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Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials (2020) 3:530–540


Study on the effects of fibre volume percentage

on banana-reinforced epoxy composite by finite element method
Upendra Sharan Gupta 1 & Mohit Dhamarikar 1 & Amit Dharkar 1 & Sudhir Tiwari 2 & Rejeev Namdeo 3

Received: 4 May 2020 / Revised: 26 July 2020 / Accepted: 17 September 2020 / Published online: 26 September 2020
# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

Researchers and engineers have shifted their interest from synthetic fibres to natural fibres. These fibres are not only light weight
and high-strength materials but are also more economical than the conventional synthetic fibres. Moreover, the natural fibres are
eco-friendly and biodegradable. Banana fibre is a bi-product of banana fruit cultivation and hence abundant in nature. Banana
fibre being one of the strongest natural fibres can be used for different applications when reinforced with some binding resin.
Epoxy resin has excellent binding properties and is thus suitable matrix for composite formation. As it has been widely discussed
in previous studies that fibre loading or fibre volume fraction affects mechanical strengths and properties of natural fibre-
reinforced composite, this study is aimed finding the relation between the fibre volume percentage and the load-bearing capacity
of banana fibre-reinforced epoxy composite material by data-driven decision method. In the finite element analysis conducted on
the banana-epoxy composite, it has been seen that the composite bear maximum tensile load of up to 7956 N, flexural load of up
to 411 N and has hardness of up to 167.28. On the basis of this study, it can be said that due to excellent load-bearing properties,
banana-epoxy composite can be used for various medium to high-load industrial applications. The following paper also proposes
an analytical relation based on the regression model superposition of the results of tensile, flexural and hardness test simulation
conducted by finite element analysis software ANSYS 16.0 which was prepared on Minitab 19 software.

Keywords Natural fibre . Banana fibre-reinforced epoxy composite . Finite element analysis

1 Introduction 70% of that of steel but are even lighter as compared with the
synthetic fibre alternatives [2, 3]. Moreover, natural fibre is
Natural fibre are plant-derived fibres such as banana fibre, abundant in nature and thus is very much economical than the
wood, sisal, hemp, coconut, cotton, kenaf, flax, jute, abaca, synthetic fibres [4, 5]. Most importantly natural fibre compos-
bamboo and wheat straw [1]. These fibres when reinforced ites are green materials. These materials are biodegradable in
with plastic binder form a hard composite material. The de- nature and thus cause no pollution. Also, these materials are
velopment of synthetic fibres was seen as a better alternative seen as an opportunity to convert agricultural bio-waste to an
to the conventional forms of materials such as steel and alu- industrial commodity. These characteristics of natural fibre
minium. The synthetic fibres are stronger as compared with are drawing the attention of researchers and engineers [6, 7].
steel and even lighter than aluminium. The natural fibre com- Banana fibre is a type of bast fibre obtained by the process-
posites being comparatively less strong have strength up to ing of bark of banana tree. After the cultivation of banana fruit
in one season, the banana trees become useless; these banana
trees are now nothing but a bio-waste, and cutting down of
* Upendra Sharan Gupta these trees becomes very essential for cultivation of new crop.
These cut down banana trees are easily dried and can be proc-
essed at minimal cost to convert it to raw banana fibre [8].
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth
Vishwavidyalaya, Indore 453111, India
Banana fibre being lignocellulosic fibre has various advan-
tages such as high low elongation at break, light weight, good
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Govindram Sakseria
Institute of Technology and Sciences, Indore 452003, India
fire resistance quality, strong moisture absorption quality, low
density, high tensile strength and modulus. These qualities
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Vaishnav Polytechnic
College, Indore 452002, India
make them a very sought for material for automobile and
Adv Compos Hybrid Mater (2020) 3:530–540 531

Fig. 1 Tensile test specimen as per ASTM D638

aerospace industries [9, 10]. However, the properties of fibre Vishnu Prasad et al. [15] conducted fine element analysis
composite have been seen to be dependent on factors such as on Banana-Jute-reinforced hybrid polymer matrix. The com-
moisture absorption, interfacial adhesion, porosity, compati- posite specimens are prepared with varying cashew nut shell
bility between fibre and matrix [11]. In other studies conduct- liquid (CNSL) % from 5 to 40%. 3D model of specimens was
ed, physical specifications such as fibre bundle width, orien- prepared using modelling software. The specimen of different
tation, layering pattern, fibre loading or fibre volume/weight geometries was subjected to tensile test both experimentally
fraction were found to influence the mechanical characteristics and by finite element analysis (FEA). The maximum load
of fibre-reinforced composites [12–14]. It has been seen that versus % CNSL characteristics of specimen with varying
the various strengths and properties of composite are highly composition was plotted.
dependent on either weight fraction or volume fraction of the Ravi Tumkur Suryavanshi et al. [16] conducted the FEA in
resin that has been added [15–18]. Laly Pothan et al. [19] order to determine the stress intensity factor of banana fibre
studied that increasing the volume fraction of banana fibre hybrid composite. Hand lay-up method was used for the prep-
up to a certain limit in composite improves the stress-strain aration of banana-cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL). The spec-
characteristics of fibre-reinforced composites. imen was fabricated according to ASTM D5045 of dimen-
Finite element analysis is a process of solving engineering sions 96.5 × 22 × 5.5 mm. For finite element analysis, 3D
problems in which a 3D model of a specimen is disintegrated model of specimen was created using modelling software,
into finite amount of very small elements using a finite ele- and the test conditions were simulated on the finite element
ment analysis (FEA) software. Various mesh shapes can be analysis (FEA) software. It is seen that with the increase in
chosen according to the surface structure of the specimen. The amount of CNSL, the fracture toughness of the composite
results of the analysis are calculated at the nodes of the mesh. decreases and the sample with 5% CNSL gives optimum
It is seen in the results of the literatures that the FEA model stress intensity factor.
was very close to the results obtained in the experimental test, Leandro José da Silva et al. [17] conducted the experimen-
and hence FEA model can be effectively used to study the tal and numerical analysis natural fibres reinforced
mechanical behaviour of natural fibre composites when there biocomposites. The composites of banana and sisal respec-
is symmetry and regularity of fibre positioning in actual com- tively were prepared and were used to carry out tensile test
posite [17, 20–22]. and scanning electron microscopy. 3D and 2D models of

Fig. 2 Flexural test specimen as per ASTM D790

532 Adv Compos Hybrid Mater (2020) 3:530–540

Table 1 Failure strengths of various composites

Volume % of banana fibre in composite Failure strength (MPa)

10 125.58
20 194.07
30 264.9
40 334.63
50 402.73

specimen were prepared on modelling software and were sub-

jected to same testing conditions. The finite element analysis
(FEA) results complied with the experimental results, and
hence it was concluded that finite element method (FEM) Fig. 3 Maximum equivalent stress for tensile test by FEM
can be used for estimation of mechanical behaviour of natural
fibre composite when there is symmetry and regularity of fibre
positioning in actual composite. composites were prepared by hand lay-up method and further
P. Shashi Shankar et al. [18] determined the mechanical chemically treated. The specimens as per the ASTM standard
characteristics of banana-reinforced epoxy composite. In or- dimensions for impact, flexural and tensile test were prepared.
der to study, the specimens of varying fibre volume fraction For the finite element analysis (FEA) study, the specimen
were fabricated respectively as per the ASTM standards of models were prepared using modelling software, and the re-
specific test. The specimen was subjected to Charpy impact, sults of tests were simulated on ANSYS 11.0. It was conclud-
flexural and tensile test. Assuming unidirectional fibre orien- ed that tensile and impact strengths banana and coir fibres
tation, 3D model of specimen was prepared. The comparison increased, while the flexural strength decreased on alkali treat-
between the results of both FEA and experimental tests was ment of composite. Also, the FEA results were close to the
carried out. experimental results; hence, finite element method (FEM) can
M. Rajesh et al. [20] studied the results of FEA of banana/ employ to predict the mechanical characteristics of fibre
coir-reinforced hybrid composite. The model of dimensions composites.
100 × 100 × 10 mm was prepared with composition of coir- Shivanshu Dixit et al. [23] conducted finite element analy-
reinforced epoxy, banana-reinforced epoxy and coir-banana- sis on fibre-reinforced composite and studied their character-
reinforced epoxy composite. The experimental and finite ele- istics. The specimens were prepared using five different types
ment analysis results were compared which seemed to comply of fibre preparing twenty-five different combinations of them.
with each other. It was concluded by the finite element anal- The specimen was designed on ANSYS-MECHANICAL
ysis that it is possible to reduce stress concentration by in- ADPL software for testing its mechanical properties. The de-
creasing fibre percentage and also the slight variation in ex- sign element was chosen to be 3D 4shell 181; the mechanical
perimental and FEM values is due to negligence of some properties were chosen as linear isentropic. A 200 kN point
phenomenon such as porosity, anisotropy and interphase load was applied on 17 nodes in perpendicular direction. The
properties. fibre orientation angle were taken as 0, 45, 90 and − 45. The
T. Hariprasad et al. [21] studied the characteristics of coir- specimen dimensions were 200 mm × 20 mm; the thickness
banana hybrid composite material using experimental and fi- was 0.2 mm/layer with 5 such layers. The composites were
nite element method. The banana- and coir-reinforced epoxy compared on the basis of x, y, z direction deformations, x, y, z
components of rotation and x, y direction stress.

Table 2 Results of tensile test

Volume % of banana fibre in Maximum load-bearing Maximum allowable Max. deformation
composite capacity (N) stress (MPa) (mm)

10 980 125.58 0.4003

20 2048 194.07 0.6067
30 3600 264.9 0.8308
40 5580 334.63 1.0529
50 7956 402.73 1.2693
Adv Compos Hybrid Mater (2020) 3:530–540 533

Fig. 4 Deformation of tensile test by FEM

Mario D. Monẑon et al. [24] attempted to analyse and sim-

ulate the behaviour of woven banana fibre-reinforced compos-
ite. The specimens of respective ISO dimensions of tests were
prepared. For the purpose of simulation, 3D dimensional mod-
el of specimen was prepared. Simulated results were com-
pared with the numerical model results that are obtained by
experimental tests, and all three models showed very less var-
Fig. 6 Graph showing experimental and theoretical tensile strength from
iance in properties; thus, the models are considered reliable. V. Santhanam et al. [36]
Manickam Ramesh et al. [25] studied the mechanical be-
haviour of banana-carbon hybrid composite. The specimens
were fabricated complying with respective ASTM standards
for tensile, flexural, impact and water intake test. For finite ANSYS 12.0. The trends in experimental results were ob-
element analysis ANSYS 15.0 was used. The general trends in served, and fibre with maximum strength was pointed out.
the experimental results were observed, and the results were The experimental studies also seemed to verify the FEA re-
compared with that of finite element analysis (FEA). It was sults; thus, finite element analysis model shall be considered
seen that that both models are very close to each other, and reliable.
hence, FEA can be trusted to study the mechanical behaviour Vishnu Prasad et al. [27] analysed the mechanical behav-
of such composites. iour of polymer matrix reinforced with jute fibre composite
M. Ramesh et al. [26] studied the morphological and me- using FEM. The jute-cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) compos-
chanical properties of glass-flax hybrid composite using FEA. ite was prepared by employing hand lay-up method. Tensile
Hand lay-up method was employed for the composite prepa- test of specimen was conducted using INSTRON machine.
ration. The specimens were prepared as per the respective The finite element analysis of model was carried out using
ASTM standards of impact, flexural and tensile test. The finite ANSYS. The load vs deformation and load vs % CNSL char-
element analysis (FEA) model was prepared and analysed on acteristics of varying CNSL percentage composites are
M. Ramesh et al. [28] perform finite element analysis on
glass-kenaf fibre-reinforced polymer composite to evaluate
the mechanical behaviour. Hand lay-up method was
employed for the preparation of composites. The specimens
were prepared as per the standard ASTM dimensions of im-
pact, flexural and tensile test. The finite element analysis
(FEA) was conducted on NX NASTRAN 9.0 software. It
was observed that both experimental and finite element anal-
ysis (FEA) models predicted the mechanical behaviour of
composite quite precisely, and hence, finite element analysis
(FEA) model shall be considered reliable.
Adewale George Adeniyi et al. [29] attempted the multi-
scale FEA of sisal fibre-reinforced polystyrene composite.
Fig. 5 Graph showing percentage of fibre vs ultimate tensile load from P.
Shashi Shankar et al. [18]
The specimens of 10, 20, 30 and 40% by weight of fibre were
534 Adv Compos Hybrid Mater (2020) 3:530–540

Fig. 7 Graph plotting the

variation of maximum bearable
load with % volume of banana
fibre for tensile test

prepared by hand-operated injection moulding machine. The and finite element method. Hand lay-up method was
finite element method (FEM) modelling was done on employed for the preparation of composites. The specimens
ABAQUS 6.14. The model was prepared using 3D represen- were prepared as per the standard ASTM dimensions of im-
tation technique. Various curves of fibre loading vs transverse pact and tensile test. The finite element analysis of 3D models
modulus/Poisson’s ratio/longitudinal modulus were plotted. of specimen was carried out using ANSYS software. The
Siva Bhaskara Rao Devireddy et al. [30] studied the effects experimental and finite element method (FEM) models were
of representative volume element and fibre geometry on ther- compared which came to be in fair agreement with each other
mal and elastic properties of unidirectional fibre-reinforced thus validating finite element analysis (FEA) model as suit-
composites. The composite model was prepared on ANSYS able for study of mechanical characteristics of composite
using representative volume element (RVE) model. The curve material.
of fibre loading vs longitudinal modulus/Poisson’s ratio/
transverse modulus/in plane shear modulus were plotted and
studied. Also curves were plotted to discuss the effects of 2 Materials and methodology
volume fraction on thermal conductivity.
K. Balasubramanian et al. [31] analysed the mechanical The E-B-E-B-E stacking sequence was used in compos-
characteristics of natural fibre composites by experimental ite due its good binding nature because of directly

Fig. 8 Graph plotting the

variation of maximum
deformation under tension with
percentage volume of banana
Adv Compos Hybrid Mater (2020) 3:530–540 535

Table 3 Results of flexural test

Volume % of banana fibre in Maximum load-bearing Maximum allowable Max. deformation
composite capacity (N) stress (MPa) (mm)

10 90 125.58 1.633
20 151 194.07 2.178
30 218 264.9 2.256
40 305 334.63 2.873
50 411 402.73 3.118

binding to 4 sides of fibre layer thus enabling more fibre as 750 MPa and strength of epoxy as 54.6 MPa [32, 33].
contact area as compared with E-B-E composite where According to this the tensile strength of the fibre composite is
only two sides are in contact for a large bundle. The given by the equation (1), where, Sc is failure strength of
composite model was prepared in E-B-E-B-E (E-epoxy, composite, Vf is volume fraction fibre, Sf is strength of fibre,
B-banana) stacking, and the fibre orientation is 0 . The Sm is strength of matrix and Vm is volume fraction of matrix
thickness of each layer is calculated according to total (Table 1).
thickness × volume fraction/no. of layers (i.e. 3 layers
of epoxy and 2 layers banana). The specimen models Halpin-Tsai Formula: S c ¼ S f  …V f þ S m  V m ð1Þ
with volume fraction of banana fibre 10%, 20%, 30%,
40% and 50% were prepared on PTC CREO 5.0
Parametric software. The tensile test was conducted as
per the ASTM D638 (Fig. 1), and the specimen dimen- 4 Result and discussion
sions were 145 × 20 × 4 mm. The flexural test was con-
ducted as per the ASTM D790 (Fig. 2), and the speci- 4.1 Tensile test
men dimensions were 60 × 10 × 4 mm. The modelling
was done on CREO 5.0 Parametric, and the analysis The results obtained from the tensile test of various specimens
was conducted on FEA software ANSYS 16.0. The having different volume percentage of banana fibre ranging
Brinell hardness test was performed on the sample of from 10 to 50% were determined and tabulated below
dimensions 20 × 20 × 6 mm. (Table 2). The maximum load-bearing capacity and the max-
imum deformation under tensile loading on the aforemen-
tioned specimen were calculated, and the trend was plotted
on the graph in order to validate the trend with that of previous
3 Theoretical modelling researches. The specimen with 50% fibre loading of banana
fibre was found to bear the maximum load of 7956 N along
For the analysis of banana-epoxy composite, the parallel layer with maximum deformation of 1.2693 mm (Fig. 3), while the
composite is prepared. Both of them, fibre and the epoxy, minimum bearable load and deformation values of 980 N and
have very different strength properties. So, the overall strength 0.4003 mm were obtained for specimen with 10% volume of
of the composite (E-B-E-B-E) is determined with the help of banana fibre specimen (Fig. 4). The trend of increasing load-
the rule of parallel mixture taking the strength of raw banana bearing capacity under tension on increasing the fibre loading

Fig. 9 Maximum equivalent stress in Flexural test by FEM Fig. 10 Deformation in flexural test by FEM
536 Adv Compos Hybrid Mater (2020) 3:530–540

P ¼ 309:6 þ 44:38  V þ 2:174  V2 ð2Þ

where P is the load-bearing capacity of specimen under

tension (in N) and V is the volume percentage of banana
fibre (%).
Similarly, when the results of maximum deformation for
each specimen was plotted against percentage volume of fibre
on a regression model using Minitab 19 software, a linear
relation was obtained between the quantities which can be
given as follows:

δmax ¼ 0:1767 þ 0:02184  V ð3Þ

where δmax is the maximum deformation observed on appli-

Fig. 11 Graph showing percentage of fibre v/s Flexural load P. Shashi cation of tensile load (mm) and V is the volume percentage of
Shankar et al. [18] banana fibre (%).

can be confirmed from P. Shashi Shankar et al. [18] where

experiment shows that the tensile load increases when the 4.2 Flexural test
fibre loading is increased from 5 to 20%, the increase in tensile
property on increase in fibre volume percentage or fibre load- The flexural tests results of various specimens having different
ing is in accordance with Halpin-Tsai model and can be con- volume percentage of banana fibre ranging from 10 to 50% are
firmed from Khulsairy et al. [34] and Ramesh et al. [35]. tabulated below (Table 3). In addition, the maximum load before
Figures 5 and 6 show graphs from Shankar et al. [18] and its failure and the maximum deformation in flexural loading on
Santhanam et al. [36] where the increase of tensile strength various specimens were compared using the regression plots
on increasing fibre volume percent or fibre volume fraction (Fig. 9). It was observed that the minimum flexural strength is
can be clearly seen for banana-epoxy composite; thus the re- shown by the specimen having 10% volume of banana fibre
sults of finite element analysis conducted in this study are in which is gradually increased as the volume percentage of banana
compliance with these previous studies. fibre increased. The maximum bearable load of 411 N was found
The results of the tensile test were plotted on the graph in specimen with 50% volume of banana fibre with maximum
using Minitab 19 software, and the points were fitted on a deformation of 3.118 mm, while the minimum load-bearing ca-
regression curve as seen in Figs. 7 and 8. It was observed pacity and deformation values of 90 N and 1.633 mm were
that the load-bearing capacity in tension vs percentage obtained for specimen with 10% volume of banana fibre in com-
volume of banana fibre curve followed an exact quadratic posite (Fig. 10). The trend of increasing load-bearing capacity
curve of equation: under 3-point bending condition on increasing the fibre loading
can be confirmed from P. Shashi Shankar et al. [18] where

Fig. 12 Graph plotting the

variation of maximum bearable
load with percentage volume of
banana fibre for flexural test
Adv Compos Hybrid Mater (2020) 3:530–540 537

Fig. 13 Graph plotting the

variation of maximum
deformation under flexural
loading with percentage volume
of banana fibre

experiment shows that the flexural load increases when the fibre
loading is increased from 5 to 20%, the increase in flexural δmax ¼ 1:036 þ 0:06558  V þ 0:07857  V2 ð5Þ
strength on increase in fibre volume percentage or fibre loading
where δmax is the maximum deformation in flexural test (mm)
is in accordance with Halpin-Tsai model and can be confirmed
and V is the volume percentage of banana fibre (%).
from Khulsairy et al. [34] and Ramesh et al. [35]. Figure 11
shows graph from Shankar et al. [18] showing increasing flexural
strength on increase in percentage of banana fibre volume which
4.3 Hardness test
is seen in our results too.
The results obtained from the Brinell hardness test of various
The results of the flexural test were plotted on the graph
specimens having different volume percentage of banana fibre
using Minitab 19 software, and the points were fitted on a
ranging from 10 to 50% are tabulated below (Table 4). In
regression curve as seen in Figs. 12 and 13. It was observed
addition, the Brinell hardness number of various specimens
that the load-bearing capacity under flexural load vs percent-
was compared using the regression plot. The maximum
age volume of banana fibre curve followed an exact quadratic
Brinell hardness number of 167.278 was seen in 50% volume
curve of equation:
of banana fibre specimen, and the minimum Brinell hardness
P ¼ 51:20 þ 3:246  V þ 0:07857  V2 ð4Þ number of 95.085 was seen in specimen of 10% volume of
banana fibre in composite (Fig. 14). The results seems to be
where P is the load-bearing capacity of specimen under 3- very arguable since fibre composites are seen as hard mate-
point flexural bending condition (in N) and V is the volume rials, and increasing fibre percentage up to 50% usually en-
percentage of banana Fibre (%). hances the overall mechanical strengths of the composites and
Similarly, when the results of maximum deformation in so does the hardness; hence, the results seem very reliable.
bending for each specimen was plotted against percentage Also, the Brinell hardness values when plotted against per-
volume of fibre on a regression model using Minitab 19 soft- centage volume of fibre tend to follow a quadratic relation as
ware, a quadratic relation was obtained between the quantities shown below (Fig. 15):
which can be given as follows:
BHN ¼ 95:60 þ 0:3554  V þ 0:03588  V2 ð6Þ

Table 4 Results of Brinell hardness test where BHN is the Brinell hardness number and V is the vol-
ume percentage of banana fibre (%).
Volume % of banana fibre in composite Brinell hardness number

10 95.085
20 104.715 5 Conclusion
30 114.864
40 140.054 The present study was aimed to find an analytical rela-
50 167.278 tion between fibre volume percentage and various me-
chanical properties using data-driven decision method.
538 Adv Compos Hybrid Mater (2020) 3:530–540

Fig. 14 Brinell hardness test

simulation by finite element

The mechanical tests were done using finite element & Load-bearing capacity under tension seems to follow a
analysis, and the results of the test were validated from quadratic relation with the percentage volume fraction of
the previous studies which were found to be in compli- fibre by the regression model.
ance with each other thus proving the reliability of the & The maximum deformation observed under tensile load-
results. Following inferences were derived from the ing of specimen is linearly dependent on the volume % of
study: banana fibre by the regression model.
& Both flexural load-bearing capacity and maximum
& Increasing of banana fibre loading in the banana-epoxy deformation have been found to be quadratically de-
composite grove the flexural as well as the tensile strength pendent on fibre volume percentage by the regres-
of the composite until the fibre percentage reaches 50% sion model.
after which the strength starts to decrease which is evident & Similarly, Brinell hardness has also been found to have
from the finite element analysis and previous results. quadratic dependency on volume fraction of fibre by the
& Brinell hardness of the composite also increases along regression model.
with increase in banana fibre volume percentage up to
50%. Excellent load-bearing characteristics make banana
& The maximum load-bearing capacity under tension has fibre-reinforced composite suitable for average load util-
been found out to be 7956 N with deformation of ities. The trends observed in the properties can used to
1.2693 mm. study and optimize the properties of composite materials
& Maximum flexural load-bearing capacity of fibre investi- for future scope. The results seem to be compliant with
gated by finite element method has been found out to be previous studies done; however, experimental validation
411 N along with deformation of 3.118 mm. of this model shall be a future research avenue.

Fig. 15 Graph plotting variation

of Brinell hardness number with
percentage of banana fibre
Adv Compos Hybrid Mater (2020) 3:530–540 539

Compliance with ethical standards biocomposites reinforced with natural Fibres. Int J Mater Eng
18. Shankar PS, Reddy D, Sekhar VC, Sekhar VC (2013) Mechanical
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
interest. performance and analysis of banana fiber reinforced epoxy com-
posites, Int. J. Recent Trends Mech. Eng., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 440–
444, [Online]. Available:
4/Issue1/1. Mechanical Performance and Analysis of Banana
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