system's effective performance as well as
,tsaifta~g personnel.
, ~ . filters
1, Ai! regulators •
2- Ai! lubricator
3. Ail' .
.}Jr filters (VTU May 2007/Dec 2012/Dec 2011/Jan 2015/June 2006/July
t.9.l 201417une 2010)
of the air filter is to clean the compressed air of all impurities and any
(f#tlJon ofairfilters . .
i 0remove all foreign matter and allow dry and clean air flow without restriction
' the regulator and then to the lubricator.
, ; condensate an~ remove water. from the~-
' To arrest fine particles and all solid contaminants from air.
FilterS are available in. a wide range starting from a fine mesh wire cloth
•heav y foreign particles) to elements made of synthetic material (which removes
ieiysmall particles). •
Usually, line filter elements can remove contaminants in the ~0-micron range.
1beamstruction of typical cartridge type filter along with graphical symbols is shown
iFigure 8.2. It consists of filter cartridge, deflector, bowl, water drain valve. Filter
bJwl is usually made of transparent plastic. For pressure more than 10 bars, bowl may
lemade of brass.
the air to
~ente_rs the inlet port of the air filter through angled louvers. This causesthe
as it enters the bowl. The centrifugal action of the rotating air causes larger
f:contaminants then flow down into the bottom of the filter bowl.
of dirt ~d water particles to be thrown against the ~er wall of the filter bowl.

it~ ~e prevents turbulent air from splashing water on to the filter element. The
~hich ~n pre-cleaned in this way, then pas~s thr~ugh the filter_ el~ment,
fine dirt particles are filtered. The size of the dirt particles that can be filtered
'-exitson mesh size of the filter eleme~t (usually 5-50 microns). The compressed air
through the outer port.
306 Hydraulics and Pneuma

manual drain
Deflector --= f,t1 itt:

catridge ... __ _. . . . . ....
. .,, --B af fle -AT-_:
~: ::: ::: ;:: '«- »~ ~! --P las
tic bowl Filter-separator
automatic drain
Graphic symbol

Drain valve
Figure 8.2 Construction of an
Ai r Filter
The pressure difference
be tw ee n th e inlet an d
to which the filter eleme th e ou tle t indicates the
nt is clogged. Commerc degree
additional features like au ial ly available filters have
tomatic dr ai n facility, co many
life indicator, etc. alescing ty pe filter eleme
nt, service

8.9.2 Air Regulator (VTU

Dec 2012 /Dec 2011/June
(a) Function: The function
'I of the air pressure regulator
virtually constant regardles is to maintain working pre
s of fluctuations of th e lin ssure
In the pneumatic system, e pr es su re an d air consum
'I pressure fluctuations oc ption.
' II.I pressure or load pressure. cur du e to variation in
It is, therefore, essential supply
the requirement of load reg to regulate th e pressure
ar?-1ess of variation in su to match
iI\ (b) Types of pr essure regulator
pp ly pressure or lo ad pre
ssu re.
There are two types of pr
essure regulators:
(i) Diaphragm type regula
(ii) Piston type regulator
Diaphragm type regulator
is commonly us ed in indu
are two types of diaphrag strial pneumatic systems.
m-type regulator: There
(i) Non-reliving or non-ve •
nting type.
(ii) Relieving or ve nt in g
Introduction to Pneumatics 307

or Venting Type Pressure Regulator .

Jdl~g type pressure regulator is shown in Figure 8.3. The outlet pressure is sensed
~relieviJ\8 preloaded with an adjustable pressure setting spring. The compressed
'O'fadi~phr;:s through a controlled cross section at the valve seat, acts on the other
.,,,, which diaphragm. The diaphragm has large surface area exposed to secondary
~de of the ure and is quite sensitive to its fluctuations. The movement of diaphragm
(oUtlet) prthess pressure. Both symbols are used in practice.
·_...,lates e
~... I I

Oampening spring _' \ '_ - ' \ '_

, ' , ...

1 Outlet

Valve seat rin

Adjusting screw - - - -


1_ - -

' ~fl\
______ ,
Figure 8.3 Venting Type Pressure Regulators
If the outle! pressure is low: Whenever more compressed air is consumed on the
~o~dary side or the load side, the load pressure reduces. Therefore, less force acts on
e diaphragm. The opposing higher spring force pushes the diaphragm in such a way
asth to ~ove the valve disc more and permitting more air to flow to secondary side and
increases the pressure agam.
•• high: Whenever less compressed arr
the outlet.dpressure is . consumed on th e
. is
on the dia;~e or the load side, the load pressure increases. Therefore, more force acts
agrn. The opposing higher spring force pulls down the diaphragm in
D Hydraulics and Pneumatics

such a way as to move the valve d~ les

and thus, decreases the pressure again. s and permitting air to flow to the vent h
8.9.3 Air Lubricator (VTU Dec 201
2 /Dec 2011/June 2008)
Function: The function of air lubrica
tor is to add a controlled amount of
air to,ensure proper lubrication of inte il .
Lubricants are used to: rnal moving parts of pneumatic co m; 1
on : th
• To reduce the wear of the moving
• Reduce the frictional losses.
• Protect the equipment form corros
The lubricator adds the lubricating oil
in the form of fine mist to reduce the
and wear of moving parts of pneumatic fricti
air actuators. components such as valves, packing
us e/;
Operation:· The operation is similar
to the principle of the carbur~tor. A
diagram is shown in Figure 8.4. As air schemati
enters the lubricator, its velocity is incr
by a venture ring. The pressure at the ease~
venture ring will be lower than the atm
pressure and the pressure on the oil osp heric
is atmospheric. Due to this pressu
between the upper chamber and lower re difference
chamber, oil will be drawn up in a rise
Oil droplets mix with the incoming air r tube.
and form a fine mist. The needle valve
to adjust the pressure differential bet is used
ween across the oil jet and hence the
rate. The air-oil mixture is forced to sw oil flow
irl as it leaves the central cylinder so
particles of oil goes back to the bowl that large
and only the mist goes to outlet.
Oil drop s

air air

Oil mist


Glass Symbol for lubricator


Figure 8.4 Air Lubricator

Introduction to Pneumatics 309

bricator starts operating 0 1:"Y when there is sufficient flow of air. If too
11te_l~15 drawn off, the flo~ velocity at the nozzle is not sufficient to produce an
Jttle ail' acuum and hence, to draw oil out of the vessel. Only thin mineral oil
,de<l:t:s:d in pneumatic system lubricators. Viscosity ratings are normally 10-50
-,y_ }ces or SAE 10.
td'usto •
filter Regulator Lubricator Unit (FRL Unit) /Service Unit
s.9 4
' neumatic systems, the compressed air is first filtered and then regulated to
In~c pressure and made to pass through the lubricator for lubricating the oil.
the 5 ually a filter, regulator, and lubricator are placed in the inlet line to each air
~us'.:~ey may be installed as separate units, but more often they are used in the
ciJCl11 fa combined unit. Figure 8.5 shows the schematic arrangement of installation of
:,~egulator and lubricator unit.
Oean, dehydrated,
compressed air Gean, dehydrated,
Oean, dehydrated, regulated at desired regulated, lubricated
compressed air pressure for spray compressed air for
(97%) with guns, food packing, cylinder, valves,
Pressure vessel pressure variations etc tools motor, etc
,f-_:-_:-_:-~~..,__:-_-_-v, with stored

Emulsion made of air, oil, water
lubricating oil & & soil matter

. Filter Lubricator

- ~

Figure 8.5 Installation of FRL U~t

!1',e _combination of filter, regulator and lubricator is called FRL unit or service
~t.. Figure 8.6(a) gives the three-dimensional view of FRL unit. Figure 8.6(b) gives a
etailed symbol of FRL unit. Figure 8.6(c) gives a simplified symbol of FRL unit.
310 Hy dra ulic s and Pneumatic

r-• ••- ••• •-• -••



-- ------------------------·
figure 8.6 (a) Three-dimensiona
l view of FR L Unit, (b) De tai ned Sy mb ol and
(c) Simplified Sym bol of FRL

Graphic symbols
Pressure regulator
Pressure regulator
without ven t hole
with ven t hol e

Filter wit h ma nua l
dra in

Filter wit h
automatic dra in Lubricator

Air service wtj t -
simplified Air service uni t r · - - - - - - - - - - -, 1
···- - 1
(FRL) - detailed. I _i-_ II I
: I II :

' L_ j
:: I
1_ • • 11 I

Review Questions
1. Define pneumatics. Give im
portant differences between
pneumatic systems. hydraulic and
2. Explain the characteristics of . (V TU Jan 2015)
compressed air.
3. Differentiate between hydra (VTU Jan 2015/July 2009/July 200
ulic an d pneumatic systems. 9)
hydraulic an d pneumatic system Sketch simple
s. (VTU July 2013/May 2007)
4. State the advantages of pneu
matic systems.
5. State five advantages of using air (VTU Dec 2012/Dec 2011/Jan 2014
ins tead of hydraulic oil. )
(VTU July 2014)
Introduction to Pneumatics 311

e t}tree reasons for considering hydraulic instead of pneumatic systems.

. fllatil . . . • (VTU June 2010)

6 . short notes on air filter and arr lubrication units.
1. V{tlte the operation of arr filter with a neat sketch used in pneumatic circuits.
. . . . (VTU July 2014/Dec 2012) I

055 , (VTU May 2007/June 2006)

8. pisC . with a neat schematic diagram, fluid conditioner device to make the
. .

9, ~pJain re suitable medium for the pneumatic system's effective performance

air a JllOw the graphical symbol for the same. (VTU July 2011)
and d~a eatly an air lubricator and briefly explain its working.(VTU June 2008)
10. stce_tc :Oef notes on the pneumatic pressure regulator. (VTU June 2008)
tl, Write •


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